" | THE OSHAWA TIMES, \ (VeunaveTue ITN CT. THINKOF me-. =) ALL OF'EMA, YOU os, | { cerrainiy, MRS. GREW WONT em] aeerseece - Lge | "(2 have 70 stay prey | i eo, snl } Ste aaa j Wednesday, Mey 26, 1965 ' N | BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER \(Tep record-holder in Masters' lIndividuel Chempionship Pley) | I'VE EVER WHY BO 'You 2! --w/ ig. ee HEARD maging gee See ALL DAY / ~ } AA Crs JULIET JONES Kast dealer. | Both sides nulnerable reren Sowitintn, ton, Word saghte rom ved © Mee Pesnere SeuBeate Bee 186 © @ kee iw 4 | KQ02 9768 8542 WEST EAST 10983 A he . . + TER HER TORONTO RECITALS, PAULINE| DN 1895, SHES IN ENGLAND To [MEER Y, y 9 107543 @AI6 JOHINBON TOURS EASTERN CANADA PUBLISH HER POEMS ~ Ye BUT DO YOU KNOW, MY DEAR, THAT, | MADAM, 2 2) mata wales ar THE LEGAL OWNERS WERE THE POLECAT TRIBE, ALSO NOW EXTINCT, EXCEPT FOR, ONE, WHO NATURALLY IS KAOWN 4S LONESOME GIVING 125 POETRY READINGS IN WHITE WAMPUM. YOU LOOK suey LUKE A NO COMPLET f 41096 5O DIFFERENT PLACES BETWEEN Madde at : . 95 AND (A942 y ---- 4 662 LI'L ABNER THE GIANTS x@ B oA AK e 9 7 South West North Dble Pass 19 4@ Pass Pass Redble Jy i, f The bidding PTEKAMIONWAKE F a ise liye ak Gy Se : | | Opening lead -- two of dia- HEL It, . /monds Dear Mr. Becker: | don't a know whether or not you can ABOUT A MILE FROM HERE OON++*|( ELWJAM, FUE a iat help me with my problem, but Pile Dr deby pct : RR STL I have reached a desperate situ lation where I am willing to CUT INTO THE MOUNTAIN!) grasp at any straw. A year ago I was playing in a rubber bridge game and held the South hand. You can imagine my feeling of disap- {pointment when I heard East open the bidding ahead of me. \I needed so little to make a small slam or a grand slam ~-- just an ace or two -- and this |bloke who sits on my right and 4 inever psyched in his life sud- Idenly says a diamond Well, I got to four spades, all se : i as i ~ |right, and won the diamond lead ce. COMING JN ; 1 : Pane, He BAN y | jwith the ace, I led the king of F " AD weit, e--\/ ri Wn << YEAH, BUT NOT LIKE A PUBLIC | WELL, 6EE-- KID GET YOURSELF IN IF HA,OUR RECENT R ' v1 SPECTACLE-- BAREFOOT ANP BEING i | YOU SHOULDN'T | AN EMBARRASGING POSITION] ||. GUEST HAS JUST | COURSE--~IT Se PUSHED IN A PERAMBULATOR-- 3) | CARE = YOU ANYPLACE IN THE WORLD / ABOUT LANDED WOUL.P. \yourE Pr) To" ee a (B..\) DON'T KNOW J! AND A NEIGHBOR We IN SAN JUAN 4 GRIEVE US 2 K HERE |" r= | pee yee, eG FROM HOME WILL lame, HAPPILY SO, fy oo vl wana IN GAN JUAN, "Nemes / COME STROLLING MR, FLING Raestanetiinad ten: | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THE LONE RANGER WITH US 7 OKAY, THEN +» Ispades, East took it and return- Y UNCH, } |spades, Ba n OWN LUNG J ° TILL TAKE IT f led a diamond, which I ruffed THIS WAY / and West overruffed. : ae 'were i fs . West then put East in with a Py al Bl ' ; 1S bs heart, and another diamond lead ee ae ruined me. It didn't matter whether I trumped high or low ~~ West was bound to get anoth- er trump trick and I went down one redoubled. That night I couldn't sleep a wink, or the next night, or the next night either. My appetite fell off terribly and I felt plain miserable. This predicament continued for weeks. Finally, I consulted a psychiatrist. After the usual poainent _ = . it go t so I was spending more ee = FIVE DOZEN Ges sie!) we IM-DE- oumy lf time on the psychiatrist's couch \ ANGES. - 2 LUNCA DONALD IF YOU HAD) | ORANGES, bee acne' . ; 1 than I was In bed at home-- FIVE DOZEN ORANGES | | PLEASE a aes mae} he told me the cause of my AND CUT BACH ONE INTO) y <4 af 1 | troubles. 