Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 May 1965, p. 12

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ae eae Vote Date Jet Carries -- ele Hamilton Meet Held |; mystery Stowaway, 20 Same --= | 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M, + ( : OTTAWA (CP)--Election talk , ¥ B French anadiali KS was predominant during the LOS ANGELES (AP) --(provides Studebaker employees)" Except Sunday annual meeting of the Eastern|Authorities found a stowaway|With a pension of $225 a month, A . Ontario Liberal Association|Sunday in a crate flown here|equal to that negotiation by the ti a HAMILTON (CP)--More thanjnadiens Francais au Sud de} Guest speaker Roland Four-|here Saturday. aboard a Pan American jet)union for workers at Ford of 1,000 French Canadians from|l'Ontario (Central Committee ofjnier of Ottawa, cultural rela-| No one would hazard a guess airliner from Australia. Canada Ltd. q i | southern Ontario got together|the Gathering of French Cana-|tions officer for the French Ca-jas to when the next federal Police said 20-year-old Brian Authorities said Brian told Saturday night for what was dians of Southern Ontario) was nadian Association of Ontario, election will be, but discussion) Robson told them he was a them that 19 months ago he called a "reunion amicale"--a|set up and the Wentworth Curl-|outlined the association's his-)centred around plans to fight it homesick Welshman trying to left Cardiff, South Wales, for friendly reunion -- which in-jing Club in Hamilton wasitory and aims. 'when it is called. return to Britain cheaply, a job waiting for him. in Mel- cluded cocktails, a banquet andirented for the night. Aurel Gervais of Welland, a| 'We want to be in good shape| The airline said he had made|bourne. The Australian govern- several hours of the frug, the} Although the evening was live insurance company mana- if an election is called," said/ the 21-hour flight from Sydney| ment paid his way under its) swim and other current dances.joverwhelmingly a social event,|ger and one of the organizers of|Ernest Murray, president ofjin a sitting position in the crate settlers' program. | The affair, which shows signs|there uh reminders of a sec-\the event, said the evening was\the Carleton Liberal Associa-|/measuring 30 by 26 by 38 WAS HOMESICK | oming an annual gather-jondary pukpose in remarks by originally p lanned with ajtion and chairman of the meet-|inches, It was billed as a com- us : pgp comer F French-speaking|speakers at the banquet. French-Canadian accent. ing. puter and shipped C,.0.D. Homesickness got' the better Ontario residents from Oshawa, 'We have been too silent) "We were supposed to have' Senator John Connolly, party) An ambulance took Robson °% him. He decided to get home Toronto, Hamilton, Belleville, afraid to act like Frenchmen,"|pea soup, a little band and singileader in the upper house, ad-|to' hospital. Attendants said he,4% quickly and inexpensively as Galt, Kitchener, Niagara Falls " said Ryan Paquette, a Hamilton/and dance to some folk music,'"'|dressed a Juncheon meeting of|was in good condition except/ Possible. a and many points in between. lawyer and master of ceremo-jhe said. 'But we did not do it)the association representing 11 for being dehydrated and un-| The airline said a passenger The first reunion .was heldjnies. at the last minute." federal ridings in Eastern On- able to straighten his left arm.|flight to London from. Sydney last year at Welland as an ex-| "It is time that we in Ontario' Instead there was roast beef, |tario and spoke in favor of the The airline estimated Robson would have cost $879 and that pansion of an annual series of came out of our shells, We are English styie, and the closest)government's current bill for had been in the. box 92 hours) shipping the crate C.0.D. would socials staged for French Cana-|sort of an ethnic group that is|thing to folk music was a Que- retirement of senators, since he was nailed into it at have cost the consignee $302. dians in the Welland area. jafraid to act like one, . . .. Thejbec city rock - 'n' - roll group "Many members of the Sen-| Melbourne, But police' said Robson's plan The response wasf}so greatitime has passed for us French-jcalled Les Propulseurs (Thejate have passed their day of, 'Another 12 hours and he'd)would have cost him nothing-- at a group called the Comite speaking people in Ontario to Propellers), who sang high-dec- usefulness and can no longer/have been a goner," said Sgt.