CITY, DISTRICT UNIVERSITY GRADUATES Carol Kae Crone, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crone of 854 Glenwood crt. will receive her BA June 3 Harry E. McClurg, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. McClurg of 578 Devan st. received his BA at Queen's Univer- John Douglas Love, son of Mrs. A. C, Love and the late Albert C. Love receiv- ed his BA from St. Francis Xavier University, Nova SRRRRAMBABG_ ", ot. al Betty Luxton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lux- ton, Bowmanville, and granddaughter of Harry Manning of Albert st. Osh- awa, graduated from the gh | BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE A two-car accident at the cor- ner of Park rd. and Adelaide st. did an estimated $2,000 damage to both vehicles and led one of the drivers to court. Howard Harold "night, 75 Elgin st. w. appeared before Magistrate Harry Jermyn yes- terday and pleaded guilty to an impaired driving charge. He was fined $100 and costs | with a choice of 15 days in jail. Crown Attorney Bruce Alf- fleck said that Knight was found \bleeding from around the eyes \by police who investigated the | accident, Both cars ended up on the sidewalk after the accident. Damage to one-car put at $1,100 and to to the other $900. For driving while his ability Driver Convicted | After Auto Crash was withdrawn at the request) lof the Crown. Magistrate Jermyn reserved) judgment indefinitely after he} had heard a theft case against! |Mrs. Marilyn Cunningham: 349) Marland ave. Mrs. Cunningham claimed she) |had walked out of Fairweather's ;store on the Oshawa Shopping} |Centre unaware that she had) |not paid for an item. Giving evidence Mrs, Joan Lindsay, a store security officer, |said that she saw Mrs. Cunning-| ham pick up and examine al packaged pair of footlets. She did not replace them on} |the rack. She then walked away from the counter to another part of the store. Mrs. Cunningham} went on, was stopped outside) PARLIAMENT THE OSHAWA TIM ES, Tuesdey, June 1, 1965 AT-A-GLANCE Crime Now Pays By THE CANADIAN PRESS MONDAY, May 31, 1965 The Commons marked the death of George Nowlan (PC --Digby - Annapolis - Kings) and adjourned in respect. Prime Minister Pearson said he had lost a "valued friend' and the country a "true and faithful servant." Opposition Leader Diefen- haker said the former cabinet minister "'left his imprint on his age and generation." New Democrat Leader Douglas praised his service but said he would also be | remembered for his qualities as a man. Social Credit Leader Thompson said Canada had lost one of its most loyal and respected men Gilles Gregoire (Creditiste -~Lapointe) said Mr. Nowlan served his country with pride, competence and courage The Senate approved a Statistics Prove TORONTO (CP)--J. L. L. J.|the rights of the individual and is no longer true to say crime does not pay. He said 1963 figures showed in Toronto a person commiting robbery stands a 50-50 chance jof not being apprehended and rates of immunity are even higher in Calgary and Van- couver, . : Prof. Edwards was address- ing about 50 delegates from Edwards, director of the centre} of criminology, at the Univer-) sity of Toronto, said Monday it|siders the question of increas- the rights of society. Prof. Edwards said he con- ingly-strained relations between police and public to be one of the most important topics to be discussed. The conference will consider the changing pattern of crime in Canada, the legality and ef-.- fectiveness of police methods, such as wiretapping and privi-. leges and treatment accorded to persons accused of crimes. across Canada -- including the attorneys - general of Ontario and Newfoundland and repre- sentatives of the other provinces and the federal government~at the first national conference on the prevention of crime. Apart from Prof. Edwards' introductory speech, sessions of PORTUGUESE NIP OLYMPIA TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto Portuguese scored two first- half goals Friday night in a' National Soccer League game to shut out Toronto Olympia 2-0. Victor Santos got the first goal and George Reynold fol- sity May 22. He was a stu- dent at Donevan Collegiate Institute. from the University of To- ronto, She plans a career in merchandising. $380,770,370 bill to provide |the four-day conference will be the government with interim |private spending. authority until the He said the number of Crim- end°of June jinal Code offences known to po- jlice had risen 32 per cent be- TUESDAY, June 1 tween 1961 and 1963 compared The Commons meets at |with a four-per-cent increase in 2:30 p.m. EDT to continue |population. He suggested such study of proposed streamlin- |figures may represent only a ing of the House rules. The fraction of the number of Senate meets at 3 p.m crimes, most of which go un Ford Expands | | the store and told that she had) Toronto General Hospital lowed to complete the scoring. School of Nursing May 20. Scotia, May 13, He will teach yas