nostro emanate enti sence teat CC I e 17----Female Help Wanted d \17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted LOOKING FOR | INTERESTING WORK? The. woman we are seek- ing will be in the 25 to 40 age group, be neat in appearance, possess a pleasing personality and telephone voice and be willing to work in a con- tinuously active office Duties will include serving Classified Advertisers and handling office detail Previous office and sales ex- perience will be an asset You will receive paid annual vacations, and other com- pany benefits, and work o 5 doy, 40 hour week Apply in Writing Only to: QO. A. FONTAINE Classified Oshawa Times MATURE WOMAN Age 25 to 35. Experi enced in accounts pay able and genera! office duties, required at once Good wages. Apply in person 1 TAY PLUMBING 319 College Street OSHAWA NO TELEPHONE CALL sor Supery 5 PLEASE KITCHEN HELP And CASHIER App A. & W. DRIVE-IN 1327 Simcoe St. North SALESLADY for drug store, some exper- tence required. McCordick Pharmacy. 360 Wilson Road South, Oshawa PART-TIME $55 weekly, Fuller cants Also ' full time. COUNTER WOMEN necessary. Apply Drive-in. Telephone view ERIENCED women for sma Telephone 728-4922 wrant, excelient wages. No Sundays er pebdeve. a wt 8 po Apply Carmichael's Barbecue, Road South, 73 723-7 463. OFFICE to answer ard work in budget department have experience with public person to Canadian Tire Corporation, Simcoe Street South, Oshawa EXPERIENCED HAIRORESSER Must ng with) Apply in person. The Vogu @) Salon, 10 Simcoe Street North.| RELIABLE women wanted to care 'fer! three children. Live in. Private room. Fer after 4 information telephone 723-1977 om SHAMPOO Gikt -- steady part-time employment person. The Mayfair Salen, 27 weet or eal 728-0662 ex per jenced, EXPERIENCED salesiadies Ladies Fu part-time 48 Simcoe Nortt PART-TIME dishwasher and for general! help, approximately ply inp RESPONSIBLE woman five-day 668-5 HOUSEKEEPER for Sleep ir h week ice 18--Male Help Wanted Brush route, Basic guarantee to qualified appil- 'Saitchbaerd | Apply in) for a Apply in GRILL MEN - Celine App y Te ephene 7 2am) LICENSED HAIRDRESSER Required Immediately At RENA'S Beauty Salon 1350 Dundes St. E., Whitby Telephone 668-4321 Due to expansion experience not necessery EXPERIENCED Office Staff re- quired immediately PERMANENT 'POSITIONS Financial typist Whitby Girl Friday Oshawa Bookkeeper Aiax Accts. Payable Clerk Oshawa Stenographer Oshawa Exec. Secretary Ajax TEMPORARY ond PART-TIME Sténos, dictas, and typists SECRETARIAL OVERLOAD SERVICES --. STORE HELP Full or part t Street Flower Apply R. B. REED 8 SONS FLORISTS me at our Bloor Shop Immed- iately Ready-to-Wea App person time 2 hours idea! Fist only to Athol Street West wanted to baby 8-month-old boy her own home week After 4, telephone Wh elderly Apply Nationa' POLICE CONSTABLE Applicants must be British Subjects, 5 ft. 8 minimum, 2 inches, high school. Be of good charac ter and moral habits years Apply to the:--- CHIEF CONSTABLE Pickering Township Police Station Dunbarton, Ont ROLLER OPERATOR For driveways, parking lots and streets PHONE 728-0503 OSHAWA PAVING LTD No exper. er ce necessary Manager OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS QUICK TO KNIT! By ALICE BROOKS Knit this elegant cape'ei fashion, luxury QUICK - KNIT "mink" let for dress-up, cool night two strands mohair brush when finished 7232: fits sizes 32-38 Thirty - five cents for each pattern (no please) to Alice Brooks The Oshawa Times craft Dept 40 =~Front West, Toronto !, Ontario plainly NAME 1965 49-44 ADDRESS NEEDLCRAFT ALOG 200 designs, 3 pattern Newest knit fashions, embroidery. 25 cents Now! Send for elegant "Decorate with 5 beautiful room complete patterns tive accessories in Pillows wall tains, applique Value! Deluxe settings for one more! 69 Quilt Book eas- ily -- costs so little for so much! cape- Use together; | Pattern) where well-dressed is ming sheath that travels every-} smart company of iis own jacket (coins) stamps, care ot|2 Needle- Streét| Print PATTERN NUMBER, Sizes 1444 35-inch coins each pattern add plainly STYLE { AT. free roc het » new|Front Needlecraft!"