THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, Mey 13, 1965 277 20--Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 20--Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 19--Male or Female Help Wanted DRIVING INSTRUCTOR with late Model Automatic Car 20--Real Estate for Sale FRANK REAL ESTATE 18--Male Help Wanted Expanding Retail Chain Has Openings For STORE MANAGER 17--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED SALESLADY 17--Female Help Wanted LOCAL INDUSTRY requires CLERK-TYPIST 5 doy week, usuol benefits, 20--Real Estate for Sale Hillsdale 20--Real Estate for Sele OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD- AKER i Aeey Ww Fox's Ladies ear OSHAWA monthly salary. Good work- ing conditions. Write stoting qualifications to BOX 832, Oshawa Times SHOPPING CENTRE Competent CLERK-TYPIST for invoicing Good salory and incentive ere rangements, Must hove exe perience as Manager or Assis~ tant Manager ina retoil chain Must be ambitious ond Sincere FULL OR PART TIME Oshawa Driving 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 LIMITED 177 Church Street, BOWMANVILLE Terrace GRIFFIN 793-2065 DOVER STREET - bungolow 623-3393 Member Oshowa and District Real Estate Boord 32 Acres near Maple Grove portly wooded land. building sites. Only $15,000, Terms. or supermorket operation, Must be will to re-locate, All replies confidenticl ond will be acknowl ls WRITE TO: BOX 833 OSHAWA TIMES School 728-0091 e e SumMER WELPwanies, iui, Augen children's dude ranch. sansa nurse, For application form, dial 725-273 WOULD YOU LIKE fo turn your spare time into cash? Opportunity for man n to Foi gay Real Estate Ltd. presents 6 different N.H.A. model homes in this most desirable location. PRICED FROM $16,950. SURE FIT AJAX, 942-1502 SECRETARIES Two experienced secret- aries. needed for large local law office. 5 day week and usual benefits. GRILL & SALAD BAR GIRL --REQUIRED-- 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Also DISHWASHER FULL TIME " 7..m. to 4 p.m. Apply MR, CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL 1 TWO. STOREY BRICK HOME on Olive Ave: close te schools and chtrches. Try your pein offer of $1500 down and bal- Rawieigh Products ance in one monthly payment. rural atti Wal detorts Sie This home is in a nice clean Ves & "| condition throughout with good ons Richelieu Street, St. Henry, Mont- cca dank Mae Hoe & fae Bt MEN OR WOMEN tor pickl furnoce. More particulars by Full employment for six mon calling in bergen from} p.m. te § p.m. Oshews e Live Bait 859 Nelson Street, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Xi @ THIS 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW was planned for the budget minded family with its ample living area and 4 pe. bath. There is also a full base- "ment which could be used for o future Recreation room. The fenced back yard is ideal for children: The monthly payments of $112. include principal, in- terest ond toxes. Just $1600 tail, 4 pe. bath has vanity and pure vinyl Aerie Double closets other extras, ing sie 900. to one lay he N.HLA, mortgage. Owner has pur- chased another home, so don't delay, coll us to- night- HILLSIDE-- or demand for well te known a and some ithout obliga- oi ae 10 Acre lots near Taunton and Maple Gorve. $5,500 -- $1,000 down. 115 acre Gentlemon's Retreat near Oshawa, corner property with valuable poved road worms, NIGHT CLEANING Write stating education and Corner of Walle Streat, No calls. OFFICE CLERK Temporary, experienced. Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Five-day week. APPLY 22 Albert Street ~ SALESLADY for United Cigar Store Apply to Mr. Rooney. Oshawa Shopping Centre Store week, experience to BOX 450 Oshawa Times _ "The Avon Way Is the profitable. way to spend your free time and spend have money to freely. Telephone 725-9696 WOMAN for general cleaning one @ day | references required. Phone be- tween 5.30 and 7, 725-4305. INTERVIEWERS and SUPERVISORS Port time, for market research surveys. Write giving educa- tion, interviewing or super- vising experience to Edsall Research Ltd., 2045 Bishop St., Montreal 25. Write Boa 616 Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted im- Beauty Salon. . Apply in person at 1198) mediately. Lake Vista EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER with clientele. Apply in person. The ae a North. . App Beauty Salon, 10 Simcoe SALESGIRL to manage Ladies' F Wear Store. High salary. iy ence. All replies strictly Write Box 622, Oshawa Times. peg ral for elderly gentleman. Good Phone heavy work, peri-| confidential. 18--Male Help Wanted PART-TIME FOR PRODUCT RESEARCH MARKETING DIVISION OF WORLD'S LARGEST APPLIANCE MFG. 3 hours nightly, 5 days week- ly. $45 weekly. Age 23-25. Car essential. Experience un- necesary. Permanent women. required also, APPLY IN PERSON MAN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Full benefits. For appointment PHONE 623-3373 MOTOR HOTEL FLYING DUTCHMAN EXPERIENCED OFFSET PRESSMAN To run Davidson and Rotory type presses. Telephone for appointment to Plant Super- intendent. 57 Simcoe St. S. 723-2233 MEN Required for delivery and warehouse work. General Printers LTD. "TWO YOUNG 20--Real Estate for Sale D. W. McQuay | REALTOR 519 Brock St, South WHITBY, ONTARIO. | Whitby 668-5868 Toronto 925-2965 Claremont 649-2109 McCULLOUGH DR, (WHITBY) Well kept brick home, nicely decorated and landscaped. A lot of extros with this one for $14,900. Make an appoint- ment. We will try your down payment. Ask for Ivan Kelle- stine "BROOKLIN" Modern two bedroom home in a hice area, garage ond patio: $12,500. full price with low down payment, If two bedroom home is large enough for your family, you will do well to check this out. HOTEL GENOSHA patella! aitaben 25-4002. KITCHEN HELP, evening shift, § p.m. to 1.30 a.m. Apply Southend Restaurant, 5 Apply Ask for Ivan Kellestine, ie \F SPACE AND STYLE ore what you are looking for, moke on appointment to sse this colonial style 2 storey home in east Oshawa today, ore all kinds of extras, such There built in oven, countertop range, distinctive graceful lighting staircose, fixtures, seperote dining room, Tastefully decor- ated throughout in soft postel colours. Basement walls paint 'ed also, Lavatory on first floor, all for $18,900, More particulars by calling e GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Ile ATTRACTIVE 3. bed- room split level nicely decorat- ed and in immaculate condition. Partially finished Rec. room and bar. Paved drive and complete- ly enclosed back yard. Reason- ably priced on the fringe of t! he city; More particulars by call- ing & GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Ve located in a residential area Whitby, this semi-detach 3 BEDROOM HOME -- in ed bungalow has much to offer for your comfortable living, culately clean and tastefu Imma- Hy decorated throughout, it features large living room, 4 pc. til ed bathroom, modern kitchen, pri- vate driveway, double garage. Low asking price and reasonable down poyment. Call tonight, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED V @ GRASSMERE -- This 3] down and the full price is only $12,800, Call tonight a GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XII @ COMMENDABLE BRICK BUNGALOW in the north west area where a friendly otmos- phere will greet you from every home in the neighborhood, Pric- ed right ot $16,950. and good terms can be arranged. Three good sized bedrooms, lovely kitchen and living room. Car- port and nicely landscaped lot. Easily accessible to schools and churches. Call us now | & | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XIV @e CHARACTER .AND CHARM prevade throughout this delightful colonial style bungalow, situated on a spaci- ous lot, Lovely garden fenced in, There is an attoched garage, and paved drive, fully modern kitchen with large dining area A stone fireplace in the living room with separate dining room A picture window overlooking the city. The sunroom or den on main floor has o walkout to patio. Finished recreation room and laundry as well, 3 large size bedrooms with double closets. This home is in immaculate con- dition throughout. Call us now! to inspect and see for yourself! the many extras. It is located) close to shopping on the west} side. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED a Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9! frontage. Trout stream flows through property. 140 year old stone house sits well back from road among large shade trees. Large painted barns, silo. Excellent investment at $80,000 -- terms. Oshawa --~ 34% acres execu- tive's retreat with home situ- ated among large trees over- looking pond and trout Stream. Professionally land- scaped. Beautiful 4 bedroom bungalow, large living room, stone fireplace. $42,000 -- terms. Courtice --~ exceptionally fine brick 3 bedroom ranch bung- alow, lot 105' x 160' rec- reation room, covered patio, $21,500 -- terms arranged. Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Pat Yeo 623-3077 Jack Whiteman 623-3818 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Howard Forder 655-3853 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Herb Cooper 623-3393 BROOKSIDE ACRES | EXCLUSIVE BUNGALOW ATTACHED GARAGE $28,900 - $28,900 Bungalows, split- levels, 2 - storeys. Some with car ports and garages. storms and screens, built- in ranges and ovens. Oil heating. Fully sodded lot and including many other costly extras. DIRECTIONS: -- Ritson North to Rossland Rd. then East one block to Central Park Blvd, Then follow model home signs. 4 BEDROOM HOME-- $16,900. Ideal for children Fag to French- school. Six room bungalow with garage on nice corner lot, Just new on the morket and won't be availeble very long. Coll tonight. INCOME PROPERTIES 1) LIVING QUARTERS, PLUS large 12 room home with attoc garoge, in north- west aréa, large L-shaped living ond dining area, spacious kitchen with loods of cupboards, 3 bedrooms, plus 5 bed-sitting rooms. Completely furnished ore dye) Open 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Everyday Until Sold Will co-operate with any other Real Estate Com- pany. Telephone 723-2031 After Hours 723-4134 give you rent free pinged plus on income, more information, give us ¢ call. 2) SIX-PLEX -- KING ST. EAST 6 lovely self-contained apartments on King St. East. Building is situated on a deep lot. Require about $10,000 down pay- ment to one mortgage. This is an excellent buy for the right investor. EAST END RANCHER Keewatin Street, close to new public school (now un- der construction) handy to Grandview Golf Course. Consisting of L-shoped liv- _ Bloor Street East. ss HAIRDRESSER, rull or part: . Grand: view Beauty Salon. Telephe 728-0761. OOD AND FREEZER Club, local, re-;---- quires copabie giri to Invoice and pack) food orders. Write Box 231, Oshawa Corvair Room 7:30 p.m. Sharp p.m. After hours call. FRIDAY Collection Clerk We require a mon with pre- vious credit experience to do inside collection work in our Oshawo office. Duties will include Telephone Calls, Correspondence and preparation ofr legal action where necessary. Applicants must live or be preporation for legal action owa oreo. Excellent starting salary. All employee benefits. mature for snack bar and; Please write giving all details counter work, King P seal East, Tele pte phone 725-3275. After 4, call 728-6524. SXPERIBNCED hapeekeeper, 2 o over'|Consumers' Gas Company i 1 ine In, tne iornings 'eo or evenings yer 99 Caline St. PRACTICAL NURSE --_ oe, Seery employ- Times. Oshawa OoENTLY 7 NEEDED -- ¢ "3 who | pre -- Maar a oeve our 'chiidren, REAL ESTATE salesmen! We. urgent- care for four children, 'iy require an, active aggressive man to 1 Tye i Letene SEP. _ sell real estate, We will hava over 100 i telephone solicitors for sales new homes to sell this summer. Replies) eed # a Hay $1.25 per hour er