(18--Male Help Wanted (20---Keol Estate tor Sale (20-----Real Estate for Sale {20---Real Estate for S Sole /20--Real Estate for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thoredoy, June 39,1965 =] 17---~Female Help Wented (18--Male Help Wanted ~ SALESI ADIES CLERK-CADET o JUNIOR OLIVE W. | JOHN F DeWITH ; 20--Real Estate for | Sole . 20---Real Estate for Sele | | Jones dbo dey ROgnorsnery Foner ACCOUNTANT | H OWE | FRAN K and bens ro J D F HG Ls | D F work on Saturdays end one night per week. 5 doy, 40 | Applications e received REAL ESTATE | REAL ESTATE D 1A Frank Street tr aonamert. "| Yu9th ring goanined | AGE 18 TO 25 | oe LIMITED OUQAI! | Phone 623-3950 | REALTY LTD. | REALTY LTD, SION PLAN | Sader, for the Onhowe 515 BROCK ST. SOUTH | S EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT Felice Caper ried | RESPONSIBLE for osststing 177 Church Street, | PEAITORS DAIRY. FARM, 200 ecres with | 16 Simcoe St. S. | 16 Simcoe St. S. tion forms moy be excellent buildings. Highway @ HOSPITALIZATION, : at the office of the Chief of accountant in various phases WHITBY Bowmanville location, Askina: $45,000. | } eee ea | Relies. The Sewing meni of ganaral and cont acount 668-5853 | 623-3393 | 668-884] -_ 723-1121 723-112) cations ore required SUMMER ond: WINTER THIS is @ permonent position, 175 Acre form with 2 barns VACATION 1; Male offering @ salary to commen SACRIFICE Member of Oshowe ond | 7 roomed home. Stream, 10 PROFIT SHARING BONUS 2. Minimur g ) jrate with q ations This extra large ranch bunge District Real Estete Board ' ve " dee lake Asking $16.900 1 @ The owner of this 6 room) XI @ GROCERY STORE: Well ow has been greatly reduced, 100 scenic acres with house OSHAWA N. EAST Tormt " attractive bungolow is leaving estoblished business located in : ,, Wir J ' J owner moving and has to sel! ond trout stream, Located Electric heated, evel. 4 the city ,and is offering his o residentiol area with no com- MISS CHAPLIN nimum educe ' e ad ty ng age, educa Six jorge rooms, modern south of Bethany, Only $9,- bedroom, HERE |S A REAL 30 Acres with stream. Com home for quick sole, LOVELY) petition with blocks, Good turn- I \ ¢ ; A s history, in CON =| throughout, centrally o oted 000 -- $3,000 down, HOME, A Recreation room muting distance from Oshawa BRIGHT LIVING ROOM, cin-| over thet could be increased by PERSONNEL SUPERVISOR FD . dence t¢ on a lot 64' x 173', $0 thot 168 P ssinanla a which is as big as you could Asking only $5,000, Terms ing room, These rooms are o substantial amount, 3 reom j bap ti it could be a real money 165 sigh Spor sman 4 etre oe want, Walkout onto your own broodioomed, spocious ponelied! apartment upstoirs to facilitate Thursday and Friday ' & PERSONNEL DEPT. moker, For appointment co'! PRO ta eee. Mere ret beck lown, A let of velue in HIGHWAY FARM, 125 acres RECREATION ROOM, carport] the owner or a6 an added in- 2-5PM i : our office 668-5853 | at, stream, shi 44th , piers this home, for the buyer who | with A-1 buildings, Excellent ond paved drive, Nicely landscop come, Shown by appointment No phone calls please T [ N « 0 $13,500.00 agMesy vo yo aan pili wants something good, CALL, soil, Close to town etc, Asking ed lot, Immaculate home, TV only, Reasonable down poyment, ZELLER'S Immaculote + bedroom bung: Enniskillen. Asking $33,000 LET US HOW YOU $45,000, Terms | tower, aluminum storms ond) Call H + on a feree \¢ ---would consider offer THROUGH |. screens are a few of the many GIOW, RYE 6 t large: 19%, . : 100 Acres with house, barr extras included, Call tonight GUIDE REALTY LIMITED (TD. ec a ' A Div. of Coca-Cola Ltd features finished rec, room, 100 cere Chrismas tree form SECURITY : Terrif view, Only 3,000 : | a 4 pt, tiled bathroom, fenced iar tedious, SA TOD oo RAVINE LOT WITH Dots ee my? GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | xii e THIS TREE BEDROOM OSHAWA SHOPPING eC 144 Mills Rd., Ajox, yard, Coll the office for op $2,000 down : RIVER BUNGALOW is in excellent Bh aid GUARDS eo 106 f f Yes we hove one. [DEAL for 35 Acres with brick home 11 @ SPOTLESSLY CLEAN Io, condition with @ large kitehen SENIOR UTH WEST WHITBY )0 acre Deiry Farm on Rod de eAe 10. || phedern convenianess, Loree cated in one of the new sub-| ond better then average sized cs bani \ Osh SOUTT ) Taunton Rood, Excellent | thot forge country home you arn (Gal 10 aaa. ania 86 divisions priced ot only $13,900,| bedrooms, @ nice fenced in yard CLERK-TYPIST 1 ¢ Full and pe QUALIFIED Brick bungalow with: 20' liv f use, large up-to-date born, | have o way wanted ef WS | Oshawe, Asking $30,000 A well mointoined 3 bedroom ond on @ quiet street makes employment c ng room,. attractive kitenen, paers milk contract, $50,- | show you this one then con- | | brick bungalow offering you an this @ fine family home; close (Female ; Ane 30 to 55 3 bedrooms, finished rec. | 000 -- terms toct your builder, Build thot 100 Acre farm with brick opportunity to benefit from the! to schools, The good sized yard / room, dil-heoting costs only « ' home, the way you want th nt ¢ hos kes this @ sofe ploce for the man wht ' j J ch , ' 50( e Ste f . Ag fs A home. Modern conveniences work e prese owner ho makes thi pi We need 0 young woman whe ates ELECTRICIAN $103. yearly, fully stormed yy acre = StOCK Form, CALL NOW, It won't last rv aern corny J ; children to ploy, Priced ot only frer tr r s able € miles $0 nds k comm 4 ce to Osh done features a large livin deo! | siles south of Lindsay, bric ymmmuting distance to Osh ic | 5th 9 9 arte ening, | 4 ded f ane eene ] for Pe with the put » genera : Hi, bt de A543 hou jodern barn, . stream | awa. Asking $25,000. Terms room, hollywood kitchen, and $14,900 Ls Powstldbad sigghiliy a 5 Excellent value ot only $64,- |. OSHAWA N, EAST dining orea, o 4 pec. ceramic IMITED Sad weit ba cape Canadian. industrial MAINTENANCE COLONIAL BUNGALOW | 900 ~~ terms COUNTRY BEEF FARM, 150 adres with | tiled bathroom, full basement| GUIDE REALTY LIMITE DEPT excellent buildings. Commut ond ovailoble new for your in-| vit 9 RESTAURANT for sale of composing letters o ' Features 6 roorr arge } Kendel 7 room brick a shecdaihes ad f 0 id { i vedraom he i A ' ctio Coll n for more sisting stoff with o sales SECURI TY Gl JARD reem with Bey Window, full ceca wih © acvaa Wha ' ere a . 4 bec gi ing distance to Oshawa, Ask spe on now f r or rent with option te buy. nly tuat igt er th me program SERVICES Permanent position ey divided basement, attached $7,000 --» terms | oF Caine: A eouitiy aimon: fe ee ee sipoicldetcteg TY LIMITED $125 per month. Coll now, | t hospital and medical ben- acres nelled front entror i ow. uatry 4 y M Applicant requires senior 0 SUITE 302 rospital and medical ber | garage, panelled or erie | Orono -- new. 3 bedroom | phere yet city advemtages. A | 100 Acres with' house, bem | CUIDE REAL GUIDE REALTY LIMITED riculation or equivalent, some 207 Queen's Quay West Pe Nee one rey Moore for further infor brick bungalows built to order | truly lovely home with too ond strand TUAAING. SOM: | ii @ ELGIN STREET BAST: 6 insurance experience is he's * dec Ans Pe : Paran ation 668-5853 on lots 75' x 200', $13,900 many extras to