AA ER em ene gy is EEE EE FEE ee ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 1, 1965 13 ' LOST LOGS MEAN CASH es 2 g $ i # ie Tugboats of the British Co- "g 'a lumbia Gulf Log Salvage Asso- ciation have salvaged more than $2,000,000 - worth of lost y sccioocootictien KKK, Be, oo eee, [n wy pgp tie 4 timber in 10 years. Cs) ? % y ; BE A LEADER! 1 fe f ft ig [You're in the Pepsi generation! ' PIL RELA PE LEAP REALE E EEE PEALE | Parkinson; Friend to the Deaf--| Many Badges P esented Lea-Anne Ballard; Brenda Web-) } | - poe FAGESES | > |Laundress -- Linda ickard; | . , To Port Perry Guides |Brenda Webster; Sandra Bead-| ' H PEPSI-COLA lie; Lea-Anne Ballard; Mr - I igraphers ~-- Lea-Anne Ballard; wf PORT PERRY (TC) -- More and Brownie Mothers' Auxiliary| finda Pickard; Health -- Bren-! Modellar fi li a than 100 mothers and daughters|were brought by Past President|qa Webster. airstylists Suit Geverinns tae attended the third annual pot)/Mrs. Don Gray Boatswain -- Jane Carnegie, 71 CELINA ST. 9 i" Puck supper held by the Second) Brown Ow! Howey, assisted|yo2-anne Ballard, Faye Healey; | Be Coifed By | 750 Farewell Street ( \Port Perry Guide Company and|by Packie Nelson, presented the|cpijg Care -- Sharon Beare; 7 \the Second Brownie Pack. Capt.|Brownie awards, The badges)}andiwoman -- Sandra Baird,| \Mrs. George Hill was master| included: Collectors -- Jill Dow-|Neediewoman -- Sandra Hall,) of ceremonies. The head table|son, Jackie Hartin and Denise|y inga Heayn and Sharon Baird; | was decorated with a large cake) Steiny toymakers -- Jackie Hat-|T ittle House Emblem -- Sharon decorated in the blue and gold/tin, Donna Pargeter, Donna|pairg, Joanne Maryn and San-| Guide colors Michie and Jane Sonley; knitt-\arq Hall; Homemaker -- Sharon The toast to the mothers was\ers - Susan Tripp. 'The best! pairg and Joanne -- Martyn; | proposed by Ranger Lynne) Six Award went to the Gnomes-|pmergency Helper and Citizen-| Beare. Mrs. Robert Healy re-|Sherry Boyc2, Margo Michie, sharon Baird: Pioneer -- San-| STUDENT COUNCIL EXECUTIVE AT COURTICE HIGH SCHOOL et but re Yin iw Wek ge tes met -- Se manding officer and to the best troo; The new members of the ecutives are seen, Front treasurer Pat Porter. Back Tonkin, past vice pres. Jan ' Capt. Hall, assisted by Com-|candra Hall and Ranger Linda! (-) Courtice High School Stu- row, from left, secretary row, staff adviser J, Nes- Zavitsky, past treas, Valerie Women S Group |pany Leader Sharon Baird, pre-| tetford received their "All- : dent Council were elected Marilyn Yellowlees, presi- ge i a Stewart and staff advisor ¢ Isented the following Gulde/poung' Cords, .Religion and ~ recently after a hectic cam dent Shirley Pickell, vice on Mop secretary voan R Powers ; | Plans Supper | Badges Life Awards were presented by TOMORROW paign. The new and old ex pres. Gregg Si mmons, Westlake, past pres. Dave : ~Canadian Statesman Pho o | First Class Badge -- Lynda/Rey, A. Rice to Ranger Gayle| c ' a i MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- The|Heayn; Second Class Badge --|Wwright, Linda Pickard, Brenda} Maple Grove United Church|Sharon Fenton, Janet Carnegie,,Webster and Lea-Anne Ballard NIGHT \ bed Clubs Hold |Women, at their May meeting,|Norma Parkinson, Kathy De-| The best patrol award was eCl es | decided to hold a turkey dinner |Shane, Brenda Fenton, Colleen|presented to the Blueballs. | Barbe e in September. Twenty-one mem-|mmerson, Freida