18----Male Help Wanted 20--Keol Estete for Sale 20-----Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estote for Scle 20--Real Estate for Sale ve 20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 10, 1965 17--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED SALESLADY Apply . Fox's Ladies' Wear OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WAITRESS, to experience 'necessary. | Must have transportation. Apply Voyager | Restaurant 401, Newcastie, Ontario. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- housekeep- er for motheriess home, middie-aged pre re to live In, § 7 | 728-1737, ASSEMBLERS and INSTALLERS Manufacturer of kitchen cob- inets and sashless windows require permanent and sum- mer help. for work in plant »and field. Preference given to senior men with cabinet or for carpentry experience permanent positions. days, Telephone Apply 18--Male Help Wanted |H-G. DESIGNS LTD. STATION ROAD PICKERING, ONT. 942-379] LICENSED mechanic" required immed- | lately, excellent working conditions. Call |Don Shields. 725-6561. , Bc Na oe . Sales Career: Well established Oshawa Branch Office for a large National Firm desires to con- toct a lecal man 25 to 45 years old for sales position. Soles experience desirable but not necessary. Excellent starting salary with opportun- ity for advancement; Group benefit including hospitalize- tion. Life insurance and Pen- sion, FULL TIME drivers wanted. Must be neat, courteous, 25 years or older, Apply. at United Taxi, 143 King Street East. |YOUTH for stable and ground mainte-| nance, live in. Apply Buckaroo Rench,| 725-2737. 19--Mole or Female Help Wanted MEN OR WOMEN for picking worms. Full employment for six months. Apply in person from '.p.m. to g p.m. Oshawa |Live Bait Company, 859 Neison Street,| corner of Wolfe Street. No calls. WHITGY BANK requires experienced clerks, Telephone 668-5825 between 9-5. aS |HAIRDRESSERS, experienced, immedi- jately. Phone 723-9053. | All inquiries in -- strictest contidence, Reply to Box 838 Oshewa Times, giving quali- fications. SUMMER HELP wanted, July, August, children's dude ranch. Cook, kitchen) --~ihelp, registered nurse, swim instructor,| craft counsellor, live in. For application |form, dial 725-2737, | MAN WANTED 20--Real Estate for Sale | FOR RETAIL | eee ee , ae LUMBER YARD | h niehed North west section, Finished basement, aluminum storms, Lumber experience desirable screens. 5% N.H-A. mort- but net essential, good wages gage. Close to schools, shop- to right mon, 44 hour week. ping etc, Phone until 6 p.m. Must be steady and reliable. 725-7951, after 6 p.m. 725- 7160 "FOR FAST "ACTION" LIST WITH ~ACTIVE"' REALTY LTD. 728-5157 a PRIVATE--Cent two-storey, 31 house. Early possession. For particulars, felephone 728-229. commensurate VARIETY STORE with living quarters, all on one floor. Hot water heat, garage, quite central. Very good location, Asking $12,900., including bulidings and equip- jment. Terms. For particulars call Elmer |Fredin, 728-5103. W, ©. Martin, Realtor. |20--Real Estate for Sale Write Box 430 | PICKERING, ONTARIO CARPENTER FOREMAN | Able to handle complete job. Pay with qualifications. at | | Phone 725-3516 PRIVATE Fully Licensed MECHANIC For General Repairs } | THREE BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW On ravine lot. Four. piece tile bathroom, Rotor antenna. Fin- ished recreation room, well landscaped. Paved = drive. Clese to schools. Substantial down payment. Engine Tune-Ups Apply in person only, GARY'S ESSO SERVICE 89 Simcoe St. South YOUNG MAN wilh experience for Bow Call menvilie retail store. Must be prepared ere ea control, display, and sell- Sporting goods and other lines. Write Bex 1500, Bowmanville, stating age 723-291] ONE TORCH CUTTER, experienced cof-|517.9 -- 1300 square feet of living, extra ing cars for scrap. Apply Shaw Aute| /2"9e three-bedroom bungalow, aluminum) Wreckers, 89 Bloor East. eee screens; Hollywood kitchen, | peDnanntad | atta garage, completely landscaped. PAINTERS with experience, brush end|Many othe ext f een | roller work, required immediately for trom, $500 winter Wart aan t| summer work, Telephone Whitby 668-58 ble, TRUCKS wanted for hire, for hau ue sand and gravel, 942-0420. works bonus avail-| 42-426) or 728-9335. Manderhill Real Limited | 'oom brick bungalow, Bleo 'ast. Telephone 7187083. we PATTERNS Hin with drivers, Pickering| Street OSHAWA TIMES By ALICE BROOKS Whip up a vivid jester Sweater for sport, after-swim -- use knitting worsted, string. New! Gay! Beginner-easy!