Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jun 1965, p. 1

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Home Newspaper | Weather Report Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- 7 Sunny and cool today. Cloud- manville, Ajax, Pickering and ing overnight and Friday. neighboring centres in On- Barometer rising. Low to- tario and Durham Counties, night, 45. High Friday, 65, 10e Single Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1965 Authorized ox Second Claus Mall Post Office Department, TWENTY-SIX PAGES = W CEMINI TWINS IN SPACE WITH 3-ORBIT GO-AHEAD , Success May Mean Edge | SPACE FLIGHT In Phase Of Space Race» 1m, goa» ms aunch ti y HOWARD BENEDICT looked pretty and that it was June 3, from Cape Kennedy, CAPE KENNEDY (AP)--As- | tumbling Fla tronauts James MecDivitt and| Near the end of the second Flight duration--97 hours, Edward White soared into or-\orbit--about 2:17 p.m. EDT --! 50 minutes; 62 orbits " \bit today to start one of man's |McDivitt was. to manoeuvre Spacecraft--Gemini IV, the vj"! \most exciting adventures -- an|Gemini IV to within 25 feet of} second in the _ series of intended four-day flight. duri g {the stage. Then, in a page out] mannel two-man capsules 19 which White planned to emerge |of science fiction, White planned| feet long with a blunt-end dia- into the emptiness. of space|to open his hatch and leave the; meter of 7% feet. near another orbiting satellite.|spacecraft, using a "space gun Booster--Titan II, a two- The marathon flight could be|propulsion unit'? to manoeuvre) stage liquid-fuelled rocket 90 one of the most spectacular and|close to the target feet tall and 10 feet in diame- |significant in the space age and| He was to photograph it and) ter, developing a total of 30,- give the United Staes a lead/other space objects 000 pounds of thrust in at least one phase of the Space agency officials had Astronauts--Air force ma- race to the moon said before the flight that White| jors James A. MecDivitt, 35, "Beautiful! Beautiful!' were|might even attempt to touch the} commanding, and Edward H. the first words to come down|second stage if it were not) White II 34 from the spaceship as it soared tumbling too severely Objectives -- To determine into orbit. After floating in the black) the effect of prolonged As Gemini IV whirled above;space void for 12 minutes on| weightlessness and_ space- the Carnarvon, Australia, track-|the end of a 25-foot golden life-| flight on men and equipment; ing station 50 minutes after|line, White was to return to the! achieve rendezvous with an- launch, the mission control cen- craft other orbiting vehicle; -- per- tre gave them a go-ahead for Most of his excursion was to! form extra-vehicular activi- at. least three of their planned take place more than 100 miles} ties requiring White to climb 62 circuits above the southern United! out of the spacecraft and into This was the first of nine|States as Gemini IV crossed] space; provide a_ controlled critical go-no go' decisions/from Mexico to Georgia re-entry and training for as- scheduled for the mission. The After this jaunt, McDivitt was; tronauts who will fly in the others were set for orbits three,|to manoeuvre about 16 miles} Apollo man-to-the moon pro- five, 16, 20, 31, 35° 46 and 50, |away from the orbiting booster.| gram; conduct certain engi- As the great Titan II booster|Then, during the fifth orbit, he| neering and scientific experi- rocket drilled the Gemini IV|was again to try to rendezvous! ments. |spacecraft on the start of its|with the satellite, possibly ap- lengthy ride, McDivitt reported! proaching to within 10 feet. | a ] Ito mission control centre that) No exit was planned during "It looks great up here" this manoeuvre. 1,100 Wildcat Minutes later, the 7,600-pound| Both the ability to rendezvous spacecraft was in an orbit ove [bith to operate outside of an res| . CN sing from 100 to 175 miles above |biting spacecraft are techniques} the earth, precisely the orbital|which must be perfected for! orcing path intended later flight to the moon. . ? The target satellite for; The dramatic journey of the White's planned excursion ifto;Gemini IV started at 11:16 a.m Service Cuts space was the burned-out sec-)when the mighty Titan II thund- ond stage of the rocket. TVjered off its Cape Kennedy| TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian stage followed a few hundred|launching stand and propelled|National Express cut off all ex- iio ' feet behind the capsule in orbit.