Stein and)Members of the patrol at 8:00 coos 11:00 P.M. | cu ibers attended the meeting Janice Durham; Cook -- Linda! jognne Martyn, Lea-Anne Ba | y " " ' wy > Vebser, and jard, Janet Carnegie, Cathy y B k Py | The worship service was con-| Pickard, Brenda V ' al | , ; @ Boot Skates For Rent By T. R. GLECOFF lducted by Mrs, H. Foley, Mrs,|Lea-Anne Ballard DeShane, Janice Durham, Patti ) @ Furnished Ladies Lo nge nnud 12 a MCVI boasts five language|~: Foley and Mrs. H, Cryder-| Skaters -- Linda Pickard; |Leahy and Debbie Garvey 4 © Special Roller Sketing ohitie << lone in Beeneh a v38"\man. Misses Jo and Sally|Brenda Webser; Faye Healey; - aa ¥¢ Music lin Gerakan. hey. ware a Preece sang a duet. They were|Jane Baird; Sandra Beadle; i By VELVA VOOGJARV jevents were not completed on|Zavette, 64; Lorraine Graham,|7 7" o* =e ib "accompanied by Mrs. William'}.ea-Anne Ballard; Sharon Fen Since the weather conditions| Field Day, but from the present|60; Darlene Schad, 60; Ursula fabak eer 'week gene 0 "|Laird TON: Jane Carnegie; Norma ADMISSION 75¢ were favorable, Anderson High|standings the boys' champions! Wittig, 60;. Wayne Plazek, 59 pli has se Soar tee! my The Maple Grove Sunday - - catenins School's annual Field Day was|appear ,to be: Junior -- Larry|Sandra Cooke, 58 Maureen Wii-| ee Bite of rp ahha si School Afniversary will be held held as scheduled May 20. The| Westlake, Intermediate -- Peter{der, 58; obey Zylstra 57;|McLaughlinite's fluency Bi rcas AG Ree Bae Like." of day's routine was altered slight-/Bedard and Senior -- David) Agnes Thrower, 57; Carol Hawk ri jonal anita SOE ee enna will be the apegkar, The ly with shortened morning per-| Westlake, These individual win-|sley, 56; Jane Mowat, 56; Chery||GOn® @P kamirabie joo, tans anniversary supper will be held jods to allow the events to begin|ners will receive at mext fall's|Ferguson, 55; Janice Greenlaw,|'® the anguage teachet Oma Nie d alee se ae promptly after lunch commencement the trophies|55; Marilyn Thaxter, 54; Mary The activities of the lubs < ae : ; a 3 e Whtn the results of the day's| which Students' Council has cho- James, 54; Sheila Leonard 54;;were concluded by a swingin Paes "es -- ig hester ' Motor City al : a . g 2M av hs g y mit Wigian wn § on a ' = competition had been tallied,|sen to donate in recognition of|Shirley 'Nichols, 53; Jean Fow-| barbecue, held May 18 at Happy|" Ul, ils Phifer : COOK'S Chris Craddock emerged as jun-| their atheltic achievements ler, 52; Bill Green, 52; Karen| Hollow (Mrs Yeilding's and 10 were ee catia Gir Offi E i t Bowling ior girls' champion with a total) Ajthough Anderson sent only|Andrews, 52; Doris Van der Miss Edmundson's cottage) fe th oo om ice Equipmen Phone 723-3212 4 " é . . : s & , he 5 a rs sraham ee ane amily "7 4 heed he p nike gry a small number of competitiors oe 8) ee Pert paso gr 90 members came Out, Monday. Mr. and Mrs Lee 75 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 78 Richmond St, West Sue Mason stood seco! ith 12 The latter p f the »m-/ { ee 3 ? a ihe. vt ry Prorop : Aones|to the COSSA Track Meet at The latter part of the assem ye sme caes hufflet ' came originally from Glou YOUR LOCAL 32 BRUNSWICK AUTOMATIC t Hor y & 1 " 1. . & y >» snuliiedogs Bis o i Thrower's 15 points gave her|Peterborough on May 22, they " ee ae school a ak eheteniel anaes ar yng " ttended th FREE INSTRUCTIONS first place in the standings,|made a commendable