es ih } &, f e . ome, 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sele paps ae a Ht I OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, June 11, 1965 120--Real Estate for Scale ,20--Real Estete for Sole [23--Real Estate Wanted. 30-- -Automebile for Sele OR Furnished cottages at |VACANT NOW --Centrally located, four ~-,° : {win SG 20---Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale PUPLEX,% ccs" ssrsssion on ins Sesper Park ls Lake. Wonaerf ° THE CAVALIER [etecrates.cmcimet est Ieeni] JUNE re say "ees fi a PR LJ A ga i DE VALENCIA ing ia price i $4700 nm win in Boo down. 5 ibby's Ferman, aris tO DO IT NOW | The Most Modern Saar 7 fl Estate Li 24508. . RNISHE basement apartment, with : RA : NIWE-ROOM "haute, Goplozed Very, Gir (Moe Sniusskeeping. of Amarcan wee ; i malts ity ie ten isan eee CLEA NCE ott lee Crammord Pwo Joseph Bosco, Sandy beach, 'Good fishing, Arthur Wright.| 'List your home with us Apartments room, shower and tollet, for one or two 5 i ef : } IN BEAUTIFUL |estote,_ras7a7. comirae or e ond get TOP DOLLAR. in Oshawa single Abstalners. 7258418, | >) 1963 CHEVROLET g ' THREE-BEDROOM collage, good lake. im calage, Take- SEKEEPING cofti inside facill- : TWO-ROOM eo 'tment, furnished or part- - o. BEI. AIR SEDAN 4 a2 4 . iat os, ragged partiplers ty cnn | Cont cotfupes i RO, a Gurkha Feige proms We have SPOT CASH and FEATURING : siting room, private born, ogg ond V8 motor, automatic trans- RE AL EST ATE Cheylor 72-76. Joseph Boxco Realtor. = i ; a Term Buyers, © Exclusive decorating, FURNISHED oneroom spurt Fe ee rect steehone en Sick of se for o beat mission, radio, power brakes a a6e | jakefron jage, five) -- Si ' age one-room | apartment, up wreck that won't. start, and " the ' ' iow With attoched ho , inside finished, two piece bath, @ Electric heating with fin- and Apply: 200 King : U steering. "Buy of ; ; LIMITED v Escapes Finished fireplace, args ver sndah. boathouse, % FREE APPRAISAL gertip contrat, in each Sireet West or teh 723-5804, steer or stop properly? Week." $2045. ' : Many ras. inspect con- | $6,000. jesbitt, < fact Murray Boyle 722-270. Joueph Bosco) #4. Murphy_Broker NO OBLIGATION room at ne extra cast. [SA Memes foc, evel, duly c. ; ; f uly Cc L 77 Church Street Realtor, 728-7377, COTTAGE Jot on Kashabog Lake, hydro, © Convenient to shopping Close to North General Motors. Telephone TRADE UP TO FOUR DOOR § "ATION . come, commercial lot fown | available and roaa in. $10. foot lakefront. and 723-7657. ' JOWMANVILLE area, street Fora iP deta 0. A. Mckellar, RR 1, Peterborough. Call 773 : BASEMENT apart vee '| WAGON eal im im SiobS 725975 Joseph Bosco' Lakefield, 652-7792 ; © Plenty of free parking, Vale. bathroom, private entrance," $85 A GU ARANTEED V-8 motor, . standard trans- : NEW COTTAGE for sale, 20° x 24', stove, : | © Professi full ti - |monthly. -- utilities wincluged. Available 4" ae H 623-3393 OPEN FOR YOUR |rsivate a eam Sntalittet etait wet cost! SCHOFIELD-AKER * Profesional fll time mane |S" Teoma stern | gen A Real Heldey | e wi cl . a ' ; . ; INSPECTION garage, two finished ree-|ing.° 728-2119. vour comfort WANTED "PROFESSIONAL ~ young lady enh eG tee manthe 6 ola. $2050 Appi He bonett ; 1962 CHEVROLET Member Oshawa and District se" Robert shrek. ree37 fh lag Tag gg . SEP © Numerous other features. [tt tet ote Spm ee : MPALA FOUR DOO! Real Estate Board NEW Ti won| thoes, "Wile oF phone, 20, George A. MODEL SUITE FURNISHED |p im io IMPALA FOUR DOOR tide walk-out basement, double-car_gar-|¢ Box 37, Wilberforce, Ontario. | * OVER A QUARTER by Reliable -Furni IVISION STREET -- One bedroctn sti! HARDTOP OVERLOOKING 7 TO 9 mM age and y, storms and screens,|i KE FRONT ieee caage, fr CENTURY OF SERVICE y Reliable Furniture Gove. 008 ronleny fut sonly avaliable V-8 motor, automatic trans- RICE LAKE Fad iad Di iste tichen and See Seen nished, Inside conveniences, $n mallboe e Open from 2 p.m. July: Ist Telephone 728-48 . : mission, radio? "Clearance paste ea cE leon ts es oh on ec Coe ° . . tml" 205% acres, excellent soil, HOME AND COTTAGE located on Scu.