|that upon arriving in England, Pentra! de la Rencontre des Ca-'livé separate and apart." ible pop songs in' English. keep in step with the young|/Kenneth Larsen, one of the air-|he intewded to break out of the pn nine eh AES " $m maser ----------nenrnemennerrenrnme |hlood," the 58-year-old senator|port policemen who talked to crate and flee. jsaid. |Robson. He had a friend nail him into Senator Connolly said Prime Black Urg es Queen Due inter Petr nae jing of the Canada Pension Plan and reduction of unemployment In German jensure him a place in history aw eC ed } las "another great leader who has made his mark." SUDBURY (CP)--An Ontario law which prohibits hospital workers striking must be re- pealed, says W. M Black of Vancouver, general vice - pres- ident of the' Canadian: Union of Public Employees (CLC) The statute, Bill 41, was in- troduced in the legislature this year and provides that all la- bor - government disputes must be settled by compulsory arbi- tration. Mr. Black, speaking during an interview Saturday night following a banquet of the union's Ontario division, said hospital employees must find a way of having the bill removed from the statutes He suggested that hospital employees make compulsory arbitration as expensive as pos- with the New Democrati BONN (Reuters)--This West) Joseph MacDonald of Ottawa "we. have to develop. a new German capital today was in. a/was elected president. |philosophy and get it across in fever of last-minute prepara- order to make Canada a better| ions for Tuesday's state visit of place to live." Queen Elizabeth -- the first to "Phe trade union movement|/Germany by a British monarch I. Tan has become. far too com- in_more than 50 years placent," said Mr. Black, also, The Queen and her party are business agent for about 5,000 due to arrive by air at 11 a.m. T lhospital workers in British Co-|t0 begin an 11-day tour. a iS Honored iumbia Intensive security pre The convention passed a reso-|Cautions, designed mainly {¢' VIENNA (AP) -- Soviet For- lution that members affiliate/Protect the British queen from) eign Minister Andrei Gromyko c eg! pPrcwir ges wih crowds, Willlcat down for two hours with Party. ae ae 1 big earsal today. Foreign Minister Maurice The three - day convention 2 yaar en _workmen J °d'Couvre de Murville of France ended Sunday after passing athe clock to complete road re-\cunday and talked about the resolution that everything pos-|Pairs, paint road signs and hang|y4r in Viet Nam, Gromyko re- sible be done to have Bill 41 miles i flags and buntingirused to discuss the same topic and Bill 89, which also deals along the Queen's route. with U.S. State Secretary Dean with compulsory arbitration, -- British and W est ern an Of Rusk Saturday. : repealed. ficials attach great political! "phe meeting took place after The convention called for a Significance to the royal visit, Rusk and British Foreign Min The airline gave this account:|the crate in Melbourne last The 139-passenger, Boeing-707 |\'phursday, jet arrived at 8:14 Saturday s night from Sydney after stops in the Fiji Islands and Hono- lulu. The crate was. trundled from the plane's cargo com- partment to a hangar to await a Monday flight to London | The crate was listed on an airway bill as an 'Ajax junior computer" consigned to British Computer Controller Co. Ltd., Cardiff Docks, Cardiff, South Wales. Robson said he'd see if - SAW LIGHT American has a 'fly now, A cargo service representa-|later" plan to get him the rest tive, Gary Hatch, saw a flash- of the way. light shining through cracks in| That may not be necessary the crate Sunday morning. Set. Larsen said immigration | Through a hole Robson had authorities put a hold on the pounded in the crate, Hatch stowaway for deportation, prob- saw a wrist watch and a hand.