Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1965, p. 16

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ROR data H&S. Association Closes Year With Supper | The Vincent Massey Home jand School Association held a : |pot-luck supper and social eve-| jning recently to close out its DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. CENTRE STREET UCW to bring one or two articles (East Unit) jworth about fifty cents for a jseason, He .. penny sale at this meeting. The. president, Mrs. GordonThe May meeting of the Kas!' phe next regular meeting of Garrison, weleomed those pres-\Unit of Centre, Street United the UCW will be held at the ent and introduced the head|Church Women was held atichurch on May 26. table guests as: Mr. and Mrs,|the home of Mrs, Fred David- ' 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Moy 21, 1965 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Gerald Harper, Mrs. Ross Por- 59, Whitby. Mrs. Eldon South-| GAVE DAY AS PRESENT teous, Mrs. Keith Smith and Well opened the meeting with) herself, The teachers were also 'he poem "God Speaks." Mrs, | BRANDS HATCH, England Eiiiies . an i{(CP)--Mrs. Bileen Tynon gave guests for the evening. |W, FE, Miller and Mrs, Earl ; ; | rep onpeiment Pb the fol-(Bilcox. were in charge of the| her husband Joe, a motor-racing Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor SCOUT GROUP AUXILIARY SPONSORS ART SHOW -- sponsored by the 5th man, presidént of the auxil- Group Aux- recently United Good- The work of local artists, art left to right, Libby Bottrell, Oshawa Scout Dorothy Barlow and Lois iliary held Johns, was featured at a at Northminster luncheon and showing of Church. Mrs. Lorne welcome and Mrs Walter opened the lary, gave a introduced Branch, who Teas, Showers, Parties Honor Bride-Elect; Patricia Cornish Miss Patricia Diane Cornish,; Mrs. R. Leo Gray wore a whose marriage takes place to-|beige lace suit with beige acces- morrow to Mr. David Tod Gray,'sories. Mrs. R. T. Gray wore a in St. Andrew's United Church'navy blue silk suit with match- has been entertained at many'ing accessories. showers and parties. A cocktail party attended by A neighborhood miscellaneous many guests, was held at the shower was held at the home/home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald of Mrs. Meredith Jones, with Storie in honor of the bridal Miss Donna Cornish, Mrs. Pat-'couple who were presented with rick Judge and Mrs. Robertia set of living room lamps Jones assisting is The future bridegroom was A linen shower was held at/presented with a flight bag and the home of Mrs. Patrick Judge,a sum of money from _ his co-hostess were Miss Donna friends Cornish and Mrs. Robert Bar Miss Cornish's co-workers at clay. Attending were friends of the Credit» Bureau, presented the bride-to-be her with a gift Mrs. Robert T. Gray and Mrs.| Mrs. Cornish entertained at a Fm R. Leo Gray held an afternoon trousseau tea in her daughter's tea in honor of the bride-to-be|honor, at the home of the bride- at Adelaide House. Those re- elect's sister, Mrs. Patrick ceiving were Mrs. R. T. Gray, Judge. St the future bridegroom's mother; Assisting Mrs. Cornish to re- Mrs. R. L. Gray, his grand-\ceive the guests were the mother; Mrs. Donald F. Cor-|bride-to-be, and Mrs. Robert T nish, the bride-elect's mother Gray. and Miss Patricia Cornish Mrs. Robert Mole, Miss Linda Those pouring tea were Mrs.|Harper, Miss Irene Frobel and Donald Storie, Mrs. Lloyd Cola-/Miss Linda Fice poured tea. cutt, Mrs. John Burns and Mrs.