4 er eca momar catia @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, May 8, 1965 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR Everything From Soup To Nuts' SEASON'S CHANGE! Curling is recognized as a winter season's sport. The Oshawa Curling Club held its annual meeting, closing out the past season, on Thursday night. But right on the heels of that event comes a couple of notices that the 1965 summer season is already with us. First of all, we'd like to remind all Neighborhood Parks that are interested, that the Oshawa Minor Softball Associa- tion is going to hold its first organization meeting of the season, this Tuesday night, at 7:30 o'clock, at Simcoe Hall, (Simcoe Street South). Each Neighborhood Park wishing to have a boys' softball team, in either Bantam or Midget ranks, this season, is urged to have a representative on hand. There have already been several requests concerning Bantam and Midget boys' softball teams for the coming sea- son and if all interested teams will have a representative on hand, at Tuesday night's meeting, it 1s hoped to get things rolling early. UMPIRES NEEDED! The Oshawa City and District Um- pires' Association, faced with requests to supply official um- pires for several local softball leagues, in this coming sum- mer season, finds itself a little short of available talent. On their behalf, we are hereby issuing an open invitation to any persons interested, to offer their services, to act as an umpire this summer season. This organization {s chiefly con- cerned with the handling of softball games, although they have handled some baseball] league schedules in recent years. Any person interested is asked to contact the Oshawa City and District Umpires' Association, care of Umpire-in- Chief, Geo. H. Campbell, 110 Ontario Street, Oshawa, Regis- tration involves no obligation, nor any fee, however accep- tance of membership is restricted to the majority vote of THE ROYALS, 1964 - 65 champions of the Lander- Stark Classic 10-Pin Bowl- ing League, are here dis- playing the Congress Trophy. Left to right, the |Pin League officially ended an-|Harry Blohm and George Bra- jother fine season with an enjoy-igin. team members are George Brabin, Rolf Rocker, Doug Gibbs and Wess Richards. George and Harr y Lander-Stark League Ends Classic Season The Lander-Stark Classic Ten-jto Ray George, Doug Vann,)Ken Fisher, Doug Vann, Ray| more ri Witterick receiving handsome trophies for! 4.0 BASEBALL LEADERS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS National League AB | Gaels Win In Exhibition The Oshawa Green Gaels de- Coleman, Cinci. feated the Long Branch Junior J. Alou, S. Fran. 9417 34 .362|Lacrosse Club 20-7 in an exhibi- Tracewski, L.A.. 42 8 15 .357|tion Junior Lacrosse game at Runs--Mays, San Francisco,|the Oshawa Civic Auditorium 21. last night. Runs Batted In--Banks, Chi-| The Gaels were led by lanky cago, 28. Hits--J. Alou, 34. Doubles--Kranepool, 8. Triples--Morgan, Houston, 3. Home Runs--Mays, 10. Stolen Bases--Wills, Los An- geles, 14. Pitching--Giusti, Houston and Gibson, St. Louis, 5-0, 1.000. Strikeouts--Gibson, 45, American League AB RH Pet. City 45 7 429 58 16 B45 65 16 338 |Kranepool, N.Y, Alne, Phila. Huntsville who scored five goals. Phil Clayton netted three mark- ers, while Gaylord Powless and Jim Higgs ha d a pair each. Single goals were scored by Ken Thompson, Neil Armstrong, Larry Lloyd, Stan Kolesnik, Joe Kiwior, Fred Greenwood, Ross Jones and Dave Houston. The Gaels showed effectively again the value of strenuous pre- season work-outs under their coach Jim Bishop. For Long Branch it was their first game of the season and they were lacking their star of last. year, Paul MacDonald. Glen Toddman Runs Batted