com-|strictly confidential. Joseph Bosco, Real- mission, Telephone 728-1422. tor, 728-7377, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERN ing and dining room; very modern kitchen complete with built-in range and oven; 3 bedrooms; lot size 50' x 140'. Top value-- don't leave it -- will sell fost. CLOSE TO O'NEILL COLLEGIATE Large 1% storey home designed for comfortable family living, Living room 18' x 13' with beautifully finished mahogany _ fire- place--family size dining roome-kitchen 11 x 12, huge bedrooms, woll te wall broadioom in living room, dining room and hallways, lorge rec. room panelled and complete with bor and fireplace. Must be seen to be oppreciated. Phone now for on eppoint- ment. SUNSET HEIGHTS N.H.A. RESALE 4 bedroom home -- very suitable for a large fomily. Seperate dining room, 2. bathrooms, finished rec. room with electrié heat and e natural fireploce. The kitchen is @ woman's de- light, just loaded with cup- boards and even built-in range and oven, Owner transferred--hurry before it's sold. PRIVATE PARK bedroom bungalow is in excel- lent condition with large kit- chen and better thon average size bedrooms, A nice fenced in yord and on a quiet street, makes this a fine family home OSHAWA close to schools. The good sized yord makes this a safe place payment'. Ask for Ivan Kelle- for your children to play. Priced PAINTERS stine to inspect. ot only $14,900, Call tonight. WANTED ® EXPERIENCED ONLY NEWMAN CRES. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED NO OTHERS NEED APPLY WHITBY) Vi @ 10 ACRE LOT--Priced Year Round Employment in 5 yeor old brick home with at $5,500. choice land location Oshawa -- For Right Men. attached gorage, pleasont only a short distance from Osh- $2.20 per hour well kept home with nice awa, Here Is the place to build ; lawns, Try @ low down pay- that dream home, Land is high Call Harry Linde ment. Ask for Ivan Kellestine, and dry: Put your plans into 723-5807 after 6 Specially built for the owner, built-in units in modern Hollywood kitchen, dinette area with sliding patio glass door leading to partially clos- ed patio, Bathroom off master bedroom, drapes and tracks to stay, broadloom in living room, Owner will take trade on a clear home or first mortgage on a good property. 668-2402) This home con be fe sed 728-4241 with a low down payment to 723-2537| a responsible party. Call 725-4330 Bill Millar for inspection at 723-7183) 725-1186 or 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. Did You Know? YOU CAN OWN A KASSINGER HOME IN BEAUTIFUL BEAU VALLEY FOR AS LITTLE AS HILLCREST DRIVE (WHITBY) Six room split entrance with attached garage, portly fin- ished rec. room and patio. All storms and screens, Only $14,800 with a 'low down Hayden Macdonald Wholesale Ltd. West 728-0208 728-5581 723-7623 725-4330 723-7390 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454 728-2754 Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Ross Bell Jean Peacock Doug Trivett Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Ethel Love George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young ACTIVE | REALTY LIMITED OVER 150 PROPERTIES "FOR SALE" "LOOK HERE" $9,900. 2 bedroom bungalow, "cute as a bug in a.rug'"', Complete with aluminum awnings, storms and screens and olu- minum doors, even on the basement windows, T.V: tow- er, rear yard completely fenc- ed and a large maple shade tree. $1700.00 down, easy payments, Hurry, call 728- 157, 30 Williom St. { RELIABLE women wanted to care for) three children. Live In. Private room. For information telephone 723-1977 after 4) a SHAMPOO GIRL -- experienced, tor steady parttime employment. Apply in person, The Mayfair Salon, 27 Celina treet or call 728-0662. Fie mana hairdresser, experience not Apply 1350 Dundas East, wnitoy. (igi sok Thursday or Friday after 6 oy and all day Monday, 4321, enti, experl- PART-TIME (p permen nt) per Arranging for Mortgages is part of our comprehensive Real