Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jun 1965, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA Times, Thunedey, jon ba 1968 pe _ 'Get Extra Cash For Your Vacation By Selling Don't Needs Now' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 |5---Trailers 8.Articles for Sale [11---Pets and Livestock : By 2 « CAMPING TRAILER for sale, sinnpe four MACKEY GAY" MARE, threwyenrold, SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK YR. J, SCOTT | camrine TaAritan ro sole. veers oir) SEWING MACHINE |HACKHEY WAY" MARI, tivenvasr aid and tubes Telephone 179-1876. | ® "4 bride Rowmanviiie 674 1\06 B S N F S S S E R\/| ( F D Ay gp 0, }YRUCK CAMPER, newiy bull. bow LEARANCE WHITE" miniature poodles, veglelered, * 1 « 4, aluminum siding, ineuiaied, cup PP OOS napa mene with nendies, empere ™m rrr A SCRAPS. Inoarde sis, wired, siding ser ' : A writes, Fino's up Morlop Street ofan 2s sl f ; ' 1. IT Og 0 50% « shied ' viii Ff pariah (4k. | || Make offer, 12-5009 WAVE YOU» horse to board? New snare vi aise tag PTT?" 170 GETTLE an estate, General house OSHAWA boarding stable starting, 77 acres te he RALLLONS / on tralier, WX Mt', tuily equipped, Roy Me | ems 3 od for riding privileges, Roard will : . ly - [Laughlin Prone Binckstore hese | 9EWING CENTRE nclude teed, boxstaple, cleaning of stalls ' ~~ whith 1 Accountants rristers Gardening and Supplies Instruction | Picfunrs, ip | |i GLANDETTE 34 toot cabin ireh 429 Simcoe $- «728-2391 VaNOSetAW uid abkeR--~"3--aals Pepemneanidenenes (deb tl - ' | at sale, Apply ng § A HIGHLY PAID FUTURE j A PEACE WoRKeD ° Oshawa owner must sell, Reasonable to JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun sogepy p, MANGAN, QC, Solicitor ' in just @ few months you con | Wein, WE TRIED Pa 2 or" vr 7 |CRMENT MIAER with Briggs and Mrat-inorne will sell separately, Telephone 11% 7 6 Street | lo TRAILER, |6 £ Fisetline, steams ale { ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond STEM Money to joan, Office, 44 King Sireet j hiahivoneid envent | PISCEND, APES law 0.06 ion ho ies BiB : oy motor, 99% of otter, Telephone 773-1447 Fast, Telephone 7234833 East, Oshawa. 1780237 araen Upp 1e$ Pa i tj ify Da ete AliMtT EN in ote ait $1400, Telephane 446-1084. meee Tet, alter 4 1000 HOME waried lor one year ald, LEOWARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered ; with independence, and ne Unt A Pk 444 Wi hagg Mica : WASHER, rutoratic "General Electric' \onaved, ternaie Beagie dog, farm preter: Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shopping Building Trades HBG lke p : chance to create. something yt Pape SR ' "HILO" AWO SILVER ' in train nger type Viking, West offers.labty. Telephone 728-1008 Centre, 175995 eee! -- du Garden seeds heautitiul every doy of your | ais plat His, FASCIOM 4 AS Road, Ho. 7 Highway East Osewer em | PUREBRED blond Cocker Spaniel, Male, VALE, FRIEDLANDE A "| - 4 , ' Sulb fe, PAUL POGUE BEAUTY | 4 sone HANGE 'Chetrmasier" 72" heavy duly\ three years old, well behaved, Needs good Chartered Accountants, Licansed Trustees) SPRING SPECIAL Flower Seeds and Bulbs | ! "HOO! , Agel 2 Page yng - wm Pitcons WHA a ENT WEAVY DUTY axle hitch, $65. Mighty | elect four-burner, Wringer wasner,\nome, Very reasonable. Telephone 728 in Bankrupicy) 64 King Street East.) 0 Roses ho will train you to pe | " m Fw F RMe A jel hye A m Age "9 We '! oh $0, vl Ru trailer imoplielity both in goed condition 03 > sash 5 hairestylist, e ticlan, sal AL CAME S .; nin rer 6. Telephone 77 $/9 oF b offers 0016 - 76737) 10% Discount , : 0 hairest pneriner 0 fo PARAN 1 'ia hbRGUE or ere: POODLE, 'male, biack, 16 monthe old, WORKING, BEADLE AND CO, char Flowering Shrubs mn manager, Your tolent is | renee ERNEST 1% niler in new condition CEMENT MIKER, good as new, Briggs|Ragislered,. trained, oned pelos Tele fered Accountants, F mencial T7aee wu | On All Orders ( le ; \. developed -- under personal uly equipped used alee Apaly Calton |» nd Siration engine, Phone Whitby! phone 778-0148 f ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On-| warden | ot yuidance, Ni ced ee South, 1008 ee OO AO HAN alter 6 pe GENTLE temaie German bheph ( bles herd . Bsa 3 Yo vil id Remodelling, carpentry, tiling, Tank Sprayers : ' ge ear Js we tne lide ORUME, Gralsch, lei black "neari, Fildl ola Wea Wl fae cee ee pe od Beadie, © Lukow painting, plumbing, electrical anwK oproyers ca omy rem) er aii or wri 4 | bomen E uipment ian cymbals, Covers and cases, Com ine bvcellent pet for enildran, Shovid WALL, PERKIN AND" 0, ERTe| Svork, roofing, sovestrough Bird Baths PAUL POGUE BEAUTY | @ Equipmen plete accessories, Allo Music, Simcoe make good watchdog, $12, Biackslock, n 4 Kin iT " asl, is € ' ) ow South Tht 4/09 Pyaar Wn dG herkin: ch ing, plastering, cement work vi | - - HOOL > LIMITED, . 