| Knit in 3 strips -- 3 front, 3) back in seed-stitch. Teens love it -- knit it! Pattern 7268: sizes 32-34; 36-38 included. By ANNE ADAMS Side-swept slenderness -- see how deep tuck partially conceals the buttons. So smart, so easy |to slip into o sy i y Thirty - five cents (coins) P pPattidea ditigsten ia for each pattern (no stamps,|_ Printed Pattern 4675: Half please) to Alice Brooks, care|Sizes 12%, 1444, 1644, 18%, 20%, of The Oshawa Times, Needle-|224. Size 16% requires 3 yards craft Dept. 60 Front Street/39-inch fabric. West, Toronto 1, Ontario. On-| pirrTy CENTS (50 cents) in tore renitonts s@d ic sales tay rint plainly PATTERN NUM-jeach pattern. Ontario resi-| BER, NAME, ADDRESS. jdents add 2 cents sales tax.| 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CATA- Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD-| ALOG -- 200 designs, 3 free|/DRESS, STYLE NUMBER patterns! Newest knit, crochet! Send order to ANNE ADAMS fashions, embroidery. 25 cents jcare of The Oshawa Times, Pat- Now! Send for elegant, new|tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, "Decorate with Needlecraft!"'|Toronto 1, Ontario § beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE- complete patterns for decorative|PORT in our new Spring-Sum- accessories in one book' Pil-lmer Pattern Catalog plus cou- lows, wall. hangings, curtains./yon for ONE FREE PATTERN! appliques, more! 60 cents Everything you need for the INe Value! Deluxe Quilt Boo you lead -- 350 design ideas: 46 complete patterns. 60 Send 50 cents now, ts. | \Limited, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 1 @ WELL ESTABLISHED BUSI- NESS in busy residential loce- tion near schoo! with apartment over. Shows excellent return for reasonable investment. Present weekly turnover con be increas- ed by enterprising proprietor. INFORMATION ONLY by AP- POINTMENT. td Il @ This house has a big friend- ly living room, with a NATUR- AL FIREPLACE, separate dining room, 3 Large bedrooms with an extra room on third floor, An attractive modern bathroom with colored fixtures, ond @ BIG MODERN KITCHEN. The heating is hot water oil, Fost possession if required, Reason- able price, call now to inspect. e 11] @ N.H.A. RESALE. overlook- ing the city of Oshawa, this 3 large bedrooms SEPARATE DIN- ING ROOM, large 'family size kitchen with built in stove and oven. Living room hos a lovely notural STONE FIREPLACE. Fin-| ished RECREATION room with) electric heat. Paved drive with a} basement GARAGE. Nicely land-| scoped lot, Owner leaving the! city. For appointment to inspect call tonight | ? IV @ A HOME DISTINCTIVELY} MODERN in every way, and in a delightful neighborhood for) the children. Only steps away} from public and high schools. 3 larger thon average bedrooms with shining hardwood floors. The large size living room hos « valance box, the bathroom is gleaming with colored fixtures) ond tile. The kitchen has mony extres you always wanted, like a built in STOVE AND OVEN ond fon, COPPERTONE sink splash, There is also a good size dining area, The basement is divided into WORKSHOP, hobby room, laundry area and fruit cellar. This is a good sized lot. There is also A GARAGE. Don't wait, call us for information. This one is priced right on Hill- croft St. % V e@ ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom bungalow on quiet NORTH end street. Nice outside appearance) with clay brick construction and) features large living room. PLAY ROOM IN BASEMENT which) olso hos 2 PIECE BATH and ex- tra kitchen with sink. Large well built gorage and unusually large) lot. , } ® Vi @ ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom) SPLIT LEVEL nicely decorated) end in immaculate condition. | Partially finished Rec. room and) bar: Paved drive and completely! enclosed back yard, Call tonight! for more porticulers. | e | Vil @ SWITZER DRIVE - 7 year! old ronch type 6 room BRICK) AND STONE BUNGALOW with-) in two city blocks of Simcoe St./ N. and 15 minutes Bus service.| This home is in beautiful condi-| tion having broadioom in living! room and dining room. Forced} air oil heet. Aluminum storms} ond screens, T.V. tower, private Paved drive. | | e | VII @ LOOKING FOR PRIVACY| --let us show you this graceful) 4 BEDROOM country residence.