Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jun 1965, p. 18

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4 YWCA Studies Teenage Mothers SASKATOON (CP) -- Work continues into a research pro- ject of teen-aged mothers and a istudy of the Young Women's iChristian Association and its jrole in relation to serious per- sonal problems of women, says Mrs. M. N. Vuchnich of Tor- onto, national president, She told about 400° delegates Sunday at the opening of the group's 22nd quadrennial con- vention that field service work has been given priority, Mrs, Vuchnich and her Ameri- can counterpart, Mrs. E. D. Thomas, were presented with special plaques bearfng a me- dallion struck in nada to commemorate the 20th @fniver- |sary of the United Nations as | International Co-operation Year. The awards were made for jan international training insti- DURING THE recent baby-sitters' course sponsor- ed by the YWCA, the baby- % the left are Carmen Philippe, sitters-to-be used young from children to demonstrate how and baby-sitter, to keep them amused, Here Cathy Kennedy; Peter Derry and his baby-sitter, Margaret Walters; and Mar- garet Jamieson with charge, Lorrie Piper her MRS. MARY JOHNSON seated left, program direc- tor at the YWCA chats with two of thirty-five girls who CHILD GUIDANCE received diplomas for baby- sitting courses taken at the YWCA recently. They are, Christina Blaszezak 13, sec- _ The Self-Centered Child _ Follows Parents' Example By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD | Suppose you and I sat down with paper and pencil and wrote the mames of the persons, say about 20 of them, we have known best over the years. Then suppose we divided these} Suppose you or I came upon an old friend we had not seen for years, a friend had known well previously. What will he say during the first 20 or 30 minutes? What do you or we ond from left, and Lyn Dan- iel 138, second from right. Seated at right is Miss Lil- lie Sherwood, who organi- he is constantly the centre of| attention then, he may expect! such to continue and grow and be as self-centred as we are. The child at home may grow self-centred and selfish in all sorts of other directions: espe- cially if he usually has his own way and has nearly: all his wishes promptly granted. No child can grow to be unselfish and thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others who has not learned often to wait and who has not been. adequately re- 7 ized the class and directed the girls during the special babysitting course. Oshawa Times Photo Small Increase In Ranks of IODE WINNIPEG (CP)--A small in- crease in membership in the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire was reported Monday by H, Jeanne Knapman of Ham- ilton, national organizing secre- tary. Membership increased by 146} to 28,084 last year, Miss Knap-| man told the IODE annual con- tute which was sponsored jointly by the two national YWCAs. Fifty..women leaders from 34 countries have participated in the three: - month project de- signed to help women become more effective in community development. Countries involved included Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria: Zambia, Sierre Leone, Rhode- sia, Uganda, Liberia, Tanzania, Ceylon, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thai- land, Formosa, Hong Kong, Leb- anon, Australia, Bolivia' Bra- zil, Chile, Columbia, Jamaica and Mexico as well as Canada and the United States, EXCELLS IN SCIENCE MONTREAL (CP) -- Loyola College's first woman graduate in science took both chemistry prizes at the recent convoca- tion, 'I know it's considered un- feminine for a woman to have a scientific mind," Jill Guad- agni said, "but it's really a question of being able to put things in their logical order. Sex has nothing to do with it." jnames into two groups, placing lin one group the names of those Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE |who seem to us noticeably self- | centred and selfish. In the other Allocates $500 For Students | group the rest of them If any of these persons made a similar list including you and me in which group would our strained With healthy restraint, in a family atmosphere of under- standing and love, he may grow in unselfish ways as he gains more and more satisfaction and approval from these ways. In addition, he from seeing and parents dwelling ways of other children and adults. So with guidance at practice in. being thoughtful of others' in a home with parents who are not self-centred them- selves, he has had opportunities not to be considered a self- centred person when he is grown up. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Our son, 6; often will ask * a guest embarrassing questions i UNDERGROUND & such as, "How old are you?" , PARKING How may we curb this? A. Often in private with him explain to him the kind of questions he should not ask and vention The order, a women's organ- ization engaged in charitable work, has 976 chapters. Twenty-} two new chapters were formed during the last year. I talk about during that period? How long do we dwell on our- sleves and our family, on our achievement and successes? How long does this friend dwell on like personal matters of his own? Does he show eager- ness to learn about you or me during: the intervening years? Do you and I show like eager ness about him? RENTALS AND PARTY SUPPLIES Sargeant's Rentals 723-3338 Following the treasurer's re-|parade. A truck will be loaned 'port, given by Mrs. R. M, Mor-|t0 the members for this event caieas aonnuet rison, to the recent meeting of! . R hg ~* ore 8 oe | In the group of names we jcB+ TEPOFt On the Fr rum wrote, how would we arrive at the Golden Jubilee Chapter of] mage sale held at the UAW Hall! placing these names? Through the IODE, the membership de-jand thanked everyone for as- NahG SEnEnncnk win papell cided to transfer addition funds|sisting with this project. the ir pre sence: what they talked to the bursary account, mak-| Mrs. S. A. Willson, convener about when we were guests in! ing a total of $500 available] the annual members ball to their homes; when they were be held in October, announced im "s: and wh e| student assistance. guests in ours; and when w sci \that Mrs. L. V. Walker would be a gor gaa Poe Eig The Regent, Mrs. J. A. Viv-lin charge of entertainment' Mrs. Though they differed widely,| ash, presided at the meeting? R Sawyer, tickets and Mrs.| nach one ebsites Wepre OF 1648 10 held at Adelaide House. |George Lofthouse, refreshments have a kind of pattern of acting » The met hei Lect age The regent, Mrs. J. A. Vivash, and speaking, ey, rea ny celve@) attended a provincial executive Perhaps one ta from the House of Windsor meeting of which she is a mem-| The many about himself, his Chapter in Whitby inviting the)ner in Hamilton recently and Naenue: @ Richasds forebears, and his members to attend their annual gave the members a short re-|' aS Sa aR A aS t sates friends. He included what he antique show and sale to be held sume of the business that took The Orono News will be sorry and they achieved which he on September 1 and 2. place. and outlined the itinerary|to learn that she is a patient in thought was important or would The secretary announced that,/of the Junior chapter members| the Memorial Hospital, Bow appear most impressive and at a recent meeting of the na-iwho will be attending a special] manyijle suggest most status for him tional executive committee.) June seminar in Hamilton, This Perhaps, on the contrary, he Brigadier T. W. Boyce of The/project undertaken by the Pro-- Mr. M, Mcintyre Hood spent rarely talked about himself or - the canara Fund spoks'vineial Chepier, for the fiset the weekend in Woodstock, On- Frits 'vatatan 46. oneal on the conditions in Kor time will include two members ' eae yi a si " nTane stated that 51 per cent of the/from each junior chapter across oti atid tg "hg tiie 7 TALKES 0} phic talked population suffered from mal-icanada and should prove en-/and Mrs. L. C, Wood former] Maybe he 4 ged y ~ nutrition, He urged the IODE) lightening not only regarding the|of Oshawa about the good qualities, suc to keep up the good work they!work of the Order but educa eh weeliene cesses and seg ew oy Foe were doing in forwarding ship-|tional as well. A tour is planned) Mr. and Mrs oe ers partly or pia gg oS nities ments of food and clothing tolof many historical spots and Jones avenue, were in Ottawa er page a these people points of interest in the prov-jover the weekend attending the aft id Education secretary, Mrs. EB. cnee. Included in the tour will fay them R. Snow, announced that she be visits to Ottawa, Brantford wie had written the teachers at the|Kitchener, Niagara Falls, Sud adopted schools in McKerrow|bury and Toronto. and Georgina Island informing The members were remindec them that. Junior editions of an of the annual ; hel encyclopedia would be donated) next month at the to the schools if they were need-'. G, Storie in the form of ed pot-luck supper. Services at home and abroad' The members were privileg 'nth convener, Mrs, R. W. Heagle.