Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 May 1965, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 18, 1965 OBITUARIES MISS BERDIE I. HOPPER Miss Berdie Irene Hopper, a bourg until she retired in 1960. She was a member of the Co- Florida, where she Mved for 15 years, She is survived by her fa- ther; three sons, Robert of Minneapolis, Minn., Richard of) Maitland, Florida and Peter, of| San Francisco, Cal.; and three sisters, Miss Isabel McLaugh- Town Council Attacks) Council To Pay Tuition Fee WHITBY (Staff) Whitby will assist the new welfare offi- tralned assessment personnel-- is gradually being overcome. Some local jurisdictions are polling their assessment -work OTTAWA (CP) -- A uniform)under amendments made to the Tax Assessment Uniformity Plan e | isystem of assessing and report-|Municipal Act three years ago, oun e) u 10n ove cer to better serve the com-jing property values in all juris-/and others may join. Until this munity, it was decided' at aj dictions of Ontario is a goal to began, there were 940 separate jcouncil meeting Monday night.|he sought, P. G. Gillis of the assessment jurisdictions in the had no chance!mendation suggesting the estab-\The council agreed to pay $150 Ontario municipal affairs de- province. Ideally, they might be lifelong resident of Oshawa,|bourg Presbyterian Church. died today in Oshawa General, She is survived by a brother, Hospital. She was in her 70th|James Milly, of Hamilton, and lin, Toronto; Mrs. J. B. Pang-| man (Hilda) of Magog, Que. year, She had been in failing health for several years and! was, latterly, a resident at le Manor. Born in Oshawa in October, 1895, Miss Hopper was the daughter of the late William and Gertrude Hopper. She was born, raised and educated here, and at her death was a mem- ber of Centre Street United Church. Surviving are two. sisters: Mrs. Gordon Barton (Aileen), of Oshawa, and Mrs. F. Spencer (Florence) of Rochester, New York. Also surviving are sev- eral nieces and nephews. The body is resting at the «McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home. Chapel service will be held Thursday, May 20, at 2 p.m. Rev. Frank Ward of West- mount United Church will con- duct the service. Interment will be in Oshawa Union cemetery. Friends will be received at) the Funeral Home on Wednes-| day from 2 to 4.30 and from! 7 to 9 p.m. | FUNERAL OF a cousin, Mrs. Robert Nicholls, of Oshawa. Rev, J. D. C. Jack will con- duct the service in the chapel of the Armstrong Funeral Home May 20 at 1 p.m. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery, Bols- over. Friends are requested not to call at the funeral home before Wednesday afternoon. MRS. ARCHIE BRUCE Mrs. Archie Bruce of 300 Grenfell st., apt. 315, died sud- denly early this morning at home, She was 43. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harvey she was born at Woodstock Aug. 25, 1921, the former Beryl Stella Harvey. She married: Archie Bruce here in 1955 and has been in the area for over 30 years. Married twice, her first hus- band, Robert Bruce, predeceas- ed her in 1953. She is survived by her hus- band; a daughter, Mrs. Joseph Melnick (Mary Ellen) of Osh- awa; two sons, Archie of Whitby and Mrs. C. Churchill Mann (Eleanor) of Victoria, B.C. |tario County Council came under attack by Whitby Town Council- FUNERAL OF lise George Bevan Monday 'night, WALTER CHOJAK lat the regular town council Funeral services were held|meeting, 'when the councillor yesterday for Walter Chojak of|spoke at length on a proposed 279 Bloor st. e., who died May air-pollution bylaw. The council- 14 at his home. He was 72. lor accused the county council Rev. A, Bagsik conducted high|of confusing the issue by side- Church at 10 a.m. Burial was)previously in St. Gregory's Cemetery, The| Whitby Council. Armstrong Funeral Home made) {ngtead of voting for aif-pollu- arrangements. \tion control across the entire Pallbearers were: John Kon-\cqgunty, the county council voted arowski, Stan Konarowski,|jn favor of each municipality Chester Pedzikowski, Jan Babij, | setting up its own bylaws to Joe Zak and Ted Koss. govern the problem, Mr. Bevan iE > jadvised. He suggested such ac- MRS ge ag Ph ARIES jtion would be a duplication of FRE RN LN ee iy services and prove more costly Funeral services were held/than one administrative official yesterday at 2 p.m. for Mrs-iooking after the entire county. Florence May Carnahan: who © siding with Mr. Bevan, Coun- died in the Queen Elizabeth) cijjor Tom Edwards stated the Hospital, May 15. She was 73. 