Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 May 1965, p. 3

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j re et THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 26, 1963 PCs Take Turns With Club Youth Minister : A Likely Move Bludgeoning Rules Reform HAMILTON, Ont. (CP) -- A portfolio naming a member of the legislature as Ontario's first Sales Ban Solely On Army Trucks OTTAWA (CP) -- Reports,call for tenders on certain mili-| from South Africa that the Ca-jtary vehicles issued last year.| i ! sed|He said the government had y NO vp ' i' .: nadian a has refu pag po on a bere oe es By KEN CLARK but to government backbench-|when it was invoked repeatedly/ minister of youth may be rec- a Canadian auto firm permis- (rr tT eth es Security Coun- OTTAWA (CP)--Government it as Ong tneoiueument os by the Liberals during the 1956}ommended next spring by the sion to tender on some vehicles : ? proposals to streamline parlia-| j ent 0 ! legislature's § i P the rights of members of Par-|>Petne debate gislature's select committee os icil resolution -- restricting the efers to military ; 3 poe etereal Ati et. een Minister Martin said Tuesday. South Africa, ee He understood na Canadian Social Credit Leader Thomp-|company had responded to the son asked Mr. Martin in the!cali for tenders. Commons for comment on re-| Mr. Thompson asked what ports that the Canadian govern-|the Canadian position would be ment has refused Ford of Can-|if the vehicles were to be used ada permission to tender on alin parks or in forestry. Mr. number of four-wheel-drive veh-| Martin said he couldn t see how icles. vehicles used in this way would Mr. Martin said the report\infringe on the Security Council mentary proc "ky y i y procedure got a roc KY i iament on both sides of the Jt remained unused on the on youth, a committee member ride in the Commons Tuesday! said Tuesday Skcelnetain 2m 'wntion House for the benefit of the ca-|books for several years there-| ede from Progressive Conservative inet," : y | Donald W. Ewen, Progress- critics, after although the Conserva-jive ¢ . : 3 : , ive Conservativ: The Opposition. bal! weni Dealing with the government|tives promised in their success-|topislature pai A ree agp | from Macquarrie to Lambert to|Proposal to allow a cabinet/ful 1957 election campaign | such' a minister would co-ordin- Churchill. minister to set a debate dead-| abolish it late all plans for work among Marcel Lambert, Edmonton line if an all-party business) 1+ was not invoked again untill/youths in the province West, Commons Speaker in the|CoMmittee cannot agree on one,|jac+ fall to end the protracted! « ' ' last days of Diefenbaker ad-|Mt. Lambert said it is "an at-lrao debate. Its use caused little\;.4 "ype re eae ministration, said: tempt by the administration to} controversy then : tet take tn SRSGL SaEnee ae : ; choke off full discussion of con- a ; of the province's youth prob- | The proposed 36-day time ; , ' iad i limit on. spending estimates|troversial proposals in that a The government's rules resol-\lems," Mr. Ewan said in. an g Sltime limit will be set before-\Ution includes a so-called guil-|interview. "These must be co- may relate to an international|resolution, ' a lle may Be a, eek is a booby-trap infringement hand lotine proposal, a modified clo-|ordinated und singl on the right of discussion by) "4" ' spot hg irae ae paid hi f all di 3 aly 2 5 sure rule the government could| ministry with its own depart. -- ers Oo a parties; COULD DELAY BILLS use if all parties could not|ments and officers.' agner S p ouncl op eens -- cabinet) The. government could delay agree on a time limit for var-) Mr, Ewen said the commit nisters to set a cut - Off/pill passage in committee with ious stages of legislation. tee has received 109 briefs and serra vimenngeairg in thelr. of a) ' ap tinged Mr. Pearson also said in the|24 other submissions from the result of trying to import into - haga tat eave 2 more question period he has not/conferences on. youth sar Camnalad ateidion 4 Ba: pe ee hag crete tot - _ talked with Speaker Alan Mac-| The committee, set up last anh tug Caeoina of the -- ' e 9 i ine Hy ome naughton about Op pos ttion/year, is inquiring into the needs British Parliament," we i gulboune wi fa Leader Diefenbaker's proposal/of