Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 May 1965, p. 1

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Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties. 10¢ Single Copy S0e Per Week Home Delivered VOL. 94--NO. 125 Ohe Oshawa Cimes Authorized os Second Class Mall Post Office Depertment OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1965 Ottawa and fer payment eather Report Continuing very cool today and Sunday. Some showers Sunday morning. Low tonight 40 high Sunday 65. TWENTY-TWO PAGES of Postage in Cash. Fred Fawcett! p= Is Released On Probation TORONTO (CP) -- The Star says that Fred Fawcett, 50- year-old Owen Sound farmer, who has been in a mental hos- pital for almost four years for refusing to pay taxes on his land, is free. The paper, in a_ copyright story, said Fawcett was re- leased from the Penetangui- shene Hospital for the Crimin- ally Insane Friday despite reports as recently as a month ago that he suffered with delu-| sions and was "'too dangerous, to be at large." Dr. B. A. Boyd, the hospital superintendent, classified Faw- cett's release, which climaxed} a four - year battle by the | farmer to prove his sanity and} gain his freedom, as "on proba-| i tion." The usual procedure is to grant. the patient permanent discharge after two or three months of freedom. "I feel exactly the same as I did three months ago or six | months ago,' Fawcett said in) an interview after his release.| "I have never worried about! my sanity nor have I had any! doubts about it." Fawcett's case began when Euphrasia Township officials re-| fused to provide Fawcett with} a road--a service provided for s all other farmers in the dis- be "ee hurt f th Toronto--Adlai Stevenson, ception. Mr. Stevenson is in e urly farmer hen re-| aL Ms Warniis to-cenne ag Deol United States an 5a:sador to oronto to receive a » fused to pay his taxes. He later dag : ary degree from the univer- claimed that a Crown grant title| the United Natic:<: 's greet- TG ate ts ahaioas ite SOK to his jand, dated 1856, rend-| ed by placard-we ine stud- vocation Friday nicht. The ered him immune to taxation. ents as he ent Hart pickets were » strating e sed ' House at the University of against U.S. ci i Viet 1 : LET COURT DECIDE Toronto for a dirrer end re- Nam CP *hoto) The Crown thereafter insisted it was Fawcett's "ridiculous" belief in the powers of the Crown Grant which constituted evidence of delusional insanity The paper said Fawectt told @ reporter: "I'm aware that my views about a Crown Grant are unusual, 'But all I'm asking Adlai Firm. Defends U.S: that conferring an honorary de-|Of demonstrators -- one noisy,| Stevenson might! fhe other silent gree on Mr on the right report criminal proc eedings RUNS "WITCH | emia OSHAWA BINGOS TO BE PROBED checked Lutheran Church, is a member of this committee, Stressing that he is speaking as an individual several 'outlets' yesterday Mr. Affleck said lotteries are legal as long as the value of A complaint from the Oshawa were Ministerial Association has trig- gered an investigation into raf- fles, bingos, 50-50 draws and prizes is $50 or less. and not as a committee mem- other money-raising schemes in Rev. L. Wesley Herbert Min- ber, Rev. Fiess today gave these this city. isterial Association head, said views: Members of the Ontario Pro- he believes the Association's "My feeling is that as long as vincial Police anti - gambling complaint was prompted by an the law is the law, it should be squad, assisted by city detec- account of children selling draw obeyed. Flouting the law en- tives, seized ticket stubs and tickets door-to-door courages disrespect for the law records yesterday afternoon at He said the Association's and may lead to the breaking of Royal Canadian Legion head- standpoint is a moral one -- that other laws quarters and the Knights of raising funds by a chance sys- "IT believe charitable organiza- | depend on The obligation individual to tions should not games of chance should be on the tem results in a weakening of the moral fibre Rev. G. W. C Columbus Hall. Crown Attorney W. Bruce Af- fleck said today he was obliged Brett of Knox to act on the complaint and the Presbyterian Church is chair- contribute. investigation has been going on chairman of the Ministerial As- "The law may be unrealistic, | for some time no .w sociation's. Gambling Commit- and maybe should be changed. He said evidence is being tee. He refused any comment 1 favor change, but first I would gathered to determine whether today. like to see the question studied prosecutions are warranted and Rev. Philip Fiess, of Grace by a select committee of news. media to ' Says Lawyer |the newspaper Sovietskaya Ros- }the Soviet | CHARGES VIOLATION RUSS CLAIM CANADA HUNT" 2 Soviet Men Kicked Out On Faked Charges - Reds By FRED COLEMAN quent example" of the witch MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet/hunt the expulsion of Izvestia Union, in a burst of outraged|correspondent V. V. Tarasov virtue, accused Canada today of|from Ottawa last year conducting a witch hunt against) It said the Ottawa correspon- Soviet officials in Ottawa dent of the Soviet government The Soviets accused Canada newspaper was declared per- of bugging the Soviet Embassy|sonna non grata "for the only in Ottawa with hidden micro-|reason that he was meeting | phones, of spying on Soviet of-|with Canadian nationals, as if lficials, and of kicking them out/it were not universally known jof the country on trumped up that foreign correspondents by spy charges. There also was an|the nature of their work must implied charge that Canadians maintain contacts with citizens murdered a Soviet scientist. of the country in which they The Soviet attack came in)stay." 'Tarasov was expelled for es- sia, the newspaper of the giant pionage. At the time there were Russian Federation, largest of two Soviet correspondents in republics. Publica- | Ottawa. The other represented tion there means the article had|the Soviet news agency Tass. both government and Commu- Both had offices in the Parlia- nist party approval mentary Press Gallery and The paper said two Soviet em- maintained contacts with Cana- bassy officials in Ottawa, A. E./dians. Only Tarasov was ex- Bychkov and V. N. Polushin, | pelled. - were asked to leave Canada| The paper also claimed that "because of alleged impermis-|V. P. Cheremisinov, a Soviet sible _activities."' scientist in Canada on a busi- The two Soviets were expelled ness trip, may have been a vic- two weeks ago on espionage tim of foul play. He died in an charges automobile accident. The paper said available evidence indi- The newspaper cited their ex-|cated his tires had been mali- pulsion as a gross violation of|ciously punctured universally accepted. standards ACCUSES POLICE he matter be decided TT 'P)--Justie _ 3 t was assessed' Mr. Cowan asked whether the ;: 0 : . pros < "sikabde by P se OTTAWA (CP)--Justice Min the a eh n om gto nee tr ° sh ' of treating foreigners. The paper said the Canadian Seutsin. in this issue. No citi- vee ister Favreau said in the Com- eh ides. stn a levee cliy tahoe department has ever "Canadian authorities have|"secret police'--a term it ap- zen 'should be denied the right By ALAN. DAWSON JR. pay peace - keepingS@ usts ap- mons Friday he is considering faneds 1 considered "Making it illegal j long been resorting to all kinds parently applied to the RCMP to go to court.' TORONTO (CP)--Adlai Stev-|proved only by th® General possible restrictions on pub-| 'This was an apparent refer-for a mass communications ¢ jor provocations against Soviet id were implicated in this It is alleged that on Aug. 28,|/enson walked past one demon- Assembly ; licity given to the names of ac-ence to a decision by the Que- media to mention. names of ac ary 7 Age sag stant Be fact that R 1961, Fawcett pointed a pistoljstration protesting United) 'Add to these difficulties the a rsons before they are bec Superior Court. rejecting ajcused before they are con- : bet ou sie aig f te ane 1 Pigaiee at RCMP agents at two elderly tax assessors and| States foreign policy and drove! new techniques of disguised ag rouer ve civil suit for $87,605 in damages victed. . Has any considera- . line U cee rer citizens of immediately appeared | oe the shot a hole through the front!past another, then delivered ajgression, the ideological con- convicted, filed against Edmund Asselinition been given to such fair | re 4 ug " who are on long -- looks suspicious, it said. tire of their car. firm defence of that policy Fri-|flict with and within commu-| Opposition Leader Dief- (L -- Montreal Notre - Dame- treatment being afforded te be ecead 5 i in Conada, the} Pi fc prele cited two patterns day night nism, the belligerence and ex-jenbaker interjected that such al Genre} by the Greater Mont-|people who are improperly ac i ie pestle vag ged =i B pay narog fticials "I am grateful for your wel-|/Pansionism of Peking, and it is/step would be a : denial of" real Protestant School Board.