MARRIED RECENTLY in King Street United Church were Dawna Marie McFad- yen and John Joseph Har- man. The bride is the daugh- McFadyen and her bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Harman, all of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Moy 17, 1965 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor / Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department | Women Are Sanceiate! Ministers Says United Church Of Canada Should women be admitted tojin "a full-employment capacity the ministry on the sameland that there are 24 women terms as men? icandidates in training for the) The Reverend Harold Vaug-|iministry in Arts and Theology) han, secretary of the Board of|courses. : ee Colleges, United Church of Can| The United Church in Can-| ada, says "definitely, yes." jada admitted the first woman} Leaders of France's Reform-|!° the ministry in early 1930 4) ed Church, one of the coun-/He, continued. try's main protestant groups, last week decided to admit "As far as we can ascertai lthe United Church has trained fat 'between 60 and 65 women for women, which decision follows}, ministry," he said, "up jyears of study and debate. | inti the end of last year. The| As long ago as 1936, France's\tirst ordained woman minister! Reformed Church authorized a|retired only two years ago. The| woman, Miss Elizabeth!mere fact that 12 to 15 women Schmidt, to become a pastor in| ministers still serve the church] \Nantes. But she was not Of-li, g fully-employed capacity} ; | has been on leave on absence.|Omelanchuk, DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. COURT CHARLENE 11750 The regular meeting of Court) | It was announced that Mari- lyn Nash, Provincial Queen and Charlene L1750 was held recent-|Pauline Shaw would be attend- ly in the Orange Temple withiing the New York convention to the president, Emma Balson'be held May 20-22. presiding. Hed = of ee of, se ani) : April was Dorothy Anderson, sista Maca' gave a AR be wb as nad for the fall bazaar. Materials |4 a a org! up was will be handed out for aprons|207°e Anderson with @ loss of and table cloths at the next) meeting. Plans for the spring bazaar which will be held in} ' . } the igo Shopping Centre! nicht of entertainment and diet are in progress. supper will be their prize A rummage sale will be held) 4 Ops Court was in session June 1 in the Union Hall on this week under Judge Anne Mc- Bond street. Proceeds will be/ajlister. Members who signed donated to charities, |weight-losing contracts with the Lily Barker won the monthly leader, and did not carry out the mystery prize. An auction sale/terms of their contracts were was held after the closing of/summoned to appear before the court, with Lily Barker acted as|Judge. All members found guil- auctioneer and deserving a big|ty were sentenced to keep a food vote of thanks for a splendid/diary for one week. job. Delicious refreshments end-| The draw prize was won by ed the evening. The next regular/Brenda Holden. The evening meeting will be May 25, 1965.\concluded with group therapy land the singing of "Goodnight, TOPS LOSIN' LASSIES = |members". The weekly meeting of the| The Losin Lassies. would like | with the Bowmanville Belles was won by that club and a The six weeks' competition) 7 CONSUMERS ARE SHY MONTREAL (CP) Not é nough Canadian consi ¢ °s jcomplain when they get bad ser- |vice or goods, says Mrs. W. T. Pound of the Consumers' Asso- ciation of Canada. "It seems a \pity that we have not yet man- @ \aged to give more of the public the benefits of our service when Jj |they encounter problems on the _.. (consumer level," she said. WOMEN WORK MORE MONTREAL (CP) -- There |were 2,500 active volunteers reg- _ istered with the Montreal Volun- + |teer Bureau last year, reported 4 \Mrs. A. K. Crowther at the an- ,|nual meeting. They gave 69,940 hours of service, an increase of 4,394 hours over 1963. ! | MORRISON'S FOR Maternity Fashions See all our New Spring Fobrics, Styles ond sizes. MRS. HARRIET LONG Tops Losin' Lassies was held at|to extend a welcome to the new the ORC Thursday, under the|Tops Clubs that have formed in leadership of Pauline Shaw, this area recently: Hay Ridges! The Jeaders welcomed new/Tops, leader Norma Piper; Osh- members Phyllis Read, Mar-jawa Inch Pincher Tops, leader garet Baxter, Karen Thibodeau,|Betty Harris; Oshawa Tops as well as Brenda Holden who|Fade-A-Weighs, leader Diane and Whitby The inspiration reading was/Shrinking Violets, leader Irene given by Joyce Anderson, en- McQue. DRESSES PARTY DRESSES TOPS © SLIMS SKIRTS @ SHORTS DECK PANTS GIRDLES & BRAS Resident of Oshawa Since 1916 Honored at 90th Birthday Party Mrs. Harriet Long was recent-, Percy Moore (Lillian), Shannon-| ville, Ontario; Mr. William