Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1965, p. 20

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20 'THE OSHAWA TIME, Pridey, Mey 21, 1968 "Sp ring Cleaning -- Make Cash By Selling Your Dont Needs Here Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Gerdening and Supplies Gardening and Supplies _ 6, Soileifor. er agececointe, a 4% King Street Garden Supplies "Bulk" Garden Seeds Flower Seeds and Bulbs Roses Flowering Shrubs Garden Tools Tank Sprayers Bird Baths Woter Fountains Accountents . Borristers ALBERT WOSMAR, Chartered Account 30S8PH . an ant, 47 Prince Street, Sulte 4, Oshaw i role gl a 8232. Onterio, Telephone 723-1221 | sade Kee : Same ~~ | JAMES. MACDONALD, LEONARD JAMES 15 BROOKS, Chartered | ister and ety oy Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shopping The Commercial Building Centre, 725-9953 |Oshawa, Ontario. Client JOSEPW GUTMANN, Chartered Acgoun-|abie TASATNG of T25ATN7. tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Sire East. Telephone 33. Building 7 Trodes commicke" Crausesiig' tarvik 180 Bond cu STO M "HOME _ E REMODELLING Street West, 725-0397. Res, 723-7605. ofing, Painting, Siding, HOPRING, BEADLE AND €0., Char- tered Accountants. Financial Trade Bulid- Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Rec spboards end Gen- ing, 187 Ki av East, Oshawa, bf vag All Windmills (19th Avenue, east of hwy: 48) tarlo, 725-3 Hopkins, CA; H "CALL 795: 8576 Peat Moss Telephone 537-5556 Beadie, CA; '. Akon: CA YACE, PRIEDLANDER AND Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees ) DRIVEWAYS a PLAZAS Weed and Feed Fertilizer |Instruction : © Froke cusantées ©, | Grub, Killer Fertilizer | EARN' TO DRIVE 725-6553 MANGAN, Clearance Sale days only May 22 and 24 A.M, to 5 P:M LLB. f- Netary Public 286 King West, parking aevell- $1.50 10¢ 10¢ 05¢ and up New Era Nurseries Ringwood TREE PERENNIALS HEDGE STOCK R PUMPKING || siete 1) | || «iKuyY WATIVES INSERT WEIGHTS AND POTS oF VAM I THEIR re LOBE} 4o STRETCH Osh CA: fo GROW FIVE TIMES AS FAST Gow BY EM SUGAR WATER, 6--Marine Equipment _ "We Carry.. @ Owens @ Crestliner @ Grew @ Evinrude See them o OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbour Road 723-1901 CUSTOM BUILT box trailer, size 4 by & by 3, all steel frame work, 'Sinch wheels, light weight. Best offer or will! trade for acetylene cutting torch, Tele} phone 723-5387 | ta FY WEYMOUTH Grilser, Voivo) ard-outboard motor, sleeps two, good) around boat, very eeonomicel ded 9991 or Brooklin 655-4942. 15-FT. MOULDED piywood Paceshi j HP Johnson motor, electric start, 7 | trailer, two tanks, two props, jackets, | perfect condition. Telephone 668-5152 21 FOOT CRUISER, 75 Johnson electro matic, alternator generator, bullt-in} tanks, enclosed head, convertible top and] curtains, Cali 725-4194. BOAT 2 it." Fibreglass plywood, 20/ HP Mercury ovtboerd, remote controls Dial Bay Ridges, 439-3077 | &" FIBREGLASS boat; 4 HP] 900d condition. Telephone 728-1268 BAYTONA MARINA LTD,, 1288 Wharf Street, Prenchman's Outboard motor repairs, all makes enteed work; all marine repair riaken; boat repairs, pickup c Toronto 287-5757. Dunbarton| By R J. SCOTT AFRICA pun MLR, HOUSES * BEEWIVE FASHION. Sees rs of. s WE Der DELAY WOUND HEALING CAM BE MADE FT motor Fairport, Bay. guar AMROUGK WICKS WHICH PIERCE ur deli 039 -FT fraller CASIN cel cruiser with motor lent condition, $115 SCOPE ASPHALT CL. Eve ergreen 6-9-6 