Estate Service at Guide Realty Limited. We ML. motion and call now td GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Vil @ LOOKING FOR AN OLDER TYPE HOME--then let us show you this solidly built brick home, located on Glad- stone Ave., a quiet residential district, Has private drive, large separate garage, hedged back lawn, two bedrooms, large liv- ing room with dining area, 4 pc. modern bathroom with large closet area; Low asking price. ® "PORT PERRY" Five yeor old split level, three bedroom home with ottoched gorage, potio and fireplace. We will try your down pay- ment, Call Ivan Kellestine Exclusive and Photo list If you are economically dis- S. turbed and would like to break into the life insurance field in this city, a nationally known compony offers an op- portunity to two earnest men between 25 and 45. Our plan includes a salary, weekly od- vances, plus 'commissions, bonuses, group life ond hos- pitalization insurance and pension plan. Sales back- ground would be helpful al- though it is not essential. Openings in outlying districts also. Write Box 837, Oshawa Times Members of O.D-R.E.B GUIDE REALTY Limited, Realtors. JACK RICARD REALTOR 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Residential Acreages Trout Streams Farms Lots Commercial Business "A JUMP AHEAD" DOWN $1,000, DOWN Buys 6 room brick 2 storey and finished room in base- ment, Close to everything. Large shade tree in rear yard. Call 728-5157. "BRAND NEW" LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Vill @ A WHOLESOME COUN-| TRY PLACE near the. city, just outside of city limits with a large lot 118' x 660' roomy 4 bedroom home that will give you the extra privacy you always wanted. yet you will be com- fortably close to schools and AUTOBODY repairman, top wages, steady employment Apply 310 King Street East, Toronto 368-3722. CONSTRUCTION diately. Telephone 655-392! ge? -- imme- stn Unseen nnataan| SO a 'ethan. drivers ware Shige be 2 at Unites Taxi, 43 King Street "East Apply SERVICE STATION ence necessary, Hite Apply Contre' B.P., 408 King Street t. BUTCHER, meat manager, ¢ exper! for loca sume of experience and references to Box 930, Oshawa Times. STUDENTS--part-time, $55 weekly, Fuller Brush route, Basic guarantee to qualified applicants. Also full time. Write Box 28, The Oshawa Times. YOUNG MAN with experience for Bow- jmanville retail store. Must be prepared to handle stock control, splay, am a ing of sporting Write Box and references. TRUCKS wanted | --~ and gravel, with drivers, Pickering 942-0420, TWO YOUNG MEN to train as sales staff. Must be neat and willing to learn, Apply in person Store, 115 Simcoe South, Os! attendant, 'experl- good working condi- lenced, | food and freezer club. Submit re goods other 1500, Sammeevila: cafne, pees hire, for hauling to Canadian Tire Assouiale hawa. 19--Male or Female Help Wanted WANTED by K-MART ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR for --Real Estate-- ----Insurance-- --Mortgages-- NIPIGON ST. 3 bedroom bungalow with very attractive basement apartment now rented at $80. per month, Choice location, close to schools, bus and shopping. Asking only $14,- 500. To inspect and make an offer call Mr. Jim Brady at 728-5123 or 728-0483, GIBBONS ST. 4 BEDROOMS Hard to find but here it. is. Very clean and attractive home in choice location, Close to schools, shopping and bus. Owner moving ta Windsor. Asking only $13,900. For quick sale. Shown by appoint- ment only. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725- aat7. $11,500. Cleon, 5 room brick bungolow with garage. Nice garden, central location. Priced for quick sole. Call now. to in- spect. Mr. Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398, shopping between Oshawa and Whitby. Call now GUIDE REALTY LIMITED IX e to General Hospital, Church and school. Catho! COMPACT HOME, close lic This two bedroom home is situated on an R3 zoning with possibilities. An excellent value for the asking price of only $9800. Don't wa cal! now e GUIDE REALTY LIMITED xe DREW STREET--Priced ot only $12,500. brick 1% storey with 3 bedrooms, size living room and 12 x good -3 kitchen, Full basement. Oil heat- ing. Call now and make your offer, = GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Xl e@ LARGE LOT on Simcoe St. South. Commercially zoned Next to business section. U: limited opportunities, if in- you capitalize on this investment We invite your inquiry STOP! 623-2503 BURKETON -- former gen- eral store with large living quarters on 1 acre of land Could be reopened as a bus- iness or made into apartments: Asking $15,500 -- $5,000 down, APARTMENT BUILDING in Port Perry. 6 apartments, a Beauty Salon and T.V. store in building. Total rents $460. per months, could be more. Asking $48,000. Terms. GARAGE doing a good busin- ess in Columbus on the Osh- awa -- Port Perry highway. Asking $18,500 with $7,000 down, We have several good farms in the immediate area listed at from $17,000 to $22,000 and $25,000 with as low as $5,000 down We have en exceptionally fine 3 bedroom bungalow listed, in a. very desirable section of Bowmanville: This home con- sists of over 1,400 sq. feet. of living orea. living room with fireplace. Separate din- Ing room. Large spacious kit- chen. 15' x 33' rec. room. Covered outdoor patio, etc. Owner being transferred. Ask- $3,000 DOWN Your present home accepted as trade-in SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 360 King Street West OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA and DISTRICT BEAUTIFUL = three-bedroom paved drive, recreation room and many 4 bedroom brick with built-in gorage, situated on a well treed lot. Not too late for you to choose, most colours, Good financing, and builder will accept trade-ins. Call 728- 5157. SPLIT 4 LEVELS "ELECTRIC HEAT" Trade your equity in your present property on this "Brand New" 4 bedroom split with 2 badthrooms and gar- age, and finished recreation room. Exceptionally large lot on a "Quiet Court', All ser- vices are in and paid for. Hurry, call 728-5157 now for more information, EXCEPTIONAL "NEW LISTING" Highland Avenue, a real dandy 2 bedroom brick which has been well cared for. 'First time offered for sole'. Hurry, call 728-5157 tanite. 728-5157 After 9 p.m. Please Phone Pauline Beal 725-0239 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe St. South bungalow, IN THE CITY Enjoy the trees from the baleony of the. dining room--oa 2 year old home with spacious kitchen, 2 colored bathrooms, 2 fire- places, 4 large bedrooms, attached garage and 6 den for Dad! Tremendous 52' x 298' ravine lot with na- tural landscaping--peace and privacy gets you away from speed and hersh sounds: Must be seen to appreciate all the extras. Call for an appointment. LISTINGS GOOD-BY OR GOOD-BUY! It's both when you let us sell your home! You say good by and the new owner says a good buy. Why not let us get cracking right away to please you both! No Sale--No Charge. For full perticulars call 723-2265 Open Daily 9 a.m. to9 p.m. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD, 101 Simcoe Street North | CONSIDER Open Every Evening | : Member of 0.D.R.E.B. "proper you list your | property for sale L faemo; bigs see ee our: advertising gardens) --around and let all our REAL ESTATE BROKER SETTING THE REAL ESTATE BOARD 30% ON INVESTMENT Brick building, three apart- ments plus store. Centrally located. Act quickly if inter- 'ested, WRITE BOX 125 Oshawa Times ing $21,800. Terms. Wilfe Hawke, Ooront, 1 R 12 Estelle Leask, 623-5919 Len Bissell, Whitby 668-8140 BUILDING LOTS 100 ft. x 150 ft. $100. DOWN Balance up to 36 Months. FULL PRICE $1,100, McGILL other extras. ibe consider $1000 down to buy: ar eae: Call Mr. Preece, "par. 4261 or 728-9335 ev ings. Manderihil Real Estate Ltd. JUNE 30 POSSESSION -- Clean three-' bedroom brick bungalow, close to schools. Owner in Toronto and anxious to sell. Asking $14,600 with terms, Make