|Serving were Mrs. Robert Bar- Ewart Alger. Those serving clay, Miss Karen Gray, Mrs were Mrs. Patrick Judge, sis-- Robert McKinley and the bride- ter of the bride-to-be; Miss elect's sisters, Miss Donna Cor- Donna Cornish and Miss Karen/nish and Mrs. Patrick Judge. Gray, the prospective bride-/ The guest book was kept by groom's sister; Mrs. Peter Cox, |the junior bridesmaid, Miss| By DENNIS ORCHARD Miss Lyn Pierson, Miss Susan'Bobbi Cornish, youngest sister : Powell, Miss Linda Fice, Mrs. of the future bride, .and Miss): VANCOUVER (CP) -- Nick Robert Barclay and Miss Mary'Kim Judge, her niece, assisted|Kay is the most popular flag- Dickson. the guests on arrival. man in British Columbia Miss Cornish received, wear-|. Following the wedding rehear-| Reason is, she comes with ing a blue linen box suit with sal Friday evening, the bridal|silk-soft wavy hair and bright powder blue accessories. Mrs.|party will be entertained at ajblue eyes. Donald F. Cornish, mother of supper party at the home of, Friends in the city know her the bride-elect, wore a beige and/Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Collacutt,,as Karen Kay, 18, graduate of brown knit suit with beige ac-jassisted by their daughter,)West Vancouver high school, cessories. Mrs. Richard Chaffe $200-a-month junior elerk at ---------------- -- --|Burrard Dry Dock, daughter of the superintendent of City Con struction Co But she has fled this environ ment already this spring for her beloved north, where she can't wait for the smell of dust and the fatigue of 12-hour days flag detecting and " ping "my traffic' past the pay Th was born@ ing crews by the sale of Christmas Sea Karen is the darling of truck Mr. M. McIntyre Hood's world drivers and tourists wherever affairs report. was read by Mrs. City Construction happens ° to Hood dealing specifically with)have a paving or roadbuilding Viet Nam during these serious|contract on the go. She has seen 'and anxious days with the threati|more of British Columbia Since of a major war in the offing.|she was 10 than most of The regent expressed the hope province's citizens do in a life that the Golden Jubilee Chapter, | ime together with the Prince Philip) !t's onl) Chapter would sponsor a float fulltime flag but for the parade on Dominion Day Part-time work in 1963 in Oshawa. Mrs. Alfred Aus-fore that she was tin, Mrs. L. O. Irwin, Mrs, J.fteckled kid in W, Giarard, Mrs, Leo Glover clambered around and Mrs. A. §. Whattam volun-\¢ry from Grey ( teered to assist with the decor- "ace. and Vancouver ating. the Cariboo r saa Ben Kay has always taken his ' Mrs J W. Girard, the chap- wife and daughter with him on ter's delegate at the 45th annual ' on meeting of the IODE held ing encom jobs and Karen Hamilton in April, gave a full "TCS 1S responsibilities $0 and interesting report. Mrs. Gir-|: losely could almost step ard thanked the regent. for ac-|!'? his shoes companying her, and the mem- DROVE, TRUCK FIRST bers for selecting her as dele-|. She drove a pickup truck b gate. Mrs. Mitchell expressed|fore she touched the wheel of a the pleasure of the Chapter that|car, There's a good chance she Mrs. Girard was one of twoj\could operate a bulldozer or a among 800 delegates to the mect-lrock crusher in a pinch, al ing to be selected to have her though to admit experience with picture in the Hamilton fator Mrs. ©, KE. Hill, membership oy heh ed Mrs. Math-ic, G. Luke noted the ' , a new member, meeting would be May 31, to the chapter A ae Se to the members for prizes do fifth Monda nated, and especially to Mrs Mrs. Mitchell the The meeting closed with the Leo Glover for her generous @tention of the that singing of 'God Save the Queen" and capable a: next month a_ reallotment of/with Mrs. Leo Glover, the flag would be considered. Mrs officiating Thank You... peepee Day eae ee ¢ Christopher's Catholic Parent Teacher Associa- tion elected a new president, Mrs. Wilfred Ottenbrite, left, at its closing meeting held recently, Mrs. Rudy Nagel, Prince Philip Chapter, IODE To Hold Tag Day On May 28 Mrs. J. W. Girard, ways and.in means convener, reported to the regular meeting of the Prince Philip Chapter of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Em- pire, that the Chapter's annual tag day would be held this year on Friday, May 28. Mrs. J. A Mitchell