Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jun 1965, p. 25

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oo 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 20---Real Estate for Sale 20---Reol Bstote tor Sole 20--Rea! Estate for Sale FP ena oA omewnte ns ' ly a CE AS IE WEN HOC I 20--Ree! Estate for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES; ~~ Thy, Sie 1 1988 Me , Dish- Gi tn recat, Fox: hehe Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 ,,, HALL FOR RENT. FOR ALL OCCASSIONS Kitchen focilities maximum ' quests, F SEE nator call: it "723-9433 AVON IS CALLING In your neighborhood through TV. Be an Avon 'Representative and ttirn spare time into money. Call 725-9696 W05 Beatrice, 725-1644 14---Business Opportunities none. Sees ee an 333 Simcoe 'Apply efter & pm. 16 8 Olive turnover, ghee, Aooiy INTERVIEWERS _ and SUPERVISORS Part time, for market research surveys. Write giving educa- tion, interviewing or super- vising experience to Edsoll Research Ltd., 2045 Bishop St., Montreal 25. Write Bon 616 Oshawo Times.0 CLERK TYPIST required immediately, in bookkeeping. Whitby area, Reply stating age, iporince and preferably experienced working salary. Box 423, Oshawa Times. ness, and ex! gear lew large mod me i. ern fine of Gall Keith Peters Realty Limited, Map-7aas, |WOMAN to look sfief two year 15--Employment Wanted ERED Ft gi ieonlien Posi LADY will look efter 1 or 2 children by day in her home, Fenced yard. Taunton ® wet near Simepe. office, F rt-time. x i vicinity, Waite Px 414 Oshawa me cere for three childrens two school-ag while mother works Live-in or out. Tele- phone 728-1905 and) HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG boy in return for room ang board and small remuneration. Telephone 725-2742 after F mn. JABLE middi in care for mother woman, to live ree children while works Telephone 723-5066 after ° Ta WOMAN to Baby-sit and do light house- work, § days weekly. After 6 p.m. tele phone 723-5567, 6 perienced desires house- . baled or ag: enc hl Tele- MAN would like light work, Reonee: treleption evenings Ing etc. Has chauffer's 728-1164 Sean 5 pm. SECOND YEAR Queen's jent, in & try ia. ne Dial 725-6293, FTENOGRAPHIC SERVICE -- oxper- jenced maie typist to teke on typing at + Sranecriaty. stencils, letters, in i male, will bce Phys or high bey students Latin, French, German, His- yen type, have office exper- 's licence. Any summer job experienced bas ore: Nectrie typewriter. Please write vine Oshawa Times, Whitby, Ontario, WILL CARE for children in my own frome in Phillip Murray area, 728-7978 any time. ss iain Aa MIDDLE AGED ren: would like| -- ss housework. Have 6617, part-time references. Phone 726- 17--Female Help Wanted YOUNG WOMEN, experienced to the public, to train as Toa lone waitresses. Applicant mu: appearance and over 21. King Street East. Reply stating particulars and enclose a recent photo- graph to Box 520, Oshawa Times, 86 GOOD HOME fo reliable Seeead f as house- eriess home. Four chil- l-age. Live in, new home with all modern conveniences. No heavy cleaning, Telephone 723-5476 after 6 p.m. keeper for mi dren, three se! PART-TIME cashier required. Apply Mrs, Wilson, Genosha Hotel. CILERK-TYPIST required with experience im. filing, telephenes and correspondence. Apply in person to General Printers Lim- ited. Office Supply Division, 64 Cetina Street, Oshawa. EXPERIENCED cler Elerk-typist, | wanted for Apply H-G Designs, Station Reed, Pickering, Ontario, kitchen cabinet manufacturer. 942-3790. LEGAL secretary required. terview. Sales Clerks EXPERIENCED Full or part time. Very little evening work unless desired. Apply in person. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 KING ST, WEST SINGLE girl for general food Shorthand necessary. Apply Alfred M. Wootton and Wootton. 