a ee! © THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, Mey 13, 1968 sale, bazaar and afternoon tea 8 W s 5 shed Section winners were Win-) High triple flat, Pat Brown, 'BOMPHLETS' FALL ~ 6 yon in the ehiureh his Eaturday Unit Debates Plan eekend Whitby District chesters, Black Cats, Kools and|820; triple with handicap,| LISBON (AP) -- Police here afternoon. 4 H '- i. s Exports, Point money was|Eileen Dalby, 891; high single|have arrested several people for DISTRICT BRIDGE SCORES po lf ggg i Fund Project Of Painting Bowling Scores given out, the highest team,|flat, Joan Vesey, 365; high|scattering pamphlets from red Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walt-| WHITBY -- With "Praise is LADIES' CIGARETTE Winchesters with 63 points, fol-lsingle with handicap, Eileen|balloons above rush-hour crowds OSHAWA BRIDGE CLUB |McCuaig, 157; Me and Mrs./ham, Joyce Stith and Lyndajthe common language of Man-| WHITBY -- The East Central LEAGUE i ertabaue Wo, tietk Och * a. ag es ee a A Ravel Sasees, Tey oa ~ North and South -- Mrs. R. a J ON Puckrin attended - hag! : kind", Miss Mildred Price,|Ontario Art Association held a| The annual bowling banquet Wines it vaceure 52 and Ex-|was 'Marion beavean -- peony pranrome down thou- ee ee ea a aed Mrs. K. Marden and Ww. Cox, a ae Ssenen: pba 4 Leader of St. Mark's United|Spring painting workshop re-|for the Ladies' Cigarette League|ports 50. Winners of the lucky draws|sands of unsigned leaflets pro- fat 179: Mr. and Mrs. William| 148. Congratulations are extended|Church Women, Unit 5, operted cently at Brighton, The many|was held at Spruce Villa May The mache pray orem were Audrey Sharman, Elaine|testing against the -- em- §. Baker, 170; Mrs. W. J. Tim-| gsHAWA GOLF CLUB |t0, the pupils of Baggotsville|the May meeting. Eleven mem- members who attended, enjoyed e pod a _ ee re seis st ee grt; Beies. Elsie Fernley and Rita <a Troops and Mrs. R. Drew, 16544;| yooh and South -- Mr. and ag and bap -- -- bers were present. themselves greatly, meeting old a cae president, Gle-l if, went to Buckinghams with 8. : By, Deletes and FP. Broerems.|airs. H. Smyth, 9%; Mrs. "an a th "Ciaele Coats Plans were made for the|friends and participating in the\new executive for the 1965-66/a pinfall of 6,319 pins. | 160s. G: A. Rundle and Mrs. E. M \ interesting program. : rizes: High triple| ~ ie ha - #. M\Music Festival. Thankoffering meeting of Octo- P - season: Team prizes: igh triple ae aa he Mack, 0; *S Culp, 9174; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mr. and Mrs. J, N. Van Kre-|ber. A paper called "Partners"| The morning session of mono) President, Verna Roberts;|games, Kools 3,360 pins; high ' , * 4g9:|Bastedo, 84; R. Garrett and F.|ve1, of Ede, Holland, are visit-|was distributed to the members. printing was under the able di-|yice - president, Eileen Dalby;|game, Camoes, 1,245 pins; high fr ag ae igen ge a Burrows, 84; Mr. and Mrs. R.ling' for several months with|The offering was received. rection of Mrs. Muriel Andrews,|secretary, Diane Brady; treas-|pinfall for season, Bucking- | ra . i P. Francis, 169; Mrs. Rex East and West -- Mrs. J. Kampman and family. Florence Heard were in charge| Many interesting and attrac-|members, Doris Jeffreys, Joan| Individual prizes: 1st Aigh ORCHARDS 81; Mrs. Black and Mrs. R. H. Mrs. Luffman dwelt on the|2dmiration of all. The afternoon| The prizes for the season|199; 3rd high average, Gloria OPEN FOR RETAIL SALES Hunter and R. Niglis, 801:|and Mrs. B. Field, 72. absence of Miss Lily Saunders. STORAGE PLANT Mrs. . Sheridan, 70%; D. McCuaig Two Children Violets held its weekly meet-lits study course. when Brazil is|™@"Y were very successful. | Heron and J, Patterson, 894; present. A loss of 53 pouids!ier topic was the Agriculture of|Mrs. G. Graham, Brighton. The and R. Morris, 7744; Mrs. Pat-/Guthrie conducted the Chris-|penalties. So much agriculture in Brazil 28. |] will be accepted until 5:00 p.m, Tuesday, May 25th, 1965. }} @ New Crop Mople Syrup the story "God's Room.' Rev. Pairs Championship, won last! During the service two chil-/means to attain their goal. Sev-/the spices, sugar cane and sugar/ Paton, Tyrone and Mr. Peter wicca oacaivan pid tilcidel ldabulii id played. The winners were Mrs.|and Mrs. Ed. Betson and Mel- vice. Encouragement was given) 200 years. ong risen. puAn A BUILDING MATERIAL waite Your || FOR YOUR SPRING BUILDING NEEDS! Foster, 173; Mrs. H. Cook and Vickery, 80%. their daughter, Mrs. Albert) Miss Eleanor Correll and Miss of Belleville. urer, Barb Ballard; executive|/hams 83,158 pins. Walker and Mrs. J. McCansh, of the worship service. The title|tive prints were turned out andjRichardson, Alice Heurs andiaverage, Clare Rowden, 701; ed and Mrs. A. Dowdle, $814; Mrs. Bull and Mrs. Karn, 53 Lbs Lost of the saber was Worship". some matted and hung for the Marg McCoy. 2nd high average, Pat Brown, BROOKLIN BRIDGE CLUB Donald, 77; Mrs. Armstrong session was taken by Phillipa|were given out. Vipond, 192. ; i North and South -- Mrs, R.|2nd Mrs, R. Graham, 73; Mr. By Club Members study course of Brazil, in the|rouicner of Belleville who in-| os ---- WEEKDAYS AT COLD It is wonderful how the United|structed in college. This proved' R, Drew and Mrs. &. WHITBY -- Whitby Shrinking|Church Women chose Brazil as|*® be @ lot of fun and a great TOWN OF WHITBY savunay inoue oe ee ing. The president, Irene Mc-|5° much in today's limelight and) The council members heid a: TENDER FOR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Marden and J. Miller, 56%. A B . ed ' ' activity. She related resource-|meeting during the lunch period NSURANCE AT ROADSIDE MARKET. East and West -- Mrs. R.| AYe aptiz Que, welcomed 24 members|/,) ond interesting facts. Since|at the home of the President AND FIRE INS | Mrs, W. Mediand and Mrs. R.