have thought she was right, but! sometimes she was really wrong, with the result that her diagnosis of whooping cough | just helped spread it around the community. | Although immunization} against this disease is generally available everywhere, it is still a menace to child health, usual-| ly among infants who haven't | been immunized or children | from outlying areas. More than 100 a year reach The Hospital | for Sick Children, many of them | seriously ill. Because it is highly infectious, | its victims must be isolated) uickly, But to distinguish the sease from others like croup was difficult; both usually pro- duce honking, barking coughs. | Whooping cough should be treat- ed early; bronchitis or pneu- monia may follow it, and its! paroxysms of coughing can cause brain damage. Wrongly diagnosed, children with croup can be put in isola-| tion and there pick up whooping cough. Or children with the dis- "| ease may not be isolated and infect others. For a long time) the only certain diagnosis was) « to take a swab of mucous from the child's throat and incubate) it to see if the germs were there. | This took up to five days and! chaos could occur meanwhile. At The Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, Dr. Norma Chalvardjian, research biologist, took a short cut by using a known principle. | Antibodies form in a body that) is attacked by an infection. So she infected rabbits with whoop-| ing cough and extracted the an- tibodies from their blood. sm used these as detectives to in- vestigate the mucous from the! babies. Fluoridated so they glow) in untra-violet light under a mi-| croscope, she can see in minutes if they are assailing something. The result is a positive diag- nosis, obtained promptly. | Though mortality reports still show. deaths from whooping cough -- about 500 a year in the U.S. -- in The Hospital for Sick Children no deaths have occur- red for several years, despite an FLAVOR-FLAVOR | who's got the FLAVOR?... It's Wilson's Ginger Ale of course. And here's why. A formula, developed dur- ing 88 years of experience (and exclusive to Wilson's) gives just the right balance of true ginger flavor and carbonation to please the most particular palate. So, if you like ginger ale to taste like ginger ale; you'll buy Wilson's--and get more real refreshment -- more for your money, too. Wiles The Prestige GINGER ALE 64-3 DR. NORMA CHALVARDJIAN Whooping Cough Still A Menace Says Hospital For Sick Children | * TORONTO -- Grandma may ---- population daily that in-| cludes jamong the 700-odd patients. Juan, Puerto Rico: Irons go to Santo Domingo ered by male war corre- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 13, 1965 47 War Reporter, Female Variety, Aided By Rusk NORFOLK, Va. (AP) --If "Miss Evelyn Irons, repre- provided she recognized the spondents covering war from senting London Sunday conditions there. This mes- Lincoln Hotel bar who re- and requests air transporta- weight to their decision: home offices advising them of tion to Dominican Republic. "Miss Irons . . . seasoned Miss Irons' feat and request- "Returning correspondents war corr dent who val- ing them to 'onget mule, off- hohi you're a woman war corre- . . are most emphatic in iantly covered Guatemalan get spondent, it's helpful to have their opinion that this is no liberation 1954. 'Department requests U.S. State Secretary Dean place for a lady. "Miss Irons' factual story transport Miss Irons lest she Rusk as a friend. This official message was by message, do not propose to from Tegucigalpa to front breast stroke or canoe. received by Atlantic Com- y:ovide her transportation to lines on mule back through "Signed, Rusk." mand headquarters Tuesday Dominican Republic." June rains and mud was Miss Irons left San Juan for night from Rear Admiral The Atlantic C d im- h-played London. Santo Domingo at 8:30 a.m. | Henry H. Caldwell, in San mediately decided to let Miss "Her exploit well-remem- Friday. OPEN TILL 10 P.M. ¢ OPEN TILL 10 P.M. Ta Fresh Meats and Produ ¥ riggit Akg OD 949 ote a | WE DELIVER | ROUND STEAK ROASTS { Q c nd * lb a STEAKS GOLDEN YELLOW BUTTER | BANANAS LB. 10° AYLMER ALLEN'S Fruit DRINKS 3 « 1.00 OPEN TILL 10 P.M. 'Wd OL TIL Nido Come in and meet GERRY our CATSUP butcher and see our MANY 2 FOR 83° orn coms OP in store FEATURES, OPEN 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY DUFFY'S Food Market |. 949 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA 723-9371 © OPEN about 300 sick infants) Times, arrived in San Juan sage from Washington added ceived telegrams from their 'Sealer Lange. of 16 sper Unless otherwise directed of her four-day round trip arrive Santo Domingo by |e oi, raising money and will] 100 King St. E. -- 728-5156 |be able to concentrate on train- WOMEN CHANGE GOALS MONTREAL (CP) -- The |said. Byer Super-matic come to "the end of an era, the LOOR MODELS -- 3 ONLY end of a way of thinking," presi- Rog. F aingin $ 199 dent Mrs. Donald Dougherty RONALD W. BILSKY ; D.C. told the annual meeting. 'In the years to come our members will singe CHIROPRACTOR be freed from undue preoccupa- ing for community service," she SEWING MACHINE SALE Dealer OSHAWA SEWING. CENTRE 329 Simcoe St. South 728-2391 ¢ OPEN TILL 10 P.M. TILL 10 P.M. 837 Coils in a Famous Serta Extra-Firm Smooth-Top Sleep Set © Here is a Serta special that disregards increased pro- duction costs! Mattress and box spring © 837 tempered steel coils for all-over luxury support! two piece sleep set © Beautiful, long-wearing decorator print ticking. © Specification developed by Serta for outstanding value! © Made wonderfully comfortable and provides deep support. ® Matching box spring engineered specifically to prop- erly support this mattress and materially increase your sleeping comfort! © Supply is limited! Come in today! ~ FUE OF TOR BEE so. cccseccsievascesss If bought separately ......++. each piece 59 50 . e + e . ° e ° e ° 7 . ° . . ° - * e e . e e . - ° ° e 7 . . ° ° a SOCOOO OOOO SOO DESEO OED EDEE DEE OOES MADE BY THE MAKERS OF THE Serta "PERFECT SLEEPER" matrress CHolen Bucs FURNITURE COMPANY ® OUR OWN BUDGET TERMS @ 4 SHOWROOM FLOORS PHONE 725-3514 yf ~ SPECIAL * EACH 8.98 2 For 17.0 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Thursday and Friday 'Til 9 p.m. 63 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA