Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 May 1965, p. 21

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BIRTHS | IN MEMORIAM -- George and Eleanor (nee | WHITE -- In loving memory of @ dear y Z y g y j , Z j Z j Promotion Announced : proud to announce the &-iwite and Mother Reta White who passed 4 ij id rival of their chosen daughter, Debra | away May 30th, 1963. Anne. A sister for Joy, Susan, Bill and in tears we saw you sinking, Eric. RAY -- Eddie and Lyn thank God for the safe arrive baby daughter Lisa Ariene born Sunday.| So peacefully free from pain, We watched you fade away, TANK TALK | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Mey 29, 1965 2] GREENWOOD RESULTS FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200 maiden| FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,300 claiming jthree year old fillies foaled in CDA. 7) four year olds and up 7 furs (7). Furs. (7) 4-Barieycorn Gomez $6.50 2.60 14 iy, a5 s Our hearts were aimost broken, 4 Uy Yi wiles Gg bitsy 3 et | SG Mah = = 4) ForPositions In Regiment: =..." x gs seer of their] But when we saw you sleeping, P My We ioe of Honor McComb 6.00 i. beth a ald dd Sunshine Bidnd Potts Time 1 : yg renal r 4 yt EAE j Time 128 35 Also Ran In Order:. Queen's Ri May 2rd 1965 weighing 7 ibs. First grand-| we covid not wish you back Uy g " i if s : " | o P 7 -. rs, J. Ray, Oshawa. Third] To suffer thatsagain tis / By CAPT. N. M. HALL, Baird is a graduate of Picker-| Aue Ree ' Order: Greek Tar. Little! Aged wdust, Holy Cow and AWendscrous child for M grandchild for Mr. and M rs. Floyd) _i ovingly remembered by Husband Bert, Mantle, Brooklin and fourth great grand-| son Jack, Oaughter-in-law Rose, and y j 4 As the results of Junior NCOjing Collegiate and a former child for 'Mr: and Mrs. Lev' Brougham. Thanks to Dr. J. O, Anderson and fourth fi loor staff. Hopkins, | Granddaughters. jj Z y Hi g qualifications come in, vacan-|commanding officer of the Pick- j yp: G cies in the Regiment are beingjering Collegiate cadet corps. He YUILL -- In loving memory of a dear J y : bad : father and gréndtainer, Walter. Gordon iz filled. Recently promoted to Cor-|joined the Ontario Regiment as SMITH -- Philip and Ann are pleased yuyii!, who passed away May 29, 1962. y gy y porai were R. Ricard, D. M./a trooper in 1960. to announce the arrival of their daugh- tie had a cheery smile, a pleasant way, ter, Frances Jane, 6 ibs. 12 ozs. Satur. 4 helping hand to all he knew, m j pe yy Sargent, D. J. Mountenay and : day, May 22, 1965, at the Oshawa Generé!' He was so kind, so generous and true, | 7 y ' tis ba W. Jeffery. Promoted to Lance, The most recent issue (March, Hospital. A sister for Andrea, pilaf na havsety ree: g Ys j Corporal were Troopers Hem-|1965) of the "Men of Harlech", . DEATHS Lovingly 6d by his son Leon.) ie ington and Farrell. Still morejofficial journal of the Welch wee oe ee ee " 4 Ss Liye) promotions are forthcoming as| Regiment, which is affiliated qualified Junior NCO members|with the Ontario Regiment, pub- BUTLER, Edward Charles of the Regiment are chosen for)lished nearly a two-page section At Oshawa General Hospital, on. Friday, CARD OF THANKS bs 4 iat _/ Z\the Student Militia training|devoted to Regimental activities May 28, 1965, Edward Charles Butler, in y q 7 7 \ course, destined to start in June.|over the past five months, in- his 70th year. Beloved widower of Etiza- ; beth Jollow. Dear father of Lioyd Butier,,| COOPER -- We wish to take this op- stepfather of Mrs. J. Warburton (Theima), Lorne and of Santa Cruz, cluding the Ontarios' change of portunity to thank our neighbors and! 7 i f % 2 é _ 5 ae ® Phase One of a long grind is |command profiles of the past Californias | friends: of. Brocklin for the. surprise party | P is LG ; over for three Regimental offi-|\Commanding Officer and the | Larry Galbraith of Courtice.|@nd gifts presented to us in our new! Z Mr. Butler is resting at neral Chapel, 390 King for service In the Cha May 31, at 2 p.m. Interm Cemetery. MACBETH, John Alexander Entered into rest in the fa dence Brooklin, Ontario, or May 29, 1965, John Alexander beloved husband of Davidina Barclays | tne lovely gifts received in the event of and tather of Mr Norman (Doris Gwen) of Toronto, Mrs derson (Dav na) of Streetsville Alexander MacBeth tario. Resting at the Home, Oshawa, the chapel Tues y, Groveside Cemetery not to call Sunday) O'BOYLE, the Oshawa General Hospita Baby , 1965, Baby O'Boyile and awa Union 1965 Mrs O'Boy Cemetery, O/REILLY, Alicia Entered into. rest in sda Oshawa, on Saturday, May Alicia Albertson, widow of Frar and mother of Mrs leen) of Latchtord (Helen) and Miss Agnes Oshawa; Mrs, R. Shaw of T nara and Clifford of Kenneth, Cameron, Wilfred. to, in her Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa High Requi