304 Dundas Street West, Whit- by. Telephone 668-5838 to arrange for in- slore work, with some cash register experience. Tele- 728-0851. MATURE lady (45 to 55) to housekeep charge of seven-year-old girl, abstainer, and take live-in, good home, Myst be Telephone 725-1238. LEGAL STENOGRAPHER, Telephone 723-1137. MOTHER'S HELPER to start now, in To Spend summer months at Jack- epliect, ronto, son's Point cottage. Telephone Toronto, RU 1-3037 part time. Must be experienced. Hymen and Hyman, 18--Male Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED PART-TIME\, 4 Evenings « Week Piase write stoting quolifi- -_ end salary expected BOX 429 OSHAWA TIMES STENOGRAPHER FOR LAW OFFICE Previous experience preferred in Real Estate, Mortgages end Estates. ' Salery bosed on experience. PARKHILL & YANCH Barristers, etc. P.O. Box 154, Oshawa Ph, 728-9495 EXPERIENCED TELLER REQUIRED Apply in writing te Manager DEPOSIT SERVICES, Central Ontario Trust and Savings CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. North ' Oshawa GENERAL OFFICE WORK Must be qualified to handle all office routine. including accounts receivable. Apply in own writing stoeting age, ex- perience, salary expected, and telephone number to Box 226 OSHAWA TIMES WAITRESSES WANTED FULL TIME Apply Voyaguer Restaurant Waverley Rd., Bowmanville WANTED For SUMMER CAMP, July. mother with Preferred. Phone Avovst, registered nurse, ; + ag@ children GOOD PLAIN COOK and helper wantes for children's tiga camp, July- es ust. Live dren acceptable. Phone 728279), ° PART-TIME help ore in variety store, For further in- an not neces: formation phone "#9 $59-5765 or 284-5293. SALES REPRESENTATIVE Required Immediately For metal roofing and siding To call on dealers, etc., with feature line of agricultural aluminum and galvanize steel, reofing and siding and allied lines, Salary, commission, ex- penses, car supplied, excel- lent opportunity to advance with @ new well equipped en- ergetic young company, Please reply confidentally In writing with all pertinent in- formetion to Mr. D. J. Bethune, GENERAL SALES MANAGER Eastland Metals Ltd. - Superintendent: WANTED Construction superintend- ent experienced in all municipal road work, as- phaltic concrete, pave- ment, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, sewers, etc. * Contact: G, E. Jackman; Operations Manager RAYNER Construction Ltd., 1507 SIMCOE NORTH Oshawa 728-2472 INCOME -- MAIL TODAY THE W. T. RAWLEIGH ys ete, Dept. F-310-HY, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal, P.Q. Gentlemen: 1 om interested in the world-famous Rewleigh Line on a ( ) parti-time basis *( ) Full-time basis () Please send me FREE Cook Book ond catalog with full details, Nome Address SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Age 25-35. Married man pre- ferred. Must be experienced and capable of taking charge. Excellent wages $85. and up depending on quolifications, Write in strictest. confidence to Box 228 _> OSHAWA TIMES MECHANIC LICENSED CLASS "A" For light construction equip-. RON ROBINSON LTD. 728-6621 BODY MAN Apply GANNON'S AUTO BODY ACTIVE 728-5157 "HILLSDALE TERRACE" "EXCLUSIVE AGENTS' 3 Models "Open" Everyday till Dusk Free built-in stove From $17,200. N.H.A, Einancing Call 723-5622 Subdivision Office _ GLENFOREST STREET Beautiful split. - level. nome with 2 bathrooms, family room, built-in stove and 'nat- ural ch cupboards, Jarge garage, 'landscaped lot. A real choice home. To see call 728-5157¢ HARMONY VILLAGE * Homes by Midgley 'EXCLUSIVE AGENTS' Real long Ranchers priced right : "Open every day till disk' Call 728-5157 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED WANTED House, around $10,000. in Cedardale, 3 bedrooms, Call 728-5157. S. CLEANING SERVICE MEN $2900 -- $3500 \¢! 728-0628. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS | SiHoveL operator wanted for gravel pit. Telephone 89. OSHAWA, Onterio For full porticulars as to re- sidence and qualification re- quirements, see Posters on display\at the Post-Office and office the National Em- ploymenl Service, where ap- plication Norms are obtain- able and should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Cleir Avenue East, TORONTO 7, Ontario, NOT LATER THAN JUNE 28, 1965. Quote Competition 65-F-933,-~ : SALES PRODUCT CO-ORDINATOR Man to handle inside soles functions for expanding U.S. branch plont in Ajax. Order processing customer quota- tions, product line selection, advertising and promotion plans. Will report directly to the genera! manager. Indus- trial sales experience and/or advertising experience helpful. Send complete