| Ontario 23) decora-|PORT book! hangings ir ents --~ | for met TERN PRINTED PATTERN 4898 sizes 14%4~-24% FITS SUPERBLY Coa YOU in The in the Printed Pattern 1614, 1814 44%. Size 1649 dress 3% jacket 149 yards CENTS (50 cents) Stamps, please) 4898 FIFTY (ne cents SIZE NUMBER Sen order to ANNE are of The Oshawa Street West, two Sales tax NAME Times COMPLETE im our Pattern FASHION new Catalog plus 0 for ONT PREF PAT Ever life Ou lead -- the you 668-8181 wanted for and Morrison's weekly. Ap and Chip thy couple. t household duties, $35. per Employment Serv. ADAMS, 601F) re ESTATE Salesman! We urgent Toronto 1,! always a slim-; Half 2014, 2244, yards in} for Ontario residents Print AD. RE- Spring-Sum- cour need | EXPERIENCED BUTCHER, fu |new homes to s 18--Maele Help Wanted |20--Reel Estate for Sale PART-TIME FOR PRODUCT RESEARCH MARKETING DIVISION OF WORLD'S LARGEST APPLIANCE MFG 3 hours nightly, 5 doys week- ly. $45 weekly. Age 23-25. Car essential. Experience un- necesary. Permanent women. required also. APPLY IN PERSON HOTEL GENOSHA Corvair Room 7:30 p.m. Sharp FRIDAY "MAN FOR JANITOR throughout hote! Apply Mr. Campbell GENOSHA HOTEL POLICE CADETS Applicants must be British Subjects. 5 ft. 8 minimum. 18 years age or over inches of 2 years high 'school. Be of good charac- ter and moral habits Knowledge of typing an Duties will Ist asset mence July com Apply to the Sales Career Well estoblished Oshawa Branch Office for « iarge National Firm desires to con- tact a local man 25 to 45 years old for sales position, Sales experience desirable but not necessary. Excellent starting salary with opportun- ity for advancement. Group benefit including hospitalize- tion. Life insurance and Pen- sion All inquiries in strictest confidence. Reply to Box 838 Oshawa Times, giving quali- fications PART- TIME. DRIVER Required for light delivery work, Apply in person to LOCKE'S FLORIST Oshaaw Shopping . Centre STORE HELP or part time at our Bloor Flower Apply R, B. REED & SONS FLORISTS MAN WANTED for janitor work jpart-time Phone 728 46756 afte' FRIGIDAIRE | range, 30 "A-]_ condi tio: Asking $50. Telephone 448 SUMMER HELP mostly evening work Apply King West Golf Driving range in person Full Street lately Shop Immed- Steady ar |19-----Male or Female CHIEF CONSTABLE Pickering Township POLICE STATION Dunbarton, Ont K-MART AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE: Requires MANAGER Excellent starting group benefits hospitalization Apply in Person NO PHONE CAI PLEASE MECHANIC REQUIRED For General Repairs To Construction Equipment PHONE 728-0503 OSHAWA salary including PAVING LTD. _ MEN WANTED Concrete manufacturer Oshawa toll call. L. HICKS 725-0631 TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED New 5 Ton PHONE 728-0503 OSHAWA PAVING LTD MECHANICS With tools, experienced nm morin engine fatale Steady work APPLY 570 Finley Ave between 9am For Truck own tions ond }iam Cal! 942-1010 for appointment "EXPERIENCED PAINTERS REQUIRED Wages <a UPTON'S 'PAINTING 723-2977 BOYS TO DELIVER Top Morning paper route commissions and bonuses Phone Globe and Mai 725-4473 equire a Sei! real esta' active aggressive man Mee wi nave over this summer. R strictly confidential, Jeseph Boses, tor, 720-7377. {FULL TI Vi gvichy a ous and 25 products 'north AJAX good to 100 s Hes 'eal- i-time or par t-time. Wages according to experience. y to Manager, Motor City IGA 350 18 complete patterns. 