Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1965, p. 11

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WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Oshawa Times office. Early record is facilitated by submi a picture of the bride to the possible after the ceremony. Forms are available at The publication of this wedding tting the completed form and Women's Editor as soon as You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or Fialka - The Reverend Helmut Dyck officiated at the marriage in Al- bert Street United Church of Margaret Mary June Trotter and William Fialka. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Trotter and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fialka. The soloist, Mr. Larry Mar- shall, sang '""The Lord's Prayer" and 'Wedding Hymn' accom- panied by Mrs. C. A. Naylor who played the wedding music. The bride was given in mar- riage by her brother, Mr. Don- ald Trotter. The bride's gown of the day after the wedding. Trotter Trotter. They wore full-length, A-line, high-waisted gowns of midnight blue peau de faille. Their headdresses were flower- centered whimsies and match- ing veils of tulle illusion. They carried tear-drop cascades of white and blue carnations. the flower-girl, Laurie Elliott was in a_ short-sleeved, full- skirted dress of the same fab- ric, trimmed with lace. The best man was Michael Hrehoruk and ushering were Bruce Trotter and Pau! Starr. For the reception in the Labor Temple, the bride's mother wore white silk organza over midnight blue peau de faille, was fashion-; ed on full-length, sheath lines and featured short sleeves. of Venice lace and deep bands of the same lace inserted in the skirt. A removable chapel train fell from the high-rising waist- line and a headdress of white rosebuds and crystal held her shoulder-length veil of tulle illu- sion .She carried a cascade of Queen Elizabeth roses and ste- phanotis Miss Eilleen Cole maid of honor and the other attendants were Mrs, Stanley M Koéffarowski and Miss Glenna was the a street-length dress of navy blue linen and lace with white accessories and the bride- groom's mother was in. pink linen and lace. Each had a cor+ sage of pink and white carna- tions The bridegroom's brother, Mr John Fialka acted as master ceremonies The honeymoon was spent in northern Ontario and for travel ling the bride donned a navy blue wool and linen suit, a white hat, white accessories and a cor- sage of red roses Mr. and Mrs. Fialka are mak- ing their home in Oshawa Pitt - Bauder United Church for Barbara Ann, Northminster Was the setting the marriage of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eger- ton Bauder, Oshawa, to Ronald William Pitt, son of Mr. and Mts. Howard Pitt, Whitb The Reverend H. A. Mellow officiated and the soloist, Mr Frank Stacey, sang 'The Wed- ding Prayer' and "The Lord's Prayer" accompanied by Mr J..R. Robertson Given in marriage by father, the bride wore a formal gown of silk faille, fashioned with Alencon lace and seed pearl appliques on the fitted bodice, which was enhanced with a deep shell neckline and lily-point sleeves. The gently shaped bell skirt featured a full train gathered onto ner the of back dress with matchi semi-formal dresses with round necklines, short sleeves and bell skirts accented by self roses at the waistlines. Their head dresses. were matching roses holding finger-tip veils and they carried cascades of white and shrimp pink carnations The best man was Mr. David Matthews, Whitby and the ush- ers were Mr. Carl Bauder, Bran- don, Manitoba and Mr.- Paul Simpson, Toronto The reception was held at the irandview Golf and Country. Club, where the bride's mother received, wearing a_ two-piece mint green, silk shantung dress,| white accessories and a corsage gold carnations. The bride- groom's mother assisted, wear of MR. AND MRS. W Shay - On Friday evening, May 28,| in Kedron United Church, Bea- trice Marlene Wood, older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James} Albert Wood, R.R. 2, Oshawa was united in marriage with Leonard Whiley Shay, son ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shay ¢ Amherst, Nova Scotia The ceremony by the Reverend iges. Mr organ mu the ceremon signing of the f ) performed M Wa Winnifred Ross Lec before a | E aft and during ( register bride, who was given age by her father, chose a gown of pure taffeta, with s point The loor-length k rganza ove oop neckline and sleeves The sheath skirt felldJrom a high waisted bodice encircled with bands of scalloped chantilly lace The back was highlighted by deta bouffant chapel train caught t by two self bow waist- length veil 1 tu flowed from a headdre lace petals and seed pearls arried a bouquet of sweetheart} roses and w car hable at rhe of the b Wal de 1 € s of She ti yellow feathered ye ing a powder-blue silk shantung! p; accessories waistline and edged in scallopedjand a corsage of pink car lace, Her headdress was a Cleo- patra styled seed-pearl crown holding her shoulder-length veil honeymoon tions. As the left Cape their the couple to on Cod of tulle illusion and she carriedibride was wearing a two-piece a cascade of white carnations|turquoise sweetheart and beige with roses. The. maid of honor was the bridegroom's sister, Miss Enid Pitt, Whitby, and the brides- shrimp pink wool suit with white accessories and a white gardenia corsage On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Pitt will reside in Oshawa Guests .were present at the maids were Miss Lynda Meyer,|wedding from Kincardine Oshawa and Miss Sandora Tay-| Brampton, lor, Toronto. They were dressed!