18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 18, 1965 "Spring Cleaning -- Make Cash By Selling Your Don't Needs Here" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 \6--Marine Equipment _|8--Articles for Sole |13--Articles for Rent By R FE scon] We Carry ain ao } @ Grovel @ Sand » Stone. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY || este 8 Sina HARE ERs See them o Whitby's Only Local | OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN | Texaco Decler REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- Horbour Road Call 668-3524 massaging belts, rowing ma- ' 4 Fi s li | o . 723 1901 ' SAWDON"S (Whitby) LIMITED chines, bike exercises -- all Accountants Barristers Gardening and Supplies Gerdening and Supplies | ne od oF ur. OUTBOARD MOTOR, Elgin 1964, 12' 244 Brock St. South $6 per mene chi it RO AS OES anieennceinnpeonenrertenentaienmnnanicreenrn eerie! Saatieanninannste meno ot ae : | horsepower. Never used, $200. T "7 JOSEPH ®. MANGAN, @C, Solicitor | 7784} 172 Al MATERNITY wear, size 14-16, jackets PLUMBER'S TOOLS ~~ pipe ALBURY HOSMAR. Chartered Account. fee ll fo loan. Office a 2 King Street . 4 28-4167, vid Albert Shorts, siacks and afternoon dresses. Like 4 ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, 9 wy - cleaning rods, pipe vise tri Ont rio. Telephone 773-122) East, Oshawa, 728-8232. Gar en upp 1eS | : PLYWOOD ee 12 Feat, trailer "with new. Telephone 725-6615 od. pipe Wrenches, pipe cults aR agp es 7 NALD, 6A, LLB, Bar \ q on ates ce 490 Laer, agi CONTENTS of home including washing a i LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, "Chertered (JAE LMACBONA' Se" hakiey' punt LANDSCAPING & GARDENING | Wt, VERE EY COR my | 728-8125 oF 370 Lakeshore Road machine, stove, refrigerator, etc. Owner| te's, pipe threading dies, ping Contre, 1259983. wwe SMP The Commercial Bullding, 286 King West: 4B IL Garden Seeds SERVICE --- 728-7787. | VAMED SPIRAL OS eee eine Tisch seinen re rene Talons Whitey Gne| Woilet_ suBhy. ping Centr Oshawa, Ontarie. Client parking avail | po " / : motor, good condition. Telephone 728- 39-INCH SINGLE bed, $15.; 23-inch Mot PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- -- ee ¥ | liner. p D {16 HP sor " JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Arcane eee asageem et Flower Seeds and Bulbs Lowns sheeded @ SODDED @ shad sna renee with accessories, $250, (#1 electric stove, $20 Telephone 725-8204. -- stepiadders, aluminum exten- H pe fy oe A a al Roses Fertilized, sildewalk slobs, | Telephone 728-5387 after 4 p.m BABY CARRIAGE -- Thistie deluxe) sion ladders, ladder jacks, patio and flagstones Fertiliz- '| BAYTONA MARINA LTD. Fairport, Mode! in excellent condition, converts fo cree) scattolding, compressors, s mn , v | | bed. Color, greer white baloor e 08 oe ne ibs 'CUSTOM HOME | Flowering Shrubs ers - tress - hedging ~ nursery rr sid | shot ti eark SR ea est. Taemhnk rass""" "| Sorey guns, wallpaper steams Street West, 725-0397 z REMODELLING Garden Tools stock i anteed work; all marine repair work| BEAUTIFUL rubber plant, 8 ff. tall, in| €fS, tarpaulins, blow torches, HOPKINS, BEADLE" AND €O., Char-} ' % | MANURE wail " ated oe per yard Top | 4 undertaken; boat repairs, pick-up and healthy condition. Ideal. for commercial propane torcnes tered Accountants, Financial Trade Bulle Roofing Pointing, sleinge Tank Sproyers soil, 82, Rigor be eohone 725-0697 SIR XA 4 i vey Toronto 282-5757. Dunbarton » aciog or large home. Telephone 728 BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Ree 7 : Cie hase ement mixers, finishing tro- 125 T Hopkins, CA: H. £.| Bird Baths A-) PENCE mn residential and in t { ink uit aa bas : "eA. show A pcg venir dng Meith usr fencing "nstelieg Free esimate. ALYY | Mee | 7--Swap and Barter var od am sod thee ana nes rae| wels, wheel borrows, electri " eral Carpentry work ater 'Fountains slephone 723-5277 ¥ q 8. Also bag and cart, $19.56. Telephone vibrator, oir Compressor, jac FRIEDLANDER AND in wm AS oy AcE 4 ? eee geet $2 ° a . Chartered : poe Licensed Tru Work Guaranteed Windmills GARDENS plowed and cultivated, ready "HE DISCOVERER om OunfiEs WHAT PERCENT OF ceeune cabitete!, ssotienare titers: | 72930852 hammers, hand trowels, water in Bankruptcy, . 