Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 May 1965, p. 7

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OMe ORR RCI et ORR Ae CATO CN: TC TC ees "Unjust" Laws Seen > Threat To French WINNIPEG (CP) -- Threejof equal numbers of English-| It also recommends the es-| French - language organizations|and French-speaking judges is|tablishment of a federal depart- complain in briefs to the royaljadvocated to settle disputes in|ment of culture and a' French-|-- commission on bilingualism and|the fields of bilingualism and/speaking education committee biculturalism that "unjust"|biculturalism. in the Manitoba education de- laws and policies threaten to| Other recommendations urge| partment. wipe out Manitoba's French-|the creation of French-speaking) 'Confederation is really noth-| speaking community of 80,000. |army units, extension of theling but a bad joke if people The briefs were to be dis-\CBC French networks from|persist in trying to confine the cussed today at the commis-|coast to coast, federal grants !0/French language and culture to bay a hearing here. associations representing cul-|Quebec," the teachers add. / Association d'Education des|tural minorities, federal univer- ' sati ; ; Canadiens-francais du Manitoba|sity scholarships and the te clare yy ac Rog hy et "Bent-| repeats its demands for French-jing of bilingual senior federal 506 representing 3.500 alumni language elementary and sec-|employees in bilingual areas, ney 20 to 30 per tant St the ondary schools and a French) opiricizes PRESS jcollege's graduates are moving teachers college. : The group praises Premicr| The association accuses Kng-/'? Quebec because their culture Duff Roblin for his "'sympathe-|lish - language newspapers of i ---- im se Ace tie attitude and courtesy" to-|printing only unfavorable ar- a af Wake Becace yr ward French - Canadians, but|ticles from Quebec. It calls for Sian +h eta 4 the rect adds that French culture couldja federal press service that/"@"s who stayed in the mes be snuffed out in Manitoba if|would distribute articles about) The alumni brief adds that) the premier's attitude is not|both language groups to pro-|St. Boniface should be allowed) QUEBEC MP Heward Grafftey is mem- ber of Parliament for the Quebec. riding of Brome- Missisquoi. He has been a Progressive Conservative member since 1958. A law- yer, he was born in Mont- real Aug. 5, 1928. (CP Photo) Moral And Financial Help For Ethnic Groups Asked WINNIPEG (CP) -- Govern-|bec voters decided to stay in agencies|Confederation, they should be |should give moral and financial/given maximum autonomy com- Fisupport to all ethnic groups, patible with Fiments and_ public says the national headquarters 'lof the Ukrainian Canadian Com-jvoted for secession, an agree- _|mittee. | The committee, which claims to speak for most of the 475,000 cultural Ukrainian Canadians, makes ipresented today to the royal commission on bilingualism and biculturalism. It describes Canada as a. mul- ticultural country with equal rights for all citizens and says public agencies should take this into account in dealings with various ethnic groups. The committee says the ques- tion of independence for Quebec should be submitted to a pleb- liscite in that province: If Que- BASEBALL LEADERS carried over to education laws|mote better understanding. |to withdraw from the English- and policies. | L'Association des Instituteurs only Winnipeg metropolitan The brief says there has been|de langue francaise du Mani- council. a slight improvement in recent|toba, grouping 575 French- Provincial grants and scholar- By THE ASSOCIATED PRES Runs--Green, Boston, 26. | Runs Batted In--Kaline, De- S| troit, 25. | Hits -- Skowron and Ward, the proposal in a brief to be ASK CBC POST the principle of "one democratic state."' If they ment should be reached with Canada to protect the rights of minorities on both sides, the brief adds, It recommends the following measures to-help the Ukrainian community preserve its _heri- tage: --Teaching Ukrainian and the languages of oiher ethnic Olene's Hair Is Short Now MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Carl A, Olene, 22, appeared in municipal court Friday with a Beatle-type haircut THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Moy 18, 1965 J Hold Convocation groups as options with credits) At Queen's U. at the primary, secondary secondary and university levels, and broadening such courses to include the litera- ture, history and culture of the particular ethnic group. KINGSTON (CP) -- Queen's, A $3,500,000 physics building University awarded three hon-|named after Queen's Chancele orary doctorates and conferred|lor J. B. Stirling was opened. degrees on 179 engineering stu Oshawa's Finest --Appoinim 6it of qualitied dents at the faculty of applied Nightly Entertainment Ukewinlas Canidinl' to se science's convication Saturday. nior civil service positions and) Dr. George C. Laurence, to such cultural agencies as president of the Atomic Energy ®@ Fully Licensed @ : i i Control Board, and Dr. Ger- bat ~~ yoy spas hard Harzberg, director of the --Canada Council grants and|National Research Council's scholarships to Ukrainian|division of pure science, were schools, cultural institutions|made doctors of science. and teachers. Setting up a| Maj.