' 32--Trucks for Sale 38--Coming Events 1963 CHEVROLET, % ton pick-up, heavy 'oversize fires, 8 ft. body, new In 96k, Phone 728-4459 after 6 p.m. Re Oe Leon RD haif-ton fair condition, | $200 pig yt ade Analy 131 Park Road North. Telephone 725-0312, ARGO '4 ton truck and 1957 Ply- pode raga t ager good mechanically. Telephone 723: eee Fo Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell r used car to "Ted" Talk Cosh' 'to the New Cor Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 _ SHAW Auto Wrecking Co. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. pO TTT TET TT TAKEsHORE AUTO WRECKERS want ing. gat serene paid WANTED: Cars for a ing. Telephone} 728-4549. Robert Nichols. | 34--Automobile Repair OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- pert carburetor and auto electric service, 222 King Street West, 728-0817, TRANSMISSION specialists. sions are our only business. North, Phone 728-7339. aoa OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Avto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 35--Lost and Found Lost; 'in @ white Samoyed male dog, since May |. Reward, Telephone Bow franvitie 623-5718 LOST -- Wallet in Oshawa. Man's brown . Transmis- 103g Simcoe wallet containing valuable papers ward. Call H. © Cooper, Ssamoncie| 623-3393, LOST -- Budgie bird, bive breast, black wings, named Ringo from 68 Cromwell Reward, Telephone 725-1420. FOUND -- Poodle, Courtice vi icinity. Phone 7 728-6589 afier 6 p.m. 36--Legal Cobourg Mechanical Contractors| BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL | SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m. E.D.T. on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1965 for the Alterations and Addi- tions to the Pump House and Swimming pool at the Boys' Training School, Cobourg, Ontario, Plans, Specifications and Ten- der Documents may be ob- tained from, or viewed ot Room T7704 (Tower), Depart- ment of Public Works, East Block Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. (Tele- No, 365-1079), or ot the Builders Exchange, Oshawa and Peterborough, Ontario, A $1,200 Bid Bond, a 100% Pe @ Bond and o 50% Payment Bond will be required os specified. Tenders will not be considered unless made on forms supplied by the Deportment, A Deposit of $25. MONEY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treosurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents ore re- turned in good condition with- In thirty days of above closing date, otherwise forfeited The lowest or any tender not necessarily occepted. J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontorio. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS AD- DRESSED TO The Office Manoger, 241 Jarvis St., Room 605, Toronto 2, On- tario, and endorsed 'TENDER FOR EXTERIOR PAINTING & REPAIRS TO THE U.I.C. BUILDING, OSHAWA, ON- TARIO". will be received until 3.00 P.M, {E.D.S-T.). Monday, Moy 31, 1965 Plons, specificctions and form of tender can be seen, or can be obtained from the office of the District Man- oger, Department of Public Works, 241 Jarvis Street, Toronto 2, Ontario --- OR from the Coretoker at U.L.C. Building Fairbanks Sts., tario. To be considered each tender must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accordance with the conditions set forth there- in The not at the Simcoe Oshawa, and On- lowest or ony tender necessarily accepted IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN LITTLE, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSH- AWA IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, MERCHANT, DE- CEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of JOHN LITTLE, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of On- torio, who died on or about the 4th day of May, A,D, 1965, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, A.D. 1965, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to clatms of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. Dated at Oshawa this 14th day of May, A.D. 1965. ELIZABETH LITTLE, Executrix, a By her Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC 14% King Street East, BINGO ST. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M. 690 KING E. ot FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $160. 56 Nos, $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 60 Nos. $100. $20 Consolation. greed Prizes GOOD PARK Extra Bus "abo BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION $1,250 in Prizes Jackpots 55 and 56 Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 50 and 57 TONIGHT -- 8 PM. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES EASTVIEW Park Euchre Boys' Ciub.| |Every Monday night 8 p.m. sharp, High jmonthly score $5, lunch and prizes. 50 |cents, VARIETY SALE, wsed clothing etc.,| Tuesday, May 18 at 1.30 p.m. at King Street Church HAWAIIAN TEA, Wednesday, May 19,/ 2 p.m. Home baking and sale of work.) Flower demonstration. St. Mark's Church, Stevenson Road. RUMMAGE sale "Tuesday, May 18, 7.30} p.m, O.R.C., Gibb Street. Sponsors Len- ore Unit, Simcoe United Church. BIRTHS ELLIS -- Don and Rose (nee Willough- rid are proud to announce the arrival) f their son, Gordon Donald, 7 Ibs. 15 075.,/ pal Saturday, May 15, 1965, at Oshawa |General. Hospital. Many thanks to Dr.| Lerere, and 4th floor nurses, | JEFFS -- Lew and Bonnie (nee Gra- ham) are pleased to announce the safe| jarrival of their son, James Edward, 7| |Ibs, 11 ozs, on Monday, May 17, 1965.) Many thanks to Dr. M, W, Butts and 4th floor nursing staff. | McPHERSON - Keith and Diane are jhappy fo announce the arrival of their; }son, Paul Andrew on Sunday, May 16,/ 1965 (2.28 p.m.) at Oshawa General Hos-| pital. A brother for Kenneth. Mother and json both well | Halam- Andres and 4th floor staff. Many thanks to Dr | STELL -- Gord end Donne are pleased jfo announce the arrival of their son,| | Grant Gordon, 9 Ibs. 7 ozs., on Saturday, May 15, 1965, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Jaclyn. A spe \cial thanks to Dr. A. Halam-Andres and |fourth floor staff, | DEATHS | | | EVANS, William $r. | Entered into rest In Harvey Township| |(Bobcaygeon district) Ontario, on Sun- |day, May 16, 1965, William Evans Sr.,/ beloved husband of the late Eliza Jones) and father of Mrs. William Milne (May), |Mrs. George Parfitt (Dorothy) and Wil-| jliam A. Evans Jr., all of Oshawa, in his |7h year. Resting at the Arner Ong | | Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral s vice in the Chapel, Tuesday, May | Interment Oshawa Union Ceme- 13.30 p.m. | tery. | MALLETT, Frank | On Sunday, May 16 Frank Mallett, son of the late William and Matilda Maliett| passed away in the Oshawa General Hospital, He was born in Brighton, On-| fario, in the year 1892, and is survived by @ nephew Frank H. Brown and a) niece, Irene (Mrs. A. Taylor), both of| Scarborough. Resting at Mcintosh-Ander-| son Funeral Home. Service In the chapel on Tuesday, May 18, at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. } TAYLOR, Alma Pear! Entered Into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital, on Sunday, May 16, 1965, Alma |Peari Parrott, beloved wife of Charlies W. | Taylor, mother of Mrs. Grant Lynde (Audrey) of Englehart, Robert of Oshawa) and Charles of Whitby, and sister of Mrs.) Pierson (Beatrice), Mrs. G, Lynde (Louie), Mrs. V. Hartford (Ethel), all of} Oshawa; Mrs. E. Beverley (Evelyn) of Uxbridge; George, Harold and William Parrott, all of Oshawa, in her 67th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral service In the |chapel Tuesday, May 18 at 2 p.m. In erment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin | WHITE, William C. |At-his late residence, 43 Mineola Road East, Port Credit, Ont., on Saturday, |May 15, 