Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1965, p. 17

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Trae eae ie enigeatt ee eabecmne aaptey pee nfo iel she bie WEDDING ALBUM , | ' ¥ Koblak, was hostess at a mis-jwith an heirloom bedspread by A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The G Tomorrow 5 Bride cellaneous shower at her homejher neighbors in the Mary street Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The '| Prior to her marriage tomor-/0n Park road north. She was/area. Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding Mui: , , j ~~ |row to Mr. Richard Preedham,|25sisted by Mrs. William Kob-| Following the rehearsal to- record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and et 4 fo j Wa Ri e\Miss Cheryl Steenburgh was|/@* and Miss Barbara Koblak.|night, the wedding party will a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as @ f ' ' ' q y ' wi 'de honored at several showers and), "ts:. Morris Chard, assisted|be entertained at the home of possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit 'the J ; Ya ms 7 | varties by Mrs, Charles Chard, held athe bride's parens, Mr. and ' i A g J " . miscellaneous shower. /Mrs. Carmon Steenburgh, Mary names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the . A 4 _ | Her maid of honor, Miss Eva' The bride-elect was presented| street. social editor either before or the day after the wedding. , zs - m aor Richards - Scott \ a > i 5 Sed COMPLETE LINE OF Marilyn Alice, daughter ofjin formal sheaths of on 4 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E, | truquoise shantastik with bow , 4 | \ Scott, Kingston road west, Osh-|and tie-back accent, topped with? i p é ' : SE awa, and Robert Ross Rich-|whife Chantilly lace jackets, © Bo a E 4 Bt ' Woe, 'tie Z | ards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross| short-sleeved and back-putfon-7 4 oe pas j | FE. Richards of Bowmanville,jed. Turquoise silk and white iy y 4 j é TW. 4 were united in marriage lastilace headdresses held theiry Saturday afternoon by thelover-the-face veils and theyg ~ Reverend L. Wesley Herbert carried nosegays of white chrys-@ © The ceremony took place inj@%themums, pink-tipped andy 1H, . j Z i : King Street United Church. The cemtred with a pink carnation. @ Ws 4 jj ; i i '; ' 2 ' . organist, Mr R hydd i 4 Wil Mr. Maurice Richards, Bow--- ~ A Ty gag gee Z We take pride in growing garden plants of the ; jams, playe the wedding manville, was the best mang™ ih Z ' ' Py da: '" j i li f ae el mentee We eek ge ional : , as ? : first quality from carefully selected seeds, Douglas Williams of Whitby, | Richards, Bowmanville, an ss ; Ge, the 'bride's cousin, who sang|Mr. Lloyd Scott, Oshawa. i , ies ; -- a YOUR GARDEN AND GROW ! d s rayer "The ; j Vig } > 4 . Paired ig Receiving in the Centennial % # oP", Wedding Prayer" and "'O Per- 41, a ee "ido? | : » , in, : 'ig: 4 40 V me 4 uh) all.of the church, the bride's & t , " 4 ley Z : t f B t fect Love mother was wearing a sheat 4 4 , " ie. i * arie 1es 0 e unias Mr. Scott gave his daughteridress of French 'organza in' ' : 4 in marriage. She wore' a full-ishocking pink on empire lines" { veo length gown of French Guipure with a short-sleeved bodice of; p a. ch ae & VEGETABLE PLANTS lace with three-quarter sleeves|Guipure lace with a fan-tail back "Ss a Moras and a scalloped neckline. Alinterest. A hat of pink petal A FLORIDA HONE Y- Elizabeth Kinch, .is the e ROSE BUSHES prog tg =n to'deepening to match her dress MOON followed the mar- daughter of Mr. and Mrs ' PEAT MOSS matc the neckline, flowed' and pink and white accessories 2 riage of Mr. and Mrs. Mi- Graham P. Kinch and the -- Hyp A sesame} A four-tier'and a white gladioli corsage Ze *, % j | chael Heffering in St. John bridegroom's parents are bad veil of illusion, billowing below'with pink ribbons completed 4 the Evangelist Roman Ca Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hef the shoulders was secured by|her ensemble. The bridegroom's es 4 4 tholic Church recently. The fering, all of Whitby ® FERTILIZER, ETC. a crown of seed pearls, opaque! mother wore a mist green floral, g m | bride, the former Rosanna --Photo by Stannett crystals and Guipure lace, She!silk: dress with pale green wm ssetitetieatiastatiiialiatiintie . =| - ---- ° carried pink Delight roses in a overlay jacket with hat and AN AFTERNOON wed- Oshawa, to Robert Ross TIP BRINGS FORTUNE EVERY ONE WEDDED HERE'S HOW TO FIND US: Our Specialty : accessories to match and a com ding in King Street United Richards, son of Mr, and MIDDLESBROUGH, England) TRESSILLIAN, England (CP) is Mrs. Clifford Barton of. Lon- sage of pink gladiolas Chure Saturday. { ' a nurch, sAst: Saruray, ns Mrs. Ross F. Richards, |(@P)--Mrs. Marlene Richardson When six nu.ses left Cornwall TAUNTON RD. E | don, Ontario, was the matron [ater the couple left on a) ed in marriage, Marilyn 2 of honor. The other attendants wedding trip to Puerto Rico Alice, daughter of Mr. and Bowmanville won £279,399 ($839,197) in a foot- for work in Canada a year ago SLAND RD were Mrs. Lloyd Scott, Osh- The bride donned a floral print-| Mrs.