The Cost of Disobedience ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON United Church TH OA THE dy 1687 ------ maywwpem Alters Council Priests Stay In Dominica, I rs ital G é } = 4 | TORONTO (CP)--The United ' g Hot NE \ Fy ae oBaasy wz cue, "ree Despite Evacuation Offer { " sill | iP \ f \ a tj Y ehenges at 5 meeting of its gen- ' | 4 \' : ; . } Fal eral council executive. ORONTO (CP)--Two Romanjmiles west of Santo Domingo. |Falls, Ont. » Rev. Roy E. Webster, associ-/Catholic priests, in a letter to| They estimated 75 Canadian|son, Robert, arived in Ticeate ate secretary of the Board oftheir superiors here, say they|™#Ssionaries were still function-/Wednesday after being caught World Mission, has been ap-'),, ing in other parts of the Do- in the troubled city. |pointed senior secretary of that|"@¥@ ignored an offer from) minican Republic. The isitd board. He will assume his du-|United States troops to help) Rev. Joseph McGuchin, also 7 were Vining See ties July 1, [them evacuate and have de-(of the mission, has heen foreed|(#ughter, Maureen, 22, one of Mrs, Jean Swan Parker has cided to maintain their mission|to remain in El Seibo where he|three Canadian nurses working been appointed the church's as-in the Dominican Republic. | was visiting before the outbreak/at a clinic at Yamasa, 25 miles = - -- ; : sociate secretary of the Board Rev. Paul Ouellette and Rey.|of the revolution. northwest of Santo Domingo, of Colleges and Secondary|Lawrence Hart of the suburban) The missionaries have been when the revolution began. Rejected as Israel's king, Saul falls David defeats Israel's enemies and When Saul falls asieep in the cave Sayi and his sons are' killed in @ (Schools, effective Aug. 1. |Scarborough Foreign Mission|receiving shipments of food and as a min-|said in the letter received here|clothing at the Port of Hina and| They were then transferred to into deep melancholia, David is is adored by the people. Envious of where David is hidden, he spares his battle w j ; ; innit pow ; : ' iB ith the Philistines and their | Mr. Webster serv: arate + ine neléee 90 olay Aas seoath be bs Rag to kill life but cuts off part of the king's bodies desecrated. The Israelites re- |ister in Orillia and Agincourt|Wednesday that they wereldistributing it to Dominicans,|a smaller vessel which took a fav with a avid, ied by friends, David es: robe as proof of his mercy, Remorse- cover the bodies and bury them with |before his appointment as as-|given the opportunity to evacu-jamid skirmishing troops, in|them te San Juan, Leo go Their daughter sta a- the royal household.--I Samuel 16:14- capes but is pursued by Saul's ful, Saul begs forgiveness.--1 Samuel hono: nna. ' . rgive - rs.---1 Samuel 31, sociate secretary to the Boardjate shortly after gunfire broke|Santo Domingo. 23; 18;1-5. armies,--I Samuel 18:6-30. 24:1-12. GOLDEN TEXT: Proverbs 16:5,6, [of World Mission in January,jout only 300 feet from thelr Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs.imasa to care for the sick and 1961. quarters at Port of Hina, eight\James Gardner of Niagara! wounded. BIBLE LESSON: ISRAEL REJECTS SAUL, ACCEPTS DAVID Spirit Of Lord Descends On David 3 | By R. H. RAMSEY their adoration frustrated Saul|which David pauses in his flight)uel 1:6-10. Having rejected Saul as king] ti his jealousy and envy knew] long enough to cut off a piece of} As the Israelites retreated be- : of Israel, Samuel anoints David)"° bounds. ithe sleeping king's robe andifore the onslaught of the Philis- to be the successor to the| The first cause of . Saul's !ater presents it to Saul as proofjtines all three of Saul's sons t|he had spared his life when he'were killed. Saul himself was! & Sais oe throne. As the Spirit of the Lordjhatred of David was the fact) Ppa . descents upon David, bringing that when he returned from his could have easily killed him. | wounded several times by ar-| wisdom and strength, it de-|military victories his name) This realization brought re-\rows and asked his armor-| parts from Saul, and is replaced brought greater acclaim from| Morse to Saul and a confession bearer to slay him so he would by an "evil spirit from the,the women of Israel, than did|that he had been wrong andjnot fall into Philistine hands : Lord" which troubles him, re-|the name of King Saul. The gec-| Navid og behaved righteously,| while still living. When the ar| we a) @ & ducing him to periods of deep|ond cause was Saul's realization| Now fully aware that David was|mor-bearer refused, Saul took e a eco u f I 4, if Safe under the protecting care his own life by falling upon his| ils AE on? r despair and melancholy. jthat David conducted himse , honorably at 'all times, which)9f God, and that he was doomed sword, one of the very few sui-| FP pata Oe VK 'ecing ine|served only to point out the|indeed, Saul binds David with |cides among the Israelites for) had king in these