The Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 86 King St, E., Oshawa, Ontario T. L. Wilson, Publisher FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1965 --~ PAGE 4 Profitable Fututre Ahead of Oshawa's Bus System of the buses and in its revenue pice The report presented to the Osh- awa Public Utilities Commission by R, B, Smith, superintendent of the city's bus system, gives rise to the hope that the days of annual defi- cits on bus operation may in not-too-distant future come to an end, The record of performance for the first four months of 1965, show- ing a profit of $7403 for that per- jod, is an encouraging one, pares with a profit of $2850 for the ture is more than gratifying. also interesting to note that Osh- awa stands seventh in the whole of Canada for the percentage increase in the number of Much of the improvement in the pus service statistics is due to the continued efforts of the Public Util- ities Commission and its bus super- intendent to give the people of Osh- READERS 5AYS_BIG DAYS AHEAD County Architect Highly Optimistic For District WRITE... FAVORS LOTTERIES The Editor, The Oshawa Times, Dear Sir -- Ih reply to the story in the Times May 24 (Osh- awa bingos to be probed), I wonder if it would be possible for the Ministerial Association to explain why, the churches in Oshawa run bingos with clock like precision year around, when, according to Rey, L, W, Herbert, raising funds in this manner results in weakening the moral fibre A great Oph awa's population are from Kuro- pean countries where lotteries, sweepstakes and other forms of gambling are common occur rence, very legal, and in many cases, government sponsored, Surely the reverend gentleman is not implying that our new Canadian citizens are people of weakened fibre percentage of Bingos, draws or any: fund raisin done by sens ice ¢ ub or veterans organization esult in thousand of retarded or crippled children receiving spe clal care needed, not to mention "By ROLLY SMITH Predicting a bright future for the entire district, well-known Ontario County architect, W, W, Rankin, Pickering Village, suggests there are very big days ahead for development of this -area, Modern architecture plans with a purpose for good living and should play a major role in this development, he stated, Married with five children, W, W. Rankin is a dedicated artist, a man with vision, To him, architecture is not merely a method of arranging lines on paper in some symmetrical order, On the contrary, he says, it is far more than this, Archi- tecture today, if designed in an able and imaginative manner, is a 'visual panorama of ideas which have equal proportions of beauty, usefulness and comfort, SOLUTION. TO PROBLEMS Modern architecture must be a solution to innumerable prob- lems, the main idea is that it must be acceptable beauty-wise, provide comfortable facilities sg ye ag | -- SS a ARGS SQ INTERPRETING THE NEWS De Gaulle May Reject New Proposals Of U.S. By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Stall Writer The United States proposal to broaden strategic nuclear plan- ning within the North Atlantic Alliance, particularly through the use of more "hot lines'? may blunt the complaint of smaller countries that the U.S. doesn't consult with its partners often enough on issues that could involve the alliance in war. Washington now has hot lines with Ottawa and London and under the U.S, offer, to be ex- plored in detail by the NATO council, such leader-to-leader telephone lines might be ex- tended to Paris, Bonn and pos- sibly Rome, This could largely rule out any American excuse that in an emergency situation, the U.S. sometimes has to act without fully consulting its al- lies, as in Cuba in 1962 But, by themselves, the hot lines would add nothing to NATO authority over the -em- ployment of the U.S. strategic nuclear force which is 95 per cent of the free world's nuclear power, WANTS SOME SAY change that U.S. position. In- deed, as NATO continues {ts ex- amination, it may find the U.S. offer to form a club to 'deal with nuclear strategy may have more to do with long-range planning than with day-to-day nuclear operations, Thus a number of seasoned observers have already con- cluded that de Gaulle eventually will reject the U.S. offer or make demands for further con- cessions that Washington may find necessary to resist, The view in high British quar- ters is that de Gaulle is simply seeking