'problem should be corrected im- Rev. E. H. Kerr of the Kin8) mediately before it got out of |Street Pentecostal Church con-\hand. He said people were re- jducted the services in the Arm-|ijctant to move into the com- strong Funeral Home. Burial' munity because of air-pollution. was in Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were: P. Douglas, ERROR MADE WHITBY (Staff) -- The On-adopted but requiem mass at St. Hedwig's|stepping the actual suggestion| introduced by the) ouncil before he did anything against the northern part of the| lishment of 18 separate air-pollu- county," he repeated. "Thejtion officers and appeal boards county did approve a resolutionjwas ridiculed py Councillor to allow the individual munici-|Bevan. He pointed out the econ- palities to set up their own air-|omics of having the county han- pollution control and that isidle the entire project with one more than we had before,"' Mr.'and one appeal board. "We are Brooks added. lright back where we started " si Councillor George Bevan said areed ago," Bevan idance from the | So i we Reeve Everett Quantrill stated more about the question, He|that overtures had been said a written request from the|made to Ajax to join with Whit- industrial commission had been|by in establishing air-pollution received and that he had pre-|control. "Pickering Township pared a suitable bylaw for pre-May join with us as well," he sentation to the town council on|Said. "This would be one way Oct. 5, last year. During the |of getting the southern munici- discussion leading up to the pre-|Palities to work together. sentation of the resolution he) Mayor Warren Mowat suggest- had suggested the Southern ed that with a bylaw set up by County Area Health Unit could' the southern municipalities, the set up administration and en-jair-pollution problem could then forcement of the bylaw. jbe turned over to Provincial authorities. ,EXCELLENT IDEA ----------- "Following a. motion by \'the| reeye at that time, a resolution) |RCAF Paid For |was passed to place the matter) for -tuition fees for the officer} 0 study two subjects through a correspondence course. It was suggested the officer had offered to pay for the courses himself should council) be reluctant to assist with the cost, a feature Councillor Tom Edwards. strongly opposed. "T object to such a fee being paid by the welfare officer when it will help him do a better. job for the community," Edwards stated. The councillor even more strongly opposed a_ suggestion fails to pass the necessary ex- aminations. Deputy-reeve George Brooks, pointed out the council has a policy that requires the officer to pay his own tuition fees but stated he was prepared .to change the policy. Councillor Bobby Attersley -\stated he failed to see anything wrong with the council's policy while Councillor George Bevan suggested council study the mat- [before the ty oil," Mr. , 'Bevan stated. "1 thought thai! Kenedy Climb ter before making a decision. Councillor Vernon MacCarl) the officer pay the fee if he} partment said here Monday. reduced to fewer than 100, He told a press conference on Mr. Gillis, director of the as- the opening day of the three-day sessment branch of the munici- conan _monting Pi Boer tag og OM ae i ergg eter ea veoh convention a he that the aa ~~ of | commissioners must convince slid ioe Sones Rt their employers--local munict- pal. councils -- of the '"'true imburse the town, The motion worth of a properly organized was passed on a split 5-3 vote. 'and staffed assessment office ATTENTION VETERANS Ex-Servicemen and Women The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer MR. W. R. BUCK will be visiting Branch 112, Whitby, MAY 19, 1965, from 1 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. was an excellent idea," he add- OTTAWA (CP)--The RCAF's proposed a resolution that the and Robert of Oshawa; a sister, poh Willsher, Ken Willsher, Mrs. Helen (Bebee) Harvey of Charles Willsher, David Scott Oshawa; two brothers, Donaldjang James Gilchrist of Barrie and Russell of Picker-| ing Beach; and two grand- Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance regarding Wor Disability, Pensions, Treatment Allowances, etc. is requested to contact Mr. Buck, or the secretary of the local