Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1965, p. 9

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SPORTS CHAMPS COMPARE NOTES She Oshawa Zines OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY City Ministers To Meet Soon On Gambling Report An emergency meeting of thejters setting themselves up as B iexecutive of the Oshawa Minis-|watchdogs over the city," said] : 4 \terial Association will be called|Mr. Brett. "Complaints came to decide whether to release the|from parishioners that this sort report which sparked a provin-lof thing was getting out of hand % \cial police anti-gambling squad|and demoralizing the com- s\investigation here |munity. That is how the matter OPP officers and Oshawa|#t0s€ in the first place. 7 \police Friday night raided two| Mr. Brett said the committee |halls --- Branch 43 of the \ Royalimet several months ago with lCanadian Legion and the Knights|Mayor Lyman Gifford and later 'lof Columbus -- and seized ticket|the same day with Mr. Affleck. stubs on 50-50 draws. HAD TO ACT Rev. G. w. C Bret of Knox) wr. Affleck } | Presbyterian Church, was the in an interview. that he wast convener of an association com- ths , tee ~ {to act on complaint. He mittee consisting of six minis-| iq cyidence was gathered tol' ters of different denominations, determine whether prosecutions} months ago to | stated Saturday Decathlon winners at the T. R. McEwen senior pub- lic school games are shown above exchanging pointers on prize-winning style. Vicky Anderson, 13, left, was the "EXPLAIN FACTS games, Taking a_ sighting along the javelin held by Jim Niedziela, 13, is a decathlon winner at the T. .R McEwen public school winner of the Junior Girls' decathlon and tops in the rirls' decathlon was lar. The girls. head- competitors from five teams in the Olympic style OF LIFE" Silence On Sex Harms Children, Says Priest If parents hesitate to give sex instruction to their children,| it is because they lack a Chris- tian concept of sex, says Father Leo LaFreniere, OMI. "Parents will never scandal- ize their children when explain- ing to them the facts of life," he told the parent-teacher asso- ciation of Corpus Christi School at a meeting in St. Phillip's Church auditorium. Father La Freniere is retreat FOR FIRST TIME Grade 13 Exam Results Won't Be Entire Mark isnartan.trmcr For the first time the final marks for gjade 13 students will not be entirely based on the result of final ex- aminations. H. E. Murphy, prineipal of Central Collegiate Institute, said this year the departmental ex- aminations will count 7/) percent while the teacher's evaluation will Contribute 25 percient to the student's final standing. Oshawa's 10,541 public school pupils are already in the midst of their final tests while 3,981 secondary school students are preparing for theirs to begin begin next week. Not more than 50 percent of public school pupil's year's mark this year will be based on these tests, said]¢ Public School Superintendent Dr C. M. Elliott. Half of the stu- dent's final grade will be based on the year's work which is "much fairer'? than having his future determined by one final Seen plotting the locations of attractions and conces- Sions on a plan of Alexandra Park for the Dominion Day Folk Festival, July 1, are master of Queen of Apostles Re-jyear and what a tragedy It !s," treat House, Port Credit he said. If parents knew the harm A HOLY THING | they are causing to soul and)... holy. thing a. body of their children by their) . 5X is a holy thing, inten I i and those silence, they would drop once|ed by the Creator, : and for all their attitude of si-|W% refuse to instruct their chil- lence -- how vocations to the|dren on its values and sanctity priesthood have been lost, how|2re guilty of bringing tragedy bad habits against purity were|into young lives. acquired very innocently by| Rev. La Freniere warned that their children, how thousands of|parental neglect leads to count- girls become pregnant eachjless pregnant girls. He also ° ~|pointed out the over abundance |of -dont's connected with sex. | "We speak of the ugly sins, jas if there were pretty ones of the animal instincts in men; of the repulsiveness of sexual rela-| tions,"' said Father La Freniere. "We seem to forget that man imately in the union of man testing performance, he said. |and woman." He said grade 8 pupils will] father La Freniere finish their exams by June 15,\teaching of Pope Pius about one week before the other grades, to give high schools the|the mysteries and marvellous| number of grade 9 prospects tOllaws of life will be received! expect as soon as possible. --_|by the children with reverence Public schools will close their|and gratitude, and will enlighten doors for the summer recess|their minds with far less danger June 29, said Dr. Elliott, lthan if they learn them hap- Students of grades minejnazard, from some unpleasant throught 12 will begin theit)/shock, from secret conversa- exams June 7 and most will beltions, through information re- finished by the 16th, said Mr.|ceived from over sophisticated Murphy. : companions, or from clandestine Grade 13 pupils will start their reading, the more dangerous final sittings the next day andjand pernicious as secrecy in- will complete most by the 18th.