Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1965, p. 17

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"THEY JUST TOLD ME "inst Tra THAT \ lo Og IN HERE. MY MOTHER GAVE MB A DOLLAR WITH WHICH TO MAKE MY6ELF BEAUTIFUL! L aN a Rio | 02, te re) Hoan THE OSHAWA TIMBB; [AIMEE MEPHERSON DIES, OF SLEEPING POWDER OVERDOSE HER A » SOME CALLED BUT MANY TO THIS DAY CALL HERD HER 'SQUARE GOSPEL CHURCHES STILL DOT THE FACE OF NORTH AMERICA § THE LONE RANGER QUICKLY THE LONE RANGER'S PLAN Is ALL THE TEAMS ARE HITCHED. TO ONE ae "THERE'S NOTHIN' } 70 IT, ALFRED. PLEASE DON'T WORRY, SENORITA, P IF HE'S NOT BACK BY TONIGHT, D, THEN ISTHE TWME TO WORRY, JANE ARDEN eR bh i HOW IN THE....BLUE BLAZES DID HE GET OUT FROM UNDER THAT ROCK SLIDE? sa UU DO EXACTLY AS I SAY..... THAT FELLOW THERE I5 A TEXAS RANGER....AN' AIMS TO TAKE ME DEAD OR ALIVE. WELL...HEAIN'T ABOUT TO GET ME,,..EITHER WAY/ MICKEY MOUSE - MY KID BROTHER, CAN USE THIS LEAKNER'S WHEEL! SECRET AGENT X9 SAM STARROK HAS THE ,/ PRAVA CIRCUS BOOKED FOR DONALD DUCK ACROSS 1. True statements 6. Author of "The Doll's use House" 4. Evening 11, Pale sun god; 12, Ancient Egypt. Arabian 5, Plank's " measure curve 13. "A scarred on: ship and ---- 6. Apathetic face" 7. Animal 14. Composure and plant 15. Black, life of a viscous region substance 8. Cut 16. Caressed 9. Other- 17, Girl's wise name 10. Require 20. Corkscrews, 16. Through forinstance 18. Conclude 22, Music: as 2. On the ocean 3, Hires for exclusive MIO} RIT TEISMABIAIBIUIL | IE INIVIRIE BEAIRIE| TIE} (OTAINIE IS MEME IRIE |S Yesterday's Answer 34. Passport endorse- ment 36. Jewish month 87, Trust 39, Arabian garment 40, Forbid written 2 15 25. Strings 6 19 jo 26. Particles 28. Contraction 29. Famous Russian 41, Squander 42, Trite 43. Light, open carriages: colloq. 44, Wrathful DOWN 1. Speedy MAKE THINGS BUT EVERY TIMET GO INTO THE ROOM WHERE I KEEPALL THE STUFF THEY'VE IVEN ME... wT GET A LITTLE SEASICK,' Fosters Syedcate, tan., 1968, Workd vighes reourved. a a ee DF ere YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: Recently my husband had a kidney in- fection. I have reason to believe this condition may hdve made him sterile. Is there such a thing as being temporarily ster- ile? If he is sterile, can the 'endition be corrected? -- Mrs. MLE. You say you have "reason to believe" that the kidney infec- tion made him sterile, but you don't mention the reason. Frankly, I doubt that you have reason to believe it. Oh, you may suspect that he is sterile, and 'attribute it to the kidney infection, but that isn't real "reason to believe.' I don't mean to argue over thé meaning of words, but here is the way it looks to me: First, the kidneys and the re- productive system gre separate and hence there is no reason to think such an infection would cause sterility. S d, is he sterile? There's Kidney Infection Not Sterility Clue By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD nothing to be gained in specu- lating on infection that he had recently. The real question is his condition now. So by all means have tests made to de- termine whether or not he is : sterile, Third, yes, there can be tem-|° porary sterility. And fourth, yes, many cases of sterility can be corrected al- though not all. Correction de- pends on finding the cause and curing it. So I think you are probably leading yourself astray by speculating about the kidney infection instead of go- ing directly at the question o: sterility. ; Dear Dr. Molner: I have a bad infection which affects the hearing in my right ear. The doctor says my sinuses are bad, too.,I am dependent on nose ard but for about a month now I have noticed a good bit of blood when I blo my nose.--Mrs. F.R. TT , Upp ALIN 1h) By ALLICE BROOKS It's. child's play to make this fluffy puppy -- and won't all ages love a pet like this! Foundation -- two pillowlike pieces -- no forming. Just ONE 4-ounce skein of worsted. Pattern 7372 is easy; a child can make this 15-inch puppy! Thirty-five cents (coins for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1 Ontario. On- tario residents add 1 cent sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CAT- ALOG -- 200 designs, 3 free patterns! Newest knit, crochet fashjens, embroidery. 25 cents. settings, ete patterns for decora- tive accessories in one book! Pillows, wall hangings, cur- tains, appliques, more! 60 cents. Value! Deluxe Quilt Book -- 16 complete patterns. 