( Toronto Cardinal Kaladar, sentreville, Prescott,| alike in shrimp pink crystalette/Spencerville and Whitby KEEP IN TRIM Get Along Sw your- Turn your backyard into the centre of happy outdoor living-- install a swimming pool Before you flinch at the cial prospect, remember don't have to be a to have your own poo! You can have one for than the cost ¢ f ou millionaire swimming no more a compact car If the present trend continues, by 1970 one out of every 32 new homes in the U.S. will have a backyard pool. One factor that helps put pools into the reach of the homeowner isthe variety of steels available A pool can be e your backyard in three days thanks to the development of a prefabricated in - the-ground steel unit with a vinyl liner 16-by-32-foot pool, complete with| filter, is available for less than} $1,500 * Here's how it eavation is dug power shove resistant An ex with a corro i] steel s done usually Walls vanized are in The bottom leveled and covered with fine tamped-down sand two inches} in depth. A pre-shaped vinyl liner then fastened to the corners of the pool walls and carefully spread out A vacuum. pump draws out fhe air between the liner and the sand bottom to insure a §nug, tight fit | When the pipes connecting the filler system have been in Stalled, landscaping completed and the pool filled, you're set for the next 40 years--which is of sion ga set is place is 0 It Takes 13 SECONDS To Call 725-3555 | For fastest, most efficient cleaning in Osh- awa, Thot's GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. the used immingly In Your Backyard Pool By ELEANOR ROSS Do right by your family, self and the value of your house how teed. Also available for home instal lation are pools of stainless stee! and porcelain-enamel, which is the same glass-smooth material in household appliances too, require minimum surface maintenance Of course: porcelain-enamel provides permanent glistening color to pools And although more expensive than the pre fabricated steel ones, they are still more economical than 'con crete 3esides the enjoyment family and guests will from a swimming pool regarded as a home improve ment and the majority of banks will lend money to build one long the steel is guaran- They your derive BURNS ANNUAL WATCH SALE! Ladies' and Gen the her wore a gown maize taffeta with a bo ister's maid of honor formal organza over f sheath of H-S Council Closes Year With Annual Reports, Election "She has given freety of her time and energy and is a Life Member of Ontario Federation." So said Mrs. R. D. H. Heard in her introduction of Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, guest speaker at the Oshawa and District Council meeting held in E. A. Lovell School on May 25, 1965. The topic was "Home and School in Action".. During her talk Mrs Courtice outlined the many rea- sons why one should belong to Home and School. At the end of er address she read the thought provoking "Parents' Code of Ethics Thanking the guest speaker was Mrs. A. J. Allen past-president of Council In. he business portion of. the final meeting of the 1964-65 sea- read from the , Mrs. G. A garding the brief the Oshawa Board the special sup- chairman, Mrs Luhtala, who reported an attendance of 195 at the an nual pot-luck supper in April 4 letter from the Board o Education was read in connec- tion with an exchange of repre- sentative between Council and 3oard. This would include an exchange of correspondence, agenda and representatives. In SOr reports were guidance chairr Wandless re ubmitted to of Education per committee George f ts' Watches 95 On $1 D ly own $1 Week Now is the time to buy watch you've needed that See our selection of fine watches going for the low price of 1993; At offer expires Saturday, J 5th. Now! This une BURNS JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe Nor th Open Friday Till 9 p.m ling presidents: Do put the coun a ANN LANDERS A High-Strung Needs Special Dear Ann Landers: Our| seven-year-old daughter has a recurring bacterial infection of the sinuses which causes her to cough a great deal, She is un- der a doctor's care. My husband is high-strung| and unreasonable. He has de- cided nothing is wrong with the child, that she coughs just to get on his nerves. When he yells at her to stop coughing she be- comes nervous and coughs more, Last night the girl had a coughing spell at the dinner table and her father said, 'I'll bet you never cough during the day. You save all your coughing until I get home." The child began to cry and her father) ordered her to leave the table.| Please suggest something I can say so my husband will understand what he is doing to the child.