|flames the imagination and trou- Those with a 66 percent aver-|ples the senses." | age in tests and term work in | rades nine and 10 will be ex-- GRADUAL INSTRUCTION | empted from finals and grade| The speaker recommended) 11 and 12 students, depending on|that sex instruction be gradual the school, can expect their term|'*The one-lecture attitude on sex work to contribute approxi-|is against good common sense, mately 50 percent to their finalino child learns anything com- grade, said Mr. Murphy. pltely in one. lesson." cited the XH: DOMINION DAY PLANNERS fhe Ontario Regiment and the others are members of Eugene Rymdzionek, Blaine: Tyndall, Major P. Townsend, M.D., Mr. William Richardson with the president, Mrs. J. A. Ald- , VT Mi games, 15-year-old Startek. Jim 'was of the Junior Boys' held during the games and An annual Andrew winner Decathlon three-days set'up several study and other forms of gambling in Oshawa te drew headed up the Senior Boys' Decathlon Team Each entrant competed in six events. Oshawa Times Photos wag rpc scorted out of Oshawa to county jail who had just bee J was € taken away Clearly 10 day: court sessions to uncontrolled humor After his fine had been n asked for time to pay "Where do you live,"' "I'm a hobo," a little pride 'Then you will go to jail trate Ebbs ing Cleary quickly replied with more "HALLELUJAH, SAYS CLEARY OES OFF TO JAIL he and rishman John Magistrate's Court Cleary as Friday n fined $10 with a choice of in jail for being drunk, reduced the normally solemn laughter with his glib Irish made known Cleary promptly uired Magistrate Frank Ebbs, than for 10 days," answered Magis- Reading out a list of previous convictions Crown Attor- ney Bruce Affleck said that (€ in March this year. "Yes your worship," said Cleary, "that was rick's night you know." As a parting shot Cleary bert Flintoff wears a uniform." Smiling broadly Chief FI leary's last drunk charge was St. Pat- | turned to Oshawa Police Her- | "A real nice fellow, he said. It's a pity he intoff made no reply. Democratic . Right Wing Workers, made a clean of the education committee and kept control of the political ac- tion committee in election re- sults announced today Ted 'Oke' O'Connor headed the polls in the election com- mittee contest with 5,277 votes followed by John Sinclair with 4,743, and Robert Tremble with 3,898. Two veteran members of the committee were next on the voter's popularity poll, John Moore, with 3,834 ballots, and Harold Irwin, 3,766 The. other members of the seven-man committee are Ro- bert Maguire 3,703, and Paul Weidmark, 2,894. The Democra- tic Right Wing Group held five of the seven seats in the 1963 elections. Four seats in the seven-man ' |Bobb Gibbs, sweep 'Democratic Group Wins '2 Committee Elections The "The revelation by parents of|Sroup of Local 222, United Auto PAC committee were also taken by the DRW. Clifford Pilkey topped the polls with 5,676 votes] followed by John Black, 4,596 and John Brady, 4,285. | Mr, Brady, a member of the| opposing Right Wing Unity group, was earlier elected as editor of Local 222's official or- gan, '"'The Oshaworker'"' An-| other RWU member' William| Stacey, came seventh with 2,904) ballots. | Nicholas Matejuk was in the) No. 4 spot with 3,171 votes Steve} Melinchuk, independent was| next with 3,013 ballots, and sixth was Ambrose Ferren, 2,-| 952 | Adrian Goverde was defeated! in a try for re-election getting| }nounced today. { 59.50 clubs a© warranted, the matter of 50-50 clubs' he Criminal Code allows churches to run raffles provided Mi. Brett said the committee|ceed $50. The proceeds of the ceased to exist after its reportidraw, like those from bingo, was handed in to the assoccia-| must be used for charitable pur- tion, The ministerial associa-| poses tion, in turn, handed over the! 4 spokesmen at OPP head- report along with its recom-jqyarters at Quéen's Park said mendations, to Crown Attorney today a statement may be issued Bruce Affleck. ion the matter sometime next "This was not a case of minis- week Liquor Licences Approved For Two Inns, City Legion| Liquor licence applications by|to the Carousel Inn Hotel at) the Carousel Inn Hotel, here and/ Stevenson rd. and Bloor st Also approved were a dining the value of prizes does not ex-| g Lloyd Clarke, left, chair- man of the UAW Recreation Committee, presents a $300 cheque to Stuart Carson, president of the Oshawa Dis- trict Association for Retard- ed Children. The money re- alized from the UAW Teen- in Ajax and the Royal Cana- " hinn TLenion have been approved lounge licence and public house eet a anette PI 'licence for the Carousel Inn the Liquor Board of Ontario an-| Hotel, Ajax A restricted club licence was "Gee o HEQUE FOR CHILDREN Dances will be used to fi- nance programs for pre- school children aged three to five and those over 18 at- tending the association's training centre on Welling- ton st. --Oshawa Times Photo Gold Rush Town Parish For City Minister's Son A dining lounge licence,jissued to Branch 43 of the Le-| The Gold Rush town of Daw- next year when Byron is or- lounge licence, public house li-/gion' Simcoe st. s. : eence for women and women} The successful applications escorted by men, were granted were heard in Peterboro. SAFE 'BLOWN' WITH NITRO, LINES CUT AT FLOWER SHOP Thieves broke into R. B. Reed and Sons Florists' store on Bloor st. w. during the night, blew open the safe with nitro-glycerine and escaped with a "small amount" of cash Mrs. Abe Buntsma, who lives above the store, told police she was awakened by an explosion at 4:15 a.m, She said she got up and looked around her own premises, but