Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jun 1965, p. 3

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PARLIAMENT |(ttawa Must Forge Policy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 8, 1966 3 |, ATAGLANCE To Win Support: Robarts Fitst Senator Quits Job At 75 MONDAY, June 7, 1965 By KEN 3MITH (needed to win sales Under New Law He Advocated The Commons continued the \Canadian Press Business Editor, Harold J. Clawson, vice-pres a : rules debate after announce: | TORONTO (CP)--The great-(ident of personnel for Steel Co OTTAWA (CP) Senator J{he had long advocated retire- ment of a new program for lest challenge facing the federal|of Canada criticized the way|M. Stambaugh (L Alberta)|ment of senators at age 75 ndustrial growth in desig- | " args soled pul * | covernment today -is the devel-\collective bargaining now is\handed in his resignation from , or Pe: an. jopment of a truly national pol-\used in negotiating labor con-|ine senate Monday. the first | el j 4 Prime Minister Pearson an- | that will capture the alle-|tracts v ravi ness icy "ed the ola era i P » . . 9 nounced the plan for grants of lgiance of the people, Premier, He also said that almost no enator to retire under new leg up to $5,000,000 for gree \john Robarts said Monday\one Jabor, management orlislation adopted by Parliament ffects Many-- moving into slow gro js rated Rar ence ' 7 oht government--is happy with thelfor retirement at age 73 SFe8s ig? told the annual meeting of bargaining omdasas but : ages ' ESPECIALLY CHILDREN In the rules debate. Terry | ' 8 ee i os 1 He sent a formal letter to Many find that nauses, upset stomach N P "id ae the Canadian Manufacturers'\added that no acceptable alter j make a trip in a car, bus, boat, of plane # Getincons 4 " MONON | scsociation that unless Ottawa\native has been: offered governor - General Vanier not-'dreaded misery. A' simple home remedy Strathcona) sa ODM | ics un with "Agnemie Hela... ' nae | ing passage of the Jegislation | Hective in such attacks~-Dr, Fowler's tives have to fight the pror |e oF national Mevalouuae , WOULD BE ALTERNATIVE é Extract of Wild Strawberry. posed debate-limiting rule ie . jes of na og ey tert the present procedures and seeking the annuity pro- Formulated from gentie-acting reote : 7 corporate fe aspirations : ss . an ref ¥ Deane Gundiock (PC--Leth- lor Ps cova of Gs' vation jwere scrapped, government in-|vided in it--$7,000 a year. Sen-|siieyy te reheve "boats nae e Neor ' 4 c A bridge) said it would prevent | deat, itervention would be the only ators now draw $12,000 a year Vany home uses, including Diarrhes or MPs from representing their ptedlggge BE y Pout ye pes serious alternative indemnity and $3,000 a year for fummer Compieint" brought on by constituents ve onied But hoth unions and man- eupenses Hie aoe Teas Or SOW Ea eee Gene Rheaume (PC--North He warned the federal gov-|asement have a big stake in the ; : Wid Strawberry with you rect west Territories) said the lerament not to become £0: con continuation of the free collec Senators Stambaugh, 76 said é government has, many intel. leerned with side issues that if tive bargaining process s ~: aermnneninnen ene ectual fascists' who insist "Increasing government inter lectual F ' fails 10 come {0 grips with the Increasing govern they know what is best main issue facing it, and added oppor e 0% oe CITY OF OSHAWA of either them and they a care whe with oe should not willingly or know LIBE L A Ti \Auto-Pact Back 'i's | : RAL ASSOCIATION ingly sit by z ose their {ree any other way, in the great ad ingly sit by and Jo h venture doms 'snd prerogatives by de A General Meeting " eat 'i : « fault . " 4 To Wa S M a S ne seca Ag oe He called for unions, manage to include a panel discussion with y " ean oe t * ment and government to show DR. C. H. VIPOND will be held anada lic 1} an aggressive anad more statesmanship than they : } WASHINGTON (CP) The pot y vd nope development,| vive in the past to gain the In the FLEETWOOD ROOM a Canada+ United States agree r, Robarts saic : AR ay id : eg : ' , »», maximum benefits for all from G | ; ment on auto production came If we can create the PEOPET! elective bargaining TONIGHT ENOSHA HOTEL hack before the ways andimental climate in this country TUESDAY, JUNE 8th, 1965 RCAF ASSOCIATION MAPS STRATEGY FOR NEXT 12 MONTHS mcans Commitee of The, Heunefor the