ANY NORMAL CHILD WOULD-- BUT I CLIPPED HER DOWN QUICKLY AND PAINLESSLY-- IM REALLY GOING TO LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY IN' A SMARTY-CAT AN' TM IT OUT RIGHT NOW-- Y SPECIALLY KIDS, CAN DO JUST WHAT THEY WANNA PO, ALL THE TIME ~ "TARNATION/ ONLY 59¢/ HENRY JULIET JONES THe OOMAWA MIMES, _ MAY, 1926 , NEWSPAPERS THE WORLD SCREAM OUT HEADLINES... AROUND Bais |, 36 DAYS THEN, DISAPPEARANCE AFTER HER FROM THE THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 THAVE 17, PACO. PUT HM IN THE PLANE /aust\, \_ AND PUSHLITOFF THE CLIFF AT THE END WHATS «OF THE RUNWAY, = BUZ SAWYER WHAT! AND WRECK A *PLANE-WE CAN USE?..4 NO, I HAVE A BETTER PLAN. SEARCH HIM AND TIE HIS HANDS, QINsiDE THE HOUSE... --" HERE 1S THE ) LITTLE LApy..... \i THATS NO WAY, TO TREAT A We GUEST. race sgeeeese NOW GO / aw JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE IT WAS NICE OF YOU TO THINK OF'EM, JOEY BUT SOMEHOW I DON'T BELIEVE... anda eee ésiiune GRANDMA Pes mul Hs. ad .. BIRDS WOULD CARE FOR A BUBBLE BATH/ MUGGS AND SKEETER . WELL... THEN L SPOSE THEY BREAK OUT EMERGENCY RATIONS AND START yal BLINKING SOS! DONALD DUCK | two Fridey, June 11, 1966 2} ° BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Tap record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) ae Quiz You are South, both sides vul-. nerable, The bidding has. been: _ West North East South -- 1@ Dble Pass 1@ Pass -2q Pass) 2? hands? : : 1. @Q8652 WKS $943 4K74 2, 99764 9J63 3. gare "oss Korn 4 @ 19542 OTE @ 10. 1. Three clubs. North has shown a strong hand in this se- quence, since he elected to dou- ble a diamond rather than over- call directly with.two clubs. Ap- parently he thought his hand too for an overcall and ~ chose to double first in order to identify the excess strength, Since North has no way of knowing that we have eight high-card points instead of the two or three we might have, and also doesn't know that we have the values to make a game in spades, clubs or notrump possi- ble, we must tell him that we' have much more than the pre- vious spade bid indicated. We can do this by raising two clubs to three. 2. Two notrump. Here also there is an obligation to tell partner that we have values not hitherto revealed. It is far more important' to disclose the dia- mond strength by bidding two notrump, and this encouraging the nine-trick route to game, than it is to raise two clubs to three, which North might pass in the belief than an eleven-trick contract would be too. difficult to make. It is true that this hand is not impressive, standing by it- self, but, in the light of the bid- ding, there is reason to believe that game is' just around the corner. 3. Four clubs. Actually, we have the values for a raise to '|five clubs: counting the distri- bution and good trump support, but it may turn out that part- ner has secondary spade sup- port, in which case he would presumably bid four spades and- we would be able to play the hand in a ten-trick game con- tract. It would be wrong to bid only three clubs, This would indicate a lack of appreciation of the picture of strength drawn by North's bidding to date. 4. Pass. When you have a hot potato in your hands, the best thing to do is to let it go. It is certainly possible that if you were to bid two spades and .|partner passed, you might wind up in a better contract than two 'clubs, but there is too much danger that partner will bid over pades and that you would ACROSS 43.R a 10, Bicycles MESHTIPRISIPIAIR} 1. Small, 'aaeotabd eure (TIE TAIS|E RE PIAIRIE!S| brief flash crest 16, Commo- of light 44, People of tions 6. Something Copenhagen 19. Pain necessary: 45. Pools 20.Gir's RAGAN 2 wads. DOWN name = AINE HIOIR MNGINIU i ee ee, e 6 |P EIS MRA Repl: 2. Kitchen 28, Bub: OURS EMA Neth. implement m IAIPISIE MEE IRIGIS] 12. About, 3, Harmonize: 24, Less- Yesterday's Answer ~ $n time 4, Pit for ened 32, Live coal 13, Garb roots: gradually 33.Way 14, Constella- Maori 25, Simple 84, Auctions tion 5. Solution wind 36. In this 15,Chargefor 6, Fruitof instrument place services the oak 26, Attempt 39. Brewer's 16, Lever 7. Boggy 27. Tahitian vat 17, Baron: 8, Swiss national 40. Cheat abbr. canton god 41, Land 18, Betrayal 9.Chastised 81. Foundations measure pope oomney a a weZ oT ee PO | 21, Dutch L) commune " YG 2 22. Slice i; Uy a 23. Appear Se is Y, Ll 7 ery: 8 wds. of 7 19 [20 21 a GY Y 22 Y Y 29, Sea eagle 30. Wages UU, ZA 31, Wall 24 125 [26 |. 2 Street men 85, Compara- 28 Yim GZ Y tive suffix 4 ending 30 GY Ey] 2 [33 [34 36, Owns = L 87, Extinct bad Z e bird: N.Z, 38. Ceremonies [38 by Y; es 40, Gum- ms y 4, = yielding 7 WY) - acacia a4 Wy 42, ee WY + o-1) YOUR HEALTH Tests Advisab Dear Dr. Molner: Can a blood glucose test show "temp- ordry diabetes?" I have gone to a competent doctor forthe last four months, He did not find that my 'blood tests were anything but normal. He ad- vised me to go ahead and eat anything.