4 VER OF AS 6/LLY A@ ALOT OF TWiiK er GALE. Z NEVER LOVE LETTERS. @ be Fawn Sot ee, AND THAT BENCH OPPOSITE US i$ LETTER DROP NUMBER B. MESSAGES ARE STUCK UNDER THE RIGHT-HAND SIDE WITH CHEWING GTM. "THAT FAT FELLOW FOLLOWING US AND ¥ THIS NEWSBOY ARE ENEMY AGENTS. AND NOW FOR DINNER, HERE'S ONE OF THE BEST By SPOTS IN TOWN nt) ius MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER THAT HORSE DARTIN® BROOT we TILL LIKELY MISS, IAREDO 1S NOW WELL WITHIN IFLE RANGE... 1F HE WAS GOIN' TO SHOOT......' HE/D HAVE GIVEN (TA TRY BY THIS TIME, HAVE TO RE-DO ~~ W] ROY HAD ONLY , i PLANNED To REMOVE THE WALLPAPER AND i iN REDECORATE INHERE cp Po ee BUT HES GONNA THE NEXT ROOM THANKS TO DADDY LITTLE IMITATOR nes y [as 7 1} JL YOU MIGHT TAKE A ND YOUR USUAL IRCUT # J+ THAN USUAL. mente Lamers. / YEAH, ITLL ARE YOU SURE 'LITTLE MORE OFF LIKE TO NOW, BEFORE YOU START JOE, ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS YoU'? _)~| ASK? -- NON® THAT I 4) CAN THINK OF... - _ or BY THE WAY, MUGGS, HOWS YOUR | GRANPPA® HOW ARE 90U DOING IN 6CHOOL® ARE YOU Jy- GOING AWAY THIS y----- ¥, od -- SUMMER ®, e, j SECRET AGENT X93 IT'S NOT MY INTENTION TO TRESPASS ONTO ANY PROVINCE'S JURISDICTION OVER EDUCATION { LAURIER OFFERS A WHICH MANITOBA +. + MAKING A HALF RE COMPROWGE TS OF MANITOBA ANO QUEBEC ADOPT6 +++ 5 ES EJECT THIS COMPROMIBE, AND CAMPAIGN AGAINBT LAURIER AND H/8 LIBERALS, OF HOUR LIGIOUS INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE TO MANITOBA CHILDREN AT THE END OF BACH BCHOOL Day. THE LONE RANGER Y PHIL! ROD'S MAN 11:20 P.M. | 7-4--Leate Show 4--Night Metre 1:30 PA lie 2--Buttato 2:00 P.M 3--Barrie 4--Buftalo ¢--Toronte 7--Buftalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel %--~Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton MONDAY BVENING 5:08 P.M. Ni--Family Theatre 9--Five O'Clock Matinee 8--Supermar Norid of Nature Channei Channel Channel Channel Channet | 9--Abracadabra 7--Fiame in The Wind | 4--Password 2--Moment of Truth 2 PM %--Four of A King $-2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court é~Loretts Young 4--House Party 3--Super |8-2--Tonight Show @--Sulliven Brothers TUMSDAY | 4:00 A.M. | |11--Schnitzel_ House | 4--Captaln Kangaroe Bingo 3:00 P.M. 1]---Spotiight 9--People in Conflict Romper Room | §-2---Another World 7--Dialing For Dougies | 7---General Hospital Girl Talk |¢S--Moment of Truth | 4--Mike's Carnivel | 4=To Teli The truth | 2--Mickey Mouse Club 3:30 PM. 2:30 AM 1--Funny Program Allen 9--I1's Your Move @-2-- You Don'! Say J--The Young Marrieds 63---Take Thirty 4---Edge of Nigh! 4:00 PLM |1i--Dennis The Menace | 9--Mickey Mouse Club &- The Match Game 7---Rocketship 7 +3--As The World | 4--Secret Storm Rocky and His Friends 8:30 A, 9--News: Miss Helen 9:00 A.M t--Leave ft) To Beaver é--Music Hop 6:00 P.M. J--News Central 6--Generation 4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy B--Today, 1965 | 30 PLM. N--Family Theatre Ed. 9--Meta $--Musical Interlude 4--Leave It To Beaver 2--Ann Southern Show 0:00 A.M. | }l--Super Bingo 9--Piaytime With Bobby $-2--Truth or Consequences 63--Canadian Schools 4--News 10:90 AM. li--Father Knows Best li--Rawhide AS %--The Addams Femily ea er Song #-2--Movie é--News, Weather, Sports |"2-AGross Canade 4--Phil. Silvers Show ' 3----No Time For Sergeants ae 6-2--Huntiey-Brinkley News 7--Cheyenne 6--Across Canede 1:00 PM Turne | ?--The Early Show |63--Razzie Darzie 4-The 4.30 Show 2--Woody Woodpecker TUESUAY VE | $00 P.M. li--Family Theatre %--Five O'Clock &--Superman 6-3--Fireball XL--$ | B-Lloyd Thaxton | 2: P.M | &-Leave it To Beaver Music Hop 11:00 A.M VU--Albert J. Steed %--Dear Charlotte 9--The Lucy Show #-2--Concentration 7--Saga of Western Man |&3--Friendly Giant 3--Don Messer'a Jubiiee| 4---Andy of Mayberry $:00 Pm, 1H:15 A.M. 11--Untouchabies %--Does Mother Know 9--Bewltched |. Best $3--Show Of The Week /&3-Chez Helene 4--To Tell the Truth 1130 A.M, 4-I've Got A Secret | %Toronto Today 38 PLM 6-2--Jeopardy $~It's Your Move 7--Price Is Right ' 7--No Time for }@3--Butternut Square ; | 4--The McCoys 1--News Centra Sergeants y 6--Gilligan's Island 4--Andy Griffith