Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1965, p. 2

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SE SOR a SION ET IIIT a STD SE ot a Z THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Moy 8, 1962 Martin Doubts Conference Would Afford Viet Solution By DAVE McINTOSH PARIS (CP) -- External Af- fairs Minister Martin of Can- ada said Friday he _ thinks chances of a back-door interna- tional conference on Viet Nam by means of a conference on Cambodia are washed up. He said at a press confer- ence that this may lead some nations to take up his original proposal for a conference on Laos as a means of opening talks on Viet Nam. He added, however, that neither Communist North Viet Nam nor China has accepted any proposal so far for negoti- ation. Martin said after a long talk with French Foreign Minister Couve de Murville that he hopes relations between East- ern and Western Europe may have improved to the point where it might be possible to consider now some form of pact WEATHER FORECAST Overnight Fog, | Sunny And Mild TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts;Kitchener 52 issued by the weather office at\Mount Forest ...... 52 15:30 a.m.: ri ° > -om- | Wingham promise before the end of ane|_syaepils:. Light southertylitanuion |... summer between the Russian|inds will continue to bring)¢: Catharines . view only the Security Council|¥@™™ air into southern Ontarioinogntg ss sess can set up and finance peace|*day and tonight. In the north.) peterborough ..... forces and the American view|Coler air will push eastward) roonton LA the General Assembly also can|{TO™ 'we Prairies. and SOME-/Kingston 000.0... ~ so if the council fails to scat hi tae ok [fellas ade ecause of a veto. } : ve 'Muskoka . If these negotiations do suc-| A few thunderstorms are/North Bay . ceed, it will mark the first time|forecast to develop over south-|sudbury ... since San Francisco the big two\er Ontario tonight and Sun-jfariton .,,, have agreed on a practical set|day. A disturbance moving out/saylt Ste, Marie... ! of peace-keeping rules--a de-|Of the southwest will pass into/Kapuskasing ..++++ velopment that would put the/Morthwestern Ontario Sunday.|White River . whole UN in a much more hope-|Cloudiness with showers and!Moosonee ,. ful mood. thunderstorms will move into|Timmins a . --|the regions north of Lake Su-| jperior, Fog will form again) over the lakes tonight and Car-Production areas immediately north of the Up 12 Per Cent jlakes should experience fog again, OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadian) Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie, productton of cars and trucks|Southern Lake Huron, Windsor, | jumped 12 per cent in April to|London; Fog reforming tonight.! 84,711 vehicles from 75,650 a|Mainly sunny and warm today year earlier, the bureau of sta-'and Sunday, A few isolated tistics said Friday, thunderstorms tonight and Sun- The January-April output of day. Winds light southerly, itself the Canadian car industry was) lake Ontario, Southern Geor- up 8.2 per cent to 306,477 ve-\gian Bay, Killaloe, Northern hicles from 283,274 in the first|Lake Huron, Niagara, Hamil- four months of last year. iton, Toronto: Fog reforming to- 'Self-Determination Is Fine |Many Feel Viet Situation But Ottawa Still Boss: PM Parallels Europe In '30s By STEWART MacLEOD By CARMAN CUMMING |who have since joined us, to our tity on this northern half of our) Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL (CP) -- Prime} ory great advantage." continent, with the most power-| co-operation re-iMinis id 2,000 peo-! : Twenty years after the col- seneeh. wae Peiday' aight pe tiged a, Only through 'co-operative {ul people in the world pressing |ianse of Nazi Germany, the ' i i. / \federalism" c "ang ure he south pressing} : bers sily it Martin said he did not dis- op; 'overnment, while recog-|federalism" could Canada sur cee t Th : *iworld remembers uneasily i cuss with Couve de Murville alnizing the growing responsibili-|VVe mas cae ak ald ee on See as tae foseas te Frome. Tes woe one Provinces, will Rever/MEANS CO-OPERATION --_| "This is a cause worth fight-\Detween the two world wars, matter for Trade Ministerithe rate of Cannia. y | Co « operative federalism, x, Sony toner sotiies seule Inevitably, parallels are Sharp when he visits Paris in} | jhowever, 1 should add, means} | : Hence reac-\drawn between Europe's de- a few weeks. It is not going to betray orico.operation on both sides. It|tion came from Mr. Pearson's| scent into war in the late 30s Neither had there been any|surrender that responsibility,"|cannot operate on a one-wayjvow to "work together for aland the escalation of the Viet- discussion of treaty - making said the prime minister at Alstreet' and lead anywhere--ex-|genuine Canadian spirit and namese war from a "brushfire'"' powers among Ottawa, Paris $50-a-plate dinner of the Liberal!cent perhaps to a collision. identity in a united Canada." |ojach to a major war. and Quebec City. This subject Federation of Canada (Quebec), ,. If it doesn't work, there The prime ministersaid there| And inevitably, the present| has been in dispute between Ot-|Jt is going to maintain the . 