THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 17, 1965 J THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA jare concerned, your best per- jiods for sentimental interests jwill occur next month, in late Tuesday will be an excellent|August, late October and next period on many counts, Plane-|February. Don't take late Sep- tary influences especially favor tember or early December "ro- home, job and-or business mat-)mances" too seriously, however. ters; also discussions held to Propitious periods for travel: promote future undertakings./Between June 1 and mid-Sep- Routine financial affairs should|tember and-or October. If you progress 'nicely, but don't over--make a trip during the latter expand along monetary lines. cay however, be pag ih Bee ou don't overtax your et. FOR THE METHDAT apap 4p tie ol a If tomorrow is your birthday, ; y Fg be extremely versatile along hoedinagyay ed 4 ree wee creative lines, but will have to and mid-September it would be curb tendencies toward hyper- advisable to make the very best eensiliveness, use of your skills and talents): since planetary influences will] WIFE PRESERVER Specially Designed Underfashions for the "YOUNG ADULT" be fine for both occupational and monetary gain, and you should be highly gratified at the | recognition and advancement | you receive during that time. Other forward strides are indi- cated during the first week of October, the latter half of De- cember and next March, when you will enter an excellent 3- month cycle of accomplish- ment. This does not mean, of course that you won't face some ob- stacles. Everyone does. But you, as a Taurus-Gemini cus- pal, have many traits which will help you to clear all hur-) dles--notably your good judg- ment, practicality, imagination) ~ fjand ingenuity. Stress these fine MH iqualities during the weeks be-| squares and heat in the oven for half on hour, being careful not te ecorch them. ART MEANS WORK ; . MONTREAL (CP) -- Rosalie} i ib ae La baw ef oe oe 6 tween mid-October and mid-De-\Namer, head of the pottery de-) cember, as well as next Feb-|nartment at Macdonald College,' ruary--periods which will be|near Montreal, says she never| |marked by heavy restrictions|turns out fewer than 100 pieces| when it comes to finances. Belof pottery a week. "If you're al extra careful then and, above| producing potter, instead of a) all things avoid speculation and part-timer, you fit your life| wae ceh- ges eee a oe, : _. /around it," said the mother of] jand new treatment tools hold -- sab ities relntonsnins two almost grown-up children." }out new hopes. ----E~"_||E>E>E=>>E>E>E>EeEeE>>Ee>~--L> >S>S>E>ELSS==S=S=S=S=SSS=S== electronic bassinet, a device | Dr. Swyer is about to embark NOW THAT YOU'VE on a new line .of research--one| DECIDED TO DANCE .. .| Premature Infant In Hospital Electronic Bassinet Lulled by Amplified Beat of His Own Heart on ew lief Fesearch--oe oat te carbon dioxide are) LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS... "He falls asleep and forgets|Kennedy, son of the late United oxygen and carbon dioxide are to breathe every once in a/States president. transferred between blood and north wing of the Hospital forwhile," said Dr. Paul Swyer.) The baby boy Dr. Swyer was|air throughout the lungs of dis: Sick Children a baby no bigger|the man in charge of the bigidiscussing was one of about/eased and healthy infants. than his father's hand lay|Toronto hospital's clinic for|1,500 cases treated annually in) Neveloping techniques include| Brush Up On The Old Favorites mewling in an electronic bas-\newborn babies."'We have t0\the seventh-floor neonatal unit tannive tune constant AtNaar 3. sinet, his lullaby the amplified/wake him up when he does|of Sick Kids, which includes an\qjectronic and human watch on my ARTHUR FRANCHISED STUDIO "The World's Finest... by Reputation" mainder of his body in a performs an invisible form heated chamber where pump-regulated air pressure designed to keep ailing pre- mature babies alive. The baby's head is enclosed in an oxygen tent and the re- DR. PAUL SWYER, nurse Pat Gemmell and Dr. Henry Levison watch a baby in an of artificial respiration. --CP Photo By CARL MOLLINS TORONTO (CP)--High in the beat of his own heart. intensive-care "rescue ward lailing babies-and Dr. Swyer For Information Call 728-1681 Cres A Stnlle for you. <. 