Show 12:00 NOON | 4--News, Sports with 9:00 ®. | @-2--Call My Bluff | Chuck Healy ; | 7--Donna Reed Today, 1965 N--Tweive O'clock HIQN | 4 Biwood Glover 30 PM So-Care: Willies | 4--News and Weather yd #-2--Andy Williame ahaa und Fal {11--Family Theatre 7--Wendy and Me wnye: © ss Movie No, 2 @3--Danger Man 9-4-3--News; 4--The. Lucy Show Weather; Sporte 9:30 PLM 12:30 PLM. $-2--Huntley-Brinkley %~--Take A Chance %--1 Love Lucy News 7---Bing Crosby Show 6-2--i'l| Bet 7--Highway Patrol 4--Star Performance j---Father Knows Best 4--Across Canade 4--Searca tor morrow 7:08 P.M ee ge Ee %Noonday Report | \1-Shindig 9--Dr. Kildare 12:48 PLM. %~-The Littlest Hobe 4--Guiding Light | 7--M-Squad P +News, Weather 1:00 PLM. Sports Four Just Men 4--Car 54, Where are 9--December You? $--Matiner 7--Afternoon Show 6--Movie Matinee 4-Meet the Miliere 2--Mike Douglas Show 1:30 PLM. 4:00 PLM. 12:18 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House @-2--Altred Hitchcock 7--Ben Casey | 6@3--Healthier, and Wiser 4-CBS Reports | lor P.M é--Toronto File 3--Musical Showcase 0 FM Lib -O4)2--News Weather and Sports thite PLM. Wealthie Bride 3--Candid Camera 2-The Detectives ne PL, %--Let's Sing Out 62--M: Novak | 7--Combat lin-Mid Day Matinee #-On The Scene 9--Milllonaire 4--Danny Thomas. Show 4---As The World Turne | }--Wendy end Me &~-Viewpolnt %Matro Final YOUR HEALTH Porphyria Disease That is Incurable ew By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD)be triggered by two much sun- Dear Dr. Molner; My 13 year-|shine; the use of barbiturate old daughter has porphyria, | medications: some infections; which I am told is incurable or attacks may occur during Please tell me what it is, and|menstrual periods if it can be fatal, in language 1) can understand.--Mrs. R. W. Certain necessary in the body are colored, hence;mon consequences. are called pigments. Blood isisymptoms and muscle weaknes red: other pigments control the/may occur. One of the diagnos color of the skin, hair, eyes.jtic signs is that urine is discol- They are present for purposesjored and becomés a dark bur- other than merely giving color, gundy on standing. Then chemi- of course. The red, iron-contain-|cal analysis reveals the pres- ing cells of the blood, are thelence of porphyria cells which carry oxygen, for) 'The underlying cause is. an one example inherited trait--in short, it is Now when the body is unable|hereditary, but it is not overly to handle certain of these pig-|common ments properly, we have a dis-/INCURABLE CURED ease called porphyria. (Other) -It is incurable, but you must diseases can involve other pig-not think of it in terms of a ments. Jaundice is one exam-|fatal disease. Indeed, some pa- iple.) tients recover from it automat- With porphyria, attacks canlically over a period of years, ' may be affected, but violent ab- TELEVISION LOG | Matinee | | 13. Brawny | 14, Reduce | 16, Poker | 17, Bet | 19. Greek | | | 26, Immense | 29. Enrage | 32, Bang, as DONALD DUCK 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, Mey 10, 1965 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individue) Championship Pley) FAMOUS HANDS West dealer, East-West vulnerable. NORTH aKQis 9Q838 Q104 1064 EAST osose ess ist aa eke o758 HAQIOSS2 The bidding: 'West North East South. Pass Pass Pass 16 (1) ig 1@ INT snT Opening lead--seven of hearts. Board 54 in the 1059 Italy-U.8. match was the most amazing deal of the entire tournament. The final contract at both tables was three notrump. The Italian declarer went down six! ; The American declarer made five notrump! The contract would have gone down against proper defence! The United States gained 760 points on the deal. These oddities require some explanation. When Belladonna was declarer for Italy, he won the jack of hearts with the king and led the A-Q of clubs, which held, followed by another club which Stakgold won. Stakgold returned the five of hearts. Belladonna played the three of diamonds! Harmon (West), thinking East had the missing heart, played the nine. Dummy played the queen, At this point, Averelli (North) asked Belladonna whether he had any hearts, Belladonna