RUTHERFORD"S 70-7371 ie Chae HALL, PERKIN AND CO. Chartered ing Limited lfgreen 12-6-6 993 or 942-099 Green 7-7-7 sch: ste Driving 14 A OSHAWA Accountants, 346% King Street 1, Osh Garden So-Gre HARLEIGH sarden So-Green : owe 725-4599; David G, Perkin, CA King Street, Neweastie, 987-4240; wiitt am a So-Green 21-7-7 at . vi MFG, CO Milorganite emodelling S, Edmond _Burrows Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadioom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD SOUTER 668-5862 gi OBS OR MOL PAINTE aye ees DECORATII NTERI EXTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES FERDINAND SCHMIDT FESTUBER 57 € red ISHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL s teaching driving ¢ and standard Hall, B.Comm, CA WILSON and BURROWS Bone Meal Sheep Manure and Accountants 4 King Street Lawn Seed awe Ronald F. OD MeGiBBON and BASTEDO, "Barristers Complete Garden Selicitars. Clients' funds avaliad' o mort ages. Nationa Trust Bu di 3 mcoe Street South, 728-7336; Cher (es McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC ac M Free Estimates 723 a ¢| MUD PROBLEMS! e DRIV g dernf year te a8 iat car € Supplies vatr . 728-0091 VHERE -- ANYTIME VAUGHAN on IVING SCHOO. d ir rs Cooper-Smith Co. St EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors i oraries Bank ' $t Biss ome with E an Terms or- YER? and Agreements of Sa ought H S ad end arranged HUMPHREYS, arristers suit 792.1120 s€ sured & | Se _BOYCHYN, and HILL & Soll " King Hillman, | 723-189 PLASTERING and Tele phone W, A, BA, 725-4604) NHA an 123-2696 795 15/ é 9572 WAVE interior feed. Call loyd Simpsor 28-9876. Plumbing and Heating "PLUMBING ig heating si 'ppl ies ee estimates. Work Telephone 725-35 'Sta k Lid 1% nbing, Heating ncoe Street ourt done quara estimates ecorating, Spring Clean Up | R o, Fert uning 'Your foxterar ale now! Painting 4 work epo eramic tiles & R. ROBINSON 725-0330 WELDING > Tersh C DEAN 723-6601 THE H. CABINET CO THICKSON 728-0232 ibine t NEW "PLASTERING | and repair sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-2420 or 471) pga ln or renev atin room a telephone PLASTERING, Free estimates whitey dua serv 668-4174. DRIVING SCHOOL, ersonal cot free Classif . Classified Rates Janitor Service ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! ai ceiling. wall WORD ADS insertion of 24 words $1.08 ords 4\4c each; 3 con tions of 24 words $2.88 words 12¢ each, 6 nsertons of 24 words $4.32 words 18 Past, econ cleaning done by ALL MAPLE LEAF SCAPIN ARDE? HAMPTON y NO. | TOP SOIL Hardsand Landscaping 725-1721 Evergreen Sale LOWEST ane Harold H nd Engir guaranteed additiong! secutive edditior Charge -- 10 per cent sharge |f not paid withi Method of counting --- Le words as 24 wor word. figure or abbre counts o8 one word counts two words con- itting id : eare 263-2214 |Money To Loon F alse citinaten tre 83 ew s PAYMENTS TOO HIGHF If yo: rates 72-1191 good credlé end you up to $5. 