4 tools be some of the just can't "| set out to find a pot of gold," said the old college graduate. Now I'm fifty- eight and all I've got is the pot." , 'losed|. We don't know why, exactly.|with round-the-clock individual) shiaily: j ihe boy's head was enclosed). may be that in these prema-jnursing for dangerously il! uippeq ambulances regen body from the neck down in ajture infants the part of thelcases RDS babies swiftly and more| heated, transparent chamber|>rain that regulates the invol-| pr. swyer said it was miracu-|safely from general hospital] where pump-regulated air pres-|Untary muscles in the lungsijoys that the boy in the Nega-|maternity wards. | sure performed an __ invisible eh ot Begessigg Sem ing|*t¥e Pressure Ventilator was! yew tools include the experi- form of artificial respiration. for a while in this it's a Nega-|tuve,, hoger Dog acai Fe mental Negative Pressure Ven-| Ww. Marks, Licensee. __A tube to a vein was his feed: itive Pressure Ventilator and) we had been rushed after|tilator, a gigantic x-ray ma-) 11% Simcoe S. at povtiad digger aly the meaithere are only nine of them in/hirth with his twin sister ee Cone ae cers on the chemical balance of heme ~ ie mie te al five miles from Toronto Fastlown skin temperature acts "as! fee gale a a the! "Byery 24 hours of EE acy 1 to Sick Kids), thermostat to control heat. Scat eaidiey taal, ampii-|@ nie p89 colle | "The girl twin died, reversing ot _ Tak CAE seas at voraeded Wien ccs oF the cathe Gores ene paceea te which|techniques iy ah fb vadiaclike were, Get as beers after, tat in}twice as many boys as girls die|/Prove'- ae visibly | : K the first 24 hours after birth,|o¢ Rps Amid the array of space-age a6 9 se ThEEINE yellow blip. 99 per. cent in the first week.| 'The boy, a fragile two pounds|medical equipment in Sick Chil-! Suddenly, the blip faltered|{f we can keep them alive for|15 ounces, was holding on until|dren's neonatal clinic, each reg-| and the machine began to buzz/a week their chances of survi-/the sixth day, when he suddenly|Ular ward has a comfortable) an alarm. A nurse filling out|yal are pretty good." appeared to be succumbing. wooden rocking chair where charts at a desk six feet away; "These babies' are prema-| « i the nurse on. duty can give re- stepped to the baby's side,|ture infants suffering A Re-|he sie a see 8 Aras caperating Sie some old- thrust a hand through an elas-|spiratory Disease Syndrome anlnext' day He was hemorrhag-|fashioned: rock-a-bye treatment. por pg Png -- ailment with an appropriately|ing from the nose and now ------------------ saged the infant's tiny foot. vague name because doctors) 4 : fl The blip returned to normaljaren't sure why and how it de- vo ey: had. to resuscitate him KNITTERS Yi just as two doctors arrived injvelops. A malfunction of the! : For biggest selection of quality response to the alarm buzzer to|lungs, the affliction is known|HAZARDS HIGH knitting yarns, patterns, and FREE make sure there was no seriouslalso as hyaline membrane dis-| The hazards are high in thel|jetve Val - ° ge } relapse. lease. It killed Patrick Bouvier newborn clinic--it accounts for|ll WOOL QUEEN | nen ----------Jalmost half the mortality rateillloos simeoe St. 5. 