regent, presided. Mrs, Wallace Butler on services at abroad, announced Frank Taylor, Mrs. Gordon At- tersley and Miss Adelaide Go- heen had staffed the Tuck Shop Shop at Hillsdale recently, Vol- uteers for May 21 were Mrs A. S. Whattam, Mrs. C. G. Luke and Mrs. L. 0. Irwin Authorization was given for the purchase of contents | for 'Personal Property and Nursery Bags' which had already been made by sewing group mem- bers. A letter of appreciation from Korean Cho-Ok-Soon was read thanking the members for her birthday card and for spon sorship Mrs. W. S. C. Larmer, reported that comments of heart cancer ailments. cost the reporting home and that Mrs her second year as a she had and be just. the jeans who the machin- reek to Ter- Island to she money social judg- both guests 15th held at the Golf when 40 mem bers and guests were present, proved to he one of the most enjoyable held by the Chapter Mrs. Larmer expressed thanks convenei ing by the members and birthday party Club in April the Spec-\either would be to admit breach of union contracts next the brought to meeting sistance with bearer, funds Mrs. Attersley, assistant cational secretary, read of thanks from the pupils of the Chapter's adopted school at Eau Claire, Ont., expressing appre ciation for the -record player which the members had sent a dream come Pictures of the pupils taken a picnic Jast year were the Chapter and shown It was announced that talent aprons would be available at the close of the meeting regent introduced Mrs Mr D. K.. Stiles, TBR Survey representative, who spoke about the coming TB Survey in the City of Oshawa, beginning May 95. and urged members to offer their One of its main purposes was that of assisting apparently healthy people to. find hidden cases awa with carriers. It also assisted edu letters true On behalf of Ben Abramoff Creative Coiffures Ben would like to thank the custorners their with Styling by sent to who co-operated with us during Ben's absence while he went to The States to take advanced training on his new Curve Cut and Swing Line Style CREATIVE COIFFURES 360 King St. W., Oshawa The assistance thus doing : CPTA ELECTS NEW PRESIDENT Flagging Traffic In B.C. North Co-Ed's Novel Occupation Telephone 723.- 3474 for Women's Department Many guests from out of town) The ladies of the Oshawa Golf attended the Richards - ScottiCjyb held their opening day on Eee eg ae caon, Male eanesany in the form of a two- loans ate: and Mrs, Valdemar|ball foursome in the afternoon, |Metski, St. Catharines; Mr. and/a cocktail party and Dickens' Mrs, James verge BurineNite in the evening, Fifty-six ton; Mrs. Cliffor arton, Lon-) i ast : " "|lwomen piayed in the opening don, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs.|, ae f : Grant Richards, Willowdale: poe wee ree ven OF BS Mrs. Nelson Blakely, Miss lla Wane: ais: Navid Landar Stone, Toronto, pplicil spb and Mrs. Reginald Aker; Mrs. W. 7s Tek pps all of Walter Libby and Mrs. sg mer, Miss 4 or, cal MR > 'trike: ¢ South Monaghan, Ontario; Mrs. -f ag' SR gee oe ig Pia ae "Everett Beach, Mrs. Morley | tenry and Mrs John Geikie; Cook, Port Hope; Mr. and MIS-yirs é David. I é Bowman ' {Frederick Rapley, Halifax, N.S. M ; James Hare: Mrs and others from Greenbank, |, . Mis Ss. F Thi las Calhoun and lan : anvil! y ae my a let vay Biggar; Mrs. Clifford Chambers shawa an¢ t and Mrs. Edward M. Culp; Mrs Claude, Vipond George Lofthouse and Mrs Douglas Langmaid. The dent, Miss May Robson luncheon, which was follow- ed by the showing and sale of the work Times artist's Dr. and Mrs will be in Kingston tomorrow where Dr. Vipond will take yart in a special Convocation ¢ Gens University conferring guests and A aa ns honorary degrees on the Right!mecting followed the dinner |Hono ble Lester B. Pearson; \His Excellency U Thant, and the Reverend H. A. Mellow of |Oshawa. --Oshawa Photo Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Barassin left by plane