moods, for they;™arked contrast between the) in oath nat te desteey thelsell - destruction was URnOWA) s ein ntro uce Fs | cosveseld § s, lcharacters of the rejected king) House of Saul after the kingjamong the chosen people pe pa melee might land God's anointed. died; a vow that David honor-| When the Philistines dieses : na Macke| Saul schemed to slay the ably kept. ered the bodies of Saul and his| y the attacks la ceca aman | tg gal ag P| altacks| joung David as he played be- MEET TRAGIC END sons, they stripped them of their} e igo Shen one of fore him, and twice actually at-| The tragic end of King Saul/armor and nailed them to the| Not Just One Label eee Choose from 50 or More! j : e Ae | rde y cast--and his sons came as Israel) wall of agan temple at Reth- rants '1 ted David,|tempted to murder him by cast Srael) wall of a pag ple at | the servants suggested David, | 2 javelin at him, Appar-|faced the Philistines, her most|shan, 'The men of Jabesh-Gilead, Thousands of Best Seller New Selections , .. All Top Labels and Artists. OD a i Seceumee tc eT yy bin Bag a pa enily David was aware of the poesia enemy, in battle on the hearing of the insult te Saul and , : ! king's intentions, else he would|Plain of Esdraelon. We find!his sons, made a 2o-mile night) of melancholy fell, pave prayed not have escaped, In these days|similar accounts of Saul's death march to recover the bodies) bd fe] ecor A Month To Buy! soothing music on the harp, and) 9+ testing, Saul failed, becoming! oth in I Samuef 31 and If Sam-;and bury them honorably. | 8 2s = . You alone decide what you want... and when you want it! the evil spirit left Saul. Saul). viirderer in his heart, if not iy gy Pega Adeoggg deed, and David grew in wis- ; % * \dom, stature and popularity, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH } N T f R d A Not only was David often|with the result that Saul be H e re] ota ecoras ear 0 raer far the King when on evil apiru|"ame Rina © Davis HORT PE AT Ee and you save money as you build your music library. for the king when an evil spirit) was upen him, but there arose/ FUTILE EFFORTS Rev, N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A, between David and Saul's son.) One-third of the entire nok Miss Judith Davison, Bac. Mus, | HEN 1 J IN Jonathan, the fast, unselfish' y¢ | samuel is occupied with o_o vi friendship of kindred spirits. |saui's futile attempts to slay es " ata 87 | They were one in their God,| David and,, after his. escape 11:00 A.M oe | bea COMFORT YOU AS in their faith, in their devotion| from Saul, David's wanderings MOTHE?S ~"OMFORT to the divine will.:Jonathan rec-|as he eluded the armies of Saul 2 " | a ei ognized in the young shepherd! In | Samuel 24 we learn Saul 7.00 P.M, -- "SO SEND | YOU. AA the same spirit of sublime faith) has tracked David to the wilder 9;30--Bible School | i aie ) HAE Wit This Beautiful New Apesiin Dich ama aRcaar nn RE See Be inspired him to go forth alone|heen living in a cave. The|| | NEEL E with his armor-bearer to attack|weary king retires to a caye to--- | | ht 1} i and capture the Philistine)rest, unknowingly picking the ' 1} if stronghold (I Samuel 14:6-15). |very cave in which David is hid ST GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH yy g { ae eee Stereophonic Hi-Fidelity yeerid Advanced int and in| CHRIST MEMORIAL The Reverend Canon F. G. Ongley, M.A.--Rector gn post | The Reverend R, G. Brooks -- Assistant Phonogr h le for a series of victories which! r ap Cense must have, for a time, restored) (Anglican) with AM-FM Redie . | CHURCH SCHOOLS Nursery Facilities evoiloble et the 11:00 a.m. Service eview Approved} 930 ens 11:00 am R PP | Thursdey, May 13th -- 10:00 A.M, -- Hely Communion | as your free gift! SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.| HOLY COMMUNION (CP)--The Anglican Church in| . eee eee ere - ong lignan Re yeh a. Cae, "SARArGanNeEl. ORR, "ORRIN. posed to appoint a committee to GRACE FA ITH in the Invisible King which had/ness of En-gedi, where he has Nursery and Jr. Church at 11;00 a.m. den, and falls asleep, after PROMOTED RAPIDLY : BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, the army he was responsible, CHURCH the 'supremacy of Israel in) Mory and Hilleroft Streets SUNDAY, MAY 9th -- BASTER III | n. This, plus his upright- a i " Bie - See and sineerity, made him SERVICES 9:00 a.m, -- Holy Communion or instead of a stereo 7 . d ; ; 'i a oh he em -- 11:00 @.m, -- Morning Prayer | console accept this new ee " School-Religion 7:00 P.M. 7:00 p.m, -- Evening Prayer MARCONI TV aie NURSERY CARE--11:00 A.M, | H WEDNESDAY -- 10:00 A.M, it s * review religious instruction in the schools, but at the same a Phone Now-and in addition to iovany move sowares come'! LUTHERAN LUTHERAN CHURCH BONUS TO Your FREE MARCONI Console to any move towards complete-| (Eastern Canada Synod) or TV, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN ly discontinuing such instruc-/ tion. PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Pastor: THE REV. HENRY FISCHER Archbishop W. L. Wright! : REV. HEN Angli Metropolitan of On-) ev. Philip Fiess, Minister r | He Sagres ot two reso- PRES Fs ineen pool yews : er cn lutions on the subject approved diet ues penton by the Ontarie House of Bishops Sund: Servi of the A nateaa' Cheteh at a my. Services 9:45 A.M,.