to gain all the advant- ages of the alliance without meeting 'any of its obligations, Such a policy is bound to lead to demands for revision of the existing pact when it comes up for reconsideration in 1969, But the fact that the U.S. had to make its offer--received with enthusiasm in Bonn where the Germans are. seeking at least with nuclear some association strategy. -- is an acknowledge- ment that the U.S, diplomatic position in Europe needs bol- stering, In 1958, the U.S. easily rejected the de Gaulle demand; ; "a / ¢ Sd same period of 1964, the countle number of chile for modern living and at the What French President de now there is a move at least to In every facet of the operation of the resources at its disposal, dren kept off the streets. and same lime pre ent rational use- Gaulle has demanded in the meet him half-way sic out of the courts, by way of fulness answering a need past and what he undoubtedly The U.S, is well aware of the the bus service there has been im- sponsored sport Evidence that his thinking Is still wante is a freoch finger on grumbling in Burope over UE. buses, it can be expected that there { would suggest that the Mine not merely ideas without basis the U.S. nuclear trigger. In. activity in the Caribbean and F , " Aasociation § " r foundation lie in the work he 1958, de Gaulle suggested there the Far East, Even Britain 'resse 22 isterial Adsociation start ere 0 958, 8 EN ; Pi brought about an increase of 78,874 i they can do the most ood, has performed and in the man- should be a three-country nue which upholds U.S, operations zome service areas in which namel Ottawa and Toronto. ner in which ideas are first tried clear directorate, including in South Viet Nam, now wor- & as compared with last year, can. be expected as W our elected members of Out on his home surroundings, France, which not only could ries that American bombing : , ; rmment could and should le. The family moved to the Pick plan employment of nuclear north of the 17th parallel could The total mileage travelled by buses the traffic potential grows and the -- pji,, hospital sweepstakes and . ering area from Scarborough six forcethe long-range strategic bring a direct conflict with Rus- increased by 3987 miles, buses become available, charitable mone raising years ago, purchasing an_ old planning--but also have some sia if the bombs happen to hit ed t level of $163,421 scheme farm house, Renovations were authority in saying when nu- Soviet anti - aircraft missile Goared to & sve) OF $100,441, start has been made At the present time the Sic arted on the home with the clear bombs are to be dropped. bases around Hanoi, In view of the fears that have so Children's Hospital in Toronto original theme restored gio' ; 4 The U.S, has always main- The U.S. needs friends and the ? , ' tectural theories are first triec tained it cannot, under its laws, offering of a nuclear strategy Aas F . P ane y "| f » basis anvassing for over 12 mill 4 ' ' é ' ' g often been expressed that the oper-. a permanently profitable basi " beg ot |G ( #. nl on an ine house and Uf enesduslal, Ww. RANKIN viaia 10 navoda' else the conceel cihb may bs Beha at a a ation of the city's bus service would overnment would get the are carried on to the finished over jts nuclear warheads, The sion in that direction than in heads out of the sand and re ' ma in di ss for the firm's however, the classes had to be ates per year but 60 graduates American offer a under. accepling aac fingers on the cCrous 5 wr p fs » J , 'lear this t for the better atronage ossibly accelerated alize that the huge amounts of MUMEroUs custon terminated could be absorbed by the archie NATO examination, does not American nuclear trigger. ig turn for the be r in patronag possibly a ere ' money. that go out of Canada WILL, DEVELOP FAST Although time allows for little tectural profession without any to build hospitals in other coun We left Scarborough to set Spare-time- work, Rankin still. problems whatsoever, 'There re tries, could also do. the same in yy yesidence in this area be finds a moment or two for work just aren't enough architects to QUEEN S PARK e our growing country, it would) cause of the tremendous potens On. boats, models large enough go round,"' Mr, Rankin stated be a great step forward instead tjq tankin said This dis. for passengers no less, Several Architects are not made they u 1¢ . of standing still in the middle trict, if