--e---- i ? 17--Female Help W. 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Real Estate for Sele 20---Real Estate for Sale : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 11, 1965 17 ,13 Simcoe South Oshawa We are looking for a Cashier- Receptionist. This is a permanent position offering good salary and benefits with interesting var- ied work. If you heave Grode 12 or equivalent, gpod typing and like to meet people. Fhis_job will interest. you. Call MR. MORGAN 725-657) Between 9- a.m. STENOGRAPHER | ek LAW OFFICE Previous experience preferred in Real Estote, Mortgages and Estates. Salery bosed on experience. PARKHILL & YANCH Barristers, etc. P.O. Box 154, Oshawa Ph. 728-9495 - 5 pm Experienced Part-time CASHIERS WANTED Apply POWER Supermarket KING $T. EAST SALES LADIES Part-time for exclusive sports- wear shop. Experience desir- able. Pleasing personclity, good appearance. References essential. Salary in accord- ence with ability to: sell, Apply in person x SEIGNEURS Sportswear Ltd. Oshowa Shopping Centre EXPERIENCED TELLER REQUIRED ly-in writing to Manager SIT SERVICES. Central Ontario Trust and Savings CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. North Oshawa INTERVIEWERS and SUPERVISORS Part time, for market research surveys. Write giving educa- tion, interviewing or super- vising experience to Edsall Research Ltd., 2045 Bishop St., Montreal 25. Write Box 616 Oshawa Times. PART. Ady help wanted, in variety store, lence not necessary. For further in- formation Phone 839-5763 or 284-5293. WOMAN to work in Dairy Queen store Must be neat and clean and-abie-to meet public. Day shift. Apply 1003 Dundas Street East, Whitby. PART-TIME -- approximately 20 hours weekly -- collect active monthly accounts. Experience not needed. Car essential For interview write, giving phone num- ber to P.O. Box & Postal Station N Toronto 14, Ontario. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER with clientele. Apply in person. The Vogue Beauty Salon, 10 Simcoe Street North. LADY with. direct seiling experience wanted, Remunerative and interesting No ge = door to door, fiexibie hours, use essential. For inter- view iaaeye, writ to Lee Briand, 252 Princess Avenue, Willowdale. DENTAL ASSISTANT full time, experi- enced preferred. Call Ajax 942-1764. RELIABLE WOMAN to - after two children, one school-age, five-day weék, while mother works. . Barkcadoiige area, live out. Telephone 7: COMPANION for convalescing lady. Light housekeeping duties, live in, modern ac- commodation. Remuneration to be dis- cussed. Write Box 34, Oshawa Times. RELIA BABY sitter Orgently Tr re quired to look after five children in their tb a Rage Mlb nige to 4 p.m. Five Telephone Whitby 668-3507 clerk' Typist required immediately, z experienced in bookkeeping po working conditions. Whitby Reply stating age, experience and salary. Box 423, Oshawa Times. WOMAN 25 to 40 for household duties and care for three children, two school-age while mother wae Livein or out. Tele- phone 728-1905 WOMAN To look afler two year old in return for room and board and Mirah er aa uaa Telephone 725-2742 after p.m. YOUNG WOMEN, experien to meet the public, to train as cocktell lounge waitresses. Applicant must be of good appearance and over 7). Reply stating particulars and anciose a recent photo graph to 520, Oshawa Times, 8 Ki ing Street East. . GOOD HOME fo reliabie person as house "keeper for mtheriess home. Four chil- dren, three school- Live in, new home with all modern conveniences. No hea eavy cleaning. Telephone 723-5476 after 6 p.m PART-TIME cashier ree required . Apply M Wis0n," Genosha Hotel CLERK-TYPIST required with experience iy filing, telephones and correspondence Apply in person to General Printers Lim- ited. Office Supply Division, §4 Celina|-- Street, Oshawa. EXPER! D cle clerk Aypist, "wanted "for kitchen cabinet manufacturer. Apply H-G ron » Station Road, Pickering, Ontario. LEGAL secretory required. Shorthand necessary. Apply Alfred M. Wootton and Wootton. 