describe, | Asking $12,000, Terms hevielc' disete Maier age sell fey XIV @ For only $10,000 down ful but not necessar | escocleas f $2,500. down would be worth ycur while if Ny $16500. There ore 3| YOU MAY BE THE PROUD Telephone Director Personnel ONE ONLY B oo 4 ore reo ere in DAIRY FARM, 150° acres , ee ' Soa nk 8 Wenie OWNER OF A 7 SUITE APART- 5 5 : g losing BOWMANY Ie Freaerick wanting that large RANCH: Highway location, a5 4 going kid alte : : MENT BUILDING Present ience and quolificatior 7 368 83 ] 5 Builder's beautifully designed ee gee rats es "ape } a ' B down, Full walkout besement te . ~. at droor wt BUNGALOW, to call and fet | or n, 6 f Holstein 7 not less thon $60. week Oshawa General and detorated be n bunaolew. let YE x 178", B 35ALOW and let | concern, 60 head of Holsteir Boek: veld: and aeraas, lived ee Pg Ted t ; y t ttoched aor us show you th ave | cattle Machinery Asking Excellent employee benefits bungolow, with attached go numerous extros. Bowman | €40 000 your money in this and coll us Please write giving full details BACKHOE Hospital age Built on Winter Ww rks He's tikdat secianilal wren WHITBY COMMERCIAL 10, Terms tonight motely $450 yearly, Must be to seen to be appreciated, Programrn Call to inspect 9onr § 600 down és - % CARORER Wanted Wi To. Apply 70) 668-5853, dade dain dod aces BOWMANVILLE HOMES: | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED ey Avenue, Ajax. Telephone 942-1010 Here is 0 reo vesiment pre District Manager . " r age : H ie iniaiin 'in sce haltding Co-operators Insurance OPERATORS Pte tne cal ames fee RESIDENCE PHONE Call 623-3393 | i Bu . atl : pag ph bles palieine IV @ Enjoy the cool breezes---~ XV @ $17,900 for a 4 year ve down payment end moximum Centrally located. Excellent : Association alter 6 p.m Audrey Moore 668-4088 After 9 om mortgage, Rent the big house nvestment property, Asking this thoughtfully finished bun-) oiq well kept brick SPLIT e ne obb: 728-5886 4 | i kl become 286 King Street W., OSHAWA Pouline Hobbs for $120.00 per month, let $27,000. Terms. | golow will quickly LEVEL home on Sussex Drive, ' to. operate 19---Male or Female Ken H the vant: ba the: proserly HOME" to every member of the) Three average sized bedrooms, SENIOR Help Wanted Jack Whiteman 94.3 This location -will definitely 6 roomed bungelew on | ecre family, Mother will.love the steP| nicely decorated good sized liv. John Deere A Case Pat Yeo 23-3077 inerease in volus, Rean the lot, Attoched garage, Small soving kitchen with adequote ing room with a dining room of Backhoes | REQUIRED Howard Forder 55- profits while Whitby rows barn. All modern conveni eating orea, Fother will be 46 12 feet. The RECREATION STENOGRAPHER | } Joe Bornoski 23-5787 { ences. Asking $12,900 proud ef the finished RECREA-| Take @ look or call and get ROOM has on electric fireploce Telenh IMMEDIATELY REALTY LIMITED Herb Cooper : the particulars ' | Terms TION room with refreshment] ond « walkout to @ terraced ne elepnone | | gounter and extra washroom.) back yard with @ breathteking Dietephorie and = shorthand REAL ESTATE MANAGER | 528 Grierson St. 6 roomed home, ali modern There is @ good gorage and lots! haw experience required, Excel | 9] 728-5] 5] | conveniences, Very lean, of play ereo for the children, A| : re 728-66 os aia hea Mae wal bide ewien | dUNeS ae Only $1800 down of play, ares fer the entsven. 