69 cents, [design ideas! Send 50 cents now. |srte eteanr orn 1188) Help Wanted CATALOGUE LAYOUT Part-Time To write copy, loy out pages and select photographs for an ndustrial catalogue. To make ecdy for the printer up te the paste-up stage Most work cen be done at your home in evenings or week- ends. Send resume of expe ence and salory expected to P.O. BOX 178, AJAX, ONT ATTENTION independent bus: backed by start ar ness of your own power of prestige supplying demand for Household Pro- ducts as o Rawleigh Dealer Oshawa and some rurel district. Full or part time. Men and Women. Write Rawileigh Dept. E-310-AS, 4005 Riche- lieu St., St. Henry, Montrea TAX! DRIVERS time Minimum age 25 MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-477) STUDENTS -- Part-time, $55 weekly, Fuller Brush route. Basic guarantee to qualified applicants. Also full time. Tele phone 728-4922 TALENTED young Part or full hairstylist for top beauty salon. High wages. Please write Box 937, Oshawa Times GOLF CLUB requires cook for snack gate attendant, part-time evenings;| clerk, part-time weekends st} ave transportation. Dunbarton 83 3 Eveni ngs 8 to 10. URGENTLY NEEDED! Two reai estate! sales staff now. 300 New homes in key} 'ocations plus meny re-sales. Top com- Phone The Manager, 942-3310 id HILLSDALE TERRACE GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd Presents 6 different N.H.A. model homes in this most de sirable location PRICED FROM $16,950 Bungalows split-levels, 2-storeys. Some with ca ports and garages storms and screens, built- in ranges and ovens. Oil heating. Fully sodded lot and including many other costly extras DIRECTIONS Ritson North to Rossland Rd then East one block to Central Park Blvd. Then follow model home signs Open 1O AM. to 8 P.M Everyday Until Sold Will co-operate with any other Real Estate 723-2031 after hours 723-4134 FULL PRICE -- x oréy on good sized lot ed. Needs fixing Call Arthur Weinberger 725-685) COLUMBUS -- Twostorey [Prick home, large lot, age. closets bedroo en. Bill Ratcliffe. 45544 ompor $6,850 room, 1% Resi Estate, "eighi-room andscaped, ga Lh] HOUSEKEEPING "cottages, les, room, inside facil goed fishing, swimming, 1-2-3 boats supplied, Cail 725-2909 or GUIDE | REALTY LTD. | 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-112] LESLIE STREET--This storey home is in good con-| dition near O.C.V4. features 5} rooms, oil heat. private paved! drive, large cement block gor age; plus 62% mortgage which carries. for $60. per} month, Call now GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 6 ROOM SEMI DETACH ED 2 storey brick home, large kitchen, separate dining room oi] heating, close to North GM Asking only $10,900. Call now to inspect GUIDE REALTY LIMITED ECONOMICAL LIVING type brick home $9,900. Good) le 1% lle in this older Priced at only sizé rooms and finished base-/ ment and extra kitchen. Tool! shed and fenced in yord. Hurry and call now GUIDE REALTY LIMITED A REASONABLY PRICED t easy te > one aisc dining} A play tne Ve five bedroor find these day Th has a good room and living roor ould be added basement t structurally sound, but would be much proved b The vib ng prices of $10,900. allows these house sized kitcher roorr m-{ redecorating ow mprovements. For more particulars co GUIDE REALTY LIMITED INVESTMENT suite apart t of good solid close to dowr a! area. Priced ng ar invest ble Ve DEA PROPERTY ment building bu brick construction town in good rent ot $40,000. and excellent return on your ment..Cash or terms ava Call for particulars GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Vie 10 ACRE LOT priced at $5,500. Choice land location only a short distance from Osh awa, Here is the place to build that dream home, land is high and dry. Put your plans inte motion and call now GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Vile LOOKING FOR PRIV A Mf Let is show you graceful 4 bedroom residence. Built beck rood on a large treed lot ly 2 storey structure with attach ed garage and breezewaoy 342 miles from Ajax and close to a new public school. Contact us tonight GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Ville ARE YOU A MECH ANIC 'and want to hove your own business? Let us show you this repair shop and service station today. In good condition and recently renovated. Ideally Jocated on o busy street corner Coll now GUIDE REALTY LIMITED x @ BUSINESS OPPORTUN ITY Well established grocery located in a residentio! area witt no competitior within Good turnover that could be increased by a substantial amount. 