Fatma development 7 -niottbagnyd ge of Representatives Monday andjour human and material @ EVERYONE WELCOM ° The sports committee of coming year. They are, left vice-president; Jack Thomp ton, membership: chairman anothe private cession was) source from coast to coast, the executive of Wing 420 of to right, Ron Wright, chair on, entertainment chair Oshawa Times Photo cheduled for todas and if we can establish common treme nam the RCAF Association i man of the sports commit man, Jack Ratz, mess of The committee is preparing goals, then we will find a sey shown making plans for the tee; Bert Whyles second ficer; and Charles Haough its report to the full House and|of national unity in our people " at enliiaiiiniaiiin deciding whether to accept the and a dedication to the ideal of Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION # on Savings Accounts, Paid and compounded quart- erly, Red Rebutt BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE W ar Ce ases President Johnson a ohather t "calling Yo the. iting of the The committee in late April|party polities and selfish inter- ts, the premier--often men- Met Martin Layoff Provokes To Be Holy ii.' nina tig abolish North American tariffsjeral leadership within the industry on most mo-|sive Conservative party Peace Plan Head-Hammering Fffort: NDP isin We must make the same said OTTAWA (CP)--Canada com 3 type of bold, sweeping, imagi \% municated with the North Viet Striking one of hi work 'lighted and he didn't realise the CONT ' r native political decisions as did! | mate with vill ce steel pe . » fought we af JNDON Ont (¢ ) ally t Nam foreign minister a week lainey ob t 1 loyd 'Gorden ne fi we Me Hoag A yivig Loa! 16 Douglas, national leader of the u erwor er the fathers of Confederation ag bout PAK confere Le ' meer WAS & » ordere Ld ' : ' oe sty JP le ; Shik ind costs Monday at Oshawa! pay $6 for the shirt and tie he|New. Democratic Party said s We must build on the firm i muE met with & renud," VxteI Volice Court ipped off PC Michael Michal-/Monday -- night the Christian ote 0 tri foundation which we have in- 1 j Pippe ) v ae 1 al be % ipa ret x nal Affairs Minister Martin in Gordon, 25, of 230 Bruce st., owsky church no longer should ble herited from our father We on Chroring _ Anneum formed the Commons Monday siesdad tat qullty 16a abara, was hecdiine War (oday-le-@ abi. KITCHENER (CP) Mem-|must develop a new sense of from the day the account The North Vietnamese in "af a : sulting - Bahdan ataiy pets cial suicide bers of Local 80, United Rub-|personal dedication and parti is opened, Paid Quarter- sisted on a number of condi ly on minimum monthly kers ave vote leing the future of our of Victoria Day at a Keewatin st An unemployed Grenfell st Even a holy war on commu ber Worker have oted to} ipation wn balance, No charge for tions, including withdrawal , strike at the De ri e en 9 United States forces from Viet) Building site. Musy, 43, of RR 2,,youth, David MacPherson, 17\nism should not be condoned,|; : " +a - pt yyy a : yg Minister Sharp told thel¢ Real | $1 cheques written, : i Pickering: told the court that hej was fined $50 and costs or seven|he said, The Christian chureh|"% ve pian I rade 4 a Guide Realty is pleased to announ Nam, before peace talks begin . Pharell ' nr n a secret ballot Sunday, 732\deleg that the success ofl, t aC mn to th : headed four carpenters whodays in jail on a charge of|should have more to offe: In a secret ballot Sunday, 742} delegate ha e the recent. oddition hdd he said in reply to Opposition { 750 union members voted tolexporting manufacturers wWilllsales staff of Mr. Jack Graham subcontracted on house building mi § WAS } 4 ae ' orf | g | Leader Diefenbaker 'obs n u , aa tn Aa bey pick wine We not baa br btm strike if necessary to back up|set the limits of future over-all] Mr Graham, hes @ long and hon-| owever, Mr. Martin rejectec p J z TrAITIC. ACCI+) « f ¥ ' P « Cane 0 les recor n the city of} a He said that he decided with\dent May 22 on Rossland rd lideetait vail aan't Will an idea contract demand growth in Canada red %0 ' d i y the suggestion of Harold Winch i (NDP--Vancouver East) that his partners that there was not}He told police he was return. with a gun enough work for four men andiing home from a dance at Cac Victory when invested in our Guaranteed Investment Cartificates for 6 to 10 years. Authorized