brought into the Region. fine craft have slipped out are born he said, "You can . ages al Planning Area will develop the shop, One such model, now teach a student how to paint, Medicare De ate Justice Minister Guy Favreau of this kind, is not the freedom of C, BOWMAN fast and provide a great future mix color and draw draft plans, i tatl k } ' hich { t tal 03 Cabot reel for all residen bul you cannot teach him to cre- ' ¢ s contemplatin n attac the press alone which is at atake, : i The stude st he ao Canada is contempls esdaty u ' , : Oshawa While jin Searborough, the apie. ag en org Bhd 1 e 0 e on , . ' ' i * nit ': ' ative ability, he has to be born on one of the important facets of Even more important are the rights architect, a member of the , Colamancankin tem aacated with it. This cannot be gained in achool, Creative ability sime of the He is of the people, the freedom of the developments the freedom press, in MAnY \ I and con ' JARN ' ' ' y : Y EA R AC =( ) ely lf : diaabs ply means the desire to-create By DON O'HEARN Roth parties have: claimed credited with saying that he is give public to have their cases tried in S 4 " mon" ah 100 Se hog PERSONALITY and build something both beautis TORONTO--As this is written that the Hall report said the 0 menti e present firm a é the medical care debate {s still national average cost for medi- 20 YEARS AGO Ing consideration to prohibiting the hh] a 2 ful and useful, Without this abil- f an open, public court, That is the established in Pickering Village OF WEEK ; : h press from publishing the names of : June 4, 1945 a 'team effort All members ity the student will have.a diffi- under way in the House--and cal service in 1966 should be me real issue, ---- the right of an open, oe Ay! fait shave ih ihe ninnese cult time making the grade with no indication as to just $24.92 uJ 'r .} * \ ure ton Qf ne 7 Af , Ne BUC , . re v/ it lesig ' o wi as 'ae on a . persons accused of crimes until af- public trial as a safeguard against ' i . of the operation," Mr, Rankin Architectural design and con- how long it will last NDP Leader Donald MaxDens ter they have been tried and con- tho perversion of istice. which he ' ' mn ' under construction. 1s a 17f-foot Struetion can go far in develop Both opposition parties have ald worked out an estimate tha ' i perversion ¢ Ji i ie date won Ontario Riding in the cabin Heulkes ing the entire district, There is said firmly they inlend to battle the Robarts program (that part ala 1 1 forw he ' te be oe } 7 oa j victed, might be brought about by star provincial election, He defeated gid phibel bot yi : al I would like to spend more: "°Mendous potential, and it Is the bill to the very end. If they which is being carried as publie This has already brought strong chamber methods ne WW. OH Gifford." Liheral. j Pee een ee Fhe th deal i 'ima ih tha' we Lohan ate, to be hoped that more students, follow along with this, we could insurance) would run to be | f le t Ki : : ee See) pen Bee 4 shat that i with ability will take up the be here for a good while yet. tween $45 and $50 per capita, Pe \ \ in { ' al q \ t th f ' expressions o condemnation, not Denial of the right of the press to Arthur Willlam COP and W b carried on by the arehi R wert oe bu a j not profession," The bill now is on second Two accusations are made only from the press, but also from blish : fi ' R, Cambers, Indep Labor wal firm, On the drawing Ra esp to tee oe i, ns reading with a Liberal amend- from. this : uublish the names of accused per- board and in the design stage be able-to take time off to 4 fore » , The gove f prominent lawyers, who expressed J ; I He was the first member of his ene | rc valay ment before the House- which The government Is taking \ 1 duli } . . sons unless and until they are con- ab : we : art ICH PFOLAC AS a new ac M ' would send it to.a committee, over the high risk element, and insti y te tat any minister of victed is but the first step towards Ontario Legislature in 3 wns sat 34 hoa "p vit yi. FUTURE FOR ARCHITECTS Fivery one of the 30 pe age avin the low-risks as one ustice could so far infringe on the ' h \ nor ye bhi) SB Preparing for his career' in members can speak on this if for the' insurance companies. ht af h bile I the denial of an open public trial, sage; An Addon to BI John's architecture, Mr, Rankin attend MUSINGS they. wish. to-wand there. has Or it tx planning 8 very 109 rights of the