2237 | We Ce be oot South ples . ing Street, Newcastie, 997-4240; Willem! of all kinds, Aluminum doors Vater Fountains Yonge St. Toronto, telephone | Owais @ Crestline Mae dee! Hay erect, Eee Conn rere ser, See orn €; Mall, B.Comm, CA and windows, siding Windmills | 487-2107; of 249 Queens ecAU)? ° ' f mt Eee eTaNa tent, fi ie crib, Me lold, Telephone 179-1666 WILSON" and BURROWS, Chartered 90s ilied men ready to serve é | Avenue, London, telephone 6 PY on 44 DOGGLD AND , } ® Grew @ Evinrude Clary Yourcburnar stove, draperies, Va bed " Accountants, 114 King Bireal Rast, Os) Peat Moss | 439-0101 " MEMACING MEAMODS 1M MAAC, PEARL \ WL Muscits | ee them at 4 hl a de allt 1 Wr 12 Articles Wanted awe on ale on © ' . | # COMTmOLLIMG WE. || { } 6G. Edmond Burrows, CA stl NELLIS' HOME Weed and Feed Fertilizer | LEARN TO DRIVE DIVE DREAD Wt le ey arpa Ag ee FYLIDS Ach QiCKER | OF -HAWA YACHTHAVEN | sai housetrailer, inch beds with|(WANTEO Wooden shall" goll" clube, | BOR CLANCY'S Accounting Service ' ' P j a | |W KS, WHICH EY 6 ! MAM AY OF TOKE |neadboards praction ew walnut Phone 770964 ais Complete bookkeeping service. 184 Bond IMPROVEMENTS Grub Killer Fertilizer | 725 6553 AND EASILY PRIGHTENED OFF, "7 WOE ERE Raby, Marhour Rood laresser and night tar two place chester BABY CARRIAGE wanted. Must be in Siveet West, 125-0397, Res. 723-7605 0 Bi dt 10-6-4 4 . ( 1.191 1 brown davent brow five piece : . q 'shawa 728.2061 @ | BR pce nm 6 ne Yet Bente bn 1108 Wot Ain em 743-190 ' ' yinns OF Telephone 123-1406 KUBERT WOSMAR, Charinred" Accouni Yeterborough 745.9 ' ( 2 '¢ ph ln uk 4, -- rr : ' RET eee tries, oskews, |. Peterborough 452184 | C.IL, Evergreen 6-9-6 | RUTHERFORD'S CABIN CRUISER -- |Telenone 'rrstor 13--Articles for Rent pa iB "pit 193-192 ILL. Golfgreen 12-6-6 School of Safe Driving FRIGIOAIRG four burner electr fove | f Y 6 £ P xcellent condition $45, Telephone 729-7887 we ahere | HOME 0-Green 7-7-7 | by ALBERT 'el he sa Money To Loan Septic Service with outboard motor ond leieeusinem cheseneia' clic sole RENTALS } , overnment Licenses } / alo vs : : GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, So! Garden So-Green Pers Aal zed Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service, trailer, Best offer wink and Gree excellent! condition nad ~ treet East, Dia ons So-Green 4 "GG : S jon calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street . Telephone 775-8108 ' man Re dence | Phones: J, M Grear IMPROVEMENTS : . ) 21-767 OSHAWA MORTGAGE LOANS West, Whithy s6ne7565 TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and O} Al L KINDS PF o90gtsa, Terence V. Kelly ' Milorganite ae / | - | ( 95. ARIAS time clocks and rebuilt, One Fibs Thomes Wh Jermyn' BAY GLB Aare Hie DRIVING SCHOOL | AVAILABLE Olt 725-8342 ouionas juarante » good + 0h: 389 reliable Whitby builder ' 1 16 vould lasehine dina Surveyors Kins Business Machines Sales and service | Rl 1G EQUIPMENT =< Clie ) yea aching drivin | ine ) SEC ' 20N FLEISCHMANN, Ont 5 "4 7H7164, Open evening Aging t owl MEGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers Ne op Manure | gutematie and standard cars | FIRST AND SECONDS aple) l penlnd al blue 4 ins, hd r + MP Figin motor $1 6) Viking gl 4 ma Gg belts, rowing ma Y Solicitors. Cliente' funds availapie, mort Alterations, additions, Lawn Seed i ee Bll : | : FANE Oe Aer tral Kis (500\b.) $90) 4 ile jackets $2 RANGE, four burner, apariment size. chines, bike exercises all i gages. National Trust Building, 12 Simeoe Coy lata daa Bunalios essional instructors 7% INTEREST 4 Sci awe THOLLOPE ee ear elephone 77 2166 i J and smal) retrigerate ideal for ce $6 per month ; t Soul 18-7346 r f ¢ 2 nplete Gar ples P , Ontarie ne precy ates r age ephor 7) 4 } . Bivten, Ber Beeer F. Basteda, OC | all trades, carpentry, | sea skaa 728-009 | NO BONUS Hirvevors, '19 Wigin. Siranl Rast, Phone! lo Wh Invorra' sactcmn Walter enennlete ML@GRIE hoary duly alever"be Tech|' PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pips j HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and