impaired John Morrison af ; high school in Burlington. shad . not paid for the item. |Hart, Lot 1 Concession 2, East' 1m statements at that time| | Whitby, was fined $100 and costs Mrs. Cunningham insisted that or 15 days in jail, Hart pleaded "it was all a misunderstand- lguilty to the charge. ing In the witness box she repeat-) Driving with no operator's li- ed that she had had no intention cence and for having liquor in of stealing from the store his car cost Jack Welsh, 290 Al- bert st. a total of $20, He was A case of a ns a ssessed $10 on each charge ed against Wallace Keneer, 0) i eee pores 'cae of 10 days in jail Beatty ave., after Magistrate COMMITTED FREQUENTLY on the having charge and three Jermyn had failed to find any : Cases of fraud, theft, as- days on the no licence offence. concrete evidence. saults (both sexual and other- : The charge was laid by Mrs . . Having beer in a place other Mary Ihnat, a next door neigh- $13.3 Million than his residence cost Emer- bor to Keneer son W. Helmer, 521 Fox st., a She alleged, when giving evi gaKVILLE (CP)--Ford $25 fine and costs or 10 days in -- that Keneer had struckltg, Co, of Canada said Monday wise), vandalism to property, are committed with impunity and depressing frequency in our Mo- Modern urban conditions of liv- jail er'on the head with his hand |j; wii spend $13,300,000 to ex- after an argument. pand its passenger-car assem- Three youths appeared before . Keneer denied that he had hit) bly line as soon as its truck op- the court on minor consuming her. He told the court that he | erations are moved into a new MR. BILL ROSS Guide Realty is pleased to announce the recent appoint ment of Mr, Bill Ross to their sales staff, Mr, Ross is @ well-known Oshawa resident and comes to us after several years with Eaton's as man- ager of the District Delivery Dept. Mr. Ross has been very active with many Osh- owa social groups and clubs and is now available to serve you in all your Reol Estate requirements, Coll Bill now GUIDE REALTY. LTD. (REALTORS) 16 Simcoe St. %, 723-1121 4 Garry Maurice Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Hughes, RR 2, Oshawa, who recently received his Bache- lor of Science Degree in Mining Engineering from Queen's University, King- ston. Garry Hughes a for- mer O'Neill student, is pres- ently working in British Col- Diane Haas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Haas of Champlain av., received her Bachelor of Physical and Health Education degree from the University of To- ronto May 31. She is a grad- uate of Central Collegiate Institute and attended Col- lege Hill and South Simcoe public schools. James Robert Sparling, the son of Mr. ard Mrs. F, R. Sparling, of 374 Gar- Edward William son of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden of 637 Masson st. received his BA degree Waterloo Lutheran Univer- sity May 24. He is a gradu- ate of O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute Hayder, E. D. at Stop Corn Pain Fast! Super-soft Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads | quickly stop pain of corns, Also remove corns, callouses when used with separate medicated disks in- cluded in each box. Sold everywhere, | | | | ( CASH WINNERS IN ONTARIO'S ing,"' he said. Prof. Edwards said the con- ference discussions might pro- duce a strong case for certain changes in the law. charges had rushed in to break up alptant now under construction "The danger in refusing to Joe Mcllhagga, of Whitby, fight between his wife and Mrs.!" 'The expenditure docs not in- consider' any encroachment on 4 \was fined $50 and costs or Ihnat In doing so, he said, he /oiude the normal retooling costs traditional rights of invio- #4 \\seven days in jail. David R. An- might have hit her accidentally' os preparing for new-model ability of person and property thony, of 128 Summer st., was| With his elbow cars is that the incidence of depreda- also fined $50 and costs with a The whole incident, he said.) The company said the expan- Eon and crimes of violence will choice of seven days. arose when his wife tried to sion will mean increased em- ate ---- to the point Last of the three, Terrance| back the- family car into their) ployment About 120 hourly-|" taped rastic methods be- Fudge, of French st., was fined! driveway rated workers will be hired be- A onanth rica ee : $75 and costs or 30 days in jail} His wife, a learner driver,|fore the start-up of the new ence will be the fis fli naps -- after Magistrate Harry Jermyn| backed the car into a fence sur-|model year, with more expected techn nilict between had heard of three previous!rounding the Ihnat property.