304 Dundas Street West, Whit- a ce 668-5838 fo arrange for in- jew. SINOLE girl for general food sigre work, with some cash regisier experience . phone 726-0851 |MATURE lady (45 fo 55) to "> |iiveine good meme ive-in, 725- seven- . Must be marae 1238 from | to 5 afternoons. MOTHER'S HELPER to start now, in To ronto. Spend summer months at Jack- , Telephone collect, ton's Point Toronto, RU 1 18--Male cc Wanted 5. Top commissions. Me Profit sharing. . Age 21 to 40 only. Required Immediately 6 AMBITIOUS MEN 18 work in Oshawa and dis- trict with o large electrical opplience organization that holds a 'Triple A-1' rating. 1, Car necessary. 2. No canvassing or door knocking. 3. All leads supplied. (ager J 4. Top pay guaranteed $52 per month. : 8. Hired with 'aptitude test, For appointment telephone PRODUCTION MANAGER MR. R. YEOMANS SAT. 10 A.M, TO 2 P.M. | MON. 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. ieee, Reueees IBM JUNIOR OPERATOR Required for night shift in Whitby. Must have own transporta- tion. Prefer matriculant with minimum of six months ex- perience on unit record equip- ment. Computer conversion is being plonned. Apply in writing to: # BOX 506 OSHAWA TIMES SALES REPRESENTATIVE Required Immediately | For metal roofing and siding | To call on dealers, etc., with | feature line of agricultural | aluminum and galvanize steel, roofing and siding and allied lines. Salary, commission, ex- | penses, cor supplied, excel- lent opportunity to advance with a new well equipped en- | ergetic young company. Please reply confidentally In writing with oll pertinent in- formation to i Mr. D. J..Bethune, | { GENERAL SALES MANAGER Eastland Metals Ltd. 79 Vulcan Rd., Rexdale . "Wanted innehadletely SALES PRODUCT | CO-ORDINATOR | Maen to handle inside sales FLOOR CLEANERS, awa area. Midnight shift. Write Box 932 Oshawa cc BUTCHER, young man re some ex- perience. Telephone 368-4073, PRESSMAN, Heideberg or mu'tilith, top wages plus premium for a craftsman ex- perienced on both machines. Ariay Print- ers Ltd. 222 Bond St., West. EXPERIENCED f driver. Must be over 25 years. '|SHOVEL operator wanted for gravel pit. man for early morning delivery, OWNER oper between 45-55 for windows and complete set of office duties, In business office. Applicant should state references, age and salary expected. Write Box 933 Oshawa Times. | ORGANIST required for Christ Memoria! |Church, Oshawa, to commence (= Telephone the Rector, 725-5795 ~ Superintendent ~ WANTED Construction superintend- ent experienced in all municipal road. work, as- phaltic concrete, pave- ment, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, sewers, etc. Contact: G. E.<stkman, Operations Manager RAYNER _ Construction Ltd., 1507 SIMCOE NORTH * Oshawa 728-2472 experienced. Osh- fangem dump __ truck 728-0628. Telephone Markham 294-2189. WAITERS for beverage room. Full and part-time. Must have good references. Exerienced men Apply Hotel" Lancaster, character preferred. 27 King Street newspaper requires @ Sales haa VaomeLTiN and dealer dent with a good car or station wagon. Reply with complete resume including present working hours to Box 331 Oshawa b imes operated dump t trucks, wanted for sand and gravel. Top rate, steady work. 942-0420. JANITOR. for general cleaning. Apply in person Hotei Genosha. YOUNG MAN for paling division, mini- mum Grade 10 education necessary, mechanical aptitudes an asset. Apply in person to General Printers Ltd, 57 Simcoe. Street South, to Mr. D. A Houlden, * ASSEMBLERS for kitchen cabinet manu- facturers. "Steady work. Apply H-G De signs Ltd., telephone 942-3790 SERVICE STATION attendaant, of taking charge of shift. Refer: quired. Write Box 21 RELIABLE energetic man wanted, age floors. Constant work. Good wages. 