HEADS NATIONAL TEAM Pint-Size Coach Has Tall Basketball Mark By DON ANGUS WOLFVILLE, N.S. (CP) -- Acadia University has a bas- ketball court under regulation size and a coach who can harlly reach the basket on a steplad- der. sary. The Axemen are the No. 1 college basketball team in Canada and Stuart W. Aberdeen is the big reason. It's a fact that was recognized with his selection this week as coach of the national team which will tour Central and South America next month. A native of Lewiston, N.Y., who stands five-foot-six, Aber- deen accepted the job as bas- ketball and soccer coach, assist- ant athletic director and assocl- ate professor of physical educa- tlon at Acadia seven years ago when he was just 22. Fresh out of Massachusetts' id College with a mas- ter's degree in phys ed, Aber- deen seemed an unlikely pros- pect to stir up basketball mad- ness on Acadia's quiet campus in the picturesque Annapolis Valley, or to lead the Axemen ' out of a 26-year championship famine. But the doubters didn't reckon But no apologies are neces- In Aberdeen's seven years the Axemen have won five consec- utive league championships, /four Maritime titles and have represented the Atlantic univer- sities three straight years in the Canadian finals. They have compiled a three-year record of 34 wins and two losses. After the gruelling decision over Windsor in Halifax in March, the tired Acadia coach gat perspiring in the dressing room and remarked: "Pretty good for a team that THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Mey 13,1965 1] Aberdeen's policy of importing Americans. The coach himself explains why--recruiting is easier in the United States. He spent three summers at Clair Bees's Camp All - America at Cornall-on- Hudson, N.Y., and did much of his recruiting there. His pitch to young Americans is the opportunity for a good education, low tuition fees and a chance to play a good brand of basketball and compete on the national level as well as in exhibition games against top Canadian and U.S. talent. As a result, he has been able to develop a recruiting program iwithout basketball scholarships. DRAFTED BY NBA An indication of his success is that Richie Spears of New Waterford, N.S., four - year standout at Acadia, was drafted ¢ wasn't even supposed to win the by St. Louis Hawks of the Na-| STUART ABERDEEN with his dynamic initiative and desire for perfection. | And, with six American play- ers on an eight-man roster, the bespectacled little coach led Acadia to the Canadian Inter- collegiate basketball title this year with an overtime victory over University of Windsor Lancers. SNAKES OF ONTARIO Gartersnake Best Known Province's 15 Varieties By BARBARA FROOM Lands and Forests Information Section This is the first of a weekly series on Ontario snakes. There are 15 species in On- tario, representing a greater variety than found in any other Canadian province. venemous except the massa-| sauga rattlesnake, Its venom,| 'b ifound in Ontario. Butler's garter 8 fr smaller than striped appearance Garter snakes range farther | outhwestern Ontario, and the ed-sided garter snake (Tham- nophis sirtalis parietalis) has) een reported in the northwest- ern part of the province, They are the eastern All Ontario snakes are non-|garter snake, but also have a league." Unusually quiet and mild-man- nered, the history graduate of Tennessee's Tusculum College turns into an exacting taskmas- ter as soon as basketball prac- tice begins. Leg muscles quiver and lungs gasp for air as Aberdeen runs his boys through a 64-hour pre- season training grind. | "When a player thinks he has jreached his physical limit we push him a little bit more," he says. | A well. - used -bucket stands jconveniently on the sidelines land an exhausted Axeman finds "I'm not in shape" printed on ithe bottom before he '"'goes \back out for more." Aberdeen is also a master \strategist and amateur psychol- ogist. Using one player as a \"quarterback," he starts a |game with a basic pattern and signals defensive and offensive adjustments to the five-man unit on the floor. TAKES BLAME tional Basketball Association. Steve Konchalski, a native of Elmhurst, N.Y., scored 533! points