| for tale of rent, Whitby 668-3138, me till 9 p.m. daily Be fo secaghlangah Seana ie Special." $1995. home includes| ere , 30°» 120° * x 60! i DAILY ja Agel NBostuse (singe Aaya LAKE $CUGOG -- nrec-bedroom water | NEED at 400 Grenfell Street -- |musicr controlien enlvancts: aeaend Av: 1961 PONTIAC " . nisi a - ; attractive property. North of Pert gonna Pe replace pen until July and aug. 7 to M4 at end of Marland Ave. enue. Apartment 104 or 728-909: Fin > LAN FOUR DOOR Ht 728-9. hawa R Bond | set weekly. Brocklin. 6553708. FURNISHED three Mm Hope. on ot only SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY wae. Ce Cal Mig "Ocmawe haunty { FURNISHED, ctape "er ret er wa OLDER TYPE HOME (off Park Rd. S.) Aina at sree ert sure tor two aie : V4. 'eneter, pews? f a sdah ics oe SCH OFIELD- AKER i teste - MARY 'sireet area; 172 storey | Concies = iy te . sie aist Avg a jon: NOW ! 725-9934 - 728-4283] phone 726-2510 after 6 p.m. ' aie, "A. Beautiful Driving north son's end. arry. - ROOM 1 gentleman, or Soe G0" trea ac ae es cane Fe eer Se CARE SRGDE evening tng fer] For Coat Bar , See res ae. oe. e€awa 1960 PONTIAC x reai res 'ari na.{rent. Conveniences, sa c : NONQUON A ast, ' ' 1 maple bush. Onl $35, 360 King Street West) tae iocieliicase tye We Catholte, public] of, weekly. between Barrie) ond oriiie,| BILL JOHNSTON TWO-BEDROOM apariment to sublel.| , | LAURENTIAN SEDAN terms. schools, and chorches. Call 725243, Gasaan "ahi" saniwended iain tial Schofield-Aker Ltd \ taut, lever droven, sleveiers: ter ; V-8 motor, automatic trans- PRIVATE -- Three-bedroom brick bung- pone lat . : 4 4 me . » 9 " 6 intshod redroom rick bulg-|burton. area, on country road with hydro. S TOWERS 'TD com, Adults. After-§ telephone| y fe sal -missidn, odio, New. whites 100, see Hohe, For, 6 reg, i i Maes mis ttee|__--_--728-1 066 . : wal asthe lene commercial frontage with 3 BEDROOM | j#esme te full Brice. Come via Lindsay, week- Moriment, 'sore relfigersor. We eMt| 1963 'FA Oshawe.") 2. : ood bldg. lots, just south ' 54 ACRES in Whitby 'Township. Exclu-|ends. E. Johnson, Gooderham, Ontario, | WE WILL PAY CASH FOR : Gren, Aveilable 'now. ABBIY 470 sas FALCON ; 9 J DETACHED sive are. Raving "sot with large. stream LAKE CARE FRONTAGE for sale. Minimum of YOUR HOME, CALL Northend Location Street Wes!, Oshawa. FORDOR SEDAN 1962 MERCURY METEOR of Orono on Hwys. 115 and through property, close to all schools in : dian hema trench dD oF ea Ns RO ye ; ot Whitty," Priced: for quick sale.| 170" 2% ft 100. foot: frontages crystel © Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed- |ONE-BEDROOM apartnient, with waite] Original gleaming black with TWO DOOR 35. Painted barn, 8 room | * LO ree alee' he oT Ucer, welers "ot beautiful Glanmire Lake; ay ed Gal brosdleanty oullttn. counter, -raten bores ibarink Badia ahi : h $65,000 -- terms. . Model Home with finished re- to f cg Tae oe contains a variety of Northern fish, Cot- Y rooms. i ran ta rita |. SOG. ARGOS. aD 6 cylinder, standard transmis- age creation room, carport, semi- five biel ie = : bosteads ie ull on, teauest to your specifica- tae . e @ Reinforced Concrete Sound hay ig BY ated Maat Wear hear: whitewalls. Guaranteed A-1. sion, Jike new. 19,000 miles. Scenic 33 acres' with fast y ' i IV' ING lots in approved sub-|tions, Proof. ment 2. Low down payment handles. "Clearance Special" $1375. stream, excellent view, pond Mann inusenae ord soad: pie Fl Mr toriner intormetion Write MUSKOKA COTTAGE, rent, ai Fanine,| REALTOR @ Electrical Heating c site. $19,000 -- terms. ad... centre. oll plon; with: [ecrate Conewer Onterts. Or: teleghone| Sem beats Sale, sendy. Day eres Bowmanville 623-3950 ' Broodtogen ae |27--Rooms for Rent 6 foe pare 1962 MERCURY - pat e aoe dod golfing. Every EY nter - Com. System DOR TEREY TWO DOOR 200 scenic acres with good separate dining room, com- |gROOKLIN = immaculate ranch bunge-|sponsible tenants. 728-9516. @ Hi-Fi Radio Spotless blue "finish with HARDTOP Gravel deposits, trout stream thd with _angabnpe nm, law bradiger i living, £08 sininaroor,| FOUR MILE LAKE, three-bedroom col-| W ANTED! © Balconies BEAUTIFUL matching interior. Autémétic V-8 bbs and pond, excellent ski hill, BU I core See Mier ene er softener, double attached garage, " paved | e9e for rent. Safe, sandy beach, $45 a/ i @ Underground Parking. ACCOMMODATION transmissién, radid' érid new r, Gutometic: traris- ior-designer decorated, locat- |§° ally et week, including boat. Please call after 4.30) / Pgs. missi6n, radio, power equip- located near Blackstock. $25,- ; : drive, covered patio, awnings, barbecue, LISTINGS whitewalls.. This is. & one quip: 000, -- $5,000. down. ed on Breezy Drive, one min- large fot. Full preg $16.00. To. inspect as For retired elderly Ladies | Yhitewslls.. This, i 2 eer | ped: mileage 26,000. "Week i ai » Lal se-| a" Looking for @ Homesite -- oats o Rig ai ed a ante ot ax seer fo schoot| Keeping cottages for ren weekly, month S | B B Y : S Reserve New and Gentlemen: Also | mechénicel eéndition. Guer- yee is 12% ocres treed, minutes | west location, 1S minutes and, Pus step, Bees a Dette ee good fishing. "Near. gol" 'course: Telepnone| Phone 728-9466 convalescents -- Tray | anteed. Cosh, trade or terms. | 1959 1959 GMC from Oshawa. Priced to sell from South plant. ete s 10y an oor Aon TEM, ee "528-7576. 728 A401 4 service if desired. 1963 BUICK Ye TON FLEETSIDE PICK-UP | | wood | = " at $6,600. -- terms vHONE BUILDER ern ee ete Sota, eget 376 COBOURG 372-9533. | LesAshe rokbon warntor | firs iene track "dt , , JUST LISTED, love! 5 trie able for camp, lodge etc. Hydro in, on) ae rigind iplomat blue sr' Y ls Re Vilcgs: cow 1 BOET LATER Pater Saheim 38 "can Teese! STOP! DON'T. OSHAWA ATTRACTIVELY with matching dterifr. Awté- | 1960 CHEVROLET eed a wien Beautiful 839-3461 | Gaps, oot sare months Cwirth wed-|LAKERRONT threv bedroom corte Do it yourself. Let us help f inhi troraenteeien, YY TON P i love ¥ oe col , \ ' 4 & view of Lake Ontario. $1,000. or Stunna one | room or den with fwo-plece washroom.| completely furnished (Highway @), you, BUY or SELL your next FURNISHED ROOMS power brakes, tinted gloss 2 ICK-UP WITH full price : [Far eee atin MHA teria "ro inapertlfor sale: Price 45,008. Yoleghone risen, Property: Available in private home, | ond whitewalls. A true aris: | [ONG SO. Vehicle." . is NS SS SOUT IES OTRAS AE | | only $18,900 wi erms. To inspect/for sale. Price 'elephone : 7, icle.' call Elmer Ftedin 7H-S103. W. 0. Martin | prea een ee nicer 728-9466 Call between 5 and 7 p.m. peg re ae gg lean Vehicle. Call 623-3393 BROOKLIN |Realtor. | Ssmmer Homes, sifuated on the Black OSHAWA (BOND ST.) LTD. 82 PARK RD. N 1960 VOLKSWAGEN PRIVATE SALE -- Seven-room brick| River, only %4 hour drive from Oshawa. 