668-5647 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper fo maintain books and. do general capable 'ences re 19---Male or Female Help Wanted LOCKE'S FLORIST require « Part-Time FLORAL DESIGNERS Apply in person. LOCKE'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time. Minimum age 25 MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-477) Septem- functions for expanding U.S. branch plant in Ajax. Order processing customer quota- BE tions, product line selection, | advertising and promotion | plans. Will report directly to | the general manager. indus- | trial sales experience and/or | advertising experience --, Send complete resume and | post salary history in confid- | ence to | | | | | | P.O. BOX 178 Ajax Ont. | LICENSED MECHANICS | Excellent working conditions H. E. KERR | og, INDUSTRIES | Phone D. Shields 725-6561 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Age 25-35. Married man pre- ferred. Must be experienced and capable of taking charge Excellent wages $85. and up depending on: qualifications Write in strictest confidence to Box 228 | _OSHAWA TIMES } MECHANIC LICENSED CLAS TAY: | | sels construction equip- | RON '| ROBINSON LTD. 728-6621 EXPERIENCED WELDER | For jobbing shop | Top wages and fringe bene- fits. Apply. | INDUSTRIAL TOOLS | bo Teie:| si |OON'T DO IT YOURSELF! Le teal ste STEWOGRAPHER, pari time.|the experts listed under the BLOOR ST.: WEST "asainen po hg at Hyman and Hyman. | Services Directory" do i for you, 4 |20--Real Estate tor Sale ie Newcastle 987-4245 ° OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE HAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD @ CUSTOM BUILT e@ -ALWOOD HOMES LOCATED IN WESTVIEW HEIGHTS NEWCASTLE For' Information Phone ARRANGEMENT of Mortgages end Sale of Agree- ments, appraisal and manage- ment of properties BUY and SELL with confidence call BILL JOHNSTON Schofield-Aker Ltd. 360 King St. W. 128- 28-1066 BUILDING LOTS 100 ft, x 150 ft. $100 DOWN Balance up to 36 Months FULL PRICE $1,100, McGILL REAL. ESTATE BROKER _128- 4285 _ TRADES ACCEPTED on five new homes by Hogen- -boom Construction starting at $17,845 on Wilson Road Nort . D. HYMAN REAL €STATE LIMITED 728-6286 = Metcalt REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 APARTMENT LAND For 21 Bachelor suites, very nice location on King St. E., Close to schools and churches. Location can't be beat, call us today. COMMERCIAL Simcoe Street south-frontage on Simcoe Street and a front- age on Celina Street, Choice location. WHITBY Apartment land for 14 suites in @ very good location. Pric- ed very reasonable. ELECTRIC HEATED Homes--only 3 left on Wint- er Works, ready for your possession. Don't orn call today. $1,569.00 These homes are selling fast and only a few left at this low down payment for fast possession. Located King St. East on Keewatin, COTTAGE FULLY FURNISHED On Trent River, good beach, smal! boat included, priced at $6,500.00. Good fishing and duck hunting area va 2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW On Eastlawn St. good sized lot, paved drive, garage, love- fy garden, lot 50' x 150', MUST BE SOLD! ¥ LARGE 10-ROOM HOME | | Near . hospital suitable for roomers or can be made into @ good duplex ONE BUILDING LOT 50 x 150 for $4,700.00 OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Barriage Joe Maga Ken Hann MEMBER 0.D.R.E.8 NORRIS REALTOR (Ajax Plaza) 942-3364 4-BEDROOM 2-STOREY Only 2 years old, immediate possession. 2 bathrooms, car- port, L-shaped: living room and dining room with stone fireplace, family sized kitchen with built-in stove and oven. Landscaped, decoreted. Storms and screens; sliding patio doors, located in a fine central location, Be sure and see this home, A STEAL! Five room brick home, 3 bed- rooms, all good size, kitchen 12 x 12, living room and din- ing room 14 x 22. Full divid- ed basement, forced air gas heat, storm windows and screens. N.H.A mortgage corries for $92.00 P.I.T. Asking $12,500. MALUE PLUS ! On this beautiful 6 room brick bungalow. Family size kitchen 12 x 17, living room. 19 x 14, bedrooms 12 x 14, 10 x 10, 10 x 11, master bedroom has 2 piece washroom. His and Her closets, 4 piece tiled bath. Full high basement, forced air heat, Home in tip- top condition, inside and out. Only $2,000 down and take GUIDE REALTY LIMITED "ff A home that is dominating GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | | - RETIRING? GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED over first mortgage. 