Church, Tuesday, June terment St ment St. G 82nd year. Rest em Mass In H Gregory regory's are asked not to call at the fun before Sunday). KOZAK, Cecil Entered into rest in th meee crrutes MeSetallit, (In BIG FOL GUTS UTION | a, sevice cximoimimme Hospital on afid brother Chicago, Mrs. Ruth Sandra Kozak of Oshawa, Fred of Win and nipeg, and in his 42nd strong Funer Friday, of Mrs Joh year, Rest ral Home, © neral service in the chap Ao 31, at 1,30 Cemetery. ( p.m. Interment Mc In lieu of flowers, es """"«'Common Principles Seen ye ihome at Wick. Also @ sincere thanks to! y j 4 if '4 Z cers who recently received re-| new CO, Lt. Col. W. C. Paynter ,|members of the 4-H Homemaking Club,| p , joo, g j : Zisults of the Field Officer's}|Also contained in the Match Grole aed Womens leaiiite: Your tooe| iy CLLAE: ty ; 4 j y 4\Course Part I which they had) "Harlech" was a short piece on y gifts and friendship will always be y "i a | f j\been attending all winter. Cap-|the Ontario Regiment's winter ne eae 4 ~ \tains S. J. Skea (2 IC, 'A' \exercise "'Apollo" conducted at 1 j ? : y Sqn.), N. M. Hall (Battle Cap-|the Regimental Training area. Masturdey. eta ay tue eee une ; J tain, "A" Sqn.),- and R. R urday, ou i J j : - MacBeth, ds in the Taunton and Zion area for ' 4 g 4 } 4 Z sa g \Cziranka (Adjutant) were all' For the past five years, the 1 Plocktis ri thi t é P b 4 \successful in passing the quali-|\Ontario Regiment and its Brit Jack An. (Or ee iis. Byron. Nesbitt, Connie! § , 4 ip | fying course conducted by Cen-|ish Army ally, the Welch Regi ae vie 4 4 4 4 \tral Ontario Area Headquarters] ment, have enjoyed an extreme- ; ys 42 4 4 8 a \* ' Soda \ age ae pity sf ey < '|\SCHOENAU -- The family of the late Z Y Z 4 in Toronto, Next step is Partly close relationship with offi sot Lawn --The Albert Cooper family. A Pe | arl F, Schoenay wish to express their 4 B 4 g j 2 'II, to be conducted June 28 to'cers and men from both regi- to relatives, friends and neigh- July 10 at Camp Petawawa ments visiting one another fre- ses, floral tributes extended during their re mma j 4 ty ; é quently. Two years ago, the offi- peat JP Ine Seek or 8 Seer') | ne , 4 ; Lieutenant R. J. Baird actedicers of the Ontario Regiment tn 'hae Cots Connon bi i 5 . i i " \as ADC to Lt. Col. W. C. Payn-jelected to send their present Lan on| wa Ward, iChurch of) Baz 4 J bib --§ be ter, Regimental CO, when he in-| Commanding. Officer to visit the le, aged 1 People ig cnsuennanenns na Th i 5 4 ee q " q fy 4 ispected the Pickering Collegiate, Welch in the United Kingdom May 29, Melntosh-Anderson Funeral Home for | | j he, f i mw st P |cadet corps recently. Some 164 Lt. Col. Paynter has indicated Neo ee , |members of the corps accom-|that he would like to visit the ' |panied by their bugle band and) Welch in April, 1966. This time arity rty performed a cere-|would be most fitting, as 1966 SPENCER -- Tt it co part; r Frank ne cer wish ea cen : monial parade. This was follow-/ marks the centenary of the On- thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors This stubborn fire, which only five minutes befor estu- sion egtien shortly cattet ed by demonstrations of mapitario Regiment and will prove MORIN. Caran, GAO TOBL Tk é the fire broke out ere ng adio communications,|to be a year full of anniversary s rds, donati t roy: - \ . e the (A using, radio commu S, , ! 3 8 ov ieee tl desroyed Brightview pub dents. were to enter were no injuries. In the land rifle training. Lieutenantlactivities Holmes for his con lic elementary school in frame structure to begin af- foreground, youngsters grin of comfort, Town Line . i a a A " t th 7 hotographer Hillsdale Manor, Gerrow Fu Edmonton Friday, broke out ternoon classes, n explo- at the news photographer n Home and all those who assisted| -- siti od asta spielen a , 5 in other ways The farnily of the late Cari F. Schoenay oly 'Debate On House Speaker Canada Seen Could Be Embarrassing Dmytres. of OTTAWA (CP) -- There is bate, if allowed to continue, and { WATERLOO (CP) -- Canada! TORONTO (CP) -- A set of{the same day as the confer-; But he said he is glad tha "rowing concern among some|takes a sour turn. : jcannot make her best contribu-|\common principles that could/ence after 22 years of negotiations members of Parliament that, Douglas Fisher (NDP--Port ae | tion to the solution of the cold |form a basis of union between. Spokesmen for both churchesjrepresent atives of the two the debate over a permanent! Arthur) has asked that the nday, May| War by joining the nuclear club|C anada's two largest non-jemphasized that the proposals|churches have finally put some- Speaker for the Commons may|chair halt the debate, which de- donations dmiral, Tempered Sea and Windy Tiger.