2| GUIDE REALTY LIMITED office_in Oshawa plus two or dition. Fireplace in good sized 7 roomed bungalow, Modern the carrying charges under} three Real Estate Solesmen or 5 S S iving room, le ain | / | Coll 723-1121 for full parti Call | TWO WELDERS Fad rpg a errs EXCLUSIVE AGENTS living om, --erge. dining DOUGAN fee kece a badroama, | #900: Inelnding tines, | oa MR, LINTJENS | istrict, Over 400 new homes | "Hillsdale Terrace' oil furnace. Well shaded, pri Asking only $9,000 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | ; | REQUIRED in tne ges, P ue rnany 8 models "OPEN" till Dark vate back yard. Immediate | i cad ba oe Open dolly from 9 aim to. 9 p.m, Fer Appointment hA \ sion atrangements. Pleasant ge i re tral $2 000 ee ee REALTORS lot, All modern conveniences V @ $1500 down will buy this of. NOU. €0 ust be experienced in oll R and Rd t tt $2,000, dowr Highway location, west of | two storey brick home on Olive) Walter Mittler 728-7083 workir ynditions Ajax 942-2120 phasese of are and acetylene 9 Park A Suitek rv A This h : i \ ce wmonville, Suitable r venue nis home is in @ nice Edith Gifford 728-0768 welding, Apply in person Phone The Manager | LOTS 725-8097 WHITBY PROFESSIONAL VLA | - clean. eenditien threugheut with| aby Flintoff 795.3454 | BUILDING ' | ? » ' good sized rooms ond hos o new fl Mani 728-2754 ane Lbomompaseme GRIFFIN lust West at Notionel Stud | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7, roomed home, locoted vos! | oil furnace, More particulars by| Ethel Love 668-2402 " West o Te] nol j / 22 A » own. Good size lo © ELECTRONIC McCALLUM 668-884] Farm. Buliup ea. of new $1,000 DOWN down peyinen nik | Siew' eng' 7R8-SSRT Salary depends wpon : « REAL. ESTATE LTD r N ¢ 5 R Pp R T homes J HA mortgage 2 ae : e P . f a GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Ross Bell 723-7623 _INSTRUME a Pig Meg i TRANSPO 942.3310 or 723-6461 available. Terms on the ot Six room 2 storey home, off 10 roomed brick I re Ue AS 725-9947 verted in 2 apartments, Lo ek down. Call 728-5157 King Street near dtown | ; "| | 25 Ritson Rd. N, 9 : | . ft To A { Vi @ BRAND NEW---DOUBLE! Jack Graham . "SALESLADY"' : pees : $7,600.00 Shopping Centre. Carries for restate FAR alla kad BRICK HOUSE on Bloer St, E.| Doug Trivett 723-7390 OSHAWA TAX] DR IVERS ' $80 monthly, Low taxes $155 Each side having 3 bedroems,| George Nymeyer 728-4241 Of Townline Nort 4 room / OU Part or full tir wungelew with colour ' ear : 110 acres-on 40! Highway living room, dining room, mod- Lloyd Corson 723-2537 full er part time for exclu WE REQUIRE Minimum. pt O8 aut ae a hae oe bis REAL ESTATE LTD. 75 acres posture, Asking ern kitchen and full divided Lucas Peacock 725-4330 sive ladies sports weer shop SQ " - y | fs | 728 Contact $20,000. Terms basement with loundry tubs and Dick Young 723-7183 Experience in selling sports 2 "Class. A MERCURY TAXI S157 now BILL MILLAR 40 King St, E Me Hee heavy duty wiring, Good terms} weer desirable, Pleasing per Motor Mechanics 14 Albert Street : 2% acres of land, located on evoilable, Particulars by ealling) Arranging mortgages Is port of 7") & " No, 40] High neor New | h Reo! Estate Bik cued. boasatanes 725-477 | $800, DOWN 725-1186 728-4678 tunvils. Aang han Ma haw | Service vet GUIDE REALTY tg ist lige gg Ae AI TR cE kag tt A Name a ar ae el i or 725-2557 Terms GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | LIMITED, ery in accordance with ability Medical benefits available Cake Olas Y deler , home near uth Plant ; to sell, Apply in persor | 00422 oF ne ane and pth ee ' ated on a V2 acre lot aded CHURCHILL AVENUE 47. acres, mostly bush with ; | We list Exclusiv nd Ph ~ sive @ ote DREW with fruit trees and be W ip LAMSON Choice home in a choice area stream, Lecation 401 High Vil @ If you have @ small) wai