11 4'no Canada, And if there|Dave been "tremendou S\state of the United Nations is tawa and Quebec City in recent|Power and the authority to dis-).'1, Canada, what will become|*chievements" in the last twolcompared gloomily with the th charge it." t its parts: of its provinces; |ye#'s, When his governmentliagt days of the league of na- ginal Mr. Pearson talked about the) poe ee ee lheld office, "We are on Our! tions, : AGREE IN MANY AREAS Martin said there are many growing vitality of the new Que- way and moving ahead from) 4 couple of anniversary com- areas where Canada andleconomy, and he toyed play- Lucky Break bec, the "booming" Canadian the point now have reached.|ments by New York columnists , The next steps may lead to ®lare typical of views held by France agree, especially on Di-Irujiy with the next election, but general election. - sm..{tmany about the UN's situation, lateral matters. But in 'thelit was the subject of national But he quickly added: "The|pavid Lawrence of The Herald multilateral fields, such as unity that brought out repeated Plane date for that new and decisive|rripune describes the UN as NATO, there were differences.|hursis of applause. ves stage, I can't reveal, because) f\oundering"' and C. 1, Sulz- Martin added he would find), : : I don't know. Que sera, sera." |herger of The Times says it is it difficult to conceive of a| 'The people of this province i' j i i --~and I honor them for it--are| SHANNON (AP) -- American North Atlantic: Alliance without|/--and 1 hon m fo a OMA today how determined to move forward|Harold Lamm y a lucky break saved him and his co-pilot from ditching their six-seater aircraft in the Atlan- tic 500 miles west of Ireland. mats who believe Russia and the United States, in current peace - keeping negotiations, have for the first time moved away from their set positions and are getting down to serious! horse-trading. in scientific ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! More Houses Are Sold Daily Through MAKE SURE THEY LOSE __ | "'slipping into torpor," F Canada deplored any A hdl | Dp ed Bhd PF agdows | The comparisons with pre-war . 'rance, Canada deplore : , audio "breath fire and slaughter and/conditions are too close to be between NATO and the Com-|isoiation of North America from rhe» -- aa po agree threaten our extinction every|ignored entirely, And no one munist bloc, ttend the NATO|Zurope or vice-versa. Canada rasmiaive a Giae CG aca aad day, but when the test of voting/who watched the conference in Martin be _-- intsteth in looked forward to the develop-|themselves, inside Canada. comes, the Tories make sure/San Francisco that set up the meeting of foreign minis ment of the Atlantic idea, DRAWS APPLAUSE d ich, Conn,,|*hat they lose it and thereby|/UN 20 years ago could say that London next week. On East-West relations, Mar- Nels was greeted by applsue Ragy nr Bc gg Viadimir avoid a far bigger loss, As the/its hopes have been borne out WILL SEND MISSION | oe rage iigge Mey son A "o(There was another outburst | Kazan as co-pilot, re pale 2 ome 9 flee|by the present state of the world He said Canada will s00n| mig Eo plo with, the|When he said that the Confed-| 'The plane, a twin - engined = by vg yen h. ; or of the UN, ; send a high - level apps po [oid yale i eration pact of 100 years ago|Aztec, landed safely at Shannon) ib) One GAY Uity ae ae But inside the UN delegation to Paris to ne ida ints will happen,|may have to be revised "but/Friday night after Lamm had The di .) til "h "ig 4 calciiate,/there is reluctance to accept prospects for trade expansion bu be hen the views of alljCanada, from sea to sea, re-twice radioed that he intended that ; wil aes fi cast, s0/the thesis that history must re-| ot one Senate tel 3 pal ine members of the Atlantic Al-/mains and will remain." to ditch near a weather ship|@! votes can be cast, peat itself, eral agreement on cultural ex-jliance, we saw some merit in shanges between these two/the suggestion that there should countries would be signed late|be a non-aggression pact be- his month in Ottawa, There|tween the NATO and the War- vere good prospects for closer saw pact nations, 'HERE and THERE Mr, Pearson moved back andjafter engine failure, forth from English to French--| Lamm said halfway from but most of his speech was inGander, Nfld, during their English--as he hammered out 124-hour flight they ran into his theories on national unity/heavy icing, For 80 minutes across the huge, crowded hotel|they flew on one engine. The jconvention hall. He perspired|dead engine came back to life | under bright television