this week for a holiday in England. Mrs. Manor, Julia Clark Jaycees and Ja} is celebrating her 93rd cettes open their Provincial} Convention in London this weekend, Oshawa clubs will be represented 'by Mr. and Mrs Donald Netley, Mr. and Mrs. edt Fred Bali, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- pobibggay pied Mrs D. L weach Grierson street liam. Stacey, Mr. and Mrs.Jyy 0 'yy ow Mitchell pa iW. E. Eagleson, Mr and Mrs and some of her John Tuck, Mr. and Mrs. James) 9. nachildre = @\Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine/®'a%ecn! yndall, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew f\Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. William| McClelland, Mr. and Mrs. Craig! Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Up: shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry "|Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Toby| {Couture, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas! |Harr, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Kirk, Mr. Roy Atkinson, Mr Robert Holmes, Mr. Bruce Small, Mr, James Shaw, Mr William Richardson, Mr. Don ald Endicott, Mr. Kerry Wil- loughby, and Mr. Gerry Brooks | When the celebrate will be son, Mr. John Clark, street and Mrs. Clark her help her her Alma street; great the retiring president, is leaving Oshawa with her family at the end of June to take up residence in Call- fornia. The new executive will be installed at the first meeting in September. The graduating class of 1965 ' Oshawa, General Hospital Schoo! of Nursing, who will receive their diplomas June 4, and their instructors: were entertained at a buffet supper in the hospital {cafeteria last week by the inter- jmediate students. Later dessert This summer Karen will ag Oe a Know what's up? company the 45-man crew tOlnurces were Sresentad with & FREE theatre party jobs at Tintagel, Usk and/small red leather change purses On Saturday morning Skeena Crossing. Holding herjembossed in gold with the let- U line of traffic while the pilot cariters OGH Mie Laura Blackler May 22nd at 10 0 clock. brings a string from the other|who has been the health nurse Just bring one empty end, she will have her picturejfor staff and student nurses for taken hundreds of times. and|several years has resigned, She READY talk to loggers, farmers, ranch-|was honored at the party and ers and tourists from most/presented with a silver ikora provinces and U.S. states fruit dish from the students. : Ld Adelaide McLaughlin HandS | Kool Aid j studies TB At Final Meeting "Quiet Be trayal" highlighted the last meeting of the Adelaide Me Laughlin Home and School Asso iation. The film brought home to all, the dangers of ignoring or adopting an ostrich-like att tude towards tuberculosis, diagnosis and cure Mr. John DeHart duced by Mr. D. G. Lake. Mr DeHart sequelled the film with a brief talk on same theme. He enlarged on' the sur vey being held in the area, for children and adults and referr-/ ed to tuberculosis as the sleep ing dragon which was present in so many of us and that must be stamped out. Mr. DeHart| was thanked by Mrs. J. S. Cuth- bertson Mr. H. N. Pascoe, principal, announced several future events} such as the school choir; base-| ball leagues; field days; patrol| yicnie: Grade 6 party; closing exercises library books and the auditorium A skit was presented by Mrs Michael Yourkevitch and Mrs. | Arnold Whitney, entitled 'Re- sponsibility Whose?" The skit involved a discussion, over} coffee by two mothers, . about} MORRISON'S UNIFORMS ACCURATE NURSES x. Ng f' INTERNATIONALLY GUARANTEED This eo 2-Piece i \ ir Hey kids! package Seg ; to this one of their children who was a problem both at home and at FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE school. The audience split into groups and discussed possible solutions to the problem OSHAWA-- REGENT A film entitled the The mothers of Mrs. Mark E Thiebaud's room, served