4 vite pe 3 Wid jaT HMMM na Ay 43 Dre my. d I ttried a few other skull doc- 8 WOULD YOU, AFRAID | | rae | ( ' Ahh. | |tors and they all told me the CHAVE? = ITLL HAVE 7S | me nig oT Se AMON 1 same thing. They said J should HAT roe auT: ; > w , ---- PA AES not have trumped the diamond THA Aas f d ie 7; oor i OM return at trick three, but should | 5 "sy 1 | : Oe oe 1 | ny : have discarded my heart. Then to yi | ' 4 ; ¢ when West overruffed the next diamond lead he wouldn't be able to put Eastin the lead again and I would have made ' the hand, READY FOR A DBMONSTRATION, 7 POORY: (we A Dream' .rrs (T'S THE IDEAL PLANE fsa _- -- ~ L So I know what I should have sENOR ORTH. mere enn | ~ Wow | have SOME LUNCH AND FOR YOUR BUSINESS, 5007 2 a j done. But I still can't sleep uP! bows mr \\\ TALK IT OVER. ary SENOR ORTIZ. vow ACROSS 49. Baking 15. Club a i . | f nights, as I relive this night Tending chaniber Before: Sitti ste / ae ry. mare over and over again, toward 50, Cunning 4 ieee my B %, Sf : f Bio Pg age yr BAB ao . Herd 51, King 21, Troubles ALE. 3 | a of. yoe ' of DOWN 23, Strip ene is : a % ' ; print it will all go away like whales Distant lings bate c FTAIN | : Fee 1% a bad dream, Sincerely yours, . Talk 2. Roman poet 26, Lion IBIETR / sf % John Doe. irrationally 3. Ignited 28, Eski- ( 14 4 $i . Shepherd again mo Me 2 Eteleta | 3 AF . »rophet . Chasm knife a b | 3 HE bs Ranger 5.Cc 29, Hand = Bad | Bi La ee Young Churchill Candienut gbys ah eng cover-. Yesterday's Answer : ye S i Th Sh Brit Theme of ing | tea s e ow co! i pleniels 8 Sober at Be towed iy NEWICK, England (Reuters) 3. Pxclama- Make 32, Morse 4, One F faa Randolph Leonard Spencer tion hot again 34, Flap z oe Churchill, four-month-old great- Dip Bondman 35, Bear. 45, Remumera- grandson of the famous British Gar Away... HE SAID IT WOULD "TAKE ONLY A nd ni ee ous wea ifs ai |statesman, was christened here FEW PAYS TO TRACK DOWN 'THE , ™ , a ubar re egias | . Fi : Sunday--and in true C - HAVE YOU HEARD \NO, CHIEF.... ANO|] | MAN WHO SHOT.CHOLLA TOLIVER. ide 12, Legal 37, Cabinet rae 'f s = ANYTHING FROM } 17M WORRIED/ IT HAS BEEN MORE THAN tate action suit pont eb \ j Pee veg am. oe LAREDO, JANE ? A FEW DAyYs/ wee ty omy ya | 3 Pet al As the choir started the hymn | | he i a Onward Christian Soldiers, Hindu Y Z Y, oj ee q baby Churchill clenched his fist aumbal ZA | ¢ \ and started to beat time to the Pilfer Gi 4 =} N music, Juley b> of j ' ; a The latest in the Churchill Wi i j Ay Pea a r was born Jan, 22. SALLY'S SALLIES oor SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN Surface earth Symbolic eye lpieanaabta . Brazil ] [rape ] | parrot ens | } . Children's 4588 -- | wee | SIZES 2. Palm oe NEW, SLIM, VIVID! | joe ow, Nonrigid By ALICE BROOKS airship : With Attract all eyes in a slim) 4 sheath accented by easy, single CLASSIC CASUAL breath stitch flower sprays | ANNE Silkworm Ld : Fashion loves embroiderv! By ANNE ADAMS 4 Brilliant flowers dramatize} Move gently thru' summer's sheath, "Pattern 7210: transfer,;/whirlwind activities in a pleat- printed pattern, sizes 10, 12, 14,/front shirtwaist with chic shoul- NA 16, 18, 20. State size, der seaming. Proportioned to eae Thirty-five cents (coins) for/fit without problems. ' * : pjcach pattern .(no_ stamps, Printed Pattern 4588: Half Ines Should Be og . please) to Alice Brooks, care of Sizes 14%, 1644, 1814, 20%, 22%, -- error TRSRUNST) CESS ao SAE s % - 4 |The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft} 244. Sine 1619 requires 3% yards ap Pee oie iN tT a - BILLY... es : : 40 Front Street West,/45-inch fabric & BACK DOOR' | | TORUNINCOORS 5 pete -- WHAT'S NEV } , : rcenvas oven : pred LD " t DON _ a E | Checked Regularly . ait) | Tor . 