Trustee investments, Redeemable on decth, The union is asking wage in Competition in manufactured|Oshawa, and until recently was o icreases and fringe henefits|goods in overseas markets is|soles representative with Ontario told Gordon May 2% that he was'are won't come through comparable to those at other|going to intensify in the future,/Motor Sale Jack has been the . vail ' Hs r of ' " : * Area hombing Viet Nam every aftet:ltine campanie where recentthe told the industrialists Provincial Manager for the Con irec 184 lee the wy 4 ; pant " - \ . of 4 commission in Indochina as sake shanniiie "at the build A 275 Mal noon, he said. Communism will contracts: inc lided an increase World demand for food and|odiar Or ler gt ters for the ¢ ling # 1 ull 275 alage P , Lille, : ' at 2 unre ' ai i hi Mr, Martin said the Canadian ing site x ward Dol : AER At ' man, 3 be killed when Christians are) o¢ 94 cents an hour for hourly-|basic materials was not grow Fi ' - ict Poa pa ie oa s J ware WE wa r Pf » » { "rye af nme rem W Moule fs representative on the commis R la aS ¢ runk and prepared to out-serve, out-saeri rated employees ing as rapidly as that for pro-| fire om Hf 'ca ei ce Ky aion went to Hanoi May 31 and The plaintiff said that he was ns Vicence was under suspen:|fice and out-love it duced goods and in the face of |" you w v w WwW lor' . F r. he ge G s ¥ tools sion, when he drove a_- sick ' ified and eager to assist you with sought the North Viet Nam for-/handing Gordon his worktools ' ' nfl Mr, Douglas told about 900 this shift Canada's share Of\our real estate needs , . , » rie " ners . . eign minister's reaction to the from the back of a truc k whe hace g Dra eye en ier dalenaies 10 &. BADIA convat Chief Resi ns ee a ott een cad ause in United States bomb- he was struck on the back of! Hospita e was picked UP bYlion of Ontario and Quebec that though it maintafned a strong ngs of North Viet Nam the head, "Lloyd Gordon hit me|police and appeared in court I t th I 'charged with both offences the United States, in its unde * . position in markets for food and three times with a hammer enarged ¥y 0 Tene ' lolared war with Viet Nam, Is H P D t rimary products he said, 'and I don't know why) The 40-year-old Dolak was 1S u 1e$ p " P Canada withdraw from the in ternational truce ipervisors *Yeorly Rate SAVING HOURS: Head Office: ; hs A 'drifting closer to war with} Mr, Sharp said specialization ITD Mon.-Thurs, 9 to 6 19 Simcoe St. N. wt, Ne did i sentenced to seven days In jalliGning which could involye Rus GALT (CP)--Chiet ' by industries' competing for . Friday 9tod Oshawa { on the drunk driving charge and ALT (CP)--Chief Constable Tel. 723-5221 ' ppene Crown Aiorey sein ris ence was suspended for ara Robert J, Carson said Monday jworld markets is becoming (REALTORS) Saturdoy 9 to 5 FOUNTAINHEAD e, 3-5 Still 'The 40] Reswerey roon Aye agli tgt sig sa nntith ICAN'T BE CASE he has forwarded his resigna-|Mmore Lpertent so they - at 'a Hivens es 8 723-1121 OF SERVICE reated for head wounds a ie ' . ' P " 's lain the volume yroduction lag » \ » t f at f P lo Att a } wm, .,OShawa General Hospital lagistrate Jermyn levied &] wor centuries the church has oy G ada f i yee a Ww tod ( bs BROCKVILLE = (CP) The" Gordon said that he was very|$200 fine and costs, or 15 days|)jesced war, he said, but that|" Th nga al red aot Macdonald Cartier Freeway upset about losing his job and|! jail, to run consecutively, on no longer can be the case with A . a eee ee waeaaae 5 a J u q ne . , be effective June " can be legally defined as No argued with Musy when he met drive under suspenisn count the present generation probably) mp, : attorney-general re quested last week that police| ton. chiefs cease functioning as JPs Karlier, Mr, Douglas told Ale said there are about. six dinner meeting of the Baptistichiefs serving as JPs, but that 401 Highway and any charge/nim on Keewatin st, "I don't tottering on the brink of destruc under that name against an of remember hitting him with the A Brampton man, Lorne Mur fender is legal, Judge W. MOS%| hammer he said He could|Tay: Was given a seven day jail man Drubrule said Monday in}have fatien and struck hisiterm on a drunk in charge county court san o6 count Judge Dubrule upheld an ap head group that recent civil rightS!they could not be criticized for peal by the attornes seneral's You are quick with