3 room apartment up facilitate the owner or as an added income. Shown by appointment only. Reasonable down payment GUIDE REALTY LIMITED . CLOSE TO ST. HEDWIG CuURCH Brick bungalow in excellent 'conditior all rooms very large with completely fin ished basement. Beoutiful Rec- reation room, one extra room in show blocks stairs to basement and full kitchen with] Many extras} many cupboards as landscaped lot, two bathrooms| with colored fixtures schools and shopping Call tonight GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 9 ROOM HOME arge lot and double garage Separate 3 room apartments. All conveniences, separate entrances and oil furnaces. For full part culars call today GUIDE REALTY LIMITED WO SIX ROOM side by side each kitcher living and 3 large bedro: bathroom and extra stool downstairs at an am azing low price of $9,900. each and only one open mortgage. A good for the caref Close to centre having a and dining room nvestmer | buye GUIDE REALTY | STOP ! CONSIDER before you list your property for sale LOOK and see all our DRIVE around and let all our SOLD ~--~signs help you decide to LIST -- with Guide Realty Limited most IMITED advertising {dea! for dy rnan.} 'GUIDE Only} with | REALTY LTD. | 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 Xl oe COMMENDABLE} BRICK BUNGALOW in the} North west area where a friend-| iy atmosphere will greet you) from every home in the neigh-| bourhood. Priced right ot $16,-| 900. and good terms can be arranged. Three good size bed rooms, lovely kitchen and living, room. Carport and. nicely land-; scaped lot. Easily accessible to} -- and churches. Call us | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XIV @ THE OWNER OF THIS 6 ROOM attractive bungalow is leoving the city, and is offering} his home for quick sale. Lovely arge bright living room and din g room. These rooms broad loomed, spacious paneled Rec carport and baved drive cely landscaped lot. !mmacu-} lot e home. T.V, tower, aluminum and screens are a few of extras included. We jf enquiries GUIDE REALTY LIMITED the many vite Ope Afte daily frorr hours co 9am. to9pm Edith Gitford Roy 728-0768 5-3454 728- 2754, 668-2402 728-0208 728-558) 723-7623) 725-4330) Flintoff Monit Love Mueller Steve Englert Ross Bel! ean Peacock Doug Trivett 723-7390! Wolter Mittler 728-7083! eorge Nymeyer 728-4241 Lloyd -Corsor 723-2537) Lucas Peacock 725-4330) Dick Young 723-7183 Arranging for Mortgages is part of our comprehensive Real Estate| Service at Guide Realty Limited.| We list Exclusive and Photo M.L.S Leor Ethel Errest Members of O.D.R.E.B GUIDE REALTY MITED, REALTORS Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E 728-4678 ONE REMAINS A delightful large split leve home by M. Deboski Const 7-rooms clay brick and stone with aluminum siding above Built-in garage ond extra washroom. This one just won't last long. Be sure you are its new owner, by calling us ight now GRANDVIEW GARDENS A delightful ranch bungalow just 7 years old, with carport, rec. room, finished with built- n stove and oven in modern | kitchen, prepared for extra 2 pc. washroom in basement | for your appoint- inspect this lovely ve home now ment to execut PRETTY STONE FRONT This style lovely 5Y% room ranch bungalow has lovely front and angel stone ranch brick for the belance Roomy kitchen with -- full sized dining room, 3 bed- rooms and nice living room Only $15,900. and in a smart east-end location. Your call right now puts you first in | line to buy this house NORTH-WEST