- Clarence E. Scott Aldsworth Photography 'ball pool by writing down a careach one pledged she would re ROSSLAND RI awa, Miss Hazel Richards, Bow-\ed silk sheath, a coat of tur registration number, She and @ {urn single. Only one, Barbara manville, and Miss . Gayle|quoise lined with print, pink hat . . syndicate of 10 people needed|_, a ne : KING ST, EAST T Blakely, junior bridesmaid, of!and aecessories and a corsage Heffering = Kinch one combination to fill their Christmas, did so. She brought : PLAN S Greenbank. The flower girl was of pink chrysanthemums coupon, so they jotted down the her Canadian fiance across the Miss Linda Richards of Bow-- Mr. and Mrs. Richards: will 'he number of a passing car--and|Atlantic to be married in Tres marriage of Rosannaicarried a bouquet of while car He oe stephanotis and deep|WOn first dividend sillian For a Wide Selection of First Quality Plants manville return make their home in mn: 0 © Mets , Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mations They were all dressed alike Oshawa M CG ai pink. roses Mrs. Graham P. Kinch, and M nations and deep pink Sweet-|Florida and as the couple Miss Jacqueline Heffering chael Anthony Heffering, son of ic Tt f | g, as ' "ide art s » bridegr v's left, the bri y yea 4 Mr, and Mrs. Albert Heffering Whitby was th bridesmaid hea rose The bridegroonr de was wearing a 6) ~ a ton all of Whitby, was solemnized ia wearing. a full-length, empire|/mother chose a Dior blue suit/pale yellow boucle suit with St. John the Evangelist Roman *°*" " des pink ant ri Pig with a light blue and white flow- Matching cape, black accessor Queen Street United Church,jand Mrs. Douglas Oke, Lind-|Catholic Church, recently by the 1 Alan noe IE a the eotee ered hat and a corsage of pink py and a black wide-brimmed lower { Se 2 ns lat she wore Lindsay, was the set |say oy wore c t everend Owen Cochrane a ' ndsay, a h etting onjsa They wore opper-tone!R nd Owen Cochrane color in her hair and carried/carnations, Sweetheart roses and Mc Saturday afternoon for the mar-jdresses of peau de soie with) Mrs. P. N. Sprat ae than } "f fag : and Mrs. Heffering are riage of Nancy Gail Walton and/slightly belled skirts and match-| ganist and a heeetad the white carnations and deep, pink stephanotis residing at 330 Gibb. street HARMONY RD. NORTH Just South of TAUNTON RD, E. David John Hood. The bride jsjing shoulder capes and picture} soloist, Mrs. Hugh Polson the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|hats. Their flowers were yellow) Given in marriage by her fa John Walton of Lindsay and/shasta daisies ther, the bride wore a full the bridegroom's parents are) The flower girl, Miss Laurie|length gown of bridal-white peau Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hood archer of Raglan, was dressed|de soie on empire lines with a For the reception at the Fly-| of Oshawa similarly with a bridal bandeau|chapel train and elbow-length, ing Dutchman Motor Hotel, the) The: Reverend Ben Garrett and short veil. She carried yel- wide sleeves bordered with a bride's mother wore a pink bou-| officiated and the soloist sang low daisies. double flounce of Swiss lace. A'cle suit with navy blue acces- "OQ Perfect Love' and "The Mr. Robert A. Hood was thejhigh crown of Swiss lace held|sories, a navy blue and white Lord's Prayer' by Maloite. best man and the ushers were|her veil of silk tulle and she hat and a corsage of while car- whe bilke Whe wah ven in IMr. John Fields and Mr. Rob- marriage by her father wore | gre rope " : a "f . . f reception was e a e seonagrenain, own of, wniltlRoyal Canadian. Legion "Aud over which flowed a detachable} ou Lindsay and later the vain, Hav haadena wie pees left for a -- brant, fourier veil of net Ase ht, S008 Pty with scalloped edging and she!. a "tb carried a Slaauae of ly yellow including . princess-line ; dress ' and coat and picture hat with rosebuds a corsage of red rosebuds The matron of honor was~- Mr. and Mrs. Hood will re a : Lee? ; > Mrs. Edward Campbell, Osh- turn to reside at Oxford Park 2 awa, and the attendants were,Towers, 822 Glen street, Apt ; all ; ; Sack ' SUPERB Mrs. Barry Stovin, Oshawa,'607, Oshawa. 