resume and post salary history in fonfid- . ence to P.O. BOX 178 Ajax Ont, LETTER CARRIERS $3630. -- $4380 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OSHAWA, Ontario For full perticulars concern- ing residence, qualification requirements and application forms, see posters on display at the Post Office and Nation. al Employment Service. Apply before JUNE 22, 1965, to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO 7, Onterio. _ Quote Competition 65-T-929 of taking char; quired, Write RELIABLE energetic man wanted, age between 45-55 for windows and 'floors, Constant work. Good wages, 668-5447. EXPERIENCED WELDER For jobbing shop. Top wages and fringe bene- fits. Apply. INDUSTRIAL TOOLS BLOOR ST. WEST | EXPERIENCE rT) tangem dump ti truck \driver, Must be over 25 years, Markham 294-21) WAITERS for beverage room. Full and Must have good character Exerienced men preferred. pe Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street part-time. references. neTROPOLITAN OWNER opareied dun Gump trucks, wanted for sand yak Gravel. Top rate, steady work. 942.049 JANITOR ¢ 'ara general cleaning. Apply in person Hotel" Genoshe: newspaper requires man for early morning delivery, sales Promotion, carrier and dealer eoliec- tions, This is an excellent opportunity for an energetic Oshawa resi- dent with @ good car or station wagon. Reply with Complete resume including present working hours to Box 331 Oshawa imes. Spare time YOUNG MAN for mailing division, mini- mum Grade 10 education necessary, mechanical aptitudes an asset. Apply in person to General Printers Ltg., Simcoe Street South, Hoviden ASSEMEL ERS for klichen cabinet manu- facturers. Steady work. Apply H-G De signs Ltd., telephone 942-3790. 7 fo Mr. BD. A, SERVICE STATION allendaant, capable J dy of shift. References re 19--Mele or Female Help Wanted LOCKE'S FLORIST require 'art-Tim FLORAL DESIGNERS Apply in person. LOCKE'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ' b TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time, Minimum age 25 MERCURY TAXI * 14 Albert Street 725-4771 *" SHORT BRUCE DUPLEX $13,900. Only 12 years old, has been well mgintained, oi! heating, privete drive, located en a very quiet street, terms. Call 728-5157. 60 GATINEAU ELECTRIC HEATING Owner in Bancroft, says get me on offer on my 1300 sq, . ft. brick and stene bunge- low, with built-in Frigidaire stove and 2 bathrooms. 'For a reol hot deal'; see this one. | WANT TO SELL, reo AWAY. Call 728- ACTIVE REALTY: LIMITED ___ 48 Simcoe Street South HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 128-6286 FOUR BEDROOMS This new two storey home with attached garage feetur- ing a large hollywood kitchen, two washrooms, ravine lot and broadioom = throughout =the main floor end top floor, ask- ing price is only $20,595, with one mortgage at 64%4%, owner willing to accept 4 trade, contact Bob Stevenson, $14,100, Will be the full price for this new five room dwelling after the Winter Works has been epplied, down payment only $2,600. with one morigage, call Doug. Gower, NEW HOMES * Located in © choicé residential Grea with prices starting as low as $16,740. all N.H.A. financed with 614% mort- gages, hurry on these by call- ing Glen MacKinnon, DINING ROOM Separate dining room in 4his new six room bungalow locat- ed on a deep ravine lot, in addition to the normal extras the home features a walkout bosement, broadloom in living room, halls and three bed- rooms, double sink and sod- ding, -owner will accept a trade, for more particulors call Jack Sheriff. FIFTEEN ACRES Of vacant land with o trout stream located twenty min- utes from Oshewa, 6 requlor country 'retreat, half! bush, helf elear, phone Les. Hell, @ CUSTOM BUILT @ ALWOOD HOMES LOCATED IN WESTVIEW HEIGHTS | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED COUADE- REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. Lee 12] 1 @ $1000 down. Mor 7% and payments of $: 8.00 per month, Full price $5500.) Lot size 40 x 210. feet, Texes $77.00. Sewer end water into} _ small building now on the pro- perty. . li @ 14 year old BRICK BUN- GALOW on a quiet residential street in NORTH EAST port of city, This home is nicely de- gorated in most appealing col- ours, The finished RECREATION ROOM makes this home inviting fo all. The Jarge back yord is enclosed by shrubs and fence. Priced at $14,600, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED ill e LOTS -- LOTS -- Lind available for immediate de- velopment of 23 building lots. Sewer and water and streets in. Contact us now, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 1V @ INVESTMENT OPPOR- TUNITY: 6 yeor old FIVE APARTMENT BRICK BUILD. ING in a good rental area all equipped with stoves and fridges. Very reasonably priced and showing good return on your investment, Good financ- ing and terms available. V @ YOU MAY LIVE FREE in this DUPLEX for the cost of heat, toxes, and upkeep. Rent the upstoirs and iet it pay your mortgage payment. Price $18,- 300, includes TWO APART- MENTS each having kitchen, living room ond two bedrooms. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED VI @ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SPLIT LEVEL BRICK HOME o few years old that has all the yord work done, then this home must be seen. $114.00 princi- pal, interest ond taxes carries this home of three average siz- ed bedrooms, living room and dining room. This kitchen is gleaming ond just like new, The RECREATION ROOM is stirring with its walnut basement to ¢ picturesque view. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Vil @ IDEAL INVES§MENT CUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St, S. 728-1121 XII1 @ N:H.A. RESALE 514% interest.. An extra nice BUN- GALOW. Large living room with gleaming hardw floors. 3 bedroom with double closets. 4 piece tiled bathroom' and large modern kitchen. Oil heating. RECREATION ROOM peartially finished, Choice location and priced at $16,900. | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XIV e@ APPROXIMATELY -9 miles from wa on the Port Perry Road. Well kept home with double cer garage. Large bedrooms and ample closets. Good well and separate drains for septic and wash water, An exceptionally good buy. To in- spect call today, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XV @ LARGE BRICK BUNGA. LOW with goed RECREATION ROOM. Walkout basement. Lovely patio. Well treed lot. Hollywood kitchen, built in ap- pliances, See this one soon, as it will not last, Call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Coll. 7231121 culers. Open daily from 9a.m. to 9 p.m, After hours cell for full parti- 728-2949 728-5581 723-7623 725-4330 725-9947 Eleanor DeJong Steve Englert Ress Bell Jean Peacock Jack Graham Doug Trivett Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Ethel Love Ernest Mueller George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454 728-2754 668-2402 728-0208 728-424) 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 Arranging mortgages is part of our comprehensive Reol Estate "GUIDE REALTY Service at LIMITED. We fist Exclusive and Photo MLS, 2 Member of 0.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS PROPERTY --~ 7 suite apart- ment building, built of good solid brick construction, close to downtown in goed rental oreo, Priced ot $40,000. and showing an excellent return on your investment. Cash er terms available, Call for particulars. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Vil @ 6 yeor old BRICK SPLIT LEVEL HOME priced et only $13,300. Situated on a well landscaped lot of 50 x 127 feet. Bright finished RECREA- TION ROOM, three better then average sized bedrooms, modern kitchen and dining room. Broad- loom in living reom.-6% mort- gage available with payments) of $96.50 including the taxes. Separate ond public schools nearby, Call now. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 1X @ LOOKING FOR PRIVACY? Let us show you this graceful 4 bedroom country residence. Built back from the road on o large treed lot, Lovely 2 storey structune with attached gorage and breezeway. Only 34 miles from Ajox and close to « new publi¢e school. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED X @ 10 acre lot priced at $5,- 500, Choice land location only o short distance from Oshewe. This is the place to build that dream home, land is high and dry. Put your plans inte motion and call now. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED X!@ In the very a aay SOUTHMEAD district, a ROOM . BRICK BUKIGALOW with a:good roomy garage and paved drive, also a deep lot, hedged and fenced. An excel- lent opportunity to obtain «4 good home for only $13,200, - GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XIl @ SUBURBAN CHARM: Owners gracious RANCH BUN- GALOW eonsisting of living room with open fireplace and beautiful panoramic view, Din- ing room leading te sunroom, which opens to patio, and lerge lot. 18 foot kitchen well ap- pointed, RECREATION ROOM, Finished laundry room, and at- tached garage. Well worth your inspection and priced at only STOP | CONSIDER --before you list your property for sale Metcalf REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 728-4678 EAST END SPECIAL Delightful 5 room (2 bed- room) brick veneer bungalew with paved drive and garage. Large well landscaped lot. A real retirement home in a very quiet. district, Call tedey for your personal inspection. EXECUTIVE SPLENDOR Exceptional value in this long, low, ranch bungalow with' breezeway and attached gar- age, six spacious rooms, all modern all beautifully main- tained. Broadloom in living room and dining room, base- ment is completely finished end includes extra washroom. terge-75° x 132-1ot beauti= fully landscaped to include large patio at rear, Make your appointment now to see this exceptionally attractive home. COMMANDS ATTENTION Asking only $3,000.00 down, for this lovely older 2 storey brick family home of 6 Jarge rooms which has been kept like a bandbox and is situated on ¢ 248 ft. lot which is a flower gardener's dream. Many, many extras are in- cluded, See this home now be- fore you buy. BEST IN OSHAWA'S LOW PRICED FIELD Only $14,995.00 brand new, clay 'rick bungelow, your choice of colours of all me- terials. King East at Grand- view, ONLY $1569.00 down. Call mew! ONLY THREE LEFT Under the winter warks bonus, so act fast these homes are S-bedrooms with garage and carports and electric heat. NEW SPLIT LEVEL Only $21,000.00 for this spa- cious home in lovely Downs- view Park. Attached gorage, family room or fourth bed- "JACK RICARD REALTOR 99 KING ST. E BOWMANVI 623-2503 Ample water. "$18,000 + $3,- 000. down. TYRONE. 155 scenic 'acres. House with modern conyen- iences. Good .barn, Pond, $25,000. ONLY $3,500, DOWN., BURKETON. Large genero! store with living Quarters on one acre. vd for business or oportme Asking $15,500. - $5, 000. down. ORONO. 8 acre porcels west of the village $3,800, each. NEWTONVILLE. 3 bedroom home on acre lot. Large gar- den. School at corner of lot. $7,500, terms, BOWMANYVILLE. Apt. bldg. in excellent location close to shopping. Annual income $4,- 560. Asking $35,000. -- Terms. LAKE SCUGOG. Executive quality summer cottage with sand beach near Caesarea. 4 bedrooms. Modern convenien- ces. Furnished. Asking $7,- 500. former CAESAREA. Summer cottoge on a nice lot in the village. Furnished. ONLY $2,900. Len Bissel, Whitby, 668-8140 Wilfe Hawke, Orono 1 R 12 20--Real Estete for Sale 20--Reol Estate for Sele 723-7390 Estelle Leask, 623-5919 New Listing CMHC Foreclosure 3645 Down to One ~NHA Mortgage Three bedroom bungalow in Pickering, just 4 years old in need of slight repair but unheard of Value. Original owner fost $1,500. Only $12,900. full and carries for $80. monthly. Will Be Sold by Sat. !! First Come. . First Served | | PMA REALTY LIMITED 942-2611 Beacon Homes Limited 1098 Simcoe St. North OSHAWA $1,250. DOWN | FOR PARENTS WITH CHILDREN IN MIND New three. bedroom brick bungalows, near separate and public schools, over sized lots, large kitchens completely dec- orated, front lawn sodded, storms and screens, prepaid services. ONLY 3 LEFT CALL NOW |! 723-6451 i to-day... OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE nS SCHOFIELD-AKER 723.2065 (OVER 'A QUARTE CENTURY SERVICE) JUST LISTED A-1 condition and gleami inside and out, there are large, _ nicely rooms. Another small room with windows off the master bedroom could be © nursery or dressing room, New modern bathroom. Sun deck off one bedroom, fire- place in living room. Bock porch for ~ living. paved drive garage. See this one gn i < THIS FOR $13, 900. PAUL. ISTOW LTD. EALTOR | Financial Trade Bldg, ° . 