|the craft into its precise orbit.|Press and less - than - carload : mG. : : McDivitt, as command pilot,) It was the start of the long-|freight shipments in and out of ee 4 , : f twisted the bell-shaped space-jest U.S, - attempted manned/Toronto Wednesday in the wake gp eg ~ ship around 180 degrees to take/flight yet--an endurance mis-|Of a wildcat walkout by 1,100 : ee a look at the booster stage andision scheduled to end about|railway employees. a TINIEST TYKE IN TYKE LEAGUE foal he capule fm forme 106 pm. Monday' afer a2 cir] 'The work stoppage by Toca acewda ourne tion with it. cuits of the globe in 97 hours,|327 of the Canadian Brother-| s He radioed that the stage|50 minutes. hood of Railway, Transport and| SPACEWALKER WHITE: A STUDY IN CONFIDENCE The tiniest tyke of the n. Whitby, opened the Jr. b some encouragement from i , General Workers (CLC) was Tyke league for boys under lacrosse season last night in Johnny. The Steelers over- e s Sin eta Nyt eetm ane fence tH Yor AH AF notion In Launch Tower [sits eens i LILLO trange or Jordan ,son of Mr. and Mrs, Stahls, a centre with the hawks jche , a truck driver wi ive! Bill Jordan, 301 Byron st. Whitby Lasco Steelers, gets Oshawa Times Photo parts pre en grog : ape Scuhce o the position of porter, appar- ; Delayed Flight By 76 Minutes ently as a penalty for losing a By JOHN BARBOUR |spits out a small jet of oxygen) site reaction. Strike an object te | CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)|and propels you side to side,/send it reeling and you send P e St li carton of freight. ay fy Ah owed a Se : Cold and black, the empty/to and fro, an s a fine waylyourself reeling as well. If you i} | The launching was delayed|was orbiting about 500 feet be-, By evening the walkout had , a} r bree g TO ince ream ines ani siciie is Inthe because of|hind the spaceship spread to Brampton, Oakville,/feaches of space offer no real/to get around, a beautiful toy/didn't have a helmet on and a balky launch pad service} This was close "enough for,and Windsor, jnotion of distance--save for the)' tals -dayarenm,-sort Of: world coughed, it would back you up. tower that would not fold down|White to attempt a rendezvous! But Gerald T. Vinen, presi-|2umberless stars, The sun, like| Ahead of you, too, is the|It is a tentative world where the heart of the flame from ajbooster rocket that brought youjeverything is in motion, and e a i i ie nN [ from the rocket due to an elec-|with the booster during the sec-|dent of Windsor's Local 18, de- 7 : | i ; ' 1q1 1OrT ] es ce aws |trical malfunction. ond orbit inied any connection between hey ri aot ithe hig greys 3 place ed its ends jagged motion 1s the: only thing: tor t the walkouts in the two. cities.| B § 8 ght. jand burned by the blast of|sure. Despite th xcitement at-| It was the first that ge F espite e excitement a was the first time that con | Closer is the lonely quarter-/flame and explosion. It tumbles) You keep an eye from time ,, 'ached to the rendezvous andjtrol of a U.S. man-in-space! The Windsor strike is a pr ; TORONTO & P)--Thirty-four liquor is not allowed. On trans-\victed A fete he proves he did space excursion - manoeuvres,|flight had shifted. to the new/test against working conditions eee soft and small. sete in an unreal way like Sito time on the spacecraft--for changes in Ontario's liquor con-\atlantic flights where liquor is|not sell liquor illegally. mission director Christopher C.)multi-million - dollar centre at/he said, and predicted an early This is the strange BEY. world] patro man's twirling nightstick it is your only reality, your only trol and liquor licensing legis-|served once the flight is outside) The serving of alcoholic bev-|Kraft Jr. said the main goal of|the National Aeronautics Space return to work *jof Edward Higgins White Il,jin slow motion. measine of up or dns lation have been announced by Canadian territorial waters, liq- 7 ¢ termine P ' a . |American astronaut, age 34, fa-'ONLY ONE LAW : ea. " s, "'%erages will be allowed in open-|the flight was to determine|Administration's manned space ' 7 inn hate » age 94, ivaa a Provincial Secretary John Yar-uor now will be served all the : m how well men: and spacecrafticraft centre at Houston. All fu nt has Base Pe at ane of two children, a would- You' remember to take care And even though you are @ emko way. systems can withstand a longiture NASA manned flights will|/Me™bers 1 toronto We nes-/be human planet in orbit around) not to pull too hard on your;mere man, a lean six-footer lil he eranted: tol Movie' <henives il : é haters 2 : ' ate reba 4 .