| AUDLEY (TC) -- Sunday|was reported with two mem-|Brazil, members learned var-|sPring painting weekend will bel] SEALED TENDERS Addressed: INSURANCE TENDER, ¢/e Controlled Atmosphere Mcintésh Barrand, 80/4; Mrs. W. Heron|School Superintendent Bertibers gaining and paying the| ious aspects on this subject. held in the Tweed area on May|]_ John R. Frost, Clerk, 405 Dundos Street West, Whitby, Ontario, |) © Cold Storage Spys @ Fresh Cider + and Mrs. Hankinson, pesghich vragen ee Sa The prize atest --_ is carried on by moving from| Those attending the workshop] Proposed schedules of coverage may be obtained from the 3 est loss of weight during the/place to place, instead of our|from this area were: Mrs. R. Clerk: Any or lowest tender not necessarily eccepted. e # GENERAL MOTORS CLUB |M. Buttars delivered the ad.|"ee® Was won by Irene Clark.|crop rotation. There. were, in| Stacey, Oshawa, Mrs. Pauline | 21% Miles West of Whitby on Hwy. No. 2 On May 6 the annual Mixed dress. Members discussed ways and|Brazil cycles, the Brazil woods,|Roberts, Oshawa, Mrs. J. Fer- HARRY INKPEN, Chairman, Fire and Community |) At The BIG RED APPLES s. E. Wadsworth\dren w sented for bap-jeral members outlined their|cane kings, the gold, rubber, Van Gils and Mrs. Laurine pn 1 gg og saat steel Stover Rawin, fling Me. eating habits and asked for ad-|coffee. Some cycles lasted for|Sage, Whitby. = Saeed eee | G. A. Rundle and Art. Vaillan-|anie Mary Faye, daughter of|by members who succeeded in) Lesser cycles were cotton,|sists until now there is a new) court who had a score of|Mr. and Mrs. Dick Winter. Mr. ae" their growling) cacao, diamonds, iron. The elite "> of hope aig 5 167%. and Mrs. Betson transferred|Stomachs. lof the cities never work and) Suggestions were discusse Other scores were: Mrs.|their membership from their) The next meeting will be |urban life likes to go to the|for the carpet fund project. M. R. Clarke and A. Little,/former churches. May 18 at Dundas Street cities to see this life. So much| Lunch was served by the 16244; Mrs. W. Medland and D.! The UCW will hold its bake School, uncertainty of government per-| Misses Bromell. nee WITH TRAVELER FROM... eon) . ; FREE! ON QUALITY Mari & ° 7 * MATERIAL LIST iat ANE Ontario County's Largest Boating Centre rite ) SIMPLY VisiT on || _HERE ARE OUR TRUCK LOT PRICES TRAVELER _ '| GASHWAY CENTRE 9@ GOOD DRY S$ per Hot new hull! EZ LTA A vt = aT ; =. Deep-V with "stabilizers" *. Peso D_o FC -- in Summer SPRUCE . ; : ) p- W. ta 1 rs Fhis ie the "OAKS" --- 768 Sq. Ft. --- $ ror panuinn : .+.in the 19' Neptune by Traveler (for N.H.A.) UTILITY 960. OTHERS FROM $585 TO $1285 -- 6 PLANS! GRADE MONEY SAVING 18 0 PAY! | DIVUE SASHLESS 2x4's--10' to 16....... $94.60 $81,60m W IN D OWS clear redwood ALUMINUM 2x6's--8' to 16'....... $98.50 M $83.50 M ae ' ame Longitudinal stabilizing keelsons give Neptune excellent seaworth® erystal glass COMBINATION : ness in deep, rough water and let her take corners tightly without - 2x8' d 2x10's to 16°. " . lipping or tripping. Del rtible model 2) x 2) sg@p7in*| SOREN band 2210s te 16. SISTAOH SOREN sera a at ig Sut 2°6" x 2'6" $14.86 complete & 1x6 all lengths . _.. $99.50 » $84.50 M TRAVEL 14 f outdrive power. Handcrafted in fiber glass. Guaranteed Shipshape rx $1763 os $26.9 | STORM DOORS [SPRUCE SHEATHING PLYWOOD | Two Full Years! Also available in camper model. #xx $21.34 6 x4'x8' $2.62. '2"x4'x8' $4.29 ea. 6' x3'6" $32.74 2°-6" x oe 34"y4'x8' $2.98 ea 5 v4'x8) $5.33 ea @ ne". pesponly waa _ ig tat 4x $ ASPHALT SHEATHING BOARD .......