--Sunday School = 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M.--The Service Jobnny Cash's Switchboard Open All Weekerid -- PHONE 728-4605 meeting in Toronto. The first resolution, dealing ith th jernment's decision| SUNDAY SCHOOL C . i" name "+ commie fen 10] MA ONI T MP B D ' And Register Your Name For This ache " Introductory Offer. study religious instruction in the DIVINE WOR ; | . ORSHIP You Are Invited to Worship With Us SkY Sey en iad IN THIS AREA THIS OFFER MUST BE LIMITED! be accorded the Anglican) THE for, the camslderation of this HOW CAN WE DO IT? A 100% Canadian Company that religious instruction in the] 454 Bader Ave 728-6122 itil a ae of members. The key to our success is volume, and we know for, Detca, Capliol, Warner Bros, Inimanal Mule maul alate HARMONY ROAD 94S AM 9:30 A.M. ! an added gift of @ tape recorder to the first 100 members r Cabinet Console, 135 Harmony Rd. South DAY SERVICE | The Church School | JOIN TODAY! MUSIC TOMORROW! 11:00 A.M. "CHRISTIAN : ASSURANCE OF BAPTISM MORNING 'WORSHIP for less than it would ordinarily cost you. generous offer by phoning now! schools, says the church wel- comes this purpose and respect-)-------- - . eS Church, in association with other communions, to present 6 yee resolution deals (ae Racks koe ees Rossiend Rd. W. et Nipigon Wilson Rd. N, at King St. E. Our offer may seem unbelievable to some but let us explain, With the largest catalogue of records ever assembled from every field of music. Country and Western, Jazz, Classics schools be continued. | ee Pi sig ea Director hie 492 Masson Street -- 728-9178 | site a eevee f. atthew ul rh, A,L.C.M, i " ee ee 4 we will achieve this goal by offering every new member a you are now able to build your own Music Library of the . free Marconi Stereo CSonsole or TV just for joining -- and world's finest Stereo Hi-Fidelity records and enjoy them to BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH SCHOOL THE CHURCH SCHOOL : ' CHRISTIAN FAMILY 9:30 A.M. this weekend. Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis fil "A FAMILY MATTER" 11:00 A.M, YOU NEVER PAY MORE THAN 4,98 9:45 Family Bible School 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP | 11:00 A.M. i For ony Stereo records, even though mony .ere valued ot Your Free Marconi Console ond Tepe Recorder is delivered when you Join--ne waiting! There are 12 different Musie Librery Plans end 19 HRIST a8 "a THE : Come ond Wership With Us All Corcialty invited : : FAMILY" ee <== OR. i BBB a en, ein, lait, ellowsnip i i THIS IS THE NUMBER YOU CALL: ligious and lay authorities to 11:00 A.M, 91 Centre St. at Metcalf St fully requests that opportunity) -- -- é ie its views and recommendations KNOX ST LUKE'S ST PAUL'S Aq '§ | % with the church's determination} Minister Rev. G. W. C. Brett, B.A, Minister Rev. Welter Jackse REV, D, R, SINCLAIR, B.A, Bae aitngieus ; We feel we must be generous to quickly build a huge volume ; and all the Broadway Shows. Thanks te Marconi, RCA Vic- their fullest clarity on your ewn Marconi Stereophonic Wood 11:00 A.M. THE SACRAMENT | | higher amounts. You build a Music Library of your choice for different Stereo Consoles to choose from, Take edvontege ef our "Discover the Difference" Special Operators On Duty Every Day Round-the-Clock wwe || saprist cuurce | CALvaRy Baptist : PHONE NOW 728-460 PENTECOSTAL gat Mage oii & CENTRE and JOHN STREETS ur 1 Brigeckivgd Pastor--REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE IMPERIAL MUSIC CORPORATION, 7 BOND ST., OR MAIL THIS COUPON ape | = Gentlemen: | am interested in more information regarding your offer without obligation to me. CHURCH | Pastor: REV, ERNEST WINTER 6 King Street Fast, Oshowa (upstairs) 723-6325 The Whole Gospel to the Whole World Sunday: 10 A.M.---Sunday School 11 AM.--Morning Worship 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 7:30 P.M.--Evongelistic ; 945 AM. -- 11:00 A.M. -- "CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGES" Wed, 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study BIBLE SCHOOL . ' : and Prayer 11:00 A.M 7: P.M. "CONDEMNATION BY OPINION" ' ss eos . ADDRESS ...+s0 Sot, 8:00 P.M.----Young People "STORY OF RUTH" Suse naar ecencennils 1.00 PM 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO fl t ye " FI wick sey MO POWERFUL GOSPEL fo. pe -- WED. 7:45 P.M, Wednesday, 7:45 P.M.--Bible Study ond Prayer QVERYONE WELCOME Bible Study and Prayer NAME .,cnccsscscneucsecesesenss sew