-Gen. Ralph H. Keefler, federal department of culture.|president and chairman of the --Consideration of 'creating|board of Northern Electric Co. "ethnic"? television and radio|in Montreal, was made an hon- rong eb PhP ydenngs esr orary doctor of laws. other than English. Special programs on various ethnic 1 groups on existing CBC and) JAMES | private stations. | r --Formation of a. voluntary the public about the contribu- "inter-ethnic body" to inform|§ O'MALLEY 1 and advise governments and! | years in the teaching of French|speaking teachers, calls for ajships for the college de St, Boni- National League fo answer a_ drunkenness | in public schools. It advocates|French teachers college and use|face and student exchanges ABR HPet. é ' : official recognition of French in'of French textbooks and exami-|with Quebec supported by the Mavs, San Fran, 120 32 49 .408 Doubles -- Oliva, Minnesoia,| Judge C. William Sykora all provinces. nations by French-speaking stu-/federal government are. re- Colona Cin. | 7210 28 "gag | 21- | asked Olene: A new federal court composedidents. quested, Allen, Phila. 117.25 43 368, Triples -- Blasingame, Wash- "Which would you rather tions and problems of ethnic: groups other than British and § Construction Ltd. French. Similar briefs were being sub-|§ : |mitted by the local branch of 7 2 3 . 7 I 2 a j Central Hotel the Ukrainian Canadian Com-g @ Homes @ Additions ]| < King at Simcoe Sts. mittee and the women's council ' lof the Ukrainian Canadian Com-g @ Offices @ Remodeling, PARKING OFF ATHOL i mittee. /Chicago, 37. charge. in effect Los An- uae | EMBLEM CONVEYS UNITY SASKATOON (CP)--The em- blem of the Canadian Centenary Council was designed by Georges Huel, 30, a former resi- : dent of Gravelbourg, Sask. It is American League an arrangement of 10 capital AB R_ H Pet.\Cs, representing a committee at 72 15 29 .403|a round table. Mr. Huel says 93 10 33 .355\this shows that there are 10 102 24 34 .333|points of view, but the larger 112 16 330\unity at the centre can be seen 111 20 .324\only when all 10 are present. Louis, Los An- TUBELESS Save with safety during this great once-a-year sale, ALL-WEATHER "42" 2/298. MO TRADE NECESSARY WHITEWALLS Dress up with whites at this low, low Goodyear price, ALL-WEATHER "42" 2/36%.. NO TRADE NECESSARY WIN 22 TROPHIES BUY FRACTION OF INCH Majorettes from the Harvey CRESTON, B.C. (CP) -- City Dance Academy, Oshawa, won| council here is negotiating pur- chase of a strip of land three jeighths of an inch wide. A by- law must be passed to consoli- date this parcel with other prop- erty. F, R. BLACK 0. OPTOMETRIST PHONE 723-4191 136 Simcoe St. North There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN fer personal - or tor® caevice ompany use there ore@ PONTI definite advantages when e@ BUICK you lease a new... Ne Insurance costs . . . No maintenance costs . . everything on one or two year lease items . . . for full details. THE MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 723-4634 LTD. 266 KING ST, WEST Other Models On Request . One rate covers Phone or come in | ea? Torre, Mil. 87 12 32 .368|ington, 6. do, go to the workhouse or " ' -- ® |Kranepool, N. Y. 108 14 39 .361, Home Runs--Horton, 9. --_--|_-get_a haircut?" Careless Rap t Stolen Bases -- Campaneris,, Olene now has short hair. urses ul Runs--Mays, 32. Kansas City, 9. * * Runs Batted In--Banks, Chi- pitching -- Pappas, Ballti-| Queried Again ° | cago, 24. ; oe more, Buzhardt, Chicago, Agu-| In Selkirk | Doubles -- Williams, Chicago/irre, Detroit, and Pascual, Min-| OTTAWA (CP)--The Supreme and Mays, 11. nesota, 4-0, 1.000. Court of Canada agreed Mon- ; Triples -- Callison, Philadel-| Strikeouts -- Mc Dowel],| day to hear an appeal case SELKIRK, Man. (CP) -- Fif-|had been since last phia, 4 Cleveland, 50. which questions the validity of ajteen registered nurses, includ-| Monday Stolen Bases--Wills, OE EUS NS section of Ontario's Highway\ing the director of nurses, have) 'The situation is simply in- geles, 20. Traffic Act dealing with care-'resigned from Selkirk General|tolerable for the staff," Mrs Pitching--Gibson, St. less driving. gee pe ' ergy said + tnvenvaal 22> LO ' e nurses i not make '" ion't want to be involve Fh esa ot, tenes ae their reasons public but Mrs.