lights. beg they were wave-top hop- " Pp ng. . + We must reconcile the| "We climbed again and then The transfer of R. G. Gropp, manager of the Bow- manville branch, to the branch in Tillsonburg has been announced by the Ca- madian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Twelve members of the Ontario County Young Lib- eral Association will be at- tending the Young Liberal annual convention in To- ronto over the weekend. They will be among 400 dele- gates from every corner of the province. Local people attending are Dave McGin- nis, Mr, and Mrs. Lioyd Somerville, Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Philip, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Beauchamp, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Harr, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mackey and Tim Todd. G. K. (Gerry) Gelette, deputy director of recrea- tion for the city of Oshawa, was elected to the board of directors of the Ontario Rec- reation Association at their annual meeting. A six-year-old girl girl was taken to Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital yesterday eve- ning after being involved in an accident with @ car on Mili st. just east of the bridge. Dianne Bamford, 184 Tresane st., was cross- ing the road to get to her mother's car when the acci- dent happened. She received severe bruising and cuts. Driver of the car was John Dabrowski, 573 Cubert st. George Boychyn, a local lawyer, presented the Osh- awa Travel Trailer Club with its charter at the club's second annual dinner-dance. Mr. Boychyn was also the guest speaker at the dinner Head table guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George Boychyn, Mr. and Mrs, Mart Ostler and Mrs. Ron Deeth, The problem of youngsters being unable to use wash- room facilities before school hours was referred to the management committee of the Oshawa Separate School Board last night. Trustee Terry O'Connor said some children who walk consider- able distances to school sometimes need to use the washrooms before 9 a.m, when school doors are opened, Cars driven by Robert Thompson, 55 Elgin st., Osh- awa, and John Gerry Coe, 922 King st., Whitby, col- lided yesterday afternoon at the intersection of King and Ontario sts., -in Whitby. Total damage was estimated at $800 by Whitby police. No injuries were reported SERVICE Stop signs to warn motor- ists travelling the wrong way on new one-way streets in Oshawa were recom- mended last night by K. D. Crone, chairman of Osh- awa's planning board. He said a driver might easily miss a "do not enter' sign on a new one-way street and travel several blocks--pro- viding there' was no right- way traffic -- without real- izing his error. Mr. Crone said stop signs on these streets would prevent acci- dents similar to a_ recent one in Toronto where a wrong-way motorist, think- ing he had the right of way at an intersection, crashed into another vehicle. The wrong-way driver, said the planning board chairman, was killed, The Oshawa Separate School Board last night agreed to purchase sun shades for the second floor elementary classroom of St. Joseph's School for $937. The bronze screens are said to be able to reduce room temperatures by 15 to 20 degrees. The Ontario Municipal Board has dismissed Lionel Sydney Frost's appeal against an assessment deci- sion of Judge Alex Hall in Ontario county court last January, The assessment was on the west half of lot 13 in the second concession of Scott township. Frost paid $1,300 in 1962 for the prop- erty, which abuts on an un- opened concession road and is 2,640 feet from the near- est travelled road, Frost's contention was that the as- sessor did not give adequate consideration to the ques- tion of access. He did not appear before Judge Hall to present his appeal, He told the Board he was out of the country at the time and had sent the judge a letter set- ting out his contention but did not request an adjourn- ment to enable him to ap- pear and present his appeal. The OMB dismissed Frost's appeal "on the grounds that the appellant did not appear and present his appeal be- fore the county court judge" and referred to legal prece- | dents to sustain the decision. | ADAM AND FALLEN MAN | The question of whether ma kind can actually exist witho God will be explored in dep jat all Christian Science churches} this Sunday. The subject 'Adam and Fallen Man" jand Health with Key to Scriptures" by Mary 'Eddy. STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION 67 KING STREET WEST, 723-7822 CLEMENTS SUPERTEST STATION 102 SIMCOE STREET NORTH LAWLESS SHELL STATION 227 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH BRUCE'S WHITE ROSE 480 PARK ROAD SOUTH MEADES SUNOCO 588 KING STREET EAST, 725.8161 Re- jlated readings from 'Science the Baker feelings and aspirations of the/ine trouble developed a second new Quebec with the require-|time," he told