|A--B D Stable, G and T Gayford Entry Winner, b f, 3, by Chop Chop -- Solar |The Quinella, Barleycorn and Nothing Display by Sun Again. Sacred, Paid $15.40. Pool $25,079 | Winner, ro g, 4, by Bar Le Duc -- Daily Double Pool $43,290. Roman Queen, by Roman. Pool $29,398, Quinella Pool $31,111. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,100 claim- ng three year olds 7 furs (8) SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,200 claiming T-Valecrest Lady Walsh$14.60 5.50 3.90\four year olds and up 1 mile (7) éJamie's Gem Lebianc 3.40 2.60 |3 8-Half Light Inovye Time 138 "Bobby Brier Walsh Also Ran in Order: Doll Odell, Erin|Time 129 2-5 |Pan, Young Fashion, Moon Base ane Also Ran In Order: Dark Red, Romen Nap Royal Lane, Royal Doctor and Spanking Bre The Daily Double, Shining Sun (2) end| Eze | Valecrest Lady (7), Paid $42.90, Winner, b g, 6, by Solidarity--Biumere, Winner, dk b or brf, 3, by Blue Man-- | by Blue r. Break Miss by Unbreakable. |Pool $59,810. Pool $35,507. SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,700 allow- THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200 maiden| ances three year old fillies, 1 mile (7). two year old fillies foaled In CDA 4% /4-Northern Doll Harrison $8.10 4.10 2.70 Furs (8) 5-Victoria Garden Turcotte 3.90 2.60 4Northern Minx Harrison$5,10 4.10 2.90| 1A-Canalu Shuk 2.40 \3-Marga Bella W. 6.40 3,.40/ Time 239 2-5 |1-A--Feir and Lovely Dittfach 3.10, Also Ran in Order: Feathery, A- Time 53 3-5 Glittering Maid, My Marion and Toomal Also Ran in Order: Miss Caprice, Lady| Lady Kasha, A-Risky Decree, Twinkle Jay and|A--Windfields Farm Entry Stan's Kay 8 wi b f, 3, By Nearctic--Dushke A---Windfields Farm Entry Doll, by Ardan, Winner, dk b or br f, 2, by Nearctic-- Poo! $57,033. Sphinxlike by Princequillo, Pool $45,474. EIGTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 claiming three and four year olds, 1 mile (9) : FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,300 claim-|2-Royal Stitich Harrison $6.10 3.80 2.90 1g two year olds 4% Furs (7) |5-Centores Harris 380 3.10 hoir Beauty Potts $11.40 5.80 4.20|1-Abitibi Turcotte 3.80 7-Roman Pride Armstrong 4.20 3.20\ Time 140 45 6Kings Intent Shuk 3.60, Also Ran In Order -- Lenky Planky, | Time 53 3-5 |Merlt Ripey, Sir Axton, Sly Steg S$ Also Ran Im Order: Itsfordem, Java|Cotty K and Teo K. Jive, Needlin Ai and Shrewd Ruler Winner, ch f, 3, by Royal Visitor -- | Winner, b f, 2, by Menetrier--Chorus | Idebsittched, by Sun Again. Beauty, by Chop Chop. Pool $62,380, Total Pool $437,338, Attend- Pool $48,256 ance 6,868. 'MOHAWK RESULTS FIRST RACE -- 5% Furlongs (Trot), Uncle Spud, Walsh 5.00 for three-year-olds and up, Purse $600 (8); Also Started: Scotfadee, Crystal Hel, Scotty P H, Gordon 8.50 4.80 2.40)/K G Direct, Eclipse C, and Teddy Direct Star Boot, Radley 5.20 2.70\C. Willy Tass, McDougall 2.10 Also Started: Press On, Shadydale Edi-| SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for tor, Worthy Blue, Worthy Wonder, and|four-vear-olds and up. Purse $1,000 (8). Dictaphone. Henrietta Sue, Findley 3.00 2.90 2.40 | Tom's Trailer, Hicks 12.50 6.50 SECOND RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for! Wally .B Byrd, Miller 4. 50 ~|four-year-olds and up. Purse $1,000 (8). | Also Started: Roger R. Grattan, Argyel 4,20 and Opeongo, Findley 3.60 2,80|\Sam, Minor Helen, Postal Chief, Aceway Julie, Campbell 22.40 7.00 Mighty Kawartha. Stormy Knight C, Pullman 2.90 QUINELLA, 3 AND 2, PAID $70.50 Also Started: Hurricane Will, Jean/| souls reggae th Lad, Gingerbred Man C,| SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for and Lee Grattan. four-year-olds and up, Purse $1,200 (7). DAILY DOUBLE, 6 AND &, PAID $27.00 Ronny C. Gr'tn, Medill 9.30 490 4.20 | Robert McGregor, Hebkirk 10.90 §.30 vyird race 8 1 Mile (Pace) for) Armbro Explorer, McKinley. 2.50 three. and four-year-olds. Purse $800 (7).| Also Started: Maud's » Minor Joe, Kenland Lass, Walker 39.00 12.20 3.90| Prin » . Joanne's Trailer, Hicks 410 2.60 ee en ee een eee Pal McGregor, Habkirk 2.| BIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for | Also Started: Doctor's Lad, Speedy three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,500 (8). Prince, Brave Sir, and Teddy Hal Paimermo, Findley 5.30 420 2.80 | Chief Saint, Coke 9% 4,90 FOURTH RACE -- 51 Furlongs (Pace)| The McNab, Carmichael 2.80 for three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8) | Also Started: President Lee, \sotte Ben, Norris 3.30 2.80 2.30|Patch, Colonel C, Volo, Away Kid, end n sco, Waddell 7.30 4.40|Plerre Herbert, acker, Desjar 3.20) unt Lawn) or by being a nuclear satellite}/Roman Catholic Christian|to be unveiled Tuesday arejthing down on paper degenerate into an embarrass-|veloped as an offshoot to the| Also Started: Canal View Song, Mar-| NINTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace) ior to the Canadian Cancer Society will be/Of the United States, Joseph T.