pears na matter of The two are irrevocably bound up in Seventy-four building permits Separate School, Whitby; an ade oa" cnandary school In "Toronto been some indication that they ficient operation Ss aaa ce eee : ' totalling $165,710 were ied in dition to the Meadowcrest Pub ana then, eraduated ae OnE will At the root of the whole ques- ¢ each other, It would place an ace Ma Construction 0 ew lic School, Brooklin; new munte voi itv of Paiants lass of 9] When summer days come Government members also. tion, of course, is the reliability ie shavwa Times cused person who. had_ been Nationa G cers 40,000 ee cibal ting pate Bh rl Manse Commenting on the potential fu : hal al many city folk ioe to i ous it's not of the figures of the federal Hall > ' . ouse was i O51 Si © pern ip bichh , Ee re F P ' . ho have friends, relatives ikely many will want to commission found not guilty and acquitted of ar kitchen alterati » On. tre for students dosirous of be ' oa : ' WILSON, Publisher P ' . "a ' , « { ' ' ab : ais igi FOr Ha On coming architects, Mr. Rankin Or just acquaintances who Then, when the bill goes into A great deal of the over-all R PY pita tcl Borie ra offence in the undesirable position Boy Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides tart les' College, Whitby stated tho future was never Live out on their ferme committee, every one of its 30 argument from the opposition - p, . a ' | i if rn f re Ly "i ut ® lve ¢ ) if if tar a C. J. MeCONECHY Editor that the fact of his acauittal could and Brownies held the annual Designed and ready for the Ruibhigk RHA imhinvine sigan: ' r arm clauses may be challenged, and side is based on them, 14 @-7aCL OF MIS AcqUITLAL could outdoor church service in Mem. next step is a new Public Li . . le a es Think they are doing these pape ve »mber cE ak And if th vernment can The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times ily, Universitic are now turn again every member can spea nd} ne govern testoblished 1871) ond the Qnitey Rasahs ana Tit be published and there would orial Park, Re | H. M brary for Piekering Village and ine aut 40 oy hilectural gradu Country folks a good turn on each challenge effectively discredit them, it t Eten ata det TaN falduse eames' remain against him the stigma of uf em ; of sh waged lich cesses Ry driving out, uninvited And finally the bill will go into can in large measure enote Members of Canadian Daily Newspaper Publish having heen tried ) nt th t silent ee oe And unannounced, to visit third reading, and there will be down the opposition, @ry Atsnciation, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau Aving peen tried in court, withou Them for a Sunday the chance for every member to ef Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Dailies the blie heing le re Ag B85 YEARS AGO FOLLOWS HOBBIES : ms pel un age Assecietion, The Canadian Press is exclusively le public being made aware that Bs \ll is not work around the u is}¢ ace Se) Up again Seeatenee yg ge ee tedind tcl ess he his innocence had been proved, June 4, 1990 Rankin homestead. however Folks who make a habit of er ul ee toes ae FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Recast pee eeeoe, 4, 90 Tg 1. Norval Willo ted at Least trom a business point of 1. Wi Doing that rarely stop the Dill could be fought for days ¢ uy or leo the tor . : yorval \ yon { et ' a by ss p a Published t Ai FE fs galt) Bie va From time immemorial, lovers of president of the Oshawa Motor view, The architect spends what Mary S Win To ponder on whether their and -- W tage the nepon fr o Ff Ls . J » » : ar * Thomien' Buliding, 425 University freedom have fought for the right © Club, succeeding C, EB. Me pare hours he can in his woods Visit is re al y welcome He nt . eh ar 8 aimost Representatives For Averus, Toronto, Ontario; 640 Cathcart Street, of open public court trials. The prac- Tavish working shop, completely equip- (Windsor Star) et peter cs the hospitality ee Sebi Rin t the All Major ntreal, P.O } pe . } ped 1 the latest and most There's an interestir libel " Which they are famous, waht a are i Rah . " | hf «a . ¢ " ( . modern f re warke 'ante 7 vboasrvies..) ' hese country ousin rive ght with great determination SUBSCRIPTION RATES tice of publishing details of court Col, | IM | habs vo kshop 0018, At gcotion in Br tain, do Them Rah 1 Sa like . However as they get into the Canadian Resorts Delivered by ¢e "\ Oshawa, Wh rinw, -t¥ials, whether the accused is found OYC", Mis duties a new one polnt time allowed for ® with a 'woman charged With | Ver oordial welcome, fight enthusiasm. could wane | Pickering, Bawmany ie Bronk wg hd da ms ; se secreiary 0 u a3 n : of neighborhood children complicity in the great train Sones , " h happened »what Contact Four Seasons Tri hiner, Tibela Qoeua. Masinian Brenenmar's "bar guilty or innocent, dates back a ber of Commerce to receive instruction, The stu. robbe of 1084. Bhe wi And prepare to feed them 1S happenec in somewha their popular conducted Ewateesl, Taonten, Wears tusharton, Srnlakilien' lone time. 