AREA Yours for only $17,500.00 this very well appointed 6- room split level Finished rec. roor built-in laundry 2 baths and many, many extras too humerous to mention Large spacious landscaped ot. Call now! This home has all you can asking for THOMAS STREET ist 2,250.00 down will buy this 8 year old brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms or con- vert it easily to 3. bed- rooms. Roomy kitchen and liv ing room, very nice lot. Just $100.00 monthly, including taxes, carries this house so call now for your appoint ment to inspect SPLENDID LISTING t you interested n @ beter then average, spacious, and luxurious 3 bedroom bun golow in o prestige location, Call us right now. Asking price is $35,000.00 OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 HANN,; JACK OSBORNE BOB JOHNSTON DICK BARRIAGE, JOE MAGA m MEMBER O.D.R EB. BUILDING LOTS 100 ft. x 150 ft $100. DOWN Balance up to 36 Months FULL: PRICE $1,100 McGILL ESTATE BROKER 728-4285 "ALL We are as f e bungalow stone | | are KEN REAL ng for this six nicely fenced yard iocatio a only $125. $1,000 down wil! do. Easy terms on balance. Jun® 30 possession. To Inspect jcall Ted Dougias, 728-5103. W. 0. Martin }Realtor, } $8,500 rool |20--Real Estate fer Sele |20---Real Estate for Sale | 'Gordon Osborne REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY WATCH FOR THE SIGNS THAT SELL AND CALL "THE HOT LINE" 668-8826 Representatives Ike Perry Nick Broek, Clare Shank, Andrew Keys, Ruth Snudden, Bob Harman COMMERCIAL WITH HOME On Dundes St. E Whitby, adjoining: busy car sales [ot and very close to proposed modern Ford & G.M. soles agencies. You can't miss here with all this increased busi Highway 'Loaieds 3 bed room brick home on property too. Inspect and make offer SUMMER COTTAGE FOR A KING You will have a home with all conveniences at this Sturgeon Lake proper ty. 1¥% hour drive from Osh awa. Only 15 miles from Lindsay. If you are looking for a better summer property see this attractive cottage with extra lot. Full price $12,500 with furniture LOOK ONLY $6500 3 BEDROOM Older style insul brick near Lake, just outside Whitb limits with low toxes, fresh decoration, no basement For economice! living try this one GLASS BUSINESS In Whitby doing thriving business installing and selling glass. Must sell due te il! ness in family. Good turnover, reasonable rent. Stock, busi mess. ond equipment only $8,000. Terms to reliable porty WHITBY 3 BEDROOM $12,700 Brick bungalow on 6l« ft frontage lot with clean decor ation, family size kitchen, full basement. Principol, interest and taxes only $96.00 month- ly. School close by too DE LUXE BUNGALOW $20,950 With 87° frontage lot. Paved drive and 2 car garage: in centraj location. This 3 bed room business man's home hos been designed and built for owners comfort with extras galore including T.V. tower, drapes, broadioom and pro- fessionally finished recreation room. You will be delighted with the fresh crisp appear- ance of this comforteble home. A must to see this one WILSON RD. S OSHAWA $15,500 Privacy of @ corner property with this 3 bedroom brick bungalow with clean decora tion and paved drive. Schools shopping and bus stop at door. Inspect and moke offer for quick sale TRIPLEX LIVE & EARN With this modern 4 year old Triplex in centro] Whitby location. Live in one unit and let two well rented apart ments pay taxes, heating and interest. Why bother with the hazards of the stock mar ket when you can have an income earner net door. You will be glad to call this modern building your own with about $7,000 down poy ment 5 ACRES AUDLEY ROAD | In Pickering Township with frame garage, Pony tractor plow disc, cultivotor, har rows, etc. Fruit trees and strawberries growing here too Full price $9,000, A good start to build the home of your choice and profitable morket garden possibility Only a few minutes drive to Oshawa GIBBONS STREET OSHAWA