|churches has been agreed upon| merely the basic principles that) No spokesman for either|ing situation current wrangle over proposed eppreciated.) THORNTO) Mabel Be Nie Pale, Ontario, on Saturday May, Addressing the University of} The Committee of Ten of the They also stressed that thejor even their subject matter, 2, 1965, Mabel Berniece Jennie Rose|Waterloo's convocation, Mr.\two churches have agreed on a|proposals have many stages to\except in the most general Thornton, wife of the late Airy Porter) ¢ N rniece Jennie Ros Thornton, aged 85 years, dear Mrs, Earl Crippes (Eleanor) 2109 Brook-| Seems to be a nuclear safellite|of Union Between the Anglican/said to constitute the position) They did say that the prin- field Avenue, Niagara Falls, Sister of Mrs. Charles Cooper (Nellie Presi nq : J Maude) Niagara Falls. Resting at the| bases in Canada; United Church of Canada. Its'ject mittees finally agreed earlier Deans, 1176 Victoria Avenue Thorson, former president of|by a study group representing] might underlie a possible agree-\church or for either of the the Exchequer Court of Can-\both churches, it was learned ment, not a detailed blueprint!Committees of Ten would indi- e ada, said Friday. Friday night for church union. cate the nature of the proposals The issue now. has reached|Patliamentary rule changes. the point where members are jin effect, discussing the rela-| tive merits of three different candidates--two of them sitting in the House told the chair, "and if you do not do this we are going to have A dan EY horson said Canada now/document called. The Principles|go through before they can be/terms. Ontario.|of the U.S., with U.S. nuclear|Church of Canada and thejof the two churches on the sub-|ciples on which the two com-| 5° far, all three have been) many of us are highly opinion peppered with praise but some) ated and prejudiced in this re |lene R, Gordon Lee, Byrd Killean, and|four-yearolds and up, Purs $1 iy Sweet Petunia | Sterlite, MecRann 13.70 5.60 4.16 Minor Mac, Beitlich 40 3.40 "The feelings of certain peo- FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for) Armbro Eclipse, McKinley 2 three-year-olds and up. Purse $700 (8) Also Started: Wee Governor, Lyndon ple are involved" Mr. Fisher) Mac: B. Gr'tn, DesJ'ns 17.00 6.20 5.30|Alex, Brother Bob, and Scottish Clen, | Mighty Direct, Waddell 2.90 2.80| Total Pool $224,642, Attendance, 4,142, a pretty bitter and disgraceful) discussion. because reat] GREENWOOD ENTRIES MONDAY, MAY 31 42 Furlongs (9) a een i , lv ¢ Funeral Chapel of Hetherington and The speaker is a former end page will be made known at! Very Rev. J. R. Mutchmor,|this month are in the fields of| Members are afraid it's only a) yard, particularly with regard) FIRST RACE -- 'Purse $2,000 (33000)| Perfect Lane, Inouye 116 Falls. Sery! ice in the chapel Mogay ident of the Canadian Cam- May 31st, at 10.30 a.m. Interment inipaign for Nuclear Disarm-| Tuesday. eral council of the United/Christian religion is and what| OBITUARIES gested." Union Cemetery, Oshawa, at 1.30 p.m.' ament Kindne s beyond Price, Within reach of a GER OW an honorary doctor of laws de-| 7 > . J \ ; as 49 lengthy illness. He was 4 Cinsaronde Speak Roland Er 6 ances, Three- ids, 0% i NERAL CHAPEL (sree, said communism cannot) j4¢74 uebec Gets Drait": aN ||Conservative Speaker Roland| pcr' gov; N2,,B0¥, 0 ances. Three-year-igs. One mile (6 FUNERAL APE Bll BP gear 4 | The son of the late Alexander|yrichener, now Canadian am: Spice 'Bench, 'Ne Boy ait ngle G., No Boy A-119 390 KING STR@ET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 © clear bombs J | | ce | Revelling, Gordon A-111 5 4 ae , | He came to Canada 37 yearS}«,. ¥ {revel Draw, No Boy 117 Scadadie, Dittfach 117 It must be met and over-| / ae | I Tel icl ] A reeme!l it azo and was an Oshawa resi-|speaker was raised by Opposl-| sirey it acres TE. King ahd W. T. A Pg FG lg LOCKE'S FLORISTS come only by the force of ideas lf : 8 |tion Leader Diefenbaker last/Mason entry care wat Funeral floral arrangements orrangements occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING _inist doctrine." j , ment with France dealing with th : sae | P V ue ee lag 7 lcultural relations between the|the proposed master agreement] He is survived by his step-|Macnaughton, who represents| ~' 24 HOUR PHONE CENTRE 728-6555 for all The document will be mailed|Church, said the document is|the Christian church is -- with I <NOW JO Mr. Thorson, who with Dr.