|day night, tempers flared atithe earth ! ' ; ill be grant to' Movie heatres will not exposure to the space environ-|be conducted in_ this manner,li es suocestion that the strike is fe ey f astic ai tether line, because in this;who weighs some 170 pounds, h, all wilt start from|;1¢ SU88 ' It is a ve be o! as, // weightless arena, you know the\your tug on the tether line can Kennedy yew mension and unreal sensation. ioniy Jaws that hold are that any|move more than 7,500 pounds of e second stage of the Titan! A union source said members|It is as if you had leaped intO| action has its equal and oppo-|spacecraft. air portions of restaurants and Permi on W be Gining rooms as jong as a de- sell reraft, legitl- eligible for liquor licences mate theatres and dining rooms! qiperg which obtain licences|Dut drinking will not be allowed/ECLIPSES RECORD gree of privacy is maintained! ment although quor n att ed to bowling alleys and. # : all ' ap aa 1, t peat 4 : wil 7 to sell ily |in sidewalk cafes. Mr. Yaremko The flight, if carried to. com- ; : nee he ged apie ar Paper et that open-air. drinking|Pletion, would eclipse the pres.is 27 feet long and 10 feet injcomplained bitterly that they|the air and never really came ) persons attending a perform-inoted that open-air drinking} , | pr arger than the space-|were being treated "like dirt' down, lost in a perpetual fall Herries Seaneee g 3 revenue yen However, three widely-fore- » ¢ ring the perform- ent American record of 34 hours| diameter, | ance and during the pervorm- might be suitable for some mo- d is 19 feet tall and|by middle-management on thejaround the earth, ast. amendments we re-jance. The licensing legi 20 minutes established in May,|Craft which ; | iN ca amendmen $s were fre-jance The licen ing of legiti tor hotels whose construction!ig¢4" hy acty : Rie foot wacois ihe hans railway. Ahead of the spacecraft on a} jected. They involved permit-/mate theatres was requested by 1963, by astronaut Gordon '2 Ra ' e lpold h 7 1 Hel : ' } allowed for a degree of privacy.| Cooper The rocket stage was equip-- MEN RESTIVE golden tether, you plummet to-| ; 2 *¢ 4 ont 4 for the j the Canadian Centre for th gether at some 17,500 miles an th liquor sales with meals on), " : ; ; = : Aas , ped with two high - intensity illi Gavi recording : Performing Arts, the federal The government also listed) A Russian cosmonaut, Valeri)?°°, ¥! 8g nsity| William McGavin, recording cul 5 day d : 8 | sovernment's centennial project several minor changes in liquor|Bykovsky, holds the sacaid blinking lights to help the pilots secretary of the local, said Er pean vv. he i not var = drinkir to 18 oye _ go Jlanned for Ottawa ulations, one of them that/119 hours, six minutes ga } Hin tye ics A men had been restive for more ae Acad ae Of preeze for Munro Named Presbyterian Moderator endir t ystem of local ¢ tide pt i. ' * s 4 ae he launch of. the 165-to q ' : tanh ,. "i s * tion u 'ipalities ONUS ON CROWN " ila gel bs a ot Ma the arene worstage a1" toot-long Titan wa eaiend by peiterg i prc The sun stands out in the, TORONTO (CP) -- Rev. James Alan Munro, 66, of decide what type let is The necessity for a person "< ps ih cocltall ba i Rp ac thousands who lined the Capelulated for rule (creantions, blackness as a great light bulb] Toronto was elected moderator of the 91st general assembly permitted harged under the Liquor Con-\par« the pilots repaviad all eealamni beaches, roadsides and other SeabLEve: Wii an nin late PA seemingly spreads no light.) of the Presbyterian Church in Canada Wednesday night, Under the amendments to the trol Act to prove his innocence Hina "counrawnnnt Aneied "daentin wond condiicn Ph vantage points inti cane' he cinclan aA put |! is only when the sun's rays) Dr. Munro, a native of Winnipeg who has administered Liquor | Act and Liquor|will be removed and the onus \f § rhicend te 'nd ny About seven minutes afteri. 