Wihh | brick, repairs, roof ng, ICE 1909 ANYWHERE ANYTIME , ) 4U5 105-408 $1080 chat 104-6194 Telephone days, 798-4279 cle " a rods, pir 6 oa Ae i MAN, Barristers, Solicilors, Aba King) | ' ' 1461, MOULDED boat, with motor and, FENDER electric stratocaster guitar and s VIENCNOS, PIPE Cute Sireet East, Oshawa) R, D. Humphreys plastering, wiring, ete VAUGHAN | CONTACT TV-----Radio Repairs Irailer, fully equipped and in excellent itender tremoloux amplifier, Four months, . ters, pipe threading dies, QC; G, §. Boychyn, QC; W, A, Hiliman L S i h C te . "BILL' HORNER | condition, Telephone 1744 old. Pull price, $774, Telephone 724-40m toilet aque | monr a, Lb f - "Dp ¢ ' | ay i auger } Patirh Pabitintal" Medi Wnier! Telephone 668.3283 | "OOPEr mith CO. DRIVING SCHOOL | (ABORT Tbvolone fuat= Wi Maver oh ppt tn og eg M6)" 1) NA ane 16 Celina St JUNE SPECIAL FREE VALUATION | TV TOWERS ites Bi tat lntten| RGA" fect "tet! stepledanrs,exminum exten 198 0010 . . Avenue, or phone 77 sion ladders, ladder jacké, N, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and QUA \ RPENTRY 723-1139 \ 9Q GIG 2.997% J i orate Ba ms : ' . Heron, Barristers' Solicitors, Notaries QUALITY ¢ AF PENTRY cod : f for 5 Lessons 728-5157 or 728-2236 ECONOMY AND HOAT 4 1 movided plywood, 3 HP | COMPLETE sei of men's golf clubs in steel scaffolding, compressors, Bank of Commerce Buliding, 5 Simcoe ong j Receive | FREE DELUXE Mercury motor, heavy duty gator trailer.|pag, cor no of 1) 9 G 4,3 spray guns, wallpaper steams Sireet North, Oshawa, 72}-3446) 1. GENERAL REPAIRS > : : Can be seen at Oshawa Esso Service!' % irons and putter, $40. 72 es, tarpaulins, blow. torches, Ereighton, OC) or residences: GK. Dry Roolina, 'Painting. | Phone 723-2696 AC ] IVE | Priced to suit your budget Centre, King Street West al Park Road. |SIX slandard size awning frame fe eet ee be willl dh ' han, 26 7m-0884; G. L. Murdoch, Of ttn GING, } - c » OAT TRAILER céinni 1968 Seal. |COMbINATION storm doors and six stan \ , 3 713-4768). J. C, Victor, 94-7118, Mortgages); Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Rec. | WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new dun REALTY LIMITED | TERMS ARRANGED a NAT THAI BR, Mc Mt onlatic wontrals (dard. size, storm windows, and four! - BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT --= and arranged Rooms, General home .remod Jcontrolled cars Personal courteous serv |\2-fool boat with steering wheel, Tele pend kitenen = enalrs Telephone) cement mixers, finishing tro. ne NY FOR AE LA AND DELIVEREL LEARN HAIRDRESSING, Saturday and| CEDAR CHEST oak Morary fenle TGIOIbr alk COmnpokiaEs dace Me KOY 796, a 576 t E + palu y BOATS Motors trailers new ' Cc H venin fi 405, 'pi ou " wd y) } hand made; bed chesterfield suite: ha vibrator, air compressor, jack Classified Rotes ( mplete Landscaping --|ft#n"#,er sly ctane, pay a. Yul MORTGAGE SUPPLY LIMITED haskavich Motors, corner Boling Road mantie. lock, movie. camera} hammers, hand trowels, water a No. 2 Highway, East of Oshawa Corner f i onto . Eur with ase, A ke. new sumps, portable heaters, steel : WORD ADS Service ner Victoria and Dundas, Toronto 361 GIBBONS \ pumps, portab P ; | M ' ' ¢ INS ST, BAYTONA MARINA LTD, Fairport, | 726 106 Cathex| insertion ef 24 words $1.08 WELDI NG CALL aM +8 | OANS IBBONS 5 ak Whar Fibben Mrahainan' 'ay scaffolding, electri¢ generator, | additional words 444¢€ ench; 3 cone | se E : | ~ | lOulboard motor repairs, ail makes, guar FINDLAY r gr anal white # amnelieg romset, power rollers, electri¢ 4 Meciitive insertions of 24 wards $4.68 Acetylene @ Are @ Helecre "MAP | EF | EAF'! Janitor Service Money for first morteegon 728-8] 80) anteed work) all marine repair work) (Oe! and wood eee ation Apply nua) hammers, masonry sew, bullde fiditional words |2¢ each. cone v - w hen io RY Tat me ¢ deriaker vont pairs, pickup c ioe ¥ . if Focutive insertons of 24 words $4.92, | also @ Torch Cutting EVERYTHING irom yards Yo basemenls, Open Mortgages iellvery,. Toronto 182-8787, Dunbarton| Cantr®. Street ing jacks, mortar mixers, i additional w Ac each | | j APING AND GARDEN eaned, Alan scrap taken away. Call Joe intasace at '4 SMALL Kelvinator relrigerator, 845 mortar boxer, chain hoist, | per 1 additional 283 DEAN AVE, ERVICE a) 193-7908 hiacuie ne - HOUSE 1963 EVINRUDE 28 electric, 17M. codar-(S10V% S45.) Highchair, 912 Telephone) mitér saw, electric plone, tar- | ge if