| Built back from the road on a LARGE TREED LOT. Lovely 2 Storey structure .with atteched GARAGE and breezewoy. Only 3% miles from Ajax and close to e new public school. e IX @ 9 ROOM HOME WITH! LARGE LOT AND DOUBLE GARAGE - Seporate 3 ROOM APARTMENTS, 'All convenien- ces, separate entrances and oil furnaces. For full particulars call today. e | X e@ JUST LISTED, older type 7 room semi-detached with 3 piece bath and extra stool in base- ment. Nice corner property with gorage. ASKING $9,900 full price with reasonable down pay- ment and owner will. hold ONE PAYMENT FOR BALANCE, e X! @ HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL -! Brick bungalow with 3 BED- ROOMS living room, kitchen and dining area and bathroom with vanity. Semi-finished BASE- MENT APARTMENT with raised pine floor, large living - dining and kitchen combined, oversize bedroom and a full bathroom Priced at ONLY $12,900.00) end easily accessible to schools and churches. e XI! @ FIFTEEN MINUTES FROM OSHAWA, COUNTRY HOME, 1S YEARS OLD WITH THREE ACRES OF LAND. $1000.00 DOWN, BALANCE ON ONE MORTGAGE AT $60.00 PER MONTH, | @ | STOP! | CONSIDER coins (no stamps, please) for,--before you list your LOOK and see all our advertising| DRIVE --oround and let all our! SOLD | | | property for sale | | --signs help you decide to LIST with GUIDE ahs VALLEY SCHOFIELD-AKER gtiow, spotiessly clean. on » shop $13,900 Call Broker CUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. "723-1121 Xill @ LOVELY THREE BED- ROOM brick home with attached carport and nicely lendscaped lot, located in a splendid NORTH WEST areo just off Rossland Road West. 3 roomy bedrooms, lovely kitchen and iving room, Good dry basement and oil heated for warmth and comfort. ASKING PRICE 1S NOT $23,000, BUT ONLY $16,950. ' a XIV @ DREW STREET, priced at only $12,500 - Brick 114 storey with 3 bedrooms, good size liv- ing room ond 12 x 13 kitchen. Full basement, oil heating Call now and make your offer. e XV @ HERE IS AN IMMACUL- ATE and fully finished home for the discriminating buyer who prefers quality. The finished RE- CREATION room with bar and sink, The EXTRA WASHROOM downstairs, the coid storage room, the fully closed off work- shop and separate furnace and laundry room are only a partial) list of features and we have! not come upstairs yet. PAVED DRIVE AND GARAGE and all this for only $15,200. | Call "723-1121 Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. After hours call. | 725-4330 723-7390} 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454 728-2754 668-2402 728-0208 728-5581 723-7623 728-4241 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 for particulars Jéan Peacock Doug Trivett Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Ethel Love Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Ross Bell George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacack Dick Young 1 Arranging for Mortgage is part) of our comprehensive Real) Estate Service at Guide Realty Limited, We list M.L.S. Exclusive and Photo) Members of O.D-R.E.B. | Limited, Realtors. D. W. McQUAY REALTOR 519 Brock St. South, Whitby, Ontario Whitby 668-5868 Toronto 925-2965 Claremont 649-2109 HILLCREST DRIVE Smartly designed and well- maintained 3-bedroom brick home with attached garage, separate dining room, good size living room and 4 piece both. Partially finished rec. room has raised plywood floor- ing and ceiling light fixtures. Concrete patio 10' x 15'. Al- uminum storms ond screens Carries for $191 including taxes. Call Noel Edey to in- spect. LARGE FAMILY Here's just the home you need! A 4th bedroom 16 x 13 has been built into this well | cored for semi - detached brick home in Whitby, In- cludes such features as extra 2-pce. bathroom; roughed-in | Rec, Room; 'water softener; paved drive; solidly built com- pact brick storage shed; al- uminum storms and screens. | A hop, skip and jump to school. Investigate now, call Noel Edey. NEWMAN CRESCENT A good home in preferred Whitby area, 3 bedroom, 5- year old brick residence with attached brick garoge; large Hollywood style kitchen; good size living room and 4 piece colored tile both. Oil heat. Lot 52 x 143. Corries for $103 monthly including taxes. Call Noel Edey. Commercial Acreage, Trout Streams, Farms, Lots, Residential, Business Open to 9 p.m. Did