reporters. ments Of a united Canada, And) 'They flew for another hour that can be done, I know it canjang the drag was eating into He said there have been '"'un- The attitude is based on two fair and unfounded" allegations frequently expressed argu- levelled against Quebec ministers "by partisan extremists of the opposition." lieve in the integrity and the honor and the patriotism of my c think--as ( bee without Canada," "There may be more, "T tell you tonight that I be- abinet colleagues from Quebec some of his ments: 1, The United Nations should not be thought of as a second attempt at creating world order but rather a extension of the original unsuccessful attempt. oe 2, Several entirely new ele- |. April output of passenger cars|night, Mainly sunny and warm jrose to 70,499 from 63,845 and|this afternoon and Sunday.) |in the January-April period to|Chance of isolated thunder- 256,471 from 239,022 a year ear-|storms Sunday afternoon. lier, Winds light southerly. | | Production of commercial ve- hicles in April increased to 14,-| Forecast Temperatures 212 units, up from 11,805 a year|pow tonight and high Sunday: earlier, their January-April OUt-| windsor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult o member of the OSH" WA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD put rose to 50,008 trucks from 43,352 in the first four months|St. 'Thomas ., . I know that they do not I do not think--of 'anada without Quebec, or Que- ments have been added to! world attitudes on war and| international organization, Most important among these new elements is the coming of be done~not by arguing and/thejr fuel supply, They were disputing over abstractions and approaching U.S. weathet ship theories but by the application! syjjet and decided that would of common sense, good will and'he the best place to ditch be- mutual understanding, lcause there seemed little hope "In this spirit, we will main-jof reaching Shannon, tain a single state in which) 'As if by a miracle, as we two major Eurépean cultures|were about to touch the water, and languages, which have been|a warm air flow brought the} here from the beginning, canjengine back to life and we were! grow and flourish, along with'in business again," said Lamm.| NAZI HQ TRIED LAST EFFORT (Continued From Page One) Though the Germans had ca-; 'Yours always 'Monty'"', pitulated on Montgomery's| From a Dutch girl came this front, Nazi supreme headquart-|letter to Gen. Crerar which ers was still trying to mount/ended: "I would like to finish some kind of last-ditch fight/this letter in thanking you once against the Americans. more for our liberation, and About 2:15 a.m. May 7, a sig-| may God bless you,"' nal .came into Montgomery's; Nearly 42,000 Canadian serv- headquarters, It was taken icemen had_ been :killed--22,964 down by Canadian Col. W. W.| soldiers, 17,100 airmen and 1,837 Lockhart, now ;chief of com-|sailors. munications in the external af-! seyen Germans were tried fairs department. jafter the war for shooting Cana- The signal came from Ad-tdian airmen who had _ bailed) jthe nuclear age, making major war no longer a practical tech- nique for furthering national aims, The big powers, wanting to avoid big wars, have a new incentive to set up machinery to isolate the small ones. A second element is the grow- jing relief that, for the first time, practical methods are be- jing developed-to eliminate jareas of poverty and cycles of |depression. The hope is these jmethods can be exploited to jeliminate some of the social tensions breeding small wars, UN diplomats see some divi- \dends already from these two tt sa aitextad jelements, although they have he power failure affected {not been enough to lift the or- some areas of South Oshawa |panization out of its deadlock and practically all of Whit- jover methods of peace-keeping. by Township -- as far north | While this dispute has immo- as Ashburn. » |bilized the UN, they say, the He said that a "breaker" |ract the roots of the problems a safety device that cuts | F ; : are being examined is healthy. off power when a line short {ang they are encouraged by the circults -- wes tripped at {fact the big powers have de- the sub-station. Ivivestiga- | ined either to Hi / . ush the issue tien continues by OHEPC |g a showdown or to give up work-crews. |negotiations completely. OSHAWA AREA BLACKED OUT The -breakfast bacon and eggs grew cold in the frying pan this morning as a power failure blacked out many Oshawa, Whitby and Whitby Township homes The power cut, traced to the Thornton's road sub-sta- tion, lasted from 6.40 a.m. to 8.20 a.m. An Ontario Hydro-Elec- trick Power Commission spokesman said today that miral Doenitz, Hitler's succes-|out, Four of these war crimin- sor, giving General Jodl, then als were shot. One was hanged.| at Eisenhower's Allied Supreme;Two served prison sentences| Headquarters, the authority to'and the last was released in sign a surrender. 