\ably to Britain since that is Hatch called authorities. his home Immigration, public health On his long flight Robson had customs, airport security, pe-two pint - sized plastic bottles lice and airport medical repre-|of water, a package of cookies sentatives sped to the scene and two magazines on rock 'nu' Robson, blanket - wrapped, roll music and high adventure was removed from the cate, in --to be read by flashlight which he had two pillows, a) A two-quart-size sealed plas- suitcase and a broken hammer.|tic container was for body "T can't move my legs," he wastes said. He lay on newspapers and the pillows on the hangar floor EXPEL EDITOR ' reticad until the ambulance arrived BIERTIN: (AP)cA: Cevionmes sible for theiremployers. He|minimum wage of $2 an hour designed to set the seal.on An-licte, Michael Stewart departed newspaper man, who had been said a similar situation oc-|and urged the national union to slo ~ German reconciliation 2% 4) home, The four ministers officially invited to visit Fast curred in Quebec, and manage-joppose the integration of the years after the end of the Sec-| name here for the 10th anniver- Vote Backs Berlin, said Thursday he had ment there found it too expen-|Canada Pension Plan with ex- ond World War. sary of Austria's post - war in- been expelled by the East Ger-| sive to settle disputes through/isting pension plans. It eager GIVES IMPETUS dependence and there had been man regime after a three-day compulsory arbitration. a motion to transfer the head The Queen's visit was ex-|'opes Gromyko and Rusk could Contract visit. Mahinda Ranaweera, 31 Earlier, Mr. Black told theloffice of the union to Toronto pected to give new impetus to|"iscuss prospects for a Vietna- news editor of Independent 170 delegates in an address that'from Ottawa. _ [British and German efforts to|/mese settlement HAMILTON (CP) -- A mem- Newspapers Limited, Colombo, strengthen NATO integration) U-S. officials said Rusk _pri- Ta ca : land E : ' hi vately brought up Viet Nam|Dership meeting of Local 525 of et ied aa oe heal jaa vuropean economic Co-op- P e the United Auto Workers (CLC) xT j j , npo- With Gromyko but the Russian : % viven an anti-Communist tele- Onl Pros rit Seen wae toe a hee Pen politely refused to be yp ion voted unanimously Saturday to sik interview in West Berlin de Gaulle . into the subject accept a new contract agree- in March daar vill ment with Studebaker of Can- _ : The West German press and): French sources said Gromyko 4. T1q here » | : |public have given evidence of/4dded almost nothing to the *",, eee 'nubona : B ohnson Advisors |mounting excitement over the|Views he expressed during his ,, 2"¢ three-year contract, the FUR lroval New 'airecent visit to Paris first since Studebaker moved royal yh. eheparers Sie enevinit ~ its entire operation to the Ca- WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi-)but no faster than shipments,|Printing "Queen supplements" ~ inadian plant from the United Storage and the Queen's picture is dis- dent Johnson's economic advis-| "Consumers are earning a. tee ; - Ab gn States, provides employment se- put | Played in many store windows Origine curity for 800 workers during ers have looked into the future;more and spending more, f " ; " alongside British good. 1 Pie and reported they can see only|they are also setting aside more hedge the life of the agreement prosperity ahead for the United' for savings." The "queen. fever" sweeping) w In return, union negotiators FREE . u . | , oe West Germany has. even pro- D ' octal Samia en Wied -- ber wus 'S econo' ex duced a new German verb-- Jimmy 1€S pnt ye nl oo, ' ees ge Pick-up & Delivery In a report te Johnson re-jPansion which began in Febru. "queenen," meaning to prepare ' pe Age. MOUL A Lents AN HOUT 1286 leased Saturday night, the coun-|@"Y, 1960, now has become the Rage visit At in aieen ? MELBOL RNE (AP) -- "One- than agreements with other cil of economic advisers said: first ------_ -- hd oe res Doasttbeesced bs 3 pound Jimmy, the Aborigine ws jerreopa sioeing ; ' td Storage " riod to continue without inter- whose picture went around the le new contract, retroactive . ' - i \ suit ¢ anak uds tance mene ruption for more than 50 world a thousand times on Aus-,t0 Jan. 15, gives a package be Cleaning SF eranerd aisension. wo far months. a ae ; are y @CKS tralian mail, has died in lonely | worth aby Pee cents an hour--] @ Repairs " ' uring . the years . bush country west of Alice 16 cents of it in wage increases, tes dane mat Pooling aa which economic records are Springs Hourly wages will be raised] @ Fur Cleaning the beginning of-the end of pros- available, they reported, there Start Today Jimmy's classical Aboriginal, six cents an hour retroactive to e pod "have been 26 previous periods features led to his appearance|Jan. 15 and skilled help will re- SHINERIZING "B - sistant in ot of expansion each ending in a TORONTO (CP)--A program" the Australian 2s 6d (28/Celve an additional eight cents oi tan cerca acaaenical usiness investment in plant|recession or depression. The ay- of compulsory automobile safety cents) and 84 pence (eight Wages will be raised a further Fast Service and equipment is increasing,/erage length of all thes s) § 10 cents an hour later in the tut no faster than the demandisic' wcare with. Se WAS/ inspection was to-begin in On-|Cents) Stamps. aE nie ibe fer industry's products 24% years with the average! tario today He acquired his nickname be- contract period Dial Ty s Pi cts. peacetime -duration just over T Ponte j aaq cause he always asked £1\ The basic minimum wage will "Inventories are expanding,'two years he program, to be carried) (ey 95) for boomerangs and|be between $2.25 and $2.91 an 723-3012 escent out by the provincial police and hour , er 0 P . 89 our. the provincial department of other goods he had for sale. i , ie valk In addition, the new contract ® . transport, will give vehicles a Jimmy died on walkabout = 0 rew contrac OSHAWA FUR na an S ou eas Sla 38 - point safety check. Wind- with relatives on Narweitooma SAEs SS es nied Pissed cattle station 120 miles west of THEY STILL SUFFER AND TUBELESS shield stickers will be issued to a More ? i . drivers whose cars pase the/Auce Springs in the red centre) More than 6,300 Canadians 0 ut ot or ar -- Rusk pif vi ale of Australia's desert heartland,|caught diseases in 1963 which COLD STORAGE 100° NYLON aes 4 _._.. |A walkabout is a short period|were preventable through im- LTD. WASHINGTON (AP) -- State|Soviet-Chinese ideological split. Under the Highway Traffic'o¢ wandering bush life by anjmunization ' POLARITY-LINED Secretary Rusk says he has no| The report recommended von. A¢t Police are authorized to re-| Aborigine as an interruption to doubt that China does not want/sideration of recognizing Outer ae Pg "so gah from ven regular work, he FOR EXTRA BLOW- a-larger war "but they want/Mongolia diplomatically as a/°'©S Dacly in need of repair and; Ng one knew his exact age, need mone Southeast .Asia."" means of exploiting the rift, 11/@ve them towed away. They nyt he was more than 70. With OUT PROTECTION "Which of these desires will be S2id_ recognition 'would not|@™@ aso authorized to instruct! g few of ihe white man's luxur- s the decisive one we cannotMly provide the United States the driver to have repairs madejies in his saddlebags, he: pre- for all worthwhile ur ose? WHITEWALLS guarantee," he told a. House with a valuable listening post within a specified time and re-|ferred to wander in the desert e SLIGHTLY EXTRA Far Eastern affairs subcommit- but would exacerbate the 'split port back with his three