not paid within & days 725.06) ] ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, ecor / v f ING TIMI j nat wiht aleering wheel, conirols,| rey: 66m sone poulins, sand blaster, power ' matOOn St SOUNTING w= Lene ne) 28 723-6601 rd : Hing, wall .eleaning dene py| No charge for valuations CLEANING M $400, Thirteen hundred ib, Teenee trailer, BUY AND SELL Good used furniture post hole auger, oscillating words ¢ ts as 24 words; . each > modern machine, Free estimates, Work Mortgages and Agreements T.V, CLEANING TIMI 's 4080. WA sell senaratel plum (and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 218 word, initial, figure er abbreviation JOHN' guaranteed, 7987796 purchased saad Panne Dundas Bast, Whithy, 448.448 sonders Fr sonders, belt gounts a8 ene word; phone number | Bla ) ban iar ancora rt es by trailer. 8 4 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcyel ss sanders, floor sanders, acety -eueghone THE LANDSCAPING (Money Te Leen ative TRO Oy te aie ateal tram works' ISikeh| ent cendinion, a0" Telephone. tier five| lene welding eutfits, 200 : DEAT | R H CABINE T ¢ O m9 i ' . MA : € WAR T 7 | A wheels yt weight. Best offer or will o eee GALL omp electric welders } lak roe " WS | " . SOD LAID & | Mf ) 4 | TELEVISION Wade for acarylene cutting Toren, T8I®: corra@m" SPECIALS =>" Bingley" double ; OCIA NOTICES i a | A} , . R | phone 7235 ' moiete $19.95 chen table! Bet Neen 5 omop | 182 THICKSON RD, N DELIVERED pF tg 728-5143 cr areas, ot ene feel = ST ANS 1 Gitional eharge if not paid with-in 728-0237 | Gredina & Power Rollins Oshawa Intario 7--Swap and Barter s, fa ele Good prices Valley! ¢ . ? days aes SHRUBS TREES & HEDGES | 723-4697 TV----Radio Repairs BATH ited $10 and up) basins nek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-44 sharpening & Rentals Ltd, k 4.00 iN MEMORIAMS | Kitchen cabinet Vanities. _ | sinks, $4) cabinets; pressure system; PIANO Si-ineh upright, reconditioned Bs $2.00 for the first 38 words and Se | Custom built cabinets. BROOKLIN MORTGAGES are my business, Uniimiied| WOT DIPPED GALVANIZED \[epails) Nouedoat: cruiser: trailers; |sal'" ebony: finish, $205 Telepnone 725: | 223 King St, W,, Oshowe y each thereafter, plus l2¢ per line ef | = nln : RR ¢ funds available at lowest ra ist and ee VENTS motors, cars. 4, Chinn, Wiliside and Park after © fr 3 - / > 'verse 25¢ additional charge if mot |ROOFING, concrete floors, tial rooting 655 3866 mortgages, Call Ralph Risebrough TV TOWE R° South 7237008 NINE PIECE wainut dining room suite! PHONE 723-3224 paid within 7 days our speciality New work and repairs 438. 1982 So \ | 475, Telephone 725-149 } Large and small jobs. L. and H, Rooting | . " = CARDS OF THANKS and Consiruction, ®R 3, 795-4997 CITY WIDE MORTGAGES are my business Unilmited ARE THE BEST! 8--Articles for Sale BATHROOM sink. chrome le i $2.00 for the first 38 words and Be _ ~ € PPENINIG FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS! funds available al lowest rates lat and acks and taps like new, Round _ aro. | HALL. FOR RENT . gion jditionat [ASPHALT your driveway, Reasonable MARPENING 1 mortgages Call Raiph Risebaroug WHY SETTLE FOR oy] eal chrome kitehen table, arvo ate . Sach therenfter, with 28¢ ac o| lrates, Work fully guaranteed, Terms a 098 r | e . 1 @ Stone ' Nead Oo t | A nT i ' t é aya aoe 66819 Grove Shon hardware for overhead garage or boa . charge if net paid within 7 days, -- Irangeq. Arnold Paving (Ontario) Lid,| REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS | Renting money is like renting © 4'! Much © Building Materlel|neuse. co burner cowman camp| FOR ALL OCCASSIONS ; s' Mu wildir Saying BVENTS ee ES 5030 Sharpening nd Repeirs © cottage or a boate~you get | Nursing Homes T R | @) TEXACO FUEL & STOVE Ol stove, After 6 Bm. 7209018 | } first 20 words and Se each the Ieee ball ang ainey cleaner St "» ears S01 nive rise to use-it when yeu need it IGMWAEB ceounimanailon ter cea an on Stan Bache ask . WE lont fing ea pment i. 'ale tchen facilities sheppaie oth i] wit v r inte CCOMMODE i] P ' Pe f 4 t " A 4 ) nals " ¢ r u € ¢ ' 2 ' i after 'e stalled: roofs repaired. Free estimates wn itting. Quick service n You ' ent. money patients at Lyntonhurst Manor, Reason TELEVISION Whitt mit neal al able be f 4 na nalr, pus up upacity. 