showing,|?4°° heir first selecuion, a) i | Trench or Germat|en, eS ee ee fee ars ~ FOR BEGINNERS with Terry English close behind! peserying special mention is|Suite from "The King and 1" Atti i Hs nie inane piace pore age eonpisnag Pm Sunday BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CENTRE Jf |] @ LEAGUE OPENINGS . & be ' hOPMe é a 1¢ supper on onday wa _|Larry Westlake, who captured|/Wa% conducted by Mr. Duff,/through, and the laughter sub-| _. Pare _ -- bs ere wt i first. place in both the Junior whereas for the next two num-|sided, we held combination ed as e finals or cert aC ' i ann "W I ' arst ostevieaint - nhs , ' ' ; bers, "Crusader March' and|Hootenanny au francais-marsh SANDALS ; H boys' 100 yd, and 220 yd, dashes "Prelude In C seas the band| Mallow roast, led by that mas Vacation in Style, Comfort and Ease place r 1 the Junic . ' P the witt itty, MCVI's Cadet Corps "i agen ty gitins . was led by student conductors gs ie bs "a ' seid Req. vo 6.99 with Douglas riple Jump. As a result, Larrs , own Brig ilson : will go on to represent the} Tom Molyneaux and Ed Kulka| some of those responsible for NOW 2.77 SLO-POKES--CASUALS FOR MEN school at the All-Ontario Track respectively, Mr. Duff returned) this much enjoyed evening were } t : j ) c et Inspected Meet. Of the girls who went toltg jead the musicians in their|Tom Werry (13A) o handled or SPECIAL and priced to suit your holiday budg By BEV. WARING COSSA, Chris Craddock must be rousing finale, "Marche Triom.| te task of outfittir he barbe 2 Prs, For $4,00 The Annual Inspection of congratulated on her fourth) | cue and Doug Clifford (12B), ; : Pickering District High School's| Place finish in the Junior 440 yd | phate |who did a fine job as "Maitre | 4 Cadet Corps was held at 1.30) Tan | ahe aeaernbty program closed) des Ceremonies & p.m. May 21. The inspecting Anderson's final assembly for y b anothe: prese ntation | On June 7, McLaughlinites all, party included Lt.-Col, W. -€ the 64-65 school year took place|When Ursula Wittig, president ' ay aes | ADULT Paynter, CD Commanding of.|on Wednesday morning, with of the Students Council, called will begin thel pape bagels, : ENTERTAINMENT ficer, Ontario Regiment, Osh lthe entire student body congre-|upon Wayne Lawson, Mike Vol-| We Wy al oe rward to} 15 Simeoe St. N FEATURES 0 vf tam ieetl it-| Ker and Mike Wilson, the Ander-| that day -- In one way or an fy wa' PEL t 'p | gating in the auditorium to wit , d Bids - Rec leesrars : oe ba ness the presentation of certain) 50 students responsible for the ma _ -- rate zo0d es K -- "BONANZA ROOM" i nce hay djet| awar ' y ad| formation of MCWL. They were) all cLaughiinites and goo so the Pic oe District --o page At Scag long --_ thanked on behalf of the stu-|luck, too, to all those other high : 26 King St. W., Oshowe Also in Hemilton 5 oo ag Py ageia three terms. The first item on|dent body for working with the school students who wish they P Capt G M. Ogg . the program was the presenta-| Dance Committee in providing| were McLaughlinites ce GUNS | "he cadets were on hand to| tion of the Wise Ow! Club char- the tops in recorded music to| | | ; JAANE WOODWARD give many demonstrations in|tet to our principal, Mr. Andrew, contribute to the tremendous -- ' © Bought ADMITTANCE | rifle coaching, map reading,|/by Mr. Hodges, peronnel man-/Success ol this past year's tata | @ Sold STUART HTM signals. first-aid and gymnas.