6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, May 8, 1965 NEWS FROM CHURCHES Most Anglican Parishes To Use New Curriculum The Anglican Church's New Curriculum will be in use in most parishes next September. The announcement was made ~-- this week by Rev. Canon G, Ongley of St. George's pn Church In a statement this week, "Perhaps more important than the new materials is the different concept of how real learning takes place. "The Oshawa deanery| 7 churches have been working to-| 7 gether to train leaders in each)" ily Service -- Mrs. L. Wesley) Herbert, wife of the pastor, will) tell the children's story. y 4| Members of Harmony Road Baptist Church will conclude Christian Family Week (in Har-|7 mony Road Public School) with a special hour-program, The theme wif be: yiand the Family." This special day for the fam- ily will centre on "Christ and)" the Blessings which comes tol? 7\Families that Know Christ as|; "Chri Saint George, dragons, was one of the early|be sent to the head office of thejat Burleigh Falls. Members Christian martyrs and was be-|United Church of Canada, andjfrom the headed after his conversion. Rev. N. T. Holmes of Har-|Plan be made supplementary mony United Church was elect-jto the ministers' own pension ed chairman of the Oshawa|plan. Presbytery, United Church of Canada at a meeting in Picker- ing. Other officers elected for thejtario and Quebec will hold its a slayer of It was moven ¢zat a letter|promote the Baptist Camp site Harmony Road to the Conference secretary,;Church and First Baptist asking that the Canada Pension|Church attended. Young people of the mid- Ontario ee He Salva- tion Arm: a Centen- The Ministers' Fellowship of|niaj Youth Council in Kingston the Baptist Convention of On-|this weekend. annual retreat at McMaster wittnasT iat Te Divinity College, Hamilton. tative groups from each corps Rey. Dale Thrie, DD, of Grosselin the division will present Pointe, Michigan, will be the guest i speaker "Rey Harold dramas and special musical Lang, DD, retiring professor of numbers, New Testament at McMaster|, Problems and oe University, will preach the Con-|' nae A yge will + = sacs we vocation address. Pastor W.|¢d Sunday. Music ani Bs gyi Lewis of Harmony Road Bap-|Will precede the oat a " tist Church will be among the|'alks on scriptural topics. graduates. Rev. N. Frank There will be 40 Oshawa dele- Swackhammer, minister of the|84tes- : : The Salvation Army services First Baptist Church, will con-| Ags Algeria Pe bie duct the Chapel Hours. jat home in Oshaw eeeaengey by Major Fred Lewis, The Holi- Rev. Thomas Morikawa, the|"ess meeting will commence-at jate director of the Lutheran ed at Duplate (Canada) Ltd. mentalist thinking" discussion period, the majority tions." Canada, He presided recently at a| Streufert, Chicago, Ill. (associ-! League, said: church needs active laymen. Rey. P. Fiess, pastor of Grace||aymen are needed who will go' Lutheran Church, Oshawa, is|forth, after sincere study of president of the Ontario Dis-|Goq's word, with the church's trict of the Lutheran Church--| message," two-day conference on Youth . Mrs. Victor Hartwig, presi- attended by 50 clergymen from, dent of the Women's Mission- Western Ontario. Rev. scr |Colbreay and Miss Gladys e Mr. Koch was born and edu-!God, our ministry means the;Women's Guild (of Grace Luth- cated in Germany. He came tojinvolvement of youth withieran Ch Canada in 1951 and is employ-| adults. Adults need to be chal-|the planning executive of the lenged by the idealism, dissat-|Lutheran Women's Missionary He said all forms of "funda-lisfaction and daring of youth.