|cused of offences they have JOSEPH SEDGWICK, a Phat hing . aig oe le: ted hi Ms sry hale come even if it is not by ac-|Small wonder the nationalland "gross interference with My. Justice Paul repanier said/never committed? ledding Toronto criminal | h ra me rfl geil pe sent ongiy oa apadye sho \clamation," he told 1,500 per-|father than international action|freedom of the press the board failed to prove its al Mr. Favreau said it had been lawier expressed astonish- 4 tbl ie a the| Communist ah age Boe gn sons, after receivinan honor- May sometimes be necessary.") wr, Favreau called a press|legation that Mr. Asselin made suggested that the same rule jnont at a proposal by Just- ate sicueeiiiis ounde al May pn amie wor jary degree in laws from the On the platform listening to conference in his office Jater tolan unlawful profit in a land/might well be applied some- joe Minister Favreau to re- similar to Western Gam The sechanl pattern, it d, |U niversity of Toronto the ambassador was External/emphasize that Lig call ee sale to the board in 1960. times in the Commons. strict press coverage Of joften placed against the Soviet/was an attempt to divert atten, ' - " f t ess freedom and 35 . : I understand there is some Affairs Minister Martin. Today,|cerned with pres trials Union jtion from imperialist crimes by question whether this presenta-|Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Martin|that he has reached no decision . . "Since this dirty espionage|whipping up anti-Soviet senti- tion should take place--whether|fly to Ottawa where Mr. Stev-lon the matter. It was not one P n Hit North Viet g does not produce results," the lvaent Pp i oo an ee dU sce 'A t i h d paper said, "the provocateurs| "The hostile actions of the hawks." Minister Pearson. fore exe a Geiminnl Cone al x S onis e resort to direct and brazen|Canadian authorities against So- Several members of the uni-. Earlier Friday, Mr. Steven-| He said the : i " Ptations blackmail. They make various| viet citizens cannot be re- lversity faculty had protested) Son was greeted by two groups jready contains tw amage Tl ges, arges offers to Soviet nationals and|garded otherwise than as a even go to the length of per-/ striving to whip up anti-Soviet suading them to betray their|sentiment in the country, to di- jindicate approval of U.S. policy. As he arrived at the univer-| Lhe code Aaigee gine Lenape From AP-Reuters cutting that region in two may country.' The paper did not! vert public attention from the in Viet Nam, since he had de- sity for an alumni dinner in his |! tego dactanioue atad. SAIGON (CP) U.S. Navy start soon elaborate on this point. criminal activities of the United fended the policy at the United| |honor in the student centre, jing tria a guilt introduced at planes hit. North Viet Nam An estimated 40 government epor CITES EXPULSION States in Viet Nam and the Nations. The university senate| about 50 young persons chanted] massions a again today and pilots reported|(TooPs were slain or wounded The article cited as "an elo-|Dominican Republic. rejected the protest 149 to one. "Get out of Viet Nam" as they Lgaapeetld ye te : end A. WSs Rem Duacer Was } 2g: Mr. Stevenson. United States) Stood at the centre's entrance ha re ih ~ath org damaging bridges and harges|,ijjeq in an attack three miles) TORONTO (CP) A leading . : pas the acquittal o ic . 4 . "i as sae: titan '; oy dace jambassador to the United Na- The group had been warned oe Gia a "serious social about 30 miles south of Hanoi. east of the Quang. Tri i bear Toronto criminal lawyer . ex Tino De An elis Could Rane tions, told the convocation that by police just before Mr. Stev- question' and he was consider- Kight aircraft from the car capital during the night. Viet pressed astonish ment Friday the US., like Canada, feels|enson's arrival that if they at- ne wavs of dealing wih it, He "ier Oriscany seriously dam one casua Iti es biel night at a proposal by Justice problems such as those in Viet tempted to block his entrance : aged a wooden highway bridge known. Quang Tri, South Vie ; e m I > hat has made no 48 5 "nat e g acres i { trict rs Nam and the Dominican Re-jthey would be arrested gistressed that he «and a barge and then struck|Nam's northernmost province Minister Favreau ,.t0 Sesvic TO on 5 0 ea mihi wld be t } nee jrecommendations to the cabi- rah : der|borders on North Viet Nam ress coverage of trials ' ° jpublic would better be solved'paddy wagon was parked] net at two highway bridges under P 5 NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- An-)following a 19-month-old scan- }by international action rather) around the corner to back up construction, damaging them _ Viet Cong troops attacked and) "As long as we are going tO/thony (Tino) DeAngelis, whose/dal that rocked scores of the jthan national intervention, But!the threat COWAN RAISES ISSUE slightly overran the Quang Tri outpost have trial proceedings openly|flood of phoney warehouse re-| world's biggest banks and com- |this was not always possible Plans for.an "obstructive| The issue was raised in the Military spokesmen said alland poured in fire from 57- and in public in court," said| ceipts touched off Wall Street' s| modiy companies -- thus was | The United Nations is ham-/picket" were called off by the|House by Ralph Cowan (L-- aircraft returned safely to the millimetre recoilless rifles and _ hb Sadewick. "then. they salad oil scandal, Friday drew\an anti-climax. " ar : Ss sedg oK, p J strung in two ways, he said--|anti-Stevenson group. They con-| York-Humber), a former execu- carrier 81 - millimetre mortars. Aerial|/OSepn | sedgwic prison sentence that could) Federal Judge R. J. Worten- |by Russia's use of the veto in|fined themselves to chanting|tive with\the Toronto Star Viet Cong attacks spreadireconnaissance found the post should be reported fully and in pange from three months to 10/dyke Jr. said a report to be is- |the Security Council and by the "Hands off Viet Nam" as Mr. Mr. Cowam prefaced his ques- through the northern provihces deserted and apparently sacked public years sued on DeAngelis after he refusal of Russia and France to!Stevenson drove up tion by saying that a defendant today amid fears that a majorjtoday. The fate of the defend- «ppat js my opinion, in-all DeAngelis, 49-year-old former) serves three months will be the . "was cleared absolutely andiCommunist offensive aimed atiers was not known nett to Mr: Favreau,' butcher, was given a nominal | basis of what will amount to a respec i . ' : : e e SE re bios told" é maximum sentence of 10 years.;new sentence. _ Fred Faweett, of Owen oe p eo : 3 The justice depsianilaconyge But under a 1958 federal law; Wortendyke said the original Sound, Ont., poses outside ar in 1e press conference in Ottawa that invoked by the judge, he could|sentence of 10 years could be the Penetanguishene Hospi- 9 he is seriously considering pro-| be eligible for parole after three|re-imposed or a_ shorter jail tal for the Criminally Insane months term given. DeAngelis also after his release Friday. The 50 - year - old farmer spent four years in the hospital for refusing to pay taxes on his land Rap Douglas CP Wirephoto By MICHAEL GILLAN The U.S. intervention, Mr} OTTAWA (CP)--Government eb argued, was to bolster! . and official Opposition spokes- "puppet regime which 1r Tas men joined Friday to defend lacked the support of the South} United States policies in Viet Vietnamese people. The U.S.| Nam against charges by NDP | Leader Douglas that the U.S. is lembarking on a new kind of colonialism aggression than of the country getting a government to man- age its own affairs Minister Any attempt to make the jer in Viet Nam a "holy against communism is to swal- Kills Trio KAPUSKASING, Ont An RCAF helicoptor today two injured men to Sensencren- (CP)- External Affairs took Martin and Opposition Lea Diefenbaker, in rare unanimity war ner 'Hospital here following ajduring a day-long foreign af-| low propaganda wholesale" and| plane crash Thursday at Powell| fairs debate, told Mr. Douglas|ignore the facts, Mr. Douglas} Lake, 40 miles southwest 'of|they doubted he is fully aware Said. Kapuskasing, which killed three|of the menace posed by com- He was opposed to commu- -- men munism nism but also was opposed to Dead are Percy Bradley 45 The NDP has