Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1965, p. 5

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SF ae At Ng AMIE: WHITBY LIONS MARCH AT ST. CATHARINES ice the District "A Leading the was hairmar flanked by zone chairman conven s the member's liome on Burns st of local club participated tion mammoth Lions club héld in St. Catha elébration He Getting in step for the big parade, Whithy Lions prac tice their marching routine the shortly after the local club's parade float was compie¢ted at a nes Sunday in Tough Fight Predicted In Provincial Election Following similar com- recommendation was withdrawn by the mover and séconder with a nomination held immediately The f local convention John Wright b Vise: lenge: ments the eadeis any Pro- ervative \ssocia tion has ever had. I will be regu WHITBY (Staff) Predictingione of the bes 4 'tough fight' at the next pro-;gressive Con vincial election. Douglas Wil liams. tiewly elected pre ident ilating authority all through the of The Whitby Men Progres- association,' he promised sive Conservative Association, | STANDING ROOM CROWD addressed a capacity crowd of The ield for the pur- party enthusiasts | the King) pose of electing a new executive Streét Public School, Mondayifor the coming night judged a huge success The president slated he wo ild! standing definitely be on the en- ir tire membership fo ip-/brought from port during the year influx of He suggested t mi be aland who new man running for ¢ tion invinto the the Ontario Riding at the ext The election, Should this be the election of officers he stated there would definitely|ward an interesting int be a tough fight one thatievyents when a motion " would demand full co-operation the slate ecommended by a Three directors elected were and assistance from everyone in/nominating committee vas George §. Boychyn, Cecil Brown the association challenged by Clare Hewson, and Seymour Whitney. Auditors "A good leader be|The proposed slate, althoughjelected were Edward Ryzek, re capable of regulating autho well represented, was asseditiring president and Jack itv," he said { intend to belas undemocratic by the chal-|Nixor Trash Dumps Ontario Hydro To Improve Are Problem Pickering Township Roads COBOURG Garbage dumps constitute one of the United Counties' major sanitation prob lems, a report by chief public health inspector, J, D, Finlay- son states He said garbage dumps are the subject of frequent com and electior OFFICERS ELECTED Following is a list of the new officers and the positions they now hold Douglas president; Whitby Mayor War- ren Mowat, first vice-president; Nigel Schilling, second vice president; Stuart Roblin, third president: Thomas Jermyn, fourth . vice president Keith ording secretary, corresponding séc- tréas- meeting was. ad- with oom only in the build year calling Numerou. hairs were adjoining rooms members streamed meet the enthusiasts schoo irrent ew ice f business, Norton re brought for-|Pau!l Coath of retary and Clare Hewson urer ase Oa should Details of a road constructionits intersection with Montgom jand improvement agreement be-jer Road. This road, to the ltween Ontario Hydro and thejsite of the plant, isto be fin- Township of Pickering haveljished, except for paving, by the been released by Reeve C. W.'middle of July Laycox and Hydro seme - "The program will give us 0 ill | 2 , first-clas roads around our akvi t] Stakes plaints to the health unit andj)" sea sR lost Reet would remain so until 'all new|Prime industrial area " a ; Nps Lavcox $8 1 we could! To Becky Herb disposal sites are approved by|/avcox said. "and we could TQ Becky Herbert the medical officer of health injH@rey © Pi Mote , ie ; | hig 1 ade-;Work, which otherwise might' ST CATHARINES (CP) respect to their location, ade-|" S i dima 4 c . . | acy of the area and covering|"t have been done for many) Becky Herbert, a three-year-old] pang al : jvears, is also a clear indication! filjy trotter, has made a habit| me side . ; ner that hydro will more than pay of winning the big money races Until the ne : = i wera its own way for owner Bill Herbert, a na- ment is provided " ft aq is nt "About 11,700 feet of existing) tive of Niagara - on - the - Lake, covering, disposal sites wil pl township roads will be improved! Ont tinue to be a nuisance w hin|in preparation for the start of She. nicked the meaning of the public! .gnctruction of Hydro's 1,080,000 Gawan Cit health act "ikilowatt Pickering Generating night t The report stated were! Station largest nuclear electric 661 inspections of water suP-|plant on the continent lie 5 , with 124s ot of i plies in 1964 along ¥ th |2,000 feet of new road is ville Stakes. Dream Guy came beach inspections and 2.066 sam-'built on hydro property second to complete a $195.10 ples taken from public, private Township officials will su- quinella ; vate and schoo! drinking water pervis work the reeve *, ; . sources hydro will pay for rhe first division of he stakes) : : »/was won by The Glueckliche In 1964 estauranis were)? from Buffale closed in the United Counties,, R.