You Know? : YOU CAN OWN A KASSINGER HOME IN BEAUTIFUL BEAU FOR AS LITTLE AS $3,000 DOWN Your present home accepted es trade-in SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY 360 King Street West large lot, close) ping and Conant Scheel. Fyil price with $2,000 down and easy terms Arthur Weinberger Real Estate ls 3ORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 278 DUNDAS ST. E. WATCH WHITBY'S NEW WHITE WAY No. 2 Highway At Anderson St. SEE OUR SIGNS & CALL "THE HOT LINE" 668-8826 REDUCED TO $18,700. --- WHITBY 8 room older style rug brick 134 storey home situated on fine corner. lot only @ few blocks from centre of Town with fully grown trees shading this charming structure of another doy thot was the happy home of one of town's former outstanding and industrious citizens, This home needs o buyer with imegina- tion and daring to again make this a single family dwelling trom the present multiple occupancy. Present owner did not need the space and temporarily 'arranged apartment facilities thot con be promptly removed when no longer required. Homes like. this are stare in Whitby but don't call us if you are the timid type and don't care for a challenge. Interesting terms to right buyer. GIBBONS STREET OSHAWA ----- NEW 5 room quality home fully decorated to move in should be ready soon, some delightful interior innovations including popular bothroom vanity, indirect lighting under valance box and other surprises. This 3 bedroom brick is a must for you to see if you detest living in a subdivision. Full price $16,400 with about $2,400 down payment and one mortgage OWNER LEAVING COUNTRY Reduced his price on this ranch brick bungalow on Thickson's Road with breezeway and attached garage. Family size kitchen, 3 bedrooms and lower Township taxes. Spacious lot for children's play and your garden, Not fancy but modern and economical at $11,700. Make your offer with your best down payment for this property between Whitby and Oshawa. WANT A HOME AND OFFICE IN WHITBY? With parking facilities on busy corner of Ontario and Brock Streets. You will do well to investigate this 8 room red brick build- ing in centre of town, on arena corner, Drive by and see the possibilities here. We have other:comfnercial and office locations on this busy street from $16,500 up. STONE AND BRICK SPLIT LEVEL Near Whitby High and Public Schoo! with built-in inter-com in all rooms, electric heat and other outstanding features. Nearly 1360 sq. ft of living area with 70 ft. frontage, extra heavy 200 amp wiring, 1% ceramic baths, patio, recreation room and family size kitchen. This 4 bedroom beauty is functional but not too large to make your tax bill too high, If you ore interested in a quality constructed home priced at $20,500 we have it here with attractive terms 705 BURNS ST. WHITBY -- $3000. down payment ond your monthly payment of $102.00 will pay your principal, 'interest and taxes on this 3 bedroom semi- split level brick home in this popular south west location with schools ond other conveniences close by. You can't miss here with all the extras included. We will show you others to compare with this value, 472' HIGHWAY FRONTAGE MANCHESTER COMMERCIAL This is one of the few good location on Highway 12 near Mon- chester to build your business. Hundreds of cars poss by daily ond other businesses nearby, Will even exchange for payment on house in Whitby or Oshawa. Full price $7,300 CHURCH ST. PICKERING Split level beauty of brick on spacious lot, Could be 3 or 4 bed- rooms if den not needed on main floor. L shaped living room for dining and living luxury. Four piece bath with extra washroom off attached garage. See this today before you buy. Full price $17,90 with good terms for balance. GILBERT ST. WHITBY -- $18,300 near High and Public schools with attached garage, covered patio and trim landscaping. Very best mahogony trim interior with heavy insulation and solid brick making this one of the better medium priced homes. Clean and tidy with sharp decora- tion throughout, Ceramic tile bath and:3 large bedrooms. Owner- builder, moving out of town, built this home to live in but circumstances necessitates a move to Toronto. Down payment arranged. Balance on good mortgage DUTCH CLEAN AND CHARM in this 3 bedroom brick Whitby home with carport, paved drive, Hollywood kitchen, awnings and fenced in yard, You can