Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jun 1965, p. 12

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Women |1:2. HE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 3, 1965 Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department \@ Mr. and Mrs, Edward Salmon thony, Mrs, Frank Naden and/7 Jr, and family of South Nor- Miss Betty Naden; in the even ss ' s ing, Mrs. Sidney Slfarples, Mrs walk, Connecticut, have been Percy Densham and-° Mrs visiting his parents, Mr. and charies Marshall, Mrs. Edward Salmon, Hortop street, and her parents, Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Notting-|/ Maas jham, Port Perry, were guests at y Mrs, Edwin Simms of Toronto,| Nottingham Vielhaber families and friends prior to'Church recently, taking up residence in Zurich, Switzerland. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kemp and Mrs, David Kemp attended the Mr. and Mrs, Robert Brown) convocation of. the University of]. SOCIAL & PERSONAL | , : wed.| and other members of their/ding, held in Raglan United| &A LEGION AUXILIARY No. 43 members since 1940 re- ceived their 25-year pins fol- lowing a banquet in their honor on Tuesday night. Above, left.to right, are Mrs. John Hodgson, Mrs, Alyn Elliott, president; Mrs. John Lovelock receiving her pin from Mrs, R. A. Williams, zone commander, and Mrs, Leonard Weeks, Mrs. J. S. Phillips was absent due to illness and will receive her pin at a convenient time. --Oshawa Times Photo ' have arrived from Almondbank,|Toronto, on Tuesday, when Mr. near Perth, Scotland, to attend) payid Kemp received his bach-| the wedding of Mr, Brown's 5i8-|elor of science degree in chem-| ter, Miss Christian Coutts to Mr.'jcal engineering. W. E. G. Petre in Knox Presby- terian Church on Saturday. Dana Olsen and Annette Lam- bois in their song and dance routine "Balling the Jack". Solo- ists included Shirley Saxby, "Hong Kong Capers'; Lynda Boivin, baton twirling and Robin McLaren, "Top Hat, White Tie and Tails", Robin also danced a duet with his sis- ter, Jan, "Walking My Baby Back Home", Debbie Corbett and Debbie Leighton contributed as a pair of Cuban Capers, and the entire program was much appreciated. Lucky prizes and gifts were presented, SOCIAL NOTICES | Legion Auxiliary Presents Pins nd ats. Bury Hoey At 25-Year Members' Dinner Guests distance at-- Mr, and Mrs, Burney Hooey ' tending the Kemp-Keay wedding announce the engagement of At the reception held in the ¢ pce a . 4 ! The Ladies' Auxiliary to, A. Williams, and the presi- Branch 43, Royal Canadian Le-\dent, Mrs. Alyn Elliott present- Parish Hall of St. George's Me-\in St. George's Memorial their daughter, Barbara Joan, lmorial Church for the. Kemp-|Church, were: Mr, and Mrs.'to Mr. Larry William Spires, ed. the 25 t th d Fe ' i anavtio Ser <aakia . stints ' * inti® 25-yea s Keay wedding recently, the|Charles Marshall, Connecticut;/son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett|gion held a banquet and social of fe ei neoas aera bed aL onoring| owed, The meeting opened with bride's mother, Mrs. Albertivrs, G) Kirklan, Long Island,|Spires, all of Solina, The wed-jevening on Tuesday h Keay received the guests wear-),, eae : ed a e : 2 a i eau qui? ; ing a jacket dress of powder- New York; Mr. and Mrs Jack\ding is to take place on Satur-|four comrades with 25-years' due ceremony, the parading of blue silk shantung' with a varie- Closs, Riverside; Mr and Mrs, day, June 26, 1965 at 4.00 p.m, membership. Those honored the colors and the minute's si- gated blue petal hat, beige ac- Norman Scott, London; Mrs.