1 payments in half or less for any worthwhile purposes Toronto 481-5289 a Rug- "Upholstery Service OSHAWA CLEANERS Uphols ' additional 8 days hen 24 eac atior phone number , 4 A counts Mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation BIRTHS SOCIAL $2.00 pe ditiona ? days IN MEMORIAM $2.00 for the first eoch thereafter, p verse 25¢ addition paid within 7 days CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 33 words ond each thereafter, with 25¢ additione sharge if not peid within 7 days EATHS NOTICES insertion with charge if not R 182 tery t and At o Rug ng home CALL 725-9961 94 BR T CHESTERFIBLDS reup' styled Free estimate for recovering. Datto haries Street, 72 CHESTERFIELOS ana red like new. Get 23 pald RD REET o charge if 'not st cab t istered @ bur material Upholstering, 75 p ering, 75 be 2 JOHN'S LANDSCAPING SOD LAID & DELIVERED srading & Power Roiling HRUBS ~~ TREES & HEL BROOKLIN 655-3866 MORT( AGREEME EVERGREEN SALE OANS O} up to 50% off REES FLOWER E ard 0 he the best for rs ese at Street Free estimates 3? tree Adding « estimate poder pho ers, \4 nie South 728-645 RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts shed 17 mplete range o rials, Workmanship guaranteed five years Free estimates, Credit terms jre-bullt, Furniture refinished Upholstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, $1.50 for the Se each there i Ca "ond - new work and repairs hbo fiat and ete floors rooting, our specialty New work repairs. 9@ and email jobs. L. and H. Roofing onstruction, RR}, 725-6957, tt} your "driveway. rates, work fully guaranteed yed. Arnold Pa ' 728-50: YOuR "CHIMNEY © neys built and repaired) linings in t roots repaired Fr ee estimates H T AUCTION SALES $2.10 per inch per DEADLINES WORD ADS 5S p.m, day previouw LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m, day of publicatior BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m, dey of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLA 1 €o coHMUMmn previous CANCELLAT CORRECTION 9 a.m, day of publication BOX NUMBER RENTA While naertion NSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS PRIME © SKIDS aAGES ITS Pu MORT mmediate Ou or hosed GAGES ce Offi Sales ond Service GUARANTEED washers and ranges 8.) 749 CANVAS ete 9 repairs to Free estimate Ser Heod curtains, Free estimates time canopies Mel m awnings, service a . Get your an os a a ovidil FOR ROOFING ' - 8 ; i or lor ement work. Frank M 3 J Oshawa, Brook 45 Al CARPENTRY crete footings. pairs of ail k QUALITY is hear 061, Septic Service ss SEPTIC TANKS Clear T var ac rown flowe vice + Street brick, block, New work and Atter §, call 728-315) of all ® cor re etc als ds 4 MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE 23-3180 668 monville nrg ergree Shode fer 5 Surveyors DONEVAN and Fle CHMANN and -Surv Ontario y the 28-4584 eal dedkdetlal he 1% Home 46 tarlo the advertisers ints we accept oss or damage through eithe forwarding ct eoused whether otherwise, The T sponsible to 'ot x > al Neh "las 5632 H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street 725 TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND. DELUXE respect to arise delay ir however negligence | not be re- olled for and gene: a P. Nellis dO THAT REPAIR job on your pr st workmans: Apply 300 Conant Street or tele 43 " ¢ en 843 KING ST GARDE? NDSCAPE and Sons Ltd East. Phone " CONTACT BILL'" HORNER FREE VALUATION 728-5157 or 728-2236 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED MORTGAGE LOANS Cartage JOHN'S MOVING, Reasonable rates wily | 728-3661, Ajax 942-2020 TAGE, moving and siso cellar and yard am Street West be re Sho ors, in advertise- s submitted otherwise than ting not for more than one inser- ° advertisement, nor be- ge for age and Cartage SHARPENING tured, Call' REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS Sharpening and snea 5S r in Repairs. ves storing! eened phone : $ kr also awn Pi SHARPED 248 Sas St.- itting Pr $u aget Tt =RMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST 728-8180 DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! SETTLE FOR TRLO. TELEVISION Bond and D 728-5143 TV SERVICE. DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS )WERS RON'S TV 723-7521. HOUSE LEANING TIME EANING TIME b Dentistry BIALEK Surgeon hawa. For 778-844) DR tlor " 725-0500 BOWLER'S 25 Gy advertisements | appoir Dressmaking ORESSMAKING wear nak 66-2 46 LADIES THINK THRIFTY: ' No charge for ions Mortgages and harasinebts So " _ GREEN ' 2 : DRESSMAKING Bonus HOT site ; specla valuct PLACE A WANT A 668-2372 Gardening and "aru Money f " M. "F. SWARTZ K St. East awa, Ontario 723-4697 rtgage rssified T 3492. 999 j ESS BLU GRA "ALL ng «1 ge INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Ce UTCH grave! p t-run t vi of Taunton Village OSHAWA. 725.9674 M DAVEY TREE SERVICE teedir Money Available sand i--Women't rm 2--~Persone! 3--Sportamo S--Trailere excavating, grading DUTCH SAND & GRAVEL Call 728-287) EXPERIENCED gard * w Interest Member Ontario 2p a a--Articies I-- to ost Bosket SUMMERLAND SECURITIES € oar ' als, "The olde tree saving TELEPHONE MANURE ed. chear se 723-1361 disked peantcrraiew Be ' and AND SECOND mortpages grading rg Ww FIRST e agreerr wonad 86 4 [NURSERY $00 and tor ae Top $01 "oO strong, 345 Division Street Telephone| peg soles Spproxims $000 | yards. sa 28-6475 after 7 or i é eae to 45 D n Street lenr for 86 King Street , or Eas PRIVATE for a tgages reements Drynan, risters") A-) FENCE dustrial fer Company instalied esidentia Free es a rsery 30 nates Peery 800 '5 25-5864 TREE 6---Apartme 27--Rooms fc GARDENS GARDENS. planting. Gien South, 725- GO66 QUALITY yard: road orevel TO TRIM? ee estiry 725-5118 of aw read ark for 728-0610 Rosd BRESTO LAWN SERVIC weed end fertilizer spr delions, crabgrass, etc Iveways and waste elepn es 29--m-Wanted to 'Rent 30--Automobiles for Sais 3i--Compect Core for Sais 32--Trucks for Sole %3---Automobiles Wanted 4--Automobile Repair 5--Lost and Found 36--Lego 37--Auctions gare Boerte 39---Netices senplate| ---- services; dan- cow menu Iso Industr delivered ? owed "and cu planting. Telephone MANURE, weil rotted, $4 per yard. Top jeoll, $2.50 per yard. Delivery eherge on lowe verde. ate, i GARDENS for spring tivated 178-43 eady . "% Optometrist POWER MOWER luneup and service|F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, i3é Simcoe te all makes. Plek-up and delivery Sele | Street North, Suite 4 Oshawa, Telephone} phone 738-7217. i7zpaier. 1 Any 244 728-5143 d re! re Matiresses ise THE Oshawa! Travel tre wringer} Call| accessorie tarlo Land), phone 723-9097 SAILBOAT s, mahogany ply 668-2760. BOAT TRAILER ights, snare wheel, Road, Ajax | OUTBOARD MOTOR, Elgin, 1964, 14% 4P. Never used, $200. Telephone 728-4169 |WELL DIGGING by machine "specializing or apply 3 Albert Street, Oshawa n 30-inch tile, W Ward, 204 Chestnut! = Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809, |7¥2 HP, 1958 in excellent ¢ last season EVINRUDE around Apply 237 Garrard Road Biue wood. Exe 4 ay TV-----Radio Repoirs ellent cond \einv tv TOWERS, pairs; | Avenue. ante duty wi Apply 40 &x heavy $50 Telop | Well Drilling---Dipging JOHNSON outboard motor, dition, Reconditioned end $160. Telephone 725-0505.