during the 1964-65 season to break Spears' record of 438, and Dave Rode, from Broom- all, Pa., e¢lipsed other Spears' marks by scoring 52 points and 17 field goals in a game. Aberdeen agrees with Luke Moyls of the Canadian Amateur Basketball Association that the country's national team should) be chosen from among players | jat a special training camp. REMEMBER WHEN ... By THE CANADIAN PRESS First-round Davis Cup ten- nis playoffs were held in secret in Oslo, Norway, one year ago today--in 1964-- when students demonstrated against the South African team because of its govern- ment's apartheid policies. -- Africa beat Norway SOCCER CLUBS FINED MILAN, Italy (AP)--The dis- cipline commission of the Ital- fan Soccer League fined a ma- jor - league club and two mi- nor - league clubs because their' hometown fans rained bottles and stones onto the field. Heav-| jest fine was $1,200 against the Bari club of the second divis- ion, ERG OA CAMERON Wrecking Demolition We Wreck Anywhere-- Any Description FREE ESTIMATES Call 725-4285 Or Write-- 161 Mill St., Oshowa \--- ee * Grandview 1Golf Course | ' OPEN Bad games are carefully re- fi FOR PLAY oa i but' viewed and the coach takes the leri) is found in a section Of|ijame for any faults. Typical of his psychological approach was an incident ison Course game. Morale although highly toxic, is smalljnorth than any of our other) | adi won ity --- with prompt med-|snakes and may be found as yey -- St ae far north as James Bay. They ical treatment its bite need not be serious. In all of Canada, only the rattlers are venomous. Besides Ontario's small mas- sasauga, two larger rattlesnakes are found in some parts of western Canada. Some of the Jarge, non - venomous snakes) may bite if handled or molest- ed, but for such bites, an anti- septic solution to prevent pos- sible infection usually is all that is required : The most common snake, and the one that most people can readily identify, is the garter snake, and this is the snake that we will describe first in our series. EASTERN GARTER SNAKE (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis) This cofnmon, usually friendly enake is the first to appear in the spring and the last to go into hibernation in the fall. It is a moderately slender snake that may reach a length of 30 or 40 inches when full-grown. How- ever, Ontario can boast of the longest garter snake recorded to date -- a specimen measuring 54 inches found not too many years ago near Richmond Hill, Ontario! Garter snakes are variable in color, The ground color may be black, brown or olive with three yellowish, orange or reddish stripes. These stripes may be vivid or may be so dull as to be "Don't put the whole bowl be-| g 18 HOLE Champion Calibre occurred at the 1964 pre-season Tip-off Tournament in Halifax) New sweat suits arrived before} \the tourney but Aberdeen kept! them hidden until the final surged when) players got their new togs and) PAY AS YOU PLAY MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE WEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS | WEEKDAYS are adaptable snakes and are|fore them, just dish it out," tats. They may be found in woods, fields, on farmlands, along roadsides, in marshes and on the shores of lakes, ponds fer to be near water if possible if a good meal is to be found. garter snakes is also quite var- ied, They feed chiefly on earth- worms, frogs and minnows, and will often take their prey dead as well as alive. Some large garter snakes will also eat mice. These snakes do not lay eggs, but give birth to living young. The little snakelets may num- ber 10 to 30 in a litter, but as ental care is given, A FRIENDLY SNAKE usually amounts septic solution. hardly discernible. Two rows of alternating dark spots along if the ground color is light or after the snake has eaten a big meal when the skin would be stretched. The belly is usually yellowish or greenish. ifume"'. If not molested, garter snakes} will be content to remain about Melanistic or all black speci-|Your summer cottage, doing no and will readily enter the water) -------- many as 78 have been recorded in a single litter. They fend for themselves from the moment of