2 quests, or i rere Mat 795-2997 Piekouy { delive from Crescent { » week able rates, Telephone rane 37) f | Be [ machir i, bells, rubber. stretener,| more information -eall; { AUCTION SALES u 4 very / Cerner Bond and Division exoco Veoier boots, two. bars, assorted collars } Pe ee ee a, FOR ROOFING, chimneys, All Woes of SHARPENING BY KAACHINES month, year or longer--ar : ed, : b maths WO. Dal artes a } $2.10 per inch p n FOR ROOFING, 'ehimneya, All types 9 f A M HINES eerie Unni BS DOD. Phen, (optometrist 798.5143 Call 668-3524 neline bench, Telephone 725-4849 723-9433 | DEADLINES Oshawa, Breeklin 6883906 248 Quebec St.--725-0500 | ahead and you can come in |B RICHARD BLACK, OD," \34 Simone SAWDONS! (Whitby) LIMITED | EVINRUDE, Sia horsepower, outboard as | Ad p = uP \ con ' y Sireet North, Suite & Oshawa, Telephane 44 Ree Geuth ever used, $250, Aquarium with stainiess | Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dis! CARPENTRY lek, block | 4 - n TV S ERVIC if 244 Brock St uth ' 5 \ H Pa. WORD ADs erate footings, ate, New Work and re | ONS pick ue your money } us TVA OCIS Steal stand: Wilh slot 9ts Telephone es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee | S pm. dey preview pairs Of all Kinds. After 5, call P98318) BOW! f R'S tome inve rented rom DAY. OR FVENIN ; : | u P h Bowl Bridal » sae : / mn unch wis rida | LOST AND FOUNE HOME IMPROVEMENTS, rooting, and Crescent in only ten minutes, |Painting and Decorating 798 BOR4 Janssen's Power PIOHEREN one oan iva Wear, Men's Formals, White Nv y Bu vest nin epeniry work, paint ' i é é epairs nding and parts fo M , Fam. ey of sublont on caveatroush a, carpet yw he Ralf LA APING & GARDENING ME OF THR WAY ret t quipment Centre man Service ( Sportsman's Cor:|' Fox Furs, Mink Stoles | 9 om. dey af publication y we . , , » « Wear > Tore Moto Mower Masse ee ' Cities cimay DO THAT REPAIR job al We ARVICE 28-778 RESCENT MAKES RENTING ELECTRONICS hae hid ; Trdctors, (WEDDING GOWN, Full len worn) SARGEANT'S RENTALS ' zi honest pr honest kr f R MONEY f Ab < ] Paty eer! bh ty 475 or best offer 30 Colborne east, | ig ' eo s oe aay F Ape es rena" Anas rene pice igs ag \ sheeded @ SODDED e@ i PLEASANT Service on all power equip apt, 9) after § o'clock | 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 2 enlur tle ay | ohane 20.00 Kertilined , 'i nsed mechan n ott on hai ine ewolk slabs Term Month! F ae Licensed meenanic TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -~ 4-1! WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk { CANCELLATIONS AND FINISHING CARPENTER, Cusiom yt i flagstones, Fertiliz Amount. (Months) Payments FOR MODERN PAINTER FAST T.V, SERVICE dut prey Net Siewen Me lzenieee anienne reducing machines, sick' room supe! GORREGTION anon eaninets, {Dr eabinets ' edging irsery $ va ¢ : @ PAINTING e@ DECORATING Service Cell. only $2.80 R43 k Wes! 128.9429 Leela inclaled' tan odeee Ald Rentals, 10S Beatrice, 725-1644 GORREGTION: Hee oun he i dahon [ols 6.0( A ervic only $2.5 snpiere x 4-7 @ INTERIOR & EXTERIOR antoed one year $80, See all towers * BOX NUMBER RENTAL Se ' 198 42 20 24.00 : | aly, r, 2 gsi San anal CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, chureh While every encieaver will be made NEW PLASTERING and yenairs. stu 045 4 4600 @ FREE ESTIMATES | DOMINION SMILE Biv sido Hs © AMS aisle runners, Cleve Pox smenteles 419 to forward replies te box numbers ta lsidewalks, remodelling, recrooms Free j Evergreens, Shade aes. FERDINAND SCHMIDT TELEVISION A jaimeoe Street North, Ca hnala the edvertiten @: & s possible jestimates, A Taeals 8.44 , i ) 4 0 42.00 29 | TUBERT 225.9872 > You're in Valle reek Furni THREE ROOMS oF furniture. 0290.00. Ne ENTERTAINING ' itty . one hunaree we accept 6 t expect of | 72847)? . 2 é 14 1700 OA KR, ture where they pay te most Wh payment # Monin, 4 pe wa Te Civd for ban loss iamage alleged tn arise | tillize | : ie ec canna 72851549 am, to9 pm Ail Whe cheapest" When sal nl's, 424 King West, 72018 a ag gy BIE. y ener reine ot aay | Cartage fen centre wat bale be bed, bey PAINTING AND All work guaranteed . buying used furnit FARULOUS SAVINGS on baby furniture PASI | bar Aicnen, parking, Ree noe whethe = egiigen hint) civy CARTAGE, moving and ator J). A. Janssen e A ible DECORATING CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re and appliances phone Cleara Ce or odds. n onde Strolle 4 $7.99 sonal ' " 8 ; erwise Times 1 he re alsa cella ya eane f € pairs, All work guaranteed. .