965 oon left to right direc- Do try to have more good timés with this promising boy. PARENTS' QUESTIONS | @. Is attendance at funerals iby children six to 12 desirable? " | A. It would depend largely on 'how those near of kin act. Ac- cording to many authorities on things with othér children. the subject, if they are self- controlied and weepless the REPEAT COMMANDS effect might be good. When you make a réquést or, ~~ 5 command, sometimes you ought' CHOSE FUNERAL MUSIC 1 Mgt ny Te it goon Queen Louise of Sweden, who going off to carry it out. When! qied in March, chose in advance he does any written work f0rlthe music for her funeral and. school, encourage him to do it} sked that Bible readings be ct and carefully. If there's) sinetituted for speeches during ple time, require him to re-in. ceremony 'copy slovenly work, fone borat > ata ANN LANDERS Keep Young Child Off Telephone -- Dear Ann Landers: A close|the other. Mom says if he does expensive but not enough doc- friend has a four-year-old child.|not eat some solid food he willitors are using it, says Dr. I've developed a terrific dislike/die of malnutrition, Pop says|Thomas Perry, associate pro- for the child and I'm sure oth-|beer is plenty nourishing, be-/fessor of pharmacology at the ers have, too. Whenever thejcause of the malt and the hops|University of British Columbia, especially for writing and seat telephone rings the child an-jand the grain, and that he can) A single drop of blood from}work. He resists written work swers it. She often asks, "Whollive on it just fine. a tiny pinprick in the heel of ajand all work except face-to-face is this?" And 'What do you) Mom says if he plans to livejnewborn baby is sufficient for|recitation (in which he is ex- want Mommy for?" Wheneverjon beer he had better start look- the test for phenylketonuria, or|cellent). this friend telephones me. shejing for another place to live be-/ PKU. g | The mother adds that her says, "Somebody here wants to|cause he is not going to live| PKU is an inherited condition|son's written work is correct It might be well to have him) talk to you." Then she puts here. About 10 in the evening|in which the baby's body is un-|but sloppy. He writes numbers 4° some simple exercises at the youngster on. . |Pop gets pretty noisy. By 11 helable to break down an essentialland letters backwards, He jshome which you make up for) Is it fair for a mother to in-jis sound asleep on the' couch./amino acid in the normal man-\nervous and has a hard time|tim. These should not. take iflict 'her child on. anyone who Pop says he is tired from|ner. Somehow -- doctors don't|relaxing and adjusting to new|more than 10 or 15 minutes an happens to ring up? Is it wise|working so hard. Mom says he|know exactly. why--the defect 'situations. evening, but you could observe to give a four-year-old the im-jis passed out. What about this?/can cause serious damage to shim and require him to do them pression that everyone and any---Shook Cookie |the developing brain of a child. jf you have had his vision hear.|veatly, and carefully, one wants to listen to her| Dear Shook: Pop needs to go| The test already is mandatory|ing and hand-eye co-ordination Obviously he has difficulty babble? : jback to the dentist and getion newborn infants in at least!oxamined. Do your best to calm with handwriting. Win him to I would like to see this letter) those bridges to fit. He is notitwo American states. him 'down at home: limiting his write at home only when you and your reply in print becauseleating because his tecth arent') Routine use of the test began |yiewing of TV, forbiddin yin or Dad are with him. Persuade others who have this problem!right. _|last year at four of the major'grams of crime and vidience,|tim to go slowly. Calmly tell must be as baffled as I am.