stop looking when you see this beauty at only $15,900. We have others too. ® 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY IN WHITBY only $13,500 with built-in pation ond professional landscaping. All new decoration for this 7 year old home with mony extras This is a must for you to see before settling on your home to buy in Whitby or Oshawa, Down payment as low as $3,000. ' SPLIT LEVEL BRICK & STONE front on new residential street in Whitby with spic and spon condition. You will be impressed with the quality of materials and the fine workmanship in this 4 bedroom family home with extra washroom and ceramic tile bath. Asking price $18,900 and you will agree it won't last long at this price. See by ap- pointment only. Make on: offer with your down payment. AJAX SCHOOL TEACHER SAYS SELL this 3 bedroom semi detached bungalow on fine residential street in agressive Ajax. Tastefuly decorated throughout. Lorge kit chen and divided basement. $1,500 down will make you the owner of this fine home, Interest, principal and taxes only $100 monthly. COUNTRY HOME, PICKERING DISTRICT, $1,000 Down payment with monthly payments like rent will buy this two bedroom home on) large lot. Spacious kitchen, four piece bath, full basement, Tastefully decorated. Taxes are lower here ond you are close to Toronto, Oshawa or Whitby. We have others where you can breathe country fresh air too. 134 ACRES AND HOME -- WHITBY Zoned for light industry at Port Whitby. This valuable property with 3 bedrooms, insu! brick home and barn in in neat condi- tion with good decoration. Speculators may be attractied to this property for future industrial purposes but you can live here and wait for the opportunity of a lifetime. The taxes are low here too, Full price $17,900. Make an offer BETTER BUILT BUNGALOW -- $15,900 In Whitby with many exctllent features, situated on neat 50' lot on Bowman Ave., in East Whitby near No. 2 Highway and Separate Schoo!. You will stop looking after seeing this immacu- late home in a prestige area of new homes. There are 3 bea- rooms, living room, dining and attartive kitchen. The land- scaping is tops here too. Full price $15,900 with good terms BROOKLIN, $9,000 Three bedroom older type stucco home with large family kitchen, dining roam, living room, 3 piece bath. This economy home has low taxes and low heating cost. Situated in commercial area for someone wishing te have a small business location and home. Inspect and make offer TAXES ARE LOWER IN BROOKLIN and trees grow there too, Just a few minutes drive to Oshawa and Whitby with clean Village shopping, this three bedroom brick bungalow on a 75' frontage lot is a must for you to see! Cool aluminum awnings provide extra shade for mother on those hot days of summer while 'the children have ample play area in the cosy recreation room on those not so good days. Price only $13,900 with down payment considered and 6% interest. HCPKINS ST. BUILDING -- INDUSTRIAL Area of Whitby with lot size 70' x 537'. Large office, 5 room apartment all contained in brick ond block, 3 yeor old building with store front. Full price $18,500 with good terms to reliable buyer 546 MONTEITH AVE., OSHAWA Drive by this solid brick, 3 bedroom bungalow and then make appointment to see. This tenant occupied home must be sold and some lucky buyer with only pay 512% on the mortgage This could be saving of over $1,000 on your home. Monthly payment of $102.00. Principal, Interest and Taxes TAUNTON RD. E, $14,300 1] year old 5 room bungalow on large country lot with trees, extra buildings for chickens, etc. Not many properties like this with low taxes, shorp landscaping, clean decoration. A nice spot te retire or for a small family, NEAR ROSSLAND RD. & NORTHMINSTER United Church in Oshawo. This is an older type briek home with this low, low taxe fine residential street. if you went rea- sonable living neor shepping, churches and schools this is o natural with its 3 bedrooms, oi! heating and other conveniences. Gorage here too. Ali for $12,500 with terms. | | | / | | | | | | | | | | | | | } | | | | | | | BUILDER willing to accept your pre: LIST AND MOVE ON. THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- REALESTATE -- ~~ INSURANCE -- ~~ MORTGAGES -- JUST LISTED $1,000 DOWN MURIEL AVENUE, 2 bed- room bungalow. with good size kitchen, New oil furnace. Lorge lot with garoge. Full