723-5371 || in the 00-bed hospital--but re-| : | STORES 92 Wolfe | on j 170% Mary St. fe i 12 Bond E. 924 Simcoe N. AGENTS United Toxi, 143 King St. East Roxy Variety, Rosslyn Plaze Broemor Variety, Stevenson Road N. BOB EAKINS at Lowell ANN LANDERS ~ Gourmet Or Hooked - Who Is To Say? svg Ann Landers: | am mar-; Dear Ann Landers: Our ried to a man who drowns ij : everything in catsup.. Before st asi is haying & bie dance were married I noticed Louie's|_ "8 's one dance I don't want mother always had two bottles|'® miss, no matter what. I'm on the table and the whole fam-'scared to death some creep will ily went for it like crazy. Butiask me and I'll be stuck. On have you ever heard of catsuP|the other hand, i ai on fried eggs? Well that's the) er hand, if I turn the way Louie likes them. Lots of| creep down I may not get asked | people use catsup with french|by anyone better. Then I'd end fires--but on mashed potatoes,| up staying home. too? As you can see, I am ina The other night we were at,terrible spot. Any advice?--Un- the home of friends and some-' certain one mentioned that Louie could) Dear Uncertain: I've never never be a blood donor be-)bhought the idea that any date cause he probably doesn't havejis better than none. But why at KARN'S... GLISSANnDO Eye Color Stick Leave it to Rose Marx to realize that "Young Adults" have special figure requirements when it comes to underfashions--and to de something about it! Here are bras to lift and shape you beautifully . .. to make the most of you, And here are girdles that feel light-as-a- feather on, yet control you like no other garment will .. . for the active freedom-loving life you lead. All in lively Lycra® and delicately em- broidered with tiny parasols. And all at Walker's at prices your allows ance will love. Register Your Wedding Now at blood--only catsup. This got a} big laugh. Then Louie said, "I eat catsup on everything, even ice cream." With that, the hostess brought him a dish of chocolate ice should a girl who is A-1, super- deluxe herself worry about get- ting snatched up by a creev? Why aren't the top guys beat- ing her door down? Clue me. I'm baffled, a STRETCH STRAP BANDEAU... Lycra® elastic sides. Nylon marquie sette cups lined with soft, be Mehewa ad for gentle natural shaping. White. A, B cups; 30-36......++essseeseeeesees only 2.98 b CONTOUR BRA... Lightly foam padded. Lycra® sides and cup cream and a bottle of catsup. All eyes were on Louie as he poured about one-third of the HOUSEHOLD HINT bottle on the ice cream. This| Chase summertime mustiness was after three vodka martinis|in dresser drawer and linen clos- and I was hoping he would getlets by storing unwrapped bars | sick as a dog. But he didn't.|of toilet soap, there | I got sick a2 a GRD ROR . = This morning I phoned our) doctor and asked if so much| Super Bakery Special catsup could injure Louie's| BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! 2.00 divider. Adjustable stretch straps. White. A, B cups; 30-36... anly 36 King East Downtown Oshawa 723-7611 Oshawa Shopping Centre 723-1371 "Second Nature" girdles fashioned from Lycra® power net. Seam free backs. White. 8,M,L. © LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLE.....s...ccscccersecseseesesee 4098 PULA GEE ooo cic ccc ianas (not illustrated) REGULAR PANTY GIRDLE.........-.--.-. B98 health. He said "Il check your husband regularly. He is in good condition. Catsup won't hurt him.' What do.I do now?! --Seeing Red | Dear Red: Now accept the fact that Louie is hooked on catsup. Keep plenty on hand and make no mention of his ex- cesses. When he grows up he won't resort to cheap parlor stunts in an effort to capture an audience. ® Reg'd. T.M. acess SHOPPING 18 CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S PLAN ACCOUNT In one stick..a twist of separate colors to blend shimmering lights end shadows on your eyelids. 7 scintillant shades. 2-56. Banana Layer Cake Topped with Boiled Icing and Toasted Cocoanut. Special This Week BAKERS' DOZEN SALE DELICIOUS FRESH DONUTS 13 mcr or 12 PRICE OF ALL K:NDS Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 ELECTROLYSIS Unwanted hair permanently re- moved from face, arms and legs. Medically Approved Me- thod. Over 15 Yeors' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe et the GENOSHA HOTEL May 17, 18, 19 PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dotes 38 STORES SERVING ONTARIO Open Daily 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Open Thursday & Friday to 9 P.M. 728-4626 oe Ss 28 KING ST, EAST 723-462