-D. Wardell of Ontario)" si due to non-compliance dro gineer, said vincial health regulation needed because * heavy r for shoreline protec NURSERY AND . tion extension 1 be hauled to Tennis Players we ite this summer GARDEN CENTRE Brock St. N Whitby he road nvolved are To Register PH, 668-4162 the sixth race at © continue the trend. Her} earnings were $1,810 for the sec-| ond division of the $3:620 Oak there Another to be e the said and four on a monthly-invoice basis with pro-|H project er e. work Brock Road from Base Line Road: south for 9,000 feet to the WHITBY Attention townshiy water treatment plant all tennis yg Work has begun and, except for and. serio: Registration day final paving, is to be completed has been set for this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the by mid-July MONTGOMERY ROAD tennis court Tennis action w from Brock Road 2,700 feet west Tuesday to Sandy Beach Road, to be com-? ' pleted mid-July : members' instruction beginning : W ROAD 2,000 "biel t m. The junior instruc. "Yr propert wes trom all » 'i deols begin on Saturday/P0int on Brock Road south off » morning, June 12; the time, 10 i . a.m. to 12 noon Anyone interested in pating in the local ib ties this season are invited to register this (Stal - players, both your Everything For The Gardener Shrubs--Box Plants | Trees (Shade - Ornamental) Roses----Vines Full line of Nursery Stock Fertilizers---Peat Moss Insecticides----Fungic commence } aft June & wifh senior Arter SHIP TOURS MARKETS partici-- The Norwegian ship Toronto activi- is a floating trade fair, taking cordially permanent displays from 35 week firms around the world HIGH ann DRY ON SIDEWALK SLABS Brookin Concrete Products Lt. Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m, First Quality Canadian Grown Nursery Stock PHONE ONTARIO Williams,| Raceway Monday, t PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barber and) and Mrs. W. P. Mullen, | WHITBY \family 'Toronto; Mr |Hough Mr y, Uxbridge and Mrs + Flint, Michigan and Miss|tion of a cheque for $575 ' |money was turned over to Rev.) i 3 jeouncil and will be used to fur- WhOlnish a room in the proposed) Garud, Bombay, India, were weekend guess of Mrs. }Ross Vernon, Euclid st has just returned home after a) lengthy stay at the Oshawa Gen- leral Hospital | Mrs. Arthur O'Connor, Maple-| thurst Farm Pickering Town-! 4 \ship, entertained for her fr iend, ; (Mrs. Mary Cafik, Pickering Vil- t lage, who recently returned from} ia trip to Rome and the Holy, \Land among many. countries.) iMrs. Cafik showed colorful] islides of her trip and accom- jpanied these with excellent) jcommentaries Mrs. J. R \dren, Philip, Rodney have returned week's vacation spent in real with her mother, Mrs Harpe Kamel! Pantony and chil and Kaye-| from. al Mont on the left and the club Alice Dennis Arséneau right Oshawa elect treasure! on the Photo Mr. and' Mrs. Ju To-| ronto, spent Sunday with her! parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Pop- ilinski, 601 Perry st Spring Fair Mr.. and ert fs P riaa | ton and children arlaine, Al-| Big Draw jus Nagy rimes lan and Ross, spent Sunday in Campbelliford as guests of Mr and Mrs. Wilbert Reid. A family | BROOKLIN reunion was held on the occa-| jgrounds will be a of|sion of Mi. Reid's 81st birthday | activity heré Friday night and Mark Crawford, Whitby Town |Saturda; afternoon when thelyine South, celebrated his 74th; |Broodklin Board|birthday Sunday. To celebrate | presents its show the occasion members of the | lfamily enjoyed a din iner at the Crawforth residence harness} plus a} Mrs. Jame show\awa, a former Ther will also be alhas returned a beef adies'|daughter. and son aland Mrs. J. D. Mooney, i During her stay Mrs. Hef an ardent lover of liorse will be a display of animals|'ace attended race at sev-| Isuch Aas goat rabbits andieral tracks and was the gue lambs and a demonstration byjof her grandson, J. J Mooney,| the Oshawa. Dog Obedience manager of Jockey Club Limit-} Club ed Mr. Vernon said this year's midway will be the largest in| Qghawa Pair Win jthe fair's history. There bg be airplane rides, chair rides ja merry go-round, ferris wheel, | Farewell Trophy ja train ride for the kiddies and the usual games of chance The fair beehive Spring Fair 54ih annual famils Clare Vernon, president, re ports a full card of racing nine races light and heavy horse \Saturday dairy and exhibits the farm machine Heffering Whitby re fey isiting her Osh ot ident, show in-law arena and demonstration. 