6 ' « house, garage, paved driveway. Close to|Choose one of our modern cottages or REALTY (Bond St.) LTD. Multiple. Listing Service 728 8671 1963 MERCURY COACH After 9 p.m. i GM North and West plants, public and|build one, ¢ - , P Ba cu fm tol cty SRM a Oe Ea, Mg ee ae Ries | ____25.0ond en oe |__| MonreRey "custom | Gute sai, ator. j - rH . ot xcellen' et . Ns I ok 'white £33 3818 home, featuring downstairs | Figee-BEDROOM brick bungalow in|! Uxbridge on Highway 12 and 7 and 47, oan, lg BY gy Sophisticated Shooping Centre. 'Telephone. 7253272. Near) Raven . black with spotless ac! iteman - panelled den or bedroom and immaculate condition and close to south| en north 10 miles to Udora, turn west|Send details, name and phone number cee ene i-| 90ld interigr. 390-V- 8 engine, IAC -- NIAGARA Pat Yeo 612-3077 3 bath lus 4 bed- |General Motors, Carries for s100 monthly. |one mile. Our sales staff will be on hand |to: Chris Greaves, 'General Delivery, Fen Adult 'Living room: w Howard Forder 655-3853 piece 4 yee pus h io cerett Millon Real Esatte Ltd., 728-1679, |8t, all. times. Picnic facilities available.|ion Falls, Ontario. fe cn Same bea, ocammeaion piri abl gptrn 2 Ao FINANCING Joe Barnoski 786-2202 | fooms and 4 piece bothioom | ciiigatow -- Three bedroom, thres-| asians evenings. Black River Securities '24--Store, Offices, Storoge at fava. : i oe wk oe Herb Cooper 623-3393 hy coer COMBInGHIAN, bouried |Meat pte. Nak: ietcearer <iflin| Limited. Uxbridge, Ontario. : L} CASA: MANAN Gor pat doo pasa facie ul seats, tinted glass, white OTHER CARS TO: CHOOSE DOUGLAS. J. M. | rece Scoot bin ot dor S ee me Se ___|- OFFICE SPACE A Vis Scat' ee" "| volt an fa Sa coves enon * ; : mea : i VERY LARGE oat room on i J , . . minutes drive .to shopping, | 50 TO 100 ACRES with trout stream, duck/ COURT lgentlemen willing to share, single beds, See it. : etc., in-Brooklin. Owner trans. [Pong Rush and pasture tangs moe apere BOWMANVILLE shift_workers welcome. Free | parking: : faled AAS: lating. Dad. . z| ; AVAILABLE Close to South General Motors, $25 month-| 1962 FORD TED CAMPIN rs | gay Spacious 2- d 3-bed y__ each. Telephone 725-2915. PRICE $27,200 20a--Summer Properties | One of Ontario's vine" fasted tidiae sei SINGLE coor' and' based ADO SE ane oe ie : : For Sale or Rent | Finest Farms In Times Building equipped kitchens, vanities Lc cidba baie Tutene Hagges hee fully MOTORS Contact M. HARTNEY, Vic- Large, 4 bedroom, 2 storey with large mirrors in bath- |tegtes Br nen cian 'apply "106 power equipped end in A-1 REALTOR toria Ave., Beaverton, 426- PIGEON NEAR brick home also good white CONTACT oes eval veaaprirngggy Bd geniien ONee d: Oi. 9267. Easter and Chartered PETERBORO clapboard home with garage. broadloomed corridors, twin |COMFORTABLE = ROOM in modern apart-| Sold new by us to one care- 607 King Street East 333 King St. W. Trust Company. WEEKEND. SPECIAL 125 acres of excellent soil . L. WILSON -- bookie and -- pn ioe guar sbetener wi ful owner. A true beouty. Deaths : system. Model suite furnish- | ust East of Wil: Rd. 723-1168 BEAUTY SALON | 'evea with: tority size cor | x46 Mony other good At the Times ca by Wilsons Furiures [rom tbe T=} 1961 PONTIAC 723-4494 i ith ily. si aes ; se RAPER ORE " weved with, family, size cot. | buildings, This form would be leon want -- praxis atice weet win| -- IMAMMEDIATE |estnc, tating "ct: "ithe STATION. WAGON. : ir é BUSINESS FOR SALE budget plan, $50 down, $46 tetested in.a good investment. |block downtown, completely decorated OCCUPANCY [indie Original white 'finish, with Res. . 