'The present ie ho jents visited the shop once a : , ' : a she WAS eh With the kind of meals similar situations here in recent [the HIGHLIGHTS OF CANADA Mrane, Lesker reuehem Claramen?. ne, yresen s no time " . ehciigi sig quilted on that ¢ rge, She er ' ss ' - Tagaehenter Ln peal cota Hatha Mt | ' _ The new shelter of the Oshawa week where- they were given ried a hawenn Ta "ey } : ~ For which te. farms of aah For Information Call or See She. eer week. Ao wa ' ai hatere to place any restrictions on the dual and Ontario County Children's tips and instruction on operation } _ rie t Bac re Ontario are renowned The key issue of the debate euttide ceiier di ty eres, $18.00 wer ke : R A , , . erred to her as tubberface and again, a reminder that this Survie att et dati " ai $15.0¢ ne _yeers freedom which press and public iis oo iely » ' offs ally an ned of equipment ts in --- = Mary", a con woman. She was Civ tole who da that is being written in the. early Four Seasons 18.00 r" yea USA nd for 27.00 . : store fonor of the Imaginative wood products s . be be i ila pe enjoyd for so long, land for the building busines increased at the ie Oe ae damages \ Seldom consider all the stages--it seems will, probably i We were intrigued by his Extra work they impose centre on costs Jraw. ion op k name, until we learned how On the farm housewife Both parties have been mak " she had come by it, It is ale On what is supposed to be ing their strongest attack onthe [57 King St. i 728-6201 leged Pa iad seit he a A day of rest for her just cost of the Robarts program s natural ability to disguise her As much as for the folk s GOOD EVENING By Jack Gearin features as well as change her Who live in the cities accent', Now these are rare ac- Reca t i ecause it does involve ND complishments indeed \ lot of extra work when The chaning of an English- A i R On at : carload of people arrive P Needs C -- 'Hour of Truth' Near mi: entit F i t : Quite unexpectedly, and easy, be it Yorkshire, Cockney, Senant to he fed with the Oniari ' 'i ' oe oat or Somerset, George Bernard Anct the tar ite 7 Mario | igh ng Li vere a are the hou is late The } yarty has former Oshawa High School Rutherford of Houdaille, the Shaw made a great deal of ' oe TH » days oiling up their a number o ood" candidates teacher, M Hall; handicapped on other ndependent" failed i} political machine for the next ready to ru are nat in 1963 andid. | th his' bid f th a at money (and his estate still is) It would be an act of t 1 19hd da by i +' bie y} h nd, vice ¥ - nine a Federal election which brings "good enough such @ crus p ire 0 hoo! wark, did not leney) alan He Ait) ei pated "av : Kindness by city folks to up an oft-repeated question cial test (according to one exee- make the prog is expected of M Melnichuk said the union Upp r Cla * ae ; his Ps Be 'ior Refrain from paying visits What about the 'g ulive spokesman) her at the polls and ran a poor sucus breeds "resentment and (My Fair Lady ' : eee a cena kearives and NDP's?. What are-they doing to Whatey became of Donald third f terness towards -- opposition Bit te oh e anes a Friends except on occasions mend their political fences for MacDonald's propeséd plan te MACHINE POLITICS? that tends to follow in the broad hee at will ane ba ay teat For which they have had 'The Hour of Truth', when bolster. the party's funds, ap In the caucus-conscious palit t yolitical sphere such as tior ' ah ay if sy oe \ specific invitation S } : " } ton, eve y the aid of cosmet- tecanse it Michael Starr will seek his fifth point 5 itl-time party organ. cal world of Local 229, UAW. cl yravineial and federal ies, is even more difficull. Rub _ 5 ' : i ae yond cansecutive victory reasing the unions* CLC, Steve Metnichuk is a rar. He maintains. that this bévlkva Mare. perhans "achiavs