--M.J. | I think you've left something ow. of. your. letter, That is, 1| gather that sometime or other in the past you had a test with suspicious results. } It is possible to have abnor-| mal results in a blood sugar) (of blood: glucose) test under} certain circumstances: If your] diet preparatory to the test wasl not correct; if you were suffer- ing from some infection at the time of the test; or if any of varies drugs happened to be} in use at the time of the test.| Briefly, temporary diabetes) is 4 bad term and might bet ter not be used, Hither you Frequent Diabetes By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD le is possible to have somewhat elevated sugar levels from time to time that do not mean dia- betes, They may, in some cases, be a warning, however, that diabetes may actually develop later. Therefore, if you have in the past had an abnormal readipg, you should have further checks at reasonable intervals to make sure that diabetes will not de- velop--or to be ready to start treatment for it without delay. The sooner a case of diabetes) is put under control, the less risk there is of developing ser- ious or dangerous complica- tions. Generally, being checked once a year should be Ssatisfac- tory unless, for some special reason, your doctor sees a rea- son for more frequent ones. In your case, M.J., if future tests SEEING STARS! By ALICE BROOKS You're seeing STARS! See what a brilliant effect 'this quilt creates in a bedroom, New star in orbit! Pieced quilt is fun, easy to sew. Com- bine gay prints, solids as shown or use scraps. Pattern 7443: patch patterns. é Thirty-five cents (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please), to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario, On- tario residents add 1 cent sales tax. Print "plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CATA- ALOG -- 200 designs, 3 free patterns! 'Newest knit crochet fashions, embroidery, 25 cents Now! Send for elegant, new 'Decorate with Needlecraft!" 5 beautiful room settings, 25 complete patterns for decora- tive accessories in. one book! Pillows, wall hangings, cur- tains, appliques, more! 60 cents. Value! Deluxe Quilt Book -- 16 complete patterns. 60 cents. HALF-SIZES By ANNE ADAMS Golf, go to a picnic, hunt for antiques in easy - going sep- arates. Have skirt with slits, or not, as: preferred. Printed Pattern 4799: Half Sizes 1214, 1414, 161%, 1814, 20%, 22%. Size 16% shirt 2% yards 35-inch; skirt 134 yards; pedal pushers 184 yards. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. COMPLETE FASHION RE- PORT in our new Spring-Sum- mer Pattern .Catalog plus cou- pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! Everything you need for the life you lead -- 350 design ideas! Send 50c now. ful case of acne or pimples on her face. This trouble started shortly after her first child was born five years ago. She never was bothered with pimples in her teens; also, she was never regular in her men- strual periods, They are still not regular, and her face problems seem to be getting worse.--Mrs. J.C.P. are normal, I would suspect that you are in the clear. Dear Dr... Molner: This doesn't sound like the common (but very annoying) My 25-|type.of teen-age acne. True, have diabetes or you don't: It'year-old daughter has an aw-lthere may be some basic simi- larity in cause, by which I mean abnormality in glandular change or activity. | But when the trouble starts at your daughter's age, it requires special attention, There could tbe (I suspect there is) a rela- tionship between the skin trouble and her menstrual ir- regularity, since glandular ac- tion can affect both. Hence something more than simple care of the skin may be re- find yourself in more serious trouble. In misfit hands you stop bidding as soon as possible. NEWS IN BRIEF MOVE TO CANADA The number of immigrants from Italy to Canada last year ae compared with 14,427 MORE PEOPLE The population of Saskatche- wan increased by 10,000 to 946,- 000 in 1964, MILITARY TRIMMED Strength of the Canadian armed forces was down to 114,- 000 in March this year from' 121-000 a year earlier. WAGES HIGHER The average hourly earnings of Canadian workers last year were $2.19, up from $1.95 in 1963, BIG INVESTMENT Nearly $12,000,000,000 has been spent on exploration, develop- ment and facilities in the Cana- dian petroleum industry since. the war. CAR-MAKERS BUSY ; Canadian auto production in the first three months of this year was 184,000, up from 175,- 600 in the same period of 1964. MONEY IN BANK Canadians had more than $9,000,000,000 in personal say- ings in chartered banks at the beginning of May. HURT BY FLOODS Damage caused by floods in the Yugoslav republic of Serbia is estimated at $75,000,000. FAVOR METRIC SYSTEM South Africa is expected to. switch shortly to the metric sys-- i at a cost of nearly $20,000,-, 000, 5 END DAYLIGHT TIME A parliamentary committee has voted in favor of terminat- ing daylight time in Norway. at the end of 1965. SALLY'S SALLIES Soe TT "Here he sends me a portable, quired. I trust that she has con- sulted a dermatologist. ) bd at I'd been hoping he'd find " when . me