725-5574 ATTENTION COMMUTERS monthly. Limited number. One hour drive East of Tor. | With all new fluorescent fixtures, walk-in FURNISHED bed sitting room and: kit- tless red interior..V-8 en- Hee OM SEMIBUNGA- | One of Oshawa's best Beouty | Year round activities, roc. | ome, oN S'v* Fost of Tor Wau" suitable, tr Lawyers: insurance! Call Rental Office at |frmiclss ty Norh General Motors: how cin cuban SareaniiOn LOW on @ well landscaped lot | Selons located in the north | tical for retirement. Good Haqi2 or write Some Jewellers. Lid. 723-6361 pital, Telephone 7205026. | radio, power brakes and steer- DON'T TAKE. THE in choice residential area. end, Completely equipped, roads. Hydro, Swimming. Ex- ASK FOR 20 Simcoe North, Oshawa. FOR RENT -- Room with television and! ing and whitewalls. Ideal for ' Home is nicely decorated with beautifully decorated, best cellent fishing. Water skiing. TWO adjacent stores, suitable for any Follow Park Road North to [private bath, man preferred. Telephone] gi nimer family driving. - s y ing: a built-in oven and stove, clientele. Includes 4 room Boating, etc. NORM. WOOD type business, could be used €2 one unit Anderson St., West on An- |Whitby 668-3729 : hardwood floors throughout, apartment above store. For MEET at Shell Service Station, waa » Telephone}. derson to Nipigon St. peck rte Mil el furnished room| 1959 METEOR alum. storms and screens. full details call Carl Olsen Fowler's Corners, junction W. J. NORRIS ion " Open for your inspection dla Hc poo HE Haw. Parking 6 FORDOR SEDAN: TAKE 'THE Excellent location between = : Highway 7 and 7B on the yy Waites. Lectien, [By toertoe from 2 to 9 p.m. daily problem, $8 weekly. 725-7273. Tutone blue and white with i Oshawa and Toronto. Sani 725-3412 Peterboro to Lindsay highway REALTOR South. Dial 728-1901 ROOMS FOR RENT. Apply ai dexk.| blue interior. Economical six =| ' , hc : , each day this week-end at | FOR RENT -- Choice corner store loce- GUIDE Queen's Hotel Ltd. Simcoe Street North.| Cylinder engine, automatic COMMERCIAL 54' x 117° lot p.m, and 3 p.m. AJAX 942-3364 tion in Oshawa, appr BRIGHT ROOM with kitchen privileges} transmission and radio. Im- | ROAD-- FINANCE YOUR with attractive frame 6 room CARL OLSEN 700 square feet, air conditioned, also RE A LTY LTD if necessary in apartment, for quiet lady, Aap . building. Ideal location for a Pat Ts | ss i Pai with second floor making 1400 . close north GM and downtown. Telephone! maculate throughout. Guaron- NEW OR USED CAI eet: hawa's thrivi REALTOR : | uare feet, Phone 723-7022 or write Burns 725-9820, ted A-1. $100 down hand- ' ical Oshawa's thriving | : HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. JACK RICARD - |Sewellers Ltd., 20 Simcoe North, Oshawa. | 7235) 123 LARGE furnished bedroom; stove and| les. ON THE 4 3 | f Suit ft ith ivat . John Howson Bob Hobbs BEWDLEY, RICE LAKE vaste tee Ne dé 25--Houses for Rent --_-- $$$ tania, Close Yo" North Generel. Moor. 1961 FALCON BANK OF MONTREAL Member of O,D.R.E.B. IDEAL RETIREMENT Phone 416-372-9494 | REALTOR ee MALA GLEN FORDOR SEDAN FAMILY FINANCE PLAN HOM | Oshawo's First COURT 28--Room and Board Reneehe. se om camees LOW-COST . ROOM AND BOARD for | ly. Har- OF. fomatic transmis- 4 cai Excellent modern two bed- RENT FOR | BOWMANVILLE GARDEN pee aed district, For inrcinatics call - bad 7, bites ecred sie pena room, one level home. Mo- JULY AND AUGUST RESERVE NOW 7c Aadays ain or: doak PhAD | ' COLBORNE STREET EAST -- FR Sassd cwanclsh, Gee. bate 623-2503 HOMES AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT lazsccbnee tors gentiemen wiling to] cuoranteed A-1 throughout. | 411 Vouk NEAREST Only 18 miles to enjoy glassed verandah, 4-pc. bath- Large executive lodge type | New Concept