187 King St. E - 728-9474 BRAEMOR GARDENS. A _ trensfer mokes this 3 level home ove! Mes i ar. -- stove and heoutifl iI teeplece Int reation room add to irobility of this attractive home. Priced et $17,900, with terms, APPLE HILL ; Neotly kept, three bedroom. lot, hes paved drive, stone new +4 finished rec. room on nicely landscaped lot, pay- ed drive. This home hes many extras which must be seén to be appreciated, THE LONG SLEEK LINES of this 5 yeer old ranch bungalow would appeal to any woman. Built-in stove end oven, garburetor in sink, Tennessee Marble floor to ceiling fireplace, 1 full beth, 2 half baths all with vanity; living room, hall and master bedroom all broadloomed; basement walls completely plastered, same as upstairs, attached gorage. Coll for appoint- ment to see this beauty to- doy, HOSPITAL AREA neor St. Gregory's School ond church, Large bright rooms throughout, this 8 room, 22 storey home hos © netural fireplace in the living room. It is nestled among lovely trees and offers much in the way of 'comfortable living. Z BEAU VALLEY Lerge 7 room brick home with @lum, siding at top. Irreplaceable value is yours when you buy this 4 bed- room, 2 bathroom home, built by one of Oshawa's 'ading builders, H. Kens- inger Construction. Immed- jote posession. We will accept trades. Give us @ call to-night. 'BUILT IN AREA OF LOVELY HOMES Attractive back split feet- uring 2 full beths, 4 bed- rooms and attoched garage. Built-in Tappon stove end oven will delight any we- men, built in the midst of « geloxy of brilliant homes this 14 sq. ft. of grae- ious living is offered to you ot a reasonable purchase price. Call for an appoint- ment to inspect. INCOME HOMES--No. | Would you like an income home bringing in enough money to carry the pays ments on the mortgage plus living expenses. We have just thot. Full price $15,800. Monthly income $285. mortgage payments $100. per month, figure it out for yourself, "then call us to see this house. No. Il Seven room home with in come of $85. per month from upper three rooms, : _ possibility for -- large room on 3rd SOLD OUT AGAIN! We have buyers waiting for homes with 2, 3 or 4 ea: rooms ... for places with acreage... for duplex and triplex properties, etc. What have you to sell? Cell we'll stort work on it right now ! For full particulars call 123-2265 Open Daily 9 a.m. to9 p.m. Irene Brown 723-3867 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 'Margaret Lee 723-2894 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Aiton Thonpuon 7383890 ian 5 Marg. Hall 723-1358 George Koornneef 723-2859 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill MeFeeters 725-1726 360 King St, West. Free, easy, safe parking. @ $216 @ FULL DOWN of recreational fun. First time offered ond @ pleasure te show, FOUR BEDROOMS Two complete four piece bath- rooms and a. walkout asi are features thot appes!' the perents of growing children. All the rooms ore spacious in this custom built home with attached garage. Available August 1! SOMERVILLE ST. Electrically heated split level under Construction and pre- Gressing fost. Investigate now ond hove the opportunity to choose your preference in floor and cermaic colors etc. It won't cost any more ! AREA CONSCIOUS ? Then you'll want to invest--- jente this larger then average si n @ unique setting. the three bedrooms wilt accommodate twin beds, o 15 x 20 living with' marble faced naturel fire- place, formal size di room and spacious kitchen complete ves cherming centre hell 128-9474 After Hours Call Vern Morton 655-3482 Tom Huzer 728-5422 Earl Salter 723-3082 to Me low, wide way onsthe | OLIVE Howe REAL ESTATE 515 BROCK ST, SOUTH WHITB 668-5853 SACRIFICE This extra large ranch bunge- has been greatly reduced, owner moving and hes te hed Six large rooms, -- throughout, centrally located on a lot 64' x 173', so thet it could be a reo! money moker. For appointment egil our office 668-5853. "SURPRISINGLY SPACIOUS" 7 room rancher with many elegent features, built in stove end even, in the large deluxe French Provincial kitchen, deme mk Gon lovely iving room wi je b fireplace, 2~bathrooms, | landscaped. Listed