|League of Toronto and Dis- leads tojAnd youth needs to face the/trict. dictatorships and that democ-|perspective of history and real- racy is only possible "with a|ism, free exchange of ideas." In ajadults."' aaread' tek tha tes of Mel Doering, fe a gee rise eriassistant publicit: rector 0 could have happened in any|the 140,000 Y ple 'Inter- UNITED CHURCH country "given the same condi-| national urch) were elected to more characteristic of HARMONY Lutheran Laymen's NT. Holmes, B.A., BD. "today the| * "- ™ (iver if Ross Metcalf wires ora Organist and 9:45 A.M, Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Kindergarten and Tiny Tots 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP president of the youth organization in Canada and the U.S.) told the group: "Built on our ,relationship to 4\their Lord and Saviour." Most Rev. Francis V. Allen,|" Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, will be at St. Gertrude's Ro- man Catholic Church, Wednes- day, May 19 at 7.30 p.m. to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. He was named Titular Bishop of Avensa and' Auxiliary Bis- hop to His Eminence Cardinal : James McGuigan, Archbishop) women of the church. More than 250 members of 15) of Toronto, July 2, 1954. He was| Rey PR ge br served oe City and District Masonic it ea by His Eminence inl uistes United an six years as a missionary i icipate i .|October of that year in St.) nurse with the General Confer- ee gt ito pronongs = pot Michael's Cathedral, Toronto. gree fressiirer, Dy gee: of the Mennonite Church ed . Pi Peg Fr ie atte is also pastor of Our * xdy| 4) in Cen' la. She gave an|© lurch Sunday, May jof Sorrows Church and is a) | S F C C Bin gh glare Mar "Genera at the Aro man, Bownanvte, was ino! CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH articles Por cpg ee displayed! It cf = boty wled ch | aaa land received as a coniidate for Corner King ond Centre St. ee OU. = ORR iertaes maeoG Seetedy the Deaconess Order by the REV, ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER parade. Rt. Worshipful Brother; Saint George is not only the! hairman, Rev. T. R. Norman., Mr, R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster Everett E. Duncan, pastor of|William L. Pierson, District|patron saint of England -- he is| © Bealon i Method reedom 15 our Metho WESTMOUNT Reason is our Guide Fellowship is our Spirit Character is our Test Service is our Goal. C 11:00 A.M, the College Park Seventh-Day|Deputy Grand Master, Ontario|also the patron saint of the) UNITED CHURCH | May 9th =. z. By --_ q er Programs. A series of tcalsing sessions is taking place each Wednesday which will be held next week at St. George's dealing with . 'Applying the Gospel'." Mrs, Elenore Dyck, wife of ' Rev, Helmuth Dyck, pastor of | Albert Street United Church, _ was the hostess this week at snes "an Indian dinner" for 60; ~ t at Japanese - Canadian missionary|!1 a-m., the Salvation mee! to the Indians of Ohsweken (on)? P-m.; ers will ~ otal the Six Nations Reserve at|School at DBI. . ORR, the|Charles Brydges will be assist- | ee ray ot the 'Trent at jed at Sunday School by a teach- This is the ley Association of Baptist)!n8 staff. There are classes for . . i! Unitarian Idea: | Churches in Belleville. children from nursery age to Rev. Fred Bullen, secretary" -- of the Baptist dyer og | cent eich Chun one t the ra Jnitari re 0m Chether of the Fired \guest speaker recently at aj] Unitarianchurchesare -- | secretary,|Baptist Church, Oshawa, and|meeting of the Oshawa Unitar- dedicated to the progressive || West.|Pastor W. Lewis of the Har-jian Fellowship. His theme: "By}) transformation and f ennoblement of individual and social life, through religion, in accordance with the advancing knowledge and d Porter of i » Chutek. Osh-/mony Road Baptist Church,| knowing the past, we may help the growing vision of mankind. J. Reid of took part in the program to its future." IN RELIGION: REV. RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M, -- Sermon "PRAYER FOR SAINTS" from Colossians 6:30 P.M. PRAYER FELLOWSHIP 7:00 P.M, -- Sermon: "GOD IS LIGHT" No. 2 in series, "God Is' 8:00 P.M. WED., PRAYER SERVICE THE SALVATION ARMY Corps Officers Major & Mrs, Fred Lewis 133 Simcoe South SUNDAY, \ To SERVE GOD! MAY 9th 11:00 A.M.-HOLINESS MEETING 2:00 P.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.