aging camels. tee at a closed session March Since Peking would feel that = . set "iti a RRO ANS 31 . ba the move was Soviet-inspired.' ' j PORPOISES FEEL STRAIN é ' MN ' mee Uy, { : a a : It also recommended consid-- moved to new locations each| 'p,. sae ghey secure | OE) The Rusk test b- Porpoises can suffer from ul- ; Wie LISTED ONE LOW lished Saucy ilk cin a eration of "limited but direct week. The first check point lo-| cers Sheniek chia oa ant Hl WT Hh a D eC, PRICE ANY SIZE GUARANTEE NO TRADE-IN : & i P aE 3 ea 5, eh | } ( : report by the subcommittee, ee ee China through cations are Highway 7 west of| vous breakdowns, says a trainer | fe Z, I KS 1. Guaranteed against all road haz- REQUIRED headed by representative Clem- st gle a ch a Perth, and Highway 5. west of/at Cape Coral Gardens, Fla. | g \\ = = i, 4 : ards including stone bruises, ; ; a asis scholars @ gis is Moa a: iia i i : ' ent J, Zablocki (Dem. Wis.) on based ves " But it ralad ea Cooksville. | OLD PAPERS FAKED | 2 Kan MY eS 's i 730 x14 520 x 13 wilh ee Full 24 Month ' ' A British firm has developed! & ANN ' 3] BA! 670 x15 590x113 . Guaranteed against defects in ' Auto check points will be « 'i : : | a series of hearings it held on any possibility of trade with) Perth is 40 miles southwest of}. workmanship for the life of the Guarantee anit ' toidtns a a process for copying old docu-.| Ka 4 é : y fi the nature and meaning of the China Ottawa. Cooksville is 15 miles dete poration chives foke andl i = id 650 x 13. 640 x 13 tread ute c ; pa 4 VA fe 4 an 3. Guaranteed customer satisfaction, i west of Toronto, feels antique : : 800 x 14 520 x 14 Replacement allowance based on arge it NEWS IN BRIEF ; yy B \ S60:4-95 $60 x 14 | eee sete rns: lee oe, With Your Remar F ti, All period for the same time used. CREDIT CARD. COUNT WAS WRONG 67, to cost at least $15,000,000, Censuses in 11 underdeveloped will remain a permanent attrac- SUPERMARKET i Yy ee 3 : ' countries in 1961 discovered 53,- tion after the world's fair ends ANN VA Hai, 4 Sv, SY : - Brake Service HEAVY DUTY 000,000 more people than had STUDENTS ARE GUIDES T] , LW -- . first been estimated. About 80 English students, in- FARLY-/N- HE: EK H . an Y AN 4 Se SPECIAL MUFFLERS cluding an earl and a baron, i A ' } y y : P/ : FILM INDIAN VILLAGE Bond onde : . 'i will spend the summer of 1965 S @: Ys YIN We p fe Mark's whet se BP ips pcg cool of on as tourist guides in Europe. = A! h IN , y ia Mal ag ree , ' e hour colbr An EaMoead i ° ; by > § --Completely F F film about village life in north- s RIVER LONG USED i % ' \\ t : brakes to secure full co! ern India, near Amritsar. | Sword - makers at Toledo, ty SAT" y Ws c front whi ' FREE--15 Minute instell- < \ s me. . ation. aes : ye Spain, have tempered their new . < : FUNFAIR WILL STAY blades in the Tagus River since QS NS= € ; Parag hag We Oe ad j All Ford, Meteor, Chev The 2%-acre funfair at Expo'the first century. wencch "ah hens 0nd ' Plymouth, Pontiac, 49-63 i flat oh ' ' , 49-63, YOUR DIRECT LINE Box Hamburg ss VAM mee Ne he 15.88 | St "rn only K-mart. To over 22,000] | Plants 3 Ibs. ask for it by name at =} azo inis) =" "") ee || 39 Box {8} $1.00 | tinmet | 2 stocks | IM ES / rc | | ' N | ad ~*~ ' Here's a do: , \ $10. 00 : : : --Correct Coster .and \ Salada Shirrift SS f Samer i, ana Toe Ca Fully _guoranteed--Orig WANT ADS | {TEA BAGS 79¢ as i Cee. | Bee earings. : & ide. Extend Front wear . Adjust torsion bars on of: tires, Gives. mere most Chrysler products, 3 --Complete front-end S . comfortable ride. ~ Pin PHONE 723-3492 Q ' t perts inspection, , Type. AND PUT A TIMES ' Vids bile ak: he diflirecs aseizien AD Te GLECOFF 5 SUPERMARKET Where people make the difference WORK FOR YOU, 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH W.R, SINGLETON, Monoger sige, bases ers On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby |, & ERWIN, Manager ... 455 Simcoe South, Oshowe

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