SEIGNEUR'S 20-----Real Estate for Sale bushes, Low taxes, Hurry, * : large 6 room bungalow with | way near Brighton. Asking family and @ limited budget, MERCURY call 728-5157 now Real Estate Ltd, natural stone fireplace, plus $3600, Terms you'll love this practical brick! Member of O.D.R.E.B, Sports Wear Ltd tne ie | attached garage. Good .sized home, It features 3 bedrooms, Oshawa Shopp entre | TD OVER LOTS IN 67 KING EAST landscaped lot, and close to OSHAWA HOMES: kitchen with on eating area, and] vi rs ea t MOPPING er is ' PRINCE Al BE RT T all services, asking $20,900 @ modest sized living room Rs | " $ ss 10 HOMES or PB ' with reasonable down pay Alfost new, brick bungalow owners are asking $1600 00) WAITRESSES AJAX, ONT ava QO witt PRIVATE SAI FE ment. Call now for appoint with attached garage. Very down and the poyments are like LIMITED, REALTORS ~ ~) AV AI LABI f rm 7 C ? - s ment to inspect clean. Asking $2,000 down vent, Call tonight, lc , Saiscatonys C fs REQUIRED LICENSED see ore ea . Bungalow, BELL DR, WHIT- | Loree brick bungelew with | GUIDE REALTY. LIMITED [won ¢: See. , . Compare : Ball 198.107 i thie RITSON RD..SOUTH self-contained and rented Ss NGER iar ly 2f BY ree redroom fou : x 3 e a Hours My hy b a | MECHANIC IMMEDIATELY Stave Leber 18 ainea iad hase 'ett ' ' z NEAR KING a0 ppt gti "oe Vill e ECONOMICAL living . KA | > it available June 30th lide : ; this older type brick home.| Also GIRL REQUIRED to THROUGH VE R Yt Mi ae ' home maculate hope $2,000 down Priced at only $9900, Good HOMES x treet * double garag 10 driv train en sailed Wanted Immediately Telephone 728-2604 et y vee - Y =| | Donald Mountjoy 'Guy LeBlanc sized rooms ond finished bose Apply MR. CAMPBELL now for details ' | Idso Wiersma Lorne C, Duff ment and extra kitchen, Tool IN BEAUTIFUL GENOSHA HOTEL FOR WHITBY DO YOU WANT TO Inger Jorgensen shed and fenced in yard ne 3 y ' K , '\ . \ ELL YOUR PROPERTY? Erin Behar u Phyllis McRobbie and coll now pitoladtan & hevseeenes " sey at Se Call 668-5089 MULTIPLE LISTING SER E PARK N Ele nat shear gaa GUIDE REALTY lL IMITED | - 'i me 4a nan ad ' | Raavairran vrgeniy craves io om) PERAAANENT e ACTIVE Mae ge, feere, atere. fre E LT | | NS niti intig tee from 6.30 a.m, to 4pm Telepno AF : REALTY LTD. tea aereae " walleeut ease ( So oliclnes Lonssiaa in ex:| 448-2501 POS| TION CONSULT A MEMBER AJAX 728-5157 ment, Excellent. residential cellent condition ,all rooms very coox or ight yn nor ragga : : OF THI orea e to schools bus large with elie tb RECREA| . ae ' i u and shopping t well land basement outiful waninae wees for home ; , M i n yor aye lyetagedbely Quality Built TRADES ACCEPTED scaped, pat See th s ys TION -_ sas aura aig in| with any community in Pep tampeceter for Nene in 68 ae 2 S P = He See ; "i today ; basement and full kitchen with Oshawa . . . and we are wapanien a Write stat qua ARMSTRONG BL ceesaan came ol REALTY LTD, 728:7328 | many cupboords, Meny extras] confident that Dollar for 1ENCED help tee t a is) ne a 3 $17,845 on Wilson Rood ORANGE ¢ RESCENT 3 | such as beoutifully landscaped olla ou will Y hare 31? ai 03 THERE'S A BETTER HOMES Nert : 103 King Street East nent " Lorae ?