\to the clergy of both churchesjonly a study papér "and not the/reference to the teachings of ALL KNO B ' ¢ i n th r-oh 4 Ss a press conference here next|former moderator of the gen-|faith and order what the} to some of the personalities sug-| pee, ree veer-olds. 7 Furs (7) sweet Trouble, No Boy All? | Dream Plan, Harris X111 Nayno, Gordon 116 |Grant Jr, Harris X11 Hair Dresser, No Boy All9 |Flelder's Choice, Werry 106 Gay North, No Boy X1114 Merry Barque, No Boy 106 Lady Escar, No Boy 119 Sil 'mn Saphires, Harrison 112 Holy Hannah, Robinson 119 yet | Leonard C. Jackson professor|Monday, to reach most of them/basis for union. [Christ and his apostles. CECIL KOZAK The personalities involved 80|Fabrue, Halal 11) Royal Regatta, No Boy 119 i, jof physics at Royal Military} og mae wis College, Kingston, was awarded] pstemynremamremn Cecil Kozak of Thornton's rd, s. died yesterday after force of ; and Marina Kozak, he was born arms or the explosion of nu- |bassador to India, > ; Esxins 9 n Pinsk, Poland, Nov. 26, 1923.) "im, question of a permanent dent for the past 12 years. He worked as a machinist at Gen- eral Motors for 10 years and was a member of Ritson rd.| tin declined to reveal terms of|Pentecostal Church that are superior to those that} 7 Ze. | aia diac ond | motivated the Communist revo-| 2. , QUEBEC (CP)--Quebec has) In the Commons Thursday,| lution and have been respon-| ; ' jnot officially received the textirxternal Affairs Minister Mar- sible for the-spread of Commu-) Dig 2, of _ the Canadian draft agree by a firm, fair and independent | Speaker He suggested Mr |provinces and Paris, Education|with France until negotiations}mother, Mrs. Juliana Kozak Of/the Montreal riding of Mount SERVICE Victor Lauriston ' j | eS \Minister Paul Gerin-Lajoie told haq been concluded Oshawa; three sisters, Mrs.|Royal, be offered the post the legislature Friday Mr Vera Dmytras of Chicago, Mrs.| The move took the Liberals Martin met in Ottawa |Quebec government has "no of | and) bers also were. annoyed that a Fred, of Winn TORONTO (CP) Victor) Bae / ' ¥ ficial opinion to formulate,' on French ambassador to Canada,|three brothers |new debate had opened around IN MEMORIAM | Lauriston 84, columnist and] @7 2 4 4 \the matter. 0 discuss the agreement. jpeg, and John and James of individuals CRIDGE mother, Susan Cridge In loving memo May 2, 1960. God know Never shall her memory fade | s how much we Loving thoughts shall ever To the spot where she is laid. = =| The award, presented each NURSING lsonal letter" Jan. 19 from Mar Always emembered by Doris, Nellie, Mildred and Vio DAWSON In fond memior "Bud" Dawson who passed # 29, 1964 Memories tears And they will last for years and year He will receiv , ally 7 . " --Ever remembered by friends Bob and e the award] fried Dally, 736 Gaspe ave., Ruth Dionne linger through end boys. DAWSON -- in fond memory friend Bud Family, DAWSON -- In loving mem dear husband and father Bud Dawson who passed away May 29, 1964 No mornin: But that | 9 dawns, no night think of you yoladeariChatham News, has been : '|Claude Morin, deputy federal. CAN'T SAY | Rev, Nicholas Siblock, assist who passed away Doreen and Robert ; shawa " chief editorial writer with the! al Outside the legislature |Oshawa H I do not believe that one awarded the 1965 Lamp of | ; ; ; provincial affairs minister, said) Mr. Morin said in an inter-/¢d by Rev. E. Potipco of Tor-|ter who he is,,should stand up miss her/Learning Award, it was an-| ' ; i |he received. the text of a pro-\view he was not in a position\?"? will conduct the service|and endeavor to name the indi nounced Friday a} . " jin the chapel of the Armstrong)vidual who should be ap Cem Friday " {Posed agreement "in a eF-itg say whether the text of the| | wander Funeral Home, May 31, at 1jpointed,"' said Stanley Knowles cavahiers: vear by the Ontario Secondary cel Cadieux, deputy external|Proposed agreement he re-|p.m. Burial will be in Mount|/(NDP -- Winnipeg North Cen- School Teachers Federation, Margrit Uebele will grad- /affairs minister : ceived in January is the same|Lawn Cemetery. : tre) ot Robert Will be given to Mr, Lauriston} uage May 24 from the Belle Mr. Morin added that "no-|as that submitted by Mr. Mar-|, 19 leiu of flowers, donations; Prime Minister Pearson also way Maylfor his contribution to second-| ville-General Hospital School hody in the Quebec government|tin to the French ambassador to the Canadian Cancer Society|said in the Commons that '"'it Eee ES education as a non-teaching) of Nursing. She is the daugh- has yet officially received the : j will be appreciated would be well to discuss these resident of Ontario | ter of Mr. and Mrs, Ehren- any , t Under the terms of the text matters through the usual con- pr dlhsiadl.inimaanade received by Mr. Morin in Janu-| MRS. ALICIA M. O'REILLY |fidential channels before we dis- ary,' it was understood that] Mrs. Alicia Maude O'Reilly of/°USS them publicly." next Saturday from Phyllis) and is a former student at i i St kh Ider jeach Canadian province would|Hillsdale Manor died this morn-| But since the matter had been oc 0. $ be free to make cultural ar-jing. She was 81. raised, "he added two more Monkman, federation president,| Oshawa Central Collegiate | oa marie * luncheon here Institute | friend, ud Dawson who passed away 5 a - ~ Ise seen ent with France under} Born in Verona, Ont., May|ames to the slate--Mr. Lam- y , Ever remembered by Jack hd 8 | ' . ; File Suit the Canada - France agreement 1884, she was the daugh-/0Ureux and Mr. Michener. C . but could also opt out of the!ter of the late Frank and Cath-| The prime minister, pointing owan ou alse eve | NBW YORK (AP) -- Stock-| legislation erine Albertson. She came to|0Ut that Mr. Macnaughton has oe holders filed suit against Texas| It was announced here that| Oshawa in 1924 and was a mem.