In--Schaal, Los|with two, and Bob Sicinski, Don Angeles and Oliva, Minnesota,/Cox, Jim Campbell, Joe Cope- 16 jland and Eric Rimmer with sin- Hits Campaneris; Kansasigies were the marksmen for City, 6 iLong Branch Doubles--Tresh, New York, 9,| The Gaels will work out Mon Triples Blasingame, Wash-day night in preparation for ington and Versalles, Lae An-janother pre-season game with geles, 4 jthe Peterboro Seniors at the Home Runs Mefare, Balle; Auditorium next Thursday even- more, Gentile, Kansas City andjing. Peterboro are anxious to Schaal, 6 gain revenge for the 0-6 loss) Stolen Bases fialti the Gaels gave them last Sun-| day in the opening game hoth teams Manager |Mathews, K. Wagner, Cleve. Green, Boston Manitilla, Bos 63 6 B33 Cater, Chicago (4w 328 Runs--Green and Wagner, 16 Aparicio Pliching--Moberta, Baltimore 1.000 forward Brian Thompson from) would Olympics tional hockey team than (urn of weeks and certainly didn't has scored more than 200 goals years, is one of three recruits selected by Edmonton Oil Kings Canadian junior fall. before 1 consider a pro. con- terview. gree more easily with the na- forjorganized Canada's first F re d{national Whalley of the Gaels had hoped|Olympics) Education First Says Hockey Star By BOB TRIMBEE EDMONTON (CP) Fran Huck, one of Canada's most publicized junior hockey stars, rather reach the 1968 with Canada's na- Four. of 14 penalties taken by Niagara Falls came as a result of infractions against Huck. "I wasn't too happy with my play in the game," Huck said. "I've been off skates a couple skate or carry the puck well, 1 can do much better." Defenceman Jim Cardiff of Weyburn and netminder Wayne Stephenson of Winnipeg, the other two Oil King recruits, also hope for better things when the series resumes Monday night. "It's not too easy to live out of a suitcase." said Cardiff, "but the three-day layoff will help us more than it will Fly- ers." Edmonton, which has lost six straight Memorial Cup games : since winning the 1963 title, "I've got two courses to com-|have scheduled two-hour work- plete (at the University of Sas-jouts daily until the next game. katchewan) this summer tof > give me my first year in arts I think 1 can complete my de- professional. The 160-pound centre, who for Regina Pats in the last two for the current © best-of-seven hockey final against Niagara Falls Flyers. Huck says he hopes to join the national team at Winnipeg next "I want to finish university tract," he said Friday in an in- Mantle Having Leg Troubles WASHINGTON (AP) -- 'Mickey can't run," said New York Yankee manager Johnny Keane. "It's as simple as that." Thus Keane acknowledged that the Yankees' $100,000 out- tionals team. "I've always wanted to play in the Olympics and Father Bauer (Rev. David Bauer who truly team for the 1964 recently talked to than if I join a pro io line up a game with Brook-|me about the prospects of join- lin for Sunday night but nego-jing the nationals lations fell through ; "A lot of people don't realize John Davis sat out last night's the good talent the team has game but it is hoped when his)and the difficulties it has to get case is heard next week, @ »eady for overseas competition. appeal by Peterboro Senior) after 1968 will be soon enough about his status, that he will beitg think about pro, Too many available for the opening league) niayers jump into pro ranks be- game against St, Catharines|!oee they ate ready." 