4 ACRES AND 8 ROOM: | HOUSE On busy corner, 360 feet frontage and 460 feet front- | age. Would suit landscape gardener, Full price $20,000 terms to be arranged. OWNER SAYS SELL And she is serious: 5 dryer hairdressing business located in the Ajax Plaza. Reasonable rental, Turnover about $9,- 000 per year. You need more spirit than money to buy this business. !f you have an inter- est in this type of work give us @ little of your time 2-BEDROOM GUIDE REALITY}: LIMITED - 16 Simcoe St. S. 1 @ MASSON AT ROSSLAND. 6 room, 2 storey, with garage.| Large tiving room with natural fireplace. Full sized dining room. Master bedroom 12 x 14, with double closets. 4 piece tiled bath, ahd 2 piece down. Large RECREATION room, A choice location, Call for full partic- ulars. with finer features you always wanted in a desirable area. LARGE LIVING ROOM, dining room and kitchen and washroom on main floor. Three GENER- OUS SiZED BEDROOMS up and a ful! bathroom. The. delicate shade of the painted walls wil! please you. Ample closet space, a,RECREATION ROOM that is bright and gay. The mellow soil of the good'size yard'make this © flower garden of unsurpassed beauty for the lady with 4 green thumb. Reasonably priced at $17,500, For further particulars, reach for your telephone. lil @ LOOKING FOR A THREE BEDROOM home on a quiet sub urban street, approximate price $12,000. with reasonable dowr payment? Give us a call and tet us te!! vou the advontages of this property 1V © 425 Bloor Street East -- Older 7 room Insul-brick home on a LARGER LOT with DOUBLE GARAGE. New furnace, inum doors and wooden storms, T.V. antenna. Price $11,600 a low down poyment. alum Ve $16,200. for this BRICK} RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW in! the NORTR WEST section with a lovely front walk. This home has living room, dining room, kitchen with breakfast nook, and 3 good sized bedrooms. This home is noted for its. many closets and nice row of poplar trees in back. yard. Close to; both public, separate and high schools. Phone for more inform-/| ation. _| GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | Vi @ ARE YOU THINKING OF} This stone and} stucco 9 year old RANCH! STYLE BUNGALOW outside the city limits is just right for you, This home has been kept in excellent condition, broadioom in living room and hall, lots of kitchen cupboards, ample closet space, paved drive and attached garage. The taxes are only $170.14 with @ low asikng Price} of $13,500. Vil @ TWO STOREY BRICK HOME on Olive Avenue close to schools ond churches. Try your offer of $1,500. down and bal ance in one monthly . payment This home is in a nice clear condition throughout with good sized rooms and has a new oil furnace. More particulars by} calling Vill @ A reasonably priced five bedroom house isn't easy to find these days. This one also has a good sized kitchen, dining room and living room. A_ playroom could be added in the basement. It is structurally sound, but would be much improved by. re decorating. The low asking price of $10,900. allows for these improvements, GUIDE 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED IX-@ A home that is nicely dec- orated and landscaped may be yours for @ price of only $13,- 900, This home has 5 rooms consisting of hollywood kitchen, living room and 3 better than average sized bedrooms. purchase price storms arid X_ © $15,900. BUNGALOW. the purchase price is a built-in stove and oven, hollywood kit- chen and attached Bo gt with nicely landscaped GUIDE REALTY TIMITED Xl @ TWO SIX ROOM BRICK HOMES side by side, each hav- ing a large kitchen, li dining room, and. three large' Full bathroom and downstairs at an; amazing low price of $9,900. each and only one open mort- gage. A good vera: for the bedrooms: extra stool most careful buye GUIDE REALTY. 