been critical of using allegations of Communist! owner of Mattagami Skyway|U.S. policy for many months, aggression to prevent a nation charter service, and Palma"but Mr. Douglas' hour - long from determining its own des- Leclere of Kapuskasing speech was his most compre- tiny Police declined to disclose the hensive attack to date. Several Mr, Martin said there is no name of the t 1 victim. members of the Voice of doubt Communist aggresSiom Hospital officials also with-/ Women _ organization broke|was responsible for the Viet), held the names of the-injured'Commons rules by applauding)Nam crisis. If successful, it} men from the public galleries at the would pose a grave threat to The five men left Remi Lake, conclusion of the speech other nations in the area and about four miles east of Kapus- The quarrel .involved U.S.jhave serious international im- kasing, Thursday in a Norse- motives in South Viet Nam, plications man single-engine plane bound which Mr. Martin says are If the U.S withdrew, asked fo Bruns swic k Lake, 5 miles above reproach and Mr. Doug- Mr. Martin, would Mr. Douglas southw of here las claims are to preserve eco- and other critics want coun-! The plane was unde arter nomic and political interests. tries. such as Thailand, the Phil-| to the Johnson's Wax Company There also was .disagreement ippines and. Malaysia left to. and carried men and supplies over the consequences for other fend for themselves with noth-| to finish a fishing lodge on Asian countries about any U.S. ing between them and Commu-! Brunswick Lake. iwithdrawal from Viet Nam. nist China?" was less afraid of Communist! crusade lhibiting news media from using the name of the accused while he is on trial ,and restricting the reporting of inquests and |preliminary hearings, trial tes- timony and accounts of crim inal investigations | Irving Himel, vice - président of the Canadian Civil Liberties, |Association, said he can see no lobjection to reporting the name of an arrested person and "'in this day and age, this kind of information must be avail- able." "I do not know of any juris diction in the western world where it is prohibited.' Mr Himel added. Publication of the name could lead to someone else coming forward with vital evidence for ja trial that could possibly es- |tablish the accused's innocence, lhe suggested Sapper Killed In Collision PEMBROKE (CP) -- Sapper Howard 'Walter Rowan, 23, of Vedder Crossing, B.C., stationed| DIESEL SHUNTER RAMS CAR at Camp Petawawa 13 miles! |west -of this Ottawa Valley] Hilda Joan Benkowski, 32, by a CNR diesel shunter at Mother and daughter were |Community, was killed early to- of 487 Wilson rd. s., and her Bloor st. e. near National taken to Oshawa: General |day in a two-car 'crash on an daughter Joanne, six, re- Grocer Co. Lid. Mrs. Ben- Hospital by ambulance. The intersection at the camp ceived head and chest in- kowski was eastbound and car shown above was a total Spr. Rowan was with the jujries early this morning didn't hear the train said wreck, police said First Field Squadron of the when their car was struck Cons. Douglas Bulloch. Oshawa Times Photo 'Royal Canadian Engineers, la Orange County The sentencing of DeAngelis--jcould be freed on probation. NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Two Youths Killed In Crash SMOOTH ROCK FALLS, Ont. (CP) -- Two youths were killed early today and two other persons critically injured in a two-car crash a mile west of here on Highway 101 Dead are Yvon Petit, 16, and Luc Beaulieu, both of Strickland, 155 mil@s northeast of Timmins. Jinette Beau- lieu, sister of the dead man and passenger in his car, is in critical condition in hospital. Plane Crash Fatal For 8 Persons NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- A twin-engine private plane crashed and burned today, killing its eight occupants, police reported : The craft hit in a gully six minutes after taking off from airport at nearby Cost Mesa, police said. i € ..In THE TIMES today... 'opment Tabled By Board--P. 5 ow Truck Plant--P, 11 Big Apartment Dey A Peek At GM's | Ann Landers--13 Obits--21 City News--11 Sports--8, 9 Classified---18, 19, 20 Thectre---16 Comics--17 Whitby News----5 Editorial--4 Women's--12, 13 Finoncial--21 Neather--2 ae | dE LAT emt ey ate aun a

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