branch. FRANK BEVERLY SPENCER Councillor Harry Inkpen sug-|eg, Funeral service for Frank Beverly Spencer, who died at Hillsdale Manor last Friday, was held yesterday at the Ger- row Funeral Home. Rev. N. Holmes of Harmony ' veel helping hand to Senator Robert council pay the tuition providing Sod aged samelhing shold be Councillor Bevan stated the Kennedy in his climb of the he course is completed. Should done tanmiediatels : county council's suggestion was Canadian mountain named after|!he course not be finished the FUNERAL OF ' Ly ridiculous since there was only'his late brother cost $6,632, De- Officer would be required to re-' children, Joel and Jeffrey Mel- HENRY GORR Clearing the air on the ques-\enough air pollution in the Town fence Minister Hellyer told the|qum===esemsees . nick of Oshawa. j Funeral service for Henry {ion Of air-pollution DeputYiof whitby to keep an officer Commons Monday. -- Rev. J. K. Moffat of Simcoe|Gorr, who died at Oshawa Gen- Reeve George Brooks explained|huysy only 5 per cent of the time. 'The amount covered two Road United Church conducted|street United Church will con-leral Hospital last Friday, was|th€ Proposal was defeated by) he councillor further explain--RCAF round tri flights from! the service for Mr. Spencer, iniquct the services in the chapellheld at the McIntosh - Anderson 'He county council largely be-\.4 he was confused by the coun-. Whitehorse in the Yukon to the| his 94th year at his death. In-\of the Armstrong Funeral Home|Funeral Chapel Monday at cause of farmers in the northern), council's bylaw requiring foot of the mountain and a flight terment was in Groveside Ceme-| may 99 at 2.30 p.m. Burial will. ' portions of the county, He stat-|> ilnalleto act an aki" sb hi ost cenetagan aie, tery, Brooklin. Ibe Mount Lawn Cemetery Fis snevice was conducted by ed the farmers. were unwilling apueal Kiang consesiag i tahoe 2 oe Se ae ta gg veg RE er FUNERAL OF o Elders A. E. Millner and Percy|*®, Vole in favor of anything! vombers, This board would in-/Patty from Whitehorse to Seat-| WE MANUFACTURE PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC Burgess, Sam Minnis, Leslie Gray, Jack Spencer, Douglas) JOHN GERALD BARROW Funeral services were held Spencer and William Spencer. yesterday for John Gerald Bar- FUNERAL OF oy / gins : ELMER BUELL Slot Mage Aig dalle The body of Elmer Buell, who! Rey, N, F. Swackhammer drowned in Oshawa Harbor Sun-|conducted the service in the day, rested at the Gerrow Fu-| chapel of the Armstrong neral Chapel prior to trans-|Fyneral Home. Burial shipment to the McLean Fu-|yount Lawn Cemetery. neral Home at Charlottetown.| pajthoarers were: William Prince Edward Island for buriallyecarthy, William Young, in Mermaid Cemetery oh Fri-\ceoj) Forde, Findlay Dafoe, day. 2 Herb Robinson and I G Mr. Buell, in his 52nd year, |prown, was predeceased by his mother Eva. He is survived by his} MRS, MILDRED A. TURNER father, Arbott Buell, in P.E.I.,) Col. R S McLaughlin's and a brother Lawson, Burk st..|\daughter, Mrs. Mildred Ade- Oshawa. laide Turner, died early this ope sara, (Morning at Doctor's Hospital, EDITH FLORENCE DUNN | viami # rlorida after a lengthy Edith Florence Dunn died sud+|iliness | denly today in Bowmanville Me-| Born in Oshawa, she went to morial Hospital. She was 64 jelementary school here and was Born in Kirkfield, Ont., theja graduate of the University of daughter of the late Jennie and] Toronto. George Dunn, Miss Dunn taught} The funeral will be held from schoo] for many years in Co-lher home at Coral Gables, was in Manuel of the Seventh Day Ad-|Which would restrict them from oiige only one municipal coun-|tle, he said in reply to a writ- burning brush and other refuse on their properties. "We wanted this ventist College Park Church.| Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. cillor. ten question by Terry Nugent resolution, 'The county council's recom- (PC -- Edmonton - Strathcona).