'LIMITED XI} @ CLEAN AS A WHISTLE -- 3 bedroom home on Chest- with good Modern up to date kitchen with dining and living room, All rooms painted in soft pastel colors. Colored bathroom erton Street bedrooms. fixtures, ceramic Good sized yard. Priced to sel' at $16,300. GUIBE REALTY LIMITED @ OLDER BRICK HOME ON DREW STREET. $12,500. purchases this well kept prop- erty. This home consists of good sized bedrooms, living room and dining room storms and heavy duty wiring ond laundry tubs. Phone for appoint ° REALTY LIMITED XIV @ GM. TRANSFER: .You can have possession of this well 3 bedroom home with paved drive and custom built RECREATION ROOM, early ir july. Asking eat Ai va cash to a 6% N.H.A. moi GUIDE REALTY LIMITED INVESTOR'S SPECIAL: Corner of Ontario Street and Richmond Street East. bungalow with 'new forced air gas furnace. Immediate possess- ion, make an offer. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XVI @ SUBURBAN LIVING at its best. with a setting of mature cedars, complete with patio and pool, Cozy living room with nat- ural stone fireplace and broad- loom and modern kitchen design- ed to take the, large size fridge and 30 inch stove. Curbed crush- ed stone drive, large double gar- age and excellent landscaping. Priced ot $35,000 | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Coll 723-1121 for full porticulars. Open Daily from 9 a.m, to9 p.m. After Hours Call Xiil Atl aluminum screens, ment to kept, XV e@ Eleanor De Jong Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Ross Bell Jean Peacoak Jack Graham Doug Trivett Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Ethel Love George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young screens, tracks, T.V. tower. Call: for more particulars. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED is the asking price for this 3 year kitchen] 6 room KEITH. PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST ONE' LEFT. At this price of $18,990. ultra modern split level home with 4 piece tiled bath with vanity. 6 rooms and 'attached gorage. Must be seen. $2500 DOWN. BOWMANVILLE N.H.A. Re- sale--Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungal with com- pletely finish recreation room, nicely landscoped fot. Asking $15,700. 115 ACRE FARM 8 room house, large barn with stanch- fons, milk house, implement shed, all in good condition, nice 'spring creek, about V4 mile rood frontage. 40 ACRES with about 1400 ft. of frontage on the Osh- oawa-Port Perry highway, Ask- ing $16,500.00 or will con- sider selling 10 acres. $1000 "DOWN--$7500 full price--7 rooms with 5 acres of garden land. One lots--$1200.00. CALL JOHN KUIPERS 723- 6590 or 728-7328 Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. __Real Estate" Board Member Jones AND Dougan REALTORS 668-8861 OSHAWA - STEVENSON ROAD NORTH 3 bedroom, brick split level. Excellent condition. IMME- DIATE POSSESSION. A home in @ very good area and pric- ed right for quick sale. Own- ner anxious to go. TRANS- , FERRED TO VANCOUVER. LOOK IT OVER, AND GIVE US AN OFFER OSHAWA--N.W. GLEN AREA acre 3 bedroom, brick in excellent area. Priced right at $16,- 200.00. Owners moving to country. If you are interested in a home in Oshawo's better area, take a look at this one. CALL AND GET THE PAR- TICULARS. OSHAWA N. WEST $5,000.00 down and move in- to exclusive home area. Vend- or will take. back the mort- gage. This is an expensive home in a réal good areo Want something better than average? CALL US ON THIS ONE WANTED--2 BEDROOM Are you living in a small 2 bedroom home you have out- grown. We need 2 of these in Whitby. Older people retiring want a small bungalow with small neat lot. Offer would be cash. 'INQUIRE NOW FOR PARTICULARS JONES and DOUGAN REALTORS WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING OPEN HOUSE | THIS WEEKEND From | p.m. 