Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1965, p. 10

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(Margaret McAdam ¢ 'Honored by Family © 'On Retirement ) Miss Margaret McAdam Brock Street West, was the guest jof honour at a dinner party held 7 in the Fleetwood Room of the Genosha Hotel on Saturday May +\29 making her retirement from - |General Motors after forty-one jyears of service. Mrs. Clifford Reid of Bowman- ot on a lyille, assisted by Mrs. Herbert é |soters,nleces. 'and. yberenin Reid and Mrs. Stewart Wood]; J és - t it A greeted her with a rousing and entertained a group of the B® (boisterous reception. |bride's family at an even show- Following dinner, the master Telephone' 723 - 3474 for Women's Department jer, at which she was presented) lof ceremonies, Mr. J. Me- 'Adam made a presentation of iwith a variety of gifts for her| © a ian exquisite diamond ring on \kitchen. : Mrs. Rich March of Oshawa, ibehalf of the family to com- jmemorate the occasion. The tional Service of Prayer for|Mrs. Donald Bateman, Banor- assisted by Mrs. Elmer Elliott oe \law; Mr. and Mrs, Elton Vanjand Miss Joan Elliott gave a } j losed with danci unity and world peace, the|wort peterborough; Mr. and|miscellaneous shower for Mar- 1 ettas" McAd with dancing. Reverend and Mrs. Wesley)Mrs, Kdwin Wright, Whitbyjlene. ' iss Bg cal Fe familiar Herbert, held a reception andjand Miss Edna Greenway, A group of neighbours were| A bg cnuns ae h "7 main [. coffee party at the manse. Those! Brooklin. *"lentertained at a buffet lunch-| Miss Robyn Rice, daughter 1 igead a: i tt cat De. attending were: Monsignor Paul| : ; leon last Wednesday at the home| of Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. i! { aici . Dwyer, Archdeacon and Mrs.) Miss Vera Siblock Drew | of Mrs. Ivan Henry, who was} Rice, Hillcroft street, gradu- lacteese vd geri years. Z H. D. Cleverdon, Pastor andjstreet, is attending a convention|assisted by Miss Florence Hep-| ated in philosophy from Mc- |, sar) ee: er retirement Mrs, R. A. Matthews of the|°% the Humoresque Clubs for/burn, Mrs. Lorne Tregunna| Master Unversity, Hamil- ig 'a ay! " " ams stated: Seventh Day Adventists: Rabbijthe Blind, being held in London, | made and iced a cake which ex-| ton, yesterday at its annual |; oe e first few weeks I'm 7 Menachem Kutziner, Canon and|Ontario, the first three days Of! pressed in icing the good wishes| spring convocation. Miss righ to turn up my nose 7 Mrs. Fred Ongley, Mr and|this week. Miss Siblock is the of the group. The bride was pre-| Rice attended North Simcoe sills sécistsctineeriaiell Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Mr. and|official delegate of the Oshawa sented with a variety of use-| Public School and O'Neill | Mrs. Robert Broadbent, Mr,|Humoresque Club. ful gifts for her home, Collegiate and Vocational Institute. {Showers Honor! | Marlene Wood | Prior to her marriage on Fri- j day to Leonard Whiley Shay, of ZZ j p | Amherst, Nova Scotia, Miss \Marlene Wood was entertained) at séveral showers. | Her office associates gave a bathroom shower for. the bride- 1 i - 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, -- June 1, 1965 lrocbe at the home of Mis, Philip + iClark, Marland avenue. 4 4 Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Following the Interdenomina-|son, all of Stirling; Mr. and GRADUATE ue | SOCIAL NOTICES | * ~~ | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Swer- hun, Weston, wish to announce and Mrs. Donald Ormiston, Mr.! Pics ees -- Pr bride's and Mrs. Gordon Hawker andjaiq williz Pitt. which took|*fice at Genera otors pre-)-- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey. ats - aatedae Miss Barbara|s¢nted her with a floor polisher| yy; ' y : eas and a portable mixmaster Historian the forthcoming marriage of| OR BRBALY of the tantly is * Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Rice|Ann