---------------- OO ---------- oo Charge Is Unlikely For Civil Servant OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-jthe man is dying and is not ex-;announce simply the fact of ex-\jast summer is insane, his law- dian civil servant involved in|pected to live more than an-|pulsion, This was done three yer told an Ontario Supreme ltimes since«i945. Two other ex-|Court jury Monday. The source declined to state|pulsions were not announced at the latest Soviet espionage plot in Canada is unlikely ever to go into court, even if the gov- ernment decides he should be tive source. The civil servant, one of two men referred to mouncement May 8 that two members of the Soviet embassy was described by Prime Minis- ter Pearson is the Commons as being "gravely ill." In fact, says a high source, No Magic Uncovered-- By PETER ARNETT DA NANG, South Viet Nam (AP)--U.S. marines have found no magic formula to beat the Viet Cong. Pickings have been lean since Usual practice has been to days of the Soviet approach. they moved out on combat pa- trols from the Da Nang and Hue base camps in mid-April. And they have discovered many frustrations: The searing heat, the tangled jungle and a dis- appearing enemy. The marines have found it will take hard slogging and perseverance to get a military victory. The marines appear to be de- veloping a grudging respect for the black pyjama-clad guerril- las who have been stubborniy staying inside the perimeter the marines have been given to de- fend around the Da Nang air) base. | These guerrillas, most of them equipped with old-fash- ioned French weapons, have in- flicted about 70 marine casual- ties. Almost every marine pa- trol that moves out of base camp makes contact and fire-| fights ensue. The marines have brought back 18 Viet Cong bodies from patrols, not as trophies but for intelligence purposes, they said. TERRAIN ROUGH | The marine defence perimeter; around Da Nang extends about) 15 miles deep. It includes two) rivers, several high hills, num-; erous villages and acres of tan-| gied jungle. Some marine companies have| a tendency to bunch up while) returning from long, wearying patrols, making ideal targets for Viet Cong snipers. The marines haye found that ft is not easy to fight by the) book in South Viet Nam. One marine officer said: "'We know we are targets when we keep moving over the same| trails. But where else can we go? Often, there is only one way to go." | "Our biggest problem is the) heat,' a marine doctor said.| "We just can't move too quickly) or too far in this heat. We have! to slow down." One marine company of 400) men had 10-per-cent heat casu-) alties one day. To prevent this happening, the marines have longer and more frequent rest periods. Habitual Taken Out Of Kingston TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto lawyer Allan Mintz said Mon- day agreement has been reached with the department of justice to transfer Jean Louis Henry, 49, a convicted habitual criminal, from Kingston pen- itentiary to British Columbia Henry was tried in absentia as an habitual criminal last Nov. 27 and sentenced to pre- ventive detention--indefinite im- prisonment -- by Vancouver Magistrate Douglas D. Hume Henry was in a_prison near Sudbury, 2,100 miles away, at the time of the Vancouver trial and subsequent sentence. FORMER PITCHER DIES CINCINNATI (AP) -- William Bartley, 80, a baseball pitcher in the early 1900s with the old New York Giants and Philadel phia Athletics, died Monday He also had played in the Texas, International and South- ern minor leagues. Bartley was a retired: Cincinnati policeman He had been on the force 32 years , OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE 723-4972 NOW PLAYING 8000964 6090048 FUSES EEOES TheBEdheS Intheir first: fulblength hilarious, film! AHard Days Niet Released thre UNITED ARTISTS Covet srerererssesecsrorsees Box Office Opens 8:00 First Show at 8:30 SUNDAY, MAY 23 HOLIDAY BARGAINZA SHOW SEE BOTH PROGRAMS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE other week or so. the nature of the illness, In thelall. Commons Mr. Pearson assured) The source also said the 175-\cmith, was not guilty of the prosecuted, says an authorita-jquestioners it was a "natural/word announcement in the lat-| crime by reason of insanity, and illness." jest case was to let the Soviet! the lawyer produced a series of The Soviet embassy employ-|authorities know that the Cana-| y.ychiatrists and other doctors in an an-jees were A. E, Bytchkov, com-jdians were aware of all S-\to testify to the man's mental mercial attache; and V..N. Po-|pects. luchkin, '& clerk. They left Can-| The announcement Their departure was an-/countries." nounced the following day in| fairs has issued on such ana training are action. |would go on RE I 945 CAS States. 