64 King Street CALL 725- 8576 cheat j ing planting. Telephone 728-4378. PENICILLIN, LIVED 10 SEE Cou ig ME CAR OWNERS IX ; is heaters, mowers, boats, motors, WHITE BIRCH, any size, one. two and pumps, portoble heaters, steel 728-7371 s Peat Moss PLOUGHED, Gravity Roto-| LIVES SAVED BY HI$ DISCOVERY. THE IME U.S. WAVE MORE _cars. H. Chinn, Hillside, Park! three clusters, $3 up Also cedars, 10C scaffolding, electric generator, HALL, PERKIN AND CO., Chartered! * __jtractor. Telephone 655-3104 MOLD WHICK KE DISCOVERED WAS HOT WAN OME AR EG [Stull 72 -- | West or teleshone 7-980, t Srett ramset, power rollers, electric Accountants, 36a King Street East Sle DRIVEWAYS e PLAZAS Weed and Feed Fertilizer GARDENS rofo-tilied. Teleshone 723-1977. MADE GENERALLY AVAILABLE WMTW. { ' Aiticles © 'Ga West or telephone 728-9530 Abe hivadl tiga. ims Bypreste ewe, 725-6999; David G. Perkin. CA @ BARKING LOTS. ETC ~ 7 H WAS DESPERATELY NEEDED DURING C AND s-- icles For sale HOME MARKET 15 cubic ft. freezer, one ' King Street, Neweastie, 987 42d; Wittens Grub Killer Fertilizer MANURE -- Gravel, Stone, Fill. . Any WORLD WAR IL ELEVEN PERCENT. 5 ANE SUG. year old, like new, $250. Telephone ing jacks, morter mixers, C. Hall, B.Comm, CA WORK GUARANTEED Ci 6-6-8 time. Anywhere! Dial Hampton 263-2445 sed r es % "" NE HAVE 723-3834 mortar boker, chain. hoist, a ~ VVE v . N end BURROWS, Chartered : 1. aleeecreer ae . ' ner e. chaia.. bale, an ll 114 King Street East, Osh SCOPE ASPHALT Rs Evergreen 6-9-6 Instruction Be Frees et . FURNITURE three rooms, new qua miter sow, electric plane, tar awa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA See ee AMR a eS tone ecm mg -- C johsbulids . ity furniture, only $299, includes com-| pqulins, sand blaster, power Oi Seis Barrens CA; ae 184 Faving Limited C.l.L, Golfgreen_12-6-6 LEARN TO DRIVE 2 STOREY HOUSE aN cenraorny Svie rem. SUenen eh post hole ouger, oscillating ond rows, CA, 728-75 e akg ' 3 sembies Pay only $3. weary, Be Ai adadh canes i pedi ses Fair ain 723-5593 or 942-0994 So-Green 7-7-7 725-6553 Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs 2B feet by 36 feet ot 113. a0le_vaive! Barons' Home Furnishings, sand disc sanders, belt : 24 Simcoe South nd fi nders t MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers,| HARLEIGH Garden So-Green 1 Prince St a 'Llty ot the Valley ear teres | in rye peter age Solicitors. Clients' £ ailab! MFG. CO 50-Green 21-7-7 RUTHERFORD'S MORTGAGE LOANS TV TOWERS TO DEMOLISH AND SITE | Teleohone Reed's Floris) 7287306 ane lie wit sees... Nations' sare Milorganite Schoo! of Sefe Driving CLEARED BY JUNE Ist, TYPEWRITERS, adaing machines and Simcoe Street South 36 Bis es ty / " : time clocks, new and rebuilt. On r ' iy ~ ane QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, OC ak Matbisingh ng. « ie Bone Mea! 14 ALBERT ST suse hel AV AILABLE | ECONOMY AND pio? Close May 20 at ouarenten gt os sine one buys, S Ee A N 5 and bathroom planning f] Sheep Manure Government License PLM kins Business Machines. Sales and se: oneeR AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici tiling. Modernfold doors, ete : - Personalized Service FIRST AND SECONDS DELUXE |Ice, 728-7783. Open evenings Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. Se eg Free Estimates. Cal! anytime Lawn Seed "Rasidence | aa RA Complete Garden Supplies 3368; Terence V. Kelly, RA.BCL 723- 7589 Comp! : OSHAWA 7% INTEREST Priced ta suk pur lade APPLY WE "BUY, 'sell 'and exchenge uted furni-| 223 King St, W., Oshawa Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB yor 9 city DRIVING SCHOOL TERMS ARRANGED JACKSON & WALTER | ggading, Post ee PHONE. 