price only $9,900. this one now. Call Mr. Jim Brody ot 728-5123 or 728-0483, JUST LISTED 4 BEDROOMS North West. 10 Year old, 1% storey home in immacu- lote condition throughout. Good size kithcen with din- ette, large paneled living room and 4 piece bath. Close to schools and shopping. Ask- ing only $13,900 with terms. See this one now. Call Mr. Jim Brady at 728-5123. or 728-0483. CARNEGIE AVENUE Only $12,900 for this 6 room brick home with gar- age. Oil furnace, newly dec- orated. Close to Rossland Road, good area. Reasonably priced. Easy terms for bal- ance. Cali Mr. Jack Appleby ot 728-5123 or 723-3398 to inspect NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE 3 year old semi-deteched, 2 storey brick home. Modern kitchen, dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. beth, oil heat. Home nicely dec- orated and in spotless condi- tion, Asking only $12,900. with monthly payments of $92. including taxes. To in- spect and make an offer ask for Mr, Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725-2217. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening Members of O.D.R.E.B. STEVE ZURBA REAL ESTATE 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale Hillsdale Terrace South of Ross land one block East of Ritson. DEVELOPME LTD. presents Ranclitte NTS 6 different N.H.A. model homes in this most desirable location. PRICED FROM 16,950) Bungalows, split- levels, 2 - sto Some with reys. car ports and garages storms and screens, built -in ranges and ovens. Oil - heating. Fully sodded lot and including other costly extras DIRECTIONS: -- many Ritson North to Rossland Rd. then East one block to Central Park Blvd, Then folow model home signs. BESSBOROUGH DRIVE Large 6 room brick with at- tached garage double paved drive, well landscaped with stately trees. Call tonight for JONES AND DOUGAN REALTORS 668-8841 RESTAURANT MONEY MAKER North Simcoe. Well establish- ed, equipped to the lost de- ~ tail with two furnished opart- ments above. Through on un- fortunate accident this must be sacrificed immediotely. Phone Ken Toms: WHITBY Three bedroom semi-detached bungalow is immoculate in every detoil including paved drive. A smali down paymerit ond you are the owner of @ completely finished home. CALL TO-NIGHT, Ken Toms. BROOKLIN $13,500.00, Only 10 minutes from Oshowa and yet you enjoy the atmosphere of vil- lage living. Five rooms all in good condition, fine large living room, three dandy bed- rooms, and o family kitchen. Good basement end recrea- tion room, Call right now. 668-884). WHITBY $14,500.00, Five room bun- galow in central part of town. Large living room, good kitch- en, with windows overlooking garden, three fine bedrooms and four piece tiled bathroom. basement is all painted and lot all landscaped. . Inspect this home NOW, ATHOL STREET OSHAWA Here's o fomily home thot is sure to please: Large lot, well landscaped with trees, a tool house, and an over-sized gor- age (almost new). This five room, one and a half storey home, with Recreation room and -hot water oil heat is o BLUE CHIP investment, Let Bill Dougen show you this fine prved ot $13,000.00. 668- OSHAWA NORTH WEST Ane and o holf storey brick -- on a street and in spotless condition throughout. This Owner's 6 room home feotures expensive wall to wall broadioom, aluminum storms end screens, T.V, An- tenna plus many other extras. Heating costs not more than $100.00 per yeor, Coll Bill Dougan, JONES AND DOUGLAS REALTORS OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, -- EVERY- DAY UNTIL SOLD. Whitby Professional Building 668-8841 | "IWANT TO SELL THESE HOMES WITHOUT DELAY inspection 728-9466, $1500 DOWN Close to downtown, large 7 room, suitable for renting rooms, low taxes, low heating. Immediate possession. Try your offer tonight. Call 728- 9466, CHADBURN STREET 5 room briok bungalow, pov- ed drive, spotless condition. Other interests forces owner to sell. Asking $3000 down. ONLY $13,900. 6 room brick bungalow with walkout bosement, extre large lot with full grown trees in the back yard, Call tonight 728- 9466 Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. Will co-operate with any other real estate compony. 