|to be added later as demand liquor convictions One picket was damaged and warrants, the company said. He insisted' that the fine be,three others were scratched, he' Ford now employs 5,400 paid immediately otherwise' said. hourly rated workers at its op- Fudge should go to jail to serve ~ erations here. the alternative sentence . The truck plant, being built) jat a cost of $25,000,000 is to start An Oshawa man claimed he China Fetes production with the 1966 models. was not drunk when police pick- eee laei ed him up ' "T was just walking down the Canada MD 67 Year To street, I haven't. touched the nk kel . | stuff for a yeat,"' said Clifford TOKYO ( --A high-ranking Malone when he appeared on a Chinese Communist leader Mon- See Canada charge day urged Chinese youth to be- Malone added that if he was Come good international fight-F OTTAWA (CP) Canadians sent to jail no one would be able ¢'S such as the late Canadian should take a 'sabbatical year to feed his chickens. surgeon, Dr. Norman Bethune. jin 1967 and ge to know each Magistrate Jermyn adjourned) Bethune was a true Marxist-|other better, State Secretary La sentence in the case sine die,{Leninist, who 'worked not only;montagne said Monday. -- "Stay on the wagon', he ad- for the people of his own coun- The nation's 100th birthday vised. try, but for all the oppressed|should be a time of reflection and exploited of the world,"|for all Canadians, the minister driving Vicee-Premier Nieh Jung-chen|said in an address to the Cana on said in paying tribute to thej}dian Museums Associations, and a time "for all of us. to pause and consider how, as a nation, we have reached this present stage and where we hope to go."' 3 bord Mustane GRA is weight word on HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. '24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 00 p.m 1965. "COME ALIVE" GAME WINNERS TO JUNE 1, 1965 Personnel Department City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario den court, received his de- vocation May 29. Dr. Spar- ling, who is a graduate of O'Neill CVI, was awarded final year Medicine and | Clinical medicine; The Pro- M . l it ] : : aie ly ei enta Hospi als | Restrictions prize by Queen's University ® * ioe to eat In Era Of Crisis the Royal Victoria Hospital, Ld sued Monday on conditions in|result that "psychotics, psycho- C0a 1gns three mental hospitals in the/neurotics, alcoholics, mental de- tions are overcrowded, under-jyoung patients with various HALIFAX (CP)--A statement staffed and inadequatelylother diagnoses are often by Justice Minister Favreau that he is considering restrict- was submitted to Ontario The committee recommended |Health Minister Dymond the reduction of the capacity of| opposing reaction Monday* in oom @ar act jing study by the committee forjbeds, It also recommended the two Maritime provinces A charge of drunk survey of hospital needs, was|treating of mentally ill in their headed by a hospital consultant,;own' communities where they weekly Lunenburg Progress-En- y c >) 7 : AM , ; NEW YORK (AP)--The Alu-ipn- yarvey Agnew and dealsjcan be given follow-up care. terprise and president of the) pitcon rd. s. appeared before Peking's New China news ed late P \the court agency said Nieh made the ap- = ange tte spiro sea in the area: 999 Queen St. W.,'creasingly greater number ofjassociation, said the public Watteraall was. Hned $180. on peal in a. Cherward'® to 4 batt night it has signed a new three-poronto; New Toronto andmentally ill and alcoholic s/should be given fair knowledge attersa d in ' Steelworkers affecting early, p t 'aia . : veg Fane : de 3 opulation in the hospitals r Financ adequa- trials. . . i of the country in 196 12,500 employees at 10 plants... P ee y Pg hospitals Financial inadequa- ' The case, arose, said Crown book entitled Norman Bethune}"" i pd nt was listed as 1,645, 1,256 andicies made it almost impossible' Ye said restrictions can lead Attorney Bruce Affleck, from|--Great Internationalist Soldier. The announcement came out Because of the setup of thejstaff to care for mental pa-'¢. "hes ual ac : ' s could be cheated, A factual ac- hear thle 95| Ray st. Jac fast of the negotiation room only an buildings, it is difficult to segre-|tients 'a ae Vane heard here said Bethune died 25) Raymond St. Jacques, fas!- id ethan lB ate nas Ace a sis count of preliminary hearing years ago while serving with\rising young Negro actor, will between Alcoa and the USW sbi f accused person sd : Edy was to expire. The union had Ke Chishol adit y) and failing to remain at thein the anti-Japanese war. Rawhide next season xpo pei ushoim, editor O'lscene of an accident Kenneth - no -- eached. j ery me ds 4 Weekly Newspaper Association és A union spokesman said sim- 0 00 u oma er 1 leaid there is a danger restric.