THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 31, 1965 45 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Pley) FAMOUS HANDS West dealer. Neither side vulnerable. "JULIET JONES NORTH 1097654 K54 io 5 Pg ihe ? SHOPPING, DEAR NG, - "St Neeo 'some Ne oe AX THE GIANTS Temarereaner erate | OF RRO Ue DMT "ame | crt nace HADDA GET NORTH INTO A COOLER(Fi) GET F : HIGH IN THE MOUNTAINS, FREEZ pening lead--ace of clubs. / if} A CHIL? wig id fo Ai y ad ae GETTLERS STAND lye "pe A " PINE TRet p When both sides are active Wi, UP THY. GT WORE lata A yp Bap > -- 4 po /,| | sanomarn! | in the bidding, it 1s often diffi- US RIGHT WHEN HB Pot fhm MOGEH: ye cult for the players to know ex- WANTS 'EM7/ SECRET PAGS. oi SA \actly how far to go. Here is an unusual example which shows how badly even expert players sometimes mis- gauge 4 situation. The hand occurred in the match between France and the United. States in 1963. When France had the North- South cards, the bidding went as shown. The notrump overcall by North was simply fancy, but thereafter the bidding by the American East-West pair was natural, though somewhat mis- THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SW TA lil WOW 99 YOu want 7. However, the unusually ag- Wi ae nea | ete os WY f . -- f gressive action by the American . . UNITED STATS. pair was eventually rewarded SECRET AGENT X9 ; OPROUE * when North, acting under the in central ' OAS F , misapprehension that a grand one ae vat ! a % Cems slam in clubs was about to be an "lit ' de CATCH SOME i vs K Mee os made against him, made a sac- fer of Bo f ci Y » ' , A rifice bid of seven spades. This Figen ; i : ' . i dA a ¥ é contract went down from--700 } , points. Why South failed to double seven clubs, holding the ace of hearts, is a mystery still un- solved. Similarly, West's failure to recognize that his spade void facing East's ace was a dupli- cation of values is likewise baf- | 1 (WELL, WELLS | WE'RE IN " 32% the second table held the North- reel oR | af | Pome 6 South cards, the bidding went (Tee 1 ee | | Posner | UL s b ALE »/ ») i ad ~ \\ a cy. i Ee DONALD DUCK ZI ' fling. eg | fl loa CARA Wien the American pair at ae ry a ! "| A) as follows: off i West North Hast South : re 16 Pas 19 26 3H 3@ 44NT Pass Sh 6S@ Dble North realized, of course, that his side could not make six spades when he bid it, He was making a sacrifice bid in ad- vance of the expected six club pa CCE PTET id. ted Op Ring Fostaree Syntiente. } | LY, NARCOTICS! SOMEBODY HAD | | : rs - Me Whether six clubs would have bur PLANTED A LITTLE METAL BOX . arias eee ore ght $ ee re . been made will never be known. WHAT \{ OF HEROIN IN MY PLANE. BUT 4 It would have taken a heart va ) OUTSMARTED THEM AND THREW 1. Gaiters . Mast e ee tate | ~ lead by North and a heart con- * PRYING OVER THE MOUNTAINS, IT GOT BUMPY, SOMETHING CAME LOOSE AND WAS RATTLING AROUND, 1 PICKED IT UR" Avweee amie teatime aie ~~ 3 T OUT sos HAW-HAW-HAW! _ 6, Embrace . Hawaiian 4 | ' tinuation to stop the slam. } aa 11. Potty: apron I FIO MMNIAIS] } # South went down three--500 i aw 3. On tip! x | é g points--at six spades doubled, ; K 12, Urgency . Skin ee 6 4 |and the United States team J ° | 13. Placeina disorder . TOW ao we & i _ i | hae Faitnew Oe ) f f gained 200 points on the deal. 14. Found in . Greek a OIAIS ae om | : é | j | a print letter Mu : S Lf Seen. ge , Bea : Feline Fancier 5. To azinul, county . Si | ; asalaw . Questions | | ~ . Golfer . Rising ; : 37. Temperate | : ca | Lo 49 C ts Snead an water . 39. Scheme | "a orate Ses a . Famed vapor 40, Balto- : BEIRUT (AP)--The Leban- ---------- ---- - - ra -- een -- family of Saturate 28, Slav gale ger : : ese police department is inves- VANE/ HOW } FINE, BEN T THIS 'TIME, MAN LES ow .. patriots Roman 31.G 41, Ogles § tigating a catastrophe--the dis- I'M Wo AWAY, ME, VY MILES 21, Pronoun house 3u : 43, One of MOSESE ; - appearance of 49 cats . ABOUT LAREDO, mae ieee ree 9p ogg oe | PAE: cs ia George Matar, a feline fan- E ROCKS / HELL . So, can 19, Wande: e 5 | E ler wh cat BE TRACKIN' ME NO MORE / . { dope aimlessly est c 4 ae ; f building pgp roan er ---- JZ . Friendly | J . : Yalan as "Ts A gers 40 of his pets missing. Concemsine - i s police began searching the 30. Subject of 4, i ¢ a | g ~~ neighborhood for catnappers, Dreyfus , mi | ' Matar checked again and dis- trial f i ¢§ ; | ' Sage covered nine more cats had . Grow old ZL i ' : , ; : vanished. Not: 1S | 8 iM " e & "This sort of thing can give prefix es } s. : - Lebanon a bad name as & . Detachable y tk A hae | f fi country where people abuse buttons TCA ' & f\ animals," said Matar, a re- gebing | : A AY 4 f\ tired civil servant. esi i : e & Matar suspected his pets idaigs ' . Yaka an) were being stolen to feed the spec hip 1 | lhe lions of a circus stranded in . Beirut. The lion tamer, how- . Arcl | ; S in "F aradise |" 4, J : | | spat ever, assured Matar that y Bing Lost" f | | ok was barely a snack for a lion. . Proverbial , 1 | CROCHET HIT | hare Now Matar thinks someone is high liver fy A by ALICE BROOKS | ey skinning the cats and selling Dig W th crochet shelll ' them to housewives as rabbits. an b lof Maceehis Gack eat with! SIZES 6-14 g Furthermore, he complained, Prout te, Mncka" "the theft leaves me with 24 t < | <a . ° A Norse - -- gene' vivid! Crochet! PRINCESS PAL |kittens, and I am feeding them Ny: fo i Dery ST / | 49 Denn ssi f chevron-striped shell in. three| By ANNE ADAMS tall with eye-droppers."' init ' li f - hre é | ",\ 'Nib¢ © ~ B35 |colors. Picot edge adds finish-| | SHOW dgprsee sag pa \ / . --ling touch. Pattern 7377: sizes\the picture above -- see her " 4 iy ai ss ey wage sparkle at the thought of SALLY 5 SALLIES > ; |$2-84; 36-88 included YOUR HEALTH | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) |Aancing out in this princess -- Bitor each pattern (no stamps, |Pa!" Choose cotton, linen-look MICKEY MOUSE -. j ' ttoman eatettat rae # cc eRe acters ; |please) to Alice Brooks, care at azn, 0 wes Neetet : a -- Pp m lhe ; Jeed! |. Printed Pattern 4582: Girls Be OE] tae THE LID OF ( WELL, ALMOGT Never ) ft ? | a pered Baby : The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft) ¢4. ¢ § 10, 12, 14. Size 10 ; nee . ront $ st, To-| Py [253 HE GARBAGE CAN, ra Dept., 60 Front Street West, To-| dross 216 yds. 35-in.; jacket 1%, } iy is BUTCH 166 / oe Pa 7 : . iffi ] 7 7 Md my ronto 1, Ontario. Ontario resi-| # hei A nd ; \ acy J Yi | * = bay Di 1cu t 0 Taln ; dents add le sales tax. Print| ,FIETY CENTS (Ste) in por AD a "ne: Jie. ' ' \plainly PATTERN NUMBER, | , ship Se eas (Res - b. 7 By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Mi ik. MA TOC \pattern.. Ontario residents add / 7 _-- NAME, ADDRESS. |2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, Dear Dr. Molner: Our son/same now as they always were,|, °°) NEEDLECRAFT CAT-|NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE and daughter-in-law took their|yoy love them, and you keep\* 40% ~ 00 designs, three free/ NUMBER. baby's bottle away from her, ee Pipatterns!. Newest knit, crochet! Send order to ANNE ADAMS when she was 17 months old,)'tem warm, fed, clean and fee)-/fashions, embroidery. 25c. leare of The Oshawa Times, Pat- and now have taken the pacifier ing safe. And you also, if you) Now! Send for elegant, new|tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, away from her, even at bed-;are smart, start right in the|"'decorate with Needlecraft!" Toronto 1, Ontario. time. The child is 20 months beginning to establish reason-| Five beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE- able routines--good living hab-|complete patterns for decorative|PORT in our new Spring-Sum- rain her| its 'accessories in one book! Pillows,'mer Pattern Catalog plus cou- ek. Her! The simple and basic ones|Wwall hangings, curtains, appli-/pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! noes --- om _ re A eA mn small nightiare regular meal and regular/ques, more! 60c Everything you need for the life THE SAME HAPPY oe i ig NEW MATH... ight on,'a! he door is closed.|sleeping times. At less than the} Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --/you lead -- 350 design ideas! / ° FOURSOME GRANDMA! ) iil NEW ENGLISH... p j She F nd actually age of two years, this baby h 16 complete patterns. 60 Send 50 y I ie) | ' J if . % ba AS 1pl rT Sen n | arab) Hie THR ae y tan 8 alas veins end 8 nom | COLBORNE GRANDMA! ) ' i ' ' ae NEW GEOGRAPHY... }| : . s ym 45 minutes to an;been kept up much later than CENEMKETR mR a marta s J} iff ite AS EY { € vever normal, and now they are try-itensely awake, yelling|this youngster has been al- GROCETERIA # r : < ing to train her to go to beditest and frustration lowed to expect some pamper- Colborne St. et Church St. eg IGM AHEIT DAES Al Nine I see no objection to a baby| en rom na ? were | She's a baby that has gotten'sleeping with the door closed, |'78 and privileges -- such as 728-6341 _|few 1 so they think it/ysed to a lot of attention, Ba-|Most do. It's quieter. A very|Staying up too late--which are | proper tc LE hone on paead bies learn the trick very|small night light is all right,|R0t good for her. OPEN ------ own five chidren were put f0/quickly, She wants to stay upjI dare .say, but the majority It's going to take some pa- bed with love n u Mand get still more atventing |e babies do very well sleeping|tience cua winks to get her DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. a room by ems a torw hen she can't, she yells. How-|in the dark. Why not? |straightened out. I suggest put Seven Days © Week } scream their heads >. USiever. she may very likely be| They've taken her pacifier|ting her to bed soon after her " . |, |\the. modern way to rear chil-/rather tired by 9 p.m. It is notlaway. Why did they start mak-/supper, because she's morc |] © Groceries . © Fresh Fruits at all unusual for an overtired|ing a pacifier a part of the/likely to be relaxed and sleep: |; * Vegetebles © Meats There isn't any modern wayland overstimulated infant to be|babv's existence, anyway? jthen. Cuddle her a bit, mak: | FREE DELIVERY ia acon r | dren?--~G.S i lto xear children. Babies are the'unable to relax, and to stay! It sounds to me as though'her feel loved and contented.