Bow-| | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WEDDING ALBUM A-record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and jdained until 1949 when the na-|cjearly indicates how successful] ly honored on the occasion of her [tional synod agreed that this\the policy has been, This is a tit jwas permissible in specialinigh percentage of those who|™ jcases -- no other woman has!continue on." \followed her. MQR. Vaughan said 75 per | The United Church Presby-icent of the women ministers lers, Wellington, and Mrs. Nor- |man Richards (Hilda), Osnawa |There are six grandchildren and? led, "What TOPS Means to " LEND-A-HAND CLUB 90th birthday at a tea-party at eh 4 Weight recorder, Marilyn) The Lend-A-Hand Club held a the home of her daughter, Mrs. |Nash, reported 35 members short business session prior to a\Norman Richards, Westmore-|seven great-grandchildren. weighed. in -- nine were KIW,|night of cards, to discuss a land avenue. Mrs. Long good health; | . IKOPS " vere ai me straw' ni ars Mrs. Li ni tery in this district has two|get married eventually -- this| HOF he ge scien ag msg a. "on aoe Assisting the hostess were/takes a lively interest in cur-| jfull-time women ministers.\does not disqualify them from|the remaining 2! members Jost/nome tn ourtice early in July. Mrs. Stephen Harkin, Miss Judy|rent events and thoroughly bn , are: 'ontinuing on. but many find it! total of 80 Ibs. When ritual} A pot-luck supper was arrang-| rb --. ho vyerend Winnifred ice because a house-| 45 held the highest loss of thejed for the next meeting at Sim-|Richards and Mrs., Jame pie her party. eek was 10 Ibs, for Betty Alex-jcoe Hall, June 1 at 6.30 p.m./Richards. The guest of honor | MORRISON'S Opposite the Armories 48 SIMCOE NORTH Downtown Oshewe me| | | a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony.. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Harman - McFadyen Churchjmatching: headdress was styled lsimilar to the bride's and she carried a bouquet of pink roses daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken-jand pink and white carnations neth M. McFadyen, to John Jo-| The best man was Mr. Rob- seph Harman, son of Mr. and (ert Wallace, Oshawa, and the Mrs. Robert J. Harman, all of| ushers were Mr. Wayne Braund, Oshawa. 'Guelph, and Mr. Shawn Mc- The officiating clergyman was) Fadyen, Oshawa. the Reverend Wesley Herbert) The reception was held at the and the wedding music was Airport, where the bride's moth- played by Mr. Rhyddid Wil-ler received wearing a powder liams. blue dress with a matching coat, Given in marriage by her fa-|a white floral hat and a cor- ther, the bride was wearing ajsage of pink roses and. white formal white satin gown with alcarnations. The bridegroom's fitted bodice, featuring a square| mother assisted wearing a pale neckline and three - quarter/green dress, matching. coat, sleeves. The skirt fell softly|white hat and a similar cor- from the empire waistline into|sage. a slight train. Her headdress) As the couple left for a honey- was two self rosettes on pearl-|moon in Niagara Falls, the ized stamens, holding a shoulder-| bride was wearing a@ pink three- length bouffant veil of tulle illu-/ quarter suit with white and pink sion, and she carried a bouquet/ accessories and a corsage of of pink roses and white carna-|pink roses and white carna- tions. tions. On their return, Mr. and The maid of honor was Miss|Mrs. Hatman will take up resi- Joanne Harman, wearing a/dence in Oshawa. semi-formal gown of pink satin,) Guests were present at the with an empire waistline and|wedding from Guelph, Lindsay three - quarter sleeves. Herjapd Oshawa. King Street United was the setting recently for the marriage of Dawna Marie, tile Sica alt aineleeee ES Se ee ere Bridges, whose pastoral chargejhold duties. He said that some) includes churches in Columbus,;women ministers who marry,| |Kedron and Raglan with a total/however, still retain their posi- membership of 460 families. (tions in the ministry. The Reverend Mary Doug-| 'Some of them are separated) herty, whose pastoral charges|from their | include Enniskillen, Enfield and|their pastoral charge is located} Burketon with a total member-|in another area." | ship of more than 150 families.,| Mr. Vaughan said that the} Both are graduates of Em-|United Church had never "'look-| manuel College, Toronto, Missied back with regret" on its, Dougherty in 1947 and Miss/policy of admitting women to) |Bridges in 1956. the ministry and that it had Mr. Vaughan said that 12 to/never had. cause to even con-| | 15 women ministers were stilljsider '"'any revision' of that lserving the Church in Canadaipolicy. Hospital For Sick Children : Reviews 14 Years Of