- $4.97 ea. y rO-. 1 ft eee. ECONOMY GRADE SPRUCE att. GYPSUM LATH $3Q-60M 50 LBS. 4". NAILS $5.46 2 2" INSULATION gan.osm, watts'D. ennaenll | provides triple-track stability x ' $ 1 .88 BATTS $36 WA 53 : i liga = = 1 aay 4x8 FIRPLY $9.78 up 4x8 POPLAR PLY $9.49 up Sot p eapepnens sidp,..tn Me new TTT AS . 16' Gazelle Sportster! depending on tine sad type LET US PRICE YOUR COMPLETE HOUSE ANY QUANTITY! [Complete with all hardware | COTTAGE OR BARN JOB. NO Bet ateenet Test-drive this hot new Hydro-Litt Hufl ... handcrafted In fiber glass. Twin sponsons provide wide-track stability FENCING # catvanized chain tink | | 4 COLOURS KEY RIDAY & SATURDAY © sinates veda, Boney visage Geek Wad tr fibre, 36"--~ 50 Ft. ROLL $5.69 Al GRADE vite Aram TING rn po Paige Centerline pilot station, Guaranteed Shipshape Se 36"100 Ft. ROLL SILIZ | 210 1h -- 3 in I xw08 | Bis 5 4zt-- 50 Fe. ROLL $6.75 potcagnl a 2 TRAVELER Polaris II gives you 42"--100 Ft. ROLL $13.22 [6 T BAR POSTS 89e] $ 67 OVERHEAD a lot to brag about! GARAGE ' : WESTERN RED 4x4"5183%¢r. DOORS io gs Longer... wider... plusher CEDAR 1 stock SQUARE | 539-55 , ; than ordinary 14-footers ©0060 08000O0OO8O88O8888 ' yysratncnd a 4 TT 1 3' x 5! JET CARNIVAL & BLACK MARBLE ° co AGERS! ARBORITE VINYL ASBESTOS An extra-broad beam, full 20" transom and a full 14' centerline AJ AX YARD FARMERS! pleated FLOOR Vac "a b es 3 Re length make Polaris 1i a lot more boat than other 14-footers, Beau DOWT deep $3 90 tiful Interior features color-keyed Siesta Seats that fold flat. Lap» 161 'Y ROAD 4 wllo gga J TILE | straked hull handcrafted In fiber glass. Choose Deluxe or sumptuov= per sheet iN OF lca NO. 401 : convertible jet 4 other colours at 7¥sc ; hen model, ee Guaranteed Shipshape PHONE 942-1221 ° WATER | 4 TF '| 14' Cometfiberglassrunabout Feaeee: =3 ¢ SYSTEM | 2swent |g = | by 7RAVELER BROOKLIN YARD ALAB $ pump with 17 gal. tank AVAILABLE ; : ® = SE > Corner Highways No. 7 e $ 8 ' 3 5 f" | | Here's fun on a budget. Comet's so tively, even lower horsepower and No. 12 Complete . ALUMINUM = : motors send her shooting across the water at a thrilling pace.. Her pe | f handii k h fect irst-ti j PHONE 655-3313 @ FOOT VALVE INCLUDED WINDOWS ; ee ease of handling makes her the perfect boat for first-time skippers, Fiat, double floor, Distinctive Flite Deck styling. from a eS a pe Ts ELS 3 = | Guaranteed Shipshape Two Full Years. PYTXYILIIIIIIIIIt iii it $6.95 Tep-teet elie ~ aeutaal OPEN EVENINGS & WEEKENDS JUST FILL IN THIS COUPON © WATER PIPE -- BASIC SHELL HOME § EEO EOSIN SN ae 3.56. | 25° x 44° - 1008 SQUARE FEET § Mio Cn - LIKE A FREE PRICE LIST? PLASTIC N01 eae CASHWAY LUMBER'S tobi All materials to close ' manvecasmmny comsn 3 1 8498 | AS | ce é& SUPPLY LTD. HEAD OFFICE BOX 330, MALTON $ 114" - $7.55 | 10° tensrms Sree rou SE Ta mesoxnsemacton 4° BROOKLIN--ONTARIO --PHONE 655-3641