-SALVATION MEETING AT So SPEEA, SRS E. E. DUNCAS MOST REV. F. V. ALLEN . + Accepts call At St. Gertrude's year 1965-66 were: 2 oS SES Miss Marilyn Grace Vroo-| 11:00 A.M, --- MORNING WORSHIP Speaker: Mrs, D. F. Aylsworth "HIS AND HERS" THE FAMILY OF GOD Family. Sunday School will convene at 10:45 Care provided for smal! children during service. Plenty of Parking at Centre Street Adventist Church for the past|district, will occupy the pulpit|Ukrainian people. . three years, has accepted a call|with Rev. H. A. Mellow, minis-| His feast day is tomorrow to the Memphis, Tenn.,|ter of Northminster Unitediand, to mark the occasion, St. Seventh-Day Adventist Church' Church, |George's Ukrainian Catholic} He left last weekend. |Church will hold special serv-| Bond Street West at Rosehill Blvd. , Mr. Duncan served three) Members of King Street Unit-lices, starting with First Com- ve ie Cane years in Edmonton, Alberta,|ed Church will lead the Service/munion in the morning. Rev.|] Minister: Rev. Frank H. Ward, B.A, avo Oe 2 foe Col of Worship inmetroe. ia John C. Pereyma is pastor. Mr._Michoel Crosbie A.R.C.T. The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP was raised in Washington State|Conkey and their children| : Nursery core for infonts SIMCOE MCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH MRS: F. HERTZBERG and graduated in Theology from|(Susan, Robert and Jayne) will during the service SUBJECT Ider pore College in Wash-!officiate at the Christian "am-) Church, Institutional ington State | : Standard and Custom-- SUNDAY SCHOOL A The Church inthe heart of the city with the World on its heart. QUAKER INITIATIVE UNITED SPIRITUALIST ee ee Bie MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. IN VIET NAM He was a member of the West- 2 manudlte 5 Wobodls Senior Depts Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M. CHURCH OF ONTARIO UNITARIAN mount Kiwanis Club and this Information and terms year was chairman of the Sup- R.C. Corner -- 723-6387 || "°°° * Sb" Primary pie CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP 11.00 A.M. O.R.C. Building port - of - Churches committee. ~ KING STREET CHURCH "THE HOMES THAT MAKE OR BREAK US" 100 Gibb St, Florence, his wife, was secre-| tary of Slade C, Nix, director (PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA) THE MINISTER WILL PREACH One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre SACRAMENT OF INFANT BAPTISM o weermation of personnel, Oshawa General Hospital. They have two chil- E. H. Kerr, Pastor --- 728-5371 i 9:45 AM oo Closs _--_--_ | sr mews uwrea can | g& A mothers thoughts dren, Heather, 10, and '"Rusty"| (attending schoo! in southern} California), --Adult Bible Study Group 11:00 A.M.--Children's Department--lInfant Care Atomic bombs darken our skies .. . radioactive fallout threatens unborn genera- tions . , . there is strife, unrest, even war in many parts of the world! Sov eaes Minister: THE REV. JOHN F.'G. MORRIS, B.A., S.T.M., face the future with confid when humanity stands at the Organist and Choirmester: MR, KELVIN JAMES "A.T.C.M, Sawant "i - a feat: eS There is onl; 3 rageous steadf: 'trust 9:30 A.M,--Senior, Intermediate ond Junior Church School dom vo pooner ae sree m ~~ --, 11:00 A.M.--Nursery and Kindergarten meet in Departments This little girl, my own daughter, does not know what troubles my heart, She Primary sit with parents in The Family Pew is not afraid of tomorrow ... not yet! 'Through the Church she will learn the ways 11:00 A. M. -- "DOES CHRIST LIVE IN YOUR of the Lord and how to live » truly Christian life. Through prayer may God help HOME?" ORGANS Orange Temple Bruce St., (Upstairs) SUNDAY, MAY 9 2:30 P.M, -HEALING CIRCLE AND MESSAGES Healing Intercession Is Free 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE The Pathfinders Speaker--Rev, O. Perry Clairvoyace -- Mrs, Hern Tues. 2:30 P.M--Home League Wed, 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army' 9:45: A.M.--CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR HOUR SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE SUNDAY a aan 11:00 A.M, -- ate ae WORSHIP ok? to 6:00 P.M, ee Gk ae 7:00 P B-- DIAL 1350 |! proRcANIZED CHURCH 7:00 P. M. -- SERVICE OF EVANGELISM Good Musi OF JESUS CHRIST : coms shes OF LATTER DAY SAINTS ® Bible-Centred Preaching || (World Headquarters, independence, arters, A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO YOU ORANGE TEMPLE be SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS BAHA'I! WORLD FAITH Teaches: "Peace must established through the organization of a world tribunal and the unity of religion' | ] | For information re: weekly | meetings or literature Write Box AS Oshawe Times SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST. S. Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor me set an le for my daught ig me to put my trust, yes, my very life into His hands, no matter what the future might have in store for us! 10:00 A.M.-- CHURCH SCHOOL for Children and Adults 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP ALL ARE INVITED PHONE 728-9606 What difference does it make? The importance of a warm family life. The symbolism of Infant Baptism. Coffee in the Communion Room ofter service, | Toddlers and babes are cared for in Toddler and Cradle Rooms BROADCAST OVER CKLB THIS SUNDAY AT SIMCOE STREET... 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. REV. PAUL HAWKES This, is your invitation to attend our services tomorrow. The guest spedker will be Rev. Paul Hawkes, returned Missionary from Kenya, East Africo, and formerly the pastor of the Evangelistic Centre in Nairobi, He is a young man and a forceful speaker. You will be challenged by his ministry SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 AM. Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT' Sunday 11:05 CK.LB. -- 1350 fi) SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. -- ------ ~ at "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" Wed. Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Thursday--11:00 o.m, - 5:30 p.m. Friday 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB o A.M, Every Sunday FREE METHODIST CHURCH Erie St., off Simcoe S$. Minister; Rev, C. M. Bright (Next after Bloor St.) Phone: 725-3872 10:00 A.M.--Family Sunday School 11:00 Aairrenty Worship Service. Sermon -- "A Godly Mother" 7:00 P.M.--Family Gospel Hour "Naomi--The Mother-in-Low"' Tues. -- 7:30 P.M.--W.M.S. Wed, 8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeting and Officio! Board Thurs. 8:00 P,M.--District Conference, Uxbridge A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE $T. EAST Branch of The Mother Church, Thu First Church of Christ Scientist Boston, Massachusetts. ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH | (Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV. HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. Organist-Choirleader: Mrs. C. A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M, SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 9:48 A.M--SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL, FAMILY DAY OBSERVANCE PARENTS INVITED (in the Sanctuary) 10:45 A.M=--BEGINNER, KINDERGARTEN, PRIMARY 11:00 A.M.---MORNING WORSHIP SERMON: "TODAYS PARENT" Sacrament of Infant Baptism 7:00 p.m.--Kairos Senior teams and Young Adults Little Chiloren cored for In the Nursery A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL--COME AND WORSHIP GOD King St. United Church) 129 KING STREET EAST REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr, Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Organist 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST, N. PASTOR--REV. G. A. CARROLL RES, 728-2426 OFFICE 728-2931 PASTOR SPEAKING Special Talent @ Choral Group 11:00 A.M.--GIDEON SERVICE Mr. R, Wilkins of the local branch. of the Gideons | Youth D ss . 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY. SCHOOL 0:00 AM, TUES. 7:40 P.M.--Youth Service THURS. 7:00 P.M.