Bauder was entertained at sidaenstondtnannde ae ' : ; and Mrs. E. H. Anderson at-[several showers. Mrs, James : . xs Music Pupils Give Cries : Hoax __ _|their daughter, Sylvia Jeanne, Mr. Patrick J. McAdam pre- LONDON (Reuters) -- British|to Mr. Sydney James Nobbin,| sents a diamond ring to his tended the spring convocation at/Gibb, Sherwood avenue, held a | 3 v4 Reine sap scellaneous shower at her| McMaster University: Hamilton] ™'Sce¥aneou yesterday, for the graduation of wee Uighks Loic eae Splendid Recital historian Francis Carr is con Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. S. J.} sister Miss Margaret Mc- E | Miss Robyn Rice ey apa m M ack Taw ducting a one-man campaign tO|Nobbin, Oshawa. The wedding! Adam. Brock street west on | ; OF) Ds pide oa ; oh . on '4 A voice and piano recital was|StOP what he insists is a "gigan-\will take place on Saturday,) s | Among the guests from out- rence, Bea rice ~ j - i lgiven recently in The Royal\ti¢ hoax," played on the mil-|June 19, 1965, in Humbercrest jof-town attending the Fialka-|her home for neighbors of | | Canadian Legion Hall, Centre| lions of tourists who visit Strat-/United Church, Baby Point! [Prater wedding recenty in AVtuure bride; Mrs: Jack Dison sret 'by the students 'of Else0Pd on Avon by the inbabtans|roed, Toronto, : 4 , ST 8 '. Drygala, A.R.C.T., R.M.T ' speatean sir aiwere: Mr. and Mrs. W. Bro-|sister held a miscellaneous reece . "There at aly f : Mr. Mrs Bro-|si see te ._|A varied and interesting pro- rere is absolutely no proo' RENTALS \bin, Dr. and Mrs, E Mandryk, shower a si reac Ms cpr gram was presented which in-|that Shakespeare's house or) Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Cook, place "on Saturday, June 26 ; |{Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ryman and|street, Whitby, for their moth-\iudede a choir of all senior Anne Hathaway's cottage have| wish to announce the forthcom-\) °° ° ; bs Sargeant's Rentals |Mr. and Mrs, Frank Slywka, alljer's friends; after the rehearsal,| sudents They presented three|@ny connection with the bard," |ing marriage of their youngest 1965, at 3.00 p.m. in the Sal-} 463 Ritson $. -- 725-3338 lof Toronto; Mrs. Winnie Cor-|the bridal party were entertain-| nieces "The Slave Song' by Cart, editor of the history maga-| daughter, Alexis Louise to|vation Army Citadel, Oshawa. - : inet, Welland: Mr. and Mrs. ed at the home of ~ future Verdi, "Sing A Song of Cix-\Zine Past and Present, says. David Joseph Haslam, son of}-------------- fe | Glen Anderson, Campbellford; |bridegroom's parents, 1 r wy pence" by Diack, and 'Sylvia'. "It is immoral for an organ-|Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haslam, _ ---- - jMr and Mrs. Burt Anderson Mrs Howard Pitt, Byron street,|),, Oley Speaks. Accompanist ization or town to live on the all of Ajax. The wedding is to FOR THE FINEST and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ander-'Whitby for the choir numbers was Mr.carnings of a possibly false take place on Saturday, June as Custom and Ready Made 2 reputation 19, 1965 at 3.00 p.m. in Holy Seasonal Car Clean-Up Prior to her marriage to Ron- the occasion of her retire- ment. The presentation was made at a. family dinner party ; --Oshawa Times Photo engagement of their daughter,; Gladys Isabel, to Albert Hoare, i ae __, son of Mr, Fred Hoare, all of| FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Hastings. The wedding is to take TUXEDO and BRIDAL GOWN be A MUSEUM PIECE in burnt orange, deep yel- low, light olive green and Tom Park. Guest soloist was Sandra Bonk, a former student of Mrs Trinity Anglican Church, Ajax FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The Barvinok Branch of the Ukrainian Women's As- Robson, Pamela Martin, Janet sociation of Canada dressed this doll, 20 inches high, in the traditional bridal cos- tume of the Ukraine, to