Ontario youths in the fields | riticizing the proposals to that Mr. Macnaughton beiof education, culture, recre- URGES CHANGES establish committees to handlein aimed permanent Commonsiation, employment, health, wel- Earlier, Heath Macquarrie WO'k now conducted in the! Speaker. fare and sports (PC--Queens) recommended a House, Mr. Lambert said they hind viii sili variety of rules innovations will not do the job ranging from fixed adjourn- Many aspects of the govern- ment dates for Parliament to) ™ent proposals 'indicate a sort the installation of voting ma- 0f hit-or-miss borrowing from chines to save time on votes the British system and an at- Canadian province and pfrob-|will have the job of helping to) Gordon Churchill, Winnipeg|tempt to impose something out ably in the world. Identities of|improve the administration of South Centre, former Conserva- °f context into our machinery.' the 20 persons who will sit on/justice and of keeping it above) , -- Q Be ge ee - tive House leader, said the Mr. Lambert agreed with the the council -- notaries, lawyers, |reproach a "~ Commons should allow 150 days|government proposal to abolish Pelcritr boltcemen and reo-imect for the first time June 7| FOLK FESTIVAL COMM! MPARES NOTES fo get the business af each ses-/SODeee. ut euegested the pro On Justice Administration QUEBEC (CP)--Justice Min-|and. newspapers -- would be} ister Claude Wagner of Quebec|known within a few days The| announced Tuesday night that aj justice department would be} consultative council on the ad-|represented by a deputy minis-| ministration of justice, forma-|ter and two specialists | tion of which was announced! The justice minister made his} some months ago, will go into statements in a speech to the} operation June 7. Quebec. Association of Insur-} Mr. Wagner said the body/ance Brokers will be the first of its kind in a) Mr. Wagner said the council Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION A on Savings Accounts. Paid ond compounded quart- erly, on Chequing Accounts from the day the account is opened. Paid Quarter- ly on minimum monthly balance, No charge for cheques written. resentatives of the fields of la-|and at least four similar meet- 4 ; yes Se s ' i t ner posal be tempered by an all- bor, industry, commerce andlings would be held annually Pecans for the annual and publicity committee is program advertising. Front, Pore ce oe ode prs party committee to examine yi = shawa Folk Festival--the shown above as they com- left, David Conway, assist 10U e allocated for ailteren Aaéisions if reduested by 10. oF local mammoth Canadian pare notes on planning pro- ant to the master of cere- |matters and spending estimates Jleg R vn bas Th : ttee ad | birthday party -- is swing- gress. Rear, left, Robert nfonies: and Don Tomchick, |Should get a maximum of 45 : a oreaiie . pis ah amie ta S t ew ome ing into high gear as the Nicol, assistant to the gen- newspaper publicity and ad- | days, not 36 days as proposed, | Woule re sere ' oie Alena 4 Dominion Day date nears. eral chairman and reception vertising With his experience as tines as ee" ispute Th " j j . : at 7, Speaker adding weight to his ! The four-man advertising committee; Ross Charles, dshawa Times Photo ambien Me gg pean called| Earlier Prime Minister Pear- . He Is Now Ad usted To It for the removal of supply mo-|Son said the controversial clo- ° tion discussion (12 days) from|sure rule should be examined LBJ Asks Law To Stra n the 36-day estimates period. |once the proposed rule changes TORONTO (CP)--Jamie, aniboy had been sick and seemed ] S The Conservatives could see|are approved eight~ear-old deaf and emo-jdejected during his first two "eye to eye a lot more" with spARKED WILD SCENES tionally disturbed boy, will stay|days on the fruit farm at Niag- ' Py e the goverment if the motions : at the Niagara-on-the-Lake fos-|ara - on - the - Lake, but he ' sa vamared The closure rule, which en- ter home where he spent the/had improved to a degree that merica e edau ] u ables the fo iorgge ge the a debate and force a PROPOSES FORMULA end of Victoria Day weekend, a court|indicated he should stay there , judge decided Tuesday |temporarily. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres-| ment would pay 90 per cent) --One-third of all ederal aid) Mr. Lambert recommended vote, sparked some of the wild- : Judge William T, Little of the, Judge Little said next weekjident Johnson asks Congress to-| of the cost of 'condemnation-| for secondary roads -- about|"a flexible formula guarantee-|est Scenes in Commons history when invested in our Metropolitan Toronto juvenile|he will issue a maintenance|day for legislation to beautify} acquired property along inter-| $100,000,000 -- would b> set ing at least one day's discus-| = LD ETHERS AON TD a gh eres | and family court made his de-|order to look after Jamie in the!roadsides and to ban billboards} state highways and 50 per| aside for roadside bea'ttitica-| sion of the estimates of every gered for A pe 1 cision after hearing Rey. Rob-|foster home. During the sum-\and auto junkyards from busy) cent along primary roads tion, recreation areas and|department in formal sittings OR ALL YOUR DRUG STORE Hele Mapa pie pt ert Rumball of the Evangelical|mer, he will attend Mr. Rum-' highways --States would be required to, scenic roads. of the House' because the gov- pt death . gy .. Church for the Deaf, who found|ball's camp for the deaf near The presidential request--four, spend three per cent of fed-| It was understood Johnson de-,ernment proposal on estimates NEEDS 5 the foster home for Jamie, re-|Parry Sound separate bills--follows by a day| eral aid under the interstate'cided to recommend the strin-|was no guarantee against a port on how the boy had ad-| The judge added he expects|the conclusion of a White House} program of landscaping and/gent billboard controls because helter-skelter rush on them at | Z ' *Yearly Rate justed to the new surroundings. official word within a few days|conference on natural beauty.| beautification projects. Qut-|he thinks a voluntary program the end of a session Phone \f Jamie had been in a deten-|that Jamie can be admitted on|But there are signs the bill-| lays of $120,000,000 a year are|that went into effect in 1958 vir-/ Bulk of the 36-day period 723-2245 tion home here since his mother/a trial basis to a departmentjboard bill will stir up contro involved tually has failed could be taken up by non-con-| troversial estimates "with the brought him before a courtjof education school for the deaf|versy in Congress SAVING HOURS: April 13 as an incorrigible at Milton or Belleville in the; Chairman Laurance Rockefel result that when the controver-| Fito stele @aya(0) a plaah aa eae : Rey. Rumball said that the fall ler and four panelists had re- : w sial items come up for discus- ee | Mon.-Thurs. 9 to 6 19 Simeoe St. N, ee oan aia 7 --|ported to the president some of ana a- na Ca @a » sion there is no time." IB Fridey 9to9 Oshawa os the scores of recommendations The 36-day proposal, as a re-| JURY AND LOVELL | Soturdoy 9 to 5 FOUNTAINHEAD Tel. 723-5221 haw Shakes PEI abinet: for expansion of scenic high x . . sult, "is an injustice not only| OF SERVICE # ways, protection of waters, re-| 7 M ll B h ] ] to members of the Opposition, 58.7 Million Bushels Sold |" one claiming lands and wildlife and Heod Office: T . . a need to educate Americans on : 1X ort 0 10S @€assl ne nature's beauties OTTAWA (CP)--Canada has| The deal was made under a Two of the president's bills rong ' -- Foopetge Fe rics (three-year contract by which would require the use of $220,-|bushels of wheat rade MINIS-|hing agreed to purchase be CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) Stewart, they were made, the ghwayv -iter Sharp announced in the oe I mee 1 000,000 in highway funds for| p tween 112,000,000 and. 187,000,000) Premier Walter Shaw Tuesday|premier said, to provide a more|landscaping, beautification, sce-| Commons Tuesday bukhel ig 4 baat announced a major shakeup in-|equitable distribution of respon-|nic roads reation alo Mr. Sharp's brief statement,/DUSHels 0 anadian wheat in) p nic roads and recrea along the period beginning Aug. 1, volving six portfolios in his|sibility in government depart-'the nation's road system. the first formal announcement 1962 Prince Edward Island cabinet.