For Family Living | share, single beds, close to North Gen- 1961 METEOR room d 4 155 ACRE FARM at. Tyrone eral Motors, central to downtown. App! O country living in one of the » garage and. studio. home, 2 fireplaces, 4 bath- iad cua | | %® 1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms above eddress ud FORDOR SEDAN B of M BRANCH TODAY loveliest -large brick homes ips dl ie poe from rooms, forced air oi! heating, Good barn. House with bath, Two and Three * 2 Bathrooms (in all 2 and ROOM and beara fer gentlemen, single Turquoise finish with match- in Osh Whi ed'va. seek levers, Becutl- bee a mmediate oc- sleeps 14, newly furnished, Good pond. Asking. $25,000. a 3 bedroom suites) beds, funchee 6 packed close to North GM| ing interior. V-8 engine. maddie itby fully decorated, ; living Ex tinker Se situated on Paudash Lake | -- $3500. Would consider Bedroom be pee pavers tnd. Front Street. Good meals. Telephone stondend transmission. end or Bowmanville rooms, dream kitchen, wall + : about 120 miles from Osh- taking h 'alconies H i emeey fowallvcorting dommes | 'Osun SMieaicntace | ewe. teal for 2 fomiies or | Calrow Homes ; ihe fae Sam tata ace] sweet |g CREDIT well as master bedroom an " social group. ; usic workers welcome. Parking avaliable. ' contre. hall up. All drapes in- Realtors, Peteroorough, Ltd., i | Estelle Leaske 623-5919 % Broadloom Halls Telephone 72-6178. 2 Only -- c'uded. 5 large bedrooms, 3 ideas ehc For further information or to Individual Patios ROOM and breakfast, lunches packed it] 1963 MERCURY e NOTICE e miles to Trent System, 1 mile inspect, call Horry Klintworth Wilf Adowke, Orono 1 R 12 728-9466 desired, for well-mannered, gentleman, U | mia 32 Sipe Satan, 1 mi EXECUTIVE: Ce | ins bcd Wir anecdiie basement shale room, veday. week. Parking. 81] MONTEREY NEED A CAR? bap "fas : ; F 4934. at " defsnlsthoxath FORDOR SEDANS scaped, 1% acres Leary, -Peterboro, RI2-4234; zit i umpus Kkoom ; ; NOT SURE OF YOUR BUNGALOW or write: EXCELLENT 25-acre farm on Lake Scu- Refrig. - Stove - Dryer King strech ot -- BR ayo Equipped with _ outomatic : ; x CREDIT? Contact ROBERT ATWOOD, | 2 Miles North of Whitb 90g, large 12-room farm home, . Should ) 728-5455, transmisions, radio, power f 118 Lindsay St. S., Lindsay, On-No. 12 idialiay Y | Robinson & Robinson, Barristers |o00. ig fal. interbiattonr Sieskeloes sitten from h 29--Wanted to Rent pie Eee Pera nid psn bak my vedas 6 go ' A Y NO. , 36-4707, r é er mont REALTY ims , W 'overs, breeze- application taken over the Phone Lindsay 324-6681 Atyoctive, | custers built 3 | 395 George St. 5 AChE FARM Sy aaae ea eee P TWO 'or Threeroom furnished "apariment ey, neat: One sunlite phone. Low or no down pay- H. Keith Limited | ond chimney, walkout. bed- ee ag a le lat (BOND ST.) LTD. _ [efit Ranimle Yee} gondy' oth iremocaiete in. | nave your heme" ga | 4 i >. seTEN Nesileton district. $11,000. Cal H y- Sere reywesiaguegn ar rege cn on phone 725-6138 : ' oe Realtor, 181 Eglinton Ave. E, i sala, saheir Creer deve, BEL AIR RESORT 1 oraeae Nestleton 986-4894, Maroy: F. ee maa St py Re gy RS germ TWO or three-bedroom house wanted. A-1 mechanical condition, phone pa veicea 1 f ronto 487-3333 _ natural. spring pond, voriety - sickens Oe M a It j orewel!_ an piar ots. 942-0130, Suburban Oshawa, Brooklin, Courtice ranchi fealer. eae eee | t ¢ ond, ye | -------- Rental Ofifce at site $4 SINGLE, 36d area preferred. Possession July. Tele- . Leonard een | ee ee | CARE RATE le | etre ee vdhteniaa,tpartnet fet wamreD ie ea BRR + o76 st, lar W, Torte . ' losed Sunday . lywi ote roc iy - é ete $1,300.. DOWN | PRIVATE, can be seen by ap- | NEW -- insulated house- | Whitby. 