723-3224 "3224 VICTOR, Barristers, So Notaries. automatic and standard cars CONTACT S ost HAWA, Corns snd Sports Seles. and Sereay ton SA "One of Oshawe's leading Secs | * i cenerco. Cooper. Smith Co,| Seetaree sei TASKen OSHAWA TV va RNG a tat oe a Omar a nan, QC; 720-8554; G. L. Murdoch, @C 82 THICKSON RD. N 16 Celina St arate wir (room. apariment. For more particulars and Agreements of Sale bought and sold 793 ] 139 Me ee a esietes, "tea ing] Custom built cobinets EVERGREENS DRIVING SCHOOL Feiner ene' Massey NEW SORT vingniid wna vini aast| 15--Employment Wented _ ratirh Snaamonae™ roast sni| MUD PROBLEMS! | giowering sHRuBs | Sires Prtessione REALTY LIMITED Tv TOWERS | ae BUY AND SELL -- ove om Urns Skilled technical and elerieal, hi FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale " TELEVISIONS and sewing machi R NO BONUS CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, ane The 10 years teaching driving : 288 Arthur St HONDA 'motorbikes. Apply to Midiown 14--~--Business Opportu North. Oshawa ad - er pletely equipped beautifully decorated res 728-0091 cy \ ' delivery decorated Creighton, QC; or esidences: G. K. Dry aa 28 0 een FREE VALUATION SUPPLY LIMITED JANSSEN' S POWER Sait COSFOM BEAE caaic and best clientele, Includes alse four. 723-4768; J. C. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages| 728.0232 - WHERE ANYTI Vv U IN 361 GIBBONS ST, i steering wheels, tarps, several widths cal! Cari Olsen, Realtor, 299 King Stree? eO-Vale 793 Wr ee i EQUIPMENT CENTRE ana shapes. Surplus Stock. Arkansas |Gndiy N33 ond arrenges Kite Sas aac he VAUGHAN 728-5157 or 728-2236 728 8] 80) Travelier. Sacrifice prices. 728-7909 ACT IVE Ferguso Riding Tractors. set also new sfeering wheel; old ie - Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, -- e f Fully censed end insured 2 Service on all power equip- trola with records, Must sell. Telephone H P; res dB lemahtore BA, LLB. Ores HEDGES HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED | 'ment. Licenced mechanic on | Z7set® NEED HEL and appliances. Goold Furniture, 215 640-2761; 728-4204, 723-5)33. NHA and oft : ne Weat ) y Dundas East, Whitby, 668-54 also summer help. fest ectaege tome Sree Easily overcome with an SHADE TREES | Phone 723-2696 ARE THE BEST! 243 King Want 7200600 eee ee ' ASPHALT DRIVE. Terms or LANDSCAPING or 7 1501 agreements purchased and sold. Hennick WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Oshawa Live Bait Co rent at reasonable rates. Honest Cal's Contact: Nerth Hastings High Classified Rates ae ay : rae Bed Henaice, Bareieiors, #1 King. Street : : ve ¢ cere ey School Student Employment | renged to suit, Drive-out to Satria Care Repent cat seous sary. | -- : R | @) WORMS FOR SALE washing" riachine simplicity, om Ss ce, Bancroft, Ontario : rive contro' cars rsonal courteo: ---- f stroller and high chair, $10 for both. Tele. svi WORD AD ines ' 74, PRIVATE and corporate monies. for all Wiintacnd 4 re a 9) tr Albi chentole dove sea pal an ef 24 words $1.08 | Telephone 723- 189) RICHARDSON e, fully licensed and insured, 668-4 eid td Maristas ane . Wholesale and Reta --- |phone 726-5242 REGISTERED nurse wishes position In aia t E y from y i i : > . . t sale lased i Tr aks Everyday from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m H.P. r ith &inch pl doctor's office, industrial.er elinic, com edditione! words 4/,¢ each; 3 con- Janitor Service doch and Victor. (See"Barristers".) | TELEVISION ee , CuIRObINE and heen a al, TOR Inuiceiits Shatner witibg' hor ant Game Secutive insertions of 24 words $2.88 p FARMS ¢ B & - 859 NELSON STREET Aldi Sn ald lee ate AL ya ge Morag additional words 12c each, 6 con- LASTERING : ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, ecor ; Corner Bond & Division aaniad ak arate Phone 723-5609 hah Mla RISA DER TONE HT secutive insertons of 24 words $4.32, omical ceiling, wall cleaning done by Optometrist 728-5143 ba apd MOVING! Freezer, 1963 Westinghouse ROOM AND BOARD, and care for an additional words !8¢ each New and Repairs Hwy. 35 Pontypool moder nined Wy Free estimates. Work ' "RICHARD "tT dar ar re apd sireidlainaia 723-7112 or 728-3222 upright; stove, 40 in., Kelvinator, beck sey. lady in my own home, Telephone 1 nt tion - x rant 2 6 Beg ay n tro! efrigerator, top freezer, |" Charge --- 10 per cent additional | eramie + guarenrese 'i oie Gite haa: \/ ~ - |Panel co 9 i jceirtaineolinetelnige charge if mot paid within & days. ~eramic Tes Phone Bethany 59R4 EVERYTHING Y:om yards to basement 6, Oshawa. Telephone TV SERVICE Oshawa Live Bait Co excellent condition. Telephone 723-5386 WOMAN desires one child day cere fe Method ef counting -- Less then 24 A } cleaned, also serap taken awa - DAY EVER ad : TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 4-ft. own home. Lake Vista area. For further words counts as 24 words; each D & R ROBINSON Open 8 a. 8 p.m. Da oe ? 