723-2031 After hours 723-4134 John (Steve) Rosnik | DOUGLAS BA: (Steve) Zurba 25 Bond Street West 728-9466 ~~ Electrically Heated Rancher, Double Garage, | with | Breezeway Attractive, owner built home with natural fireplace, 13' x 27' of ponelled recreation room with hardwood flooring. Three large bedrooms. Situ- ated on a lot 81' x 185'. An- nual taxes only $255, Asking $5,000 down. For more infor- mation call Bill Miller 725- 1186 or 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. braemor gardens SETTING THE PACE FOR OSHAWA BULLIED REALTOR 333 King St. West 723-1168 APARTMENT BUILDING SIX PLEX, central location, just 3% years old. Complete- ly equipped with stoves and refrigerators, washer and dry- er, fully leased. An excellent investment. FOUR ROOM FRAME BUNG- ALOW with paved drive on large lot Well maintained home in @x- cellent location with a large family size price $9,000 kitchen. Full ATTRACTIVE AND APPEAL- ING SIX ROOM BRICK BUN- GALOW ~~ with paved drive ° ond patio at rear situated on a well landscaped lot Home is well maintained with a finished rec-room p lus an extra stool in the basement. Complete with screens and aluminum storm door. Phone for an appointment to inspect these and othe: erties John C. Howson Bob r prop- Hobbs Member of the Oshawa and District Reol Estate Board STEVENSON RD. N. AND ANNAPOLIS TRADES ACCEPTED on four new homes by Hogen- boom Construction starting ot $17,265 on Wilson Road North S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 OPEN HOUSE Daily 2 - 5 p.m., or pointment,. Homes with winter works bonus. by ap- $500. Follow Park Rd. S. to Phillip Murroy Ave. JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor Phone 728-7377 WOULD YOU LIKE" three ----~ iplus den, sent roe, living reem, kifenhe sepa veh bullt-ly home. lot or car as a down payment on ajoven and attached garage, new home. For mare information phone|priced? Call and ask for particulars trom SchotleldeAK 1728-6286, 5, D. Hyman Real ited, ~ ea, Estate Lim-|irene Brown 725-3867 of or 723-2265, bedrooms, rate dining stove ond reasonably er Limited | AND I'M WILING TO | MAKE THE PRICES TALK" | SAYS BUILDER | $999 down for new detached | 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom side split design with Hollywood kitchen and old fashioned pantry. Includes built - in range and oven, storms and screens, walk-out patio sliding gloss doors. Beautiful in every way ond loceted an select homesites in desirable west end community with public, separate and high schools close by. Modern shopping is within walking distance, 15 minutes to South Plant. Other N.H.A. mortgage carrying for 3 bedroom homes on one $98 monthly including inter- est, principal and taxes, Down payments as low as $679. You phone me, the builder, now and let me tell you about the finest home values in the Oshawa orea, Phone 839- 3461 or 364-3115, between 10 a.m. ond 9 p.m. please ! OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA ond DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD ONE - YEAR - OLD, three-bedroom brick bungalow in spotless condition. Large stone fireplace. Bow window in living. room. Many other extras. Nicely land- scaped lot, close to schools end shopping. Asking $17,900 with $4,000 down, For fur- ther information call Margaret Hall, 723-1358, Schofield-Aker Ltd. COLUMBUS United Church Manse, eight room, two-storey brick, modern kitchen, two stairways, Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 Keith Peters Realty Ltd, THREE-YEAR-OLD six room ranch bun- galow with attached garage on good lot in one of Oshawa's better developed subdivisions. All. nicely decorated and landscaped and offers you almost 1200 sq, ff. of ilving area. Lovely kitchen. For further details and appointment te see call Malble 'Boudreau of Schofield- Aker Limited at 723-2265 or 728-2233 anytime. APARTMENT building, al! in excellent? condition and centraliy located. Contains five two-bedroom apartments equipped with stoves and fridges, al! nicely decor- ated, laundry room with dryer, hot water oil heating, paved drive, steady income. Priced at $40;800 with $10,000 down. For full details call Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. Carl Olsen, Realtor. REPAIR SHOP including three-ba ge rage and showroom, and operated as ine dependent service garage with two self contained apartments, semi-detached. Lo- cated in northeast end of the city, $8,000 down, Balance on easy terms. 728-9466, Steve Zurba Realtor |20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 20)