Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 May 1965, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 14. 1968 WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Jackson - Miller 16 By MARGARET NESS Planning to make some iclothes for a spring trip? Some lof the top couturiers are ready to give you a hand. Oleg Cassini, Luis Estevez, Hannah Troy, Bud Kilpatrick of California and Edith Head of Hollywood are a few of the de- signers who have created spring - into - summer cos- tumes available in patterns. These prominent designer fash- ions include everything from a Couturiers Design Clothes Seamstress To Make at Home hemline, down and back and around an apron-pane! front. Ruffles again are a spring fash- ion that is carrying over into summer. ALLOW FOR STRETCH Culottes are a popular at- home costume and Estevez is introducing them in the new! back-dipping hemline. It gives a most interesting look to the culotte pants. He also leves vivid colors, probably due Arms Of Child Gas-Powered MONTREAL (CP) -- Twelve-|#/80 attended and said he be-) ithe Montreal Rehabilitation In- | stitute. | Dr, Gustave Gingras, execu- |tive director of the institute, year-old Clare Scullion has been|!ieves it may be possible to gassing up. daily for the Jast|combine the best features of the six months in order to use her,848-Powered arm, invented in arms. In this case, the gas is|\G@rmany, and an_ electronic carbon dioxide. limb developed by the Russians, Clare, born without arms, got|'o help other children such as her third artificial set last Sep-| those whose mothers took tha- tember and they're powered by|!idomide during pregnancy. gas in a small be refilled each day. container she jcarries at her waist. It has to FANS FOLLOW TROUPE | MONTREAL (CP) -- In Eng- She is able to feed herself,|land, fans of the D'Oyly Carte write, draw, use scissors andjopera company, which presents deal with other day-to-day tasks|Gilbert and Sullivan comic o|at home and in her Grade 6/operas in the traditional Victor- | . DISCOVER ANTIQUES | | MONTREA L(CP) -- Harriet, | Hawkins, who started an antique! |shop here nine years ago, says) at first none of her customers jwere French - Canadians. Now they make up 65 per cent of her clientele. THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! A LIMITED NUMBER OF 1-2-3 BEDROOM RADIANT SUITES . HEATING AVAILABLE e ELECTROLYSIS ; * Unwanted hair permanently re- x H ; MODEL SUITE moved from face, arms and P 4 legs. Medically Approved Me- UNDERGROUND ; * PARKING thod. Over 15 Years' Experience * MARIE MURDUFF ADULT will be in Oshawa BUILDING at the GENOSHA HOTEL CEILING ELECTRIC CABLE By Appointment Only 723-1712 or 728-2911 t he| Class at St. Thomas More school ian style, follow the troupe from jin suburban Verdun. town to town, said Jennifer Recently she went to a lunch-/Toye, one of the principal so- eon at which she thanked the|pranos, here for a short tour Lions Club for sending her to|with the company. GOOD NEWS FOR May 17, 18, 19 PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dotes The Reverend Helmut Dyck officiated at the marriage in Albert Street United Church, re- cently of Sharan Elaine Miller and Thomas John Jackson. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Edythe Gates and Mr. Kenneth G@e@ORGIAN Mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH OSHAWA chiffon dress to a jumpsuit. lhis Spanish heritage. So Oleg Cassini, who always chose a blazing pink silk strewn manages to combine feminity|with brilliant lime dots. with a certain boyish charm,| His dipped effect is tricky for) borrowed a busboy's jacket forthe average sewer, Singer| a spring suit in pale biscuit)warns, because of the a ag orl ; ; beige jersey, bonded to a tricot|deep facing, Make certain that| mailer, set fie teideereom 16 backing. The bowed blouse is in| the facing pieces are cut on the vation iat yon sracieg, ; textured white pique. |same grain as the culotte leg. % And here's a last piece of ad i itb Singer sewing experts give) ) é Pgh Syed ap | this advice about bonded jersey.| vice for those who will be using ee i " y It's easy to sew if you use|the increasingly popular stretch piasamoresy ac C. A. Nay. synthetic thread, a mediumjfabrics, Remember that you lor, organist. 