--) Your pop will be an alcoholic| hospitals in Greater Vancouver. jis noeniie<-bellet. that he (him, 'This is the way we do} Resentful for sure if he stays on that beer) But Dr, Perry says only one-'doesn't stand as well in thelll. as you often write a word Dear Resentful: A four-year-|diet and you can tell him I said/quarter of the 40,000 babies/family as the younger children aE | old should not be permitted to|5°. |born in British Columbia sach'could be a source of his ten-|, There is no magic about help] answer the phone, and a mother) Dear Ann Landers: In a re-|year are given the test. sions. Dad might do most to|ins these children who do mir- who inflicts her four-year-old) cent column you said, 'People| Should be done in the newborn help 'this lad feel more secure. |'°" writing, - write backwards on friends does them a dirty!don't have to be invited to the;Mursery on every baby born. T dont pelieee y x h jp and the like. They. just need to ltrick. home of the bereaved after the, 'Furthermore it should be re- p si ' believe you can hel? practice and practice at making | The solution: Tell the mother funeral--they just go." |peated on every baby regardless spi sail re more attentive and letters and words in the right jhow you feel. I wish you hadn't printed|of the outcome of the first test. Hage * school a talk- direction. { that, Ann. In our town we have|Preferably this would be done vA i ey i aie Pe he ae mNIOY CC ING a couple of nutty women who Fes baby is between two punieade of fi ag. hive ey at Wl Ge to practice show up at every funerajjand three weeks of age . : whether they know the family| 'Here's a serious disease that eo oe moa mae tow tee ats 8 cial teen . or or not, 'we can at last arrest. People| ° moves correctly from left to Roce are the first ones in the,like myself working in labora-| I hope you can attract some ha "4 eee aa alae church, always getting as close|tories all over the world have other boys his P WOR): BA FOU eet Ni to the family as _ possible solbeen sweating blood over this sn a lal Often read aloud to him; an yOu they can see how everybody is disease. ree aR See do so sometimes push a finger) taking it, If there is a service| "It took years to xevelop an guide him in following direc-'along under the lines of Prints) at the cemetery they are right\effective method of preventing fT enter mee earl there--rain or shine--standinz\mental deficiency in htese chil- Best Selection In Town | CHILD GUIDANCE Bright Boy Has Trouble Conforming at School By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD A mother from New Jersey writes of her eight-year-old son, the eldest of four children, who) has an I. Q. of 139. She says her! son doesn't conform in school.) He has a short attention span, 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Moy 18, 1 VANCOUVER (CP) -- Expec- tant mothers should insist that their babies be tested for a condition that can cause severe mental deficiencies in infants \says an expert. tions as in games and in doing Wife Preservers My reply, in part. I wonder starr 4.15 fi When replacing a lighter wick, soop the wick end before pushi through the holder, Then clip the soapéd end. For All Your "Bridal Shoes" (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD LAWN-BOY PERE: "| FINGER-TIP START EAT Makes Lawn-Boy's enging the world's easiestto start package of family protection, Our high value, economical VACUUM == CLEANS AS YOU CUT Exclusive, clog-proof grasscatcner neces QUIETEST MOWER OF ALL | Lawn-Boy has the largest 'mufflerofany powermowet Dear Ann Landers: I was born and raised in a small town in Ohio, Last fall I completed a secretarial course. My parents agreed to let me come to Cleve- f : jland and share an apartment i : * 'with my cousin, who is 24. I CHARMED QUEBEC MP Ion 20. My folks have a high opinion of my cousin, and so Gallant Marcel Prud'- Member present wore a 7 rteT eat ails rac- MP, St. Denis, Quebec, was pink