| Pallbearers were: Kenneth |Hartwig, Stanley Hartwig, Nor- man Sayers, Arthur Frood, Don- ald Hawley and Morley Thomp- |son, FOX NURSERY AND GARDEN CENTRE Whitby "River Party' Beats Brock St. N- 'A Plate Favorite PH. 668-4162 TORONTO (CP) River Party, a three-year-old colt owned by Mike Starko of Ed- monton, won the $3,000 Kohinoor Purse at Greenwood raceway Monday, beating Des Erables, a highly-regarded Queen's Plate candidate, Coming from off the pace with a rush on the last turn, River Party gained the lead at the head of the stretch and held) off Des Erables to return $10.79, $5.30 and 32.80. \ Everything For The Gardener @ Shrubs--Box Plants @ Trees (Shade - Ornamental) @ Roses--Vines © Full line of Nursery Stock © Fertilizers----Peat Moss @ Insecticides--Fungicides Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. First Quelity Canadian Grown Nursery Stock TAXES -- 1965 Township of East Whitby FIRST INSTALMENT DUE June Ist, 1965 Taxes May Be Paid At THE TOWNSHIP OFFICE, COLUMBUS, OR AT The Royal Bank of Canada, 27 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA READ YOUR TAX NOTICE Penalty will be added to first instalments unpoid after June }st. Discount will be allowed on Second Instalments prepaid. M. Wm. GOLDIE, Tax Collector, Columbus, Ont. TANKS Approved for all municipal and township by-laws. Quality is unconditionally guaranteed. Deliveries are made on time. CAPACITIES AVAILABLE: © 460 GALLONS ® 525 GALLONS © 600 GALLONS ¢ 700 GALLONS ® 1000 GALLONS ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER PrhbaalAx CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. [65-101] February 23, 1965 The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, The Township of Whitby, Brooklin, Ontario Ladies and Gentlemen We hove audited the books and accounts of your municip eee TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY AUDITOR'S REPORT and FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Boord be under the custody of more than one official. lit vane accordance with section 234 (7) of the Municipal Act. The Treasurer of the Library board has not been bonded in REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1964 DEBIT CREDIT BALANCE and its local boards for the year ended December 31, 1964 and hove CREDIT BALANCE prepared the attached financial statements and supporting schedules in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Department of Municipal Affairs, Revenue Fund Exceas Borrowings Contrary to section 329 (3) of the Municipal Act temporary loans at December 31, 1964 were in excess of 70% .of the balance of uncollected revenues of the current yaar and the approval of the Ontorio Municipal Board was not obtained for this excess borrowing. The amount of the excess borrowing was approximately $34,000.00. Trust and Reserve Funds In accordance with section 299 of the Municipal Act contribu- tions from subdividers have been deposited into a spetial bank account for that purpose. Most of these funds have subsequently been invested in securities which is permitted by the Municipal Act (Section 299). At the time of our audit, however, the records of the municipality did not reflect the unexpended balance of funds for each subdivision as required by the Municipal Act. We understand that steps are now being token to prepore a proper accounting of these trust funds by individual subdivisions Other Boards \ We have reported on the school boards under separate cover We recommend thot the securities of the Groveside Cemetery CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND December 31, ASSETS General Fixed ; $ Due from Schools (For Debentures Public and Continuation 411,906.70 Collegiate and High 339,751.00 Tenchnical ond Vocational 331,171.41 751,657.70 Due from Utilitie cipal Enterprise Township School Area N Public Library Board Fire Areas ond Other Muni for Debentures 22,026.96 32,615 47 32,000.00 Accounts Receivable T.S.A Due from Other Funds --~ Brooklin Water Area 135.117.73 2,085.67 $1,405,674.94 Tile Droinege Loons General We recommend that all of the securities be under the custody of two responsible officials or thot all of the securities be fully registered. At the present time some of the securities ore not registered ond also. they are under the sole control of the treasurer, We noted that all securities purchased during 1964 were registered ond we understand that this is the policy now being followed regord- ing investments Subject to our comments on excess borrowings, trust funds, ond other boards, we hereby report that in our opinion: 1. The financial transactions which have come under our notice hove been within the powers of the municipality 2. The oudit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs 3. The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 3-1, 1964 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date