-- | MEMPHIS MOTHER Dear Mother: Ii is difficult} _|(if not impossible) to reason) with someone who, according} to your own description "high - strung and unreason- able.' Your best bet is to enlist} dice of Guipure lace. A sashithe help of your physician encircling the empire waist) Ask the physician to fastened in a. self bow at the|phone or drop your husband a| back. She wore a wedding ring|note explaining the child's prob- ILLIAM FIALKA --Ireland Studio Wood is tele- jheaddress which held a small) jem and urge him to be patient veil of silk illusion, and carried! and gentle a bouquet of yellow sweetheart! A cough can become a nerv roses and carnations ous habit that lingers long after Thom-|the infection is gone. If your husband doesn't stop picking at the girl her cough could hang on for years The best man was Mr as Kenny of Oshawa For the reception in the lower hall of the church, the bride's mother received in a two-piece Dear Ann Landers: My ensemble of dusty rose re-|friend is 20. (I will call embroidered Alencon lace with| Willard.) He dropped out matching acce a white|high school during his senior hat and a corsage of pink roses.|year because he was offered The bridgegroom's mother, Mrs.|$90 a week to be the assistant tichard Shay assisted in a navy} manager in a bicycle shop. The blue crepe suit' with white ac-| job lasted six weeks and he has cessories and a corsage of pink| gone from one thing to another roses ever since. Willard hasn't had For the wedding trip to Nia-|any kind of job for the last two gara Falls and Buffalo, the bride| months and this is what worries changed to a °navy blue suit/me with navy blue and white polka| Two weeks dot blouse, white accessories) and a corsage of red roses bos him of sories, » drove 01 refreshments the for the Following On their return the couple. will members reassembled reside at 299 Montrave avenue,|workshop for officers, Conclu- Oshawa sive points were made by: Mrs Among were|Malcolm Adam on _ presidents: guests Amherst, Novalin leading, don't push; maintain Scotia, Toronto Port Hope, personal contact; on council rep- Orono. Bowmanville, Columbus/resentatives by Mrs. N. V. Roe and Elizabethville. make a report at every gener meeting; on the recording sec- iretary, by Mrs. Walter Kuch: a close union must exist between the president and the secretary; | her minutes should be brief, un- flowered and contain all pertin ent information; on correspond ing secretary: this officer was the letter the Board expressed|ihe public relations representa appreciation of the keen inter- tive of H and S on every level-- est shown by Council and stated) <+. must have good penmanship that they would be pleased to and a good vocabulary; on appoint a representative to at-ltreasurer by Mrs. R. A. Donald tend Council Executive meet-|4< custodian of all association ings and that Council's repre-lfings she was also in many sentative was welcome at board cases, responsible for drawing meetings, up the budget In the report from the nom: 'In drawing attention to com inating committee by Mrs. N.imittees Mrs. Donald gave spe- V. Roe, chairman, the following| cia) mention to hospitality and slate of officers was presented) membership committees and for the coming year President,|their function Mrs. Carl Creamer; executive A lively question period fol those present from Father Help in a new car. He had on a new suit and new shoes. He. had bought me a beautiful pin with real diamonds in: it. I don't like the fellows he hangs out with and I'm. afraid they are up to no good. When | asked Willard where he got the money for the car and clothes and my gift, he said, "IT hit a lucky streak at the track,' My folks 'say I should report |to the police but 1 ean't bring myself to do it. | am worried sick. Please advise me.-- BLUE EYES Dear Blue Eyes: Return the pin and tell Willard you can't accept a gift from a fellow who! is not employed Tell him you think he is in volved in something shady and that you don't want to see him again until he proves he is in- terested in continuing his edu- cation, or getting a steady job.| If hé doesn't straighten around { advise you to stop seeing him or you might get into trouble Dear Ann Landers: I have a friend who is attractive, dresses in fine taste and many compliments, Why is that she is unable to accept a compliment gracefully? She always replies with some stupid remark: such as, "'Oh, this dress is. four years old" --or--"Do you really like my scarf? I took it off an old suit."' Yesterday her hat she said of my favorites. I wore it cause my hair looks so rible."" It made me sorry said anything.~Why is she like that?