'CALLS 1945 CASE Canadian nature of the statement Gouzenko fled from the Soviet one of two mentioned in Embassy with documents re-lexpulsion. announce ment vealing existence of spread Soviet espionage net-| Russians. work in Canada, the tipped police within spoke of had been expelled from Canadajada Friday, May 7, after being|'establishment of espionage ac- r declared "persona non grata." |tivities in Canada and other The source says this language the most elaborate statementiindicated that at least part of the department of external af-|the aim was to use Canada as) a for agents who| netted $25,361. into the United d } security men} A key source said that the|worked on the case for more ' Te-\than two years before the ex- flected the feeling that the case|nylsion came about, the ource| was the biggest of its kind in).aid. All the way they had help|® Canada since 1945 when Igor|from a naturalized Canadian, e pe that Smith admitted the robbery a wide- haying been approached by the and slaying, quoting him as say- Not a civil servant,|ing it was done to finance the two/overthrow of the government. Dr. Harry C€. Hutchison, a Smih's Accused Blanc Murderer Enters Plea Of Insanity TORONTO (CP)--A 24-year- 'old man accused of capital mur- der in a bank holdup slaying Defence Counsel John O'Dris- coll said the accused, Matthew disorder. Smith is accused of killing} bank customer Jack Blanc in an exchange of gunfire outside a suburban branch 05 the Cana- dian Imperial Bank of Com- merce last July 24. The robbery) Smith was arrested about six months later on a downtown 'street. Evidence presented last week alleged that spent shell jcasings found at the holdup scene were fired from a rifle nd an automatic pistol found jin Smith's home. Police witnesses have testified jago and now finds his condition Fisher Wants THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 18, 1965 9 Co-Operation OTTAWA (CP) -- Centennial Commissioner John Fisher indi- cated Monday he wants better : u lines of communication between) LONDON. Ont. which he regards himself as an|himself and the government if)S@vage, Middlesex Crown "instrument of social justice."|he is to stay in his $24,000-a-/"°Y, announced Monday Smith hoped eventually tojyear post. cause a civil war, Dr. Hutchison| "If a more satisfactory liaison) es said, and saw himself as headican be found, I would like to|(ate facilities of the county of the military or the police|remain with the. commission,"/CoUrt house here, after the revolution. he said in a prepared state-| "I might carry on it I _ Dr. Ron 5 sychia-| ment. the proper facilities," he said. trist, org Fag ove Poe gone There have been reports re-\"'In fact, if I were offered the! as a schizophrenic four years cently that the man in charge|same job, in, say Hamilton, Vin ' of preparations for Canada's|would seriously consider taking) psychologist, described Smith Monday as suffering from a se- rious mental disorder under (CP)--C. C. Nevertheless, he added, "My Grand juries have been rec- jommending a new court house since before 1908 and for the\don told 106 supporters at his last decade have been emphas-/nomination meeting for the fed- izing the need for new accom-jeral riding of Toronto Daven- odation. Crown Intends To Resign | Gordon Lauds Over 'Lack Of Facilities' 'Pearson Unity | TORONTO (CP) -- Finance 'Minister Walter Gordon attor-jidea is that I will carry on|tribute Monday night to Prime he is|through the summer" in orderMinister Pearson for keeping resigning because he no longer|to allow time for a successor to Canada united. can carry on with the inade-|be chosen, and then step down.' "I don't think there's anybody lelse who could have done quite the job he has done in keeping this country together,"" Mr. Gor- port. is becoming progressively 100th birthday celebrations init." | worse. It is extremely unlikely|!967 has felt "boxed in" and The Crown attorney said he) ¢ that Smith will ever be well/¥as on the point of quitting. (has two assistants but not office enough to return to society, he| One Published report attrib-\space for both of them in the} said. juted to State Secretary Lamon-|court house. One has to work in He dbaccibed Smith as ex.|tagne, minister responsible to\rented quarters across the ALL COLOR SHOW! bow COLOR SHOW! '|Parliament for the Centennial street because there isn't! deg Pg vag ttl be-| Commission, a remark that Mr.|enough room even for a desk! telligence which makes him|! isher is a poor administrator. tor him. i | capable of cunning. WILL DO BEST | Mr. Savage, appointed age og, Eileen Charity Griffiths, 21, jattorney in 1942, said the vol-| , , Since the question of Mr.) ' who lived with Smith. and' said|risher's immediate future got|ome of. Work bas increased year she will bear his child in June,|into print, M |by year but facilities at the) | wh ' jinto print, Mr. Lamontagne has) hi senuck testified under protection of the'said he will do his best to per-| court ouse remain unchanged. | \Canada Evidence Act that!suade the centennial commis-| "We have the staff but not! Smith told her about the rob-\sioner to stay on if he is con-|the space to carry on," he said.| bery and gave her money which|sidering leaving. she invested in an apartment) Mr, Fisher said in his state-|and m_ role in it by moniage| jas an accessory to murder. | nosition to 'comment on publicjuntil I can discuss matters with building. She sf been charged|meit Monday he is not in alof State Maurice Lamontagne § trial fis continuing. 'statements about the centennial him." 4 adios ie : 4 «YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR | HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS! 80-MINUTES OF CONCENTRATED MOTION PICTURE TERROR ! 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