| HP oytboard motor, with Page" Haire stand, $175. Phone 725-7967 PelePOn@| CABIN CRUISER -- "Cris Craft" 21-1.) uily equipped, Sleeps four; 75 outboard! ohnson electric and trailer, Com Telephone 723-2719, Can be s Atho! Eas SHEPARD er 6Vv a. f 1--Women' s Column PERMANENTS on dressir 9 We Pine $363, special roll Avenue. lete nm at 2--Personol t LEN PULLAN jlish Tail CUSTOM TAILORING $ bie vis] inboard boat Telephone 668-6801. After Ask for Bi CRUISER ver 0 668-5354 CABIN uit and Dress Alteratior ae e Mer el on E ST 5311 $ $1,49 best offer, Phone jlieat and Barter PRESSURE Your plece baths,| sin softeners, filters, | space boa motors,| Hillside, Park| of supertiuous Murduff June 7th ne Genosho ate | Remova Marie Oshawe Fth, Phe ese w pe Bt! yatems cabinets mowers, H, Chinn and Hote f ; 8--Articles For Sale PRIVATE SALE | 404 SIMCOE ST. N LECTROLYSIS 123-464) 5--Trailers Cook's Trailer Sales St 723-9534 Simcoe ortn Oshawa, 5 pleces) Parts and Seevice tables time ofter | FIREWORKS At Special Discounts! A HITCHES, ST ACKS, ALL PARTS refr Phe erator and §' Bowmar tual Iter ELMER'S BARGAIN HOt Bloor St. E 28 SMILE and $ales Whitby Irie | TRAILERS camping tratle ce Trailers. Hp Aiboale) 3473 | North, | Ajax APACHE tent dition. Apply 88 [16FT. GLENDETTE ye ver te | pe inc Reese eq Bowmanville 62 tralle Ritson excellent Road South used two completely ali € arni sizer frame con trailer udes ost MOBILE HOME, ee ideal bourg, 372-9518 i TRAILER 4 x @ 1. Telephone 723-2155 CUPBOARD two-wheel pare wheel, overioad springs. Telephone INGLIS traller for s three rooms, fur- shed, Telephone ater S$ p.m, 728 9939, USED aexie hitch, 40-ib sepeelty Full! price $65 Telephone Js t When sell- | rniture 28 store used phone to the buying ces e six tor appl carries after 5 ptr luggage tralier, 1964 Genera Electric five pleces, bedroom suite, beds, double dresser and jtable, two leatherette chesterfleids jchair, 723-9525. |HEINTZMAN AND RISCH and plano, HH dtodd atl kitchen suite, tw A end) c In iors tinishe: ' PAINT motors. anks, and hite. Telephone |6--Morine Equipment -- UNITED RENT-ALLS Isi BIRTHDAY SPECIALS KE NEW---ONE ONLY FIBREGLASS RUNABOU Pad elf vith wo pistons, two} electric, two two regulators; 400 ft two guns. Reasonable price. months only, Telephone 942- 6754, HONEST CALS Furniture ances. Name brands at biggest discounts'c any where We cerry tonic a Bever ess ti suthor- de * Cal's at 9 SPRAYER gas 3 1 GE act i le Con Hon SCRAP HARDWOOD one-foot lengths. 723-228) VACUUM repairs. brushes, etc. Pic after om \t hoses, |$ 942-0913, | 2 Street, moekes. delivery Main al! up Service. epe Best ,C Sebastie manny Jed equ Je pped 15 e $ 1 $7.50 ex 196 =] ord P. eng alternate BODY HARDWOOD cellent tlreplace, lengtha, single i Mercur H selectric start ever controls $795 Complete We'll even loan you 6 trailer. SATURDAY DOOR - CRASHER PICNIC TABLES (for the cottage) $16.50 finished $12.50 unfinished E TICKETS every f e gie = ise siecioion FOR SALE ~-- Gariand Frymaster fryer. Natural gas. Telephone Ti 5604 FULL: LENGTH wedding dress, vell_ and) lust fi ke worn once, size Tei bi phone 725-1401 wringer venous 725-0524} NORGE ORVER, type washing Recning 5 pm, | PIANO, jtune, $140, latter 8 |FREEZER, McClery, upright, 15 cubi foot; Niagara Message hand vibrator | and cushion In leather case; two life pre it jservers; child's electric stove, 728-5484, | - 750 x 14, nearly new; five bar! new, Telephone 728-243 WESTINGHOUSE upright Kelvinator electr ange Jition. Telephone dark brown, in 