We appreciate the courtesy and co-operation extended to us by the municipal officials during the course of our. audit Respectfully submitted, Monteith, Riehl, Waters & Co Chartered Accountants, License Nc Date of Filing: April 5, 1965 2637, BALANCE SHEET 1964 LIABILITIES Debenture Debt Issued ond Unmatured General Gravel Pit + Drainage School Public and Continuation Public Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises 18,900.00 (other than General) 2,085.67 383,721.12 Fire Areas Arena : rea hin 4 Public Library Board 32,000.00 22,026.96 TOTAL 86,642 43 Due to Other Municipalities 491, 22 For Debentures Assumed) Other Long Term Debt Ontario Woter. Resources Commiss ~Brooklin Water Areg Temporary Loans oe Investment in Capital Asere: 367,936.58 ion 135,117.73 99,000.00 312,271.41 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1964 Cash on Hand Accounts Receivable Sundry Province of Ontario Dominion of Canada Due from Reserve Fund Parks ond Recreation Boord .... 100.00 1,066.57 1,066.57 58,375.42 51,077.00 370.990 670.00 1,040.91 Taxes Receivable sae Property Acquired for Taxes ... Tile; Drainage Loan Deficit Tote! Assets wvcoscscsescmmeses 105,005.44 74.06 237.13 947.74 $217,924.27 LIABILITIES Bonk Overdroft Temporary Loans Accounts Payable pas Debentures ond Coupons Due Principal interest 11,639.92 157,500.00 4,306.79 1,300.00 1,840.24 3,140.24 Other Municipalities 142,98 Brooklin Water Area Fire Area No. 1 Fire Area No. 2 Street Light Areas 2,462.51 2,187.47 2,675.26 2,034.94 9,360.18 240.32 306.52 360.46 Deferred Revenue ae Pree Other Federation of Agriculture .. Hydro Arrears on Roll . . Af Building and Plumbing Deposits Refundable .... 6,940.00 Reserves 23,986.86 217,924 27 B Toto! alance at January 1,.19 irplus or Deficit included in Current Budget REVENUE Revenue from Taxation Long Terms Debt Charges Recoverable Governments: Canada ., se eeneeee Ontario Health 2,815.07 Highwoy Imp 101,228,02 Payments in lieu of M Ge 171.36 65.62 unicipal Taxes Police ond Fire .... Unconditional Per Capita Grants Worble Fly Winter Works 22,545.25 186.37 3,005.19 17,817.30 17,800.00 Adjustments affecting operations of previous years: 1962-3 Winter Works Grant Balance ofter above adjustments ...e055 2,736.94 2,754.24 Deficit for the yeor .. 3,701.98 TOTAL 21,501.98 20,554,24_ Bolance of Deficit at December 31, 1964 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1964 ACTUAL 588,057.59 19,762.97 51,077.00 "130,016.88 BUDGET 549.049.75 85,990.00 151,570,25 ernment Enterprises: Ont.--Hydro Grant in lieu of taxes Licenses and Permits In Or Mi (include dog tax) terest, Tax Penalties etc, her Revenues-- 495.00 14,163.00 11,953.45 Rents, Cone. ond Fran, Garbage Col. Service Chgs, Recreation and Community Serv cellaneous Taxes Written off charged back to other bodies Sale of Equipment Committee of adj Warble Fly Income a Sundry Deferred Rev. Adj, . Gross Total Revenue ... De Te Surplus from Prior years used to reduce levy .. ficit for the Year tal Revenue Section 626.37 eitaccessissoeai $402.7 14,135.42 26,611.45 4,520.25 840,210.68 17,800.00 3,701 98 861,712.66 600.00 4,000.00 7,800.00 18,050.00 _ 925.00 817,385.00 17,800.00 835,185.00 EXPENDITURE ACTUAL BUDGET General Government Ex, Administrative Other Protection to Persons & Prop, Law Enforcement 3,150.00 32,439.68 12,512.73 and Legislative . 48,102.41 47,145.00 75.00 2,618.05 5,279.00 144.00 605.80 1,081.86 Street Lighting ...+6. Prot. Inspect. ... sees Livestock: sirectees Warble Fly .seseees Dog Control Public Works Highwoys & Sts, eic. 9,803.71 10,633.00 234,852.59 EXPENDITURE 284,525.00 | 13,269.11 3,375.94 4,306.49 311,748.19 12,500.00 3,450.00 7,500.00 291,696.00 Sonitation & Waste Rem Conservation of Health Welfare Assistance Recreation and Community Serv. .. 11,888.18 12,427.70 Debt Charges Long-Terms Debt Chas Less own share of school Debt. Charges 100,064.78 79,833.27 20,231.51 Short-term interest and other charges ... 5,000.00 1,800.00 6,849.55 27,081.06 2,212.80 216.20 Discount for Taxes .... Taxes written off .... Capital Expenditures out of Revenue 33,635.45 14,275.00 Joint or Special Expenditures County 114,539.52 41,681.01 Rates seee Special Area Rate ... 156,220.53 139,233.30 Provision for Allowances Reserves and Reserve Funds 5,000.00 5,000 GROSS TOTAL EXPENDITURE $861,712.66 $835,18

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