3 ee ee Huck, 19, still has a year of "might be looked on... as aljunior eligibility, but says the In a convocation address at the|sort of collective psychiatrist|current Memorial Cup series Lakehead College of Arts, trying to establish the facts and|Will be his last, action with a Science and Technology, he|then to make the patient look/ Junior club. said the royal commission onj,at them serenely and objec- FAVORS MONTREAL bilingualism and biculturalism tively. MOHAWK RESULTS FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile. (Pace) for, Also Started: Dominion K Bomb, Larry three- and four-year-olds. Purse $800 (8). Dillard, Billy G. Exprese, Royal Alex, Mighty Bachelor, Feagan 2.90 2.40 2.30 and Silver Laird Invincible Pick, Silliphant 4.10 3.50 Macky Direct, McFadden 5.50 SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) Also Started: Apachies Pride, Stormy three-year-olds. Purse $1,500 (6) Grattan, Amber Chief B, Girlie Dillon, Keen Freight, Arthur and Cornellia Adios. SECOND RACE -- 5' Furlongs (Trot) for three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (7) Willy Tass, McDougall 7.50 4,00. 3,40 Star Boot, Radley 7.60 5.80 t Tony Worthy, Millman 6.00 Bonspiels"' | Also Started: Determine, Judy Burton, : .,' |Worthy Wonder and Buckaroo. ( omnes DAILY DOUBLE, 2 AND §, PAID $11.60 bad ~L ral " tee'; John Brock, Club ROS-| tHino RACE -- 5% Furlongs (Pace)| ter'; Al Parkhill, OCA repre-|for three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8) Is GU fa Macb La ; ive: hone, Hill 490 3.50 2.90 oir uit, Lady G, tsentative, were among those Holand Direct, Hie 9.00 4.40 G J McGregor, Jerry Canuck, and Timber who submitted special "conven- ae Homestead Wild Willie, Burrison 4.20 | Hal, farted: Lad, Shirley Brooke, er reports" to the annual meet-|, Also, Started: Ben Lad, Shirley er EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for Ing. Ed' , Brown Bear and Royal Prince Baga belo e three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,500 (8) While the scrutineers counted itt . aitende Shooting Par, Findley 9.40 5.30 2.90 he. bail FOURTH RACE -- ae (Pace) for Karen Sota, McFadden 12.20 4.00 the ballots, on the voting for three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8) Colonel C. Volo, Hayes 2.60 new directors, an interested Futurity Chief, Gordon = 5.00 He eet Also Started: Pierre Herbert, Baron group of members watched a showing of movies, combining DH--Agate, Hayes Atom, Armbro Bingo, Mighty Stein and the annual "closing night" pro- lon An fielder, Mickey Mantle, once again is having trouble with his legs. This time the diag- nosis is a double pull of the muscles in. his right leg. The injury flared up dramat- ically Friday night after Mantle removed himself from the starting Yankee line-up for the first game of a doubleheader against Washington Senators. He went in as a pinch hitter in the eighth inning, rapped a line drive that shortstop Ed Brinkman knocked down and «|took three or four steps toward first base. Then, in obvious pain, he limped toward the dugout. Keane said. later Mantle had orders not to run if the ball went to the infield. Keane said the injury, if ag- gravated now, could knock Mantle out of action "for a long time." He said whether or not lable banquet held at the Hotel) The high single trophy was|their efforts, Strikeouts--Chance, |Genosha. presented to Herman Prakken The Congress Trophy was pre- geles, 31 In addition to guests, Ross|Prakken for his 266 game, the|sented to Ray George, on he Martin, of Cole's Sporting|high triple "silverware" went to|hall of Lander-Stark Oil Limit Goods and Tom Krawchuk,\Jim Thomson for his record|¢d, to the champion Royals with |the Association press reporter,|breaking 682 series and the high| Rolf Rocker, Doug Gibbs, Wess jthe head table included presi-laverage award was picked up|Richards and captain Ge or ge dent Walt Crystal, vice-presi-/by George Brabin for his Oe ee lowed wa i oc oe hie ane: ieee h sy icelved individual trophies, team ide ee '| The Lions received the '89 pictures, ABC chevrons and a The highlight of the evening team triple award for theitltiay cash sum was the presentation of the nu-|?,328 series, while the Royals! 