Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jun 1965, p. 20

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A s & 8 ing ceremony for opening of the National Eucharistic Congress here. In _ back- Choir boys walk in pro- cession at Piazza Dei Mira- coli (Miracles Square) dur- Sh TES AMEN. STIS ASST STH ogi eg Bi | |, {BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ) ie Women, Men Taking Over! 4 I In World Ot Stocks, Bonds MONTREAL (CP) -- Women and individuals aged 25 and un- der increased their share of the total volume on the Montreal Canadian stock exchanges luring the year ended in Sep- /\tember, 1964, says a third trans- action study issued by the ex- changes. Women increased their share volume to 18.3 per. cent from 13.4 per cent in 1963. The study says this could be attributed to the-amendments to the Quebec Civil Code reducing some re- The survey shows '"'a_ pro-| nounced decline' in the number] of sharss traded, which ma; have been an indication of the "degrees -of sophistications'"' ac quired by Canadian investors. but only future surveys would prove the validity of such a theory.. Sam Althouigh investors appeared) more sophisticated, "there are|~ individuals who still shroud their purchases or sales in secrecy," thus making it diffi- mer principal of the govern- ment-sponsored Canadian voca- tional training program' here was found guilty today on 38 counts of fraud by an all-male Essex County court jury. convicted of defrduding the On- tario government of $1,682 be- tween April 1, 1963, and May 15, 1964. remanded Hamel to June 21 for sentencing. He ordered a pre- sentence report. "\reach its verdict. The trial Principal Hit: 38 Convictions WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A for- Guy Joseph Hamel, 41, was Judge Bruce J. S. Macdonald It took the jury nine hours to first stage of what will be Can- ada's tallest hotel was marked Thursday when a 30-foot steel beam, framework of the Champlain. Work on the $21,- 000,000 Canadian Pacific Hotel, is six weeks ahead of schedule. In a ceremony, municipal, CPR and construction company offi- versary of Italy's entry into the cult to determine accurately the ITALIAN STAR lasted four days, Thursday. straints on female investors in Quebec. ; Among individual investors, 'objective of the investments made. NO MOTIVATIONS FOUND Actress Sophia Loren is equally familiar to Euro- pean and North American NATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONFERENCE OPENS - the 45-to-64 age group still pre- dominated with a holding of 48.2 per cent against 48.9 per cent in 1963, but the largest gain was made in the 25-and-under cate- gory at three per cent com- pared with the previous year's 0.8 per cent. g The study says this increase was caused by the 'wartime babies" who had entered the Ja- bor market and invested in common stocks. Male shareholders continued to be the dominant investors with 75.7 per cent of the share volume against 83.2 per cent in 1963. "However, their position may be seriously challenged over the years,' the study says. PUBLIC SHARE UP Bublic individuals accdéunted for 51.2 per cent of the total volume in 1964 compared with ground, the famous leaning tower of Pisa. --AP Wirephoto 49.2 per cent in 1963. Institu- limity of the over-all results of|gian Bay where there will be a | Brokers applied a"great deal ashe of subjective reasoning" in de- termining the motivation of the individual investor, but "the re- sults are not always satisfying, because of the lack of liaison between investor and broker." A comparison of the. results of the Montreal and Canadian stock exchanges with those of look issued at 10 a.m. today. the New York Stock Exchange 5 revealed "many similarities: Dry, mainly sunny weather is --CP Photo "Dry And Sunny" Is Forecast TORONTO (CP) -- Southern Ontario weekend weather out- Judge Bruce J. §. Macdonald in his charge to the jury Thurs- day, ordered it to return a ver- dict of not guilty on a 39th count which charged Hamel with de- frauding the Ontario. govern- ment of $1,167. ' Hamel was charged with fraud involving cheques payable to two former students in the program -- Nancy McLean of \Toronto, formerly of Windsor, and Sheila Graham of Windsor.; Hamel pleaded not guilty to) all counts. and many differences." One\forecast to continue throughout | example was the absence of southern Ontario Saturday with) capital gains tax in Canada,}daytime temperatures near] which gave way to more trad-|their seasonal values in the ing and short-term investing| . ittle ci pices than was the case in the United |™id-70s. Little change is indi-| States. cated for Sunday except in Another factor was the prox-,eastern sections and near Geor-| the Montreal and Canadian ex-|jjttle more cloud and slightly, | DANCE. SATURDAY NIGHT Little Caesar changes with New York, bear-) ing in mind the much larger | ower temperatures. and His Consuis national coverage enjoyed by} Bad Days On Economic Prospects Hurt By SAM DAWSON AP Business News Analyst NEW YORK (AP)}--What this week's New York stock market break did to inestors' pocket- books--whether in actual cash) y, loss or trimming of paper profits--is clear enough. What, if anything' it may have done to' public confidence, or con- sumer and business psychology, can lave a more serious bear- ing on U.S. economic prospects. Rumors can race through Wall Street and be disproved and forgotten. But just how much importance do most Americans now place in such price gyrations? Or on stock traders' views of economic pros- pects when these vary from the official ones in Washington or those aired by corporate execu- tives? In this matter, observers. usu- ally separate the business com- munity from the consumers themselves. How business exe- cutives will react to the most recent stock market tumble can be far different from how the general public does, And what each group does about it can af- fect the economy in different; degrees and on different time schedules, GAUGE PROSPECTS Stock traders try to guess ahead of time which way the economy is headed and how prospects for individual com- panies will change. This broker- age boardroom preoccupation makes traders extra-sensitive Solo Star Ran Won By Flynn By JAMES BACON HOLLYWOOD (AP) Joe Flynn finally made it full circle in films--from extra to star. Flynn is the harassed captain on television's McHale's Navy. McHale, of course, is Ernest Borgnine Last year, defying all tradi- tion, Universal made a movie about the TV show. It turned in a$2,000,000 profit. This naturally called for a new movie--so up came Mc- Hale's Navy in the Air Force. Wall Street: to rumors, however wrong they! may prove to be. But the stock market's score- board in this game isn't too im- pressive. The market slumps following president John F. dy's ination, the} Bay of Tonkin acceleration of| the Viet Nam conflict and like) events were quickly reversed. It took a little longer, but the market erased the crash of May and June, 1962, and went on to news heights. Business executives were far less disturbed by these market breaks than were the traders. This year corporate chiefs have been steadily upgrading their plans for expansion of plant and equipment. This is based on be- lief that the economy will con- tinue to grow and that new productive facilities can be put to profitable use. Could the tremors on Wall Street' this week cause corpor- ate directors to revise or shelve such plans? This could slow down the economy much more than the loss of paper profits on the stock exchanges. UPSWING LASTING | Business leaders---are--aware of the age of the economic up- swing, now in its 52nd month. They are aware of the Viet Nam, Dominican and other world trouble spots. They've long known about the balance- of-payments problem. They still seem to believe that the econ- omy will continue to expand. Whether they will go on betting on it is today's question. Consumers are another mat- ter. In recent years they've ig- nored the stock market gyra- tions. The crash in 1962 had little effect on consumer spend-| ing largely because personal in- jcomes continued to rise and be- leause most of the damage seemed to be confined to stock traders themselves. And because consumers went on spending, business took heart jand in time started another round of increased spending for | plant and equipment. Together this kept the econ- lomy on its upward course. In iturn, this brought the stock |market back in line. Many fledgling stocks that had been \bid up too high were left be- j hind: But the key stocks re- gained their old position. what- The TV cast, minus Borgnine,, This week's tremors, is in the movie, and for the first ever the causes, may sober up| time in Flynn's career he is| any would - be speculators. billed with his name above the| Whether the price break will title--the solo star of the movie. | frighten business executives and "I want to thank Ernie for) consumers remains to be seen. making this possible," says At the moment the odds seem Flynn. Borgnine and the producer of| McHale's Navy don't get along.' "When universal told me thal Edward Montagne was not only going to produce but direct the OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE movie, I wig them Rong my) a 723-4972 rice would be triple," says H orgnine. NOW PLAYING | "So,"' he adds, "they made a story about 'McHale's Navy' without 'McHale,'" Flynn explains how they han- died this. "On page one, scene one of the script, the ensign (Tim Con- | way) says: 'The skipper's left,| so I'm in charge.'" : "Flynn, who studied at thie Uni- versity of Notre Dame and the University of Southern Califor- nia, once thought he would be a} politician. "T once ran for the legisla- ture back in my home town of Youngstown, Ohio," he recalls "And I lost. So I came to Holly- wood and became an actor "| worked as an extra fox many years, then bit parts, then) second banana on television shows. And \now, for the first time in my career, I am billed as top banana. "Tt's really quite a thrill. Be sides Ernie, I'd also like to thank those voters. back in Ohio en iilers Tae We REMICK- GARNER 2a EBs ADULT BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK ENTERTAINMENT to be it won't. . : the New York exchange. Due to the infancy of the} exchanges' surveys, the study concludes no attempt was made 1ZZA | telephone 728-0192 | EPI'S GREENHURST | PAVILION Thurstonia Park Dunsford,. Ont. TONIGHT T.V.'s Recording Stars DUNC & JUDI Plus The Sensational REGENTS Dancing 9 p.m. till 1 T jtions' share for the same period rustee ants |declined to 20.7 per cent from 121.7 per cent and exchange T Se 'T 4 |members' volume was down to 0 e ests es per cent ge 29.1 per cent.|to draw conclusions. However, : | In terms of numbers ofjonce the surveys were estab- TORONTO (CP) -- A lawyer|shares, public individuals had|lished, the eae would be and public school trustee from|1,309,235 shares, institutions|in a position to 'affirm the London, Ont., applied Thursday |528,653 and members 718,181. | motivation and investing habits for an order from the Ontario} «phe motivational forces of\of the investors." supreme court to compel school |the Canadian investor are dif- | officials to show him the secret} ficult to detect because of the| psychological tests given tolyarious influences which reflect | children in London and author-| {heir purchases in common ee by the provincial education} stock. re | epartment. .| Judging from the results, the| Trustee W. R. Buchner, 45,| study says, Canadians tended to| applied for a writ of mandamus |trade heavily (within 30 days)| efore Mr. Justice William|when the market was strong, | shea Ram -- oe sili but came into line when there! Ss Oo ntario school chil-| were signs | dren may be ---- by the| -- rote ns secret tests. His hearing, at! which he is acting as his own| FEE FOR POSING lawyer, continues today. | The tribal council of Pana-| Mr. Buchner said children|2™a's colorful Cuna Indians has, have no way of appealing the|Set 25 cents as the fee for mem-| results of the tests. It was im-|bers posing for photographs by| i) portant, therefore, that the pub-| tourists. lic's elected representatives bo ---- allowed to see the type of questions asked of the children. He has tried unsuccessfully to see the tests administered in London's 'schools. HORSE SHOW From the famed classic that has fascinated over 14,000,000 readers in 15 languages-- % 20. Comtury Pox prevents < Mr. Buchner asked the court to order W. D. Sutton, director! of education in London, to make| copies of the tests available to him. | The' tests are distributed by | the guidance centre of the On- -- at the ~ : ay age Meer d of Education, to! Be - e administered by psycholo- | gists, Mr. Sutton has said that! OSHAWA 5-POINTS ARENA | even he is not allowed to see some of the tests. (LOCATED RITSON ROAD NORTH | Affadavits quoted by Mr. AND TAUNTON ROAD) Buchner said the tests pre- | pared by private firm: st | ' . P shicatt $25,000 ath. 'They ee English and Wane Soe Classes Starting et 10 A.M, protected by copyright and kept) COMPETITION GAMES ON HORSEBACK secret because if the questions | 22 Hour Show Sunday. 