|ager of Dupont and a member ete dances In recognition of 2! There' ; @ Repaired : | & FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATERS +3 y cba we 2h P . their efforts, they were pre- eres a 36 YEARS OF AQ8 | tics. After the displays, presen-|Of the Industrial Accident Pre fp é { | N tations were made to the best vention Association sented with a cheque by the Stu-| SALE , © Traded On OVER EXT ATTRACTIO cadet, best officer, best com This document recognizes An nts' Council to help cover j 128-9731 . : best bandsman derson High School as an offi-/their Costs and aid in the pur ; | ' THE BEST DUMB | . : a omrin cial chapter of the Wise Ow!l|Chase of additional equipment] Coming Up GAGS! GIGGLES! BLONDE TO HIT THE We were glad to welcome Rus-|Club of Canada which is spon-|to expand their music facili Ry ¢ GUFFAWS! and SCREEN SINCE + anne bac a the ag 18 raed te ag Pg Foye a als asn's.| K Cottrell & Cuttrell SATIRE! JUDY HOLLIDAY! aide to Lt. Col. Paynter, Russell) 9€ . . " neh i a ae male a i commanded the cadet corps ganization were given to Frank) Was distributed on Tuesday to JIM BISHOP s Arg tach ggg ll "CF DUCED and Borbara Windsor 'rave a rre the students who had. ordered when he attended PDHS Graves and Murray Minnis, «! a forethought in wearing|it. Those who neglected to re-| SKI BARN /\ f Another annual school event whose : held last Thursday Field Day,| Safety glasses had preserved) Serve copies earlier still have a 151 King St. £ heal fi " 4" The rain in the morning was/ their eyesight in classroom acci chance to purchase the extras 728-4331 / | A far -from encouraging, but the| dents earlier in the year Ww nae are available o $2. Even : ' ® , DOP etn y ~e ates| at this price, you will be getting --with 7 Trojans" pressed on regard-| Following this, certificates) a ' es 8 ' less of the weather onditions and wallet cards were present-/a bargain, as this year's edition OSHAWA | STEFANIA SANDRELLI The results of Field Day are|/¢d by Mr. Logeman and Whitby/!s Jjam-pac ked with pictures and E-IN THEATRE SARO URZI as follows : Police Chief Rankin to the fol-|other features from its' bold red DRIVE- * i | iat 'Aukes Award With Bantam Girls Champion, | lowing students on their success = -- cover design - = 7234 - Pehle hh Film Festival JAMES BOOTH ' r c rson's zh to the final pages, It is Marilyn Whit 7 ful completion of Anderson's/ through to the al pag r | ihe Donal, - he ea first Driver Education Course:|a fine tribute to the efforts of NOW PLAYING } * | Junior Girls' champion, Barb|Colin Brown, Paul Cornis h,) those who worke d so hard on it a | poors SAT. &¢ i] Wor 9 Beaman Runners-up Lenora| Judy Doble Lorne Grylls, Val-|production and we should cs De ' OPEN Il RE Ke SUNDAY $) eys 2 To Jones and Valerie Jacks erie Gutherc, Ken Holyk: How- justly proud of their finishea wre ¥,,. | § : & : _M. i . © 4° ie soe alerts Jone se 6:30 P.M PHONE 725-5833 30 PMS L "with ., delicious Intermediate Girls' Champion,|ard Joynt, Elizabeth Kortekass,| pro , : 'ea Barb Horraz Runners-up, Trudy Manson Phillippa Muir The ISCF at Anderson round- 4 : we Ma | ~~ APLAL AAS APPS tind ws A aN ' i] Dianne Graham and Nancy|Jeff Patterson, Bill Schenk, Bon-|ed up their year's activities with i AS < . ; ; ' Curves! / Puckrin "\nie Snudden, Hilda Vandermale a two-day car wash held at the} ,. ff Senior Girls' Champion, Ellie|and Mike Volker school on Thursday and Friday | , ..whirling her way McKay; Runners-up