carnation in her honor, hy 7 e 'hana 1b FI completely infatuated with Outside the House later, tice early ecaus a the "FTD Canadian Mother Mr. Prud'homme rushed Breggen, 39-year-old mother of seven from Weyburn, Sas- katchewan, was. introduced from the floor of Parliament by her MP, Lawrence Wat- son, as she sat in the Speaker's Gallery. Every Life Begins At Forty It Shouldn't Slow Down By ROBERTA ROESCH The more you do the more you can do at practically any age -- so certainly when you reach "'middie-age" you don't have to follow the Slow Up signs instead of the Speed Up signals. 1 say this now because of, some mail that arrived from a "'middle-aged"' reader. 'But lots of the time when you reach 40 you don't feel as peppy as you used to. You're looking for ways to cut down on your jobs instead of for new things to add. "I know," she went on, "be- ithrough college. But most of the time, because of this job, iI'm so tired at the end of the day you could knock me down with a quick glance Dear Tender: Tell your cousin that since she created the un- fortunate incident it's up to her to find another place to live. Then look for a roommate whose standards match yours. Don't tell your parents what) happened. In years to come you) will be glad you kept your mouth shut -- and your cousin will be eternally grateful Dear Ann Landers: My pop was in an accident and lost sev- eral teeth on one side. He got a couple of bridges put in about two weeks ago. The trouble started then. Pop refuses to eat what mom cooks for him. All he wants to do is drink one bottle of beer after E550) WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE ATLAS TIRES - BATTERIES Specialized Lubrication And Undercoating 4 Aldred, 76 Royal 725-8507 King St. E, ot Ritson Rd. Each Week 12 People Receive Passes Free Each week for 26 weeks there will appeor in the advertisements on this page the names and addresses of 12 lucky people in this erea. If your name should appear and you locate it, all you are asked to do is clip the ad and present it at THE OSHAWA TIMES office. You will then receive your "4" passes to Bowl at the Oshawa Bowling Lone. Passes---Must be claimed by 12 noon Tuesday following publication. she she cousin and the fellow were very} : a the right to be. I left in a daze and know a free meal is in sight - chasers AT WILSON'S of 69. 1 tell my folks? They won't \is declared private and a guard : fs t 40," she Lots of women at 40, ne hospital. But two or three weeks dle-age is'too soon to slow. up After two or three weeks of blood ne cause at age 40 I added a job hours a day contacting blood! hospital's regulations headache. I walked right in on . the gl oven i rub-|dren, Now we have the know- " : - cousin and a fellow I had|Per-necking. a widow orjledge to do this and it is not @ CARRIAGES of the Year' during her up. "Madame, I congratu- never sine oS Both my| Mother faints, their day is com-|being fully used." | House of Commons visit. sate ig You i very beau- | plete. Then they crowd into the! 5 - - oy @ STROLLERS . . ? r tiful, e saic le . ! "ase | i Mrs. Henriette Van der ease Pasa embarrassed--and they had alC@r of' a relative because they/to the scene of an accident. @ CRIBS @ HI-CHAIRS : c : | One in 50 wants to help--but H | this work for over 20 years,| walked the streets for an hour Speaking for myself, I hate)most of the accident @ PLAYPENS ever since she gave up her jobiwhen | returned my cousin funerals and dread it when I) want only to look as a receptionist, secretary, saiq she was sorry. have to attend one. Will you} Of course it's sick, but noth bookkeeper and _ purchasing) 7 can't continue to live with tell me what makes peoplejing can be done to keep such agent for a hospital at the age per knowing what I do. Should want to see others grieving?