3-2: 68 DAY OR EVENING 4 dipped galvanized tower, information phone 723. A377 word, initiel, figure or abbreviation : counts @s one word; phone number 725-0330 sndoy 12 6 Painting and Decorating 728-5286 WORMS FOR SALE inciuaing' single aitenancel anvenna, Com: sUTCMmR with 71" years' oxperlenea Ta Money Te Loan Terr te x Included, guaran-| meat store and Zsiaughtering. Telephone counts two words PAINTING AND pier paar -- WELDING Spring Clean Up DECORATING OSHAWA Wholiin and sie trom FS dtl eel goeeh Ra tt sik : : . ° 0 8 pm visior 1 As ts Wanted SOCIAL NOTICES RIOR and EXTERIOR ELECTRONICS 859 NELSON STREET TWO-WAY RADIO with base stajion, Ha Agent 22.00 per invertion with 25 cents ed- | Acetylene @ Arc @ Heleare m ) Draperies rere pegs Corner of Wolfe crafter model CB-3A, Citizen's Band, LADY required to mind two school-age 7 ane oe eee we also @ Torch Cutting Steg oo te MATES HOUSE 723-7112 or 728-3222 a ee i i is ib in tar tame ooteae AE rab teat pibes 'her oiiahiapeaa che : CLEANING TIME ee hopping district. Phone 728-4337, 723-7379 IN MEMORIAMS VY Carcite | : Don j CL. : - Shopping district $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se 283 DEAN AVE ervice DODD | SOUTER STOVE, electric. heavy duty, tour burn A each thereafter, plus 12¢ per line of | ~A | 668 5 862° : T.V. CLEANING TIME } SMILE Tine. some conaition: 840. Tele 17--Femole t Help Wanted r one 725-3429 ne Ze adctional charge 'net 723-660] : by You're in Valley Creek Furni- |poGl--tancgs FF Wa Baia ne paid: within 7 days NEW PLAST: ger ea 1 MAPLE | EAF ee Se | O ture where they pay te most, set balis, Value $300, selling for CARDS OF THANKS LASTERING and repairs, stucee, _ : : . nf | sell the cheapest. When sell- price, Used three months. Also car, '55 $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms Free REN T FOR ONLY TELEVISION Oldsmobile, new plates, $75. Motor A-! ecch thereofter, with 25¢ additional b>: mates. A. C. Woods, 728-2420 or 728 ANDSCAPING & . ing or buying used furniture Call 723-6008 charge if not paid within 7 days HARDEN SERVICE ie 728- 5 ] 43 and appliances phone 728 MOVING, must sell, 21-inch: television becoming ¢ 4 ITs ROOPING PLAT. new; siso repair jobs at i. oe Pua s : th : " Ph Se : sored inch (displey) $1.80 for the [chimneys flashed. "Oshaws Rooting and HAMPTON 263-2214 Renting .is fost steal = AINTER cl eal - Pi ag tg to the store jchrome kitchen suite, 24 "Se first 20 words end Se each there- Sheet Metal Co., 483 Wilson Read North ' popular wo lv BAIKIT IS e rilling----Digging irs OA suite, Reasonable, Brooklin 655-4525 efter 728-6507. Res, 728-3438 NO. 1 TOP SOIL problems, More than halt tt ING De ORATING Diggit TELEVISION, 1964 General Electric, | mers andl RES Te rn RIOR f c ' F a i pea (Werd Ads REMODELLING or renovating? Adding » thousands who come to u 1OR p L XTERIOR vec | DIGGING by mmechy ne specializing kitchen suite, five pieces, bedroom suite, ek ati Keg ri ectric A mature woman with' High AUCTION SALES room or garage? For a free estimate Har San bch week do re- REE TIMATE } Street West, Whitoy. 668-2563 or 668-agoy. |'vi" beds CUhiaie Suet ho hairs, four years old; excellent cond School education, typing abil- $2.10 per inch per insertion telephone 723-189 conmendatio f friend ERDINAND SC DT sacenegi eaciues ReaO Rea pen ae es ccm aaa r. 735952 geltats tion; alsa living reom furniture. Tele ity and some experience .in PLASTERING, new work and repairs ' : , TUBERT 725-9572 1---Wemen's Column , ber a phone 723-14 DEADLINES Free estimates, Telephone 723-189) : - ' 3 ~ sevblde HEINTZMAN AND RISCH and piano, in can <3, vacuum GT yee ge traffic or related work is re- -- ~ an SCa in ) yt nsiderate HAVE YOUR PAINTING done now! PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- very good condition; also chest of draw $30; hedge trimmer, $25; four' chatt quired to assist in supervising WORD ADS gibi cla ! Fooring c aca ca pia terior and exterior. 