the tem A 125 Mil st. man, Robert|demonstrations might be a sigMlacting in a double capacity department and fined Kenneth PC! and slow with the John Young, 18, was fined $50j0f a new development in reli When the resignation be Appleton of Toronto $10 and Mought,"" said Magistrate Harry|and costs: or seven days injgion comes effective, | will be work costs for driving at 77 miles per Jermyn as he levied the fine, jail, for having liquor ina place! He said the demonstrations injing five rather than seven days hour. 17 over the speed limit with the option of 30 days in the piper than his residence. The Ottawa preceding the Montgom-|a week. and | am looking for Appleton said at his .original county jail offence, to which he pleadediery marches earlier this year|ward to that time," sald Chief trial in Presvott, 12 miles north guilty, occurred June 4 had a religious tone Carson r shoplifting, or east of here, that since the high A $100 fine fo 0 ng, 0 1h days in the county jail, was way's name had been changed ETRE ' ] th . t d way's name had been changed! vied on Mrs. Denise Terpstra b TY ) Now's the time to add a the name No. 401 was no formerly of Hampton and- now ," : i . longer applicable LENNOX il Crown attorney Robert Rart : : : J ft kA RAL, cooling col entered the appeal after Mag guilty in absentia. to the charge of Ste Therese, Que at Osh awa Police Court, She pleaded | She admitted ealing a $i} istrate H, Rruce Hunter. agreed kA fio) to your furnac with Appleton and dismissed the °*! and B PANE, BS SACKS VE dl : y e adne nt $4.98 from the Fairweather ain se Co. Lid, at the Oshawa Shop:| ping Centre Addict's Death . More economical than "room" wwits Pat the furnace blower, filter, ducts and cc ga Mk | COMPLICTY comfort! Taunst coslag es Campbell euffled with police} easy to buy, thrifty to operate, Call for vifivers May 29 when a fight] /ree eatinnate Manslaughter warn eed |b dance hall. 'The result. of the| | TORONTO (CP)--John James fracas was ai S800 fine us| | op ee, Wright 7", charged with the costs, or 30 davs in jail. lev ae ae, non-capital murder of a 24 ied Monday bs Magistrate! SS S& year-old prostitutedrug addict, Harry Jermyn at the Oshawa SS SS was convicted of manslaughter Police Court Monday night following a six: ( bal wh ' S 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA ongay nmign olowing a § ampbell, who appeared in day trial here court sporting a black eve. said 725-3581 An Ontario Supreme Court that the dance hall was dimly jury deliberated 544 hours be fore returnin i erdict. Sen tence will be passed June 18 Wright wa harged after the . Bs hody of Eileen Patton, also : ' known as Cecile Lavergne. wa , \ found on a root below Wright BUY YOUR HOME IN LAWN FON} kitchen window New Year : s Day Pathologist Hans Senn had testified that the woman died from aspiration of her stomach contents. Evidence also showed button pute the right amount rd and y Lawn Boy to manoeuver with its mag biggest and quietest of ell, manual strangulation was a f starting fuel in the car engine aprings to lite nes housing, balanced And it's beneath the mower no oding t tas arts 7 tim r ht dis' at ne f 'or n oF oune i; possible factor in her death buret t ling oe t sta eve e weig! distrit on and ad for even greater sound proof 5 ; with less effort stable handle ing FIGHTS TOOTH DECAY HANKHAM, England (CP) Dentist Ivor Whitling says h 19" DELUXE 21" DELUXE hg cere carey When you come home to Beau Valley after a busy doy, if LAWN BOY LAWN BOY eee there's a feeling of freedom . Beau Valley has so much ee GREATEST MOY ON eS oe pots Rasy 40 far adopted his in room to move around It's. a complete change and you 93°5° 985° amenen make friends quickly ... There's a real community spirit, HEAT WITH OIL Ee WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY NEW LAWN BOY rere: DIXON'S FREE WE WILL INCLUDE AT NO EXTRA COST -- FREE OIL Built by Sold by iailiae gia 313 ALBERT ST. H. KASSINGER SCHOFIELD-AKER 24-HOUR SERVICE : a Sone SUMMER * Lawn/Patio 723-4663 ee wee King Wrem " FaNaere CHAIR herney Ss Tabi SERVING OSHAWA OVER a e 50 YEARS { @0 KING ST, EAST (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA § ' A light t h on the primer An eo i on the starte: elawn B and easy The Lawn Boy Muffler is ALUMINUM Folding LAWN GHAIRS And Metal TABLES 19" Metal

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