728-4246 before 3 or ypright Telephone | 2 with HA 1964 $150 celle LIKE NEW picnic ta freezer $35. x 5386 deluxe Collier s Junior Cla r best-offer MOTO MOWERS ' Reg. $89 Our Price $69 2 yeor $48 k with | cl SPACE HEATER Findlay (large) 1 ond! worn tank, good t oint 40-inch stove, space $30; Hoover Telephone 655-4486 PIANO $20 Coleman ym, § SPACE HEATER Coleman for r sme cottage }with pipes and 100-gal. o Telephone Brookiln 655-4971 |GOLF CLU =-Ledy"s and gent's. Com plete th ba Telephone 668-5305 7 WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni ture or anything you have. The Trading ae Store, 446 Simcoe ISouth, 7 DINETTE te at eater, v Suitable tank, $60 UNITED RENT-ALLS Sale ce Wilson at Olive 728-5565 Street $ 1 2 } Rentals 7 352 kitchen edar French wainut ne; wa % chest esk k map 5-638 after Mia 5 SAIL BOAT and vite pletely equipped. sails, deck space, [warty and no class. t7aso4l9, vy dut tratle om. be ft. long, two sets of WHITE CH, ar y size excellent condition, sea-| three clusters, $3 up. Also $700, Telephone|cents and up. Apply 372 West or telephone 728-9530. ¢. ind jt King stret| (COLEMAN |GENORON ¢ |navy, Family Displays and 1s | TELEVISIONS and sewing machines, | set pr night | stove, tlony | pho ne very good condition: also chest of draw-|ADDING machine, typewrile ailon of hose|BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-| SIAMESE Used | pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or| Male | 263-2695, pie | COLEMAN ail Kendall Avenue. TYPEWRITER, Excelient for tirep ace 97.75 single COrd.| MATTRESSES, THREE ROOMS of furnilure, $298.50 down payment, HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and used, gonalt ti until 9 p.m FURNITURE -- | ty furniture, only $299, Includes complete} [Pay only $3 weekly, Unbeatable vaivel| | Barons' South, QUANTITY of stor |MODEL DiS "Allis-Chaimers tractor with loader lawn mowers, one used pop cooler, ply PORTABLE refrigerator, REFRIGERATOR, dition TRAILER -- Encyclo COTTAGE SPECIALS -- two only, Tea ettes kitchen chairs, $2.50 up; kitchen table 'and| extra DINETTE. SUITE, lamp, Street Complete CHE STERFIELD. ELECTRIC GUITAR and amplifier with case | JOISTS, City | tank, TV TOWERS SPECIAL str $ TYPEW RITERS, gu kins Business Machines, Sales and serv-| |8--Articles for $e le ------ ELMER'S FURNITURE and APPLIANCES HAMPTON JUST ARRIVED Two Homes of Furniture & Appliances SOME NEARLY NEW OPEN ALL WEEKEND and Every Evening COTTAGERS' SPECIALS HAMPTON 263-2294 OR 263-2695 BUY AND SELL -~ Good used furniture and appliances, One location only. P Furniture, 444 Simeoe South. 723-3271, FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, , a heavy duty stove; $125 for beth. Lioyd baby arriage Fonds car seat, etc., $20, Tele phone 725-6686. CHESTERFIELD SEY -- four-seater, alx jmonths old, $95; wedding gown, complete, jsize 16 $45. 93 Lawrence Street, 725-2059, ORIGINAL ol/ WRECKING NURSES' RESIDENCE ek GE ine Ajax-Pickering General Hospital 25 ft All sizes lumber, wooden trusses 1" end 2" dressed copper cast iron pipes Windows with Air vents Electric wiring Cement blocks Floor timber Plywood. frames Floor tile Everything Goes AT Y2 PRICE ist be s paintings landscapes, portraitures -- also custom picture fram ng, Cail Clark Studio, Days 728-0432, eves., and week-ends 648-4497, 325 Breck North, Whitby LARGE DESK, continental bed; complete; odd washing machine. chair, dressers (3); 39" box' tralier, oll furnace, aiuminum windows; doors; 726-5385. |S8T OF TWIN beds beds, Ivory and gold fleck headboards jana hardweod frame. Qne Sunbeam blender, new. Ajax 942-2171 Id in the next 10 do Salesmen on job from 7PM weinul, new) twin A M to JANSSEN' S POWER EQUIPMENT CENTRE Moto-Mower Massey Fergus on ~=Riding = Tractors, Service on al! power equip | 726-3361 ment. Licenced mechanic on |BOUBLE Siginiess sleel sink with t excellent condition; boy's <! 