4 é a, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone/ers, finished in white." Telephone! si' sgesiee, gym nd feblon' 48. coon, a small department y rk apa eed a 74I1 . . . 3 r Spm. day previous e and small jobs. L, and H. Roof! 55 Glover Road a 5/ ter m it Fae p 4 pies a foot stool, $4; sewing machine, $10; ches. LOST AND FOUND and Construction Res ct sche 725-1721 x ' H / iy GREEN CHESTERFIELD "and chair, terfield, $5. Telephone 723-7089 Duties will include the pre- U 5- Chances are, we wor r , 2--Personal floral f shi docu- 9 a.m. day of publication ASPHALT Ko new, $125; two pairs long floral ADDING machine, typewriters, ceshiers,, Paration of shipping se 2 HA your driv j. Reasonable ask why you t to rent PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING done green dr A Ng $35. € after 6 pm ty! oy . Suen d - BIRTHS AND DEATHS rates, work fu uaranteed. Ever reen a e ri < SavaY y dg duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, ments auditing; carrier 9 am. day ef publication anged. Arnold.' Paving Ontario 9 money. Phone now, o . F Gonee gh ares Bar lid roe LEN PULLAN bah chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service and charges, maintaining freight ASSIFIED DISPLAY 728-50 ursery must be cleared your money problems m : PAINT SPRAYER with two pistons, two trade with budget terms. New and used Se ; d d tay " . OWEST PRICES EVER tes PI bi d Heati Pantin? : motors, gas and electric, two gallon Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. cost records and supervising OUR, LOEALcHinay cleaner a s) -Eo © u umbing on eating Englisn | ailo tanks, two regulators: 400 ff. of hose several order checkers, ys repair AMOLID serra * ers bulll and repaired: gas linings: In EXAMPLE AMO ALC PLUMBING" and heating supplies | CUSTOM TAILORING | ang det teas price. Used 9 Market Basket Apply in writing steting age, » 99 \/ vi' HLY 2 Harold H. Stark Ltd bik ae A e shad Ue terates "a re JOHN'S AMOUNT y AYA r and Engineering, 225 Suit and Dress Alterations HONEST CAL'S Furniture 'Appi JANSSEN' S education and work experi ». day of publicatior hd ROOFING, chimneys. All types of LAN DSCAPING : ati Sirr Street South nvisible Mending ances. Name brands at biggest discounts COUNTRY ence to Box NUMBER RENTA so Be cement. work. Frank McCenn, RR 3, - ' 4 ; ALL T F rs and remodelling 10 PRINCE ST 28 531) anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET Nhile es n ; he Pade: Lone Dimontin Game SOD LAID & $105.75 2 ) : sce tap Reasonable uci - \!y mattress furniture lines. Your author- . ty Fenland SAS tH be Hacker CARPENTRY -- brick block, con ° 395 42 ¢ 24.00 : 72-1191, J. Foley. Removal of superfluous heir \iz@d GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's at Fresh fruit and - vegetables Mr. R.P. Jaeggin ois "Mvnstiines Ga SaOA Ab coselbio ngs, etc. New work and re DELIVERED 710.65 oF 26 00 rey i © anil ' |424 King Street West, 728-9191. | daily, Apples sold by the we accept no fiability in respect of kinds. After 5, call 728-3151 sroding bi: Power Rollin 101407 ' 42 O1 Rug-Upholstery Service tebe OUT eine |" SCRAP" HARDWOOD onetocl lenaths.| bushel. Host of imported pro- Assistant Factory Manager ; damage alleged to arise [QUALITY carpentry of all kinds. Work By, ep 1% cee st ae 201600 An Oshawa May |7th, 18th, and | Excelient for fireplace. $7.75 single cord duets e or delay in jthe ho by fob. Arnold Thornton SHRUB ~ TREES & HEDGES ' e 3 PE hs Os HAWA 19th. Phone Genosha Hotel Dial 723-228) after 4 om 4 SKLAR however 3146 or 728-4584. Ask for Rex BROOKL IN Larger amounts up to $3 ( ) on these dotes for appoint- {ORIGINAL oj! paintings -- landscapes, 843 KING Ww 728-9429 HOME IMPROV: ® 1 7 . Or more) also availabie ye BH s |Portraitures -- also custem picture tram- _ N TU F C | be rex leavestroughing a we ine 655-3866 ms Seka CLEANERS ment Ike at k. Studio. Days. 728-0432, (NO. 2 P.E.1. POTATOES -- 