2 stitch (12 stitches to the inch)| may not need quite as much Given in marriage by her and balanced tension on both/ease allowance as when making father, the bride wore a floor- spool and bobbin threads. | the same style in a firm fabric. length, full dress of imported |Seams need no special finish as|Use a size-14 sewing-machine Chantilly lace, beaded with fabric edges will not ravel. needle and a 12-to-15 stitch rhinestones and accented with For daytime Bud Kilpatrick length with tension regulated gathered roses on the skirt. A designed a costume: of yoke-\t0 produce an evenly-balanced | rhinestone tiara held her elbow- styled white linen coat over an|stiteh, Seams on stretch direc-| length veil and she carried a easy - skirted black - and- tion require special handling white Bible crested with pink, P white silk printed dress. For|As you stitch, stretch the fabric baby roses. 4 extra interest, add a head ker- by holding it behind and in front Miss Marlene McGahey was chief of the same print. vidoe? ea oa a ee the maid of honor; Miss Linda Here's Singer advice on fitlo ce i aoe eng See May, bridesmaid; 'Miss Gail Mil- 7 ting a lining in a loose coat a -- eS i ~ ler, junior bridesmaid and the |\Turn the coat inside out and fo a great extent in Vana oe, * et lien BAR-B-Q SPECIALS The Best Meat Cuts You Can Buy RIB STEAKS .79° Pt BOR Misses Christine McDonald and hang it on a dress form--or prove that the home seamstress Sherry White, flower girls. A your best friend--and then fit is more than holding her own The bridesmaids were in full, #7 street-length dresses in mauve j by with scalloped necklines and Pig three - quarter sleeves. Their headdresses were mauve velvet! bows with veils and they car- Sixty-six per cent of homes eA have sewing machines. More ; \HOW TO HANDLE CHIFFON | than 40,000,000 women and girls ' Chiffon continues its popular-|sew regularly. Forty-four per) MRS. THOMAS JACKSON J ity right into summer, Many cent of them are under 30 home sewers avoid this, to|years, 31 per cent are career the lining on the coat. ate Bb LA ete Spring Specials Of Groceries "ins, 1600 'ine 1.00 "tins 1.00 rns 1.00 se 798 NOW ON SALE 9Qg 212 vor. 998 5S ror 95° is, 5S° Fresh al it PRODUCE SPEC. @ McINTOSH APPLES Bes samir 78° ORANGES voz, 49° CANTALOUPES LARGE 49° DRAPES Custom Made @ SLIP COVERS @ BROADLOOM @ VENETIAN BLINDS "Free Estimates" p Call 725-3144 5 tuis|} HOWARD'S | sic. for | North DRAPERIES Oshews arl crown held her elbow-|lier Apartments, 400 Grenfell/you. His patterned: black crepe ength bouffant veil and she car- Street, Oshawa, apartment 408. |dress has lace rufflings at the sone rene 8 208 fo VAN BELLE GARDENS happiness roses with white feathered chrysanthemums and pom-poms. The maid of honor was Miss Olga Kozyriackyj, Toronto, dressed in an aqua sheath with @ slightly flaired nylon net over- skirt, and matching accessories Her headdress was a circlet of flowers holding a short match- ing veil and she carried a bou-| quet of pink delight roses with white feathered carnations and pom-poms, The best man was Mr. Peter Zurba, Oshawa and the usher was Mr. Maurice Malo, Mon- treal. The family and members of SIZE er . J An ried nosegays of yellow chrysan-| A reception was held at the them, difficult fabric but you) women. Their income is above WIENERS y themums surrounding a single\Canadian Corps Headquarters|can handle chiffon or any sheer |average ' : pene é One yellow rose. The flower girls|and later the newlyweds left for fabric with maximum result by, Their reason for sewing? Sur a of wore yellow lace dresses with|Port Hope. As they left, the|cutting and sewing the lining|veys indicate it is because they = 3 RNLN These matching bandeaux and carried bride was wearing a two-piece and the chiffon as though they actually like to sew. A baskets of yellow, baby chrysan-|white lace linen suit, white pill-. were @ single fabric. Place the oi BY THE PIECE ltems themums, box hat and red accessories. chiffon over the lining and HOUSEHOLD HINT uy ; a Mr, Joseph Grills was the best. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are re-|baste darts down the centre and) jf frozen sandwiches are to (a; ee 74% oy man and Michael Bombino and siding at 348 Steyenson road around the edges near the be stored more than a week, Michael! Saunders, ushered. north, Oshawa. seam lines, Darts are stiched|wrap them in foil or regular before the sections are seamed|freezer paper. |together. Then you sew the two/- -~ ae Hewak - Zurba ss on. CT In the pattern collection Han- CALL Last Friday evening in the|the wedding party gathered fornah Troy's split-level chiffon| : chapel of King Street United|an informal supper after the dress has a casual look with) Ch aed Posie Zurba. daugh- wedding with the bride's mother airy sleeves and a_ floating EXPERT urea, ee receiving, wearing a blue silk scarf-collar. She chose a broken othe oo capri rag dress, blue flowered hat andi|plaiding streaked with vivid SERVICE A EB ty Pet : shawa, became the bride black accessories with a cor-\pink and lime green across} = B ee a eee ms 4 Mr, Steve Hewak, son of Mrs./.ag6 of pink sweetheart roses. white, "ed i ies Aa: "ioe me? PEACH HALVES Anna Hewak, Oshawa and MT.|The bridegroom's mother assist-- A two-piece dress by Mr. ; = ' : 2 : ie Peter Hewak, Montreal. ed, wearing a beige dress,|Mort provides pattern followers GREEN BEAN GREEN The Reverend L. Wesley Her-|brown flowered hat, brown ac-|with the difficulty of the new) GIANT bert officiated and the wedding|cessories and a corsage of yel- side-swept closing. This dress m ' E music was played by Mr. Rhyd- low sweetheart roses is double-breasted over a pan- NIBLETS COR b pees did Williams, | As the couple left on a briefjelled front skirt. The fabric is Given in marriage by herjhoneymoon to Montreal, the!a shell-pink jacquard blend. The} MOUNTAIN brother, Mr. Paul Zurba, the|bride was wearing a powder|success in making this new TOMATOE VIEW bride was wearing a formal an-|blue two-piece suit with match-\curved side closing is to be tique white satin gown brocaded|ing fur collar, black floral hat|sure that the grain of the facing TEA BAGS en with roses. The bodice featured,and accessories with a corsage|pieces matches that of the sec- a scalloped neckline, lily-point/of pink sweetheart roses tion to be faced. NEW sleeves and a basque waistline) n their return Mr, and Mrs. If you like ruffles, PABLUM HYPOALERGENIC tapering to a V in front. Her|Hewak will reside in the Cava-\Estevez is the designer SH GG eink nie FRE E LARGE FRESH BREAD 34.07. toa BUTTER Graxo BRAND D And Clothing TOOTH PASTE sr 'i a ¢ CURAD BANDAGES opustic star ttc. ane 49 TONI PERMANENTS atc. 2.00 speci, 2-40 i A @ "4 SUPPLY REMEMBERED ACTRESS PARMA, Italy (CP) -- Celes tina Tagliavini, who was a maid servant for years to the world famous actress Eleonora Duse your home in loveliness the whole yeor round with their expert your home in loveliness the whole yeor round with their expert care. Add beauty and value to your home now. by calling VAN FROZEN FOODS SUPREME FROZEN has died at the age of 95. She once refused to go with her mis tress to Russia, saying, "It's too cold."" Miss Tagliavini described Duse as being "not very beauti- ful, but she was always elegant On stage every esthetic defect vanished in the face of her tal- ent." BELLE GARDENS today. @ SPECIALS THIS WEEKEND! SWANS Gorden Ornaments, Pure White, with yellow Beak Reg. $10.99 SPECIAL this weekend 59 49 ' ONLY, EACH FRUIT PIES Cherry, Blueberry and Peoch un 4Q° HOUSEHOLD HINT Before using a new cotton froning board cover, wash it to remove the sizing, which scorch @s 80 easily. AWAKE ORANGE DRINK 12-0Z. 39° 3'- 4' FORSYTHIA With en earth ball for convenient re- planting. Reg. $2.50 $ SPECIAL EACH 1.99 3 or more $1.89 EACH RONALD W. BILSKY, 0.c. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E HARDY GARDEN MUMS The latest varieties in cushion and tall growing Mums, Pom types, giont horvest type, (gg Sfor...... $200 SAVE, SAVE, 43 io for... $3.75 AND SAVE Reg. .60 Now only EACH SHOP IN A PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE AND YOU GET IT AT: GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET Storage FREE Pick-up & Delivery By planting your evergreen now, you can beautify your home with very little effort. Why not come in soon and see our PH. 623-5757 OPEN EVERY EVENING VAN BELLE GARDENS KS, oo Meta Storage Cleaning Repairs Fur Cleaning SHINERIZING Fast Service Dial 723-3012 OSHAWA FUR AND COLD STORAGE LTD. ANDSEAOS A COMPLETE SERNIR Your Friendly Garden Centre 3 Miles East of Oshawa ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 174 RITSON ROAD S., OSHAWA FREE PARKING OPEN FROM 8A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY

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