1» Viewers. including Presi- é : yeie Gag he esate on nt istrike a surface that the radia-/ the home missions of the Presbyterian. Church for the Control Act inging dancing, !9 prove guilt will rest on the 2 eine ; fa trir va hs sg Ibl astoff, the s . F , 'a {dent Johnson, also watched. eee aa Y ais tion is seen. There is no air to last 16 years, was chosen for a one-year term. , 4 be allowed to drink in their own|blasto e mission control cen-\m.8 families of the two air|tte, rate of 20 a year. buffet and spread the light. presenta ispe games such as darts, billiards Crown. A ome nder pa t pervi-jtre reported' that the Ge The : $ 5 's and cards, and other ente bootlegger, for example, is con iat Some same . ra the * Was gt risensitel orbit minforce. majors were tense TV i. Mite tor scien Oe roti pte oh foe a a| Lemieux On Corrections Committee int 9 be - permitt : pT apes ve & ve pee te 4p | Spectator hal rac jblanket of air glowing with the} r } ' ment will be permitted in iture had suggested there) McDivitt fired small jets to" \yonivitt's wife, Patric ia. and|\here be no reprisals against/<un's light, splitting the white OTTAWA (CP) -- The retired deputy commissioner of types of premises C R b ] Ww a no reason why older chi! provide the final manoeuvre the strikers, reinstatement of); ; i " Diablie} : s aes oe eh FO ~~ (children, Michael; 8, Lynn, 6.|.0& S'ikers, \light into the splatter of color) the RCMP, J, R. Lemieux, has accepted appointment to 1 ouse 1 ren 's ldn't be od wine » le 5 » 8, Lynn, é A , i . Public houses will no longer ongo EDELS aren shouldn't be allowed wine|that put the vehicle in proper and Patrick. 4, and White's|@tiver Mitchell and the quash-|\a¢ the world of men know it. |: the special committee on corrections, Justice Minister | compelled to cl f 30 th meals at hom rt ying F. j j role 8 * : 4 ase Haast ag ype' with m e al a home vi Pong et eh Ni ation wife, also named Patricia, and ing of demerits against twos,_Ap OF HEAT Favreau told the Commons Wednesday, The minister also lowed: ad bartenders. and wit Slau hter 31 Mr Yaremko said this is an Misslong control' AE ijcatan re.\children, "Edward TI, 11, and others, | You feel the full brunt of the| tabled in the House a list of 25 experts in various fields resses in a licenced establish g nbs Ag babel 3 . Brea deal ported that it thought it "heard| Bonnie Lynn, 8, watched their jsun's radiation. You turn 0) as consultants to the committee. in ¢ : I more study. The public at larg ardinv sets at Houston ward the sun and feel the im- ments except men's beer par-) |. ~OPOLDVILLE, The Congo would have to have a better un-| McDivitt estimate that the stage I C | : * o,e . 3 1 dep " . LE, Tt igo, Would hav ave é t T , achieving orbit, McDiy-| ross- ana a mediate slap of heat at your lors. There will be no restric (Reuters)--A young Portuguese/derstanding as to what was en a jad d | . te , apan 1 nves n Tl 1S. 0 um. 1a : ; eon ters)--A young tuguese standing as what was itt and White immediately be face as the rays come through tions on their costumes except! survivor told reporters Wednes-|tailed if at-home drinking were Pepattieie 1 | . » visor. 'filter rotect| 7ANC i at they must be. dece : , he : B gan checking all spacecraft sys your visor, filtered to protect VANCOUVER (CP) -- Premier W. A. C .Bennett has that they must be decent day night he saw Congolese in- {0 be allowed GEMINI FLIGHT tems communications, con-| Strike Feared jyour eyes from the cruel light. | announced planned Japanese investments in British Colum- WILL COME SOON surgents execute 31 male mMis-\onsae piuppace trol, oxygen, life support and TON (CP) _. Penvece| Behind you--gleaming on its) bia amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars, The an- Poe eeene oe xc will come|sionaries in the northern Congo STATES. PURPOSE SIGN IS RIGHT athens ti dake camain an Rees occas ea it Bee express! sun-side--is the spacecraft and) 'nouncements were made in a press conference in Tokyo M va 7 jyour command pilot keeping a| Wednesday:by the premier who is on tour of Japan with ltas sage oa hues The purpose would be to train into effect in about two or three/town of Buta Sunday nigh iidren a the use and effect| WASHINGTON (AP)--The jwere in work order for the/paiiways in. Hamilton today : week when royal assent is As the Portuguese, one of|o¢ faahh ret nat wake uvell | coincidence was bound to {vital rendezvous and emergence o aiked off he ob: in eymon careful eye on your movements.