Growth Since the, Hospital for Sick as the world's leading centre Children moved into its present|for the treatment of, and re- structure on February 4, 1951,/search in, the acute diseases it had added considerably tojand injuries of children, Its Re- its space with no appeal for|search Institute did not exist in |public assistance. By last year|1951; it now has a staff of 203 it had admitted 26,602 patients,|and is engaged in a wide range |a 67 per cent increase over 1951./of projects which provide con- /One-third of these patients came|stant new knowledge and me- mainly from Ontario outside the | thods for treatment services of |Metro Toronto area, but injthe hospital. |terms of the severity of their) One thing is significant: The jconditions, and the medical-nosnital's doctors travel much, surgical skills required to treat aa them, they represented a pro-| outlining their new methods, portion of the hospital popula- and. doctors from 36 countries tion far exceeding their numer-/came last year to study these. ical ratio. This indicates its stature, but to In 1951 the average patient Canadians represents this im- underwent four laboratory tests; (Portant thing: These discover- last year this had risen to 15.|!¢S benefitted Canadian chil- In 1951 no open heart surgery dren first, even though they was done; last year 450 such|ere, shared quickly with the operations were performed, and world, irrespective of political, this volume is increasing with religious, or other factors. wholly new surgical techniques} Statistics? In 1964: Sungical| entirely developed in this hos-|operations, 17,088; heart exam-| pital -- and now being adopted/inations, 8,258; Emergency De- universally. Much of the same|Partment treatments, 46,789; pattern has occurred in neuro-|X-Tays taken, 50,197; laboratory surgery (which handled 1,500\tests, 394,723; diapers used cases last year), and genito- daily, 10,100; daily admissions, urological surgery has cuad- 75 rupled in 10 years. In effect, a In effect, the hospital has be- population explosion 'has been|come a specialty centre, stand- paralleled by an explosion injing behind Ontario's excellent! medical-surgical advances. treatment hospitals. It is proud The hospital is now recognizedito fulfill that role, | | | Decade of Soroptimism, 1955-65 _ Reviewed at Anniversary Dinner Celebrating a decade of Sorop-|Margaret Hancock Memorial| jtimism, the Oshawa Soroptimist|/Fund, which furthers the educa- Club entertained bors from Cobourg, Toronto and Aid Society. In 1960, the club Peterborough at the recent din-|sponsored a Scout group and Iner meeting held in the Genosha' made contributions to the Osh- | Hotel awa General Hospital, the An outstanding evening began School for the Deaf and the On- \with the invocation given by tario Hospital. Support of an Mrs. G. D. Conant. Following Austrian refugee child began in | } |dinner, a relaxing sing-song was/ 1962 and is still a main project } |led by Mrs, Walter Bestwick a a PETBAGGER -- and is constructed with a synthetic leather handle, a brass fastener and brass hardware. Multi-colored car- pet threads form the binding on the sides, bottom and flap. --By TRACY ADRIAN a ok ees Multi - colored nylon pile carpeting is the unusual material used for this mod- ern carpetbag that is as durable as it is attractive. The tote is square in shape haute coiffure... Modella Hair Stylist international coiffures 71 celina st. oshawa, ont. $ europeon stylists 725-4531 of the members. "As We Built in the Past"| Lt. Governor, Miss Phyllis was the theme of the evening|/Braund of Peterborough, gave and each past president present-|an interesting talk, choosing as ed a synopsis of activities of the|her topic, "We Look to the Fu- club during her term of office ture", Miss Braund stressed the in the past ten years. Notable|great challenge presented by) among these was the continued| these changing times and the} support given to the Retarded|importance of international! Children's Bociety, The Titers | cere ander, Other good losses as fol-jand a jlows: Barbara Parrinder, der and Joan Leipsig -- 6 Ibs./berry social. husband because|¢4¢". fellow-mem-|tion of wards of the Children's) -- supper at Ann Holts' Phyllis Read -- 8 Ibs.,|home, June 24 to make final Helen Cal-jarrangements for the straw- | The meeting closed with a jnight of cards under Evelyn |Fickes, convener Mary Dyer, |Alice Hinds and Helen Kinsman| in charge of refreshments | Winners for playing cards jwere Mrs, Daniel Black, Mrs. |Earl Hoy, Mrs. James Horton, \Mrs. William Thornley, Mrs. |Dalton Fickes and Mrs. Ross | Cook. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Fred Spencer, Mrs. Fred |Thompson, Mrs. Gordon Barton, iMrs. A. E, Hatfield, Mrs. Lew |Disney, Mrs. John Westlake. Beauty Parlors Mobile In Cuba HAVANA from banishing feminine beauty | | jstituting mobile beauty parlors for women living in remote areas. The mobile parlor, however, is only the lighter side of a) jmuch more serious "health and }beauty brigade" plan aimed at bringing a general medical service to isolated hamlets. Every Sunday, a 36-member| jeep-born commando of doctors, nurses, hairdressers and mani- curists sets out over the dirt) tracks from Manati, in eastern| jCuba. Their object is to give isolated hilldwellers in the out-| jlying regions a general medical: |check-up and minister to wom-' jen's beauty needs, | | Manati has been chosen as the pilot project. But it is ex-| pected that the program will) soon be extended to other re-| gions, especially to the isolated! areas in the north of Oriente! Province, eastern Cuba. The "health and beauty bri-| gade"' is just one of the projects} TRAVEL LIGHT Pleats that stay pleated and a blouson top make this one pives, dons designed by Rosecrest\ in knitted arnel sharkskit/a cool comfort- able traveller. The attached scarf can be worn as a soft smoke ring or as shown here, in a casual knot. is '6 SUMMER AMENORRHEA Q. | menstructe regularly dur- ing the fall, winter and spring but stop completely during) the summer months, Is this' cause for concern? A. You might consult your physician just to set your mind| at ease. Actually, many girls who menstruate regularly most} of the year experience com-| plete cessation during the} summer. Doctors call it "sum-| mer amenorrhea." The cause) is unknown, Like "'stress| amenorrhea," summer omen-| orrhea tends to diminish with] oge and virtually disappears! in the twenties: good-will and understanding. "Service," said Miss Braund, "is the rent we pay for the} place we occupy." Special greetings were extend- ed to the Oshawa club by Dr.) Helen Manchester, who was re-} gional governor at the time the club was chartered. Past. Presidents who were: Mrs. Olive Petley, 5-| 56; Miss Jennie Pringle, 1956-58; Miss Madeline Kelly, 1958-59 and 1963-64; Miss Mary Lee, 1959-61; | Miss Evelyn Moore, 1961-63 and) spoke losis and Cancer Societies and ' SINGER* Hillsdale Manor. In 1958, the club set up the . . ---- | fashion fabrics depa CALL HOWARD'S | EXPERT SERVICE oY, POPLIN' prints. Yard 45" "CHINO" Spotsheen Plain. Yard . 45' "SPORT DUCK" linen finish, plain. Yard . DRAPES Custom Made @ SLIP COVERS @ BROADLOOM @ VENETIAN BLINDS "Free Estimotes" p Call 725-3144 { HOWARD'S = Simcoe DRAPERIES One stop at Singer and you're rea North Othawe N. -- 16 SIMCOE ST. é& €& © We are currently featuring 45" Sportswear 'PLAYMATE 1.39 1.49 "4 TRADEMARK OF THE SINGER COMPANY Mrs. Walter Bestwick, 1964-65. | - 5 mal | EARLY MENOPAUSE Q. | am only 42 and have already gone through the menopause. Isn't this ab- normal? A. Somewhat unusual, per- haps, but not necessarily ab- normal. A century ago the average age at menopause was about 44 years whereas today it is closer to 50. The reason for this is unknown, rtment We toke pride in our profession-- | take pride in bringing you the services and products of modern Phermacy at their very finest. dy to sew! pRUGS FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M, | | | | i | 725-5443 -- 725-6555 \ty. She has been widowed twice. (Reuters) -- Faring for the national health serv- aids as bourgeois, Cuba is in-that of nurses quadrupled since received numerous gifts and! floral tributes and greeting cards including a letter of con- gratulation from Mayor Lyman/ Gifford. | Mrs. Long is the former Har- riet Elizabeth Smith of. Amel- iasburg, Prince Edward Coun- @ New 11 Ib. tub @ 6 vone metal hydro-foil gyrator @ Latest design power pump has... TOUCH-A-MATIC CONTROL husband and to Mr. was Mr. later she Thomas Her first James Bowers was married Long. She came to Oshawa in 1916 She had a family of six, three of whom are still living: Mrs. introduced by Premier Castro's regime to fill the. medical void existing in rural areas here. The general progress made in the country's health services is one of the successes on which the regime most prides itself. According to official statis- tics, the total of doctors work- Model 22-4 with pump Before You Buy Give Starr A Try! STARR Furniture and Appliance 723-3343 491 Ritson S. OPEN FRI, TO 9 P.M, ice has virtually trebled and Castro came to power. TUXEDO and BRIDAL GOWN RENTALS Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritson S. -- 725-3338 SHOPPING CENTRE LUCKY MAY DAYS MAY 20-21-22 Check the circular in the Oshawa Times on Wed., May 19 For Outstanding Values and Details On Lucky May Days! OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHT uti Y300 2».