pre- sent to the Ukrainian Wom- en's Association of Eastern Canada National Handicraft Museum in Toronto, The bridal headdress, typical of the Stanyslaw area, con- tains flowers, fruit and rib- bons, arranged in such a way that following the re- ception the ribbons are re- moved permanently, denot- ing that the bride is now a married woman. Her bri- dal shirt or blouse is elabor- ately embroidered, where as it would ordinarily be quite plain. The sleeveless jacket, of sheepskin revers- black, the colors of the Uk- raine. The apron, in two sec- tions, is embroidered on the side edges and hem. Her boots are calf - height in deep red leather with high heels. Her ordinary shoes would be ankle high embroi- dered moccasins, In the background is the three-foot bandura, a 32 string nation- al instrument of the Ukraine: made by Mr. Paul Stepowy, Grimsby, father of the con- vener of the project, Mrs. Walter Kuck, Highland avenue. Others on the com- mittee working on the doll were: Mrs. Walter Grigor- enko, Miss Anne Sabat, Mrs. Donald Sadoway and Mrs, John Dutchak. Schubert's Me "Serenade", '7 to a Green Isle"' 'From Front To Tail Light By, ELEANOR ROSS Hose it down. If there are any by Handel. car's a brand|stubborn tar or grease spots or Students taking part ie / the Unless--7our recital were as follows in ing th a radiator T th Bink family he windsh radiator urn the jo » a family : : enterprise, so that an as- headlights, rub with the dry sembly line type of operation|baking soda and then hose off. | Hayward land apply some of the cleaning] Don't forget to give the blades) Pankiow, apa ve by used-cario¢ the windshield wipers the|/Ramshaw, ealers--experts at auto recon) a i a '|Carol ditioning. In no time at all the/S@meé treatment, They accumu-| late road grease which will it's Paula Seed, Marc Seed Erna Marie Drygala who sang three solos,|Beverly Henderson, Take son by Walter|MacDermaid, McNutt, and "Come Unto Him") Rosalind Dawn W Walmsley, 3etty Hrycyshy: Lynn Barcle Nancy Coe, Ruth Pascoe, Eleanor Burrow The evening ended wit -- Chris-jawards being given to students ow Ss y "es arejequally stubborn bug splatters " eit W " 5 new shiny model, chances equally s f & SP tine Allan, Patti Wilson, Nancy|who had done outstanding work that it's due for a spring Clean-|9n the chrome or paint finish,|Mason, Jane: Scott, Judy Web-jduring the year, namely Paula or|ster, James Brown and Beverly,Seed, Beverly Henderson, Pame- Blakely (both students of Maria|la - Martin, Drygala), Susan Barclay, Lilian|Eleanor Burrows. A bouquet of Alex! yellow Susan; Mrs Reid,| Wilson on behalf of all the per- Stewart, Linda Squires,' formers Lynn Barclay roses was Drygala by presented Miss Linda and l- i, Mr n, y,|nounce ¢ |marria h Joan Ewart to Dawn Mr. and Crawford the ge Anne Montpetit, and Mrs. G all of Oshawa Mrs Osha of to James Edward Wa, their Mr son wish to an- forthcoming daughter Frederick of Mr Reginald Montpetit, ENGAGEMENT and Mrs Ernest The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, July 3, 1965, at 2.30 p.m. in Cedar- dale United Church Haze)- | wood wish to announce the DRAPES in the lotest Shades and Fobrics .. . 900.4% Mé& DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 family buggy will gleam like : . oo Wy men ahs . \streak up your nice clean wind- Begin with the {shield come the very first rain.