an: offer by calling Ted Douglas, 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor. THREE-YEAR-OLD six room ranch 'won galow with attached garage on good | in one of Oshawa's better evaloped pee ebdere ag All nicely decorated and landscaped and offers you almost 1200 sq. ft. of living area. Lovely kitchen. For further details and appointment to see call Maible Boudreau of Schofield- a a ee Tee 360 King St. West Marg. Hall George Koornneef Irwin Cruikshanks Maible Boudreau Ed Drumm Irene Brown Margaret Lee Allan Thompson Bill Johnston Neil Campbell Steve Macko Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 723-1358 723-2859 728-5205 728-2233 725-9345 725-3867 723-2894 728-2870 728-1066 725-1015 728-5868 CAFETERIA FULL OR PART TIME WAITRESSES EXPERIENCED PERSON for GARDEN CENTRE FULL OR PART TIME CURVE-CONSCIOUS SHAPE Printed Pattern A992 Sizesjavailable in Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 10-18, Slip-thru. sashing de-|14, 16, 18. Size 16 requires 3 fines the waist in front, leaves|yards 35-inch. Send ONE DOL- the back princess-narrow and/LAR for Printed Pattern A992 straight. Effect on your figure?}to The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Nice indeed, for it makes your|Ont. Ontario residents add 3 midriff look inches slimmer.jcents sales tax. Please print Oleg Cassini loves to display| plainly YOUR NAME, AD- the feminine shape to best ad-/ DRESS, STYLE NUMBER and vantage and knows precisely|SIZE. Send for the Premiere how to do it. The Original of|Edition of our Couture Pat- Printed Pattern A992 is greenitern collection -- 57 of the linen with a white leather tie --|world's most 'beautiful design- a texture team we recommendier originals plus 50 cents FREE to you. The skirt is on a cami-|COUPON to apply to any ONE sole for better fit. The suitdress|}Dollar pattern. Send 50 cents is a superbly sensible choice --/right now for Couture Collection tailored for day, soft for even-|10. Next Week -- Watch for aj ing, smart with or without a/Prominent Designer Pattern by! coat. Printed Pattern A992 is)Abe Schrader. Must have knowledge of plonts, shrubs and garden supplies etc. Telephone PERSONNEL 728-7331-2 SOLD 728-4285 oe CADILLAC NORTH -- Neat fivercom Free, easy, safe parking : : ae REPAIR SHOP including three-bay 9 bungalow with h para Ms oll | heat, full base-| $17,990 -- 1300 square feet of living, tire PACE FOR |--signs help you decide to 12.500 1 FULL PRICE, good vaive in this|rage and showroom, and operated as In-|ment, nicely hed Many extras in-/lerge three-bedroom bees alu OSHAWA in the ever popular NE area, close to/contained apartments, semi-detached, Lo- room, venetian blinds, attached and north GM plant.|cated in northeast end of the city. $8,000] and aerial. Asking $13,300 with nr g200 Many eet = 'as, four models to choose ag $2.000 down. Sibby's Real Estate/Steve Zurba Realtor Fredin, 728-5103. W. _ 0. Martin Realtor, jabie. 943-426) or 728-9335. 'Manderhill | AND ANNAPOLIS -- with GUIDE Realty/tte 775% ___|BROOKLIN -- Ranch bungalow, three|BUILOER willing to accept your present| estate Limited. | SRIVATE--Central,two-siore Limited large jot A . sa * Lat god eg to schools, $12,200| room, rec. room, double attached garage,/new For more Information ue 20--Real Estate for Sole. ae T paved drive. $16,000. Terms, Qon| 728-6986, Hi ©. Hyman Real Estate Lim) ») tea, (Continued on Page 28) x-room, two-storey brick home. Situated|dependent service garage with two selficiuding broadioom im 'wk ing room om eneie sorms and screens; llywood kitchen, completely LIST Sane pose ital di Bal 728-9466,| down. Fi i te from, garage, new wiring, new|down. Balance on easy terms. n. For appointment to see call Ayimer| from, Ite STEVENSON RD. N, i ea! = PRIVATE three-bedroom brick "bungalow,|bedrooms, broadioom in living and dining| home, lot 3 car as a down payment on a joes Earl session. For "partaiera| telepnene 6. AStredeskt Reel Bstete, 7281278, hs aaa