§ Dean 440 sie s me Nighvenairs $6 ' { at " ed tor in am Street West or telephone 43 k 3 CENT FINANCE INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Avenue. Telephone 725-0800. 440) ot come te the store | soringstilied crip mattresses 4488) Clove! 1 Sm Employment Wanted AL 14 Rond arriages 9S) Wilson urniture, 2 jays 4 ANADA'S MOST Broadioem, Custora Draperies TV TOWER SPECIAL an. % Churen. Street EXPERIENCED daby sitter 4 ( ' Cartage Ah Af r ; truete en 1 antenn: U i ADDING machine, typewriters, eashie st i) al REGULATIONS Daccanebin' satel viernes and Cartans ONSIDERATE FINANCE FREE ESTIMATES tie Attias « Root: Wenn 1 instal juplicalors. -chequewriiers, tiles, desks, 40" FRIGIDAIRE. stove, @xcelient. cond -- Db3AG1, Alan, 943-2 MPA} " jehairs, We buy, Sell rent, service andi tion, $807 also steel panel ded-aprings The 1 'w wie saa aREENN ELvE NURSERY DODD & SOUTER Well Drillin Diggin trade wilh budget terms, New a uae full sizes Telephone 725.9345 EXPERIENCED lady wants to de house : " bd ' Dentistry ft ell, Manager 668-5862 9 aging Low, low prices Bill Hamilton, Raglan, [PARKING LOT striping machine port. NOUN: Telephone P5004 after Spm. j ments & U thers 1A Sin reat Sauk WELL DIGGING by machine specializing] NEW CUSTOM BOAT seats, windshields. a0 steam cleaners (2) heavy duty: | WOMAN desires position in summer re i writ e tt re |MIALEK, BR. ©. B., Dental Surge 4 | e ° un HAVE YOUR PAINTING done fnew!liinn adinch t W. Ward, 204 Chestnut steering wheels, tarps, several widths Prolector, Negative. and opaque, power-|sort area as telephone receptionist, deak tien of ertisement, ner be Simcoe Str North hawa 'i | Phone 728-7311 Verio and exterior, All Work @UArAT:| Street West, Whitby, 468254) or 448-2808 h ' sign shop equipment, letter fadricat:| clerk or as nurse to semitnvalid, Nursing mene, Street | i load Gath anutince ter fece cate y and apes, Surplus Stock, Arkansas ' prise! actimnes' Nae anes { oF e @ single |appointment, ? *, 728 1} anytin ' : , Af NO. po ols, Pe xperience. Ajax 4d10 : e fe H. ae As ae pp er ? a or Re aa 1 WILL lnan you up to $5,000 at a rea Lioyd Simpson Painting and Decorating, | w ' f Travetier, Sacrifice prices, 72 a, power 4 f | oe * ; onable vale of interest! to eonsolldate! yoq-gare. 1----Women's Column SCRAP HARDWOOD one-fool Hatha. VIKING automatic washer and dryer, MIGH SCHOOL gir! would like position " ' ' Dressmaking j your bills or for any other worthwhile , . | RUNITARW WPT or masacial Page Hairs Excellent tor fireplace, $7.78 single cord.) 'Wo And Sia years old, $200) 40" Hotpoint | as mother ' einer tor ine surymer rhe @ oF tates DRESSMAKING "All Kinds "of Indie 793.9020 ed Whe have ates ead lane Plumbing and Heating dressing, 196 Pine Avenue, corner gf Diet 2828) after 4 am Rue ee ee ¢ € High quality wark a Agne fs 4 aaa wee Nor - r is Westmount, Telepnane #24804 BODY HARDWOOD, je in lengths, ex e wa ~ } : esamaking, 448-2 A} APIN . Ree Tyree repels 808 Fela client for fireplace, $7.80. single cord, (TELMVISION = Admiral console' model, (CAPABLE lady Will do babysliling In hee J ' mer New by, _4 bs ' > ATL € . orks "i leon i iy y home ab' ar f ic ie aye ° lay ¢ fe } ' 1 ORESSMAKING Suits ge earments tee, mient ot Yee neve rates, Estimates free, 223-1191, J. Foley. 12. Personal Prone 7) Good work Me ania Cin Telephone be hail ame, eo A @achoo! child, Lake cinte '4 Alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting « car Marden ik mall ce lee fe . n HONEST CAL'S. Furniture and. Appl ARG : : oa } a fs saad ge Mh rey wating Bl UF pay aif or leas for conseli: AGL PL UMBING and heating supplies nces. Name be al bl st al nie TWO BEDS springs and mattresses in WILL CARE for child In my home, $12, ' the ' es dation of any Worthwhile purposes, Tele: Telephone Harold H. Stark Ltd Re £6) winetiinga + 4 ame brands at biggest disco. { : a j hbase ft ve I . et en ¢ eorodvce il LADIES: THINK THRIFTY: a GR phone Toronto 481-5208 siumbing,. Heating and Engineering, 225 high a er fluc 4 Nair la nywhere, We carry Restonle and: Bever al Foie Mean ee tee a ee ertis : ta mend ty 1 , "f treet South se urdu will be in y mattress furniture lines, Your author and me por ? a ' sume ament it irate ointment eleahone 72618 ALL - GREEN' Mortgages Oshawa June 7th, 8th, and |\id GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's ating "WP WALKING tractor, plow. and : ( awa J\ t Q 4a4 * Street West, 228-919) valor, ne plepho: i aan I ted . * (LADIES and children's wear reasonable . ; WEI Rug: Upholstery Service 