---BAFFLED Dear Baff: Some people can handle an insult better than they can handle a compliment Praise makes them uncomfort able because they are insecure and not sure they deserve it x6 T when I admired "It's not be- ter- one; I had CHILD GUIDANCE By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD A child. of school-age who doesn't get.along with other jchildren of his age tends not to take blame for his own aggres- sions but indulges in self-pity, blaming others when there are quarrels and fights. This type of child is reported in the following letter from a mother in California: 'He is the |middle child of three. He is iseven, physically healthy, doing iwell in schoo] scholastically, jbut poorly as far as behavior lis concerned, There are many lboys his own age in the neigh- borhood, but he doesn't get a | THE OSHAWA TIME S, Tuesday, June 1, 1965 43 Strong In School Work. Boy Is Socially Weak ing him about his unhappy ex- periences with them out of your sight and hearing. You need to observe him often when he is with other children on your premises and at other places. But to go out while he is quarrelling with children might suggest to them you are spying on them and are there to take his part. _ Dad might do most by provid- ing play materials and encour- aging the whole gang at group fun. For example, he might at- tract a number of them, includ- ing his son, at catching "flies" he knocks out into the fi them. He might set up a ball basket and lead them having fun with it, He mi? duce the gang to go wi on a hike or some other Now and then dad might } his son alone to practice sk in catching a ball, or putti. a basketball into the basket. . dad developed a workshop with tools, this boy working with him there might 'gain more skills which the other boys would ad- mire; they might want to come and share in making things in this workshop. PARENTS ARE GUIDES Both you parents should aim to guide the boy in evenyday experiences in the family, to learn there to respect the rights of the rest of the family, and face the consequences of his own acts. long well with any of them. A large majority of the time he comes home with sad tales of mean and nasty things |\(name-calling, fights, etc.) be- ing done to him and for no rea- son. However, when I take it upon myself to investigate, I al- ways find that he has done something which started it. "He cannot believe that it is ever his fault and 'therefore doesn't learn by these painful experiences, I have discussed at length with him, the value of truth, and above all being true to yourself, Since he gets into so much trou- ble, he has acquired a poor rep-| utation, and is sometimes blamed by other parents in the neighborhood, and authorities at school, for things which he really has not done "But when he really is at fault, it is impossible to con- vince him. He always tries to find someone or something else to blame it on and seems only to feel that he is being wronged." My reply, In part. I don't be- lieve you can get far talking with that boy about his "mis- stakes,' his wrong ways with other children, or by question- CLEANING In Your Home. . PHONE 725-99 ¢ 4 4 ET OSHAW, 61 OSHAWA CLEANING CONTRACTORS 94 BRUCE STRE vice-president, Mrs. R. A. Don-|jqweq ald; vice-president, Mrs. N. V.j i Roe; recording secretary, Ronald Greer; treasurer, T. S. Davidson. The Executive was empower- ed to fill the vacant offices. In her parting remarks to Council, Mrs. Moss thanked the representatives and associations for their support and co-opera- Mrs Mrs RONALD W. BILSKY, 0.c. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St, E. -- 728-5156 EANERS | INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 but to no avail. | 1 Best Selection In Town @ CARRIAGES @ STROLLERS @ PLAYPENS 20 CHURCH ST. CRIBS @ HI-CHAIRS WILSON'S FURNITURE 723-3211 Hubby commended my ¢' envied my new carpet ! shode of my new drapes ! end dropery care service nor "'new" drapes are ing. Why don't YOU cal for BAKER'S carpet and will be delighted ! "JUST ONE CALL CAF ci " .. Could Kiss That Man!" tions to. the care and courtesy of the BAKER corpet come back from BAKER'S gentle and thorough clean- "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER aning Co. For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. hrift ! . , . the:neighbours .. . ond mother: loved the And | owe all these atten- . Neither my "new" corpet octually new. They've just | ROSS MILLS (local agent) drapery care... you, too, DOES THEM ALL"-- XPET 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 tion, and wished the new execu- tive every success. She passed on these suggestions to incom- Lawn, Patio il report on the agenda for : every general meeting; to par- Furniture ticipating associations, when the Chairs, Sun Cots, Umbrellas budget was being drawn up don't forget to include the Home and School award; do be en- thusiastic, it's contagious. ee BIG 71 FT. UMBRELLA TABLE COVER (Exactly As Shown) fringe can be quickly and e with a floral vinyl covered mattress . . . UMBRELLA TABLE FOLDING SUN-COT @ 2 GUEST CHAIRS Here's a wondertul way to dress up your lawn or patio. A budget priced need for fun in the sun. Come in tonight, look it over! There's a big 7% Sturdy 32' white enamelled steel umbrella table with matching 4 asily arranged. €herney's 80 KING STREET EAST (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA 6 pce. aluminum patio group with everything you will ft. nylon/viny! adjustable umbrella with deep white floral table cover. Comfortable adjustable Sun-Cot easily folded guest chairs. You get the complete outfit at one low price. Budget terms Redwood rollaway sun cot, 33" umbrella table, serving table, 2 folding chairs 'Sse

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