price $19,- 500. For eppointment call Audrey Moore 668-5853, McCULLOUGH' DRIVE Cozy 3 bedroom bungalow, loads of closets, rec. room, nicely landscaped lot. Asking $14,900, financed to suit eed Call and ask for Pauline bs for further information 668-5853. "EXQUISITE" 3 bedroom split-level in good - rea, den, panelled rec. room with bar, 2 bathrooms, built- in range and oven, L 'shaped living room and dining room, fireplace, double paved drive. Large entry hall, splendidly landscaped... Ca mn Audrey Moore 668-5853, "$11,500.00" 3 bedroom "bungelow, large well landscaped lot 66 x 124'. Close to schools and shopping heats. for $80. yearly. Call now for further information 668-5853 and = for Paul- \ ine Hobbs. RESIDENCE PHONE Audrey Moore 668-4088 Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 COUNTRY. HOME ON SCUGOG ISLAND NEWCASTLE For Information Phone |e Newcastle 987-4245 @ ARRANGEMENT of Mortgages and Sale of Agree- t-ments, oppraisal end manage- ment of properties. BUY and $ELL with confidence call BILL JOHNSTON Schofield-Aker Ltd. Balance. up to 36 Months 360 King St. W. FULL PRICE $1,100, | 728-1066 McGILL | PRIVATE" SUE" =~ Seven-room "brick REAL ESTATE BROKER Si Torn ana Wat Pian publ 'and 728-4285 su and high school. Telephene| CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD TRADES ACCEPTED on five new homes by Hogen- boom Construction jnerting at $17,845 on Wilson Rood North, ~ S$, D, HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED room plus extra bath. See this delightful and large plan split level before it's too late. Call eur office NOW! OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Borrioge Jew Mage MEMBER ©.D.R.E.B, PRIVATE A oy Sane ey ree ome .w acl ara inished rec- reation room and den, Separate dining 728-6286 rien vw a 'tote. Sniarie a a INCOME Heme 9 rooms 2% storey an e twinkling lights of Oshewe." Fuliy| Breck St. close te General Motors' and| fenced in lol, close te sehosts, 'see. anny possession. Pricg|: 35 Priced 'quick sale eall Boalona now. Ca Jim Brady, 728-5123 or i708 or eleee offer, Phone 728-2987, . | Stradeski, '728-1275, eds. Bros, Ltd, 3 and 4 bedroom 1300 be 4 ft, --- bungalows with double garages, ravine and park lots, x storms and screens, Twin sinks ---- completely sodded and landscaped, some with electric heat. Call BEN STRINGER 942-4261 After Hours -- Scerbore AT 2-8144 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. RR Rees $1,000 DOWN, six-year-old, three + bed- room brick semi-bungalow with rec. reom, |MARRIED MAN wants farm @ 'employment must have operon? house. One anile LICENSED -- ities Miami mrew ne MECHANICS _[teiwisr rec wr ewur gnc Excellent working conditions H. E. KERR INDUSTRIES ORGANIST "required for Chris Memoria! Phone D. Shields 725-6561 'commen: co _Télephone the Rector, Tass FLOOR Cl experi . weekends | awa area. Midnight shift, Write [Oshewe, WOMAW io work in Dairy Queen siore Must be neat and clean and able to meet public, Day shift 1003 ~ Dundes Street East, Whitoy. RIEN cook required Coach "Mouse Restauran Telephone = Whitby 68-2751 oF 668-4592. Fare approximately 20 hours weekly -- collet active monthly accounts. i aan needed. Car essential. 'or reeiew write, giving phone num- te P.O. Box & Postal Station N. Torente 14, Ontarie. EXPERIENCED "HAIRDRESSER With Wanted Immediately 1% storey modern frame house 'with aluminum siding, 300 yd. from Lake Scugog, Beoutiful view of Lake. Hard. wood floors and broadioom. All modern conveniences. Double garage. Priced for quick sale at only $14,900 with $3,000 down. CALL 'George S. Stone' Port Per: Bids 2632 H. Keith | Liat REALTOR, |20----Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 24) : LOOK and see all our advertising DRIVE ~--around and let all our SOLD --signs help you decide to LIST -- with Guide Realty Limited 20--Real | Estate for Sale BUILDING LOTS 100 ft, x 150 ft. $100°. DOWN Ken Hann rect sell wanted. erm ll a interesti Ne Investmest, ne door te door, fiextble hours, use of car essential, For bd locally write to Lee Briand, 252 Princess Avenue, Willowdale. Bia tane INTRO tw bi Berge and In guchonge experience Qsh- 2 e

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