1965, William C. White, beloved |husband of Marise Allerston, dear fa: ther of Fred White and Mrs. Gwendolyn |Morton, both of London. Son of Major |Mrs. Bertha White (retired) and the late| |Malor Fred White of Hamilton; brother of Bramwell of Winnipeg, and Ernest H White of Whitby. Resting at the Brown! |Bros. Funeral Home, 904 King Street) iEast at Sherman Avenue, Hamilton. Funeral service at 1.30 p.m, Wednes-| day. Interment Woodland Cemetery WINDSOR, Harry Ross Suddenly, at his residence RR 5, Bow- jmanville, on Sunday, May 16, 1965, Harry Ross Windsor, in his 48th year, beloved husband of Ada Doris Dickson, dear father of Betty Ann and David Harry Windsor, brother of Grace (Mrs. George! Talbot), Della (Mrs, Aubrey Rae), Maude} Mrs. Fred Evans), and George Windsor Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel,| Bowmanvyiile Wednesday et 1.30 p.m. Interment Church-| Cemetery on arrival, approximately | 3.30 p.m Service in the chapel on| Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST _ TELEPHONE 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements floral arrangements for occasions. | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 ond all IN MEMORIAM CLIFF -- in loving memory of a dear father, William Marshall Cliff, who passed away May 17, 1963 When evening shades are failing And we sit quiet alone, To our hearts comes a longing -- . he only covid come home. Friends may think we have forgotten; When at times they see us smile, But they little Know. the heartache Our smiles hide all the while Always remembered by the family. EVERLASTING MEMORIALIZATION is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER that supply and instoll. Ple we 33e cal MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 THR OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 17, 1965 19 nag soot nt 2 SERGEANTS bbe mgt C a | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Toronto Stock Ex: Atl © cup 2100 153-151-153 +3 Quotations in cents unless marked $. uno 100 395 395 395 +10 WIN TOP PRIZE 1--Odd oy td_excivident x8 eerie 380 750 750 79 --5 rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Ne' | Big Nama 500 5353 from 'previous board-lot closing | sate.) Black Bay 1000 13 1313. +2 FT. SILL, Okla. (AP)-- Brunswk 100 $17% fa Stock Sales High Low am.Ch'ge| Bunker H 4500 234 23 23 --2 Two army sergeants at this Cable re U.S. military base have won INDUSTRIALS See. tee ae a a, 41 the grand prize in a diet Abitibi 376 $13¥e 13%. 13% + Yo|. Camp Chib 1300 465 Mo 0 3 project dubbed Operation 104 sel ph ln eg gg ta Cin Keeley 1000 23 22 3 --1 Hippo. Ais Ges 210 $00. Ar Ph al Camtee Ce af Sgts. Conrad Tillick Jr. ita Gas pr 4--- 4 Candore v shed Algoma 30 $74 «74 «74 | Cessiar 100. $i4¥e 14% Idem Ye et Fins Selig Hee Alumint S45 $3% 3314 3% 1) Cheskirk 1000949 s i 332 pounds during a stren- Alum 44 pr 50 $42%: 4294 42°%4-- V4) Chester 1000 2121. - uous eight-month weight loss Arg 260 pr 100 $52 52' 52' Chib-Kay 500 27 @ 27 e m Ail Sugar 135 $2014 2014 2014 -- "| Chib M 1500" 5655S a program. gee started at Bank Mont 14 Va 672 -- 2) Chimo 1900 162 162 16 f Bank NS 210 $812 812 812 | Coniagas 11000 102 102 102. --1 be pounds a Young at Bell Phone 480 so sim 61% | Conigo 1500 45 4s 45 = ; Brazil z Con-K: 1000 «14 oe Their BA Oil 12 $104 34 | Belick 2500 14 13%4 14 $I prize? They get to BC Forest 660 $30% 30% 30% C Marcus 3000 62 60 62 +2 enlist for another tour of Boris 810 $30 29% = ts "| © Mogul 5600 490 485 485 10 duty. arp 1560 $296 tim 20% aul sean 2500 * Wp Cal Pow J 2) .C Northid Cal Dale 1800 245 240 245 --5 | C Rambler 500 210 207 210 +6 s Can Cem pr 50 $28% 281% 28% C Regcourt 6500 15% 15 15 = s CD Sug 200 $26 «26 6 ,| € Sannorm 1500 72 7a 7Ve er ip oma Cl Fndry 25 $53 53 53 --| Canwest 100 565 565 565 +10 C Pack B 100 $93. 