|in Eldad United Church. jwere Mrs, Leonard Weeks, Mrs lence, Routine reports were cessories and a corsage of Talis-\:rene Pickering and Miss Mar- ENGAGEMEN |John Hodgson, Mrs, John Love-| given, man roses. The bridegroom's|ion Stark, Scarborough; Mr. and 2NGAGEMENT __ |lock and Mrs. J, S. Phillips who) Jt was reported that the bus mother, Mrs. Ralph W. Kemp|Mrs. Gerald Keay: Oakville;| Mr. and Mrs, Howard B, Pitt,|was absent due to illness. |was filled for the outing to Lind- assisted, wearing a sheath dres Mr. and- Mrs. Ronald et Ad Mado wish. to announce the| The president welcomed the say méxt Monday, June 7 and of blush pink silk shantung with|Brampton, Mrs, Millar, Woo -jengagement of their daughter,| guests and congratulated the 25-/members were asked to assist a matching Swiss braid hat and| bridge; Mr R.. Fos Dury, ort/Enid Gail, to Mr. Terrance|year members, now numbering|in packing the bags of treats on accessories and a corsage of Credit; Mr Leslle Keay, Toron-|Gregory Hayes, son of Mr. and) 59 in the auxiliary and particu-| Tuesday evening June 15, ready pink delight roses and stephan-|!° Mr. Jerry jurner, Niagara|Mrs, Fred Hayes, Barrie. The larly those about to receive|for the trip to Sunnybrook Hos- otis. The Toastmaster was the "alls, Miss Marguret Lonie,/wedding is to take place on Sat-itheir pins. She read a telegram|pital, June 16. bride's uncle from Connecticut,| Lindsay; Mr and Mrs, Ted Wil-\urday, July 3, 1965 at 2.00 p.m.jof good wishes from Branch 43 Mr. Charles Marshall liams, Toronto; Mr. John Kil-/in St. John the Evangelist/executives attending the provin- 2 Sault Ste., Marie; Miss Bg Roman Catholic Church, Whitby.| cial convention in North Bay. Prior to her marriage recent-;anne_ Rollins, Toronto; Mr AS Re Seated at the head table were); i ly in St. George's Memorial|James Toohey, Dunnville; Mr ENGAGEMENT Pag Sikes Wittians, sonelvcnie Nose ee te mar Church, Mrs. David Kemp, the|and Mrs, Harold Huntley, Mr.) Envoy and Mrs, Charles Cath-\cgmmander; Mr. Gord 0 Nitormer hdhanidepee qT e young per- former Miss Alison Keay was and Mrs. Harold Bonnetta and/moir, Bracebridge, formerly of| Jacobs, representing the Branch| gteintield accompanied by Mrs entertained at a number of|Shelly, and Mrs, William Me-|Oshawa, with to announce the/president: Mrs, Perry Smith,|- einfield, were roundly ap- she ee i aidiC 9 P C by: andieneageme sie dasiahtae | ' 2) Li plauded for their dance routines showers and parties. Her maid|Cullough, all of Whitby ngagement of their daugh'er,|sergeant at arms; Mrs. JameS/ang thanked by the auxiliary f of honor, Miss Ann Millar and|/Mrs. Barbara Hunter, Toronto,/Glenna Marie, to John Ernest) anderson, 1st vice - president; | piving ens oe ee Al vice-/notice. A popular pair were| from a kei Be | i w abide ¢ js ' PRIZE- WINNING GRADUATES, CLASS '65 for general proficiency; Joy nor Lovell prize for effici- Louise Whiteley, Oshawa, ency in obstetric nursing; the Mazo Williams Memor- Back row, left to right, ial Prize for the highest Carol Jean Smith, Uxbridge, standing in theory. Centre the Dr. F. J. Rundle prize row, left to right, Sandra for efficiency in surgical Anne Myers, Oshawa, the technique; Marie Louise Class of 1964 prize for effi- Taylor, Oshawa, the Dr. W. ciency in bedside nursing; G. Watt prize for efficiency Doris Colleen Wright, En- in paediatric nursing; Carol niskillen, the Dr. G. L. Bird Margaret Evans, Oshawa, prize for efficiency in surg- the E. A, Lovell prize for ef- ical nursing; Sharyn Jane ficiency in medical nursing. Jones, Claremont, the Elea- --Oshawa Times Photo They ll Eat It If You Persist EDMONTON (CP) -- Persist ence, psychology and feminine logic can persuade husbands to when eat everything, says a Cana- Winners of the awards of scholarships and prizes to be presented at the gradua- tion exercises of the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing on Friday night were announced yesterday. In the graduating class the winners seen we are, front row, left and right: Marilyn Elizabeth