| $150 jlar contracts have been ac He was assessed $100 and ments, He said there are enough) ©¢ Two -- July 1965, One -- Sept. 1965, One --- October 1965 8 , , a te "ms hare ly , One ept. , One ictober agony agua M™ Montreal world's fair will join ported to want either a separ-|reins on the press nigh ben op sah ee Minimum Qualifications: Age 21 to 28. Height 5' 10 150 Ibs, WV ee Se ORES Trade Minister Sharp on a tripjate exhibit from each auto- Lawyer G. H, Fitzgerald, Lib A further charge of having beer Oshawa Residents only Chauffeur's Licence in good standing the USW and the remaining|participation, sources said Mon- U.S, automakers invested west, said he opposes a com- Aplications close Friday, June 4th, 1965 at firms involved Kaiser and day heavily in exhibits at the Newiplete ban on withholding a per- Reynolds, However, a union; The Canadian party will in--York World Fair, but were re-|son's name until conviction, but and Reynolds and there would Quebec's trade and commerce|tendance This was said to havejthey could influence a prospec- be no strike at midnight against minister, and two fair officials.|/led to the decision to cut back!tive jury the two firms Canadian subsidiaries of Gen-'on the Montreal fair He said the name of a per- crease spread over three years|/0" Space at Expo. °67, but later dinner at the Detroit Club. The should be allowed to attend pre- and other benefits, including a 9 gr = BOK exhibit hope is to allay whatever fears liminary hearings, but not al- new pension plan effective June Mr. Sharp and his team will/the U.S. automakers may have lowed to publish details of evi- termed a "break-through," al- lows any employee with 30 years' service, regardless of gree of Doctor of Medicine the Medal in Medicine; the fessor Prize in Preventive for proficiency in Clinical Id S lit Montreal. p TORONTO (CP)--A report is-|gate types of patients with the Toronto area says the institu-|fectives, epileptics and old and bodage ' Steelworker equipped. grouped together , ee ing publicity of names of ac- | The report, part of a continu-jthe Queen Street hospital by 400) Roy Cooke,. editor of -- the was reduced to impaired wh minum Company of Americalwith the three mental hospitals) The survey suggested an in-/Nova Scotia weekly newspaper : | Every Canadian should make ~ , J ; » aired charge w F . published in memory of Beth-|, ""*"* -<'s year contract with the United) whithy should be treated in general'of preliminary hearings and the impaired charge with an al- | ; across the United States. $951. respectively ok : iaeaapteha : ol oat : : 2 respectively. to recruit and maintain enough)to secret trials in which justice a two car accident on Nonquon| The news agency broadcast NEGRO JOINS RAWHIDE hour before the current contract, ----- --- 2 : g wil could dispel rumors about an driving while impaired,the Communist 8th Route Army|appear in a regular role on TV's . threatened to walk out at mid Movers Join Sharp the Sackville Tribune Pre d 1¢ Sackville Tribun ress and) aieyander Penwright, 498 Sim FOUR FIREMEN REQUIRED d by Olin-Mathieson Che tions to pre-trial publicity could / te pata . cepted by Olin-Mathieson Chem:) oppawa (CP) Four. top\troit costs or 15 days for the impair- Have successfully passed grade 10. High Schoo! Exam There was no the to Detroit to try to sell the Bigimaker or a "substantial'" joint eral member of the Nova Scotia No applications accepted after June 4th spokesman said negotiations clude Montreal Mayor Jean|ported dissatisfied with the re-|preliminary hearing details The new contract with Alcoa €tal Motors, Chrysler, Ford and) Mr, Sharp will play host to son involved in a serious crime 1, 1966, The new pension pro- attempt to change their minds about putting money down thedence. Tria! details should be age, to retire BILL McCULLOUGH CHURCH ST., NEWCASTLE ERNIE ROGERSON NEWCASTLE BETTY JENKIN 89 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA at Queen's University Con- Edgar Forrester prize in | I M iti cused persons before trial drew Gordon Henry Tattersall, 1296'Canadian | ternative of 15 days in jail. une. Nieh's article was in the it a point to visit another part night if a settlement was not president of the New Brunswick! .4, < n. was fined a total of lead to ¢ ter press infringe . 'or ¢ Orme + two Aa id -harge a 5 . , ical Corp,, and Ormet, Inc ¥° people connected with the 1967) The Canadian group re d charge and $50 or 10 days Medically and Physically fit status of negotiations between|Four automakers on increased' exhibit legislature for: 'Halifax North- were continuing with Kaiser/Drapeau, Gerard Levesque,|sults, including insufficient at-'should not be published since calls for a 50.J-cent-an-hour in- American Motors took options the auto officials at a private|should be published. Reporters gram, which union officials|4t @ meeting Wednesday in De-idrain published BUY YOUR HOME IN Beau Valle Why does Beau Valley look expensive... Because we have paid a great deal of attention to the exterior appearance and individual,setting for each home. e+ All with no extra charge. DE "VALENCIA" coming JUNE 5ih MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada BUSINESS: 725-4563 Built by H. KASSINGER Construction, Limited Sold by DOUBLE WINNER SCHOFIELD-AKER 360 King West . ... 723-2265 GET DETANS AWD ERTRY FORMS WHEREVER YOU GUY PEPSLCOLA GND BIET PEPSLOSLA Special contest fer retidents of thin previecs eat. HOME: 723-7900 Boftied by SMITH BEVERAGES LTD, -- 750 Farewell -- Oshawe ---- 723-1011 i