668-2067, | Willing to pay $140 a month, Call Ri 531-5767 oe ar keeping cottages, city | Lt 1 A AAILLEN CREO Peeret tae callnrameuaey ante tora terest] MANY. OTHER. 4:1 Modern. six room brick bun- Brooklin 655-4546 conveniences, screened | KENDAL HILLS | : King Streets, Available July 1. $70 month-|room apartment or duplex in nice neigh-| USED CARS ' ' galow. Three bedrooms. Two saves guckasei evga meie ~ | porchers, good swimmi bone a TS a hans REAL: ESTATE !TD. ly. No childrer Telephone 723-3224. bor ead for Ist or Tast of September. Not TO'CH S p FC LAL! bathrooms. Situated on Min- $599 DOWN | nets, 9 . PG: i Hl lag AA LARGE three-bedroom apartment, refri Times, OM Wee or OOSE FROM . ' | boating and fishing. in Kendal Hills, each lot hos | 728-| 679 R om apartment, refrig- ; : den Street. 4 bedroom detached brick | Boats and t 4 lovely trout stream and wood- | $135 rhonthiy. Avaliable arian Assty ti THREE-BEDROOM 'house - required in split level, carport, en suite | if motors avail- ed with beautiful white birch pics wt Stevenson's Road South, Apartment 1. Oshawa by Jyly 1. Telephone 728-5776. Contact bath, close to separate and' | Able $65 weekly. maple, beech, park like ced- BEAUTIFUL STONE |compcavecy furnished aparinionts In:| encores, OF) Cehawer three-bedroom . IL A public schools, walking dis- Talent 4 ars, Excellent building sites. cluding stove and refrigerator, no chil- [ized ogee fe pear logest eons . BILL MILLAR (lia ta shopping Blah On elep' raed 28-7454 Call for appointment "i Pick 6 ROOM were Gren please For appointment 'telephone Greaves, Gener$! Delivery, Fenelon Falls, EASY: INSTALMENT To Paint Your Car quiet, well xept street, beau- shawa yours first ontact Y HOME N LARGE MODERN aparime hac 725-1186 or tiful west location. FOSTER, Kendal, Ont. Phone apartments sv laroelELDERLY lady requires two light BUYING ON OUR APPLY AT 725 2557 MILLER & "IMRIE or Y M. baa Orono 16R9. WOODED LOT io an thoves "Seninind 'peal TH oss. iisen 6ree. toners cy wag south CAC 83 Ritson Rd. South - aptiste, Ont ae dine HOUSEKEEPING ROOM -- i a5 Rare REAL ESTATE-LTD: 2 ORNs H. nee Limited Highland Creek. Completely ing to shore, single wee, chee bogs A tate apornien fa rent In WINDY. PURCHASE PLAN at rear of Texaco Station PHONE 942-2561 | ealtor, furnished including stereo, |Feen Melos. Farking. | References T Whitby W. i LAMSON LOVELY six-room brick, 1-1 Ws CHEMONG LAKE 181. Eglinton Ave., E TV, diswasher, large mo- eae 668-8654 any time. @COLLISION EXPERTS@ 5 of North General daa ale Toronto 487-3333 dern kitchen, gorage, fire- Naan T campaliy aie four romn fur: THREE - BEDROOM house In Oshawa, or Of Real Estate Ltd. home pe. Festirine tor woe satin, tay $5 900. | ploces, efreular 'drive 'ete. |General: Motors Apoly ater 6 pms tssfeat women en: REI enORe Cyaesr ere ve Woreavick tie Gan 15. mi Soarien: (ots. teres ak Rate 289 cnt. Oshawe Boulevard South, cnealas Ect KELLEY DISNEY + i <i er, ol al * -- |e ale Martin Realtor. boroaah Brive Me Na Seely Frank Harvey Blackwater. On: | "i | Phone HIGHLAND CREEK two-room Seermetn ingen tr 30--Automobiles for Sale BP Spe Ro Bee $1400 DOWN, six-year-old, three - bed-| bedrooms, large living room | puN@ALOW LOT a WiC es |rent. "Abstainers, | Gentleman preferred. gs e a Wa ; KEITH PETERS Sead is ise cine te es eee tue Shela oat eee spacious Wilson Road South, i TU Atlantic 2-6373 raaCe peg nee amen THE HOME OF By Todt bean papi one now. Cal: Jim Brady, 728-51 itchen and dining area, Hot |v ented Bag se aR te ent ' ' ; 778-0483. Bolahood 'Bros, Lid. ice and cold water. *peautifully _ de fh ago Foe Ag o,, Fait Teenie be Oty. Telephone nee now. $7.1 GOOD USED CARS MOTORS Liens paid off R ALTY LTD. MOVE RIGHT INI to this spotless ranch| finished including T.V. Excel- |Waler., $3000 cash. Telephone 728-1730) 6 UNFURNISHED five-roomed apartment " Heer dapem gr, style bungalow. with attached garage, fire-| lent swimming, fishing, boat- |*""_* FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow and garage.