Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jun 1965, p. 25

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 3, 1965 25 © BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Tep record-holder in Masters' individuel Chempienship Ploy) South dealer, Both sides vulnerable, JULIET JONES © srincieecanatnenea 9) Cursum) ( BIDE Ape -- ae e oa MEMBE! -- JIM SHOWS iH THEY ARE THE ENTIRE KLONDIKE WHO TH' FOURTH GRADE,HEIS A GROWED )>. TH' Som ae, Sone, Coat ry? fe DOEENT VEN LEARN OF Tig GRADE. MAN, AN' KEEPS HIS Nyaoe': FOUND iN MIGTORY ! PANNING OUT A KING'S LONE STRIKE UNTIL rs PRESENT? APPOINTMENTS ON EKCITEOLY STAKES A DISCOVERY gel: wy TIME!! - CLAIM IT 1S AUGUST 17,1845 tas . : SBOE j : Ze 18 OTAKED, AND MINERS ARE i North East P 2NT Pass Pass 46 " Opening lead---king of clubs. Fr . ty Bagh capo tee The expert declarer lives in a WHAT'S A BRAIN-BURNING? / ' d / if WACK KEPT HIS STRike | \constant state of fear, always " OMAN DFE : Sama daset Kier warried: that the worst is about ae : 4 eee to him He pic yp OH, PLEAGE~ (M U6ED that things are not as good as ae ra CAE jew eur The TO TAR Ae BUT NOW THAT I've GOT vou HERE, JUST | \they look; that his finesses, if Us A Bs ra IBILITY<-/| MYGELF-- MR, oo Me . WW PO WE FIND THb SRTTLER: attempted, will lose; that suits eu mem moh anes Miand POR TW HRN om pining SCAIRT~ I'VE NEVER of oe Marev ery a 7 - 'ea "THs BLIZZARD? will reak badly for him; and J OMA AGAIN? 4 pallens Jet nhl so on ad infinitum. y "a ; SCARES ME// However, this state of mind, f ------ = though it may be a form of psy- \ chosis, pays him ample divi- dends. His fears occasionally materialize, and because he has prepared for the worst by tak- ing a few cautious steps in ad- vance, he overcomes the specter of the losing finesse or the bad suit break, as the case may be, jand arrives home in safety, PA? 1 af pre | Here is a case in point. West ee -- OY ; Sd y : " -- icashes the K-A of clubs and con- --- ve a 3 ¢ ra iat anaes hous feos : caine " cme -- |tinues with a club to the queen. (eng 276 Bile seem Fe tee ing wre -------- East then plays the ten of a ages h PECT IN THE WY YOU WILL AWAIT" Pp \\ COULDN'T HEAR * WILLOW hearts, he 4 'THE LONE RANGER it f @ | v A . ITCHEN / INSTRUCTIONS FROM , ; TALL, BUT + =| TREE F THIS | The fact is that most declar- _ ANT Oh rari ») f =} : ' m KITCHE yy OUR CHIEF AGENT ae 16 BAGLE! I've ers at this point would win the . Vy i /, " ; IN THE STATE@ WHEN y 1 Y Hor heart and start to draw trumps : / YOU A@Rivee THeees / by cashing the A-K. West would HIG CODE NAME IS (fp am. 4 show out on the second trump WRITTEN Here / 5 } play, and that would be the end of the matter. They would go down one, eventually losing a spade to the jack. But the pessimistic declarer--~ the cautious declarer -- would make the contract. As soon as dummy came down he would Start worrying about a bad trump break, After winning the ten of hearts with the ace, he - would take steps to deal with a Ly @or bad trump division if it existed. BUT THE TEAM \ (YOU'VE GOT Yaw noe h STAY IN BED, : He would play a diamond to NEEDS ME, LINCA )( A COLD AND 'S6O HERE'S f : the ace and ruff a diamond, fol- DONAL.D-IM THE )S IM GIVING THE PLAN... eg 3 " lowed by the K-A of spades and me PITCHene! /) 7d Sry TOW fhe another diamond ruff. DON'T STIR OUT : Bie ce Having by now reduced his OF THAT ! y . hand to the Q-10 of spades and Q-6 of hearts, he would play a heart to the king and lead the established nine of clubs. Whether East ruffed this trick, or the next one, his J- 9of spades