-room split level, oor lot, two bathrooms with colored| i é i ' oor v WOMAN" to batiyit ane ao tight house . ihAL ape ». D, HYMAN age, electrically heated, good BROOKLIN Large good fixtures, Close to shopping cen: wom ee ee week, Phone after ¢ a rea FOR REAL ESTATE LIMITED sized lot on. quiet etree? looking frame home, down tre and schools, Call tonight. | More Value REGISTERRD nurse reavired os SERVICE STATION Wu | bike HOUSE 728-6286 home to be fully decorated t@ | town Brooklin on an extra | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED medical centre Please reply in ov , suit purchaser,' let us show large lot, good commercial writing to Dr. Glaci MANAGER ce a you this ta-day site, This is on No, 12 High For Your Money i se ( f ake ; 3 BEDROOM | woy and must be seen, Phone X @ LOOKING FOR PRIVACY GENE TAL ornee won sei chat ' la eC f) ae ' P : - i FOR REN Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 Let us show you this graceful/ SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY \A/} } ; as : DE TACHED pee 4 bedroom country residence ' ' ! é 3 - wo good st ) | ALL. ELECTRIC HEATING ~--- Suit Gack te ni SCH FIELD AKER be ky slg Pe oktomag et y . da Cuhiue OPEN DAILY central locatior 71 1250 89. ft. of luxury living, Built back from the ~~ on a} - writing atating hourly rate and Mode! Home. with finished re nice 3. bedroom brick bunge arge treed let. Lovely storey! 4 ~ oO / » ¥ Malina . . * : t t wi ences, Bax 78 Oshawa Times LIFEGUARD 9AM, TO 10 P.M creation. eae, eareart, semis tors tee eae aien distte reba with attac hed gorane! LTD o PARTTIME" caihier envied. Ani a circular peved drive, come a OTS | AAS Ginn seem. baaamene ny reseney Only 3% miles) 360 King Street West. Mra. Wilsen, Genornha Hote U f ait > ; pletely landscaned and sedd. | Chere lacation. neemaid un wails finished in mahoneny | r 4 jon and close to @ new OT oe Gas gare erent end Sunes " STEVENSON RD. N GRIFFIN ad, centre hall. plan, with | S#rBr@und services 1) | plywood, extra 2 pee, bath: | Ruble seheel, Cantect ur t| IMMEDIATE POSSESSION be as 4 y TT ' $1,300. DOWN Monday te Friday. Lip J AND ANNAPOLIS REAL ESTATE LTD separate dining ream, com, OPEN EVENING 'TIL N INE roon hh basemen Newly Sieem out. Apply i810 | n " ns r¢ N bs t th t ' r | \ r ly noe m3 j plete w storms and sereers, 4 decorated. Asking only $16, ) , OF Call 722-4006 Qtter § 9. . DIAL 728-4678 | 900, Cell Rebert Johnson | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Modern six room brick bun- Joe Mage Ken Hann 728-2548 galew. Three bedrooms. Twe ed on Breezy -Drive, one min- Jack Osherne eile ol built in range dnd oven, inter FOR LUNCH counter Walters anit work 655-3131 i PRIVATE 942-3310 ior-designer decorated, locat- WOUSEREEPER for eideriy couple, sine | ' Bob Johnston STEVENSON ROAD N, ~= bathrooms. Situated on Mins , i = gh mR ne tor hool with n | | | Sense | PART TIME Executive Type House | PRIVATE SALE | ust sy scree ite Dick Berriage | Brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms, | => STOP | den Suet apply Modern Grill 445 Ritson Road sou! streets to cross, Excellent R | } exPerienced WAIRORESSER' with BUTCHER en ditiea bien viibenga gens Viegas iets Member ODRE®S | $3,000 down close te al clientele, Apply in person Th Veque : i ny 4 i ia i Pid ae pa schools path separate an Contect See ee a gees erat Rag 1? ri yer d ms, 2 bath f te ome on | m South ple a arc alexa Gnd asians CONSIDER atural gum PEMALE part-time Kitenen bein. even ' 7 ) Sat : ' Aen Greenwood. Aye, Paved street PHONE BUILDER. @ CUSTOM BUILT e tive. Try an offer on the ask | BILL MILLAR ng. Apply person Rolanae's Seas iN Mesedr pasos iecbhineibe and drive. Large kitchen v ing price of $15,300, Call i ervice - Bi im Shop Telephone 723-1165 s e, ott hed ik doi attr t ' purr 839 346] ALWOOD hay Allen 728 7782. s ----before you list your | 725-1 186 or gs BO oR ap ag yk mae lore a igh a a or 364-3115 $ia.soo. Fut price -- § | Property for sale 725-2557 tiene werk = ours