said he did, and the tournament di- rector was called, In accordance with the laws, Belladonna was permitted to correct his revoke. He substituted the heart six for sHarmon was also permitted to change his play (as stipulated in the laws) to the ac eof hearts in- stead of the nine. But dummy's queen play (as provided in the laws) could not be changed. It was a legal play. Harmon thereupon cashed five T 410542 @A109742 oKI2 &---- [HE'S BEEN LETTING Me )) ------{_ WEAR IT! ey rs DONALDS! ---- COOL. mit CROSSWORD AOROSS 1. Perched 4, Shade 7. Reigning beauty 9, Beneath 12, Injuries 6. Former British prime minister 7. Foundation 8, Apple- taster 10, Lizard 11, Cereal grain 5 15, Self sauna serene 18, Complete 80, Cebine Saturday's Anewer costumes monkey 19, High priest .Liberace's 38, Clothes 20, Shade of instrument sl. brown .---~~ relief 39, Before 21, Portion of 5, Forth 40, Insane a curved Russian 42. Con- line river fronted AY eZ Til in rank stake letter , 22. Western state 28. A strip 31. Female sheep the foot 34. Contest 37. In same place 41. Gold 43. Girl's name 44. Gaze lite! 45. Finished 46. Rent 47, Distress signal DOWN 1, Slender 2. Permit 3, Last Various systems of. the body; chemicals|dominal pain is one of the com-| Mentalj/-- will and -- 4, Center 5. To dig out a a UY §-10 |Negro anthem |South |which strongly opposes the rul- heart tricks and Belladonna went down six. At the other table, Fishbein (South for U.S.) became de- clarer. He also took the heart with the king and played three rounds of clubs, East won with the king and could have defeat- ed the contract by returning a spade, but he led back a heart instead, West took the ace and return- ed a heart, thus handing Fish- bein nine tricks on a silver plat- ter, Both defenders then held on to their spades as the clubs were run and Fishbein won the last two tricks with the 7-5 of dia- monds to end one of the most fantastic hands in world cham-. pionship history, Blowing In Wind Banned From Air JOHANNESBURG (AP)--The government - franchised South African Broadcasting Corpora- tion has stopped its disc jockeys from playing Blowing In The Wind, which they had been broadcasting for months. The close association of Blow- ing In The Wind with U.S. civil rights demonstrations had not been realized by broadcasting officials. The South African Broadcasting Corpor ation {fs often regarded in South Africa as the mouthpiece of Prime Minister Hendrik F. Verwoerd's white-rule segregationist gov- ernment. The general theme of Blowing In The Wind is freedom. Race, a touchy subject in South Af- rica, is not specifically men- tioned. The strongest line is "How many years can people exist before they're allowed to be free?" We Shall Overcome, almost @ in the United States, has been adopted by the African Liberal party, ing white nationalist ment, SALLY'S SALLIES govern: Bra cas fast CHAE ae rH ATAWAY Se enough, dear; let's try thataway." although they sured,." lide which is put in drinking There is no specific treatment.|water the same as that which Rather, the goal of the doctorjis found naturally in some lo- (and the patient) is to preventjcalities? What is fluoride made attacks, In the main this meansjof? Is it available in drug avoiding excessive sun, espe-jstores?--J. C. S. cially if the skin seems:to be] Generally speaking, sodium affected in attacks; avoiding/fluoride is used in drinking wa- barbiturates in any form; andjter; when found naturally in treating infections promptly. (It}water it is more usually calcium is wise to avoid sulfa, however.)|fluoride. Either contains fluor- If sedation is needed, tranquil-line, which is the important ele izers may be used, but not!ment. Fluorine isn't made of barbiturates Steroids _ (corti-\anything. It's a chemical ele sone-type) hormones sometimes|ment, Tablets can be obtained jare tried. 'from druggists. haven't been} Dear ] Dr. Moiner: Is the fluor- COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. ot Church St. 728-6341 OPEN ------ DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Doys o Week @ Fresh Fruits © Vegetobles ® Meots FREE DELIVERY © Groreries