id not discover the break-in until she went downstairs at 7 a.m Police said there were no visible signs of forcible entry into the building. The telephone lines had been cut. It was the third nitro-glycerine job pulled in the city in the last three months, police said. The other two were staged in the offices of Dr. Jack Langmaid and Dr. Douglas Langmaid on Simcoe st. n. Safecrackers also attempted last night to blow the safe in the office at the Canadian Automotive Museum on st. s. but apparently were scared off by a night watchman. Jack Mann, secretary-manager of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce and museum manager, said today the dial was broken off the safe and there were file marks on it. He said the would-be thieves must have left in a hurry because they left some safe-breaking tools behind. Mr. Mann said there were no valuables or cash in the safe as it was moved from the old Chamber of Commerce office on King st. ¢. The valuables and money were all put in a walk-in vault in the museum. votes. | Other defeated contestants jwere: Robert, Bedford, Larry Deschene,, Len Laturski, How- jard, Johnson, Frank Fitzgerald, |David Howard and Don Pros ser The RWU members who lost in their try for election for the jeducation committee were: Percy Northey, John Beers, | Paul Page, Robert Mac Naugh- jton, Harold Mutton, Graham |Malloy and Donald Ibey. The sole Independent candid- ate' Fred Amey, was second \lowest on the election totem pole with 1,331 votes. Viet Tactic On 'Oshawa Beach? A broken-neck pop bottle filled with sand and buried upright on | Oshawa's beach with the jagged jneck just below the surface, was |part of the dangerous debris lo- [cated by city scouts and scuba divers during the weekend. "It could only have been placed their intentionally," said organizer of the beach clean-up. 'It looked like a Viet Cong trick." Mr. Gibbs said the bottle was found in the middle of the beach }area about 20 feet from the | » | water by a scout who was pick- separate committees seating slages and communica- tions and sport Oshawa Times Photo ing up a piece of paper "In the water the scuba divers found a lot of metal and tin, an old bedspring and the base of a [barbecue set with the edges pointing up,' said Mr. Gibbs, He said a pail and a half of broken glass was collected from the water and the beach area along with driftwood' nails and other junk. Mr. Gibbs, president of Oshawa Gem Scuba Divers Club | and scoutmaster of the first Osh- jawa troop, said he hopes to make the clean-up an annual affair | Purpose of the "'beach clitz" jwas to make the beach area a Isafer place for summer swim- mers. into the eighth place with 2,709 |= son Creek, up in the Yukon/ lTerritory, will be home soon to| |Byron Woolcock, son of Rev jand Mrs. Alfred Woolcock of Oshawa. | Byron was ordained a deacon} of the Anglican Church in Christ! Church Cathedral, Montreal, by Bishop Kenneth McGuire. He follows in his father's footsteps as Rev. Woolcock is vicar of St. Mark's Anglican Church. Rev. Woolcock said today that his son has accepted an invi- tation to act as rector of Daw- son City. His church will be the former Cathedral of the Yukon diocese, St. Paul's. "Byron is familiar with the north," said Rev, Woolcock,"as he worked in Northern Saskat- chewan when he lived in that province. He also did some work for the Indian population some 200 miles north of Kenora, Ont." He stated that there are only two churches in Dawson City, which has a population of ap- proximately 900. "While there he will be ministering to a mixed congregation of whites and Indians." The other church in the town is Roman Catholic. Rev. Wool- cock added that he has been invited by the Bishop of the Yukon, Rt. Rev. Henry H. Marsh, to preach at the service dained as a priest. "We would certainly. like to go as Byron will be in the north for three years before he will be able to get back east for a holiday."" Rev. Woolcock said that his son will join the nine other clergymen in the 200,000 square mile diocese, minister- ing to a 15,000 strong popula- tion. Dawson City gradually sank into obscurity when the 1898 gold rush burst, said Mr, Wool- cock, but the high jinks of the 1962 Dawson City Gold Rush Festival spurred the tourist trade. Jaycees Praised For Oshawa Forum Oshawa Jaycees were given honorable mention for their civic affairs program "Town Hall Forum" by the provincial mem- bership, Oshawa President Don Netley said today. The largest gathring of Jay- cees to date agreed at their London, Ont., convention to ask Premier John Robarts and his cabinet to OK licence plates manufactured wfth the slogan "The Province of Opportunity," and decorate them with the trillium. in Christ Cathedral, Whitehorse, Thirty-seven city Jaycees at- tended the convention. the ' 3 : oe i A. GROUP OF city scuba divers and scouts made a big haul of glass, driftwood, nails and assorted junk dur- ing the weekend on Osb- awa's main beach front. Bobb Gibbs, Trevor Meek and Eric Cross hauled drift- wood, metal, glass and even an old bedspring from the water. The clean-up, de- signed to make the beach safer for summer swimmers, was conducted from the har- bor pier, west to Bonnie Brae point. P. J, Kennedy, city parks commissioner, to- day praised the efforts : of the volunteer workers and said it will be a "'real asset" to the beach area. --Oshawa Times Rhoto

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