'The League expressed ils ap- |merous team and individual|won the high team single for eciation to the Lander-Stark jawards achieved during the past their 867. Oil Limited for their continued season. Sam Larrocca was rewarded generous sponsorship, to Cole's Heading the list was a special|With this year's ABC Achieve-| Sporting Goods for their weekly "Perfect attendance: award" in|ment Award for raising his av-\Classic League Award and to recognition of five years or 480/¢rage 13 points this season. (Tom Krawchuck, for his excel- consecutive games, without a| The eagles earned ejlent press reporting of the past miss, and these were presented'league's runner-up award withiseason Oshawa Curling Club Has Annual Meeting Bob Patte, 'Club Oscar Parker '"Dancx existing members. BOXING, already regarded as one of sport's tainted cousins, received another blatk eye yesterday when they shifted the Cassius Clay - Sonny Liston fight from Boston, Mass., to Lewiston, Me. We would hasten to point out that the locale of this world's heavyweight championship fight, really doesn't matter a great deal to fight fans of this city. Why? Well, if you want next best to a ringside seat, no matter where they hold the fight, you've got your big chance --via the big TV screen, at the Regent Theatre. Manager Al Hartshorn informs us that he's got the big fight lined up for "video viewing", on March 25 and tickets will be going on sale shortly. The average fight fan, especially on this side of the border, doesn't much care where the fight is held -- he just wants to see either Cassius Clay get his big mouth shut or have him prove that he's really as good as he says, by having him put Sonny Liston out of the running, once-and-for-all. Moving the fight from Boston to Lewiston, where the arena space available is much smaller, should make the special Eidofor program even more popular -- but in the meantime, fight fans are continuing to take an even dimmer view of the way this sport is being manipulated gapiaescesrarerteeemetn needa net amen DIAGNOSES AILMENT PORT ARTHUR (CP)---Can ada shows the symptoms of an emotionally disturbed person unable to face sober reality and seeks refuge in self dramatization, Claude Bissell, president of the University of iToronto, said Thursday night an He hopes to play for Montreal |Canadiens of the National |Hockey League "'if I decide to 'play professional hockey." The Memorial Cup series, which the Flyers lead 2-0, is the second in a row Huck' has played for Oil Kings. A year pig es ago Edmonton lost four straight 4 to Toronto Marlboros. Mantle plays in the next few Pace eincar" -- 3 Huck scored the Oil Kings'|games will be decided on a Also Started: J R Spencer, Mighty only goal in a 5-1 loss Thursday. day-to-day basis. Kawartha, and Kelly Mac Hal. ----$$ $$ sininae dipaeihcal QUINELLA, 5 AND 1, PAID $21.30 FORT ERIE RESULTS FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000 Ciaim-) Ing Maiden three and four-year-olds. Floyd, Arctic Swirl, Dark Fairy and Aged Foaled in Canada. 1 Mile and 70 yards Dust. A-Shancel Stables and A. "Blanco a) entry. Ti-Lanky Planky, Montg'y 12.60 3.90 2.90 Winner, dk b or br c, 4, by Nirgal -- éMerry Barque, Gomez 2.70 2.50 Floriana, by War Relic. Pool $50,400. 7-Palm Oasis, Gordon 5.80 Also Ran in Order: Chips of Bive, EIGHTH RACE -- Willie D., Sagamo Sade, Darbykin, Mas-\ing. Four-year-olds ter Himount, Niagara Miss, Happy June fongs. (7) and Lumpy Lena 7-Sky Spark, Winner, b ¢ 4, by Crafty Admiral -- 'Barleycorn, Mabwell ; ee Oe Tee er casi | Also Wan fe Cree Spanking ® Minutes of the former annual Lid 1 . Dai '00! 