| most of his cabinet. suuk ta amendments nine survivors evacuated fromlonie to uinnne the neon come out sometime tests ahead ies cpeide gear side, 1 SyMpa-| And you know that the sin-side g able to mino e o-called hy with a Toronto CN strikelor the craft is hot. some 200 de- {udp atmnnaa tna tna sree Ha The spacecraft is called The astronauts reported half the area, told t tory, sour f fol} \ The NRE follow a two veasur of drinkir { 0 \ av | "P Pe easure e pi : siemian ah jwhich may mushroom across grees fahrenheit, and the shade q " t . tud a special 'ouhinet to Congolese Army head i galt te Gemini I\ 1 intial "OVO a arouinns or even He oh pe ee of the need for re-;quarters here said they feared i Sets ; ' It will be launched under (that tems were in excel-|,.. I . Un-\side is perhaps 200 degrees be- I THE T E Owners and managers of curl of [lent st : low zero eee n IM S today eee a about 55 whites had: been killed } the: astrological sign lap ' Fears that the strike would} And that is probably also the | M By ded saoles quor, legis by insurgents in But ng clubs, bowling alleys, legiti-} Gemini, covering th Grout 1 : : 5 tha iby i g 5 uta ; : ; gz the period iround stations close mon ve ; | pe hot ov sun ran ares Three columns of Congo gov se poi the " f a : hs el) May 21-June 20. tored medical, engineering and spread Apa disrupt freight andjtemperature variation of your Room For 120,000 Citizens In Oshawa: Gifford--P, 11 i ince's drinking laws since liq-jernment troops were combing); li Be alle B oonern) ie sctais| Astronaut: James A. Me- other data from the Gemini IV bine gn ag tgp gy aut exterior if you merely stood munee bids _-- Heap and Pier 2 i uor sales for home consumption|the area, cleaning out rebellof the Ontario Temperance Fed Divitt himself is classed as |as it whipped overhead at about!" ay s ev a ay Ba Fi pe there and didn t move. : Tony's Suffers First Beach League Loss-----P, 8 were made legal in 1927 pockets and looking fot survi-|q) tion ap id wivihine that! a Gemini by astrologers 17,500 miles an hour R: fies iy pene ug iis ood of} The earth stretches but like Ann. Landers--14 Obits--24 Sales aboard aircraft onivors. Congolese Army men wholtands +o jr si 1 4 ; sale of Pt His 36th birthday ts a week McDivitt, 35 teered the ™ lat ABs bgt wit and "Gen-isome 'hazy paid pas | City Ni W Ss 8,.9,:10 Hinhte . v hin Or 1 o WwW he Captured Buta Tuesday had ex:|, or é y } : "Sere 'e i from today spacecraft. and tested control eral orkers Union " browns and golds and purples} i fobed bse pba mk Samal ka pected to find 109 European sorta ogee: wells gan The two-man capsule gets [systems while White, 34 : Tempers are high," said/almost like colors you hadn't Classified--20, 21, 22, 23 Theotre--18 0 said he as. Mainly missionaries and nur gett hiatal a oe eheyia| 3, name from th constel- jhand led the other checkout i A tiga Pt pth, pigs ace a hig os Comics --25 Whitby News--5, 6 | sume e¢ will be shut off; ated to he in the dist not be ¢ ted on premises EON MOTUMIE OF MIG: EWAB sige if no solution is found see Ain bi Bie Crh straten ane Baltoriay--4 Wortne-Tee 181 18r. ae when a flight enters a jurisdic So far, however, only 29 have! where urents bring their chil which is the third zodiacal SEE NEXT FLIGHT H i : : § ninsula of lorida stretching Eineneigi-sad Wanted a | & Ul al y 2 parents bring their chil-| constellation SEE iH' nobody can tell what will hap-jinto the blue Atlantic. ; tion outside the province where|been accounted for, idren. l. | Continued on' page 2 |pen." : The space gun in your hand! jyyuwanniunniwunnamnrnann innit m

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