would be trapped and his apparent trump trick would be liquidated, Maybe it pays to worry! ACROSS --_, Ac- 8. n "< NEWS IN BRIEF . Bang, as companied matter | 4 \ a door by on A dy lee | . Spider . One of the Ni 5 es Sie BACKUS WAS GOLFER nate Great + OLN z wa | i Veteran actor Jim Backus Male pepe lly SIE OL elo} {\¥ , a | was a teen-age golf star, and abiania : Disney * 5, Lands oy OEE at a Oe | ae / played charity matches against , Angry deer sure afi a 9 aS '| Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen, aed ton Guide round. {ALIOltNrIATL i ( | CHEAT CRABS ON BAIT fowl 9, Struck ed st fs ee Se ; ( Soipaicy 3. Stop with by [Als VATTET ¢ . | American fishermen use balsa watch amazement water Yenterday's ' ' \ ah 4 wood impregnated with men- J ' , ; . : | de . Border . Scottish. 7, Jobs 35, Old | : | g j haden oil as a cheap substitut iY THE REMOTES MOUNTAINS ' . " r ofa Gaelic 29. Go Latvian = 'aby i ¢ . a for crab bait, P = OF PANAZUELAss. , - : = garment 5. Boring away! coins a. j ' p | » Ancient tools 30, Sudden 36, Former 1 Py | FROM SPECKS TO FEET Egyptian, 17. Fishhook overs 37, Fortified ~~: Fe, ; | The world's 2,000 species of pid yy 38: Armadillo powers place y) (shrimp range in size from the . Close to 21, Music ing 39, Sleeveless 5c : 39, Sleeveles microscopic to specimen '0 . Obstacle note fright garment; Jpestachaders.s baila slo foot Wrath Separation . White Arab. |. Graters Enact poplar 40, Loiter | ' 4 . \ | : SALLY'S SALLIES SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK 0 ne owe Seen ee, Oa a ee Faatares Spadina, ine. 188 Gorid sights moerved. ot 24, Curative . Plourish 5 7 16 Watering } . Drowse Behold . Thick, strong ropes sion Distant Yj G . Near: a 4 poet. . By oneself , Careens . Poets . Girdle > LWAS JUST "FBI men: ' ne ; \- (sae see ee Lidia Ht : NAYs | nn | Down PETS ON PARADE! | sheer ont A. taugher He a "Kind of By ALICE BROOKS = | maybe you won't have to sup- soil Make a cozy coverlet simply) : port her that long." . Blackbird lfull of the animals a tot loves.) -------- » Male Baby animals are sleepy. TO SIZE 50 NEED A NEW adults i aS Two by Two, the animals go By ANNE -- | FURNACE? off to dreamland--a crib cover) Clings -- lightly, never . > yf No BD Pp it--F to entrance a child, Patterniclutches your waist! Enjoyjj "® °°¥" Pa A iat Payment | YOUR HEALTH 7209: transfer 9 motifs averag-|this cool, slimming, unbroken PERRY ing 5% x 7% Ins.; directions. |line any day--but especially, SNS 22 " MICKEY MOUSE Thirty-five cents (coins) forj0%_@ simmering summer day. || Dey or Night. . . 723.3443 Ss . Vital Information RE A eacn pattern tno stamps,| Printed Pattern 4783: Wom | ene _ - ~ " --~enameennineennesean -- a a lie roo care 9 Bia Xe TOO 1] [ HELLO....My, you're |] [ee sn LD «| [1 CONT UNDERSTAND/Z. THAT please) to Alice Brooks, care| / i ee = Needie(46. 48, 50. Size 36 takes 3% j / if) ~ Se' LINE OF FLATTERY ALWAYS up ® s * of The Oshawa Times, Needle-|? ' é RNSwee THe {j| |NEAT@STUTTCE A M Wa--| [s, WORKED BEFORE? pn | On "B" Vitamins vk craft Dept., 60 Front St, W.|vards, aSinch fabric = =| For @ Real Deal c LADY I'VE SEEN /| [ ; ' P Toronto 1, Ont, Ontario resi} adh. ' 8) THIG MORNING" / a lA is; ee Ry JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD : dents add 1 cent sales tax, Print|in Coins (no stamps, please) on plainly PATTERN NUMBER, |for each pattern. Ontario resi T Dear Dr, Molner: What foods nicious anemia factor,' Perni- |NAME, ADDRESS : dents add 2 cents sales: tax IRES lcontain Vitamin B mostly?