| indicates his Sper ge of ites Gulf Sulphur Co., Friday, the Franco - Quebec permanent|ber of Holy Cross Church. ng at the end 0 curren oaks ( ) W I 0 bd : s surviv 5 oh.| Parliament said his party would eturns a er n claiming they lost money be-|committee had agreed to pre-| She is survived by four daugh-| dpa atiiege ha ass Those left behind are very good f t I ake ntario cause news of a rich ore dis'\pare terms of a cultural entente|ters, Mrs. G. Parliament (Kath-| also be "'very glad indeed" to But none replaces you. Many a $) lent. tear is sh When | am ali aior The one ! The one | --Lovingly r and children Wendy IRWIN --~ loved so very much, called my own emembered by w » Bob, Michae K in lov y father and grandfath ber Irwin who passed away May 29 memory always were before remembered by Ore, son-in-law Don, grandso IRWIN In affectionate brance of my darling little Robert Wes! ley (Robbie) who passed) Bi , . , , away suddenly. in sick Children's Hos-| Sion -- a U.S, - Canada body-- ling costs of controlling water,,|Lamont, a Morgan Guaranty) (igor and closer co-oper- pital, Toronto, on May 29, 1962 He was a flower too talr for earth Mr. Martin and the U.S. secre-|it, will result in higher water ens, Texas Gulf president. Sent here but, for awhile Gok tanked Wich When te gave him) tary. Of State costs." The suit claimed that the de-\tn4 fiolg of birth And took h Sadly missed by Grandma Irwin, 198|treaty governing boundary wa- Church. JACKSON Charies N May 29, 1952. Remembered by wite Clara and family.jare demanding that the treaty) MONTREAL (CP)--Premier|to the discovery of high-grade WHITE -- In loving memory of a dearlity be mother Mrs m with a smile -- In loving memory of|poses have priority. People liv Jackson, who passed away! Reta White wh away May 30th, 1963 oving and Beane and Kind in all ner weve, |tario today is 17 inches below] "Raher we want Canada toj\that between November 1963, ter, and Education Minister! morning. She was 85 school Friday, it completed a neere and kind in heart and ming.{the average level for the pastjbenefit from Quebec's complete/and April 1964, the defendants hat a@ beautiful memory remembered so son Vernon ang affecting domestic and sanitary|and full possession' by the prov-|shares as possible of Texas! FAVORS EXCHANGE She is. survived by her daugh-|same school and his father ahter-in-}a' E w Marina VERLASTI? MEMORIALIZA s almo: st possible \ MATTHEWS BRONZ ME MORIAL PARK 723-2633 with us range with the Internationaljour industries, our places ofthe withholding of the news Vltheir governments to extend daughters Ha covery near Timmins was wih-\between France and Quebec. |leen) of Latchford, Ont. Mrs.|SUpport Mr. Lamoureux, and if OTTAWA (CP) -- A Liberaljciation by Deputy Minister.T.\held by the firm and some of! A joint communique was re-|W. Gibbs (Helen) of Oshawa, neither Mr. Macnaughton nor backbencher asked his own|R. Hilliard, Mr. Simonett said/its officers. leased Friday following the|Agnes O'Reilly of Oshawa and| Mr. Lamoureux was available, fe Bery Sovernment in the Commons/that much water has been! The 35 stockholders asked for/first meeting of the committee,| Mrs. R. Shaw (Madeline) of} hor 1 con think of no nied evin ana|Friday to take immediate ac-|placed "beyond our economic, They said they purchasedjset up to administer the/Toronto; five sons, Bernard of an Me Mick JOOTe : QUAN EY tion to raise the Lake Ontario|recovery' by the annual run-|$2,520,000 in punitive damages|Franco - Quebec entente signed|Oshawa, Kenneth of Toronto,|than Mr. Michener."' water level, off of water from soil to rivers.