| moving floor mats, the contents} Tires, whether they're white- lof the glove compartment, the walled or not, will look greatly) down with interjor, re- a J a 4b iJ ie es 99 Brief Night-Timers for "Bikini" Gals jpackage shelf and the trunk improved if wiped on Vacuum every inch. Shampoo|@ soap pad sprinkled with dry jthe rug if it's real dirty, with sal soda lthe same product you use for| This is also an easy way of household carpets. getting floor mats good and! clean ODE Convention Hears $350,35 Other household staple vill Allocated To Education In 19645 "00,7 of hr from) ! solution of WINNIPEG (CP)--More thanjand for those suffering Pe ee poe two-thirds of the $350,358 allo-| cerebral palsy. A railway carjeral dirt and oil smudges from og to omy sa oscil Yi school and a school on a west|the plastic parts of the uphol-| the Imperial Order Daughters) coast mission ship also were stery of the Empire was spent on fi-| civen equipment : nancial aid to students the or- is APPLIED DRY ganization was told today. Ay of si rset ng sence Use a baking soda solution on : hs per cent from the previ-ithe painted and metal surfac Mrs. George E; Tait, of Tor, |Ous year--was spent on specuallsuch"as the dashboard, steer. onto, ee "ie hesshonii tm fing education projects such asiing wheel, etc. You can apply TON sockets vonaved '9232 s1i(Safety and health classes, fes-ithe bicarb dry with a moistened . scrip ce, tivals and library work and en- t vs ; pr ge Me -- scholar- Anaaant crouse - . erly ay vot Pg ee A municipal chapter organ-|scratching "The education allocation was joq oe : ; a 'school drop-out proj-| Now for the car's the second largest in the budget! ot» embers worked twice a' ; $439,525 was spent on welfare! week with students having dif- ch api ficulty with school subjects to The JODE last year awardedjtry and prevent them from 703 bursaries worth $101,750 and! dropping out of school. Educa- 205 scholarships totalling $26,-\tional authorities have re- 3. quested an expanded program, The organization spent $62,250| Mrs. Tait said. on helping 2,087 schools in Can- ada and the West Indies. A to- tal of 862 schools last year re- ceived gifts of libraries or books, visual aids and recrea- tional and study material. In Labrador, 36 schools all re- ceived such aid. Fifty schools in the West Indies and British Hon-) duras received reference and library books and reference ma- terials, she said. HELP FOR MANY Assistance in the form of! equipment was given to schools) for Indians and Metis, for the retarded, the blind, the deaf ed, is embroidered in wool --Oshawa Times Photo For All Your "Bridal Shoes" (Tinted Free) CHOOSE : DANCEY'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD ZELLER'S exterior © herney's FURNITURE WORLD KAYE'S KAYE"S LARGE SIZES SHOPPE Sizes from 141% to 32Y%4 SPECIALIZING IN LARGE SIZE CLOTHING FOR YOUNG LADIES KAYE'S | sizt'su SIZE SHOP 4 King St. BOWMANVILLE 623-5102 LIABLE FURNITURE - INTERIORS 2 CL, SSR oor @ CUSTOM DRAPERIES @ FINE FURNITURE @ BROADLOOM Fashion Show UE FASHION SHOP and "CHARGE-IT" at ZELLER'S! NO DOWN PAYMENT 3 CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS A. COTTON PONCHO BABY DOLL is ndvelty-strined. Controst-color binding ond large how accent the rounded neckline, hem is ruffle-edged; complete D, ADORABLE NYLON 3-PIECE BIKINI SET. The ultimate in summer-time with contrast-color Bikini pants. Pink, blue, moize; S-M-L luxury -- a nylon shéer coat with black loce ruffle and permanent-pleated " pylon sheer trim. Underneath, bra top and briefest Bikini ponties trimmed . POLKA-DOTTED 3-PIECE COTTON SET, halter-top. with contrast birfding, to motch coat. Pink, blue; S-M-L tie bow, spaghetti straps; bow-trimmed Bikini pants and cover-up coat with contrast binding, frilly hem. Blue or red on white; S-M-L 'CHARGE - IT" ZELLER'S (Not Shown) --COTTON. BIKINI P.J.'s in all-over gingham print, with rows of dainty lace trimming the top. Waist Bikini briefs with lacy legs. Pink or blue; $-M-L ° (Net Shown)--3-PIECE COTTON BIKINI SET is white -dot-printed. The coot and halter bra, both frosted with eyelét embroidery; the Bikini 1 ay ioe oe A WATCH FOR IT! YOUR CIRCULAR IS IN THE MAIL Personal Home Decorating Service briefs with elasticized legs. Pink or blue; S-M-L, OPEN THURS. & FRI. TILL 9 PLM. NINETY-SIX KING ST. EAST Oshawa Shopping Centre Downtown -- Simcoe South -

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