THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, Mey 18, 1965 15| on Pierre Burton's book "The| Refreshments were assisted Comfortable Pew". : |by Mrs. Buchler and her com- Mrs. Mabel Joyce presented| mittee the treasurer's annual report. It was left- with the executive to OSHAWA REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 select delegates for the conven- DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries, 6T., GEORGE'S W.A. The executive served refresh- | (Afternoon Branch) recently. the four main castes. A bale was sent ing, June 8. HARMONY H AND § The Afternoon Branch of St. George's WA met for its de- votional and business meeting Miss Flora Foster, continued her talks on India and spoke on to WA House, Toronto, for a mission, to be sent where it was most needed. The members planned' to take a trip instead of the pic- nic usually held, The destination will be decided at the next meet- ments. TOPS (Fade-a-weighs) The newly formed TOPS Club "Oshawa-Fade-A-Weighs" held its first weigh-in and meeting recently with 18 enthusiastic women present. Temporarily appointed as ex- ecutive were the following: Leader, Dianne Omelanchiuk; co-leader, Myrna Lachance; treasurer, Shirley Cholohiuk; secretary, Mary Emard; report- er, Mary Emard; photographer, Shirley Choloniuk. The positions were accepted temporarily until formal elec- tion in Brantford. The members decided to cancel any further sale of candies until fall. An executive meeting was planned for May 18 at the home of Mrs. S. J. Winsley. Mrs. Gor- don Besse presented an inter- esting paper on Baptist work in Africa, bringing the news of the mission fields up-to-date. The president thanked Mrs Taylor for the 'use of her new home. KING STREET UCW The regular meeting of the Faithful Unit of King Street United Church Women was held in the church lounge with the The regular meeting of Osh- awa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 was held Wednesday evening with a good attendance. NG Vera Wirsching presided) and was assisted by VG Luella! Smith who reported several| members were in the hospital | Margaret Lockie reported o the CPT Committee meeting. ~ Final arrangements were) made for the trip to Port Hope, May 20, when Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 will share the visit of the Assembly President, Jessie Hellier, with Ganaraska|}" Lodge, Port Hope. The bus will! leave the lodge hall at - 6.30) p.m. | + WALKER'S On the Dressy Side The May meeting of the Har- mony Home and School Associa- tion was held recently with the) president, Mrs. Laurie French, presiding. The annual reports were. read and accepted. Mr. Rupert Harrison, princi- pal, mentioned that the Grade 8 trip to Toronto would be May | 21, and Mrs. Clem Hewitt from the association would help chap- erone it. It was announced that the field day would be May 27, Two 13th Company Girl Guides he rad ve . uaen Tize land the graduation dinner, June Presented With Gold Cords Highlight of the 33rd annual gh Fisher's class entertain- The highest award in Guiding, for their gold cord; camping conference of the Eastern Can-jed the parents with square danc- the gold cord, was presented to|records and the recommenda-|ada Region of Soroptimists|ing and singing. two Guides of the 13th Company.|tions which guides must have to|Clubs will again this year be| While Detective Sergeant John tions are held. Songs were sung from the TOPS sheet and an enjoyable and interesting evening was spent. KATE McLAURIN MC The Kate McLaurin Circle of First Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. James Taylor, Julianna drive, for the May meeting conducted by the presi- dent, Mrs. D. H. Rice. Miss Edna Greenfield led the worship service, assisted by Mrs. Alvin Hatfield, Mrs. Mabel Joyce and Mrs. Ross Porter. Mrs. §. J. Winsley presented the "'highlights", including some leader, Mrs. Wellington Train- er, presiding, and reading a poem, "'The Easy Road." The theme for the devotional period was "Happiness,"' taken by Mrs. Harold Buckler, assist- ed by Mrs. Leonard Kellett and Mrs. Roy Hood. Mrs. Kellett read a memo- rial for the late Mrs. Hugh Murray, a former member of the unit. The members stood for a minute's silence in her memory. Plans fora variety sale of used clothing is to be held at the church, May 18 at 1.30 p.m. There were 13 members pres- ent and 44 calls had been made NG Vera Wirsching an.