Brock- man, Oshawa, winner of the Adelaide McLaughlin prize CHILD GUIDANCE Quarreling Is Lessened By Correct Training By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD overlap. For example, If you have two or more chil-|two children are assigned dren in the family, you can'the same chore as doing IDEAL FISH & CHIPS 17 Athol St. West Following the banquet, enter- tainment was provided by pupils | For a real treat thot con't be of the Burns School of Dancing, beat try our deep fried Shrimps or Scallops Then. to our retreat, 725-4812 ler, store, You will a bridesmaid, Miss Pamela song Moe of Mr. and Mrs./Mrs, Matthew. Bell, 2nd Green held a miscellaneous) 7 woos, Naces sot (Limest Morgan, Bracebridge.|nresident; Mrs. Norman Mc- shower in their apartment in| Herbert vaaer nee - soa The wedding is to take place on Evers, past - president; Mrs Toronto; a miscellaneous show- , slog oy hg sige Ot ek Saturday, July 3, 1965 at the Sal-| Frank Dobson, secretary; Mrs "ler was given by Mrs. Michael ony re haa AM ne Pit Mrs \Vation Army Citadel, Brace-/Raymond Boivin, treasurer; Fair at her home, where the DIBeay alo g ar tice: |Pridge \Mrs. Charles Gibbs, chaplain hostess was assisted by her Edward eget ete oe M a in agate ieiraces and Mrs. Jo Aldwinckle, press. ' ty mother, Mrs. William Kellar; Mrs.. Thomas pnw iN ain ENGAGEMENT Mrs. James Anderson intro- to dian cooking authority. Mrs. Ross Gibbs and Mrs Stan:| Robert Wagar er of "Whit Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Johan- duced the head table guests and the ..Put a carrot on his plate.|iey Gibbs were co-hostesess at| te; vagy perv meer bas sen, Oshawa, wish to announce| members of the Branch and the expect some quareling and|4..4,. When he says 'I don't like that' |the former's home for a presen- by: ee a hho Deaviaite bothi tte engagement of their only! auxiliary executive fighting, no matter what their . tell him he doesn't have to eat/tation and pantry-shelf shower; | "5. int ! ae Sidney daughter Sharon Marie, 0) Mrs. Norman McEvers pro- of Prestonville; Mrs dneyiMr, Derek John Watchorn, son posed the toast to the Provin- ive es are. But the| One good principle to keep injit. Keep this up and eventually wire Lawrence Keay entertain- : : pe a so severe and mind for preventing or reducing|he will eat it,' says Jehane oq gt a family dinner party at|Drinkle and or I bly eee of Mrs. W. S. Watchorn, AjaXx,|ojiat Command and Mrs. R. A frequent as to make it hard for|@arreling is to make owner-/Benoit of Montreal. her home in Don Mills at which|¢, Oshawa. wife 'and birth.2@, the late Mr. Watchorn. The|wittiams replied. Mrs, Alfred you parents and the whole fam- |Ship and jobs for children defi-| "When a man likes something two aunts of the bride-elect,|S'4™s vadbyhls Appia septa oat wedding is to take place on Sat-\7 ayender proposed the toast to thy. While we hardly can hope nite. While young children need) guch as cinnamon or nutmeg,|Mrs, Charles Marshall, Connec- day cake and reiresnm urday: July 10, 1965 at 4.30 p.m.lihe Branch and Mr. Gordon for no quarreling, there are|to have a few playthings, like|he likes it on everything -- solticut, and Mrs. G Kirkland,| enjoyed in Simcoe Street United Church,| Jacobs made the response. The somet hings we can do to re- blocks in common, each needs put it on everything you serve." |Long Island, New York, were Oshawa 25-year members were toasted duce quarreling. |to have some playthings of his This will lead him to other|present; a bridge party and a MAKE HORSES PAY RECEPTION by Mrs. Raymond Boivin. and With children under six or| Own: Their jobs should NOt toods. says Mrs. Benoit, author | presentation of a clock was held) WEYBURN, Sask, (¢ P) = 5: 2 2 Mrs. C, A. Vermoen spoke on geven, most conflicts are over] often overlap 0 Encyclopedia