93 93 +1 | Cop Fields 1800 136 135 136 +3 ae . co Pm rts yi M45 145145 Craigmt 150 $154 15% 15% Relations Link Met SR Tew! Soe a ata an rew %e J * 48) Daerin C Brew A pr 50 $4 a 47 Draragon 500-7 «17 " KHARTOUM, Sudan (Reut- A wz D'Eldona 1500 14 13 4 le € Dredge 210 325 325 325 Deini Pac 3000 21% 212 Name aT ae has pores ally a Sh ld ik A a A the. West German government 'ou ni M | Dicknsn 950 485 470 48: es rman government, € Hyd 5331 3 3) +%) pj --15 Cine Bk C i 04.7) 'Tou u| Rey | Oe ion a7 sme t a spokesman announced after a G ing es bre as $12 aw "ads MI Duvan, 1000 ; 2% 7 2 ; cabinet meeting Sunday. t Pe ciL wo 323% 24 20% | FMar 2135 505 500 505 +5 This was the latest reaction C Mare 100 $5%. 5% 5Sis-- ve 1 4 45 1; CPR i uh on Gh ee as: im aw to West Germany's establish- C Refract 110 $20 2 2 +%| Glacier 1500 164 16 16 -- ment of diplomatic relations ae ee RA gd Goldale ie Be Fh with Israel Wednesday. oe | ortorum oe ee ee tee Grandroy 2000 9 = The Arab countries have de- at Z we 15 ¥ i Chemeell 555 $1856 18/2 184+ Wel Curt. ha cided to break with West Ger- $ + Guif L 3500 11% 11% 1% Clairtone 200 $7% 7% 7% Gunnar 205 515 515 515 many, but Tunisia, Morocco Cont" Wen th ah ul nee ee oe and Libya have declined to do Va -- a jeadway Con Paper 95 $45% 455% 45% -- Ye Heath 2000 «9 9 9 so. cok sam |e ee ne rain z a a a Int Bibis 100° 110 10 yw Crush Int 340 $102 Mee Meat Ml Int Helium 1000 132 130 wo +5 ARREST EACH OTHER? ygnus - 1 Ba 200 202 202 20: Cyonus 8 60 3h tb He Vo Io. 9500-325. 325. «325 +5 CHATHAM, Ont, (CP) -- ht f ie ee ee | en ee a ee Though close to the scene, Po- Dom Stores 325 $254 254 25% -- Joutel 100 120 120 120 +2 lice Constable Fred Pletsch had om Tar 4 Me 2\%e--%| Kerr Add 200 855 855 855 +5 ' the best of reasons for refusing Dom Text 100 $39 39 39 K Anacon 750 335. 335 335 +5 ' e Econ Inv 200 $144 1414 14% Kirk Mi 2000 14 «14 a = iM an assignment. Radioed to in- Emp Life 733595 595 595 Lab Min 415 $36%% 36% 36% -- %4| SHIPYARDS B : Fetcon m4 10 FF 199 --) L Dufault 150 $13% 13% 132+ Ve h i t t Mea sie poring Fem Filey 6% 2634 26%, | Lakehead 0 7 7 7 + is i 2 i It k ome of tanker Nicholas J. Goulan- nage than its five neares' reyc. @ Fleet Mig 100 73. 73 #73 =! Langis 2000 43% 43 43 1 This bustling Japanese industry. makes s n ¢ ° I tsch conn Ale ee 1 Leitch 2800 495 490 495 shipyard is typical of the the world's largest cargo dris at Hitachi's Innoshima -- competitors combined son Somerset, Constable ™ 2 Freiman z100 $52 5' 5\% vict 39600 28 24 2 +3 id A : : ; ; U d. id replied, I can't. I was in cc Bane a Leal ie RS Si new industrialized Japan ships, including this giant, shipyard. Japan's shipyards CP Photo) |too." Goodyear $0$171 71 17) +1 | Marchant 100 235 235 235 and its emphasis on heavy the 66,783-ton deadweight turn out more gross ton- ( GL Paper 500 $24%% 24% 24% + Ys| Marcon 500 9 9 9 +) nil Be tre ----_--______--_---- - Gr Weg G 100 $1834 A 18% -- Ye! Mattgml 850 $1934 1934 19% -- Ve FUNERAL OF | ardee 10 10 110 Maybrun 2000-16 1616 | Hard Carp 25 $32¥%4 324 2 on 9 95 +2 | ARTHUR COLE | Hawker-$ 150 $6% bs Wl atone 13S sole 82 21 ' | I i iB Hawker pr 19 si0¥s 102% a tons * psd 2000 "a 10 1 The funeral service forié ad cKen | g 4 ink win a ey | oe eee 2 et HARRY R. WINDSOR -- jher husband and a daughter,|Arthur Cole, who died May 13 Home A 10 $21% 21% 21% | Melal Mine 400 182 182 182 --2 | The death occurred May 16,| jo Grant Lynde (Audrey), of a hag family peanees, = Home B 225 $23' 23% 234+ 4) Midrim 7500 51 50 51 +3 las the result of a heart attack,|Englehart, Ont., and two sons,|King st, €., was he. ay 0 a Horne Pf 4000 in- =-"%\) ; z HBC Eta Mindoro et 8 3 yilat his home, RR 5, Bowman-|Robert, of Oshawa, and Charles,|the Armstrong Funeral Home. HB Oil G@ '100 $19% 19% 19%%-- Ye! Nealon 200 1 oN oN ville, of Harry Ross Windsor. He lof . Whitby. Archdeacon H. D, Cleverdon, |g Huy. te ie OA tae + wl ne Ae OS 8 tM iwas in his 48th year Four sisters also survive, Mrs.of Christ Memorial Anglican a+" ew Ca . . ' . ~ ' a! ie pr @ $5 534 53% -- Va| N Hosco 460 300 300 300 A son of the late Mr. andig. pijerson (Beatrice), Mrs, G. Church, conducted Hag sea Imp Oil 164 556% "56% Sole Ye] N Mivena 19900 27 28. 