1954. The signal was telephoned to| Maj. - Gen. Kurt (Panzer) Allied headquarters 400 miles) Meyer was convicted by a Ca away and 20 minutes later, at)nadian army court martial in 2:41 a.m., the surrender docu-/1945 of responsibility in the ment was signed in the school-|/mass shooting of 18 Canadian| house at Reims. The Second| prisoners of war. He served nine World War in Europe ended the| years and was released in 1956 following midnight. He has since died. The diarist of the Queen's) Nearly 29,000 Canadians have Own Rifles of Canada recorded) gyent the post-war years with simply: 'There is no celebra-| ome war - inflicted handicap. tion but everybody Is happy.' There are more than 2,000 am-| On VE-Day, Gen. H. D. G-| nutees: 1,530 men lost one leg,| Crerar, commander of the Ist/gq both legs, 410 one arm and Canadian Army (who died a few) 19 poth arms: 198 were totally weeks ago), received a letter) tinded; 242 are paraplegics from Montgomery or them, courage did NOT My dear Harry: end May 8 1945 "T feel that on this day I must 8 write you a note of personal thanks for all that you have done for me since we first served together in this war Four show girls who worked In} "No commander can everitopless costumes won acquit- have a more loyal subordinate|taic Friday on charges of in- than I have had in you. And un-|decent exposure. Their three der your command the Cana-|hosses, tried for allegedly keep- dian army has covered itself/ing disorderly houses, were also with glory in the campaign in'acquitted. "I expected: the ac- western Europe. I want you to/quittal verdicts," defence law- know that I am deeply gratefullyer Melvin Belli said in an in- _.|for what you have done. If ever jerview. 'What we do in San jthere is anything I can do for|Francisco may not be what you, or for your magnificent|they do in lowa or even Man- n-|Canadian Soldiers you know/hattan, but it's acceptable in ut| that you have only to ask. |sophisticated San Francisco." DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JAMIESON DRUGS 241 KING ST. EAST 725-1169 MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 723-3431 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101 BARE TOPS OKAYED SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- 1s ATTENTION GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYEES Save Your Prescription Receipts Commencing Merch 1, 1965. Blue Cross Prescription Drug Benefit Plan will honor receipts for from litied end U d i. mb under the terms of the agreement. pharmacist of your choice. He will icati for b es you Seve the receipts issued by the Ee e@ssist you in .meking p ecome eligible. | THE OSHAWA PHARMACISTS ASSOCIATION ! There also are many diplo- BROOKSIDE ACRES One of the larger ranch style bungalows in this prestige area. Beautiful large living room with natural stone fireplace, extra washroom, new broadioom, all very large rooms, finished re- creation room, double garage----complete in every. way. Coll us for an appointment to inspect this fine home. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. East 728-4678 CALL US... for Prompt PRESCRIPTION of 1964, RELAX YOUR WAY TO EUROPE BY WHITE EMPRESS This Is WHITE EMPRESS, Gentle touch of spray. Sky washed with sun. This year, sail WHITE EMPRESS-- South and East Africa. MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL Tourist Summer fare from largest liners on the St. Lawrence route--and capture the romantic mood of ocean adventure. Dance, swim, enjoy movies, masquerades, exceptional cuisine, Fre- quent sailings from Montreal and Quebec. Start a WHITE EMPRESS holiday fund now! See your Travel "Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. A/so enquire about Union Castle sailings from Southampton for a holiday in '255 Information and reservations; RA, 3-2224 Cyitidian Pacific TRAING / TRUCKS / SHIPB / PLANES /HOTELA / TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 7 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST For Reservations and Information Coll DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 723-2245 "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Call Now For Compl: Travel Ar 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA PHONE 723-9441 Gury. & Lovell "PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS" OSHAWA WHITBY BOWMANVILLE "WE SEND MEDICINE TO EUROPE" 57 KING ST, E. For Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 728-6201 | LAWN-BOY FINGER-TIP START Makes Lawn-Boy's engine "1 |the world's easiestto start VACUUM CLEANS AS YOU CUT Exclusive, clog-proof grasscatcirer: aeceaa QUIETEST MOWER OF ALL Lawn-Boy has the largesi mufflerofany powermowet $107-50 without grasscatcher 93.50 PARTS DISTRIBUTORS ond SERVICE SPECIALISTS OSHAWA 'YACHTHAVEN Ltd. Harbor Pd. Of fe 723-1901 toe SS

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