NEW 5 room quality home fully decorated to move in should be ready soon, some delight ful interior innovations includ na popular bathroom vanity indirect lighting under val ance box and other surprises This 3 bedroom brick is a must for you to see if you detest living in a subdivision Full price $16,400 with about $2,400 down and one mortgage OWNER LEAVING COUNTRY Reduced his price this ranch brick 'bungalow on Thickson's Road with breeze way and attached garage Family size kitchen, 3 bed rooms and lower Township taxes, Spacious lot for child- ren's play and your garden Not fancy but modern and economical at $11,700.00 Make your. offer with' your best down payment for this property between Whitby and Oshawe WANT A HOME AND OFFICE IN WHITBY? With parking facilities busy corner of Ontario and Brock Streets. You will do well to investigate this 8 room red brick building in centre of town, on arena corner. Drive by and see the possibilities Ww ommer summer payment on on ere @ have other cial and office locations o this busy street from $16,- 500. to $25,000, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 18, 1965 19 20--Real Estate for Sale __ ;20--Real Estate for Sale JOHN F. DeWITH Realtor BOWMANVILLE, - 14 Frank Street, Phone 623-3950 OSHAWA HOMES 3 bedroom bungalow with oil furnace, bathroom, Large jot Only $1,500 down, New; brick bungalow with 3 bedrooms, attached garage Vanity in bathroom. Asking $16,500. Terms Lorge, 1540 sq. ft. brick bungalow with self-contained and rented basement aport- ment. Only $2,000 down: Brick bungalow, only 2 years old with Hollywood kitchen, Wall to wall broadioom. Hoor covering. Fireplace in rec room. Built-in stove and even. Asking $16,500. Terms. New, 3 bedroom brick bun- galow in excellent location . with rec. room, Nicely decor- oted. Only $3,000 down BOWMANVILLE HOMES: 6 roomed bungalow with oll modern conveniences. Barbe que and T.V. aerial. Asking $11,400 6 roomed home, all modern onveniences. Good location Very clean. Only $1,500 dowr 7 roomed brick home. Alli modern conveniences. Very clean, Attached garage. Only $3,000. down Brick with 2 apart ments, located east of town Excellent income property home 7 roomed home, located east of town on. good size lot Only $6,000. with low down poyment 4 bedroom modern size lot bungolow with conveniences. Good Asking $9,000 NEWCASTLE HOMES Completely renovated 10 roomed home, consisting of 2 opts. Excellent income pre- perty. Asking $14,500.00. Terms 5 romed bungalow. All me. dern conveniences. Over 14 ecre lot. Suitable for V.L.A. Aluminum storms and screens. 6 roomed, almost new,. bun- galow with carport. Aluminum siding. Stone front. Electric ally heated. Storms and screens. Asking only $11,500 Terms NEWTONVILLE 6 roomed, almost new, brick bungslow on 2 acre lot. All modern conveniences. Ask- ing $13,000 with $2,500. down 8 roomed, brick home, com pletely renovated with extra lot included. Any offer con- sidered PORT PERRY 8 roomed home. All modern conevniences. New siding Nice location. Asking price $11,000. Terms 5 roomed, brick byilding on main street. Store on main floor with living quarters up- stairs. Only $2,000 down ENNISKILLEN -- 6 roomed home with new oil furnace Asking $7,900. Low down poyment PONTYPOOL --~ 6 roomed nice clean home with double gorage. All modern conven- iences. Only $1,000 down Donald Mountjoy, Lorne C. Duff, Guy LeBlanc, Idso Wiersma Inge Jorgensen, Ress Davidson OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS MULTIPLE LISTING CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA and DISTRICT |. REAL ESTATE BOARD | THERE'S A BETTER _ FUTURE FOR YOU IN. braemor omens STEVENSON RD, N AND ANNAPOLIS 30% ON INVESTMENT Brick building, three apart ments plus store. Centrally located. Act quickly if inter ested WRITE BOX 125 Oshawa Times SERVICE | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD | 723-2265 (Over A Quarter Century Of Service) | $24,900 IS THE ASKING PRICE For this custom built home located in a choice north west areo Everything shout this home inside and out is perfect. We couldn't begin to replace this home for the asking price. Owner being transferred is the only reason for selling. We have the key---so be sure to call real soon BEAU VALLEY -- COMPLETELY DECORATED Large 7 room brick home with aluminum siding at top. Top value is yours when you buy this 4 bed. room, 2 bathroom home built by one of Oshawa's leading builders. H. Kas- singer. Construction, Imme- diate possession available. We will accept trades: So if you want to move up, give us a call ond we will help you move in SUNSET HEIGHTS SCHOOL AREA Very suitable to the larg- er family. Separate dining room, 2 bathrooms, finish- ed rec. room with electric heat ond natural fireploce. The kitchen is ¢ woman's delight--just loaded with cupboards and even a built- in stove and oven. Listed ot $21,900. Owner trans- ferred. Hurry before it's sold NORTH-EAST ----- MOVE IN AND START LIVING Lovely 5 room bungalow with basement garage. Im- maculotely clean, nicely decorated 3 bedroom home. You will love the Holly- wood kitchen, Bosement is divided into Recreation room complete with bor; . laundry room ond extra bedroom or den Ls aree --~ 6% N.H.A. RESALE Three bedroom Ranch style bungalow with attached garage, situated on a love- ly lot close to new school- This home comes complete with built-in stove and oven and exhoust fan. Just list- ed--call to-night NORTH-WEST AREA 5 rooms--comprised of 20' x 13° living room--kitchen 10' x 12' and three bright comfortable bedrooms. Not too often on to-day's mar- ket 'con you purchase 4 home of this colibre com- plete with garage and car- port for a price of $15,- 900. Possession 45 days. $2,500. DOWN -- DONEVAN COLLEGIATE AREA N.H.A. Resale featuring 2 baths, lorge rec. room, 3 bedrooms. Delay will mean disappointment -- call right now. PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY $13,500.00 -- extremely good value in this well maintained 7 year old--5 room bungalow, Beautifully decorated inside and well landscaped outside. Close to schools, transportation ond churches. Monthly poyments of $103.00 in cluding taxes with.e down payment of $4,300--on it may be refinanced with es low as $2,500 down $10,300. CASH Two bedroom brick home with large living room and dining room, large modern kitchen, Close to North Plant of G.M. Ideal for young couple getting start- ed For full particulars call 123-2265 Open Daily 9 a.m. to9 p.m. 728-5205 723-2894 728-1066 728-2870 723-1358 723-2859 728-2233 725-9345 725-3867 728-5868 725-1015 725-0201 725-1726 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking PRIVATE SALE See' This Beautiful Two Storey Colonial Styled Home Located In East Oshawa being transferred and sell, Four large bed- rooms and bath upstairs, live ing room, dining room, kitch- en and extra lavatory down- stairs. Home completely de- soft colors Only Irwin -Cruikshanks Margaret Lee Willard Johnston Allan Thompson Marg. Hall George Koornneef Maible Boudreau Ed Drumm Irene Brown Steve Macko Neil Campbell Aeg Aker Bill McFeeters Owner must decorated | $3,200. down | wow! $600 down on three-bedroom - briek| {semi-detached home in Whitby. Why rent! |when you can own -your own home for! {payment of only $106 monthly? ae Gor- jfen Osborne Real Est '$18,900 PULL asking price for ae year-old tri-level with attached garage Call 723-6932 or apply 20 Labrador Drive lovely home in @ choice residential jad PRIVATE sale, "}wo- bedroom | house north. featuring four . bedrooms two built-in stove and oven below cost of repiacement baths, $4,400 down to west area. Write Box 139 Oshawa Times Many extras far NHA mortgage, For full particulars call \20----Real Estate for Sale jElmer Fredin, 728-5103, ©. Martin Realtor, (Continued on Page 20)