9th. Phone -Genoshe Hotel te = | Cultivaton, new, Telephone 724802 17---F Help W : Sadbene Whliny ase. iee { VERS TELEVISIONS and sewing machines : ATTENTION cottagers! Bunk beds, con A etore ' eN M N P \ these dotes for appoint ent at reasonable rates, Honest Cal's, verts to twin beds. Also one double bed. - n lication "9+ Gardening and Supplies Taunton Villoo MORTGAGE OSHAWA ment. thy Wen eM chee, Teleprone eins? | INTERVIEWERS NO 1) ToP Soll OSHAWA, 725-9674 | CLEANERS ELECTROLYSIS BOOB. Ved. three-piece bedroom sull®/ CHROME dining table, tour chairs aa and SUPERVISORS BA ' PLACE A ', , ) . M with plate glass mirror ephene 48S iis bed, single' bunk 'her. catte P Rug and Upholstery' Clean 123.464) a663, two end tables, wo lamps, retriger © tis wv NWA b | ' y en 42. Part time, for market researeh TIMES A WANT A Hardsand DAVEY | OANS 19: At our plant ar in your : AUYING OR SELLING firniiure or an Women's clothing size Ih Telephone : ) ) ; * pilances. Call Elmer, Hampton 24)2904 or 2698 surveys. Write giving educes fed Direct TREE SERVICE } hon 3--Sportsman's Column M48 sixes tion, interviewing or supers 723-3492 upright dark brown, goad cond aying, feeding li } » ' i CALL 725-9941 PIMMERMEN and Wealera Real and rad TYPEWRITER, 825.; portable, $40.) add. tion, Hot water heater, electric, goed) vising experience to Edsall Landscaping ACING, irae and stump te Central Ontario 4-RR STREET repairs, Winding and parts for all makes./ind machine. 8351 twotetal enah reain.for cottage, twentystwe gallon capacity Research Ltd, 2048 Bishop v novels org The oldest and BRUCE Coleman Service Contre, Snartman's Cor: |ter: SS.) electric typewriter, 943.) calcu) Telephone 723-63 aes y ---- i St, Montreal 25, W Glover Ro est tree saving service in the CHENTERFIELDS reunnoistored and re:/N@r 10) Ryron Street South, Whithy, (lator, Peele FRIGIDAIRE relrigerator and Frigia:| | 24 0 ee Tin Write Box \ 5 > a styled, Pree estimate. See our material HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and used, aire freerer, Like new, Apply 210 Hill shawe Times INDEX TO 43s 172) ' 'a 4 ' tig rust tor recovering. Ballon Upnolatering, 18) S----Treilers 8299, No down payment. Open evenings side Avenue eed » ( } > haries Street : until ®@ pm, Honda Shon, 199 King West - et P t ELEPHONE 723-1361 e oom. ACCORDION, almost new. Real offer . CLASSIFICATIONS Evergreen Sale g ' RE-UPHOLSTERING by experi" Extan Cook's 7 ler Sal wal eee buys, Telephone Ps.i66 GIRL. FRIDAY m e cleared Savines Corpo hed 1? years. Complete range ot mate OOK § [raver ales wv TOWERS SPECIAL 40 toot tower i . SAR ( oration ' TN FFICE ENE TT [ OWEST PRICE EVE CEDAR TREES } f nia. Warkena aranteed tive yaara : a enannel antenna installed INSURANCE O . | |---Wamen NE R \R TREE Gi. Pree eatimates. Credit terms, AMattranses Simeoe St. North $30. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 36 9--Market Basket avant ge abcg Seog Nici i) iY e < n PRIVATE. Gai a tree in vaur back yard dh NSTITUTKC L. FIR ebulll, Furniture refinished. Oshawal sak an Gibbons Street, Peale c ; - ; Shorthand preferrec ut ory See Traviers et it cul gown before it casts vou a WHITE BIRCH ond PRIME SECON Vpholstering Company, 3? Dean Avenue, Oshawa, 723-9534 BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture JANSSEN'S COUNTRY essential, five» doy week, G--Marine ta ent small fortune, Reasonable rates. P2a.nees A ses Nive Chaslans MORTGAGES end ' and apniiances. One tocation anty. Pretty DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET downtown office. Write Bow " verte NURSERY $00 and field sod. deliversd rn p Pp EEMELITS B. CHESTERFIELOS and. oid ehaira, re Just North of Camp Sama Furniture, 444 Sirmcee Seutt, 7220071 406 Oshawa Times, stating aA . F ' Fanehans Fence ' 1 Poles AGREEMENTS Purchased avered like new, Get the best for lesa at! 1 Fresh fruit and vegetables dct F ies htc b Denim MA Bask 24 ag Foe gatimates, Telephene 720 aly gh > dR 4 New and Used Travel and ORIGINAL oo! paintings -- landscapes 1 , ' qualifications. ete 1 Gem " wba " 1 LO iS N MORTGAGES Medeor ar heat i ' mane Stree Tent TRAILERS portraitures alse custent picture fram: daily Apples ad by the ' } - ers CAA ne Sovth, Ca ree estimates ' she f tudia =D r20-0422 hel t of impor "a " = i H ' e M ; oo a Milli Newtonvy y Call Clark Studia, Days 72 by 1, Most of imported pre 1 tena * ARURE. we ee, 30 par yard. Tee Maps lyk ue nediate vice . eves, and