751b. boo, FURNI R O. for In |ana general Teoaits Al work CREPCENT FINANCE Do tsacn Clan ELECTROLYSIS even and weekends inde. 325 Brock £4.00, delivered. Call evenings. Brepklin iba 6 Bruce Street CANADA'S MOST CONSIDERATE : sa i aah a ada North, Whitby WHITBY, ONT. # CEDAR TREES FINANCE " OMPANY MOE pent er yer 723- 464) VACUUM repairs, ail makes, hoses, hare 'SYRUP for "sale, Take Highway ad ee nee ow won ce he ree 7 \brushes, etc. Pick-up, del 942-0213 1 to Concession alias rap meer st orice kent work FOR -HEDGES, £7 E Jetrell. Monooer a cAR ieaving for: "Neve Seatla, May 31. eee era servieevary: | MeO313. Andrew Heaslip, Bethany 17R1? GRILL A SALAD ply Conan A hoa G CALL 725-9961 Telephon Pic ' | vad eiephone 778-584 WHITE BIRCH Simcoe St. South CALL 725 teeta MN NO. 2 PE. POTATORS -- 7516. bap, | BAR GIRL submitted otherwise ¢ Carine ne . All sizes. Nice Clusters Phone 728-7311 94 BRUCE STREET 5--Trailers WANTED -- Piano, repair-needy. Best Cal! evenings. Brooklin 655-4983. ot for more than one inser- ag Rail Fence Posts, and Poles PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? if you have CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and re - I ad Sell Sebaation Henmanh 10--Farmer's Col ~--REQUIRED-- odve e JOHN'S MOVING, 'Storage and | Cartage all lenatt good credi? 1'l) lend you up to $5,000 to id Free mate. See our materia ' es r r's Column har i Reasonable naured / rh Kin i cut payments In half or less for consoli-| to coverin Dalton Upholstering, 75 Conk' s Trailer Sales BEDROOM suite, kitchen table, two bath DEAD and crippled farm' stock picked 4pm. toll p.m, Also ai; Ala sehen oMITH Newtonville dation of any worthwh le purposes. Tele: tree! 72 stools, as new. Leaving country end: of up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone , 59 phone Toront. 289 A 7 CITY CARTAGE, movin storia 786-2283 Collect shai RE. "UPHOLSTERING "py experts. Estab-| Simcoe St. North AOTC TEAR ater SBD. estes sae: Collect Hampton, 263-2721 | DISHWASHER Siler, aH wards claanae 1 WILL loan you p To $5,000 at a rea- d rs | |soov" "HARDWOOD, Tein" lengths, | icence C-65 cee | FULL TIME A 6 William Street West or telephone i sonable rate lerest to consolidate|riais, Workmanship gual | 4 jcellent for fireplace, $7 single cord. | SEED clean oats for sale, $1 bushel. Bow-| 2 ae EVERGREEN SALE your bi ao for any other , orth while Fr ge estimates, Credit terms Oshawa, 723-9534 eee ees |manville 623- 2242 ee eae Dentistr up to 50% off ployed and have good credit. Telephone! Uphoistering Company, 287 Dean Avenue just North of Camp Samac eben daa uction, JOHN DEERE tractor, model 6, Good | : ee stry is 4631 Pp hundreds of coils. Tremendous savings,/running condition. Reasonable. After 4 BIALEK, DR. C, B.,' Dental Surgeor HADE TREES FLOWER - ' New and Used Trave! and | $26.88. Bunk beds, $57. Wilson's Furniture, |meohene 'Brooklin | 655-4936, Apply MR. CAMPBELL ncoe Street North, Osha r RUBS. Get your card |Mortgages CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, Tent TRAILERS 20 Church Street, -- : ee appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 72 hit F ye Bo covered like new. Get the best for less THREE ROOMS of furniture, 50. No! '1i--Pets a and Livestock GENOSHA HOTEL hl a ir veces. 142 Siencee Stree Parts and Seevice down payment. $15 monthi Honest Fy ma j ee th. Call 728-64: Free estimates C , aK West. 7: SIAMESE Seaipoint kittens, "beautiful Dressmaking fail aincn Hideenn. ak 7 : bl Petia Sih male and female, house trained, seven ~ DRESSMAKING pas : Sales and Service AWNINGS; HITCHES, STA ELECTRIC CHORD ORGAN with bench weeks old. These kittens make a lovely ~ INTERVIEWERS " ® 31.80 BILIZER JACKS, ALL PARTS and stand, used six months. $50. Tele and _Fitelligent pet, $25. 725-7616 . 