386. i rder: Spankin reeze, ; 4 ot i¢.| ' é ae oe Barbera. Bain, Admiral Arniore "ar|ious club officials and commit-/meeting were presented to the SECOND RACE -- Purse $1,900. Claim-|Vinevards. Winner, dk b or br g, 5, byjtee chairmen and the members;membership in writing, © along for Also Ran in Order: Weil to do, Flippin SEVENTH RACE --- 1 Mile (Pace) for three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,200 (8) Dill Will, Vander Poel 11.10 5.80 3,50 Silver Ronnie, Hawke 440 3.50 Armbro Eclipse, McKinley Members of The Oshawa Curl-| The meeting observed a min- ing Club attended their annualjute's silence in memory of de- meeting, on Thursday| parted members, Don Brock- this week, when tema, Russ Gay, Herman Lapp and Bill Ridgley. Purse $2,200. Claim- and up, 64 F ur. Official 7.90 3.80 3.00 -- > 150 270 Ports of the 1964-65 season's ac- 3.50 tivities were presented by var- European Vacation Bargain: :, AN EXTRA WEEK OF ENJOYMENT FOR ONLY © Harris NINTH RACE --- 1 Mile (Pace) for *hros-year-olds and up. Purse $1,200 (7). Magic Millie, Pacey 3.50 2.70 2.40 Lee JOHNSTON, Hicks 4.70 three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,000 (8). Reed's Dream, Kingston 4.90 Inor Mac, Beitlich 0 4.70 3.40, Also Started: Negiey Hal, Star John. Oister Saint, Gordon 4,40 3,00) ston, Brother Bob, and Maud's Boy. Peter Abbey C, Coke 3.80!Attendance 4,717. Total Pool $242,930. cn clomid a Te-Roman Dipper, Parker 3.00 2.30 Attendance 4 949. E d Lsnend | The election of directors saw the membership in writing. M4 |Fred D, Garrard and Lloyd|While the treasurer's report in- DH HI Acree, Averitt, Stirton feroa iow Bliss and Mi Madcap. Late Scratch -- H joyd's Honor, nm Art's "Treat, AD Kem. P and 'Phoe Ix Leblanc Wins ees Jack Perry and Bob Patte./ficit during the past year, the)grams of recent years. DH---Dead heat for second position Winner, or ¢ 4, by Stella Aurate -- They join club directors Don|purchase of new furniture and clidwikk thi, the. annua FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for Whiskey Sour, by Double Scotch, i { 'a John Leblanc can sit quietly iniKeel, Harry Gay, Bill Jack, Bob THIRD RACH -- Purse $2,000 Claiming) '"e Jockey's room at Fort Erie| Mercer and Oscar Parker and! iy manager Fred Moss, in|-- = his report, showed that the) pF ing Four-year-olds and up. 6 Furiongs (8)|Cosmic Bomb -- Rip Roarin, by Mount elected their new directors, for|with the treasurer's financial Pool $49,769, 325. : , ' § 4Bioini Bill, Harris 6:30 3.40 2.60) Marcy. Pool $49,749, Total Pool $360,325.| 1+ ensuing terms. |report. Each was approved by Order: Bronze Turkey, Navy Grand, Susie's Roman, A-Wedded y "Waddy" Oke returned to the/dicated that the club had oper- Third, Glendale Joe, Rocky Senator, end Stable entry. 7 M R board, along with new nomin-jated on a small financial de- Lady's Pride H. DAILY DOUBLE Lanky Planky (11) and Bimin! Bill (4) PAID $72.30. wo ore aces whiskey. 'se ORT ERIE, Ont. (CP)--|Crothers, Jim Timmins, Dou gjother equipment made this re- meeting of Oshawa Curlers Lim: spel port very favorable. ted. wan held Foaled In Canada, 1 Mile and 70 yards/and his presence is barely no-limmediate past-president Jack ie ticed. But when he takes to al Judge as the board to conduct i Sea Day, in 2 Se Vic, Color Her Fleet, Jet Fanny, Edn's Attack White Wheels and Susan's Prince. the fifth and seventh races Fri- itch -- Bodwenni Winner, b g, 3, by Snow Boots -- Missus, by Natural. Pool $38,515. 2 ,. Choreography, which returned) Fs E Malden Two-yerrolss, Fosied' In/$27.10, $9.20 and $4.80, then olla oni peomaent tor' ineees Big Rocky in a . 3.10 3.29 behind 8.00 $32.40, $7.80 and $5.20 across the Ing Malden Two-year-olds. Canada. 