of Canadian|at the home of Mrs. Henry Cow-|Mrs Gladys Dorsch, who has -- Mr. and: Mrs, John A. Me- their behalf, playthings and what each child Wile parents should provide! ¢yjsine. ley 'assisted by her daughter,|20 horses, including six Arab|Conkey, Oxtord street, will be! The Zone considers his possessions. When|"Police protection' in these alt your husband yo arelMt: Wendell Deare; the neigh-|mares and two breeding stal- es ele receive their friends eect a 'the first youngster begins to matters, many sources of quar serving a particular food ye bors of the prospective bride-|lions, breaks, trains, grooms and relatives in the Fleetwood RUROINI oCLASSICe °BEAUTY® ' f * : 2 : ls . or rse » f the Hotel Genosha, on b , reling when the children are g Patricia avenue madejand trims all her horses. She;room 0 Y renosha, move about, he considers any g when th ildr are others are so expensive and he|S'00™ on Patricia a from ; ' ily . » lea » talke or and|Sunday, June 6, 1965 from 7.00 thing within his grasp as his. eight, 12 or 15 don't easily re- : : a presentation of a mixette; and/says she talked her husbant Gradually he learns That only|spond to such protection. You will be impressed, she says. his fellow students at Devon-|into buying her first Arabian on to 9.00 p.m. on the occasion of : Every woman can be &@ chire House, University of To-\the proviso that she make it)their 50th wedding anniversary RECEPTION Relatives and friends of. Mrs BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR to give you thot "just right look" wherever you i Commander, Mrs certain things are his. When a\can think of hundreds of situa. "Ve! ak hae younger brother or sister is big tions in which these children' 'fairly good cook She says! pronto presented the future bride-|pay, but her aim now is to im enough to move about and ex- may quarrel, especially during Women should first learn how groom with a teakwood coffee prove Arab breeding standards 2 : to shop, then about the basics|tapie at a party. across 'Canada, Mr. and Mrs. F. B, Whyte, Orono, will be happy to receive} their friends, relatives and lore, he also supposes anything the family mealtime , J e can get into his hands is his. P of cooking, and not worry about : so i) : OPINIONS DIFFER recipes Mrs. Albert Keay, Saguenay WEAR ALL THE make avenue, held a trousseau tea in) On the San Blas islands off\neighbors at the Odd Fellows' When he handles what the for exam i is own or ple, they may quar-, "If you learn how to older child considers his own Or re] over differences of opinion an omelet then it's easy to do(honor of her daughter' Miss Ali-/Panama, men go nearly naked/Hall, Church street, Orono, on| son Keay prior to her marriage|while their women wear elabor-|Sunday, June 13 1965 from 2 00) grabs an object from this older| about all sorts of matters Then|thousands of recently to Mr. David Kemp.jate and bright costumes with to 4.00 p.m. and from 7,00 to child, the older child tries toljt js not easy to discover the f things with it.' based it = geowsngh' nh deat aggressor, Temporary relief in 4 shild Displaying. the wedding gifts'large round earrings, ankle 9.00 p.m. on the occasion of ore long each child may try may come from sending both ®% We read to young children). 14 trousseau were Miss Pam-|beads and coin necklaces their 60th wedding anniversary > pom = Serres the things |from the table. or one of them and guide them at creative fun. ela Green and Miss Ann Millar; of the other, As time goes ON, ' chosen by chance, to fini i g fernoon were either child may be the chief iat ulieeheta ibaa PARENTS' QUESTIONS ee cat ear ee Law aggressor : Another source of quarreling) .& How should we answer the rence Keay, Mrs "Arthurs-An The older, usually oe the is jealousy when one child feels Child from seven to 15 who asks stronger, may try to take any-\he doesn't stand as well in the. Why do you worry so much he wishes from _ the family as one or more brothers about our table manners now? SEWING MACHINE SALE younger. He may, if he has not lor sisters. He quarrels less asiWe are home and nobody else " ' been curbed by his parents, Or he feels more loved and secure, 18 here." ELNA Super-matic FLOOR MODELS -- 3 ONLY Reg. 349.00 $199 Clearing @ TERMS @ LESSONS CLOTHES Cherney's FURNITURE WORLD won by them to respect the ownership of the younger But usually parents are dis posed to assume that the older is always the aggressor. They may become inclined to make the older give up to the younger Yet if these pa will observe carefully, may discover that the younger is more often the aggressor. Then they need also to curb the younger and to train him not to appropriate the possessions of the older. In any event, the problem is for the parents to provide "po lice protection" each child concerning what he supposes i his CHORES CONFLICT As. the children grow olde: or as more brothers or sisters are added, the problem of own- ership may continue to cause quarreling but hardly to as great a degree as earlier. Other factors becomé centres of con flict. Among them is the doing of chores, especially when they TANS in 3 to 5 hours with or without sun! Protects you from sunburn, too, Amazing Quick Tan discovery by Coppertone . " oe Ogg Ber. Tube $].85 4 et, Plestic squeeze [orm more worthwhile A. He might Obviously the more fun the impressed if we family have together the lessineed now quarreling there. will be. When|manners the family mealtime usually is/help him one of companionable ment there seldom ing. We may le he much him on not told fo practise Instead we might to see that having enjoy-|good manners is being thought is quarrel-|ful of all other persons in our sen quarreling presence "Peles ccd ae eagle ony copie exnlns aa ee ROGER iS MOVING! Due to fantastic customer response Roger is moving to a bigger and better location where he will be able to serve you best. In order to make this move we must sell our present stock we would rather sell than move it to the new location --= therefore no reasonable offer will be refused. Must Be Cleared At Sacrifice Prices! All merchandise--stereo, television, combinations, radios, washers, dryers, re- frigerators, chesterfield suites, etc. All of these items are of the highest quality brand names -- the only difference when you buy from Roger is the price --- YOU PAY LESS and still get the Service you expect. we good Your Elna Dealer OSHAWA SEWING CENTRE 329 Simcoe St. South 728-2391 they for PRINCESS MARINA Design by Bluebird For the finest in fashion and guaranteed perfection. BLUEBIRD diamonds for happiness ABOVE SET 20.00 down 5.00 week BURNS JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe North Open. Fr Don't make a move until you've got these pack- easy, care-free gems stashed away in your suit- case! They're from a collection of fashions de- signed to keep you pretty on-the-go! Fashion Show MALE WATCH FOR IT! YOUR CIRCULAR IS IN THE MAIL The Perfect Travel Costume ... see our Terylene Jacket Dresses with pleated or sheath skirts, 19.95 For Summer Fashions Visit BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 Simcoe North P.S. Our new location will be ot 50 BOND ST, EAST Budget Terms Available ®e Free Parking at the Rear : Why Pay More When You Can Buy For Less at... KROGER APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 155 Simcoe St. S, 728-2151 2 ee ee ee --- DRUG 28 King Eost Oshawa Phone 723-4621 PREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. Till 9 P.M Open Fridays to 9 p.m. 'L. fe\l vaviivaviieviiveviivaviivaxivenivenlieuiiveyi'y

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