re freshments.. It was announced that next year's H and § meet ings, anticipated with a great deal of optimism by. the execu tive under the leadership of Mrs Jack McCarnan, would be held} in Adelaide McLaughlin's new auditorium THE ULTIMATE IN FINE WATCHES NOW ON DISPLAY AT NS JEWELLERS NEW OMEGA was intro- the FOI i a) wil ml Wn UNM ESTAR AB-LY SWISS UNMISTAKABLY PROFESSIONAL e@ Terylene e@ One-piece beautiful window display Diamond Sets . $155 BURNS JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe. North pen Fri, Till 9 P.M cludes Ladies' e@ White or et % 1f ored 7 xs |i hy priced from ' COME IN HOOSE FROM OUR FINE SELECTION TODAY by --et I~ MORRISON'S | Buy an OMEGA now and you will never neéd anothér watch opposite the Armories 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Downtown Oshawe | . \their Eric and Doug- presi- countries in Europe during her wel- of comed the members and their : business Hillsdale \birthday tomorrow. On hand to Grierson and lowing announcements: fie} a devotion using the theme "Wefan, * pocboaryd b odogay sh - will day would be Tuesday, May 25,,Human Beings' from the New oe eck She hired the. with the Home and School As.iCurriculum 'God and His Pur-|PTanas atc racing track for do . ; i" his exclusive use for one day. sociation again providing prize|POSe. It cost her £40 ($120) ribbons and_ selling refresh-| It was announced that there|_ ; avis Ake ments; the Grade 8 banquet|would be a rummage sale, June} would be held June 24, with/15. the mothers of the Grade 8 pu- pils doing the planning and serv-|jyck supper at the next meet- ing; the first meeting in theling at the home of Mrs.'L, H. fall would be September 13 |Willson, Members were asked Mr. Harper thanked the Home - - . and School Association for) ir co-operation and assist- ance throughout the year and| introduced the supply teacher) for the kindergarten, Mrs George Reddick. Mr. John De Hart spoke briefly on the up- coming TB survey. | The evening, under the con-| ' venership of Mrs. Arthur Stone, concluded with Mrs. Garrison showing slides taken in various CALL H It was decided to hold a pot-| pepe, ree oe EXPERT SERVICE Wife Preservers DRAPES Custom Made @ SLIP COVERS @ BROADLOOM @ VENETIAN BLINDS *'Free Estimates" , Call 725-3144 | recent visit there. : need -~| When washing leather or fabric loves on your hands, roll them off. 5 926 Ceeducation was first intro- Pulling or jerking by the fingertips HOWARD 5) pony duced at Oberlin College, Ober- breaks threads. DRAPERIES Oshawe lin, Ohio, in 1837. ene Retailers To Thrifty Canadians OPEN 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. DAILY OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURS. & FRI, anonet 2.8 You say! Bell & Howell - "OK" ONLY 5 4.88 "Must Get One!" Canonet Junior Gives You Everything But The Subject Canonet Junior is the camera now in vogue! It is what is popularly called the signe! camera becouse all you have to do is watch the zone focus marks ond the figures inside the view- finder before shooting the picture. Just set the needle to the desired zone focus mark inside the viewfinder and you have the current focus! It's simple os that! The aperture is. auto- matically set by just turning the 'camera towards the subject to be photographed. 'Simul- toneously the shutter speed is indicated. All there's. left to do is press the shutter. button! Whoet could be more automatic! Canonet junior is a rational and new type camera, Toke excellent pictures every time by just setting the needle to the zone focus mark, KIT includes Camera, Case, Flash-gun BRIGHT BUY FOR BRIGHT BUYERS Rea. 97.50 SAWYER'S '500°: WITH FINGER-FLIP SLIDE CHANGE Includes Easy-Edit® tray and slide-on carrying case, Brilliant lens and 500-watt lamp. Choice of four slide- handling systems. At an unbeatable low price. ZELLER'S Oshawa Shopping Centre CAMERA SHOP

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