12, sports jackets, shirts. 843 Ki ing West 28-9429 | ably priced Telephone 723-5864, USED English saddle. "i excellent & tor: pp e te @ Stone dition, Telephone 726-777 Mulch @ Building Materials GUNS -- Boughi, "rads ~rapared ACO FUEL & STOVE Ol at ans Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, 728-973 ree 24-hr, Burner Service { ; taro i} Whitby's Only Local y-. Ky alte Sree Ver | cottage _Telephoni Texaco Deoler Call 668-3524 '9--Market "rar WDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St, South APPLES __ |THREE- PIECE chestertle ia" INTOSH & SPY§ cod condition. © Teleptione $1 50 per Bu. | MOFFAT electric renge, thre ALGOMA tener ORCHARDS THICKSON RD, NORTH WHITBY JANSSEN'S COUNTRY IN FRUIT MARKET fruit end vegetables Apples sold by the Host of imported pro- LLOYD baby carriage and stroller com bined, $20. Telephone Whitby aor. | ACCORDION, almost new, Best IBuys Telephone 725- 5364 |40 FY. of self-serve me [sections and 40 ff. selfs lin 10-ff, sections Cheap, for quick SA x 3291 ee. vari, Apply 521] oll space heater, idesl for cottage, in excellent condition, Apply 214) Kendall Avenue. 728-967 |GOOb, used, three-piece bedroom suite,| plate glass mirror, Telephone 655-| | DRIV baby cerriage, white win Telephone 723-4710. | FURNITURE -- thr ity furniture, only 9, In com bedroom, living room, kitchen | Pp nly $3, weekly, Unbeat-| 3s' Home Furnishings, Fresh 843 KING W siaulidliak Calviacctisaidl MAPLE SYRUP Yor sale. Take Highway "adding machines @ndi3s from 40) to Concession 12 Manvera, new and rebulit. One year Andrew Heasi Pr Bethany Ri, Outstanding good buys. Jen -- ib. bag 983, TYPEWRITERS, time cks 9 arantee, Business Machines, Sales and serv- 7783, Open evenings |NEW 'CUSTOM BOAT seats é wheels, tarps, si | 10 jaa and shape plus, Stock. A Kensas DEAD and crippled farm stock picked Traveller acritice prices, 728-7909 s JP promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyroi NEW BOAT windshield. and vinyl seat|Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721, also new steering wheel; old Vic-|Licence 389-C-6s role 'with records. Must sel Telephone /SEEO clean oats for sale, 61 bushel. Bow: be 423-2243 BUY AND SBLL -- Good Used furnit ure WELL ROTTED | ho 2 appliances, Goold's F ture, Dundas East, v indsh leld ds, q 1 Su Sacrifi manville re "egg bushel, De Whitby, 668-54 vered 725-4394 or 11 --Pets aa 'liek POODLES, with paces Street rent rates, Honest Cal' 19) -- miniature, 1 registered white Well trained. Apply 778 Hore pete TOWER SPECIAL -- 4 icture, hot dipped galvanized 0 neludin ¢ all-channel antennas pletely installed, tax included $50. See ali on, * corner »p "Shepherds, ¢ pi stock, registe: e Wh tby $68 533) A GERMAN Shepherd, Telephone 728» quaran: towers at Ly Bond and German : eA elephe 728-5 143-4 POOL TABLE, § "complete|maie, 1 balls, Value #300, selling for halt-\WANTED good homes Jsed three months. Also car, '55 i Ritter iamobiler new plates, $75. Motor A-l,! 