2 P.M. CURRENCY SWITCH Government departments and ¥ HARLOW iil yw.ey-teRem ZIMBALST,.- BARRY SLL ADULT { SNGER ROGERS | £2 om werner, TODAY! ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS BRISKLY By THE CANADIAN PRESS |cials added' heir signatures to BEAM PLACED those already on the beam. Completion in Montreal of the VOTE FOR SPLIT Directors of the Colgate- Palmolive Co, voted in Nev' York Thursday to split the com- pany's common stock three shares for two. Colgate said the autographed by more than 20,000 Montrealers . was hoisted 38 storeys to the 477-foot Chateaulof outstanding shares to 15,896,- 331 from the present 10,597,554. The board also declared a quar- terly dividend of 22% cents on the new shares, equal to 33% cents on the present shares. ELECTED PRESIDENT A. A, Moline. of Hamilton was elected president of the Cana- dian Standards Association at its annual meeting here Thurs- day. Dr. J. H. Jenkins: of Ot- tawa and T. A. Lindsay of Brockville were elected vice- presidents. The association sets Canadian standards for prod- ucts, processes and procedures. SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI which is to. open early in 1967, IGNORE ANNIVERSARY ROME (AP)--The 25th anni- Second World War was ignored Italian newspapers, even the Fascist party organ I! Secolo, did not mention the occasion. RUSSIA WINS TOURNEY MOSCOW (AP)--Russia won| the European basketball cham- pionship Thursday night by de- feating Yugoslavia 59-49 in the title game. Yugoslavia finished second with Poland third and italy fourth. WHITBY MUSIC CENTRE and his Records, | aa rt meses oH] NEW TORNADOS oro! 8 Music (Half Price) . 159 BROCK ST. N. PH. 668-6944 RED BARN Most Versatile Group at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall 90 Centre St., Oshawa Music by the DODSWORTH ORCHESTRA SATURDAY, JUNE 12 $2.00 PER COUPLE (Final Dance of Season) "G ET" THIS WEEK 9 to 12 If you @ ADDED THRILLER « became public knowledge, the | tests would be worthless. 1 @ FREE ENTRANCE @ REFRESHMENTS pra will lead the switch to ecimal currency in Australia, | wi aia ae Everyone Welcome! June 13, 2 P.M. Feb. 14, 1966. | KING WEST OSHAWA GOLD RUSH Lounge and Dining Lounge OSHAWA'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT At " "HOT ROD y Vi GIRLS" GREAT @ BOTH FAMILY ten IN SHOW COLOR! THE SAVAGE TRUE || BIGGEST STORY OF "THE EXCITEMENT COYOTERO" ... THE ON THE UNTAMED DEVILS SCREEN ! OF THE APACHE DESERT ADVENTURES OF "BLOOD Scaramouche ARROW" in COLOR with in COLOR GERARD BARRAY --with-- MICHELE GIRARDON nena ee % DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 SAT, AND SUNDAY |} 1:30 P.M. || _ KATHY WAYNE OZZIE WILLIAMS EDITH EATON Ozzie Williams, top rated Pianist, Orchestra leader and arranger, is here for your enjoyment. Ozzie is well known for his playing in the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec, ond Club Kingsway in Toronto, and many times has been chosen to write special musical arrangements for the Nation's top bands For your added enjoyment, Ozzie hos rought with him two of his specially chosen associates in. the persons of EDITH EATON, outstanding accordionist, and KATHY WAYNE, one of today's most popular Radio and T.V. Song Stylists, @ Friday and Saturday Only e Don't miss this entertaining Trio @ Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ ALLAN MACMILLAN -- MANAGER who drove me out .of politics."'! ' LR EL ALE DRE LIE DELLA LLL ELL ALLL TELL LTTE REE ELIE LETTE DALE ' Double the excitement with Double DOUBLEDSEVEN! | SHOW TIMES \ vanes sav ie mr mer wan FLeMG's SEAN CONNERY JAMES BOND "AARIOE SALTIMAN aye ALBERT R. BROCCOL! ence wx rusmne's FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE suse SEAN CONNERY,. JAMES BOND [REONEOCRE] sec rs unre ers PLAYING ADULT OPEN - DAILY 1 P.M. Serer FROM RUSSIA WITH DR. N LOVE -- 2:00-5:40-9:25 O -- 3.50-7:40 © are one of the thousands of people who enjoy a long, cool gin* drink-- . you'll like Wiser's HeU Gin. | *Wiser's H&U is not the driest gin in the world. It has a pleasant, traditional London Dry Gin flavour -- made to the original Hills and Underwood London Dry Gin recipe. CISeR'S LONDON DRY GIN Wiser's--famous for well-aged: Canadian Whisky --becoming famous for a delicious, traditional London Dry Gin. WISER'S DISTILLERY LIMITED, BELLEVILLE, CANADA split will increase the number ~ 4

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