'to 5 p.m. Quality Built Homes by W. E. Roth JANE STREET DIRECTIONS Glencairn to -- Rossland Rd West to Glencairn, North on Jane and left to Modet Home sign 668-8841 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED PHONE 708-5157 DUNKIRK STREET Over 1300 sq. ft. of gracious living in this "custom Built'. Garage, recreation room, extra. shower in basement, separate diningroom. Owner Frame home overlooking 401 Highway. Modern kitchen with loads of cupboards. Full basement, panelled and tiled, New. furnace. Private drive, garage, Full price $9,500. EXCEPTIONAL Only $12,900 brick bunga- low, spacious living' room, very large kitchen, 3 good sized bedrooms, 4 piece bath, finished recreation room. Alu- minum. storms and screens. Paved drive, Lot beautifully landscaped. Home immacu- late throughout OPEN DAILY 9 a.m.to9 p.m. Please Call . "Von Vondette 942-4717 Norm Wood 839-2525 sen Fein a a DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? SO DO WE | | | | | "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. _728-5157 Live AY UP: Buy # home of your own! rom the selection offered dally in| the Read Ketate For for Sale column, a ' OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND From | p.m. to 5 p.m. Built in the middle of a Galaxy of Brilliant Homes. @ 3 and 4 bedrooms @ Built by Romanin Glenmar. @ Variety of styles @ On Glenmar DIRECTIONS: --~ From Rossland Rd West right at Gibbons to ARRANGING MORTGAGES IS PART OF OUR COM- | PREHENSIVE REAL ESTATE SERVICE AT GUIDE | REALTY LIMITED. WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND PHOTO M.L.S. MEMBERS OF THE O.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALITY LIMITED - REALTORS . moving to California and can't take his "pride and joy' with him. Open to offers. To see call 728-5157. | WANTED IT Hause on Gibbdns Street. All | | cash buyer. Call 728-5157 $1,250.00 DOWN New homes. 3 left. 3. bed- room bricks, built under rigid N.H.A, specifications. To see, call 728-5157. - "EXCLUSIVE AGENTS" "HILLSDALE TERRACE" Open everyday till dusk Drive up for inspection of these well built models Call 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South After 9 p.m. call Elaine Lee 668-3068 GIVE YOUR PROBLEM a lift Classitiea Ads fo sell, rent, hire, buy! writer, 20--Real Estate for Sale . 20--Real Estate for Sols | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. . 723-2265 (OVER A QUARTER - CENTURY OF SERVICE) A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY For someone looking for an older type, well kept home. Near excellent shop- ping conveniences, close to Public and Catholic Schools, within a block of 15 minute bus __ service. Has @ large lot 35 x 125', taxes are $160.00 and carries for $75.00 per month P, & 1. Make an offer. ' FULL PRICE $12,400.00 galow. Hot water heating, py landscaped lot, sever- At fruit trees, close to ' schools and bus, with low down payment. PRACTICAL 5 ROOM BUNGALOW A cozy 11 year old brick veneer bungalow that has a very workable kitchen, attractive 4 pc. bath, east- ern exposure living room. The 542% N.H.A. mort- gage is easily maintained ot $82.00 P.I.T. A home you would be proud to call your own, INCOME PROPERTY Large rooming home in bet- ter residential area close to schools, shopping and bus. Rent free living plus an in- come could be derived: from this excellent property, substantia! down payment required. Give us a call to inspect. JUST LISTED Older 2 storey home on tree lined residential street. In A+! condition. and gleaming inside and out. There are 6 large nicely decorated rooms. Another small room with window off the master bedroom could be oa nursery or dressing room. New modern bath- room, Sun deck off one bedroom. Fireplace in living room, back' porch for sum- mer living. Paved drive and gorage. See this one to-night. KEEWATIN STREET Ranch style bungalow situ- ated on large lot with all the landscaping profession- ally done, Solid brick home with attached garage. Kit- chen with built in stove and oven end three bedrooms. Close to both public and high schools, NORTH-WEST AREA A good looking, spotlessly clean brick bungalow with 5 spacious rooms. Extra large modern kitchen, stone fireplace in living room and professionally finished rec. room with many ex- tras. Close to McLaughlin ond R.C. schools. Imme- diate possession. 4 BEDROOM HOME -- NORTH-EAST With a lovely view from the balcony off the dining room, spacious kitchen, 2 coloured bathrooms, 2 fire- places, a den for Dad and attached garage. Nicely landscaped ravine lot. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call for an appointment. A BLENDING OF THE OLD WITH THE NEW Has @ capturing appeal with its weathered brown brick, old oak floors and heritage marble manted sliding twindow doors to a secluded patio -- this 6 --. room bungelow with at- tached garage has many built ins, completely land- scaped, leaves nothing to be desired. Listed at $24,- 900. LLS TaN Gs TOO MUCH HOUSE FOR YOU NOW ? Perhaps you'd be happier in a smaller home or apart- ment. We have families who NEED a larger home / ». and you might bé sur-_ prised at what they'll pay for yours! See us about selling. . . buying... . renting .. . or exchanging. For full particulars call 123-2265 Open Daily 9 a.m. to9 p.m. George Koorneef 723-2859 Irene Brown 725-3867 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Steve Macko 728-5868 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Marg. Hall 723-1358 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 D) with} or sell. Phone 723-3492 for @ courteous | / THERE'S A BETTER /- FUTURE FOR YOU IN, braemor® gardens For this 5 room brick bun- -- ~), Cali Arthur 725-885) OLIVE. HOWE REAL ESTATE 515 BROCK ST. SOUTH: WHITBY ~ 668-5853 "1690 SO. FEET OF LIVING SPACE" Oshawa home, large living and dining room, den with a kitchen fit for @ queen, 3 bright eiry bedrooms, 3 bath- rooms, 2 gar garage, 2 cozy fireplaces, exceptionally beau- tiful rec. room with bar. Home on a lot 50 x 1 pes | enough for beauty, sma enough oe $30) Bg og of extras, asking $ Cali and osk for Pauline Hobbs for further information 668-5853. QUIET RESIDENTIAL ST, WITH LITTLE TRAFFIC 6 room ranch bungalow, well landscaped 62 x 184' lot, storms and screens, gos clothes dryer, partial rec. room, $2,000.00 down. Pos- session June 30th. For, further oi] information call Audrey Moore 668-5853. GENTLEMAN'S FARM Beautiful country home, just two miles from Brooklin on 42 acres of scenic property, ex- cellent barn 87 x 37'. This is an old stone home that has been renovoted, two large fireplaces, two. complete boths, sun room, separete dining room and den, asking $65,000.00. For further in- formation call and ask for Pauline Hobbs 668-5853. WHY LOSE MONEY ON RENT ? Here is a quality built home, bedrooms, large kitchen, panelled rec. room, paved drive, fenced rear yard. Call Audrey Moore 668-5853. RESIDENCE PHONE Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 Audrey Moore 668-4088 OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY TILL DUSK "HILLSDALE TERRACE": ; Rossland Rd. E. to Central Park 8 models open for your in- spection. s . "Free built-in stoves' 6%4% N.H.A. financing. Roads and other services pre- paid. "EXCLUSIVE AGENTS" field office 723-5622 or 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR Eglinton Ave . - Terento INCOME PROPERTY Excellent Apartment Building, well rented, in good repair; also Laundramat Business. Located very near to Oshawa. This whole piece of Real Estate selling for only $39,-" 500 with terms. 206 acre Farm with excellent dwelling, good barns. Front- age on 7A Highway, east of Nestieton. $31,500 with terms. 2 Bedroom home--less than three years old--large lot on paved highway, requires some additional work to finish. $4,750 full price with terms. Located in Nestleton. CALL W. CRAWFORD 986-4869 Evenings 263-2298 @ = $2,165 FULL DOWN 3 and 4 bedroom 1300 sq. ft. -- bungalows 'with double garages, ravine and park lots, storms and screens,' Twin sinks -- completely sodded | and landscaped, some with electric heat. Call ' BEN STRINGER 942-4261 After Hours -- Scarboro AT 2-8144 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. ern $1000 DOWN, six. oS gain three-bedroom brick bungalow rec room, ciose to schools, to inspect call Jim neta Op at 728-5123 or 128-0483 Bolahood Bros, LESS DOWN, trade-in on car $5,300 full price, but open Call for offer, Six-room heated. and siecricaly equip: j¢ on private beautifu' ped" Bowmanville Beach. Monthly Rima very little, on this all-year round place. Weinverger Real state, STEVENSON RD, N. Pee Estate for Sale 4ND ANNAPOLIS Page 18) .