--| people away unless the funeral] Another is a hospital workerjunderstand why I am moving Dear P.L.R.: Morbid curios-jis posted at the door with the oy i FURNITURE who began speeding up all over'out unless I explain.--Tender- ity--the same twisted emotion) list of those who have been in- | again after she had to retire, foot that makes some people rush vited. 20 CHURCH ST. 723-3211 because of regulations, in her ~~ om ---- ------ 60's from a job in a New York '4 'want » up instes ape val wy slow up instead on the retirement front told -her adtagh ; _ she wasn't ready to slow up in Let's hope that this reader)pey 60's, So, she hurried down wrote the above at the end of|to her local hospital and offered a long hard day--because mid-| per services as a volunteer. y y ar what some when you hea What SOMeC her services she was put on the women do. . : 5 payroll again Take, for example, the Flor- Sia held th ol til ida woman I heard about re- vaached her eas ne the cently, who, at 90, spends 8 to 12 z " M n . had to retire again due to to my life to help with the ex- donors for her local community "But by the next week, she penses of putting our children' bank. And this woman has done| was back to work for us on a casero neraNS A Me AS OR ' volunteer basis," the hospital executive who told me this story} said. TRU-GRAIN Ltd. FURNITURE REFINISHERS Are now accepting orders for Pick-up and (CASH WINNERS IN ONTARIO'S Open & League 5 Pin Bowling Automatic Pinsetters Ample Free Floodlit Parking Year Round Air Conditioning ALDSWORTH \@ CLEANERS ZEN WARENYCIA 203 Oshewe Bivd. NW, Oshewa 725-5841 MOONLITE BOWLING Every Fri. Evening at p.m. $3.00 for 24 Gomes / OSHAWA BOWLING LANES 723-2631 Oshawa Shopping Centre AS2\ > ys! } ""Eabric-care Centre" 725-1812 Humphreys, 113. Byron N ATHOL E. OSHAWA FISHETERIA 163 Wilson 4 STATE FARM Five and Casualty Compeay | Canadi Heed Office, Searborough, Ont. delivery in Oshawa with no extra charge. For estimate phone, Toronto 293-3628, or } 4 E 36 FREE ROLL OF ALUMINUM FOIL With Every Estimate On | Alum. Siding, Windows, Doors, Awnings, Ete, PEGGY'S Hair Styling © Tinting © Heir Cutting © Permanent Weavin formerly 'Gerde Beauty Selon' Call 728-2641 FOR APPOINTMENT Kenneth Franklin, 260 Golf write R. GARFATH, C/O TRU-GRAIN LTD. Bolabih 60 CONTINENTAL PLACE = WANS SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO Al FRESH 3 bord Mustang oy 5 McKEEN'S USED FURNITURE Pe GRAND PRIZES P CASH PR STILL TO BE AWARDES ; HERE ARE SOME OF THE WINNERS: Halibut "We Buy and Sell New end Used FISH & CHIPS Furniture "COME ALIVE" GAME WINNERS TAKE OUT OR TABLE SERVICE 426 rig ag - o TO MAY 14, 1965 231 King W. 725-5522 Wi, Galtord, CALL SUPREME WINDOW & DOOR PRODUCTS (OSHAWA) LTD. Simeoe St. N. Across from Camp Samec Oshawa, Ontario 723-9843 "RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING : 725-5181 708 Emerson ONTARIO MR, MARK IRELAND, Brantford MRS, JENNIE CORMIER, Homilton MRS. J. W. BROWN, Wainfleet GAIL G. WAUGH, Chepleeu MR. EDWARD MAIKO, Kitchener MRS, &. 5S. CALDER, Renfrew T. FITZGERALD, Soult Ste. Marie MRS. JACKLINE KILTZ, Toronto MRS. WM, HOOK, Scarborough DOUGLAS BOLE, Bissett Creek BILL MeCULLOUGH, Newcastle MR. NICK HOZO, Stoney Point ROY ROGERS, Stirling MRS. B. CARMICHAEL, Copper clitt MURRAY LANTZ, Newstedt BEATRICE MARTEL, Stoney Creek ARTHUR LAROCHE, Plant Road NINO LESZKO, Hamilton MISS NANCY COVENEY, Campbeliford MR. BRIAN MOHNS, Petowowe RON JACOBS, Hemilton EDWARD COTT, Glencoe MRS. LENA STACH, Hemilton BILLY MARSHALL, Cornwall RHEAL STRUTHERS, Cornwell MAURO A. CANTON, Fort Erie JEFFREY SMITH, Welland CHRISTINE JUVATCAS, Hamilton PATRICE LEVESQUE, Foleyet MIKE KOCIS, Willowdele MRS. L. DAWSON, Brantford JEAN. OUELLETTE, Powessen BOB ROBSON, Hornby MRS. MARY LLOYD, Keloder ROBERT COULSON, Hemilton LARRY WARD, Hamilton M, LESCKO, Homilton DOUGLAS BROWN, Frankford ANGELO BELLOSO, Pembroke MRS. DIANA GALLANT, Toronte ANTONIA CASOLA, Toronto M, DON DEDUKE, Trenton