--Family Night Sees ccesikicaes Busy Bee Bible Club : 11:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY HOLY BAPTISM MR. and MRS. LAWRENCE McCONKEY Suson, Robert and Jayne will officiate V A N G STORY BY MRS. L. WESLEY HERBERT : Mond Tuesd Wednesd Thu Frid Saturday E E L St. Luke 10: 25-37 Gonesis cd Palme, frevetie" vei Pipi Hebewe mn Pentecostal Church junior Choir "Come, Join to Sing" (err, Willioms) 138-18 --Ns13-20 sll 14:19-28 15-18 : 12. : O Be Joyful' Copyright se nee eae ae (formerly Ritson Road Pentecostal Church) peesegee ania Angell) ue. 10.00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 320 Ritson Road South A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH | | Ci + sip + GD + GD + + sip +OD + rt sip + +p + G+ ip | : -- = | Published In Support ort Of The Churches By es By The aoe 11:00 A.M.--FAMILY FELLOWSHIP Interim Pastor -- J. ZURBA 725-3119 Ti chccs Schohiihacital 7:00 P.M.--Continued Studies in 1 Cor. gees oe NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH | PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. MONDAY 7:30 P.M.--F. M. Y. 11:00 A.M. -- MOTHER'S DAY AND (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) 207 Simcoe South Oshawa -- 725-5132 : CRADLE ROLL SERVI MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A. oo ea 9 : . - ORGANIST -- MR. J. R, ROBERTSON, AR.C.T |] McCULLOUGH LUMBER LTD, | ALEX'S SUNOCO SERVICE +45. A.M. , AR.C.T. SUNDAY SCHOOL DEACONESS -- MISS SHIRLEY M. McKEE U cbdeaegs Boy Sn ane ome ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Oshawa -- 728-4688 Oshawa -- THOMPSON McLAUGHLIN COAL & 7:00 P.M. Temporary Place of Worship: DR. S. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL EVANGELISTIC SERVICE (Corner Rossland and Simcoe Sts.) w. PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. SUPPLIES LTD. PASTOR: REV, D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A, M.Th. TUES, 7:45--YOUNG PEOPLE Whitby -- 668-5833 tc ly -- DEMMER CONSTRUCTION / caNADIAN WELDING GASES Special! See the film "Teenage Conflict" WED. 7:30--PRAYER AND PRAISE 10:00 A. M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Nursery core provided during morning worship (Custom-built homes) Lo. << CANWEL| Db 7:00 P.M. -- EVENING SERVICE Primary Grades 1, 2 an ] 1:00 A.M. | ee eee Belleville - Kingston - Oshewe MRS. ZEDEDEE Ver OEDON CeROENE necpcpeane mee ~ REAL ESTATE ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. Tune in to CKLB at 11 A.M. on alternating Sundays (Services of Chr. Ref. Churches in the Oshawo-area) ond at 9:15 P.M. (Back to God Hour, each Sunday) Baby Creche Nursery and Church School 11:00 A.M, *oaD FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1042 Rosslond Rd. W., East of Garrard PASTOR--MR, ROBERT BUCHANAN JAN'S GARAGE 40 Albert Street Oshawa -- 725-8371 VISSER'S BAKERY Fresh Bakery Treats Daily 141 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3586 RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 King St. Est Oshewe -- 725-6551 RUSSELL BRYANT RADIATOR SHOP 900 Brock N. Whitby CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9:15 am.--Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3. Junior 4, 5, 6. 9:30 o.m.--Intermediate Grades 7, 8, 9, Senior Grades 10 and over 10:45 o.m.--Nursery ages 3 sf aba ages 4 and & GOODMAN PLUMBING and HEATING Oshawe -- 725-1044 WwW. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Whitby -- Onteric MRS. ELKANAH ! 218 Dundes East (SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM) | Whitby -- 668-8826 Courtice Bowmrenville 728-6206 itter Servi | TT Farewell Ave., and Olive Ave,, we'll be meeting in the T, R: Mc Agen ip an acme ada | A END THE CHURCH OF YO UR CHOICE Ewen School Auditorium on Wilson Rd. South 7:00 P.M.--Study Group at 707 Hortop St. WATCH OUR ADS FOR FURTHER PROGRESS 7:30 P.M. -- Kairos in the Church parlour Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Service MOVING! Sundoy, May '16, will be the lost Sunday in. our present location on Ritson Road. We've sold our building and until our new church is built on our lot near the corner of