27 41%4\Mrs. John Windsor, the de- |Lynde (Louie) and Mrs. V. i praties was in Union He 'soi cag $26%2 26% 264+ \4| N Senator 4000 19 19 19 + %4\ceased was born at Mus-|Hareford (Ethel) all of Oshawa, Jemetery, Oshawa. ir ira 10 260, 250 250 | nag Nick "Rim 3000 a 1a i pleelman's Lake and during hisjand Mrs. E. Beverley (Evelyn),| The honorary pallbearer was K FOR Inland Gas 225 $112 -11%4 11% Norbeau 100 245 245 245 lifetime lived near Lindsay andiof Uxbridge. Three brothers,|,Norman Hamlyn and_ active/sq AS a \ ; . | Caet > mene Gas es Hl via lee a peae Rng a My Hy jin the Oshawa - Whitby - Bow-|George, Harold and William, all/bearers were: Cecil Rowden, "THE BEST IN THE HOUSE" Int Nickel 1072$101!% 101 _ 101 North Exp 210 170 170 170 jmanville area for the past 12\9f Oshawa, eight grandchildren,| James vases yg bE haley Int Sti P 12625 Sia Se 54 + 14) N Coldstrm 650 85 85 85 years. d t-grandson, also sur-\James, Edwa arrison ; Inv Grp A 1660 $13% 13% 13) | Me 334--~ anda great-grandso! ' Jefferson 2100 $184 Waa tala' "| Norines! tao two at a1|_An employee of _ Generallvive, |Wilson and B. Slack. e jen Ew, RO 1 Tt We) North Can 1800 186 185 a6 --4 Motors for 12 years, Mr. Wind-| me remains are at the Arm-| WILLIAM EVANS, SR Ve 6% be | Northgte 4 3 3 : 4 . . | ak ee ae | ee a td earch ans af Vocal 222,|Strong Funeral Home for the) 'phe death of William Evans | asks a A VA y 4 J ' es | e ' $2! 21 21 | Opemiska 3070 950 950 980 +5 AW lfuneral service in the chapel|Sr., of 99 Olive av., occurred by HIRAM WALEER 6 Ml Gichan 3725 $0 $0 525 --5 |i" oO $124 124 12% | Pamour 100 205 205 205 --5 | He is survived by his wife, ,| Tuesday. Rey. C. M. Bright, peered bey his besa > 6% 6% 6%+ V| Patino 225 925 925 925 k hodist Ch h,| residence, near cayge 280 280 --5 | Pax: Int si 4 4 a2 «fmithe former Ada Doris Dickson; |the Free Methodis ure ; 7 THE WHISKY IN THE WORLD $25%4 25% 25%-- | Poe Expl 100 23 23 23 la daughter, Betty Ann and al yin) conduct the service and in- jwas in his 7th year. Lou Fins) w 10 Ts 7ir 78 416 | Pe om fe OR XS (son, David Harry, both atl t will be in Grovesidel, @ was born in Kent, Eng- robe av erment wi he late Mr Levy 180 $16 1 | Purdex 30500. 95 34 2s = wihome. jland, the son of the late . Life Inv. 120 $11% 11¥e 11%e+ Ye! Quemont 150 $1) 11% 11% Al ivi three sis- lCemetery, Brooklin, jand Mrs, Alfred Evans. The|Sq Life Inv w 200 455 445 455 +10 | f 1% 11% 111 sates ve are : x Lobco' A" 380 $10%6 "10% "10% 4%) Raglan 17 2024 27 45 \ters, Mrs. George Talbot FRANK MALLETT deceased was a resident of 5 LobCo B 500 $11% 11% TI% Rayrock 200 117 *117.:«*117---«+2---~« | (Grace) of Ballantrae; Mrs - "s Oshawa, and Canada, for 42 LobG B pr 385 $33' 33% 3314 | Rio Algom 658 $17% 17% 17% -- Vel se" p The death of a_ Hillsdale Loeb M 1055 $16% 16% 164 Rockwin 3000 80 Aubrey Rae (Della), of New- Manor resident, Frank Mallett,| nds preity a oo pit hs BM + %| Roman 860 780 770 770 +10 |market and Mrs, Fred Evans| curred Sunday at the Oshawa| In 1927 he married the for- te s MB PR | aud $4%4 24 3a Ml Sherritt" 1360 490 629 690 419 |(Maude) of Toronto P casy ¢General Hospital. He had suf-/ Ver er rage in bo get M Leaf Mill 300 $15% 15% 153 Silverfield 1100 295 295. 