8% z, | hee 3 Be : - ee WASHER Women Ask Study Of Courses ae Sy) 4: vai Open to Practical Nurses WA Se aa --- LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The|"but we must make sure thes Provincial Council of Women|come up to certain standards will ask the Ontario govern ment to conduct an 'investiga ; tive study" of courses offered, resenting 16 provincial councils by schools of practical nursing | Tuesday registered at conven The resolution was proposed| tion headquarters at the Univer by a London committee after a Sity of Western Ontario three-year study Delegates approved e an 3 » Grace Versey, head of the amended resolution by the Tor F committee, said it had found atjonto council asking the provin ' # least one school in Ontario} cial body to approach the On es which offers a practical course'tario government to strengthen 3 ah é ) mainly by correspondence securities legislation by provid AS H FAT JACKPOT PRIZE 'There is a need for practi-jing higher standards in. finan- e FOR THE BIG G cal nurses," Miss Versey said,icial reporting . iy ; : : . Did your tired old heating system just stagger a day service e Fuel supply always on hand through the past winter? Will it last through e Free adjustment--anytime. another hard heating season? Now, take advantage of Summer installation Fo r Al j Y 6] U r : : WW ' Chancesare, if your furnace is 10 or more years prices. Your Automatic Gas Heating can be in- old you aren't getting all the heat you pay for. stalled quickly, conveniently, with no waiting, Fuel bills are high, performance is low. Nowis _no fuss or muss... and with no inconvenience. ; ie) N the time to install dependable, automatic Gas _ to you. And, you'll be surprised at the low cost! ; \ heating and enjoy truly worry-free heating luxury creases : for many years to come, e Only Gas heating gives you all these advantages: No Down Payment e Low cost installation e Special low rates e Low e No payment until September are here to Stay in oS g cost Anetra e . film ba smudge : orless @ Space saving-- a uipmen S lj # " ' S : on fuel aire ° Silent juntos © 24-hour . Easy payments on your Gas bill L No-iron Koratron HERE'S HOW YOU CAN WIN THE BIG 'CAS HEAT 8 OUT OF 10 FAMILIES IN METRO WHO BUY HEATING BUY GAS. See... cotton slacks " JACKPOT' PRIZE! When you buy Residential Gas Heating ' : (Furnace, Boiler, Conversion Burner) Permanently 'crecsed, right' from: the': washer you qualify, for the Grand Gas Heat + +. and permanently wrinkle free! Stop in Jackpot Prize. All these fabulous Gas ond stock up on these brand mew wonder slacks! appliances can be yours!--everything you need for truly Modern Living with Our range of styles and rs is wide ond the Gas: service first rate, Today? @ TAPPAN-GURNEY DOUBLE OVEN RANGE PRICED 41 @ INGLIS FULLY-AUTOMATIC WASHER FROM... @ INGLIS 2-SPEED DRYER @ RUUD ORNAMENTAL OUTDOOR LIGHT 4 DRIVE-IN GARDEN ares Aaygyiins © RUUD READY-FOR-ACTION GAS BARBECUE (Gonsumers (Cas SUPPLY SERVICE OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT 29 CELINA ST.--OSHAWA 728-7363 : MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY p SRLKLLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLLP LHL No Money Down -- No Carrying Charges 1259 SIMCOE ST. NORTH @ OR CALL YOUR LOCAL DEALER NO PARKING PROBLEM Lockwood Heating York Plumbin i : 9 Shorgas Modern Sheet Metal Stanley Heatin OPEN 8 A.M, 'TIL DUSK 723-2511 728-1731 728-7363 728-8163 725-7783 ' Everything for Lawns, Gardens, Landscaping : Borrowdale J Foley ' : New-W; Caeaneninne ts ios #- Pasig iarcae ne hapa Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Joe The Plumber Kilpatrick Plumbing Plumbing & Hosting em Rand ceaatcenhe re iaton, atonal 728-0173 723-1191 668-4247 623-3613 728-0173 PRETTY MAY WEDDINGS UNITED THESE COUPLES | Pyne aa |. eee . OSES The honeymoon was spent iniOshawa The best man was Mr. John Mulville of Oshawa and Freder ick Martin, Whitby, ushered Approximately 60 women rep *Drawn Monthly for three months, Yes! | am considering new heating. Please send me a free copy of your heating booklet 'You Can't Beat Gas Heat"! | under- stand that when | buy Gas Heating | qualify to win the Grand Gas Heat Jackpot Prize. NAME ADDRESS. i ] PHONE. BIRO 9

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