|in any scandal. The situation at | -- z -|Laura Thompson, director of|the hospital is shocking and 8°S» / Ontario Court of Appeal deci-\nurses, said she was leaving be-|that is all I want to say." sion finding him guilty of care-\cause of 'conditions that exist) Henry E. Heaton, a spokes- less driving under the traffic within the hospital." man for the Selkirk hospital 4 act. Mrs. Thompson said in an in-\board, confirmed the resigna- sehen ee Mann's lawyers had argued terview Sunday the resignations|tions had been received and Davalillo, € vader Ae a me of the 15 nurses, more than half steps are being taken to avoid Wagner, Cleve. that the provincial act is in con-\of the hospital's nursing staff.'any curtailment of services. Skowron. Chi flict with the Criminal Code of -- SARA ---------- aoe eran Cater, Chicago Canada which has a_ section dealing with dangerous driv- ing. They claimed before the Ap-|22 trophies recently in the Ka- peal Court that all degrees of wartha Lakes Twirling contest negligence that should be con-|In teenage The a P i swing majorettes won trophies in sidered with respect to driving fenes Grill comme, ack cate an a car are covered in the federal military and fancy. strut. The! law. Tartan Lassie Junior Corps won They said when federal and)second place under Patsy Blake.| provincial laws cover the same aed Harvey Sailorettes juvenile) rill Corps (from the Bowman- offence, then the dangerous'vine Recreation Club) won sec-| driving takes precedence and!ond place. The Tartan Blues Ju- the provincial law is ultra vires venile Corps won third place. Attention District. Women area You Can Win Valuable Prizes! USED TIRES Still good mileage left in these. Fully guaranteed too. PRICED FROM 2/ 99 RETREADS Full depth Tafsyn retreads fully guaranteed by Goodyear, 2/178. on tires made with 3-T nylon cord and long mileage Tufsyn rubber Oshawa Times IPE TIME CONTEST ALL-WEATHER "gon GRAND PRIZE $20. Best selection of recipes from all of those received. NO LIMIT GUARANTEE All new Goodyear auto fires carry a quality and road hazard guarantee with NO LIMIT on months, miles, roads and speeds for the life of the tread, Judging for prizes will be done in two cotegories. Prizes will be awarded for recipes received by a June 7 deadline, and for those by @ June 21 final deadline. A grand prize will be awarded for the best club entry in the two categories. Recipes will be judged on basis of number received, neatness, promptness and variety in entries. JUNE 7th DEADLINE PRIZES 2nd Prize 10.00 3rd Prize Ist Prize 15.00 Alex Nathan Sunoco Service 215 King St. West Oshawa PHONE 725-6621 ARSE SRT ea RRR AIOE R, J, Tumey Shell Service Station 962 Simcoe St. N. Al Preston Sunoco 925 Simeoe St, N, Oshawa PHONE 725-2552 Midtown Texaco Service Station 117 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa PHONE 728-0541 'ie rear eRRRrah REI 71 Bloor St. East Oshawa Midway B.P, Hwy. 2 & Thickson Rd. Whitby .-ererererernes JUNE 21st DEADLINE PRIZES 2nd Prize ....-. 8.00 3rd Prize Tst Prize ecceccrcreere. 12.00 RULES 1. Recipes must be submitted on one side of poper only. Recipes must be legible, typewritten entries ore preferred. PHONE 728-4411 Aas i RT MU Len Wall White Rose Service Station Simcoe St. North + AROMe+ CoRerens? Goodyear Service Store 162 King St. East Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa PHONE 725-8542 PHONE 725-5512 PHONE 725-6841 PAA AA ARE | Ki RRR CLE aR Lesko Sea aa aan Centre B.P, F. J. Lawless Service Station Shell Service sere ' 1 @s those in Oshowa, f j 408 King St. West 227 Simcoe St. S. | | Oshawa Osheve he Oshawa Sines eels rwont rasa 2. The full nome of the members with initials and the riame of the club must be included with EACH recipe PHONE 723-6821 Fleming's Auto Service Ltd, Shell Service 403 Brock St. S. Whitby PHONE 668-8066 4 Recipes may be for ony type of food or beverage. They can include meat \ dishes, desserts, cookies, cokes, lunches, pies, joms, jellies, anything. the \homemoker is proud to prepare for family ond friends are aworded for variety of recipes received, Points for prizes will Fice's Shell Service Taunton E & Wilson Rd. Oshawa PHONE 728-2021 Tomplete cooking or boking instructions ore required. ' 5 'See must be oddressed to The Cook Book Editor, The Oshawa Times tries qre-invited from Whitby, Bowmanville and district organizotions as HOLIDY SEE BOTH P FREE INSTALLATION + EASY TERMS + QUICK SERVICE

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