295 r, George Windsor o ie iitnn \Mrs, Evan: redeceas r Mass-F 1472 $32 322 3a -- Vs Slivmaq 12600 37 35% 37 +1 brother, iat fered a brief illness. He was in | husb: 14 * rob ' 4 thi Milt Brick 500 400 400 400 +5 | Sil Miller 2000 20 19 20 /Ballantrae : ; his 74th year. usband in February o is i ec ag B= ae Bs we Starratt 500 6% 6 64--% The funeral service will be He was born in Brighton, Ont., |year. iontex "4 M 19% + Steep R 2900 720 715 720 +5 Bal " y , Montex pr 500 $1934 19% 194 + 4) Sud Cont 12500 38 373 lem pi vin loco gard son of the. late: William andl x: Evens was an arate ont Loco z. a 13% 13% Sullivan 100 485 485 485 +5 ome, ow v 0! enera otors © anada a tae a" "BS a am ys |P.m. May 19. Interment will be ee arene for a time,|/*, for 29 years, until his re- ec! orp " lve n Quebec for a tim wien Nat Drug 100 Territory 1000 15% 15 15%¢-- v|in Churchill Cemetery. lticeint in 1953. He was a Noranda 39 Texmont 100 1% 174 Wa . jand in Oshawa for the past "S| member of St. Peter's Angli- eave" ae iriee ite ae at at go | ee Se ae aiel Be oo Coney tae ae Ont Steel 75 38 38 38 + | Un Butfad 11200 62 61 61 41 |. The death occurred at the| Mr. Mallett operated a taxi,| Bec Rete w $1iMe 1100 11 o | oct eehines 4200 yt. gif gt lOshawa General Hospital Sun-\delivery and pickup service un- n en of Holy Trinity Pembina 270 $13% 13% 13% Un Fort 2600 2a 274 2) 7" +10 \day of Mrs. Charles W. Taylor. |til his retirement in 1960, He| g lati indld Pow Corp 755 $159 15% 15%%.+ Ye} Vauze 2000 70 70 She was taken suddenly ill Fri-\attended Calvary Baptist) Pesca om re -- willl e, 3 ; x" oss) ot; ah"33t"* Fat'/day at the family residence, 481 cist dis survived by a|Milne (May) and. Mrs, George Revenue 84 8 r 2000 «5 : Cromwell av., and was in er) The deceased is surviv ya sacra, iat ad oto | W doe ap oak at [orn yen: niece, Mrs. -A. Taylor (Irene), |Farit (Doro) amet ee =a ines 400 525 10 | ¥ Rolland A 750 $12, 12 12 | Willray 20 13) ts i | She was the former Almajand a nephew, Frank, both of poker on of Oshawa. Ten Romfleld = 3400 285 280 280 | Windfall 2000 30 29 30 Pearl Parrott, daughter of the|Scarborough. jgrandchildren and a great- Retenes 175 Sou oe" | Vellore" sooo te. s late Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Par-| The remains are at the Mc-|8tandchild also survive. he ellorex 'e 9% 9% mance Royal Bank 120 $m 4) Yukeno -- sé 4 pers and was born in Reach|Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home,| The remains are at the Arm- a 7 } Syavette 300 390 us 390 Zane 2000 hoa 8 i | Township. In 1921 she married/for the funeral service Tuesday|strong Funeral Home for the Shell Can 214 817% 17% 74+ we Zulapa 700 37% 37% 37%--1 |Charles Taylor at Myrtle. jin the chapel. Rev. R. B. Lytle, |service in the chapel Tuesday. . r ' i Shell tw 1000 S10" ao aris Sales te 11:00 @.m.: 1,210,000. The deceased had been a resi-lof Calvary Baptist Church, will] pid ig en -- of aor Shop Save 135 $16 16 16 +% ldent of Oshawa for 11 years|conduct the service and inter-| eter's ure will conduct Shopper City 190 480 40 0 sca FOREIGN TRADING , and had also lived in Whitby.|ment will be in Union Ceme-|the service and interment will Simpsons 200 $2729 29 + Ya) Dickenson 100 490 490 490-45 'Mrs. Taylor is surivived byltery, Oshawa. -- |be in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. imp Sears 299 $20 20% 20% Kirkwin $00 18 8 Ss --1 be a2 cso sae | Slater Steel 3050 $16% 16% 16% Siscoe 100 295 25 5 +19) Slater W w 1000 11% lla 1144+ Ve Utd Keno 150 9 900 900 | 8 Slat Steel pr 250 $204 20% 20% Violamac $00 375 375 375 +55 IKY Southam 5 $39 399% WA+ % fia: Bear 500 LNdd WSs #175 Ir uc 10n St Radio 225° $21 2) 21 -- ------------_______ Steel Can 612 $32% 32'2 3242-- Ve MONDAY, MAY 17 | s1XTH RACE we Purse $3,000 Allow- Steinbg A 100 $47% 47% 474 + Ve S Clear and Fast ances Three-year-olds. urlongs | 1 W I a ian oan ongs , Written FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,100 Maiden dag lle Pale Fa | Tone-Cratt 100 te a a Wes and Four-year-olds. 1 Mile Single G., Dittfach A-121 TFinA 1095 $15%4 15% 15% + Ve Li k N t Chips of Blue, Leblane 117 Machavoine, Harrls B-X105 : Tr Can PL 155 39% 39% 29% -- } I e 0 e a ' Des