|for ren! No children, For information Before You Buy LIMITED Always top quality 728-7328 Ratrwond' Ritcnon 'Three costoene wnt ing. Immediate possession 23--Real Estate Wanted vidi logated. Available on June 15,|apply 592 Drew Street. . give Bill a try" ' ' 4 'ate on lults preferred. eferences required.;ONE BEDROO: " . ABEDROOM 2 STOREY, This - |sirsurices For asouunees Sutton] Arne Folers cr 170s Tan. | "|r 725-48 apartment state Yor 'one or cose] BILL. WHITTICK be Biss taal BUYING OR SELLING ; ; nette Nugent, 725-5629, - : bi ag P| r Ford's Family brick home is less thon a ative for Don Siradesk! Real Esfate. 4234 or write Bowes and | URGENTLY REQUIRED|26--Apartments for Rent |taree BEDROOMS, Kiichen, tile bath, MOTORS LTD. Of Fine Products" ae op a ho pl we #-ROOM brick house, modern conven:|( COCKs Limited, -- Realtors, | Homes for cash buyers. 2, 3 ving reeout parking, laundry facilities: f ui in stove an ven, . - «! t ith Gi . Oe ee cis wanton 72 |iencas for sale or rent. Apply Elgin Budd,| Peterborough: | <-- 3 bodraiir bungalows, GOVERNOR MANSIONS come, $108 monihiy. References requred 1250 DUNDAS ay 200 Dundas St. W. 'MOTORS i a aa al i vels, storeys. a ' +4957. a -- i ros gp is Pe can tn Bag Mi Rg rR PINE RIDGE Loe 2 Bedroom Suite | THREE-ROOM "unfurnished "apariment,| ee re 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA screens, sliding glass door to ron Prog Mp nel feat sun room at] = AT. MINER'S BAY | For free valuaWons call 3 Bedroom. Suite Byiure wattence kook ft Soule only. Feur. Courteous. -Selesmnen Qust East of Wilson Road) pletely landscaped DON STRADESKI ADULTS ONLY Se PENT RE ne MORE CASH petle, cS family home. " ifn shee, Woes ang perenniels, Asking| Lodge, cabins and. cottages. Real E BASEMENT apartment, furnished, three E To Serve You 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Ca! -7328. S. D. Hyman' Real Estate Cimmited. '| Sandy beach, water skiing 728 275 jis ee SaUENN laeaen a oe ee geod tres. Alesse mater fob ideal cat toed sca se = - f , stove Is motor Idea! INCOME HOME. asking only $10,900 with your CHANCE jo own ® lovely three-| Plonned entertainment; golf 28-1275 723-1712 728-2911 erat nea ti wenn ANN®) Trade up or down, Liens poid. 668-5893 Bib asa ac ee take jerm:, consisting of two four-roomed se room brick bungalow with a large) ond fid b NGALOW! w T lot or ae For A tment ly. Call, 728-5587. : ene Ajax, 942-3590 Ppp age oo yaa HE pied Eirias eh os BY PUNGAL GW wih, Goad TO oe ei aan sg oe or Taraiies| OKERING ----Furauhed--aparinems,| DODD MOTOR SALES OPEN DAILY i CHEVROLET" orighal" SURGE TOR pay: s; "| one Coboconk 454-. 3752 \vitte required. Would consider !| apartment willing to share with anotherjrooms, immediate possession. Telephone 314. PARK RD. SOUTH mileage. Recently installed, new cram ment to see. W. ©. Martin $3000 lot. Call Gower at 728-6281 for apoeint Resitor 728-5103. Hyman Real Estate Limited. 'on Wood, R.R. No. 1, Norland dur smal Call Charles Chaytor of J tle I "f Realtor, 723-7996. joseph Iepertment 8 Apply 223 Athol street as Pickering 942-5718 or apply 103 Kingston Road West, Pickering, 723-9421 9 A.M, TO 9 P.M, jum fires. Grey and white. Also 'A Ford in excellent condition. rats.