|and about $200,000 actual dam-jin February in Paris. |Cameron of Toronto, Wilfred of| Some efforts are being made ge lk Ra : eg a , ' ; |Toronto and Clifford of Oshawa; |t0 get the discussion off the t George Ralph B. Cowan (L York-| Forecasting the possibility of @8eS c i The statement said thel, uote ne he {floor of the Commons before 1944 Humber) Suggested Externaljrising costs of water supplies,|1,102 shares of Texas Gulf oer. French and Quebec delegations hatbnbytit gH caothag Ne wid: GLUING educated eandinaten Mffairs Minister Martin ar-|Mr. Simonett said _ "All of us,|Ing a period of years and thafollowed the instructions of (Katie) of Sydenham, Ont.; 99| are subjected to any direct or . | i ae ed criticism joint Commission to close the/business:) and our homes have)sell their holdings at far below|the committee's competence to|randchildren and 47s great gong pene '+ caitiais dam at Iroquois, Ont., to raise'been in the habit of expecting|their true value cover not only education but/S?ane hildren, She was prede lie tids anne eaaily. Ghilw Con the water to an acceptable|water in large supplies--clean,| Among those also named 4%jalso the fields of scientific and ae by = --" Fe va camuibers. have aatd remem. Neight, then see it is held there./fresh, and cheap defendants were the Morganitechnical co-operation and cul-|9 Reilly Feb. 14, 1965 : t : 2 oe ¥ F the suggested rule changes will At Me. Cow ohare Sipe ena ty Trust Co.; Thomas A. lic exchang Rev. M. J. Darby will con re! grandso r. Cowan said the commis-| '"'It is likely that the increas-|Guaranty tural and artistic exchanges. | ob hich requiem mass in Holy|be fought long and hard unless |Cross Church Tuesday at 9 a.m,|the government takes action on The Armstrong Funeral Home| the appointment of. a perma- making arrangements, Bur-|nent Speaker. Under the 1909 U.S.-Canada fendants, for the 'fraudulent oy in be in St. Gregory's | i : purpose of depressing the true|changes, the communique said)". ters, he said, acceptable levels Skirt Complex |value of the stock and to induce An we saic.' Friends are requested not to} on To Tam . i | mi The .French delegation was|call at the funeral home before for domestic and sanitary pur-| the general public to sell for an} ti | ) .| L U inadequate consideration con-\headed by Jan Basdevant, alsunday afternoon | | Lesage Urges cealed the true facts pertaining)"8h cultural official of the Is onciuae .|French foreign service, and the/ MABEL B. J. R.. THORNTON jbe enforced and that the prior-|Lesage of Quebec sald Friday|copper and zinc mineraliza- F rench ambassador The Que- Mz Berniece Jennie Rose| TORONTO (CP)--When Milan ar observed, he said jnight Canada should not de-'tion." bec group was led by Pierre/Thornton, died at the General Somborac graduated from the © passe' "The water level of Lake On-\velop a complex over Quebec.) The stockholders also charged|Laporte, cultural affairs minis-}jospital, Niagara Falls, this|University of Toronto dental ba "falls within the purview" of|of moving it, and of purifying|director; and Claude O. Steph- ation is anticipated between France and Quebec not only in education but also in cultural and artistic ex: ing in the Lake Ontario basin She was the wife of the late|15-year program in which he and this is adversely!performance of its: functions|conspired to obtain as many Alry Porter Thornton, helped his father through the Paul Gerin-Lajoie she left!105 years purposes, he said ince of all its faculties,' he!Gulf common stock from the| TORONTO (CP) An ex-jter, Mrs. Earl Crippes (Eleanor)| helped him said public at a price far below its|change of teachers between On-| of Niagara Falls: and a sister,| Steven Somborac, his wife NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)} He cited among Quebec's|value tario and Quebec was suggested|Mrs. Charles Cooper (Nellie| Roxy, and Milan and_ their Ontario's water problem ts not|wishes "'the establishment with} A $25,000,000 punitive suit/Thursday by Robert Cliche,|M*"de' of Niagara Falls. |daughter Marion came to Can- +h 1 ortage but one of controlicertain countries of, relations\against Texas Gulf, Morganjleader of the New Democratic]. The Hethrington and Dean Fu-|ada in 1950 rer jand adequate distribution, Johnithat will be 'mutually. advan-|Guaranty and 13 others was!|Party in Quebec. Speaking at ajne: tiome, Niagara Falls is} The whole family worked to R. Simonette yrovincial minis-jtageous."' started April 22 on the same/press conference during a visit}making arrangements for thejhelp the father through school of ener and resources! Mr Lesage «made he re- complaints by Dr. Isidore/to Toronto, Mr. Cliche said such|service to be held in the chape |W here he completed the five- management, said Friday marks in a convocation aadress|Yusana. who. said he sold 200|an exchange would be more val-}/Monday at 10,30 a.m. Burial/year course in three years. He naughton, Deputy Speaker Lu-| rule changes lend themselves tO|ance. Three and four-vear-olds, 7 Fur. abuse unless they are patrolledjiongs (7) ($6500) Clalming four-ye: ; | | caus s, he sa |Ruth Preston of Oshawa and/by surprise. Some NDP mem-| Receives Award 5 g , ' Because of this, he said, Tuesday with Francois Leduc,!sandra Kozak of Oshawa: oy surprise. | member of Parliament, no mat-|©2!rnarctic, Inouye 