9 wor Agnes Row V ¢ GUARANTEED 'repairs fo all wringer - ce " * [phone 723-3139. PULLETS -- 500, Dekalb, tive weeks and SUPERVISORS < washers and ranges ee estimates. Cal Bide isaac -- E DRESSMAKING, alterations h For vergreer Shade LOANS aw ee We seil the best for less hs an er ae tod veh old. Telephone Hampton 263-2619 Port time, for market research n drac 7 b rates T ' rir « ' ter i rapes, Reosonable rate vering shru e CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies. JER THE 1968 Golden Falcon and" Orb [until 9 p.m. Monde Shop, 199 King West, PALAMINO, Well broken, saddle mare,| Surveys. Write giving educe : omplete service. Free estimates. Mel. ; Dia! 728-4242 five years old, also western saddie. Tele tion, interviewing or super- LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Alterations ; Travel trailers af Subway Trailer Park phone 728-0271 bd Ps Fett na a ' t Siineke AE Teys Bovine, and Sales, 1010 Dundas Street East, FURNITURE -- Three rooms, new qual-| vising experience to Edsall assitiaa © nending and style changing. Reasonable : : Central Ontario gong ~ | Whitby, Sales, Service, Parts, Accesso-| ty furniture, only $299, includes complete LARGE WELSH PONY, geiding, sound Research Ltd, 2045 Bishop "'723. 3492. 2B ; / inssen and Sons Ltd Septic Service |bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles./@"d lively, suitable for teenager, rea ' 843 KING ST. W. 728 9429 | ROR SALE = Box 'ralier complete with |Pav only $3 weekly. Unbeatable value! | sonable Telephone 263-2532, St., Montreal 25. Write Bex thirties covers. vane wine NTRE & Trust FOR COMPLETE springs, shock absorbers and fenders. tage Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe! [KITTENS | "ere fet meas, ®, seven 616 Oshawa Times. ue t ja 3s Abb iepstid i eh - " | Steel box. Telephone Whitby 668-421) NE weeks a) e a 25 INDEX TO enh a ade al fdas CAPE CONTRACTORS SEPT A TANK TRAILERS for sale or rent, cabin ang | TY TOWERS SPECIAL -- % foot tower WANTED good homes for two preity "REFINED INL a oe -- - NST | 1 camping trailers. Authorized service ang S!ructure all-channel antenna installed, kittens. Telephone Ajax 942-4734 after 4 - SSIFICATIONS Gardening and 'Supplies __ CITY WIDE & Savings Corporat ion | LLATION accessories. Miller . Trailers, Harwood! Gibone atte ssaete" Limited, 361! p.m Housekeeper for retired CLASSIFIC INS SHARPENING And Other Trenching North, Ajax, 942-3491 |COZY-J RANCH Kennels, horses, goats, couple. $40 per week Chor. ' ve INSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS APACHE tent trailer, In excellent con-|@UNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repalred|kids, registered Germen Shepherds, pup- bef <eo and PRIME SECONDS dition, Apply 887 Ritson Road Sout, {81 At!'s Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, pies. Stud services, boarding. Ashburn, SePt: j---Sportsman's -- Trailers ----------_---- 973) 655-4662, evenings. mf Sharpenin rd R i accion "a . peng one epairs MORTGAGES ond K od L 6--Marine Equipment TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and| BEAUTIFUL baby budgies. ready" tor mon AGREEMENTS Purchased \time clocks, new and rebuilt. One year training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T/ " tt r 2D 1 A} c - 1958 MARK 25 "motor, fiberglass, 13 ft. ) ! k e OANS ON "MORTGAGE: BROOKLIN 655-4746 - icon savipesd Tastes cuter, ue Bie Bus Outstanding good buys. Jen-| Broad, 114 Eigin East 725- 9852 Picksun of GAGES Telephone 728-9987, 2 to 5 p.m c es fo ' 2 c SEPTIC TANKS cleanea. promot service " iH, " 01 evenings. me Senharnel, Roska and, gravel pit-run, sand SHARPENING BY NES " ey oy € on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street JET 16 ff. Fibregi 70 HP, convert. | oe ANB SULC Lo Saat as Gs 12--Articles Wanted -- % C RETARIES -- f , . rom 1 d Offic N Wh. 25 r CU t 1 1G---rarmers: Column | 248 Quebec St ae 50500 . oe . he Shy es ; ii bee eea Alax' 942-5415) ang appliances. One location only. Pretty|PIANO WANTED -- low style in pod shears, scissors, knives, also 19S « } S a Furniture, 444 Simeoe South, 723- 3271 728.1180. reasonably priced. Telephon 65 N. "Oshaw MANURE, gravel, soll and sod, deliver Simcoe St. N.,/Oshawa Surveyors \va FT. WEYMOUTH cruiser, Volvo! Siang, Cameo, excellent' condition : - ed cheap. Telephone 723.9045 Phone 723-5221 DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontarlo a arwen de boc enor Sleeps !0; Good | small apartment. size, $275. Telephone 13- Articles | tor Rent Two experienced secret- 728 wa ¢ RURGEAY sea, cha Vale car" Ran or. Commercial blue Brints.