4\4 Furlongs (12) 7-Count Lively, Gomez SHair Dresser, inovye 9-Royal Faran, Armstrong Also Ran in Order: Stan's Kay, toria, Blue Chintz, Gay's Royal Page Left Wing, Mighty Striker, Iced and New Canadian Winner, ch ¢, by Shepperton. 15.80 5.40 4.40 Sec- 2, by Impel -- Mietress, . Peol $40,808, FIFTH RACE Purse $2,000 Claiming Four-year-olds and up. One and one léth Miles (6) 2-Choregraphy, Lebianc S-Wind Wave, Harrison éMoney More, Inouye Also Ran in Order: Plucky Crest, A Real Black and Cloud IV. Late Scratch A-J. Sikura Jr. and 27.10 9.20 4.80 Choreography LI and Wind PAID $182.00. ak b or br g, by War Dow --| pDianky and Bimini Bill returned| Mike's Lil, by Omission. Pool $18,349. Quinella Pool $22,945 SIXTH RACE and four-year-olds 6 Furlongs (9) 6&Daring Bull, Harris S-Aliruiiah, Harrison la-Black Diver, Leblanc Also Ran in Order: Gay Bridie, A-Bor deau Bar, Fleet of Roses, Butterscotch, Holy. Cow and Willie's Date Winner, be, 3, by Bull Page -- Adaria S., by Adaris, Pool $45,939, A-Staffords Farms entry SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,900 Allow - Purse $2,400 Thr Foaled in Canada. 10.60 6.90 5.00 25.30 9.60 3.10 atten- Leblanc rode the winners of day--both at whopping prices.|hoard of directors in turn elect- He won the fifth race with! come-from-| vietory which paid! board They were Leblanc's 15th and {6th wins of the meeting and boosted him into a tie for third place in the leading jockey derby Big Rocky, owned by Stafford 1640 700 Farms, was the surprise winner) 3.50 of the seventh and featured An-} gola Purse. The big four-year- old son of Nirgal hadn't won a race in two starts. The daily double of Lanky $72.30 while the quinella of Choreography and Wind Wave paid $182. The attendance was 4,949, and handle $360,325. Willingdon Cup Regulations Set the club's activities for the 1965- 66 season. Following the election of di-| rectors, by the membership, the ed the officers for the coming with Jim Timmins as his first vice-president and Doug Keel as his 2nd vice-president. Jack Judge, as immediate past-president, will again re- sume his former duties as sec- jretary-treasurer of The Oshawa Curling Club. President Jack Judge was| chairman of Thursday night's| meeting, and in his report of} |stewardship for the past season,| \he systematically reviewed the club's various activities. He paid glowing tribute to the various committee chairmen and bonspiel chairmen, pointing out that these club-minded mem- bers deserved credit for carry- ing out successfully the sea- son's activities Ice-maker "Joe" Roberts and) \his staff, club caterer Dick Lee, \club manager Fred Moss, were jamong those singled out by the | president, for special praise and 'credit for the success of the | club's operations had produced a profit. L. M. Souch presented the Dixon Trophy to Fr. J. C. Perey- ma and his winning rink. Past- president "Al" Parkhill present- ed The Ernie Parsons Trophy to Doug Grant's rink and Chas. Peacock made the official pre- sentation of The Geo. W. Mc- Laughlin Trophy to skip "Bev" Smith and his winning rink. CHAIRMEN'S REPORTS Reports of the season's activi- ties, as conducted by various committee chairmen, constitut- ed a major share of the annual meeting's business, | "Waddy" Oke reported on the club's annual 3-day bonspiel. Di- rectors Bill Jack and Bob Mer- cer, respectively, reported on the work of the membership and house committees, with the for- mer revealing that the club still had a "waiting list" of 96 mem- bers. "Gi" Goulding, Boxing Day Bonspiel; Don Crothers, bulle- tin; Leon Gunn, mixed curl- ing; Bill Miller, Sunday even- ing curling; George Campbell, "Moonlighters Bonspiel"; "Wad- dy" Oke, ice committee; Jim