|ments of the amount involved in the) +? The changes become effective. Former health minister 'Dr CUT OUT BILLBOARDS new sale, did not refer to price, It brings total sales under this June 15 'Hubert McNeill becomes the Johnson hopes to eliminate|grade or shipping arrange- agreement to 166,200,000 bush- The shifts. announced at a(Province's welfare and. labor existing billboards by 1970 on! ments els press conference here, bring| Minister the network of 230,000 miles of Sem ar cee one newcomer to the provincial, Henry Wedge former minis-|federal-aid primary roads and administration ter of welfare and labor, be-|the completed 20,000 miles of THE ULTIMATE tN LUXURY LIVING!! Hy Llovd MacPt ' comes the health minister the planned 41,000-mile inter é€ 1 AOVa acPhai 5 Leo Rossiter, former minis-|state superhighways. « ITED eae : Progressive. Conservative mem- ter of fisherie industry and Administration sources gave A LIMITE : r CEILING ber 2nd Queens, who be-inatural resources, becomes the|this rundown of the four-bill NUMBER OF ELECTRIC comes minister of industry and! minister of fisheries and muni-|package Johnson prepared to 1-2-3 CABLE natural resources with respon-'¢jnal affairs send along with a_ special BEDROOM RADIANT sibility for tourism Dr. George Deward, the prov-| beauty message to Congress SUITES HEATING Although the moves come on ince's education minister, takes --In order to claim federal AVAILABLE the heels of the resignation ofjon the provincial secretary's highway aid for interstate and * Provincial Secrétary J. David job primary roads - the most r MODEL SUITE heavily travelled highways s ® « star -- sage a bill. | UNDERGROUND x poards within 0 feet of K anadian GE Wins Rights these roads, except in -areas PARKING By passin zoned for commercial and in 4 723-1712 To Build Karachi N-Plant | "*""»"* ss --All junkyards within sight O build Karachi N-Plant a \iersyise| sbitonte aan roads would ther be effec TORONTO (CP) Canadian istan itself will contribute vats saraenied rom view A G2@ORGIGAN mansions Genera) Electric Co. Ltd. and more than $8,000,000 eliminated, If states were Pakistan. have signed a on i 124 PARK ROAD NORTH, OSHAWA Construction w take about forced into condemnation pro- tract calling for the Canadian 5: nth eedings, the federal govern-! company to build a $60,000,000 nuclear power plant near Ka rachi in West Pakistan, CGE president J. Herbert Smith -ao nounced here Tuesday ney The 137.000 kilowatt plant will t be the first nuclear power plant to be built by a Canadian com pany, he said. It also repre ast single export ved by the Ca dustry Construction of the plant w be financed by the Canadian government's Export Credit In surance Corp with extra aid thro the Colombo Plan. Pak io0K 34 SIMCOE ST. NORTH A NEW COURSE HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS so BANANAS is being offered by the YELLOW LEAN MEATY BEEF -- BLADE BONE REMOVED Oshawa Business College . First in a series of short, inten- C B c sive courses designed to train 5 sea ae, lee age hoast ; and serving the public. Especi- ' A , : ally designed for employable DAVID'S PUFFS Te ou a O tri e€ t C adults and young adults who BONELESS ROLLED q 5 et Pos REG. c i seek employment or o career in 4 C BISCUITS meetirig and serving the public BRISKET Ib SHOULDER 45: sip In this rse is will be ' : : tie oo ee weasels Wherever good fun and good fellowship mingle, GOLD STRIPE is very much at home. For with Hotat and restourent propriators (. } FRESH Pork SCOTT TOILET : i : 5 5 GOLD STRIPE your pleasure lingers . « . you enjoy honest-to-goodness rye flavour right to the bottom C - st of EIGHT SHOULDER Ib B U 7 T ¢ TISSUE 12 ROLLS 1.00 of the glass! If you prefer a quality Canadian Rye Whisky with character you're definitely a GOLD mb? " . EVENING SESSIONS Tuesd ar? | STRIPE type. Try it the next time you buy. We promise GOLD STRIPE will please you two ways-- and Thursday 7:00 to 9:00 LEAN MEATY : P.M. commencing Tuesday, C FRESH PORK : 2 OT. HOMO eR Se . : . 2 June let; 1965. SHORT RIB Ib c 2 nd with its quality and its price. Special expert instructors en- LOIN END ib MII K P sents the order eve nadian elec a goged to present this course For complete details OAL 725- ECONOMY 6&7 RIB c : 337s. act Now! REGTER |] DR TME RIB _.. o sweer Adams GOLD STRIPE A minimum registration of 18 ; RIB C COTTAGE C CANADIAN RYE WHISKY € irse. ee SIMCOE $7. NORTH, eas 8 ee 75% Ib Ib 7 OSHAWA PRIME RIB lb § STEAKS ROLLS M, C. Barnett, Principal

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