| 5991 "or Brooklin 655.4942 942-5510, Ajax |-aries needed for large DUTCH SAND dulivary:: Rear estimiien Tltehane ite ario Stree 6 - - BUYING OR SELLING furniture or | pa sa ie al MORTGAGE rum avo tmoctore, era cag|t,FY Pe WOOD bul W lonaey a Rulnae Gt Eine Manuon onde 'Tables, Choir, Linens, Dish | local low office S dey 5 wanted Wanted & GRAVEL GARDENS plowed and disked Cow sureerer Gin Street East. Phone! fc, Cali s2se9c4 263-2695, ma Cullaty,: Glasses, Cottea.| I i manure for sale. Loading and grading ate - GO-KART for with or without moter Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal week and usual benefits, Call 728-2871 x _ LOANS TV--Radio Repei He Tantaot metr, Scr str eeuas Game seedin, Price "commie, "SIB:) Wear, Men's Formals, White ~Olt ¢ ---Radio Repairs I n + elec Mri POWER MOWER tuneup and service hi mortgages - P ailer, two tanks, two props, life jackets, ©@!! $68-8558 r 'Fox Furs, Mink Steles Write stating education and 0 all makes. Pickup and delivery tele kan " perfect condition. Telephone 668-5152 ADMIRAL refrigerator, in good cond! experience to } phor 9 Ope viorts A if 7 " me tion, $75.00. urney electric 30" range ie Tat ss issih 192 7 1-FOOT PLYWOOD boat, 60 HP Scott 0". LB Med ps ABN 9 SARGEANT'S RENTALS | , NO ] TREE TO TRIM? Cal! Slim. Or I!) evt B O motor, good condition. Best offer. Tele } at r Rent e hem down, Free estimates. 725-5118 or No Bonu phone Ajax 942-2700 after 6 p.m COLEMAN oi! space heater, idea! for ' ' | shang S 4-06 N | { alua 4 - - in excellent conditi A 463 Ritson Rd. S$. 725-3338 27---Rooms for Rent TOP SOIL > charge for T {CUSTOM QUILT box tralier, size a by a|(orlane: in excellent condition, Apply 214 Sin ai fe eed | 450 28--Room and Board j PRESTO LAWN SERVICES Complete, Mortgages and Agreements Yeors Experience re) by 3, all steel frame work, 18-inch ¢ Ez ' CHAIRS, card and banquet Yobies ang Osh T 29------Wanted to Rent c weed and 'fertilizer spray services; dan urchase. ' : wheels, light weight Best offer or will/FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator (iarae); Mof- aisie runners lieve Fox ntals 2 C 30---Automobiles for: Sale Oshawa Garden Centre delior rabarass, etc. Also. industria ihshiead ska ik ashen ee / k Guaranteed trade tor acetylene cutting toreh. Tele fat range, single bed, studio couch and|Simcoe Street North Call 723-2414 : s awa Jimes 3l-Compact Cors for Sale 1259 and waste piece weed con gage R phone 723-5387 other articles, 571 Simene Street North. eNTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred PART-TIME (permanent experl- ' m4: 732] 2 Teer CRUISER, 75 Johnson electro. GOOD, Geet three: plece bedroom suite, peopie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-jenced mature woman for snack bar and 2 aiternato generator plate Telephone 655- quets, partie weddings, anniversaries wo Kyo Street Eas + tanks, enclosed head, convertible top. and 366 aciiiti¢ e ark . 25-4, Afier 4, ca fill excavating grading 723 16] 2 anting h 4 A Aes 4 SWARTZ ? k ' R R : oA 9PM tains. Cali 725-419. ' = = EXPERIENCED gardener will care tor 20U'% 725 oft : NING eae? 9 AN P.M, curtains. Cali 725-4194 Me ean TYPEWRITER, $25.; portable, $40.; ada-Sonable rates. /28-6 " EXPERIENCED housekeeper, 25 or over, Fo uetions your garden and law planting, sodd- GOOD QUALITY cow manure, $3 per: "Osh awa, Ontario vt TY TOWERS, antennas, also re BOAT 2? ft. Fibreglass plywood, 20,ing machine, $25.; two-total cash regis) WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers. two adults, no heavy work Good wages, 38--Ceming Events ng, pruning, hedge trimmina, etc. Rea-lyard; road gravel, delivered. Telephone 4697 work guaranteed. | Dean) HP Mercury outboard. remote controls.|ter, $85.; electric typewriter, $65.; calcu-jreducing machines, sick room supplies. live in. Mornings 8-9 or evenings ¢1@, 39---Notices 'sonable, 725-8614. '728.8771, | 723- lAvenus, Telephon 738-0860. Dial Bev Ridaes. 639.3077. ator. 723-4434. 'Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, Telephone 723-9194. ; :