Erables, Buttigieg B-X111 TraneMt (05. «$21% 21% 21m ome Rett's Pride, Walsh 128 |Misty Bandit, Hale 117 | HAMILTON (CP) -- Produc- Trans PPL 200 $10% 10% 10% + 4) HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Henry shag ales Neal = River Party: Gomez vis, ang tion at International Harvester| ru-Wa' 200 $5 5 5 ucky egree, jas! ing ar 1 Te . Un Service 180 $4 31 aM + age gy hit songs thelrhe contest man, Ditttach 125 uy eg onde and Mrs. $. ieultiaet teaae aan be Pi Un ial sea a Bis +5 way some people dash off a BFs' Johnny, Harris X11! lentry ay after a two-day Versaieas i a ke jletter to mother, |Susan's Prince, Wright 122 | QUINELLA BETTING |shabace caused by a wildcat ' a H ; say|Cloud Brutus, Parnel 122 strike invo F Vic 6. Tr 150 $18\4_16¥4 1314 +¥ The Oscar-winning composer|come Back Bay, McComb 125 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse #2300 0) ie, nvolving some 2,300 Webb Knp 1300 20 20 20 took all of a half-hour to write|Cymeen, Harrison ie Claiming Four-year-olds and up. Weldwood 100 Dear Heart, which Frank Si- ee Fs ad ou Xu mien | longs A decision to return to work West ind 200 | . ' urrycomb, Cuthbertso | Fieldgiass, Harris X108 was made durin stor 90. natra calls one of the greatest} ane Eligible: Royal Embassy, No Boy | was g a stormy West Ind A 300 g S 9 Y Tavy Bive, Bailey 113 Peas ' f Westcoast $23 of the new songs. My. Valentine, No Boy 108 minute union meeting Sunday th Ine, ittfach 11 'ni i Woateic'pe ae It took him a little ES SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000 (83000) | S49 "oarkn Hare Ket0n |night, attended by an estimated Wales A sa but not much--to compose the Claiming sinree year-olds. 7 ie Barleycorn, No Boy 113 1,800 members. : + . Moores elector, -- "a c| Ween vine 33 music for Moon River and Days|poil Odell, doitttach 118! EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 (43000)|4, 28@. Workers also authorized Woodwd A230 2\of Wine and Roses. eee ane ae tue Claiming Four-vear-olds and up. Foaled in og hag ogy 3 committee pd Zellers 100 " | "I don't think I've ever spent} citn cottage, No B ja. One Mile jcall a strike if necessary to Club Cottage, No Boy A-106 Well Oil lane } 0 Zenith z10 360 360 360 |more than an hour on any one|Shoe Fair, Ferro x108 Wel Sid Lanine Wn pote | contract eng bio " " Crying Jerry, Gordon 116 |Dandier, Dittfach 115 jrejected a company settiemen OILS |song,"' says Mancini, "'but that)peyr Maggie, No Boy. 106 Benen, Giifeat 1 ee Siank week yo a |doesn't count the thinking that) A -- E. R. Bevington and J. T. Scar an Interview, No Boy 122 | Acme Gas 13500 §5 59 34 1 | goes on beforehand.' lett and F.° W. Baillie entry Artista, Elliott 110 | afternoon. am Leduc 1900 18 -1§ 15 '4 | onnie Flare, Walsh 117 | The membership of Local 2868 ng U Dev 36100 144 135 135 | At the moment he is scoring) THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,100 Maiden! ~yY lbs AAC Post Time 2 p.m. ; Asmara OA 1G 2: |The Great Race, a picture that|Three and four-year-olds (Divn of 1s!) United Steelworkers of America, rs x15 Mile instructed the bargaining com- Calvert 1000 35% 35% 35%--1'4|runs about three hours. It takes|Hartord Furnace, Harris X120 * i AMUELS rts... 20 Bt MM}? [him a whole week to write alllperivien Phe, Sicha x1 Auto Accident _ mittee to resume talks with the acd ita a ' i Bill's Red, Turcotte X106 company to obtain "an ade- Cdn Sup Oil 100 $25 25 the music for a movie that long. / 1 ¢ Cent Del 408 $11% 11% 11% | That's why he is so much in Willies. Daler No. Boy. 122, Proves Fatal quate settlement, based on the Enjoy this venturesome gabardine that jettis Charter ON 1900 900 28 300 +10 | deinand' th score anvien co it Mr. Bellachop, No Boy in pattern set by recent agree- sons excess weight, lets you travel light + 'atti ipper, io joy ta, j ; Dome Pate nie si love 19M costs a lot of money to