birth, and although they may be found near the mother, no par- Garter snakes are usually a friendly lot but some may bite if handled or cornered. The bite to no more than a few small scratches, but it is best treated with an anti- The common defense of garter snakes, especially that of small ones whose bite would be inef- fective, is the release of a foul- jsmelling scent from the scent each side of the back are visible|Slands. When handled, the snake |will lash about with its tail and /smear the handler with its "per- found in a great variety of habi-|Aberdeen says. The coach and his team have become sports celebrities in this town of 2,400 and most of Acad- jia's 1,300 students are just as) and streams. They usually pre-jenthusiastic. They're ready top take on anyone in defence of gq i 2 [2 2 Sn Sn Ge Gs mms onl | | King St. E. -- So I | or Bloor St. E. erage © GREEN FEES @ uth et Grandview to Grandview é HARDEY R. TRUDELLE -- Pro, Like their habitat, the food of e New from Du Pont: LUCITE' HOUSE PAINT_ Incredibly durable...so easy to use eseagenenen arene nee ug SAeaoe 8 tan conn gon ran nih How RORYLIC LATEX House Paint WOOD Ano maABONAY © Ret man pyecaen wieirt Try Bata Shoes... First in Canada with exciting new Pieiend é PRLEL, ! be mens, with only a white throat|harm whatsoever, and often will and chin are quite common at|become so tame that they will| Long Point and Point Pelee oninot glide away when you ap-| Lake Erie. This snake is sub-|Proach. ject to much mistaken identity, They should not be destroyed| as most people can't imagine a\@5 they play their part in the| garter snake without stripes! {balance of nature and are as jmuch a part of the wildlife TWO OTHER TYPES scene as birds, chipmunks and| Besides the common, eastern|other woodland creatures that garter snake, two other var-|people enjoy about their sum- ieties, although rare, are also|'mer property ce Flows on easily, effortlessly. New LUCITE® House Paint is so easy to use it just flows from your brush with no tiring brush drag. And it dries to the touch in only one-half hour, So, dirt and bugs won't collect. Protects like a plastic shield . . . offers in- credible durability without temporary surface shine of oil-base paints. Beautiful low-lustre finish dries to a tough, protective shield against extremes of weather. Bata not only brings you the smartest styling in shoes, but also a great innovation from Union Carbide... Ulok heels that save you time and money, keep your shoes looking new longer! Just snap off Ulok heels when they're worn ... and switch left heel for right. You get twice the wear. And when you need new Ulok heels, re- turn to your Bata Shoe Store for replacement ... and snap them on! Perfect fit... . and no waiting for the cobbler. Now... with wonderful Ulok heels, Bata shoes do more than ever'to give you that "well-heeled" look! See the, new Bata shoes with Ulok ene STARR Presents the MERCURY 6up. Covers almost any building material. Use "Quick and easy cleanup. Clean brushes, Quietest motor on the market. Engineered for peek performance and longer life. '233° See the complete line of 1965 Motors Now ! Mercury oe « Before You Buy Give STARR @ Try! STARR ig Furniture and Appliance 723-3343 OPEN FRI. 491 Ritson &. TO 9 P.M. LUCITE® on wood, brick, masonry, stucco, cement block. Needs no primer, if old paint is in good shape. Goes surfaces ... no delay from dew or showers. NEW LUCITE* HOUSE PAINT Incredibly durable...so easy to use. be thinned with wipe up with a on over damp rollers with soap and water, No mess or bother with special solvents. LUCITE* can LUCITE" HOUSE PAINT water, too. Fresh paint spots damp sponge. Bata Shoe Stores: below. BB aelae svot COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Du Pont... the name you can trust in paints. Get LUCITE? and DULUX® Trim and Shutter Enamel at OSHAWA Canadian Tire 115 Simeoe St.'S. Patte's Paint & Wallpaper 82 Simcoe St. N John Swan Hardware Oshewe Shopping Centre AJAX Corrigan's Pt. & Wipr. 148 Harwood Ave, 5. 1 CANADA WHITBY Dodd & Souter Decor Centre Limited 07 Byron St. S. 2 LOCATIONS IN OSHAWA 15 Oshawa Simcoe Street Shopping North Centre YOUR FRIENDLY BATA SHOE STORES