|eq to haye Mrs. Claude Vipond read a letter that is being sentias their guest speaker, Mrs Mrs. Clayton Lee, chairman to the Chapter's adopted Greek|vinond showed a series of col-jof the Christian Education Com- boy and announced that a parcel ored slides of Penang, Malay-|mittee of Albert Street United} of knitting and sewing would be sia where she and her family|Church, attended the mother sent to headquarters in the near jived for two years. Not onlyjand daughter banquet at Zion future. were the slides fascinating but|United Church on Saturday eve- A committee under immigra-|Mrs. Vipond's commentary waS'ning, where her granddaughter, tion and citizenship convener,| most: illuminating Pamela Hardie, was one of Mrs. W. H. Faint, has been set. wrg p. A. Brown thanked eleven Explorers who received up to prepare a float for the)mrs. Vipond on behalf of the|their graduation certificates to Dominion Day Folk Festival| members and an enjoyable cof- qualify them to become Cana- -- ~~ |fee hour followed. dian Girls In Training may gain hearing his on' unselfish THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! PRESTIGE p E3 DISTINCTION * BEYOND COMPARE A FEW 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES AVAILABLE * When we are able to observe such human matters and reflect on them, we incline to classify persons roughly as self-centred or not self-centred. The symp- toms by which we may so classify others or be classified by them, have had a bearing on our own children, helping to some degree to make them self centred or the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 2, 1965 18 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor "9 Telephone 723 -.3474 for Women's Department " nen lked_ chiefly family, his kind of opposite, 723-1712 of Mrs editor of friends Mrs. Leonard Weeks, presi dent of the St. Mary of the People Council of the Catholic Women's 45th annual convention the Toronto Archdiocesan Coun- cil of the Catholic Women's League of Canada, yesterday and today. The banquet this evening will be attended by the Reverend Norbert Gignac tual director; Mrs. Max man, Mrs. George King Mrs. William Edwards SET GOOD EXAMPLE We might well ask ourselves what kind of example-pattern have we set for our children while they have been growing up with us? How much do we why, You might then name talk about the tot 2, 3, or some types of questions proper when we have adult guests? If!for him to ask. or 728-2911 League is attending G@ORGIAN Mansions 124. PARK ROAD NORTH, OSHAWA the of spiri Cole and those present WOMEN BARRED tions and suggestions, Women in Britain were not al-/inducing some or all lowed to study law until the Sex| present to talk about Disqualification (Removal) Act!selves, their interests and cesses "NORM" FISHER'S 3 _---- Meat Market ae ER | Service KY ' Week-End Specials STEAKS SIRLOIN 79: and WING ® FREEZER SPECIAL ¢ BEEF 5: 'HINDQUARTERS ¥Y lb Breakfast Bacon lb. 55° See What $1.00 Will Buy... BLADE STEAKS 2.:;. SHOULDER 2 LBS. = oe a sae ne LAMB CHOPS Oe | eapanr ead ate CHICKEN WINGS 4,,; LEAN MINCED CHUCK STEAK 2.:;. ANY ONE ITEM spring convocation of the University at which their son, Mr. Douglas j ceived his Bachelor , ; degree On Saturday eveni "<¢ they were guests at a dinner home of Mrs : ' g/and dance at the Cercle du Uni- versite d'Ottawa given by the law graduates their par- tawa Wallace re: (of of Laws for ER'S Sk Chri illet Special Sizzling, Juicy, Mouth Watering WESTERN NEW CARE FOR OLD MONTREAL (CP)--Suburban Pierrefonds is the site of a lux- urious new residence for the elderly, costing $35 a day. A limousine service into the city follows breakfast in bed and each room has a private bath, telephone and television There are sauna baths and an exer- cise room for the spry and hand-rails along the halls for the infirm MORRISON'S FOR Visit Burns Jewellers For AG* " " See our selection of "Jetliner" Magnes men with all the trimmings UNIFORMS NURSES im -Lugggge for . it's modern as tomorrow R snodian! PROFESSIONAL @ Terviene Burns BURNS JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe North Oper COME IN AND CHOOSE--FROM OUR FINE SELECTION TODAY senate MORRISON'S ¥ opposite the Armories 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Downtown Oshewe Don't Miss This Taste Tempting Meal Now at ZELLER'S Closed All Day Monday Open All Day Wednesday | Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732 J CHARGE IT! Summer Store Hours | | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ONLY -- Fri, Till 9 PLM,

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