weekends 4684497, 225 Brock oo f } 1a Ashininn VA $2.50 per ya Delivery arge RA RY} | t " Parts and deevice ducts LERK iScckrtigas ¢ ' wo Yards, P2504 86-4463 Colle From: Our Head Office Sales and Service Norns. Whithy CLER ' 1 dome B et portunities NURSE V S68 and lens i B AWNING HITCHE STA GUNS Bought, sold, traded, repaired R42 KING W 28.9429 Wanted by local industry for Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West Sant male * mg. 34) Divinion SIreel, Telephone NO ] ro © tN Oshawa REPAIRS BILIZER JACKS, ALL. PARTS A wane RT ett <i baa art time We sell the best for les employment in sales depart- ' ; : ( é SRE greene gare all evenings. Aronkiin, 48.4088 r Took ' * 3 an is . MANURE. Grave aa cen aalioa ] OP Soll FURNITURE yp W en -- a és ment Prefer staff with typing 13M . Nent et cheap. Telephone 723-044 rtoee " } ¥ _TVERIUFE Only SEPD ING. Come Y soMme transer ner DacReal xtate tor Sole LWWRE YO" FRING Ca ; Mortgage Money al id SERVICE B havit LER FRANCHISE |peareom, living ream wilehen emnemnies | 1Q---Rarmer's Column aga A agg cE be wy | oe mer Properties am. down, Free estimates PIMS118 9 Vsnawa Garden Centre Available ROARD MOTORS rae Trailer fran bavene' Horne Ruratibinea: a4 Shwese & DEAD and crippled farm stock picked | : "hace ic bee 01. on nul sf ° a8 4 ; : D WER MOWERS chise avaitab rad profit ; "ts a promptly, Marawill Fur Farm, Tyrene f ts for Sole te ' Low Interest : margin. For information con WE BUY) soll and exchange vane fc Telephone Collect Hampton, | M27 awa Times, Whitby t * POWER MOWERS "Hing and service ae j ; \ ad daliiany margin. For Y DEMartion ¢ jure oF "anything you Mave. The city) Telephone, | Colle ' ! ; wr . a ' 2 . 7 2 } 14) 5 bis Mate tact RIVIERA TRAILERS Lid Tra Post Store, 444 Simeone Street WOMAN 's work in Dairy Queen store . . 4 Ps a9 a. é ' Py Master Merine ry sth Lin South, ROX Souter p16 Seen clean pate Yer sale, 8) bushel Row: ayaar be neat and clean and able to meet rs ae EXPERIENCED gardener w ace tne MANURE avel. Sone ' M g¢ Brokers : rion 5 'A SNT . tom hoses, | ANY Steeens HUdIE anit Apply 1003 Dundas ® ' 6 OAKVILLE, ONT VACUUM rene a ARPS e - Baron and lawns BlAAling. deddhilime. Anvwhe al Hampton 240244 ER and Mower rusher, ete, Pichu, delivery, 9420213,14 HORSEPOWER Garden iractor "wiih Street Rast, Whithy 23 ©. Pruning. Hedge trimming, ¢ HIGARDENS plowed' ana dink SUMM in SGN TRE IME Gaiden Baican rinit | Phew Vacdum Servien, Mam Street, plough and coltivator, Telephone 7234380! PARTTIME approximately 8 hour ; a ' ' piowed And ditked. Caw SUMMER ; Golden Falcon and Ord x vy 3 vk ; > yenamie nods manire for ale Leading and grading LANI UACK HOAR) 4g | Travel tratlers at Subway Traiter Park: Pickering k ee |: peutteta eet eee, i Oe ae LIVE IT UP) & & home of your own | 8-a08 S ")) c Teunton Rea. W. at Gorrar and Sales, 1010 Dundas Street Paar WS Alis-Chatmers tractor with iia } counts xperience not needed. Car es 1S p salection ettered ally lan knGME™isceseeremi ea wecas-- ECURITIES 5 4994 NNby. "Salen, "Servicer Partas "Accanan: MODEL O18 Alin;chaiimara Wacior with) TT ----Pets and Livestoc Senval, Ber Weiervtew "wees giving: thane 3 f te Sale . wat on i te an meee 132. Simene St. North rien AWA MOWEFS, ONE UAEE HOR cone, An CORVG RANCH Kennels, "horven, goals, number ty P.O. Rox #4 Postal Station | ¢ see e Rerait ARE YOU TiRED ' , : GUARANTEED enairs all wringer TRAILERS tor Sale er. rent, Gabin ane \ . 2 x eaintered German Shepherta, puin:/N i, Orta : ale. Tate ne . ) . oe eatinnat ait camping. § Avithnriee 4 MANDUE, NOUSPREGRER, Setween DN ann ak ' va ' OFFER YOUR SERVICE . ad * #53-48 evening \ Dae aite aw i Pgh ' v wanted to take charge of home and on ; an and Peay AND SSSOno bath, be mate North, Alax, 4244 NEW AOAT © . : AEAUTIFU naby podgie eany fort healane o * wh ita an . ve aysitve 'a 42! saree a CANVAS awnings tains ananies xe . new ering wheel: 9 we M b. come. Live' dn Coming er te \TOR SOIC FOR SALE Me ie © One a @ienets eacundar © nein ie hennieis Ba ators, Al King Street Complete service, Free eatimates, Atel INGLIS trailer tor sale, three roams, t tralia WHA Peeards. Must se Telepnone |training 9 strain, Apply Mra, T. come. Live in. Wei i Box 48 Oshawe Notices Wen, Keunit, Whitey, 688-9981 or 648-2906. vou fest, Rom Jelinek, PREP anytime - alahed, Telepnane after S p.m, PaRengt, [7210440 Aroad. it} wan Bast, (Timea,

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