Jackie| In another phase of school/ afternoons last week, The pro- Sb DON'T MISS... Be N through a Tropical _ . . -cogni P riven t eds re 8 roject we Recommended os ADUL Shute, Barb Whaley and. Carol life, recognition was given to the; ceeds from this project nt North outstanding students of the Com-'to a worthy endeavor, to aid oie Ee ceee | me : > yp 5 y " South % "a Raniam Boys' Champion,;mercial course Best typist |universit students in j America : LEMMON ScHNEDER ; Double the excitement with Double DOUBLED-SEVEN! HAYLEY MILLS Doug Blackman Runners-up, | Maureen Wilder; best student in Ray Suginomori and Steve Von-| business subjects -- Cheryl F« covernmency ener y ' : dette guson; best business machines : : 7 JOHN MILLS Junior Boys' Champion, Geoff operator, Helen Compton, * Taggart; Runner - up, Dan| Underwood Typewriting Cer SHOP i | | Burnie tificates were presented to the . | » JAMES Mac UR Intermediate Boys' Champion,| following for their speed and Dolf Van Nus. (Second place js;accuracy of typing Robert y] ROX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 undecided ) Gale, 66 words per min.; Ken FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Senior Boys' Champion, Dave Crawford; runner-up Brian . Skitch SANDALS Your Buddies The Internural Track and Field will be held this Tuesday, Reg. to 4.99. Do! June 1 after school 'The school year is rapidly NOW 1.77 pr. 36 SIMCOE ST, NORTH what' || | do? ope ll gi Bi oboe or SPECIAL > / : id 6 i¢ as riday for a wee 4 ; eC a at FOR CASH? {> 'studying"' before the --_ po sa allie Gorcteties end 2 Prs, For $3.00 ! 0 HAWA BUSINESS * "f the other grades begin their Q € € OReY SALTONAK AND ACHURT ®. BnQegORD HARRY SALTZMAN ane ALBERT R. BROCCOLI recsenr : q , % examinations June 7. Good a ik Cun dake 0 soseme wn fremine's DR. NO UN FROM RUSSIA WITH LOY! bi : re ee oe Luck! . HEY, GANG! COLLEGE sy bey tno tow SEN CONNERY JAMES BOND | '-cSEAN CONNERY.-IAMES BOND 1 Aa ee Not only is the School Year] ' : nts may begin after Jur no = long ded it [PecwmReOTOR) ecacaea rm tren anes [TUCHMCOLOR: | sean.sas tee OTD ARIE what'll | do? what'll | do? drawing to a close but so is my 15 Simcoe St. N term as PDHS pres sport T 1965, Students. m take me to orl et : e ice He om -- por cocgg ry ; \ 40 11:00 rough ¢ fast-acting, low eo RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT The [ruth about Spring vould like to express my thanks Calon of snes legen ad WATCHES CHIPS fear is ooi8| cas | Sone, iD oe rage a nrg A For The Smart : ee ia anon | ae DG eas c LIONEL JEFFRIES wo aiectalls to Mrs. Hawley for n 1any spelling and punct r Se ule fen ain Wo 1i00'bm, j =v "A and Guest appearance of mistaker andiomy ine team off WOUNG SET || GRAVY [ire cc | 703.3490 «= V, DAVID TOMLINSON t ; § typists, my mother and father Typewriting. 17 Jewels a , FROM 14.9 re, oat Ee _ talection of the finest MG Ii] Sttice Practice, Commercial to YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM. WELCOME sareare -- McMURRAY S Speling, Rapid Clcalaton, Ari | Times Action | at THe ODEON DRIVE-INs | ] IMO VOLLOLO SARGEANT'S RENTALS The Watch World Regnier pew! Scrolemert, Jimite FOR COMFORT Simeoe N. at Taunton Rd 463 Ritson S$ 725-3338 © division of The Sunshine Shoo IT's aligreee! Hl @ Street No Want Ads BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:45 INCLUDING SUNDAYS LAST DAY: Imitetion of Life & Flower Drum Song { 24 Prince St. 723-6922