'fon fering \ special feature this ear WHITBY (Staff) A team . " composed of Grant Murray and Friday evening Oshawa Senior|poh Gallagher of Oshawa, won Gaels softball team will tangle!ine jarewell Trophy Saturday with Brooklin Concrete starting|in a man's doubles tournament at 8.30 pm. The midway will at the Whitby Lawn Bowling also be in full swing Friday! ciyh night Lions March At St. Catharines | \ WHITBY (Staff) The Whit-| A tie for third spot developed | by Lions' Club were out in full)when, John Morrison and Ewart force Sunday afternoon, parti-|Carswell.of Oshawa, compiled cipating in the mammoth/the same score as Art Co xand District 'A' parade in St. Cath-|Fred DeNure of Port Perry | arines, following the annual Lions' district convention The winners took the trophy with the high three-game total |In second spot was the team of Harry Lott and Lloyd Sabins of Whitby with the high two-game jtotal The high single game went to and Mrs. Milesiof @ recent parent's auxiliary|construction Johnimeeting atthe Denis O'Connor| Mrs. Halley|High: School was the pres THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 1, 1965 § Student Council Cheque To Furnish School Room WHITBY (Staff) -- High pointynew private schoo! now Introduction of the forthcorh-/the fine Work performed by ling "Chocolate Bar Sale", to bethe debate judges, Miss E, held June 18 to 28, was made|°Y, Mrs. H. O'Connell. and ener an ; James Ledden. Faced with a under by E. J. McLaughlin diffieult task they decided on Winding up the prograin was Colleen Walsh as the best solid round-of applause forispeaker during the evening Representing a strong, deter- senta-| mined effort of co-operation on The the part of the students, the "imoney raised was made pos-| jsible through sporisorship of an "Trish Varieties Night" and a professional artists' presenta tion, "The Davies of Canada" |The room to be furnished will accommodate Grade 12 students, ja pioneer class at the school Daring the evening students and parents were entertained by two debates and a trampo jline display. One debate dealt with "Capital Punishment It was resolved the punishment should be abolished, The second debate dealt with the United States' position in foreign coun- tries. It was resolved that the States' position was justified One hemorrhoidal case_ history Successful debaters. in the) after another reported "very strik- Osh- first instance, included the team] ing improvement." Pain was the devotional, en-iof Colleen Walsh and Mary) promptly'and gently relieved . . . Romance of the!Cjare Heffernan. The second de-| actual reduction or retraction bate was brought to a success-| (shrinking) took place provin-iful conclusion by Sheila Camp- Among these case histories were cial. WCTU convention, held in"bell and Mike O'Connor a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- Kitchener, were given by Mre Sixteen students participated) tions. Relief even occurred in cases Mary Mitchell and Miss Maude trampoline demonstra-| of long standing, and: tmost im- Cameron. The Chamber of Com It on under the supervision of S.| portant of all; results were so merce of Kilchener gave the/ Kelly, physical education teach-| thorough that this improvement delegates a bus tour, around theler. The studénts taking part in') was maintained over a period of city and out to the Pioneer Vil-'the event were:. Robert Do- lage at Doon chuk Gary Corthier, Kathy) The convention was held in the Hughes, Sharon Finan, Jackie Stirling Avenue Mennonite Hendriks, Sharon Dochuk, Ken Church. Two of the highlights|Burtinsky, Colleen Walsh, Laurie were the banquet' with approx jBryant Anna Marie Bardoel, imately 100 attending and an|Susan La Valley, Sherall Femia,! address by a psychiatrist, Dr. Mike Morrison, Jeff Palmer, M. 0. Vincent, who spoke on|Karen Ware and Leah Johnston. | causes and prevention of alco-| soementiame I holism. He said the time had! come for Canadians to realize tha alcoho! is an. addicting drug Mr Quantril ention prayer a short Announce New Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Iteh Exclusive healifig substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids...and repair damaged tissue. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. I1 relieves itch- ing and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissues. Austin by the student WCTU Rally Features Cited WHITBY --.The May meet- ing of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was held at the home of Mrs. L. K. Brooks with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. H. W. Quantril! opened the meeting with a quo- tation by. Phillips Brooks. A hymn was sung Mrs. Charles Langfield awa, gaye titled 'The Open Bible' Reports of the ny months. 5 This was accomplishéd with @ new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal ihjured cells and stimulates growth of hew tissue, Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. In addition to actually shrink- ing hemorrhoids, H lubricates and makes élimination less painful. It helps prevent if- fection which is a principal cause of hemorrhoids. Just ask your druggist for Pre- paration H Suppositories or paration H Ointment (with @ special applicator). Satisfaction of your money refunded. recent in the FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTALS Made to Measure Clothes VAS» read the con conducted business period. It decided to hold the and House of Hobberlin meet @ TinoT picnic, home of Mrs ot RUSS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S., Whitby June Tailors the form of a 23, at the Crawforth Mrs. Brooks ing with praye and Mrs refreshments thanked Mrs ing her home closed the Mrs. A, ¢ Quantril erved Mrs. E. B. Killens Brooks for open meet Det Whitby Community pn ROLLER SKATING EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 8 P.M. to 10.30 AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR BOATS MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LID. BROOKLIN--655-3641---ONT. Open Evenings and Weekends Live Organ Music by Lila Tredwell Hatch Brass|Henstock of Whitby WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL New duel controlled cers Personal courteous service. Led by the Whitby band, under the leadership Of} seems Bandmaster Eric Clark, the Whitby contingent marched| smartly along in front of the special float the local club had made. Over 160 ae march-| Fully licensed and insured ing units were in the proces- : sion which took over three hours Pe ee © pass a given spot é BROCK WHITBY One Complete Program Each Evening - Starting 7:30 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THE CHANGING CAR MARKET In the six weeks from May 15 to June 30, more used cers cre bought ond sold than in any other six weeks of the yeor. They ere o staple commodity with o universally recognized market value Evidence of th s the fact thot there more than $25.00 diffe verious appraisols performed by @ number of is rarely any ence between opproisers Values' do flucturate however, trom season te season, and move up or down with the economy of the country os @ whole They are further affected in individual cases by the number of cars in a dealer's inventory, and other foctors in o given dealership which influence the "trading margin" on which @ dealer bases allowances. For instance, right mow is an especially good time to buy © used cor, because dealer inventories are unusyally high due to the seasonal Spring spurt 'in soles, When this the dealer must reduce his stocks to maintoin ne tuation, He notu y more inclined to tak or trade than otherwise NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER, is however in this position right now Because our turn over in reconditioned cars in addition to lower prices, the customer can also avail himself of an un- usually select stock from which to choose. Regardless of how much you might seve in price however, you con expect the same honest dealing and service as always, NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER WHIT DODGE 918 BROG. N / RY ON \the team of Joe Luke and Tom PROTECT YOURSELF AND OUR FAMILY FOLLOW THE SIGNS TO THE T. B. Clinic Be Sure To Have Your Checkup To Safeguard Your Health Ontario County Tuberculosis and Health Association MASS T.B. SURVEY

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