723 REFRIGARATOR, il cuble toot electrielnce' SRANCH "Ker $0"; kitchen set, ' table, . four nies four years old; excellent candi- also {iving room furniture. Tele 723-1435, seven months old, two 45. for two pretty Telephone Ajax 942-4734 efter 4 els, horses, goats, registered German Shepherds, pup Stud services,. boarding. Ashburn, 655-4662, evenings. | BEAUTIFUL baby Itraining, talkin ; eashlers, | Broad, 114 "Elgin files, desks,| -- service and| HORSE three years oid, "Buckskin®, Good runner, $250 or best offer. Tele phone 'Bob' 468-4564 after @ _& Bm. Sealpoint kittens, beautiful, and female, house trained, seven |weeks old. These kittens make @ lovely [and Intelligent pet, $25, 725-7616, all ages, hairs, strain, Ea dg) Apply Mrs. '¥ dupiicators, chequewriters, chairs, We buy, sell, rent, de with budget terms, New and used ~, low prices, Bill Hamilton, Raglan. oftage, | . Phone Brook- lin, 655-3847, "add-/ LABRADOR ed; and house-train- one black puppy) also Collies, Scotch Toy, $25,-$50, delivered, Port Perry, : portable, $40, Gne Yellow, two-total cash regis: machine, $25.; typewriter, $65.3 calcu $85,; electri 723-4434 ator, "smooth top conatruction, |KITTENS, free. hundreds of colls. sremendevs sevings,|creamy beige, part P 26.88. Bunk beds, $57. Wiison's Furniture,|soft grey Church Street orange striped, 12--A rticles Wanted |PIANO WANTED -- low style in good reasonably priced. Telephone $15 monthly, 728-919 424 King West, at Nese at's, 191, 299. No down payment. Honda Shop, Open evenings | 728-1 199 King West ie 13--Article for Rent Three rooms, new qual-| = Vial 728-4242 Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles RENTALS 463 Rits 725-3338 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church alsie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 419 Simcoe Street North. Cail 723-2414, ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred Ize|peopie? Oshawa Tennis Club for bane Good con-|quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Rese Sonable rates, 728-6315 WHEEL CHAIRS reducing Ald Rentals edroom, living room, klichen ensembles, | Home Furnishings, 424 oe sultable for plant reasonable. Telephone 728-8925. | NIT'S new and used Ariens roto-tiliers, | SARGEANT'S Ap-| Road ers, etc., Ferguson's BA, 163-2351 Taunton use on 110 volt- 2 volt or Propane. Used one season, $80 deal for trailer, Whitb Evercold, and range, General Electric. 725-1626. Home-made. ideal for Eu- $95, Wood tent, 9 ft by 9 ft 728-5433 hosplia sick Beatri (beds, walkers, room suppiles, @, 725-1644, Phone 108 TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for RESULTS Telephone 723-3492 $8 itchen cupboards, five only, refrigerators, vel ar $9.95; new and hairs sets, $12; roli-away beds, $15 sed beds,.$15. Valley Creek Furni-| ure, 16 Bond Street West, 728-440) double bed kitohen buffet Apply 195 'able, three chairs. hall rack and seat Saturday after 1 and 'ondition NO matching good brown. Telephone T'S 10. Excellent dition. Telephone 23-5018, Px "eoti *h00 "$2 pieces, $150 $60. New bricks, 400. gation. 123-5079 45. Telephone foot tower Installed mited, 363 ~ 40 el! antenna Supp 28-8180 adding = mact and rebuilt Jutstanding good buys tructure shewa Street tr a\l-chan deportmenta 4 ¢ Fri to 5:00 ber m. Sot. 8:00 e.m. to 12:00 p.m ear Ines me ew One uaran tee. 8:00 46 jee, 728-7783. Open evenings.

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