Timmins, I'VE HAD MY CAR. SAFETY CHECKED! $11.80 MORE! Plan to sail to or from Europe (both ways, if you have the time) -- and you'll enjoy a week's va- cation for only $11.80 extra. Summer season jet economy air fare from Montreal to Holland is $282.20. In an outside double cabin on Main Deck aboard the fully air-conditioned s.s. Ryndam, it costs $294.00-- only $11.80 more. (Many ac- commodations on the Ryndam cost even less than air fare:) And how much more you really get. A week of glorious sea travel, swimming, deck sports, marvelous Dutch cuisine and service, dancing, parties and movies...plus a generous 275 pounds free baggage allowance. And you arrive thoroughly relaxed and refreshed, See your travel agent now. Pay later plan available, From Montreal: June 6, June 30, July 24 (lower fare on Thrift Season sailings: Aug. 17, Sept. 11, Oct. 5, Oct. 30, Nov. 23) From New York: Sailing every Friday: s.s. Ri » Nieuw A or Statendam. Also reguier departures of the popular Maasdam TORONTO (CP)--Officials of 1964-65 season. e Ontario Golf Association ---- 32.40 7.90 5.20 Friday announced qualifying 310 410 regulations for the four places Pot sonata on the 1965 Willingdon Cup RIDERS SIGN TWO team for the interprovincial OTTAWA (CP) -- Ottawa team championship. Rough Riders of the Eastern| The four low scorers in the Football Conference today an-|combined 54-holes of the On-| nounced the signing of two im-|tario Open championships June port regulars from last season |24 26 at Oakville and the 18-hole Offensive end Ted Watkin siq tl alifying round for the from University of Pacific will/Ontario amateur championship be returning for his third sea-|will comprise the team. son with the Riders. Guard Ken| The four-man squad will -com-| Lehman, 23, from Xavier Uni-|pete against representatives of| versity, will be starting his sec-|the other provinces Aug. 9 and ond year with Ottawa. '10 in Winnipeg. "Open _ Bonspiels"; and the one-class Prinses Margriet. SAIL A HAPPY SHIP nletiitetal FROM MONTREAL OR NEW YORK TO IRELAND, ENGLAND, FRANCE, HOLLAND, GERMANY | a ances Four-year-olds and up. 6 Furlongs th (9) 7-Big Rocky, Leblanc la-Shook 2nd, Dittfach Va-Spook Rider, Harris Bowmanville Golf & Curling Get your car checked FREE at the Safety Check Lane Commerce and Transportation Bldg. 40 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ont, -- Tel. Em, 3-8221 JZ v Beside Police Station, Oshawa Club MON., MAY 10 -- FRI. MAY 21 12 noon - 4 p.m. 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. @ Free Examination for all passenger cars and small trucks, ° | old or new, commercial or private. JUNIOR "B" LACROSSE | ONLY 10 MINUTES @ Quick Service--the complete 38 point check takes no Sunday May Q ved 2 p.m. longer than ten minutes. FROM OSHAWA e No charge--this safety check is offered as a free public Whitby Arena : | e te I receive an "'approved" sticker if your Ask about Special Rates for Week TORONTO MOHAWKS Day and Family Memberships... vs WHITBY LASCO STEELERS | car meets the required standards. They are available. Admission -- Silver Collection For Reservations and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST, €AST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 Call Now For Compl Travel A MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OHAWA PHONE 723-9441 OSHAWA SAFETY COUNCIL OSHAWA POLICE DEPARTMENT In Co-operation With REMEMBER, AGOOD DRIVER 1S AS SAFE AS HIS VEHICLE! LEAGUE PLAY WELCOMED Phone 623-2670 FOR TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL OR SEE FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 KING ST. E. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon..Irwin Haskett, Minister A. G. MacNab, Deputy Minister 728-6201 i