|cious anemia used to be quickly sats NIERDLECR AFT. CAT |Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD iW s the difference between! fatal. Today periodic injections) , P : -.,,OURESS, STYLE NUMBER, 1 Vitae : and Vitamin B 12,/of B 12 about once a month or | LOG a 200 gon Hi free Send order to ANNE ADAMS, See Don or Vance if any?--R, J. so, keep the disease under rn Newest auger 2 leare of The Oshawa Times, at trol ashions, embroidery, 25 cents. [Pattern Dept., 60 Front St. W.. ' Those are intelligent ques: °°" Now! Send for elegant, new|'Toronto 1, Ont Cooper's Texaco tions; People today are rather; Lack of enough B 1 causes|"pecorate with Needlecraft!"| COMPLETE. FASHION. RE> well accustomed to telling their/ beriberi' and nerve disorders./5 peautiful: room settings, 25 PORT in our new 'Spring: 56 Bruce St. or children; "Drink your orange| Lack of other vitamins in thejoomplete patterns for decora-lsymmer Pattern Catalog plus 410 Ritson Rd. N juice, It's full of Vitamin C."!B complex produce recognizable}tiye accessories in one book! |coupon for ONE FREE. PAT. in . ms : But the very important B/S¥mptoms pertaining to the! Pillows, wall hangings, cur TERN! Everything you need Lye one wr ot ewer took UP) (( Tats 2 THE COTTON-PickiN' 2) | Vitamins are nol as well known, tongue, mucous Membranes, ligins, appliques, more! 60 cents.|for the life you lead --~ 350 | THAT Picks HEAD! HOW CAN I LOOK IT Ul! MACHINE IS CALLED yet lack of them can cause hair, blood, skin, digestive tract . A ' ' ! sjuxe 300k Pp s! § § cents I '. WHAT ? m rg g dis le and growth Value Deluxe Quilt : Mok ae tat fens _-- " co BORNE WHEN I DONT KNOW THE ' A COTTON: PICKER! serious or annoying disorders 18 complete patterns, 60 cents, jnow, kK DICTIONARY ! 7 peas COTTON-PICKERS NAME? 7 Think of Vitamin B asa} Fortunately any balanced diet| i --| GROCETERIA sa 4) '. whole group of vitamins, We re jincluding meat, cereals, Vege! mins, in general, are not easily, allotment of the B complex vi- Colborne St. at Church St. fer to them, collectively, as Bitable and fruit will be rich N | stored by the body, but are/tamins for several days isn't complex. You might visualize}the various B vitamins. Cereals| rapidly lost. People taking Bl oping tn batsan. trata 728-634] this as a rope made up of sep-jare richest, particularly whole complex in prepared form may a Siltdend og arabex aoe arate strands, Some have num- wheat, Meats (pork, liver, lamb/ notice that the urine turns deep The best rule is to get in the OPEN bers; others are customarily|and beef) are excellent sources.| yejigw. . This is from riboflavin) habit of eating portions of sev- All 'TIL listed only by name, Lets runjBrewer's yeast is rich, Manyiheing filtered out through theleral of the Berich foods every DAILY 10 P.M. through tem hes ren saggy py a Vie kidneys day, Picking out particular on oon en Thiamine (Vitamin B- 1),) P05 Ppt : dy ct | Likewi eae members of the Vitamin B to * an o Ntr i wise, since these ita i riboflavin (B2); nicotinic, acid, MN ¢ sare ig in eee : 2 ) take in pill or similar form] lor niacin; pyridoxir (RE) bie re ' ape lally legumes (beans|mins are-soluble in water over isn't offen necessary except inif ® Vegetables © Meets tin; pantothenic acid) folic acid, ANG Peas cooking means that they may) a few cases, of which pernicious! FREE DELIVERY pernicious anemia factor. Per-! However, the B complex vila: be lost, Of course, missing yourjanemia ia the most notable, | @ Groceries @ Fresh Fruits MUGGS AND SKEETER

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