115 Drifted, Dittfach 117 far are Speaker Alan Mac-)Jolly Ollie, Walsh 114 Hinemoa, Harris X114 A-Stafford Farms entry SECOND RACE -- Purse 42,300 ($5000) jclen Lamoureux and former|Cl#iming three-year-olds. 7 Furlongs (7)| sixTH RACE -- purse $3,100 Allow+ mine Sox, No Boy 10 |Top Musketeer, No Boy 117 | Good Old Mort, Gomez A-121 Victorian Era, Harris X11 | She'sajoy, No. Boy A-111 Paskapoo, Harris X107 A-Dane Hil Acres } Ent | week when he said the proposed] (QUINELLA WAGERING) | THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,600 Allow- | SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,500 ar-olds and }One and one 16th miles (7) sa Rocoto Rogue, Harris X111 |Doodiing, McComb 116 |May Valentine, No Boy 108 | Mixed Colors, No Boy |Gray Mouse, Harrison 113 Thosehe -- Gt Allg eC. No Boy A-116 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 Allow-|A-F Fe jances. Three and four-year-olds (Divn of nie ee NE densa my wd) 7 Furtongs (4) aden-Baden, No Boy 119 Hay Lily, Werry X106 Mad Charge, Inouye 119 Icutta, Harris X106 een, Gomez 119 Blac Diver, No Boy 109 New Herod, Harris X108 | EIGITH RACE -- Pp, 30001 | Queen s Birthday, Harris, X104 Claiming four-yearclds ond te. Posie Ia utterscotch, binson 4 Canada, One mile (7 : York North, No Boy 114 Bronze Turkey, Re Nerd WwW Nearctic Heir, Turcotte X104 Enlyn Lad, No Boy 122 Whistling Sea, Dittfach 109 Dandier, McComb 116 } Gum Swamp, Ni |, RIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,600 Allow-| Jessie B. Good, Harriton 411 | sl Bak: year-olds, Foaled In Canada| Queen's Day, Sorensen 111 Big Issues Face Parley | By HAROLD MORRISON sues that have split India and | LONDON (CP) -- Common-|Pakistan. It is unlikely these |wealth prime ministers likely|two countries would agree to |will be confronted with many|Such a procedure, proseige ppg yey og when} The India-Pakistan crisis, the jthey meet for their annual con-|threa : lfeccite next month. The most| 1, - sani Malerya, Me jhopeful outlook is for firm es- clear disarmament, the Chinese ltablishment of a secretariat|/UClear bomb, the war in Viet |and foundation and initial steps|Nam and the general East-West jtowards a Commonwealth par-|situation will be among the is- |liament. sues raised, idea of developing a) But Britain's major em Commonwealth appeals court| will be on enovoinios. It eo may drag on for later dis-\to strengthen Commonwealth cussion by officials. The ex-|trade links and increase joint perts see little prospect of anyjaid to the new members. ye } . [Zovernmenis, some of whom,|,2'%et countries such as Can- {including Canada, have abol- 9 ee oe ae pi Fg shed the right of appeal to the f ave ment as to what its plans are mperial Privy Council. tow ; ; : About 100 Conservative mem- lhl ge Meo a with jbers of Parliament have en- es i ldorsed a parliamentary motion) Uncertainties about Britain's calling on Prime Minister Wil-|POlitical and economic future |son to raise the appeals court/™ay leave an impression issue at the June 17-25 confer-|@mong other Commonwealth ence and it is understood Wil-|!eaders that not much can be \son is ready to do so. But The expected from Britain until the Guardian says there is little|©louds are cleared. conviction in Whitehall that this) There is certainty, at least proposal has any more chancejamong British and Canadian of acceptance than its predeces-|officials here, that agreement sors will be reached on the person- pe eae nel for .a_ secretariat and for PROPOSED IN 1955 the provision of funds to sup- A similar idea was offered by! port an exchange of visits by Britain at the 1955 Common-jscientists and teachers under a wealth law conference and re-| commonwealth vived by Ceylon at the 1960|-- wealth foundation. prime ministers meeting. It has not gained much headway. SUGGESTS DATE Instead more Commonwealth} OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- members appear to be moving|ter Pearson said. Thursday he towards making their ownjhas suggested a July date to courts the final courts of ap-|the provincial premiers for a peal. conference originally planned Backers of the idea see ajfor the end of May and begin- Commonwealth court as alning of June. He told New Dem- widely accepted judicial bodyjocrat Leader Douglas in the hat could settle disputes|}Commons that so far only three In an address read to the Orejat Sir George Williams Univer-|shares of Texas Gulf stock far/uable with Ontario than with) will be in Union Cemetery, Osh-|had practised dentistry for 22 'tario Gas and Petroleum Asso-|sity in Montreal, 'below its true value. jany other province. awa at 1.30 p.m. lydars in Yugoslavia, among Commonwealth mem-jof the 10 provincial premiers bers, such as sone of the is-!have replied to his invitation,

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