60 cents. LOOK WONDERFD.. By ANNE ADAMS Wide, wide collar tops a nice- ly, neatly, niftily narrowed line. Waist is gently nipped in the mewest way. Easy to sew in shantung, linen, jersey. See dia- gram! 3% Printed Pattern 4823: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 takes 3% yds. 39-in. FORTY CENTS '(40c) in coins Ont., By 8. JAY og (Top record-holder in ' Individuel Chempionship Pley) North dealer, North-South vulnerable. BRIDGE | 4 Opening lead -- jack of clubs. Convincing an opponent that @ condition exists, bien actually does not, or con' an op- ponent that a condition does net exist, which actually does, is @ legitimate part of the gatte which can be helpful on many occasions. Here is a case where a well- conceived falsecard by West re- sulted in the defeat of a slam which declarer might otherwise have made. The hand occurred in a rubber bridge game. West was Phil 'Feldesman, well - known New York expert. He led a club. Declarer considered the mat- ter thoroughly and decided te pin his hopes on a crossruff, Accordingly, he took three rounds of clubs, dis ry spade from dummy, and. cashed the ace of spades and ruffed a spade. He next played the ace of hearts and ruffed a low heart, and it was on this trick that Feldesman made his false-card. Instead of following with the eight of hearts, which would have been quite normal. Feldés- man followed with the king. He was trying to persuade South that he had started with only twe hearts, the K-3. Declarer now ruffed the ten of spades in dummy and con- tinued with a heart. This time he ruffed with the jack, since he was afraid that West might be able to overruff the six of trumps with the eight. But West followed suit with a heart and South realized too late that it -- have been better to ruff low. Nine tricks having been play-- ed, South's hand now consisted of the queen of spades and K-Q-6 of diamonds. West's four cards were the A-8-4-3 of dia- monds. Declarer led the queen of spades, overruffing the . three with dummy's only remaining trump the ten, When declarer }then made the forced lead of a | heart from dummy, he could not ayoid going down one. Actually, he ruffed with the queen, but Feldesman underuffed and then took the last two tricks with the A-8 of trumps, Town Exhibit At Stratford STRATFORD, Ont. CP)-- Visitors wandering around the sloping lawns of the Shake- spearean Festival Theatre this summer may find themselves confronted by a_ six - foot, welded - steel sculpture or a@ ' {stark figure in bronze. Apollo by Augustin Filipovie and the bronze Queen--Greek Dynasty by Harold Town are part of an outdoor exhibition of 30 works by Ontario sculptors, On view June 14 to Sept. 6, the exhibition is sponsored by the Ontario chapter of the Sculptors': Society of Canada, the Stratford Festival and Roth- mans of Pall Mall Canada Ltd. The idea for the show from Alan Jarvis of Brantf former director of the National Gallery of Canada and for the last three years art ad- viser to the Stratford Festival. SALLY'S SALLIES (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add Ic sales tax, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- "|tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, "Now I know why he ssked me to walk around the course with him." Toronto 1, Ontario. COMPLETE FASHION RE- PORT in our new Spring-Sum- mer Pattern Catalog plus cou- pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! Everything you need for the life Nose drops are a temporary expedient to shrink the tissues. They won't cure anything. They will, however, tend to dry the surfaces and ,quite likely may help the bleeding. With the presence of that in- fection and the ear trouble: I urgently suggest that you get further medical treatment im- to get along with nose drops or other self - treatment. See a jspecialist at once. Your prob- lem is more than just sinus trouble. | Dear Dr. Moliner: Every now jand then I have a slight flutter- jing in my upper left eyelid. Could this be something ser- ious?--Mrs. 8.H.; Nothing to worry. about. This mediately. With your hearing|can be a tic or a muscle spasm affected, this is no time to try| of the eyelid. ' « you lead -- 350 design ideas! jf 'Send 50c now. ERNIE CAY| Aoev INSULATION CROWN DIAMOND PAINT FREE DELIVERY | "it it's LUMBER, coll our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. Soturdey, June 12, 1963 7 .

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