PAUL NINNIS, Allonburg MISS MIRCILLE VERDON, Alexendrio ROBERT AUDETTE, Pembroke FRED SEDORE, Hemilton JOHN C. SCHNURR, Walkerton HUBERT BELANGER, Brockville GARRY BRUNETTE, Pembroke MRS. JESSIE BRANDT, Thonton MARC ROSENBERG, Toronto LOUIS BELLEVILLE, Ottawa BONNIE FINOCHIO, Burlington ALEX DORZEK, Southampton MICHAEL DAVEY, Owen Sound DANNY DAVEY, Owen Sound MRS. H. H, WILLIAMS, Ottewo ANDRE ST. JEAN, St. Jean RICHARD MUCHOWSKI, Toronto MRS, AMELIA PLOUFFE, Foleyet MRS. LEONNE LEFEBVRE, Ottawa MRS. H. CASKENETTE, St. Catharines LESSILY HUGGINS JR., Wellond MR. C. HALEVICH, Toronto BRUCE KENNEDY, Verner CANIO MECCA, Toronto MRS, ERNEST TAPLAY, Woodstock. PATTI DAVEY, Owen Sound MOLLIE RATHBONE, St. Cotharines MRS. MARY GRAMER, Locust Hill ROBERT LANTHIER, Dalkeith JOHN A. GEDDES, Beamsville MARSHALL H. PYATT, Campbeliville MR. DON DEDUKE, Trenton MR. RAYE SPEERIN, Chatham VIOLET MUNROE, Dowling EDWARD MURPHY, Rockland ALTON CHAPMAN, Picton GORDON MITCHELL, Thorold ALEX NAGY, Wilsonville MRS. GEORGE SCEA, Belleville TOM MUTTON, Toronto GARY GAMBLE, Brentford JAMES MARANDA, Hawkesbury ERNEST LARRY BROWN, Cornwall DAVE CUYLER, Kincardine CARMILLE LAUZON, Toronto ELLWYN BEHM, Douglas MRS. LAURIER LAVIGNE, Alexondria SANDRA ZAKOS, Belleville MICHAEL SWIECH, Kitchener FRANK BUTTIGIEG, Toronto GET RETAILS AND ERTRY FORMS WHEREVER TRU BUY PEPSI-COLA AND BIET PEPSI-COLA Special contest tar residents of this orevinen eats In Your Home... or Our Plant PHONE 725-9961 OSHAW, samversaur CLEANERS J. V. AVIATION Zoltan & Nick's SERVICE LTD. Private & Commercial Flying Instruction (Gov't. Approved School) @ Aircraft Rentals @ Charter Trips Piper Colt, Tri-Pacer and Cherokee Aircrafts STATION 728-0051 MAJOR REPAIRS 3 Licensed Mechanics DIVISION OF OSHAWA CLEANING CONTRACTORS Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 728-3191 Oshawa Municipal Airport KOMATZ DRAPERIES Made - to - Order "We will visit you at your convenience in your own home for demonstration of somples and free esti- mates." Call 728-8522 For Appointment Albert H. Funk, GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 725-3555 If Busy, Call 725-3562 321 Marland Personal Home Bottled by SMITH BEVERAGES LTD, -- 750 Forewell -- Oshewe -- 723-1011 SO RELIABLE FURNITURE - INTERIORS CUSTOM DRAPERIES FINE FURNITURE BROADLOOM Decorating Service OPEN THURS. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. NINETY-SIX KING ST. EAST FREE ESTIMATES Carpenter Work ond All General Repairs ONTARIO CONTRACTORS 306 Beech 728-0344 Zan Jawny 4% MOTOR CITY CABS © RADIO DISPATCHED CARS ane @ 24-HR, SERVICE DAILY 725-1127 opposite bus terminal | 7 Too tired ? to cook? | CHICKEN in THe ROUGH a GORD"S ENVOY FOOD SERVICE HOME DELIVERY e@ FISH & CHIPS @ HICKORY SMOKED RIBS W. Jorden, 842 CARPETS AND FURNITURE CLEANED in your home the "flower-fresh" way ty Duraclean® * no meaay soaking + no harsh scrubbing for free quotation call 728-8518 Se Cochrane GORD'S FOOD MOBILE REASONABLY. PRICED ) CYCLE CENTRE Bicycle Sales and Service Authorized C.C.M., Raleigh Dealer 204 BOND E,, 725-6344 Ronald Gould, 452 Cunningham © OFFICES @ FACTORIES e CONSTRUCTION SITES Arnold A. Eggleton, 202 Cabot 728-7321 WALTON'S Supertest Snack Bar 728-0231 Pies and Pastries Fresh Daily Ne pay snecial attention te alidren LEO'S ITALIAN FOODMARKET IMPORTED CHEESE ALL ITALIAN FOODS GROCERIES MEATS GROCERIES (FREE DELIVERY) 502 SIMCOE S. 723-4643 ey, 9714 Crocus Dr Open 24 Hrs. A Day Every Doy KING ST. £. AT PRESTONVALE 1 Me SHEWRING BROS. Floor and Wall Covering © Armstrong Ceorlen @ Ceramic Tile CALL 728-3980 For Free Estimates OSHAWA'S MR. CLEAN Janitor Service Window Cleaning Employees > Bonded Rudi Moeder 725-9931 Ges, Howitt, 98 Nassau ) $107-50 without grasscatcher 93.50 18.200.85 ee PARTS DISTRIBUTORS and SERVICE SPECIALISTS OSHAWA \YACHTHAVEN Ltd. Herbor Rd. TOF Sin.eoe St | Biz | . 723-1901