Oto 3 S day week, MALE CLERK i abe . ed mile t Write to Rox Dahawa Tir AyaM, Nene employment. Ape ' gotta > eb tow y > HOME room ranch style bungalow ardware , , st att Ne. 2 high | | UNIVERSITY oF Grace & w " : . \ 3, 006 $3 F ICKERING VILL AGE ] vely ndition. Property = | LOOK experienced preterred, te hale ee Fhe Sinaysarota aba birt di | LOCATED IN nicely landscaped and hedg- d T) W a 3 LAMSON sort eephone Whi'dy 648 5% tt utc ele ] y ner - BOW t , chen, living roem and dinin | e } and $ , $i , . om work . - « a 4 Phone 728 6957 went ebdiiilies cutee i New ai fnene: te ed. Large recreation room in ee all our advertis ng 455-4546 awe ' | basement. Owner must sell os | Real Estate Ltd, 18--Male Help Wanted CLASS A MECHANIC ane : Atter 6 nin nterest and toxes age. Nicely treed lot 133 ft. | WESTVIEW | it is too small for his family DRIVE | . ASS a0 three to fy p x 205 ft You can be the r 67 KING EAST waat ¥ apprentice required. Apply 4 Fer more information phone iia Bde lies, Sac ASE week y . Called t treet, Brook 725- ] 849 proud owner for only $16,- A. Donaldson 725-9882 : Ruperienee nel needed. Cor essentie' For a, g"reacuas 500. with $2,500, down, One IGHTS é : ~--around and let all our | $599 DOWN interview write giving phere number "S| a) Muuxaka tevert mn recreation virecter. BU It -DING LOTS vi ich. bonealow he ocean aren rartwege win earner for Sat : HAMPTON a five: acre # bedroom detached brick os ' ' © musi¢ helptul bul ne fr x 180 ft Sh a Py gay: antiga nee. Vacant, move right in NEWCASTLE | and @ delightful six reom SOLD | split level, carport, en suite ele _ ® Sex al ~ « € + % Ack t a. " MECHANIC apprentice i ane +e $) 00 DOWN ot. 0 seen he arge closed ges ae Information Phane brick home, with all: conven | beth, close to separate and pw i Mh : DRIVERS tor io % t ' e up to 36 Months Appleay 728s > 8. Rolahood NORM. WOOL e Na astle 987-4245 @ ences, neor schools, suitable ~--signs help you decide to} public schools, walking dis GOLF CLUB eo ires ss a is) mele , j res, Gta W J NORRIS JUST LISTED = Lovely Iwoutorey brick} fr Mink, dag kennel er pig- | tance to shopping plaza, on natructer lite guard yy - . oe ? FULL PRICE $1,100 OWNER TRAN' Fourbed ' , d home, featuring het wat | eons, ete, Call Will Irvine | quiet, well kept street, beau age. experiences st " age. very clean home in as e b » am hem . . n\ . > > Rin. Terepnene Dunbarton, BF TNI B Ty | i McGILI ream home, ex anion, THIN dpe Realtor Shae? sete haare, in encaiient renal] 726-2068 titul West lecetion pr COMMISSION 3 ert " = ; se Oe actos i Ny } Adelaide, Asking $13,900 with ¢ t a ° ror ' REA i A BROKER oat sen' hulna rane ee AJAX O, Martin Realier, esi Open 9 A.M. to 9 PM with MILLER & IMRIE excellent wages . Picke ° orem ' 28 &° shan nN@ FROM odern 942.3364 NORTHWEST AREA SAly Gereraten| real Estate Boord Member REAL ESTATE LTD pth a ote : ' : Irreededroom brick bung 1 nice lt,| PIGEON CAKE" -- electrically equipned : P : ; -- ; Hit ke é ck atrie i HONE 942. UREA UN wae ances winYinnai WANTED Ps -. - art FOUR ROOM Haag Th Courtice on Har: javen, Full price $10. Mat 00, sci port PaRRy 'new three Bedroom heme e} peterest Se ' at { housekeeping co ore Gui e Rea ty 3 ---- fs aaa aere ant Ags. Like te bell aormelhing? Grive atake t v nm. Asking vn treed | Tevesnene, 7an-ash O0--Reel Estate tor Sele L ) e years forthe #0 on call af 31S) Celineiot Sehotinie Aker mited a! TRESEOB orischools, Vo acre let, ' r Eimer Fr reas) T ie? age Cooper Smite Feed 4 Colina Bt, Street, e ue, 'pas-tana, te Martin Realter, we ad iy ume paew ee ae oe Limited \ (Continued on P