Site " tel » an A them Official NDP news of late has per-capita contributions? An ity "thwarts the entire Labor ed notoriety but thi dnean't R bead hella be been spotty, punctuated with NDP spokesman said this week He says movement 5. ween fecause it happens to be N Machine ; , detract from her very unusual A fine Sunday afternoon rumor, and about as scarce as that there are now two such or: acnine poitics" should be It is my conviction that politi- abilities J bona fide post cards from people ganizer srovince, at eliminated in the trade union cal action must transcend local g June 4, 1965 like Lucien Rivard or Hal Hamill indser, but that world (at other political levels union polities, if we ever hope Ranks there was no-indication when the to become an effective voice in Let Beneficial put This doesn't mean that the proposal would be adopted here, ca om our. government," he added. 'I TODA Y IN HISTOR Y party executive has been lax in 1 party's last only Fed ve & advan hope some day we shall have no A ii its search for @ Fedear! candi eral victory in this riding was ms he nO Tesecs any political 'slates Whatever in res Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS search for a ship passage to date: but it has had difficulty back in 1948 when Arthur W BOP CANGIGALES Wart mo 8 o political action -- no one June 4, 1965... China in your pocket today in iis efforts to recruit a big- liams (under the CCF banner) thease "whose so aim to fame yup can lay claim to all the Kaiser Wilhelm Hl, ¢ 1831 Leopold 1. was m ag Pies sae el ite He 10 187 . ; i aving a , » jo A brains dedication within our shine unele » MOTs sleci : . name standard-bearer of stature rolled up 10,18? votes to win a « elected King of t pl. Ss 7 - «who could serious hallenge by-election after the death of Caucus ' rhe only caucus I would many's last monarch, died sians 3 he Bel GET CASH TO PAINT UP... FIX UP,.. TUNE UP the Tories' 13year supremacy tl Mr, Molnichuk; undoubt an NDP one opposed to in oxile in Holland 24 years First World Wat - +» DRESS UP. . . any good reason! Just phone, What abel T D. "Tammy W roa : uher political thinking in nen today--in 1941, If re Fifty years azo today--in come in, and pick, up the money you want! It's Thor the Weard of Stuns i . sponsible for the First 1915--the third Allied aitack the fastest way to take care of all your Spring tan trusine whats anus ia hens 1 A iy Bi tr, ehuk has struck a World War through his at Krithia, near Gallipoli, expenses at one time. Call Beneficial now! onymous with the party's fir fs . : a0 chord: but it is doubtfu it weaknesses as much as by failed-to pierce the Turkish ° h Oshawa Rid sake ona 4 ' he will get much support aire tention, the kaiser defences; Zeppelin raids cial? He has remained retigious- Conservative \ third with st s . tory record of "inde- became' the focus of Allied ever eastern. England 8 E N E F " bbl <4 ur y ; i { lidates at-all pq tis hastilit tan th ihe } hv ' any fu " i. ' n ' hastility after the deliberate caused small damage n . t ad; as for t ies committed during Second World Ws po F any, \ . 1 : ; : ¢ rid. War FINANCE ; Sok Sk GE UC sancti cae ; ight he "004 cles al Bucs PB soxg Pigg CO, OF CANADA dates like Clifford Pilkey. whe scxtin Aftiintises te a baer fa a ' pa ed om e enormous lo if day in 1940 Winston has tested his politics ne trade union riding. t He : " A TOR CHOCHON Slates), Ss both sides, af Churchill announced 335,000 au essf 8 ve a on _ -- ° digs a . bate every standing co 1 n throwback to the dark ages, warfare, Afte he men had been rescued from Loans up to $5000 -- Your loan can be life-insured ease a ar lesaet y he px ¥ heirman of the } ' un integral part of the mod: i Baakiraes Gum Se ce 42 month contracts on loans over $1500 . np : comm ' pent sot nive ¥ Itie. the I! wnat crs . a ~ he NDP's - Fe ' 1 . : Se s! oli , ualties e US, Se Aa : 361% KING ST, EAST, OSHAWA kocutive , : : A H ' arce oO Near Regent Theatre * Phone 723-4687 Gay to discuss the candida pert , - z AN 10,000 pl- OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -- PHO tion a Miss A ball. the io a tS ? ' 'ar & i bata "is < Goan ats, and Presitient Roose: . To NONE FOR AGUNG Don't expect any miracies, if linbureh ei c." "suiniait , ; ea earerep Champlain passed velt asked for funds to start p y \ Edinburgh University grad and (Wiliam 'RuI" than no avatem at all the site af Ottawa an bie building 42 new warthine a