-/ nounced that decoration Sun-| day would be June 13. | A vote of thanks was extend-| ed to the members who went} to Hillsdale Manor to entertain the residents. | There was just one officer absent and 12 PNGs present when the roll call was taken. | At the close of the meeting dainty refreshments were served by PNG Alice Hayton| and her committee and a social) time was spent. The next regu- lar meeting will be held May! 26. | SANDRA COOK AND SHAWNE MURPHY --Oshawa Times Photo Shawne Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Murphy, Hortop avenue, and Sandra Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook, Somerville street, in the presence of fellow guides. family and friends. This made a total of seven gold cords presented in the 13th Oshawa since it was formed in 1946 Cynthia Thompson led company in prayer, followed presented to thos them. A dquble horseshoe was forns| ed with yellow streamers join-| ing the two. Mrs. Douglas Nes- bitt, Divisional Camp Advisor; Mrs. Thomas Daley, were at the head of the horse- shoe. Shawne and Sandra were es- gorted to the head of one side of the horseshoe and they ad- vanced around the horseshoe as their history in Guiding was given -- beginning with their en- roiment; second class badge, other required tests and badges obtain their gold cords. Shawne's final her gold cord. Mrs. Nesbitt pre sented the gold cord to Shawne. and Mrs. around her daughter's arm. Girl Guide Company} |the new Girl Captain and the parents of the two girls who were to receive their cords Sandra's gold cord was under Guide program the| with no challenge to do, but with by| additional badges and more rec- Diane Evans reading the Guide| ommendations needed. It must Law and Beatitudes. A horse-|also be completed by the 16th shoe was formed and badges|birthday. Mrs. Nesbitt present- e earning|ed the gold cord to Sandra, and Mrs. Cook placed it around her! daughter's arm. Gold cord guides. meeting closed with taps. Five Generations Represented At th Birthday Reception Mrs. Martha Mack, Arting-/latory messages from the Hon. | ton avenue, was guest of honor at a reception celebrating her |chael Starr, Mayor Gifford 0th birthday. The reception was held at the home of her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Mack, Rosehill blvd. Mrs. Mack was born at Parkend, Gloucesters hire, England, in 1875, and has been a resident of Oshawa since leaving Eng- land in 1904. She is still able to do her own housekeeping and her interests are her family, sewing, knitting, crocheting and she also enjoys TV, shopping and the movies. Twleve years ago she made her only return trip to England to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. Clara Grey of Weston Super-Mere. Mrs. Grey is now 93 years old. Sons and daughters attending the reception with their wives and husbands were: Mrs. Harry Clark (Edith), Oshawa; Mrs. A. Chandler (Daisy), Scarborough; Mrs. G. Houfstater (Betty), Freesoil, Michigan; Mrs. Wil- liam Rodman (Rose), Oshawa; Mi- and Mr. J. Diefenbaker, the Hon. Mr. Albert Walker, MPP. and Mrs. Starr and Mr. and Mrs. Walker also made per- sonal calls. Premier Robarts sent a framed address express- ing the good wishes of the Province of Ontario. Among other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Thomas and the Ven. H. D. Cleverdon of Christ Me- morial Church, Oshawa. Guests also attended from Montreal, Freesoil, Mich., Port Perry, Don Mills, Scarborough, {London and Whitby. Mrs. Mack's guests were re- ceived by: Miss Susan Ram- shaw, a great granddaughter jand Miss Ellen Mack, a grand- \daughter, who were also in jcharge of the guest book. Mrs. |Norman Nichols, a granddaugh- ter, and Mrs. Norman Mack of London, a daughter-in-law, pour- ed tea, while Mrs, Harold Ram- shaw and others served. requirement was her challenge at Oshawa Girl Guide House to complete Murphy placed it During campfire, which was lattended by the District Com- missioner, Mrs. J. L. Bird, dec- orated cakes with '"'Congratula- tions" to each guide were pre- sented from the company. Skits were presented and Cathy Kele- men did a character dance. Re- freshments were served and the jthe presentation of a $500.00 award to the winning high school senior in a competition sponsor- ed by Soroptimist Clubs in On- "Itario and Quebec. } *| The winner will be sponsored) by the Region for the Interna- tional Award of $2,500 given to Powell shown films. baseball. two graduating seniors. each) year by the Soroptimist Foun-| dation. Students sponsored by any club in the Federation of} the Americas, including Can-| ada, U.S.A., Mexico and South) America are eligible Because Soroptimists believe in the integrity, worth and abil- ity of youth, they have offered Shawne and Sandra received|the citizenship awards to en- the congratulations of their par- courage youth to develop more ents, Mrs. Nesbitt and Mrs.| effective co-operation in home. Daley. The Guide company gave! pommunity the ceremonial salute to the : and in national and international affairs. Attending the conference May 21-23 in Montreal as delegates from Oshawa will be Mrs. Wal- ter Bestwick, Mrs. William Tay- lor and Miss Mary A. Moran. RONALG W. BILSKY, 0.¢. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E: -- 728-5156 of the Oshawa Police Department spoke on "Juvenile Delinquency", the students were|------__ Sgt. Powell stressed the need for parents to take time with their children in activities such as picnics, fishing, hockey and interesting remarks taken from Jane Scott's newspaper report on the sick and shut-ins during the month of April. FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES It Takes in the latest Shades and Fabrics... see... Mé DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 13 SECONDS . To Call 725-3559 For the fastest, most efficient eleaning in Osh- awa. That's | GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. win 1,000" IN FAMOUS NAME GAS APPLIANCES GAS HEAT *Drawn Monthly for three months, BUY GAS HEAT NOW AND QUALIFY -FOR THE BIG 'GAS HEAT JACKPOT' PRIZE TAPPAN-GURNEY, RANGE. INGLIS SUPER Sure, we know you're going to relax in casual clothes over the long weekend. But for the plan- ~ ned, or unexpected, dress-up occasion how nice it will be to have something new to slip into. It will add a special dash to your holiday mood! Did your tired old heating system just stagger through the past winter? Will it last through another hard heating season? Chances are, if your furnace is 10 or more years old you aren't getting all the heat you pay for. Fuel bills are high, performance is low. Now is the time to install dependable, automatic Gas heating and enjoy truly worry-free heating luxury for many years to come. Only Gas heating gives youall these advantages: e Low cost installation e Special low rates « Low cost operation. e Clean--no film or smudge e Odorless e Space saving--Compact equipment --No fuel storage e Silent operation e 24-hour A family gathering in the a day service @ Fuel supply always on hand © Free adjustment--anytime. Now, take advantage of Summer installation prices. Your Automatic Gas Heating can be in- stalled quickly, conveniently, with no waiting, no fuss or muss... and with no inconvenience to you. And, you'll be surprised at the low cost! * No Down Payment ¢ No payment until September ¢ Easy payments on your Gas bill aeeae Body ey PP egg evening completed Mrs. Mack's don and Mr. F. D. Mack, Osh-|98%: ee | awa. Mr. W. A. Mack of Oril-| | lia was unable to attend due to; ned tor the celevrations:|| ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! a STRIPED EMBOSSED COTTON: This versae tile charmer can be worn three ways. Half belted, as illustrated .. . belted all the way 'round... or beltless. U: I triangular pockets. Little or no ironing required. Pink or blue, striped with white, S, M, L. only 4.98 b NYLONIZED TAFFETA SHIFT: You'll feel cool-as-a-cucumber in this frothy shift. Buttons at the shoulders. Can be worn with or without its self sash-tie belt. Fully lined. Completely washable. Choose from four subdued prints. S, M, L. only 3.98 ec LINEN PLEATED SHIFT: Inverted pleats and a front and back panel swing from a dropped waist- line. Top adorned with embroidered ruffle trim, Front closes with tiny pearl buttons. Pink, navy or turquoise skirts with frosty white tops. 7-14. only 9 grandson, Mr. Brian Nichols;| 19 grandchildren, 31 great- grandchildren and one great- great-grandson -- 59 in all. Her) husband, Mr. A. W. E. Mack| passed away in June, 1953. | Mrs. Martha. Mack; daughter,| great - great grandson Master' More Houses Jeffery Brian Nichols. Mrs. Mack received congratu-| MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE) Consult @ member of the Mrs, Edith Clark; granddaugh-| ter, Mrs. Hilma Nichols; great} Are Sold Daily Mrs. Mack's descendants in-) Through clude four sons, four daughters, HERE'S HOW YOU CAN WIN OSHWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD THE BIG 'GAS HEAT JACKPOT' PRIZE! When you buy Residential Gas Heating (Furnace, Boiler, Conversion Burner) you qualify for the Grand Gas Heat Jackpot Prize. All these fabulous Gas appliances can be yours!--everything you need for truly Modern Living with Gas: 8 OUT OF 10 FAMILIES IN METRO WHO BUY HEATING BUY GAS. : COOKS WITH BEER Anne Wanstall, a Montreal gourmet cook, uses beer in many recipes and cakes, and/ particularly recommends lob- ster boiled in ale. | ae a ee Yes! | am considering new heating. Please send me a free copy of your heating boc%let 'You Can't Beat Gas Heat"! | under- stand that when | buy Gas Heating ! qualify to win the Grand Gas Heat Jackpot Prize. Wy NAME XK) ' ' vou | EP Cant Beat Bisinear ry) d DOTTED SWISS VOILE DRESS: Circular nylon collar ruffled with lace. Buttons and ties at the back into a big bow. Skirt flutters like a butterfly's wings. Mint, pink or blue. 46X. only 2.9 © TAPPAN-GURNEY DOUBLE OVEN RANGE ADDRESS ¢ INGLYS FULLY-AUTOMATIC WASHER ¢ INGLIS 2-SPEED DRYER © RUUD ORNAMENTAL OUTDOOR LIGHT RUUD READY-FOR-ACTION GAS BARBECUE PHONE. | Consumers' (Cas | = 29 CELINA ST.--OSHAWA 728-7363 MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY p SXXLRLRLKLR LR RL OR CALL YOUR LOCAL DEALER York Plumbing Modern Sheet Metal 728-1731 728-8163 J. Fole ; : Plumbing & Heeting Kilpatrick Plumbing 733-1 191 623-3613 VY Botty INTERIOR DECORATOR PURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 4 A 7 ULNVS SHOPPING 18 CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S PLAN ACCOUNT Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded + WALKER'S BAER 4 XS Lockwood Heating 723-2511 of cos ae umbing & Heating 728-0173 Shorgas 728-7363 Joe The Plumber 668-4247 Stanley Heating 725-7783 New-Way Plumbing & Heating 728-0173 sore CENTRE Open 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Open Thurs. & Fri, te 9 p.m. 728-4626