1, Ontario, Ontario} FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in} HEAT WITH OIL . "A 1 iV MY : i | (VS) -- " jresidents add 1 cent. sales tax.j/coins (no stamps, please) for) fe) ' Se Ky Tr ; | | os By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Print piainly PATTERN NUM-/each pattern. Ontario residents) DIX N s BER, NAME, ADDRESS add two cents sales tax, Print} Dear Doctor: | have diabetes;be severe, and, in addition, they 1963 NEF DL ECRAFT CATA- print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- OIL and | take insulin. How often'are growing and both diet rae ALOG 200 designs, 3 free/DRESS, STYLE NUMBER should one have a checkup?--|amount of insulin should be ad- pattenrs!. Newest knit, crochet! Send order to ANNE ADAMS,| 313 ALBERT ST. Mrs. ©.L, justed more often fashions, embroidery, 25 cents, /care of The Oshawa Times, Pat-| . Diabetes can vary a lot in| Dear Dr. Molner: My 20-- Now! Send for elegant, new/tern Dept.,. 60 Front Street! 24-HOUR SERVICE ase of control, A brittle dia- month - old son fell on our "Decorate with Needlecraft!"|West, Toronto 1, Ontario. betic will show wide swings! puppy, The dog bit him under Five beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE: 723-4663 jvery readjly, from heavy sugar the eye, leaving three small/complete patterns for decora-/PORT in our new Spring - Sum- to Insulia reactions breaks in the skin tive accessories in one book!|mer Pattern Catalog plus cou! SERVING OSHAWA OVER \ stable diabetic, obviousty The child has had his tetanus Pillows, wall hangings, curtains,| pon for ONE FREE Poiptieage 50 YEARS needn't see a doctor as often' shot only three months before, @PPliques, more! 60 cents Everything you need for the lifeyt oe ey YO -- een as a brittle one but the doctor still insisted on, Value! Deluxé Quilt Book you lead --- .350 design ideas! ! ALL het ' | Fo uae a . aren one Another important point is as Reba shot and two! 18 complete patterns, 60 cents Send i aii COLBOR 5 NI JUNIOR A RS 7 , assis, & . be . aed ------_----__--- NE | % 4 ne ve "ab i } son Lea oO whether vou are. gaining or prescriptions for medicine. Was : 3 ' oe : llosing weight. If you' are do- this tetanus shot necessary so.81 and suffers, especially atjtor may suggest medication to GROCETERIA wareR- "u Lic 3 | ? Liss of" } z either, you should see your soon after his booster?--Mrs./night, with pain in the calvesidilate the blood vessels--quin- ¥ c " ; Ps i? ng ei 5 g : Wis eer" i i; doctor to make sure that your MLR, of his legs. He smokes andiine, antihistamines or the like Colborne St. at Church St. Minne, 4 ce i ee rari of insulin' "The shot was necessary for Chews De you think that stOP-) Note to H. W.: There are 728-6341 are getting right T | g th . von *: } jot forr t vou are is ri orm (oF tobacco ahout a thousand branches MICKEY MOUSE eis complete safety, True, the little/ ping | eit Or if any new symploms de- fellow might not have 'gotten would help?--Mrs. J.S, (state or local) of the National OPEN ------ velop (disturbances of vision, tetanus (lockjaw) anyway, but) At his age one suspects faulty) Association for Mental Health,! DAILY 'TIL 10 PM. leg cramps, or others) youl certainly favor being safejcirculation as the cause of the and the address of the main 7 should see your doctor im- rather than sorry. The pre jcramps. Tobacco in any form is|headquarters 'is 10 Columbus Seven Days « Week mediatel scriptions, I. have no .doubt,'a poten ause of cramps be-'Circle, New York. N.Y., 10019 " In 'general. stable. diabetics) were for medication to protect) cause it.impedes circulation The Canadian Mental Health# ® Groceries © © Fresh Fruits should be checked more {re-against any other infection | woyld most certainly urge Association adquarterg is at}. ® Vegetables © Meats jj ;quently since, in young people which might. have been present.|pim to e up tobacco. If re-/11% -- Road, Toronto 4) FREE DELIVERY 'the disease is more likely to! Dear Doctor: My husband islief does 'not follow, your doc-iOnt MUGGS AND SKEETER