hire|selwyn, No Boy 117 La a Syne ag agro . ha an Ps Sonia through the sunny seasons and on into the she u 8 ici . |Benadee, Harrison 116 oyanoff, 76, of Niagara Falls,|and implement industry. * Fr Pete pr 600 S15 $10 sis +5 | Musicians by the week. Chiet Brant, No Boy 111 Ont.. died in fenitel Sunday of| The company offer presented months beyond! The superior weave is 55% Gr Plains 220 $13% 13% 13% Mancini has to write songs|Hempeter, Hale 116 Peper Der webaee Sorrel at isa gh pee day Dacron, 45% pure-wool Worsted. Natural shade Gridoll 3000 105 105 105 fast in order to work in all his|Tent Camp, Harris Xi06 jhead injuries suffered in an|to the membership Sunday * P « NCO MO bs ae ae fother: fobs, Also Bligible: Resolve, Ferro X120° | April 30 car accident. |night, called for a three-year ings, so trimly tailored to your taste, None" ie ag ** |_ Inet cra when big Sands drei, Pecery aAta -- pve yam Main Me. Rabivanall Wag the See OP oat cals on hour a ihe 95.00 é ; > fr < 2 Numoe $00 135 138 138 _ |Scarce, Mancini plays dozens of|pycjyearos: Fo * "@/ond person to die from the acci-jof eight cents an hour in PROPERLY PRICED AT .......... Numac wts 100 7 37. 37 ~9 |college concerts each year. His|Royal Encounter, Hale A-118 dent in Pig - car crashed pat ang six gag aa nt ane iS 1S 15 Wabush, Turcotte X113 jinto itch after jumpin ajond an ive cents in the r Place a |record albums are big sellers, yee' cops, Hale A-l18 peer : b on T Be to's Don| year, Provo Gas 900 285 22 --2 |especially among the college|Gray Bunty, Nedeau 115 median curb on Joron ny ay Rain Foe $23 "ah aden ,'*| crowd Doubting Thomas, Harris B-X113 Valley Parkway and striking a| . Present base rate at Harves- pe pooner B00. 29 ? Victor's Best, Harris X113 lhearn t $1.95 an hour and 'the ef- Stanwell 1000 83 $388 | What does he think about 14 Wonder, Shuk C-118 |hydro pole : er is : Me po 5 770 268 268 --1 | Beatle music? saga Pease Maxwell B-118 Elanka Sidoff, 61, wife of|fective average plant rate is inion 500 $20 20 20 | cg adia 4 \driver Kiriako Si 7 i 1 Conse' 00 310 310. 310 "Te tell the truth, I never cere eet od {driver Kiriako Sidoff, 75, both} $2.58 an hour. Weapon, © 7000 33) 35 38 --1 Jthink much about it. I figure|Joy Monarch, Fitzsimmons 118 jof Niagara Falls, died in hos-| QRaF-- espac 3 i | Jatt ek ,| A-Windfields Farm Entry vital Mav 2. 7ARDS WANT BOOST : : ' Wsburne 00 14 140 140 --s |their market is a certain age) B'Carginer Farms and Hillcrest Stable! ean ; - SHIPYA pt Ma. D , 7 W Decaita 200 400 400 400 group--mine another," says the} Jentry L'MMaloney, Mrs, Ewtz, Mrs. bai Sidoff eetital in serious! BONN (AP)--The West Ger- en"s.and Boys' wear Eight north Simcoe Street/725-4511 tall young man from Aliquippa,|V. P- Reid entry |condition in hospital, man goyernment is arranging to MINES ; i ilding industry a | FIFTH RACE Purse $2,700 Allow give the shipbuilding ry Acad U 1000 | ances, Three and Four-year-olds, Foaled | ry ri t Fete can ee eit gt sg | WATCH FRUIT IN FRIDGE - Cavake Ota Mie USE OPAQUE BOWLS $17,000,000 gy = ree he ane Agnico 200 158 158 188 +1 | Carnations shou!d not be|Lanky Planky, Leblanc 120 Amateur flower arrangers|next 10 years. e shipbuilders | y. Lebla urray jonnstoOn*OSHAWA*LImiteé Akaitcho yoo 87 «87 «BF +1 placed in a refrigerator with Red Purse steve Akg a should not use glass bowls, say|say they could start $150,000,000 All Pitch 60 9 9 9 i a ing egend, ° ' ad a Fy lwar . : ; j A Am Moly $00 242 242 242 lfruit, because aging fruit give|Gripet; Walsh 117 three' prize - winning Montreal|worth of construction a year if Ang Rovyn 7200 240 "246 285 +15 jott a 'gas which spoils the|* ee med) 4 \florists, because '"'the mechan- ;|they could borrow money at 5% ne ren 7.7 Wl 2 ind, Gor wen] Ftd ie ee | blooms. lieth, Harrisen 118 lics are bound to show through," per cent instead of 7 per cent. , 4